The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 27-52
V H $ u k > a y e a r . SATURDAY, PEPT. 8, 1900, Bury Bryan beneath bo big a vote that hfa financial fallacies will .never revive. ; ..» ,S£U-»». . A Word to Mothers SOUTH KICKING lvevid'e jMmey Market* Now tiist even the Clartm&'.l En quirer rtktiowIe'Jgea that “the Unite! fHatea will probably continue to be for a long time the cheapest money market In the world," with the result that if Europe, and more particularly, Gfrevt Britain, need gold, it Will turn to the United Ht&tee for It, because, *# The Enquirer says, “nowhere else, la fact, can gold be nndlly obtained " what is left In tho taco of this actual f id , of the entire Bryan campaign swwitention of four years ago, that Me* matey's election would put up the price of money and drive the gold out of the country? In giving this fact Mr. Mcldm’s paper la talking straight fcufttftesa, not politics, and for that reason its evidence is the more coa- viftrin*.. rat otms a gold is oxs bat Tufce Tauuntive liromo Quinine Tali* )i is, All druggists refund the money if iia f»i!s (u cure, E. W. Grove’s vi'umtme is on each \x>x, 25c, «■-Teas* «ftd 0 & f g & SENATORJ. B. FORMER! KARLHM&L, * Suitor awl Propriotw. (“atCSCO0§w~SS §8tadi Waldo Place. T e ll# W h y Republican, P*rty ] Shou ld Succeed, FIOSPEBITY SAFEUNDERITS BUM Purines* bogatt to flea from the free tonic panic that came ia with Oleve- laud aa soon aa be wag elected. Thera was no waiting to chance what con* grew might do, Yet, no preaidept can all alone change a penny of the tariff except by direct authority of congress, while Bryan by hit first order as pres ident could force .silver into circula tion, and thus drive gold out of sight, compelling a panic. strik in g F t m I wf Cnpuclty of Kepublleaii P arty I t C tn d n tt Affair* wisely, Nui Q aty a t Haia*, n u t f u o » Foreign KsluUitna. "Democrats and Populist* are quit ting. All over the Btate they are bolt* tug Bryan and taking a firm stand for McKinley." 8a pays a Kansas papfer, the Arkansas City Enquirer, In print ing the names and addresses of 08 Democrats or Populists who have an nounced their intention of voting the Bepubllcan ticket, giving briefly the . reasons of each for the change. ' Did aver American administration more splendidly sustain the honor of our Hag and the safety of our citizens than McKinley has done In China? £!fall not such magnificent public service bi approved by the votes of the people? What every one wants is tho best possible‘agency to administer our pub* lie affair^ having regard to the pros perity of the country and tho people of all classes, and our credit and honor as a nation. It muBt be manifest with out argument that these purposes are safe in the hands of the present ad ministration. Tho country was in a state of bankruptcy and ruin so tar as business was concerned, when Presi dent McKinley was elected four years ago. He came Into; power pledged to apply Republican pollcieo, and there by restore prosperity. He has kept that pledge. The first act of his ad- ministration was to call congress In Cleveland's free trade panic proved that every man, every woman, has a direct personal interest in having the right, president, Let every one im periled financially by the risks of Bry- anism help then to vote him out again. In two years the United States has forged to,the front among all the pow ers of the world. Are not Americans proud of their country’s position? Does any man want to vote to re* verse It? many foreign lands. For sale by C. *I. liidgwav. Over the Application at Bryan'a Caleb rhrau to Weave Vote. Tho Bryan warcry, “consent