The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 27-52
t Vow ■' Ch Purchase perfuo)^%toU*t . soaps and Mich urtWa* a* wrtain to. the toilet, you want the beet and «t a reasonable price. You will l e d u» able to com*’ ply with this wish alwayt RUX 1 WAY a CO.,tb PruggM*. Opp. Opera IkMiM. Local and Personal Robt, Bird end family spent yes tenley in the Gem City. 50Q pair* Boots end Shoes at auction$ e p t,8 ,10.11,12,13,14,15, R, Bird. —The most dainty and effective pills made are DeWitt’s Little Early Kisers. They ere unequaled for all liver end howd troubles. Never fRfMM 3 gripe, Kidgway Co., Druggist. George. Y. Winter, our central committeeman from the north pre cinct, attended the convention 'at Washington, 0 , H „ Thursday, as one of the delegates for Mr. Joshua Bar. nett A candidate for member of the State Board-of Equalization. '* —Go to Cooper’s for tablets, slates, sponges, pencil-boxes, lunch ;es,‘etc. Miss Hannah Carson entertained a lew friends Tuesday evening in honor of Miss Eva Wade, of Springfield. —Wait tor bur “Auction” to get your winter supply of Shoes and Clothing. , B- Bird. Miss Julia Mitchell, of Denver, Col., stopped offhere this week on.her return from the Paris Exposition, While here she was the guest of her unde, S. K. Mitchell. Alisa Mitchell lias taught iu .the Bame room of the Denver public, schools for 16 years, She resumed her journey Friday morning. —DeWitt's Little Early Risers are . prompt, palatable, pleasant, powerful, purifyiug little pills, Kidgway &Co., Druggist. A, G. Bingamon, the Jamestown murderbr, bad a hearing • before Ifaydr Linkhart last Monday, being taken there in Abuggy. The Mayor bound him over to await action of the grand jury without bail. When he was taken back to jail ho was put in a cell which releives the attendants from duty who bavo bo carefully watched over him. Mill Clara McMillan left last Fri day for Chicago where she will visit for a few days with Miss Aiabel Daniels. She will also visit her brother, Fred, at Des Aloines, Iowa, •—Get Langdon’s Bread at Cooper’s. Hal Reid, the famous actor, has a aerial story running iu the Denver 'limes, entitled “ A Wandering Soul.’ T l» opening chapters are strong and vivid w setting. The rooms over Cooper’s are nearly completed and in a fewdays W, L. Cletnans can be found in his new ' quarters. —10 Big'Auction Sales of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, etc., in ‘the vacant store room next to “ Cooper's” grocery on Sept. 8,10, 11,12,13,14 and 15. Every after noon and evening oi the above dates, Don’t fail to attend them. R. Bird. H* A, Ferguson, Auct. Earl Smith, son of Judge Smith, a cadet in the navel military academy at Annapolis, arrived at the home o f bis father*. Wednesday, to spend a month’s vacation. For Sale—A fine Jersey Heifer LW. R. 0. Kyle. MissNellie Ustick spent last week <4n South Charleston, the guest of Miss Mamie Jones. —Pure cider and white wine vine, gars at Cooper’s only 20c per gallon. Springfield will bold a race meet in September, beginning the 25th, and continuing lour days. There will be parse* to the amount of #3000 and §100 will be given to the horso which succeeds in breaking the track record 012:11. -Large sun spots, astronomers say, caused the extreme heat this sum* mer, and doctors declare nearly alt the prostrationswere induced by disorders of the stomach. Cowl health follows good digestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cura digests what you eat. I f „you have indigestion or dyspepsia it will quickly relieve and permaatly cure you. Ridgway A Co., Druggist. lire. Bath Cline has brought suit through her attonney, W<A. Paxton, In the Court of Common Pleas, for a divwree from her husband, James Cline, The charge* filed against the (feftrtdantare, bsiag guilty of extreme neglect ami with habitual drunken* mm for the past three years, 8he asks that her title in the properly he wnietsdFand freed from any claim of the defendant, The eonjde were married lit this place in 1887, MU m Florence Pendlum was the i«m*t of Miss Myrtle Walker, of m a