The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 27-52

[ e I f e t ' q l d . i i . t t * . i n i . yjMj t amt* * flararaa Qmmi *al4» lMara.wafer* m s t . fg , - Mr* Wry**,witii attMl ife ifciMtoftii I hww * fewd to attack tiro Chinas* fatiey o f Praasfeat McKinley. “ ImpariaKara is ih* life ih iof to be I m M c TIn tha United Htatea."~-PrMi' feat Scbuman, o f Cornell Univejr* ***** ' ■ Yh* Democratic National Com- taUte* ought to contribute largely to the fund for lb# support o f the strik­ ing c#*l miners. Once to a great white,an awful tit* Calvaatoo horror cornea along to teach «• that iaapffta o f tb§ ejruteawe are*11brothem, glad to lend a lidpinghand to those who need it. Slowly but surely New York ir, dii- jfeefc# London as the world*! finan­ cial center. Theplacing o f a German loan in New York the other day fur* alwhed additional evidence o f the change. - The Philippine Coraroiaaion iapre paring to ape*td#1,000,000 to improve the ManUa dockt, without aaking the oonwpt o f thePhilipiuoa. My. Bryan •book} not overlook this flagrant in- ntunoeo f governing without the con* •epfc o f the governed. - i » ;’iretiwti _eitiser itswellbeing or It*self-respect, it can-1 ttotaflbrd to plunge into financial and i economic ohans; it cannot afford to endorse governmental theories which THE01BSOUKfc Captain Jafcn T* lUpar Tafea ef Tkfer V im , T iXY n u m w i T m a vL z r , We Wwwaa ** ffi**iaaAar Ifetoi W*mm . Itmm w Tfc# t->»M*w»t M*a few*#* ffiteWi#a Tww ffiararafle j»fe a f l iaii. '#*•» SriawUtofemn. Oaa at the reeaoaa why tie ota ad- Clara will (aurally support Mr. Mo* Kteley to that they are mm tie (rtn- aHwaoredfeca o f Ito i t l f e awl tl«r want ao ragwatotloa o f tla fnflebtefi- w t* fittest ortediract; ao tayrimw t with tla dollar in w ife they aare to tw paid which to likely to nduoe it* vaiaa la this demand they are not aeliah.* Tiny atoafl tor .tie llghaat tna at matkmal kraar. «»u> lim it to a aaaa war* tor paying tie boadloid- am to tkc bad doltor thara waa to M Roundon earth. The peaalousoRmany are too small now, and to oat them la two by maklac tie ailver dollar tla standard, would bringmany dependent pensioner# to absolute want and dis­ tress Another reason why tie old soldiers will vote for McKinley, to that their patriotism to oftbat robust, confident nature flat fears nothi&c and b pea all things for the nation, and that na­ tion's influence on the freedom and happiness of the whole, world, They .have seen the happy elect of their Victory In the sixties la their own country extend to other nations, in In­ creased freedom andprivllegc to all the common people, and the weaken* log of the power and Influence of tyr­ ants to the uttermost bounds of the earth. To them the American flag to the emblem of hop* and freedom to the oppressed to every dime,' and when It was unfurled to.Mswati, Potto Rico, Guam -and .the Philippines, It meant that the freedom of the great west had invaded—to stay—the dark domain of the far .east, the home of ignorance, superstltlon and tyranny. They are are-not appalled by the temporary dis- feaiM m m m rnm km m . F* M» 'Higgtoi, Editor Seneca* (lUs..) Kewi, was atitofed for year* with JPUaa that go feotor or remedy Meed uutil ke triadBewkteu'aArnkw Halve, the beet in the world. He writes, two bodes wholly cured him. Infallible for Fite*. Gum gunraataad. Only 25c. JBoJd ter Bidgway AOo., druggiM. " TbaaaflrapopuUtiauof tka ktoba is apwari o f 1,4^,000,000, o f whom ^5^214,000 die every rear, 90,460 TMXJHT E E J T K M E 3 . would unsettlethe standard o fnational 1 . m , , .a, ‘ a|»lG*UV UJ W<3^GUIVl»»lJ UIM" konesty and destroy the integrity o f I OTder. ,n ^ Philippines; they look be- Oursystem o f justice.*’—Gov. Boose* |yond that to the centuries of order. veil- OHIO EDITORIAL COMMENT* Carl Schurc la shifty. It la amaslng, mo, thathe ahonld attempt to be dsnl- . tog wlth a thoughtful ctou of people uritom hft’vtoteiida. to toaferPayton Jhttmal. -lia'*"Wwech; 'ac-iBatfi, Ma,\Cottgrasa« toan JM^fleht totonred-to^toeChicago platform of istt, which was reaffirmed at Kansas £<&.