of the governed," Is proving a two-edged sword to dho Bryan managers, smiting their friends and dividing their forces. A strong chorus of dissatisfaction Is arising In the south over tho reproach Cist by tho Iudlonapolls anti-imper ialist platform upon the political methods of the Democratic party in that section, by which alone Bryan pan get any Democratic electoral votes la the south. Tho Montgomery (Ala.) Advertiser, Memphis (Tenn.) Commercial-Appeal and Macon (Ga.) Telegraph ore re senting that resolution of the Indian apolis anti-imperialist convention, which declares that In supporting the principles of the Declaration of Inde pendence they meant to apply them to the negro race In America, as well as to tho Philippines, and that they deprocato .all efforts to deprive tho negro of this rights as a citizen. Tho Macon Telegraph, for example, says that “there can be no objection to these people voting the Democratic ticket; but It Is very offensive to the people of the south for tho south- hating, negro-loving agitators like BoubffcH to give them a. slap in the face upon the threshold, when tlicy declare themselves Democratic." M (§ *V£« fair* fiiifidr*! bu»b*!«, new crop. A y *rag* per this year J?5biwbels, 4 \V. M arsha ! l , mi Columbus lik e tv «.<ttiSle* Wfft o f M m g , 9 . Cleveland's free trade panic is bad enough, but Bryan's Silver smash>vastly worse. Bryan as president can start a sti ver smash' the first day by a mere order, and is publicly pledged to do i t Who will risk It? It you don’t, want Democratic times again, work against their coming back with Bryan. ■ It you don't do your own duty in this campaign and election, never blame anyone else if. trouble cornea Mothers of oliildreu' affected with croup or n severe cold rifled not hesi tate to administer Chamberlain’s : Cough Remedy. I t contains no opiate , nor narcotic in any form andm nybe , given ns confidently to the Imho as to no ndulh The great success th n , has attended its use in the ticatmeot Of colds and croup has won for it tiie approval and prniso it has received '’ throughout the United States and in ntonv* IVtnAiMit lnmln I^ jim rmt r\ lit* : non. FORAKfin, extra session and recommend the en actment of a protective tariff law. Congress did the work thus assigned to it, and from the very day that statute became a law until now, we have had prosperity of the most un precedented character. Qiir industries have been rapidly developed, our labor has been profitably employed, our do mestic exchanges have exceeded any thing ever before known, while our trade with the rest of the world lias grown to greater proportions than the most sanguine anticipated! The bal ances in olir favor make us the cred itor nation of the world. If we want prosperity to continue, we should let well enough alone and re-elect McKin ley. Everybody knows—even Demo crats—-that if .he is re-elected we will move forward without a Jar; but who knows what would happen—or would not happen—if Bryan should ho elected? But the capacity of the Republican party for the successful administra tion of our national government is even [more strikingly Illustrated by what has been accomplished under this administration in our foreign re lations. Wo were not prepared for war, but were called upon to meet its emergencies, The result was a tri umphant success of the most brilliant quality. The admiration of tho whole world was excited, and Justly so, by our victories. The results of that war, not sought, but forced upon us, hnvo brought to us new and difficult prob lems. Our Democratic friends Insisted that the ratification of the treaty of peace with