th Charleston, last week, Chas. Cnmsejr. ami family spent ftanday in Honth Charieitom •>DryHtoveWood at MitcUallV County Twainrer John Nisbet, of Xenia, was iu town Tuesday evening. »Ralph Oriudlnia visiting his unols, John Griudle and family. Dr. Joseph Kyle and wife, of Xenia, came up fromXenia, Tuesday, to spend a lew days with relatives. The South Charleston hand passed through here Tuesday eveniug on their way hoiiia alter a week’a outing a t Oragonia. While at the depot they favored the spectators with a piece of music. Miss Anderson’s Sabbath School claw spent*Tuesday evening pleas antly at tno home ' of Claude M. Phillips, in honor of Alvin Orr, who taught the class for a number of years before leaving fur the’seminary, The class decided to meet again next summer., when Air. Orr returns for bis vacation. Squire Bradford has rented the Osborn property and will occupy it about the middle of this month, —Go to Wolford's and see that new. Grain Drill, the Owego. Cecil George arrived home Wed* nesdny evening after an outing of several weeks, Mr. George and Clode Paul fitted out a wagon arid set out .to travel and see, some of the country. They were as far west as Coulterville,' 111,, the home of Mr. Paul. Watermelons on ice can bo found at all times at "Marshall's stand at Cooper’s corner. Rev, Gordon, wilt* and son, of Xenia, were guests of Dr, Morton and family, this week. - Miss Jenuie Morton leaves Mon day for her school Work in Minne apolis, Alinn. Every day brings the. good newsof new students, There will be some, twenty-five new studeuts at the col lege this year. Rave your legal notice placed In the Herald. 1 Airs. E. W. Hagnr and daughter, Gertrude, of Xenia, were entertained yesterday at dinner at the home of Miss Jennie Bratton, There will be no preaching at the M. E. church tomorrow morning. Sabbath School at 9 a. m., standard time. . Epworth League at 7 p. ra. B. G. Ridgway spent Thursdayat Yellow Springs, he being able to rid*, about, it was thought .that the change would do him good. He . still con tinues to improve, , Dr. J. O Stewart, Physcian and Surgeon. Specialist in Eye and Ear. Glasses Accurately Ad justed, S atisfaction G uaran t e ed , Mrs. Itobt. Ervin and daughters, Aiabel and Marie, returned from Xenia, Thursday, after severe! days visit with friends and relatives. ' The Grand Jury for the October term of court will certainly have con siderable amount ot work this fall. No less than ten or twelve cases will be brought against citizens from this place. Monday next* being Labor Day will cause an unusual number of visi tors to be in Dayton. There will be a grand celebration with 15,000 men in parade. AlisaEdna Wolford, telephone oper ator, was in South Charleston, Mon day, receiving instructions from Miss Laura Heaton, the operator in the Charleston office. Airs, O. A. Spajir, of Xenia, and Airs. Emma Harper, of Dayton, spent Alonday with their parents, Air. add Airs. James Townsloy, Air. Elmer Shigley has rented Mrs. Sallie -Barber’s property on Xenia ?ilr not re The Hagar Straw Board A Paper Co. closed down last Saturday night for two week*. Several improvements ami repain will be made dttriug this time, , * fo r galvanised tanks, troughs, , etc,, go to Kerr & Hasting* Farm gates at AfitrhrHV, j 7J0I.ATJJB ALL FEECEHUKTS, ST Avenue, and w l move to the -. -— ——— —— o i Jesse Towniley^ of this place, and Airs. Chas, Ervin, of Xenia, Veaptarian. Baked Beans. With Tomato* Sauce. No Meat. No Fat, At Gray’s, e Rev, F. O. Iloss was callel yester day to the bedside' of bis sister, Airs, Mattie Shafer, of Harden County, this state, who is suffering with ttirbcrculoeis. The physician has ad vised taking the patient to New Mex ico, Several families from here were entertained at dinner, Tuesday, at the home, of 'Mr, and Mrs, J. II, Lackey, near Jamestown, Charles Hopping, who hss been with his brother, Walter, in the east ernpxrfofthe state for the past month, xeiorned home Saturday. Several ot our citizen* who are am* loyed with the Hagar Slrawboard A laper Co., in Kentucky, returned Iiome the first of the week. Another crew was sent down on Tuesday, Mrs. ClaraCobler, of Locust Grove, Ohio, is visiting her parents, Air. and Mrs, Jacob Lott -Moatywafry ___ „ ........ . carsiMN*til PennsylvaniaUnei Sept i t In 14, huffwaive, exenrsfow tickria •HI b snM in Dayton, jfood frtftfn** lag RatwiHay riept, 15 ^-Aeorn Stove* ami Ranges will be soldi!« Cedarville this year iw Ken* A Hastings Bros, Word has l»een received here of sickness of Clode Paul at his home in GotiltervSil#, III, However he is much better *t this time, Orville Ford returned to Chicago, <oimt.y e Air Lx* Monday eve, After a week’s vacation with hb pamtfc here. A ha McLean aaeompanierl Mm home for A abort *Mt aist to attend Mm G. A, R. SCst* ros, Because your last welding invita- lions were not printed at this office is no reason why you should not give us another chance. We have a Sue line of wedding note paper .and can put out as fine a job as any house in the couuty, Call and get our prices and see samples. —Poisonous toadstools resembling mushrooms have •. caused frequent deaths this year. Be sure to use only the genuine, Observe the same care when you ask for DeWitt's Witch Hazel "Salve. There are poisonous counterfeits. DeWitt’s is the only original Witch Hazel Halve. I t is a safe and’eertain cure for piles and all skin disease. Kidgway & Co;, Drug gist. ' Rev, A. D. Aladdox went to Hills boro, Tuesday, to be iu attendance at the couferance which convenes in that plnce.- Mrs. Samuel McCollum is visiting her daughter, Zola, who is in Iudian- apolis. The front of the hotel this week wag brightened up to some extent by giving it a coat of pnint. Mrs. Cora Trumbo and daughter, Mildred Gwiudniine, returned home from, a Visit of. several weeks in Springfield and Osborn. —Whcatlet, Cream of .Wheat, Petti-Johns Breakfast Food, Grape- nuts. All make good breakfast, dishes Get them at Cooper's. Air. and Mrs. Calvin Wright and children have returned from Idnvillo, Ind., where they imve spent the sum mer. Air.,Wright’s sister. Miss LiieR', came home with him.‘ She wilt at tend college this coming winter. The Junior Order of United Amer ican Mechanics from Jamestown, passed through hero Thursday on their Clifton, where the day was spent pienicing. The Misses McNeill who have been visiting at Bell Centre for a few weeks, will' return homeMonday, where they will be glad to see their old customers, —The progressive nations of the world are the great food eoustiming nations. Good food well digested gives strength., I t you cannot digest all you eat, you need Kodol Dyspep sia Cure. I t digests what you eat. You need not dietpyourself. I t con tains all of the digestauts combined, with the best known tonics nnd recon- structives. ' It will even digest all classes of foods in a bottle. No other preparation will do this. It instantly relieves and quickly cures all stomach 'troubles. Ridgway A Co., Druggist. a-* S ' The following Demons constituted a picnic party to Camp Sport, Thurs day, Aliases J nnnie Bratton, Ethel Fields, and Clara Townsley, Messrs. Reed Owens, Will CreBWejll and Cal vin Alortoii and Mr. and Airs. I. C. Davis. ^ Air- Alex Turnbull returned Thurs day frqm the G. A. R. encampment at Chicago.' Mr. aud Airs. Cl Al. Ridgway. were in the capital city, Thursday. Rev, Alvin Orr returned to Phila delphia, Thursday. Prof. J . Robb Harper is expected home from Chicago today or Alonday. Air. Will Biff returned home from Chicago, Wednesday, where he at tended the National G. A. R. en campment, Dr. P. R. Aladden, Practice lim ited to EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT.. Olaases Accurately Ad justed- Allen Building, Xenia, Q. Telephone.