The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 27-52

» ' THI: OHIO FA RM ER i-tfU ' Herald ftom now uutH Jan. if jgfjii, Sir the unall Him of 25c to 14§ gifc’ribci'8. ; 'Gedarville When vmv }»»j«r h matkcd with a blue cries it is t»* am ind y u th a t jou r subscription Is past due a id an early settlement is desired. 1<% sent t w e n t y - t h i r d y e a r , n o : G E U A R V I L L E . O H I O , S EPTEM B ER 5 , 1900 . PR IC E $ 1.00 A Y E A R . c - M INVESTIGATION To decide where you will, get your Fall Suit and Overcoat, Why not leave your order with us? We will make you a better suit-better cloth, better trimmed, better fit, at lower prices than you can buy elsewhere. WILL CONVINCE—WEARING ONE OF OUR SUITS WILL PROVE IT. I COGITATIONS c o n - h a n d sage • c l a s s i n g a h JGH tone 06 it Texas bns ad clvtl pro* ms set forth ir companies t to control ■as; tbat the by Senator rot of the therefore tho II penalty of against I t r the falsity iafc Che com* y show tbat on December entered into i mentioned orbed, which >ra whereby ire created; sts of these combined in le American rch H , 1896, d under the i hot-bed of he made the Cotton com- * monopoly er the delta* ihlch defines i of capital, lore persons, loelations, to strlctions in a t e or carry till and free to tncresco kandlse, pro* rOYent eon- re, mahingi purchase of ilea; or to Ids to com* • m k m s m ell, m the makes Its MseaaeliSi^tt* tot fm t r trnm ! * • * fa i«*sr. IR ta if • tb s by f ir « ffiMff ASummer Romance, or, th e Sere-eyed Corporal Who Wouldn't Tall. This is n modern romance. I know It by the ear marks and then the author says it is. I t is a summer ro lqauee, because: one can only read it in hot weather when it is too hot and when the. flies are so bad fhat'Ane can- uui stand it to read nnything worth while. The style is copied, from the fireside Companion or the Horae Visitor, written by .a person who never had a homo and wouldn’t stay there iflie did. It bordcrs.ou rcalisnf aiid|is thrilling as the story of -‘How’ the Fine Lady flan Away With the Coachman.” or ■'The Hired Hand’s Revenge.”' I t is thrilling iu the extreme a t the rate of [v*boHta thrill a minute. - It is a story of “ A Maideu’s Devo­ tion” or -T rue’ Love iu Dog Days,” The young mutt Was taken a prisoner by the Boers hud hid sweetheart found it out. Tim news was kept from her as long as possible, hut a t last, a ttest, somebody “ broke the news to ino^er” [. and then the jig was up. She didn’t eat a bite lor three days ahd then she made up her miud that she would rescus her lover or break a tog. The story, doesn’t exactly run that way, bu t that is tho purport. She cried out in the uight,- “ I will [followhim to the cud of the world and Uke him some liver for breakfast,” I hr. aim had heard that the Boers Treated their prisoners badly. The girl went to. the nearest butcher shop, and bought n qua rto 's worth of liver and took the train, with orders hH*ut h e r. “ Off at Buffalo." H er lover’s name was Reginald, This is a lie, hut in a summer romances it is always better to give the hero some romantic name. The girl’s name was "Alye.” She formerly spelled it '.'Alice,” h u t that is 'loo common, ior « girl who longs for adventure and ex­ citement must not have a name that is'too wmiinon. ;.•? Prom Buffalo she took an automo­ bile ami struck out ior South Africa# 8he reached the Boer lines without incident. She,was halted by a senti­ nel who told her ho would rathelr die than to admit anyouc^in the lines kilimut the countersign. She told him riic had the Countersign, and a k a asked to give i t . she said "Kouo” and lieing able to make good, sitewas admitted. She next encountered the captain, the story says, and she said to him, "Hello, Cap, how’s you r liver?” H e Bid, “All right, how ii your liver?” fck. told him b I ic was better and she wculd like to find her lover Reginald. 