«»: “that con^Omeriita -aasrchlam,' Altgeldlsm, Coxeylam, higbwaymanlam, lt-to-l-Um, Bryan- tern, ralae-the-devll-in-geaeraltsm.” — Youngstown Telegram. The full dinner pall has shout the 'asaW'afteetm* tiryan and copperhead toWtora- as A red-lag has on a butt Mryan'i sole answer waa an Insult to IfeCr- Tito man, whoalatata to bathe *Weeond Unwin,” .said to a rneech at Wheeling lhhtaday: “When the hog trough to filled the- hog la satisfied; yto*n it to mnpty be aauaato.Mr-Clrcle- vill* UnSon-Merald. . It iheKW'-waa. mn.pritoldeBt,flaihpaigU- how we would probably vitas** the same ualflaallott o f views over the as- t u 0 f the preahtout of the tlnltsd Btatto to iufeiiaiag tie honor of the Aauetoen.vfeg.-asd tka.dlgnltr of tka AiMrtoawnattow In GUfln tket was witnessed when ere weat to war witk ffipafk.tWo.yea** fed,' It'la aimply ba- *e*flae oka party deatoes to (day poli- . tiea tkat tt dertiea tke party to power ffiw deisg What every right-thinking . mm -knows should, ’have been dona— flffiUltootb* <tosett#i We read that in diflereat localittee flker* ne*..being orgaaiaed MFtr»t Vol­ ar*' Cjube," in which the members are pledged to ««t* for McKinley and Roosevelt That la all very well, but uhtb or ao dab, we adVtoe the first vetora to vote the RepubUcan ticket ktotsec we greatly. nMatodge .the atom* o f the rimes, they will be pcovd.ot ft, as oM men are now proud of the fact that In lit# they voted tor Abraham t lueota.—wamtogtok Seputolcan The Decnocratk cry o f "iap«rklUmH la not aroMing.tte American people te rito decree that Its authors antic*- pated. end the leaden me beafnaiag to wander it they ffidk't make k asto- tob* to diiiiiiattog that ea the Mpa*a< meant immi* There feeewot seem to ' Peaky fit material it the ffaaeas Ctty gfettotwi tor ^paraaeoantey/' and it mm yet h» naieeasry to rth p it tie wheiadhlag to the rear and; ookduct flbe tompeign «pnk the only dear sad wntt denied policythat the party'had—' to every govemuneatal to pettey, wet heeaeae of usm * ewke m * mertsad. ttaWaolitv toflaflyflyVMPWrewafl, ww— tomes* they amaaati frem a ffieputo- i« ik seutne.—Xtotok flwekffire fltote, Ye^ Akftot Blower etill ha# the ; eel* o f any medicine la toe ***$#. Yen* mothers* and j femtfeeettoto mem toefebt o f using imytktogfee to r Indlgestlow nr JWi- ‘ Doeters were ecarce, and -eetfem itoard o f Appendid lie, iPiwtoratkm or Heart failure, me. They need, Aaguet Hewer to atota eat fee agfetot and atnjp fermea- afeLuta 'seJf'mim■ftommtfmrTfaeui 'temtoaniiia am . ffiBVNM'toV lOUic* Xw||iKp|tolMto flton o f t i t Aver, etlatuktte toe tar* liberty, progress and prosperity which are sure to follow the flag. They are not worried nor frightened by tbe cry of imperialism, nor tbe deceitful ,talk about "the consent of the governed,** They heard all that threshed over for four long and weary years a third of k century ago, when that great-hearted prince o f the common people, the emancipator Lincoln, was denounced M a hateful tyrant and wicked usurp­ er who waa.seektag to subvert the lib erttea of the people, and make himself >ait emperor, A third reason why they will sup­ port MCKInley la that he fs their com rade, and bears their interests and wel­ fare In mind as only a comrade can. He may not have done all that each one might with, and in the way that each thought best, or. alt that he might have done if t o had not the weight of a war on his mind, Involving provi­ sion for ita auecaaaful prosecution, and .great and intricate Questions o f re­ sponsibility and statesmanship. But to baa not been neglectful of his com­ rade*. everything that. the Grand Army baa asked for officially turn been grant­ ed so f*r a* than has been time and opportunity. The law of 1810 was amended in the exact words proposed by the Philadelphia national encamp- U it, and every national commlttee.of that order having anything to do with legislation, or with the administrate tkm of laws for the benefit of veter­ ans; reported to the national encamp- ment al Chicago the active Interest of the president In promoting the. pur­ pose of their appolntaunt. The civil service regulations were amended by bpssldent McKinley as re­ quested by the committee, ao that aid* filer* Vrho wore removed from office tor political reasons wers reinstated, Sad tha removal of a veteran from pub­ lic employment without cause was for- bklden; and when the committee re­ turned at a later date to report that this reghlatloc wAs aot being fairly administered, he promptly Issued an older that so veteran should be re­ moved