Spain, whereby the Philip pine Islands were ceded to us, should be followed by an official ex pression of the senate that it was not oiir purposo to incorporate those is lands and their inhabitants into Ahe United States as a part thereof, and that we would not at any time create them into states to be admitted into the Union. In other words, in so long as wo governed those islands at all, they were to be governed as territory Blmply belonging to the United States, and their people were to be treated, not as citizens o f the United States, entitled to the privileges and guaran tees of our constitution and institu tions, but, as tho treaty of peace Itself expressed It, their civil and political status was to be fixed by the congress of the United States. Before action Could bo taken in this regard an Insur rection broke out It became neces sary for tho"United State3 government to at once retire, or surrender, or sup press that Insurrection and establish law, order and a stable government. TliO Republican party docs not eiv- render, It does not retire, except In c i der, and therefore It felt that It was Its duty, bath to the people in tho Philippine islands and the rent of tho world, to euppresa tho ineurrertion and then legislate. We have been en gaged in that work. Our efforts, how ever, have been attended with oppo sition ist least tho opposition of crit icism—from the Democratic party. They how say: "The Constitution fol lows tho flag," andtclalm that wo aro converting our government into an empire because wo haven’t given trial by Jury, tho right of suffrage, and tho bill of rights generally, to a lot of men with guns in tlielr hands. They In sisted when that country was ceded to us, that It should bo distinctly un derstood that tho constitution did not go there, and mm they arc insisting that It docs go there. What they will next advocate depends entirely upon the exigencies ol their political situa tion; and whilo they are talking about the Declaration of Independence and the consent,of the governed for tho Philippines, who they insist never shall bccofno citizens, they aro rob bing the negro citizen of the United States of his right t6 vote, and deny ing to him "oonsent" to anything. We have just seat A negro regiment to China to fight the Boxers and ease, out missionaries mid ministers. Every body knows they will flgUt gallantly, as colored men have fought gallantly for our flag and counts y ever educe the blood of Cilspus Attucks wen shed in the streets of Boston, But when tlm War la ever and those gallant blink men return la the United Bta'es, if the president should appoint on i of them to % fuutlfrahum lKifttofike, he would not be allowed to hold it in any south' ttn state, and h« would tm Murdered if he should Insist upon ids right un der the courtUution and laws to do so. Manifestly, a putty that is respon sible tor the busiuc:?, prertraticn, stagnation and Hlcnc-sa i t labor that obtained In thia country under tho last administration of Mr. Cleveland, and which thought the remedy for this re sult or free trade was to add free sli ver, and which so "backed and flUed” with respect to the relation and duly of the United States toward our recent acquisitions, nnd which Is oven now openly and defiantly nullifying tho fiifteeuth amendment to tho constitu tion, and Insisting upon the folly of free silver, la not qualified to deal with such great world-wide) questions as those which this government must deal with during the next four years. Everybody knows this, and that is rea son’ enough for keeping It - out of power. But many other considerations might bo added, and all might be