8k was informed th a t he was a prk* oner of war. The captain told her ftu gruffly, because That is the way eJdim are suppose*! Ur talk. I t is tow time for a few tears to constitute iki realism, but she forgot it. And the captain turned on his heels *n;l left Iter. Captains always tu rn ta their heels that way in the army, •shocks. fiat did (he despair? N it, Bite MU ’•I' against a Dutch corporal with m m ♦yesand told bin) her story. Me felt for the poor girl, because he k»ewhow it was himself, 8he asked him if ulie mightt not uee her lover ^tfnakl, tot if eho did Hat, her Htse ♦said spoil ami then it woukl bfltOO •«♦, too late. fie 1ft fall a silent tear that he hud * farther use for. I t dropped nhottt hse feet and it fell with a dull, *Wt» thud. A memlier ot the Mittfc eaw the spot afterwards and fd ts about it. ■u Hutch corporal with m m tfM , * * kM her that Iter foyer was del#* Kittle hftru currying mules, hu t dhln't care, she “ had ***** tail A* 'J jte f tn ith Africa to m s M shmh I ' * see Reginald If he w a s toh* **♦ Which ihowa Hmt herfiws**' ***** somewhat defective, hw lh e r “**** andcfifctl, she listed the corporal If .aim •vdw-e Rp^itiahl, he wkilmd the other eye and told her no t to meution it. ‘*Alya“ could take a hint when a brick house fell on her, and she went around the mule emporium and there she met Reginald who yvas greatly surprised to see her. In less time than it talced to tell it they were locked in each others* embrace and he held her there till the dock in the steeple struck twelve and she told him to ja r loose! She then told him that she could conceal the tru th from him no longer, that she loved him like thirty cents and Reginald admitted that he could hardly blame her. He told her be was sentenced to be. shot" for a spy, but he thought he could sqtiajre it all right with the guard. So he went dowii to the lines and promised the guard that be would set ’em up if he looked tho other way as they passed out. The guard took the hint and also the beer. “ Alya” took Reginald up behind her on the automobile and they cu t for tall timber. .In the morning when the captain found that they were gone, he stormed around a good deal, kilt what good did it do? They had flown. They always "flown” in romances. He ad­ vertised for the escaped spy, but it brought no response and siuce then he does not believe that udvestising p*y»- When "Alya” got home,- her father forgave her and they were married and lived happily ever afterwards. He has lieen hoarding with his wife’s folks overaince. l*e Mfeist«r*a Wife’* Work. Every minister’s wife is deeply in­ terested in the work of the church, but no one should’ attempt to decide for her how much o f th a t work is her share. The undue binding o f burdens qpon shoulders wearied .with much willing service has caused some of us to raise our voices in pretest, if not for ourselves, for the overtaxed bodies and brains o f our leas fortunately sit- unfed sisters. L e t a clergyman’s wife decide not to be tyrannised over by circilmitances. She, more than many, needs to think ou t her life with rare, and oorae to definite Conclusions by which she ut willing to abide. No regulations can be laid down for all alike, lor a woman must be herself the judge o f her Abilities, Let h (r see to it, however, tlmt she remains uninfluenced by those who wuuld seek to direct her. I t may lie laid down as part o f the remedy that no minis­ ter's wife should he a t the head of more than one organization, and if her home cares are many she should not attempt even that. I f she desires to take a class in Sunday-school she need not be given the worst class of boys, nor the most difficult class of fiftMt&iMfiAW T ai I ioc * Utile children. ■ Home Journal. September Ladies' Curie* a t tha PfcMpglss t . A package o f curios came to Asa McLean, last week, from bis brother, Raw!, in the Philippines, Among the score or more curiosities it contained were qu ite# collection o f the different denomination o f silver money coined in our eastern possessions. There were two decks o f playing cards re­ sembling ours itt everything b u t the figures. Instead o f hearts, diamonds, spmfes,«tc, were were- fantastic and we m ight say ludicrous figures. Bu t the most curious o f t he lot was a kind o f necklace of beads and spangle* of ivory, worn by savage* of the moun­ tain regions. I t is worn under the chin and fastened in each car by means o f two small corks, from which hung two strings o f spsnglesand beads, looking somewhat like the long ear­ rings o f a decade ago. These were also a scow/ o r more o f ugly alligator teeth. lacamtaateHkhamaAVa»» September lfi, 14, 16 amt lCtfu for Sever*** Grand Lodge 1. O. O, F, OavMitioti, excursion tickets #»Hbe tttd to Rlefcmowd,Vlfghdeb via Penn- lylvaitlaldaes, good Toes- day, S tftem ber^, —Til#, i b m «m» 4 % i » Conference Appointments. Tho following appointments for the coming year were made nt the session Monday, n't Hillsboro: IT G,. Iluny phrey, Jamestown; G . L. Tufts, New Curlisle; J , S. Pumphrey, Bouth Charleston; A. Hamilton, (.'eihirville; A. D, Maddox, Tremonl, Oily; A, C, Trirrell (First Church) M. 10, Ketc* ham, (Trinity) Xenia; C W. Elliott, Yellow Springs;' F. M. Clemans, Agent Anti saloon League. Itev Hamilton comeB highly regommended, several parties here being acquainted with him. He preached at the M. E. Church nt Yellow Springs for a num­ ber of years, * Enter Office. Last Monday Mr. Asa Little ue- C^pted the position of Treasurer for Greene County. Mr. Little was lann and raised in Greene County, having finished his education ul Antioch College, after which he was principle of the schools of South S-.lon and also Yellow Springs Since then Mr. Little has been associated in the grain business a t different places over the county, during which time he hns become largely acquainted with t h e people of the land, t h e karmeu . His deputy comes from Osborn,’ in the person of Mr.- O, B. Kauffman who is a perfectly prutienl business man l Exchange Clippings •<Ao<»o<js4ia<a<oo<iKji<<W i Down in Oklahoma, a preacher in delivering his farewell address, said asumflions. ' He says that the judg­ ment -was therefore illegal.—Xenia Gazette. . ~ t t f Sammy Faulkner, sou of H. O ., “ I don’t believe the Lord loves this (1t near Paiutcrsville, drilled a well on church: none of you ever die. I don’t] his father’s farm and at tho depth of believe you love each other: I never married any of you. I don’t believe you love me. for you don’t pay' me ray salary-—only in wormy fruit,' and by their fruit ye shall know th$m. I am going to a better place—to the peni­ tentiary, ns chaplain, and I go to pre­ pare a place for you,” t f t . . . Col. Ike ..•Cummins was in town, yesterday, mid said he wasnt the con­ ference, hut will return to his charge gladly witl/out an Increase of salary. —Jamestown Jmirnlil. t t t “ I see,by the papers that when the Allies got into Pekin they saved the diplomatic corpse. Whose corpse was it?” "You don’t understood. That thing you cull a corpse was—” “ I know I don’t understand. I don’t understand why they should fight bloody buttles and make thou- saiuL of corpses just to rescue one corpse, Why couliln’t they—?” 82f> feet struck a gusher,' It flows a t thejrate of ten gallons a minute and is one of the strongest in the country.— Jamestown Journal. 1” t t The shortage iu the old corn “ in sight” has brought ,out quite a good deal of corn in this loenlity, ns we learn that over ton thousandluishels Were handled here the past week, and more to follow. This is a veritable "Land of Egypt” when the rest of the world wants coru.—Jamestown Jou r­ nal. t t t " Ju s t nt this time the country needs a new religion that will make a man pay his debts,” says the Metho­ dist Advocate, “ Shouting and giving testimony doesn’t settle accounts with God nr man. We bounce right into n fellow aud put him out of the church if he goes to a ball game or theatre, but never sny a word to the pious scamp who never pnys his debts. The latter are doing, the church more Know Better Next lime. Two Xenia g irls. by the names by Bernice FoX aud Eva Cavender con­ cluded that they would ’drive ou t to Lucas Grove, and seeing a horse and a nice rubber-tire buggy standing in front of a grocery they concluded to appropriate it for their own use. They kept the rig from about 7:30 in the evening until 12:30 Thursday morn­ ing, and on their, return they hitched the rig..on West Main Street The owner of the property missed it and reported the matter - to the. police. The girls were arrested at their respec­ tive homes and appeared before the Mayor, where a plea of guilty to the charge of unlawlul driving was en­ tered to, and each were fined 1119.05 and sent to the work for five days. T m U160V*IWMfcNTSuii'MMfc. teMtiiiRiCAlfElifOSlflON UMTALOMY- im 1-J in every respect, having until recently been secretary and business manager, of the Ohio Whip Co. at Osborn. Mr, John A. Nishet. the retiring treasurer, who has been so long con* netted with the office, retires holding the confidence of the people; while the people in tijrn well know that the work in the office has Iwen performed in a satisfactory manner. A number of Mr. Nisbct’s friends called on him a few days ago and pre­ sented him with a handsome chair as a token of their friendship. • ^ - n | i f ■r - __-— (Net Yoar Stemach Distress You? Do you have pains in the side, nausea, sometimes vomiting, distress after eating, belching, constipation, loss o f appetite, diwincae, flatulence, moth patches, sluggish looks, pimples and a repulsive complexion? I