—Office No. Residence No. 37^ J , H, Drake, of CedarviUe, who has a number of hogs on exhibition at the fair, had a gold watch stolen Tues day night. Air, Drake, who sleeps at the fair grounds, upon retiring Tuesday night plftced his vest con taining his watch under his head and went to sleep. Upon awakening Wed nesday morning he made the discovery that his v/atch was gone. Whoever tho thief was he know what he was about os the watch must have been taken from the outside of the fair grounds. The police were notified. -London NickeVPinic. —A choice line of all kinds of Groceries, a t Gray’s. Miss Alamie Btcrrett has secured the appointment as teacher at the East Point school. Miss Junia Pollock leaves Tues day for Monmouth, III,, where she rill Attend college this coming year. Miss Flora Nisbct, who hss tieen quite sick for the past week, shows some decided improvement. Will Turnbull was taken quite sick Wednesday, hut is sonic belter at this time. He seems to have some thing like fever, Fred fyroul, of Pittsburg, sur prised his many friend* here by pay ing them a visit without previous notice, Fred is off on his vacation aud came around this way to spend a few days before he visits Ills pnrehN in Fair Grove, Michigan. Little Grace Morton, of (’lifion, is visiting her grandparents, Dr. and Mrs, Morton, this week, The herd of Rod Polled Uattle owned by Andrew Bros., wss shipped In Gduinbus yesterday ready tor the fair next week, F or H ai , e —Three hnndu-lb:}. wed I wheat, Poole variety, none iiettcr. j Cleaned »eady fur drill. « j W. If. Cu-swell-1 Moody Nogley and link* brother, j Clark visited their brother, Frank, mi Morrow, last Hurnlny, Air. and Mis, David Bbroades are entertaining their daughter, Mrs. Anna Rader, of Dayton,. Air. and Mis, Charles Gilbert were .entertained at the Gilbert home, tiunday. Miss Emma I5\v,ry in home again after a fortnight’s visit with relatives in Hartford, Ind,. A goodly number of our teachers were in Xenia this week owing to the Greeue County Teachers Institute. Beu Williams, of Greenfield, spent tho first of the week with ins brother, John, of this place, A golden opportunity: the Herald and Ohio-Farmer for 25c till'January 1, 1901. Messrs. Kerr & Hastings have been very successful with the sale of fheir corn harvesters, having sold fourteen already. Several have been put in operation in the field and do the work very satisfactory. The Pllgrhn and Herald one year for $ 1 . 00 . Airs. Elizubeth Anderson, of Clif ton. has sold her farm to her son-in law Robert Curry, lie having sold, his farm on tho Clifton pike, ■ to his'brother, Frank (Jorry. Hmi. Andrew Jackson is in. Chicago this week, the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Ralph George. Mcsdumcs Barr & Boyd are in Cin cinnati this*week looking after their fall stock of goods. Mi»s Anna Shigley, of Jamestown, called on friends here Monday. The pulpit at the U. P- church will be filled tomorrow* by Dr. Joseph Kyle, of Xenia, both morning and evening. Mrs. J . M, Bt H and soo, Fred, visited in Jamestown and D.iyton this week. Ebtow a I’leviJUs ExpansionsUrAtr 'lle ju jc ia tic rrcc itltsl^ EjttAJf 0 PFO 36 D TO JEFFEB^OI. ir ,T____rr T it* I z n u t D ra lt* * I M H » « hM (l# S # f I<id«v«udennc’. Hat Wfciu H t tVM r-rMldau) Ilrt O m r « « 4 “ W tthont *b« O ahmb * »r ,1>« G»»«ro«d." In his Indianapolis epeecli. and in all succeeding ones so far, Mr* Bryan has had much to say of tho violation of the principles of the Declaration of Independence. He repeats the state ment that all fiWjrnmcnts "derive tlioir Just powers from the consent.of the governed." Then he argue3 that as there is insurrection in the Philip pines, the United States is. violating this tenet by. maintaining its author ity there, Mr, Bryan's resounding and mouth-illiing periods may bo gems of rhetoric, but his position 13 at variance with tho practice of tho Democratic party In' the past. In 1803, Thomas Jeffer?on, tho founder of the Democratic party, was president. He purchased Louisiana front France. This purchased terri tory embraced .not only the present state of Louisiana, but also the Im mense area from the Mississippi river westward to tl\e Rocky mountains, and from Louisiana and Texas north to British America. This was inhab ited by a large number of Indian tribes. Their cor,sent was not asked to the transfer; nobody dreamed, of asking it. Besides, the red men, there 'were iu Louisian'*., and at points along tho west bank of the .Mississippi, th ir ty thousand white people, cbiclly French and Spanish, As a rule they were opposed to coming under the do minion of the United States; but Mr. Jefferson promptly proceeded to ‘'gov ern them without their consent," If Mr. Bryan’s present position is right* Mr. Jefferson's course was utterly in£ defensible; he violated the Declara tion of Independence. Mr. Jefferson was one of the Vir ginia members of the Continental Congress of 1776. Ho was one of the leaders. He drafted the' Declaration of Independence. He argued In favor of' Ita adoption on the floor of con gress. He voted for it, and he signed «N*kTkaak Yoaf the Other Qentleraaa Looks After My Welfare.1* AWonderful Cure of Diarrhoea. A prominent Virginia editor had al most given up, but was brought back to perfect health by Chamberlain's Colie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, READ IIIS EDITORIAL, From llio Timea, Hiliotillo, Va, I suffered with diarrhoea for a long time and thought I was past being cured, I bad spent much time and money nnd suffered so much misery that I had almost decided to give up all hopes of recovery and await the result, but noticing the advertisement of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Remedy and also some test imonials stating how some wonderful cures had been wrought by this rem edy, I decided to try it. After tailing a fewdoses I was entirely wpll of that trouble, and I wish to say further to my readers and fellow sufferers that I am a link* and hearty man today and feel n9 well as I ever did in niy lile.-- O. R, Moore. Hild by C. M. Ridg way, Ohio Farmer and Herald t i l l JA N U A R Y i , k > oo f o r o It, Undoubtedly Mr, Jefferson wrote the particular sentence which Is now worrying Mr. Bryan. Will Mr, Bryan have the haifslkood to claim that Thomas Jctferson was right in 1776, and wrong In 1803? . Another Instance may be given: Florida was ceded by Spain to Great Britain about the middle of the 18th century, and as a consequence a largo number of English settlers migrated thither. In 1783 ft was ceded baelc to Spain. The inhabitants, however, re tained their British sympathies, and at one time in the war of 1812 General Jackson captured Pensacola to pun ish the people for fitting out an expe dition in aid of the British. In 1819 Spain ceded Florida to the United States. A majority of the Inhabitants were not in favor of this, but tho United States government proceeded to establish a- government without tho consent of the governed. Why has Mr. Bryan’s voice not been raised In protest against tho old-time equity? Jamc3 1C. Polk, n Democrat, was president a t the time of the Mexican war. By tho treaty which closed that conflict, the United States obtained tho vast area now occupied by Califor nia, Nevada, 'Utah, part of Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona. Its white Inhabitants were people of Spanish descent* who were bitterly opposed to •coming under tho American flag, but that sterling Democrat, President Polk, proceeded promptly, to "govern them without their consent," thus again Violating the precept of tho Dec laration of Independence, of which Mr. Bryan make so. much. I t may ho mentioned also that in this area wers a number of lndfau tribes, among- them the warlike Oomanches and Apaches, who for years were so much opposed to American rtlte that the government was compelled to do what It is now doing in the Philippines. It sent United States troops to compel their submission to its authority, There la a largo number Of people who would be glad to have Mr, Bryan discuss theso historical facts, They would like to know his teal opinion of the Democratic policy of expansion in (ho pant. They would like to know how ho rnTWitn Mr. JdTer-oit’a gov* ernment of tho people of Louisiana without their consent with the sthte- ment which ho penned In the Declara tion iif Independence, and which seems to tn Mr. D tm ’s atgumenta- tlve sheet anchor, it is to be honed the Nebraska demagogue will take an early opportunity of satisfying this eminently proper *ns!o*Hy. "•■‘Lae, Toffee