elab orated, Tho chapter of history now being written in China reflects the very highest credit on the McKinley administration. When Peking was last visited by the civilized powers, neither the Uulted States nor Japan was known as a world power; but to day these two nations aro at the head of the relief column, and the United States, with her diplomacy and wis dom In statesmanship, has laid down the rules that all the other civilized nations of the earth Interested In what Is now transpiring in China havo ac cepted and followed. If. Mr. Bryan and his party lmd been in power and had their way, and had acted as they talk, this would not, and could not have happened.' It Is well enough to have a Demo cratic'party. It makes ns vigilant and keeps us humble, and we nre all the* better on that account, but it ’would be a mistake to put It to any other service. J. B. FORAICER. LESS LITIGATION". THAT SHOE FACTORY. (tow's IN*? j W<; otl*T One I lu i u M Dnllnra Ifc- nv;u<l i'ot suy case of Catarrh lust ran- not be cured by Hair* Catarrh Cure T\ J . ( ’HUSKY & Co., Toledo, O. We, Urn tmdcrrignrri, have known F. .T, Olmncv lor tho tort 15 years, «f* VMi aivj miv ■- f nn,l believe fiim perfectly honorable in »}l hiiHiicv-s tram-actions ami finan cially nblo to carry out any obligations made by their firm, West & Trunx, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo,.0 . , . „ „ . Walding, Khumn & Marvin, \ \ ho:e- sale,’Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure Is taken inter- pally, acting directly upon the blow! ami mucous ‘surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free, Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Hall’s Family Pills arc the best. A yield of 100.000,000 barrels of apples is expected this yenr. Tte Bravery ofWoman Woe grandly shown by Mrs. John Dowling of Butler, Pa ., in a three years’ struggle with a malignant stom ach trouble that caused distressing attacks of nausea and indigestion. All remedies failed to relievo tier until she tried Electric Bitters. After tak ing it two months, she wrote: " l am now wholly cured and can eat any thing. I t is truly a grand tonic for the whole system as I gained in weight and feel much stronger since >* Ti ......... ..... using it.’* It aids .digestion, cures dyspepsia, improves appetite, gives new life. Only 50c. Guaranteed, at Itidgwnv & Co’sd rug storo. California’s almond .crop this year ' is (Mimntcd nt.30'00 tons. Editor's Awful Blight. F . M. Hiugins, Editor Heneea, ews, was nfilieted for years with Piles tha t’no doctor or reined}' helped until lie tried Bncklejfi’s Arnica .Salvo, the best in the world. He writes, two boxes wholly cured him. Infallible for Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 26c. .Solti by Ridgwny & Co., druggist . . . ■ Endured Death's Agonies. Only n roaring (ire enabled J . M. GnrrettM.ii, of Sun Antonio,, Tex., to lie down when attacked by Asthma, from which- lie sutiered for years. He writes his misery was often so great that it seemed he'endured the* agonies REMARKABLE DECREASE IN CASES ' BEFORE OHIO COURTS. ol death; luit Dr. King’s New Discov ery for Consumption wholly cured 'him. 