f you have any o f these symtoms, you have dyspepsia o r stomach disorder. These distressing troubles are promptly re­ lieved end then cured by Bailey’s Dyspepsia Tablets.. Pleasant to toko. They will bring quick relief to the worst cases. Written signature of W. , t Bailey on each package. Price 35 cents, Bample free. Druggists who don’t have them will get them for you. Two kinds of tablets in each package, The latest discovery. Hold by t*. M. Rklgwav. “ Why, you ain’t got no more sense nor a hat. It’s not a corpse a t all (’though it would have been pretty soon if the Allies had been much inter gettin* there,) hut r«corps. I t’s pro­ nounced like core of an apple, .and it means the ministers. “The ministers?'’ “ Yes, the ministers.” “ What denomination?” "Why such as believes in dipping. That’s why they're called d ip lom atic- like Baptists and Durtkards aud rich.” "O , I see. And I suppose the Boxers practice sprinkling, nod want to kill them that believes in dipping?” "Yep, that’s it.” "Well* I’ve often heard of people quarrelin’ over different ways of hah- tizin’, but I never knowed of ’em killin’ one another over it afo re.. Bu t I don't know as I ought to bo sur­ prised, for sonic folks is mighty pison* ous ill their religion.”—Penitentiary News. . t /f f A petition lias l»een filed in tho Court of Common Pleas by 0 , L. Maxwell, asking that Martin R,.Bad­ ger he enjoined from the collection of ilfiO. A judgment for that amount j and $1,00 sires C. M, ttulgway. was rendered against Mr* Maxwell by harm than the daucera and drunkards for there are more of them in the church.’’ f I- t The soul learns to draiv courage, trust, joy and hope from its resolute encounters with realities without lean­ ing on mi any explanation. I t is the onlooker only who dispairs. Litera­ ture, so much the work of onlookers, exaggerates the depression. Men of aefion, toilers, helpers, fathers, moth ers, saints—these do not dispair. The world as a whole, and the best part of the world, lives a life ot .action, feeling, every exercise of faculty which generates courage, streng th , tenderness. Under all the confusion and wrong there are still the deep springs o f that same experience, that "peace of God,” which always feeds the higher life.—Beleeted. Step » Xisalt, And consider if the pills (no matter! what kind) you have taken for your constipation have really done you any good. Are you not more and more liable to this trouble? Try Dr. Cald­ well's Hyrup Pepsin if you want sure relief, 10 doses iff cents, also in fiOe Program of College Opening. Oediicville College will open its seventh year next Wednesday morn­ ing at 9 o’clock, standard time. AIL are cordially invited to he preseut. The following is n program of the ex­ ercises: * Devotions led by Pres. McKinney. 'Violin Solo by Miss Sillifo, Organization and Announcements. Rending by Miss Mary Arum Cost. Song by Quartette. Address of the Day by Rev. R. II. Hume, D. D. , Song by Quartette. Benediction, COLORED SOCIETY. A number of our,, citizens attended the Ohio State Fair this week] Mrs. J . D. Silvey spent tho week nt Columbus. Mrs. M. R . Daniels and daughter, Evii, returned from Chicago, Monday. The residence of Edward Spencer now affords the -‘hello” box. ■ Tho Monday Reunion Club gave a union picnic at W. W. Creswell grove last Thursday; Quite a uumber from Dayton and Cleveland was present. At sun down tho guest departed wish­ ing the club many more such events. Miss Nora Owyne, of Dayton, is visiting friends here this week. Mrs. Martin Daniels and daughter, Eva, are spending a fow weeks in Chicago. OIJR TELEPHONE THE RED LIGHT. Tho Danger Signal Mhat Must Always be Obeyed. System Formally Openad Lest Saturday Night. South Charleston Band fur*, nished th e Music, - Last Saturday eveninig the local telephone system was formally opened and furned over to the public. The ' management in order to make the occasion more pleasant secured the services ot the Bouth Charleston Citi­ zens Band, which rendered some very delightful music. The exchange was thrown open and all who had boxes had the pleasure of hearing the music by wire. Charley Gal breath was at "central” and handled the machine in a very creditable manner. The band boys were seatoipon chairs out on Main Street infront of the ex- change, yet the sound of the music over the wire was very distinct. Of course some tried to have more tliau the usual amount of pleasure, especi­ ally when everything was* thrown wide open, You could very