and Cigar*at Graf’s, Greatest Offer Yeti ^ r ~ J E will send you TH E HERALD and th^ £ OHIO FARM ER every week' from n ow until Janu a ry f« 1901 for Only This price is to New Subscribers. Present subscribers can have the Ohio Farmer for same length of time for 15 cents. & N e v e r w a s t h e r e a g r e a t e r o f f e r m a d e b y a n y p u b l i s h e r The Ohio Farmer is among the most practical and widely read weekly farm journals in America^ Call and get a sample copy. NEW MEAT STORE. •MMHMriSMV*<H|as»wtMKS • aMaMMHMMaMMMMMMsaaMM^MMM Having opened the Meat Store formerly con ducted by Ed Henshel, we will have on hand at ajl times a choice line of : Fresh and Salt Heats Balogna and Sausage and everything connected with a first-class meat store*. W e handle the celebrated Kingan & Co’s hams. WEIMER & GILLAUGH, Xenia Ave., Cedarville, O. Goods Deliver. 1. <■ Telephone 66 JONESCORNERED Chairman of Democratic Na tional Committee Caught, IS DIRECTOR INA BIG TRUST. Facta Regarding American Cotton 4 Company of &o\v Jersey. SUDS AGAIHSTITIff TEXASCOURT. W bat th e Depooition* l a ,1aitgt> Scott'* C o art o t W aco KOteul—l t la • T ract. C oder th e DeUeltlon Olvon h r th e Text.* Antl-TFuet M w—nod Stpta of T hing! F«.r a D em ocratic ''Antl-TraU** Leader. - -Senator James K. Jones Is the chairman or the Democratic national committee. He Is also One ot the di rectors of tho American Cotton com pany, a trust which controls the new process for baling cotton in a compact roll, instead of the old-fashioned rec tangular halo. This company was or ganized foi the express purpose of ob taining the patents and controlling this Improved inetho'd of packing cot ton for shipment.’ Immediately upon It* organization, It proceeded to ab sorb the Standard Circular Cotton company (limited), tho. Bc-;;soimctto Compress Manufacturing company, tho American Cotton Uajlc Improve ment company and tho Cotton Din ners Comprt ’33 company. These four corporations were all Interested In the making of roll hales of cotton, and owned various valuable, patents, and a number of plants located in several southern states. Mr. Jones himself admits that the American Cotton company has 360 plants* In the cotton states, and that it is In complete control of fho round bale process. But Mr. Jones heri been sending out authorized Interviews In which he declares that “this company » in ho sense a trust, bat *impjy * business * organization, with money enough to carry on the enterprise 1* Which It is engaged," But the authorities in Texas do not take this optimistic View of the Mat* ter. Suit has been brought in the atftto touits at \Vn< 0 , to bring this AftiMltftt) Cotton TmM |o 1<yf violating the unthtrust taw of the Lone Star state, in the same way in whith the Standard o il company wan brought to time. Imposition* are on ale in suite docketed In Judge ft^Ht'a court at Waco, which clearly show that the Amcrh an Cotton company la A trait under Ut« T***» law. nnd la punishahi*. (ha anna ng fmawm against Which tho state of Texas hat Instituted both criminal and civil pro ceedings. These depositions set forth the .absorption of tho four companies i above named with intent to control the patents and Id* process; that the company; as admitted - by. Senator Jones, Is in actual control of the round bale method;.and therefore tho petitions ask that the full penalty of the law shall be assessed against It These depositions show the falsity of Senator Jones’ claim that the com pany is not a trust. They show tbit in the city of New York, on December 13, 1895, a contract was entered into by the four corporations mentioned above os having be*n absorbed, which contract is in the usual form whereby trusts and monopolies arc created; and under it the interests of them four corporations wore combined la one corporation with the America* Cotton company. On March 20, ISM, the latter was chartered under the laws of New Jersey* the hot-bed of trusts. Mr. Jones-knew when he made the denial, that the American Gotton com pany Was organized as a monopoly and that It