'This .marvelous •medicine is the only known cure for Asthma as well as Consumption, Goughs and Golds, and all Throat.. Chest and Lung troubles. Price 50cand §1.00. Guar anteed. Trial bottles tree, at Ilidg- wav A Go’s, Drug .Store. Prosperity Iteduoes tlie Number ol Cltil Bull*—Cotn|i»rUon of Tottils of Cnee* Before Supreme, Circuit t»od Common Plea* Court**Tor Two V,*n Poet. Oklahoma has 300,000 'inhabitants and n harvest worth 8100,000,000. . Borne statistics regarding the work of the courts of the state for the past year have been tabulated by Secretary of State Kinney. They show the total number of cases pending during the year, before the circuit courts of the State, to bo 3,161, ns compared with 3,441 for-the preceding year; and that tho number of eases taken to tho su premo court from tho circuit court is -266, ns compared with 310 for the pre ceding year. . The totalB of the table aro as fol lows: Gases pending July 1, 1899, 1,133; cases filed during the year end ing July 1,1900. 2,028; total of cases, 3,101; number of cases finally disposed of in circuit court, 1,824; cases taken to the supreme court, 259; number pending beforo the circuit court July 1, 1900, 1,078. in the courts of common pleas the showing as to the falling off in litiga tion is very marked. The table shows that the whole number of cases beforo that court for the past year Is only. 05,231, as compared with 72,220 for tho previous year—a decrease In the num ber of cases of 10,989, .Tho number of coses finally disposed of for the past year Is 31,469, as compared with 48,348 for the previous year—a de crease of 18,000 cases, la round num bers. The totals of the table for the com* mon pleas court# Is as follows: Cases pending July 1, 1899, 20,910; cases filed during the year ending July 1, 1900, 34,315; total nt)inker of cases, 55,231; number finally disposed of, 31,469; cases taken to the circuit court, 1,937; number pending July-1, 1900, 21,825. In the statistics for civil judgments the great decrease In litigation Is also shown. This table shows the total number of civil judgments rendered for the past year to be 27,672, ’while for tho previous year there were 44.- 712; number of final decrees the past year, 16,275, while for the previous year there were 22,447. The total amount of money for which these Judgments were rendered for the past year was 110,50.8,688.41, as against 110,131,622.78 for tho year previous • On«-half the Hew* _ ■. Comes from our neighbors. A neigh bor of Joe Crook’s of- Bridgtou, Indiana, told him of Dr. Cald well’s Syrup Pepsin. He is cured of' a case of Indigestion that kept him .town 12 years. Mr. Crook wishes us to refer anyone to him who doubts the wonderful cure he found in Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin, which Ims gained un honorable foothold its a true remedy.for Constipation, Indigestion, Sick Headache and Stomach Trouble. C. M. Ridgwny. A new coul and oil field of <1600 acres hns been discovered in Oregon, When Your Heart Fluttero. That is not heart disease. That is no terrible heart failure; that is indi gestion, the prime cause of nil short breath and sudden jumping of the LI “ heart which so frequently iollows an exertion of unv. kind. Go to the Drug Store. (5ct a bottle of Dr, Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin. No more need I ks said ior niter you use it cnce, you will noverfnil to keep it in the house. 0 . M. Iitdgway. The peoplqof Lincoln, Nch., tmast of having the largest creamery in the world. Its enpneity is 30,000" pounds of hutter a day. An Editor Of Clarence, Iowa, Mr. Clark Smith, writes "Since ths agency of I)r. Cald well’s Syrup Pepsin was established here I have been a user of what I can call "that excellent medicine.' For a year or more I have been troubled with constipation, indigestion, dyspep sin, etc., and I find that this remedy [J. M . is Just what I have needed. O Ridgwny. Medway’s local option docsirt ben efit that village very much, ns her thirstv deniz.ens take the traction cars to Osboru aud fill up just the same. ThABrockton (M um .) Cuinpalgii l.lo Very Quickly Shown tin. The