easily., hear and understand all the conversa­ tion tbat took place.. I t would he al­ most an impossibility to repeat it •‘verbatutn.” P a ifr- of the conversa- * tion between several of the parties was supposed to be confidential. In an, she opening, ^was.. n perfect success aud'j tqp telephone iq. some­ thing th a t will be found in a majority of the homes before a year expires, for already those who have them seem to think that it would he impossible to-get along without it. The exchange was closed after the concert until Monday morning, when it was opened to. remain so from one week’s end to another. A t any time now, whether day or night, you will always be able to get the best possiblo service. The line has been completed ob far as the "club line” or independent com-' >any nt Selma, where 22 boxes will >e added, making this a very strong iue to start with. Elsewhere can bo found the names of parties who have boxes and the number of same, which when calling always call by number ns it will lie of great advantage to the operator and al8omake time for yourself. There will be several more boxes added ifi a few days, making forty. The 22 cm the "club lino” will bring the total over 80, This is a good showing for the start, as the Charleston office opened with only 28 boxes, the late Hqttirc Buck, hut plaintiff mya that at the time he was absent in Ban Domingo ami !u‘l »<> knowledge citVnd urtimi and was md sorted with ’ f i t * ai r , Good old Egyptian Heed OOth test, Wheat When there is danger on the rail­ road a red light is displayed. To run by this signal means death or injury to the passengers. AH through life w(f see the danger signals and, if unheeded, sorrow, des­ pair, and sometimes death result, These warnings are sent out by mnn or nature for our protection. Nature sends out a warning signal when her laws have been disobeyed and there is danger o f going farther before the wrong is righted. The heat machinery needs oil, so docs the human machine. The system becomes run down and needs to he built up. I t must be placed in a healthy condition before it will do its work properly. I f the blood is impure aud the liver toipid, the stomach fails to do Us work and dyspepsia, nervousness, catarrh, headaches, and constipation are the result. These are nature’s signals. Heed them before it is too late. .A now combination of thoroughly tried and tested remedies Called Knox Stomach Tablets are now offered to suflering humanity. This now vege table remedy goes to the scat o f these disorders, builds up the whole system and transforms the weak and infirm iiito healthy men and woman. A sin­ gle box will lift a most forcible argu' meat to the sufferev. Knox Stomach Tablets immedi* atcly rcliavo indigestion and are a dis­ positive cure for dyspepsia, If your druggist dot s not sell them, send fifty cents with your address and that of the druggist to the Knox Ghemictl CU, Battle (,‘reek, Mich,, and a full N. II. Wright, Holma, Ohio, Uiaed lmx will Is* am t postpaid. Does it Pay to Buy Cheap. A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all right, but you want somclfiiiH; that will relieve and cure the nitTre sc* verc and dangerous results of tbr at and lung troubles. What shall you do? Go to a warmer and more reg­ ular climate? Yes, if possible; it not possible for you, then in either case take the only remedy that has been in­ troduced in all eiviizcd countries with success in severe throat and lung troubles, "Boschee's German Syrup.” I t not only heals and stimulates the tissues to destroy the germ disease, but allays iuflamation, eausc3 easy expcctoratiou, gives a good night’s rest, and cures tho patient. Try one bottle. Recommended many years by all druggists in the world. F o r sale • by 0 . M, Ridgway. AIo*c«fWillEiplwico Removes everything in right; m do drastic mineral pills, hu t both are mighty dangerous, Nonccd to dyna­ mite your body when I)r. King’s New Life Bills do.tno work to easily and perfectly* Cures Headache, Consti­ pation. Only 25 cents at Ridgway A Go’s. D rug Htore, Whwrt for Site. F ifty bushels Rudy snd 100 bn. White Fultz and Lancaster. ■ George Haines. “-The emergency sent by s ehureh society to Kansas toldieri in the Philippines contained afoonc the necessities a box of DeWitt’s Witeh I!***! Halve, the well known cawTor pile?, injuries and akin disease#, Tito ladies took ear* to obtain tlto original DeWitfs Witeh Haw* Halve know­ ing that alt the counterfeitsmreworth­ less Rklgwav A <V . Druggist,