Is a trust under the defin ition of the Texas law which defines It to be "a combination of capital, Block or acts, by two or more peraoni, firms, corporations or associations, to create or carry out restrictions I* trade or commerce; to create or catty out restrictions i n the full and free pursuit of any business; to increis* the rates or price of merchandise, pro ducts, commodities; to provent com petition in manufacture, making, transportation, sale or purchase of merchandise or commodities; or to prevent competition In aids to com* nierce,” The Anti trust plunk of tho Kansih City platform reads well, hut the Democratic party never makes 1** practice square with its promise*. With the chairman of Its national Committee a leading director In tbs American Cotton trust; with the lehfi* * « of the party in New York city all interested in an ice trust, which put up the price of this necessity of Ms to the people of the metropolis; and with Mr. Bryan himself for years the paid advocate before the public of the Silver Mine-owners' trust, the differ' ence between precept and practice should be discernible to the dullest Intellect W* Teal* tka wine, *It 1* my aim in lift*," he said "«* Miake men happier." *Why not women?" she naked.- G"’ •ago i ’aat The deposits In the Masaichnsi'tl* •Ming* banks have inw-afirJ •#0 since Jane HOof last year. Wf* Gen million* of this ineresse has etued since last Octolier. 8it*w work and better wages enabled tw ^warkifi* paagM to lay by- far a I A lt. T H 0 O H IO I j .I T U B w H imai f A * | 5' ifflri, fbr the email £ i;rwsHtw-ribm. T twesty - tiiu C0GITA1 A Summer Mamaiwe, 0 , Corporal Who Wc / This is a modern r<> . it by the ear mark author says it is. It mauee, beeaifse 0110 iu hot Wcatbe.r when when’the flies are so l not stand it to read while. The style is Fireside -Gonipanion \ risitqr, Written by a had a homo' and wo' if.he did. I t borderson realign as the story of ‘‘Hov ll-in Away With tin "The, Hired Hand’s thrilling in the ext re jibout a thrill a minu ^ a story of “A tion” or ’‘True Lov The young man was by the Boers and his it out; The news w as long as possible, b somebody ‘‘broke the and then the jig was 1 She didn’t eat n I) and then she made 1 she would rescus her tug. The story doc that way, but. that - She cried out in tl followhim to the end ■trike him some live for she had heard treated Lhoir prisoner.' . The girl went to tin shop nnd bought a <; liver ami took the tr to put her “off' at lover’s name was lie; lie, hut in a sumin ulways better to giv romantic name. Th “Alys.” ' She -fori "Alice,” but that 'a a girl tvho longs for. cUemant must not is too ebinmon. From Buffalo sin bile and struck out 8he reached the 1 incident. She,was net who told her lu limn in admit an; without the con 11 him she hail the when asked to "Kefio” aud being she was admitted. Hhu next encou the story says, ni “Hello, Cap, how said, “ All tight, 1 She told hint b I h * would like to find Bite was informed otter of war. The : prat urna opy. 0 lerly on -ts >ati first sd K . A l Telepl le state rlsnlnat deposit if tho ft ith into • • pro dmitted tuai col od; and at the I asscS3C« ions she 9 ' claim m at Tl ew York ract wa irporatlo { been: al ic usual lopolle* the ipte m were j t with % On % ehartc Fercey* t ew whei America raized A 1 trust u ?xas law omMnati , . ty two or Hus gruffly, hccai toss e r * toldiers mre_*uppi y out now lime fo ra few crcc; the realism, bu t s’ ? And the captair ice of me *nd left her. Gnj i£t»cs; to on their heels tha But did she des. )titS:;n in WP against n Du(e eyra and told him 0* F,!itjk w y to t II,C ,,, knew how it was fo with him if sho niinlt o Reginald, for if s wontdemil and - tOO|lktC« (^J3 fcty fjf He let fall * 8i c* this tt “o fo tth e rm fo i « w a s j th«d, A aaefft’ it saw the n>»kokt»Qtit Tho Dutch cm «____ men tnWh ft tha themulehim ,n 13 if# 110 iRdn’t tir e , n to Bouih A m ft* WhlftH « ^ » •» hfidfCS - - . she * * * * * * Cu'Xtfs' « c {« th* ’fissft i** h r;a of 1 ct m » in f.r*t O h /
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