principal Bryan organ la the country recently refe-rml to Brockton aud other Mannachuse-tts cities a3 suf fering from great depression In man ufacturing, amt by way of specifica tion named the celebrated Brockton shoe factory of Douglas na having "closed down entirely, throwing thou sands out of employment." Now comes tho management of the concern named, with the statement that It has not h>'n» closed mid It will not be for a ctnnl-* day. barring accidents; that 4t(j lutaiiiora la one-third larger than a yci.' ago; and the Brockton Times nays that •'at wj all thl3 great country erw there be found a more skill,vd, Letter paid and catlafie-J lot of union nhoeuiakt rs than In this came" factory, which is running full every day, instead of shutting down entirely, «3 the now York Journal ctatod for <s»iipa*gii jiairpMW. How To Gain Flesh Persons hove been known to gain a #Nxmdf * day by taking an ounce of SCOTT’S EMUL- i*on everyhot «f the gamins LaxativeBromo^utaiiie tie remedy tfc*t ****** * «*M m * m #*y SION, it is strange, but it often happens. Somehow the ounce produces the poundi it seems to start the digestive machinery going prop* eriy, so that, the patient Is able to digest and absorb his ordinary food* which he coutd not do be fore, and that is the way the gain fs made. A certain amount of flesh is necessary for health; if you have not got it you can get it by taking i t t 9* ruM h d iB The time of year J* near at hand when you will want gate bill*, come hi amt examine m r work ami prk*#« Y*« wH( fM Mk»t m i»«M In mrwm Iif you art thriving«pM am In ttfainAmt MiAtA. «• in wvnvfr#unv it don’t <topb*ca***th*wtatMrl*warm. *«, *11(JfKggfeM. aOOttA Ornnht*,HewY«*rtt, C A S T T h e K in d T o il H av e Alwnya B o u g h t, and w k k ft ha* b a m in ua© for oyer 3 0 year*, h a s born e th e s i p a t a r e o f and lia s b e en m ade und er Ilia p er - jKwtidjM^erviaion'iritod* i& itfmQ r* - — - ■ ------- '.j^b r iV n a itmM tod^ A ll Counterfeit*, Im itation* auad « Junt-totoMnod** *r ®1* u£ Experiment* th a t trifle w ith e u d endangar Jiaeltb o f Infant* and CUUdren-Exporienoe aga in st flxpealmant. ■ r ‘j W' - 1 ' What is C A S TO R IA Castoria. Is a harmless substitute for Castor OW* Bnrd* gorier Drops and Soothing Syrups* I t Is P lciw n t* I t contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other NwrcotiO snhstance. Its age Is its guarantee* ' I t destroys’Worm* and allays Feverishness. I t cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. I t relieves Teething T r o u b le s / Cares Constipation and Flatulency. I t assim ilates the Food, regulates th e Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children’s Fanaceo-T |to Mother’s Eirlend. G E N U I N E C A STO R IA A L W A Y S B ea rs th e S ign a tu re o f TheKindYouHareAlwaysBought In Use For Over 3 0 Years. THCCCNTAUnCOMPANY, I t MO""»V•TKKT, MeWVOM1CITV. f'jz ssa ♦ ♦ ♦ H u lu itin ♦ ♦ ♦ JfJLL the new weaves of,goods has been re ceived from best importers. Golf Skirting Plaid Back, 37AC. Chiviots, Pebble Grain, Storm Serges, Poplins, Whip Cords, Covert Cloths, Prunelle, &c. Wrapners—Tea Gowns. No use to make up when good qualities .as you can make at 65c, 85c, $1.00. Eton Suits. Golf Capps. Jacket. Rolling in for Fall Sales. Hosiery. •Among nice assortment the Black Cat Brand for Boys and Girls School Stocking. Uhdeiwear. Although quite an advance, prices, same as last year. Skirts and Colored Petticoats, Muslin Underwear- corset Covers, Night Gowns and Skirts. Sheeting Muslin. Good Yard Wide 5c. H u t c h i s o n # Q i b n e y CHURCH DIRECTORY U. 1*. liurcti-—Itov. J. V. .Mellon, lVtpt«r. services at Halt) a. in. Knlilmlli ^elnn.l at 10 n. m< Covenanter Church—Rev. it. J.Sanderson, pastor. Regular services at 11:00 It, (ft, Snli- liath School nt 10a. m. U, I*.Chare!:--l’ev. P, O, Ross, pastor. Ser vices nt l(h!!0 a. m ..:nl 7:ftfl ji , ia, Snhhnth .School nt Q.-oOa. ni. stanilat.) time. A.M. K. Church—Rev, Mr, Maxwell, l'ns- tor Preaching nl IhtH) n. in. unit 7:60 p. ni. Class every-rtiMinth at 12:30, Pahbnth Pehool at 3:00 p. in. 1’rieinls atul visitors c.mlialty invited, M. R. Cliuft-li—liev. A, V. Mnddost, l’nstor. Preaehimf at 11:0(1 turn. Sabbath School nt 9:45 r.«m.. Young People's meeting nt 6:15 p. m, Prayer meeting Wcdnocdny evening at 7:30. . Iiaptist Churc-t.—Rev. (tcorge Washington, pftstorof tho Rnplist church. Preaching at II a. in. and 7:30 p. in. Sahhath School at 2;30 p.m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday night nt 7:30. Everyone invitod’ $500 REWARD) We will pay tho above reword for any rase of Uvcr Complaint. Dyspepsia, Sic!: Ilcnd- ache, Indigestion, Constipation or Costivr-ne.-.s wo cannot core with l.iverttn. the ttp-to Date Little Rtrer I'ill,when the directions are strict ly compiledwith. They nre purely Vegetable and never fait to give entiafnetion, 25c boxen contain 1fi» Pills, 10aboxes contain 40 Piils, 5c boxc* contain 1.5 Pills. Rawnro or substitu tions and imitations. Sent by limit. Stamps taken. NERVITA MEDICAL CO„ Cor. Clinton nnd Jnchstin Sts., < tiicngn, III, Por sale tiyC. M.l’idgway, drnf»gi,-t, Cedar- vi!)c, Ohio. V^f)l.Tcan always find at i [ * old reliable Meat Sltop ! C t W , G r o u s e r s i Choice Beef, . Pork Sausage, Veal/ Lard, Bologna, Wencrwust, Bacon, Hams, Sugar Cured Shoulders. PILES CORED WITHOUT THE IHIFE! Yonr druggest, whomyon know to ho reliable will tcli yon that ho is authorised to refund tho money to every purchases’where Pf'/O OINT MENT fdla fa rwfo nny paro nf itch iNn. BLIND, DLEEDINtJ, or PROTtirD»NtJ PILES, no matter«! tuiw longatanflih*. Cttica ordinary cases ia sia days, «ne tinvtkatton f r iveacase and rest, fteiieve-’ tithingInMatiVlyl n»u tits is a newdiscovery and iavoidon a posi* PinrineiioliL Ohio, tivoguarantee. N« (hire. No Pay. pVico, 1 ^ ’ $1.09. i-or saio by P, M. RUgway. ■-j A few pah'ri of extra line IlyncG left. Will close out ofc a low jutVe. Dorn, The Itiii iif .*•<Man. -r.rte c^r„v,~2a. -Ifyotl want anythintt ihhii I, ) c 0 lo drAy#, „ ‘ BlueFront Ruble. , yotiP ItorecH (hero mu ) vottt rig* hi' kpjit on thp inside, out oi’the vain fiinl Atorin. 20 N. fanmiiiin Avenue, O, ofHewYork the ea feetIn surance Uowitoy to injure your properly in, B s c ^ it is the larger!, company in making * apecialty of iuouriue and . V i n t a g e p»i*rty J H F i r e , L i g h t n i n g and Torm. d o e s . It* agents <lo not h*ve u apologise to it* policy holden tLeir prOl>erty i* dealroyed, became C om p a n y P a y s th e Ossh immediately and without delay, Write to me or call at my office fo, testimonial* from my own outtomen throughout Greene, Clark, M*diao» and Fayette counties. Office open every day in the week, W. L. CLEMANS. AQBNT, Cwlnrville, : Ohio. th e o f Homer G. Wade, Office Manager.. Where to Locate? ’ Why, in the Territory Traversed by the. . . . Louisville « S e Nashville Railroad --- TU B -- t a t M r a l Southern Truukliie IN- K K N T U C K Y . T EN N E S S E E , A L A B A M A . ' M ISSISSIPP I, F L O R ID A . WHERE Farmers, F r u it Growers, ■ S tock Ra isers, Manufaelurert, Inven tors, Speculators | and Money Lemlert will find tho greatest chalice* in the liniot Slates to Inakc -b ig money” hy reason of the 1abundance nnd cheapness of LARD AHD FARMS. TIMBER AMD STOIE, IROBAMDOOAL. . LABOR-EVERYTHIiraf Free sites, financial assistance, nnd freedom from taxation, for the mnnuftctuier. j “ Land, and farm* at $1.00 tier acre anil'**. wards', and ftOO.OOO-acrcs in West Flerida tiist can bo taken gratis unde'r U. S. llumcstMi laws. i ■ Stockraising in tliQOulf Coast District wilt timkc enormous profits. Half far# ncanlex tka First aid Third Tuesday* af atoh maith,. Let ua know what you want, and we will tel! you where and how io get it—but don't delay, as the country is filling up rapidly. Printed matter, maps and all infonnstloe free, Address, B.«J. WEMYS8, General Immigration and Industrial Agt, Loalsrllls, laatacky. Exchange Bank CEDARV ILLE , OHIO, A CCOUNTS o f Merchant* and In- * * dividual* solicited. Collection* promptly made and remitted. T lRA F T S on New York and Cin- * * cinnati sold a t lowest rates. The cheapest an;l most convenient way to send money hy mail. * ' OAN8 made on Real Estate, Pet* 4 sonal or Collateral Security. William Wildman, Pres., Seth W , Smith, Vice Pres., W. J . WUdman. Caifcwr, THE- 4*Arcade Photograuher + Givo uh n trial and ' inccd. ho eott- FRANK II. DEAN. A ttoustey at L aw . 41 E. Maingtl Xenia, O, Is the most reliable and Strictly Up-to- date Artist in the city— Springfield, O. NERVITA PILS K*rimVM*%,LMtYl^ea«4MMhtod OntoIa»*<>toi*»y,W*Mlmiotona. h m ofM*to M id i ’ s Restaurant * andDiningRaoms >nj a l «nd Limestone street, - 60 M U l ru: 60 m ................ ......... VMlWlfM■CflW*«- T ^ U a l to BXTm iRHNfljg nWTHfl 1wPWiw Buuiif fria«w tot*iw,i m m m * rnm*> I* i f tS S i a n a u w iH M ia to M U l Unii - J g jM A J g M e M - c O a. , , .. _ , It* flats »*y IV M, HWgwwif. < fltHfM L, Tom», Prop I Sdmlllt, Ohhi lA fjtttilf i PBF . . / jK iC U R lit..' *.. . 1 *»-lWK..0«l 11 V:,- *»’»<'* e.’fi ' F . *»k ,i’MS.;*- W *-IM lit • t <Jj'iwl* 1 1 X 3 MM ’ orV v 1V»-i (, »»•' ill>v-!i luff 1 J I „• * -•» tf*-.iiCCl I f , . ih*. til i-Mcr, J b*. ‘-K of , .1, i.v " *’i into: I 1 <1-s -.too! to t, *«l 4 h ’'<* »»■.'*'. Mi*;: £ . -nr‘;7 „ t 'f.Mcbrtf*rj f f,.’ ..U> * lift i 7 ,, ,Jf GIJl.'ifG L ud Iw .1 r, , it ■«v u t. J * r.?;tr.^i. 1 U‘U<« i»iJ *i * ft - ' WA» d ejtbl i*tr * rv* ♦*Iil’s . .i ..’ fit 1.03 f 3, •1,.l itvl '-»>i -i t<-;iiu jf t'u‘ 'i*'*!b i a * * • * ; rMhsyriGhl <. .* . ;.r *.-vs ' l :iu *t„ l : CHICHESTER’ W Y R O Y i <<£*•**' CO^ ■afc. /Alivny-Hix-llubli!. I.*u TiKt'iiKMi’UUMacK«i.' tiuM metallic tjaxus, seali- 'Sakesu other. KsItMc i l*U»n*amI<HiltKil«Rii.: «r ipnd■*«. to »4uaij>ifor »* NUfolal. owl -Relief fui byrctMi-Riniwll.’t .ailliniKKist*. , OHICHESTEIi mus a lso MsSfMlil X,um-i-. M»<iilitn,lbl. i P a t E _E) i r f v f f w ^ CO Anyonalandingasketchai **ntfr*e. Oldest aaency---- P*tw»t* takes tbroucli it mecMnetk*. Without cbnrco, SckfililkUr Ahandaomely lltuatrated wci eulatton of any sclontiuc Jmt fe*rt_fo«rraonlhs.lL Soldi "]n 36t6ro*dv ,«** V BUW. PATE Ckveatt,aud rsde«Msrkiol enlbusinessconductedior m O ur osner in appoint u. mdwecansecurepatent inI remotefromWashingtor. ;- Sandmodel,drawingorpli tion. We advise, Upstental ou< charge. Ourfeenotd etill t a N*lteHttT.“*I 0 W topbt ' <# same intheU.S. am coat . rent free. Address, O .A .SNOV os#. W avcht O rnct, W« litialSlWI toThePatsutIt i C l n u l n n a ennsulva la tto t s f w w . r Wostwar tolRIgtoM Alton......... y , Jederaoi i toidoa IWharleatoi Mm* .... ;*danMlle.. W llberforc* t . 's l a ... J Jrring V» l «.>xanna. utxan n Wayneavi Jmgonla J;)riAric!( Morrow.. Je. Leban toyeland Milford.. llS tw Sir* IMilford Itoreian *AUb: Mdrrov/ W. Am •jatoiii IJJnyncf Ijaxaoii I torlng 1 I tfola, I SSJtofl ISr."
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