without a hearing, and until the pteefdeut had himself examined and approved -the papers. Dock any­ one suppose that Mr. Bryan would thus Intsrpoee to protact the veterans Of a war which to more than half dis­ approves, and for Whom to baa never yet toned time to say a kind word? Ho man ever heard from McKinley, or the typical young American who la his ruaalag mate, ok* uaktofi or fife- respectful word Of the veteran, or of the cuuee which glvee him character Sad standing. Ho man ever heard of ,*k# Had or gratae*] word tor attker 'from Mr* toyam hr Ha raanlfe mate, the organiser o f the Bkwmlngtoo, ill., Knights of the Golden Circle, Mr. ferym li distinctly wnfrtendly, Ha 'feint oaf to Juts way so editor of to* (tonka 'Worifi-Hsrald, to charge that peniioaa at* a fraudklsttt debt, Hba* 'eeuee ft wafc never earaafi fly any act 'o f patriotism or torole aertioo.** He Itorged that tho aoifiiara Were hoMtof up.fed robbing tho gorera- mouL awl noted With a atoer of oft- dfet racret ‘ their remarkaUo longer- iftr.w Meet Of them will take pleasure .Ik living Sdfe otofeh to: east another vote afeteot putting onto r a n in the prmfdsktlal chair. JOilHTBAFlB. antfeoum, o . j mti ifekitfl fetfet oft to system ttot fc aft tkey toek urh r wuj K jAifeii I flfiIfifirtpv-npJHIWfT ijf , tooliat ^ in i wwy iwwwiivFvwfinwpi fn feMaxie^toifit ymfWWm • m WVwVwg nfefliliHMi iml mUh feteIf C IK. Mjgwkjr. Vi k Wifew Meteert Itotkar* o f children aflkctw! with oroup or a aavote cold need not toil life to administer Ghamtoriain’a Go«fk Romodljr* It cohltitoriOfetett , «• » * . .war naraotio In any term and way to to thetoh*asto - r *® 11 aSSIfe*WHL T to great mmm ttot toa you* Yor fg ffin fe i Its um te tto treatmmitof feMaafki’.flfw p too mm terittto sitokkfefek -xA»i L^a MPffi pV fe I* MIVIPMIIVPEI Ajartefe^IfetoriiMHrt tto tfahoA tlmm and la I pNMK Wm fePfe wf. v< avarj fey , 4,030 every tour, 107 ev­ ery minateamtl Stands fraetkmaveiy second; ■■ •'I.iWi.M|Bi)iani.ii,|r ' is BMW - O f Clareoce, lows, Hr. ('lark Smith, writer **Since tbs agency o f Or, Oald- well's Byrup Fepeiu was eetsWiehed tore I have been a user o f what I can cell ‘ that excellent medicine.' For « year or more I have been troubled with constipation, indigestion, flyapep- am, etc., and 1 find that this remedy O, M. isjust what Kidgway, I have needi^f. Lymph taken from the lymphatic glands of goats is now being tried in cases o f apoplexy. IS*Jlrsvny ofW«mu Was grandly shown by .Mrs. ig of Butier, Pa., in a John Dowlin three years’ struggle witha*malignant stom­ ach trouble that caused distressing attacks o f nauseaand indigestion.' All remedies failed to relieve her until she tried Electric Bitters. After tak­ ing It two mouths, she wrote: “ I ani now wholly cured and cau eat any­ thing. It is’triily n.grand tonic for the whole system as I gained in weight and feel much stronger since using it.” It aids digestion, cures dyspepsia, Improves appetite, gives new life. Only 50c. Guaranteed, at Bidgway & Co* drug store. Boad improvement has begun in the Philippines, with money collected j from customs at Manila. . klfHiaUCAM MtAHUftf GOESTwVHf LIMITOf- aaytfem **r«a««r 'Mm* U«v« *«.•«*»>» f * t w U**»!■«* %f to* Vfc* Out Hut* UiifM* ItvCiritHi MMwila to tfe Way M sapiMiri. “Tb* itepublipaa tarty has so ram- fey for trusts,” says Ur. Bryan In one of his latestapssebe*. Vat in the same apasch, hp shows that ha knows about the Republican bill passed by tbe Houss to suppress trust* to tbe ut­ most lteait of U m legal right of Cmx- grau, a*4 sustained by the votes ot thaBryanparty them. U it,was Wrong why filfi they not vots against it? if ft 1s right, why fioas he make such a statement? He also shows In the same speech that ha knows of tha constitutions! amendment proposed by the Republi­ cans to give the very power to Con­ gress, that the Democratic judiciary committee long ago reported to to lacking, and that the Democratic Chief Justice of tbe United States Supreme Court officially decided to be needed. Against this the only point of opposi­ tion that Bryan’s party could make was that it might cross the sacred line of state rights, so dear to the Demo cratic heart; and for that secession heresy the Bryan party te ready to sacrifice even government control of the. trusts, ...t amendment proposed to lodge Jn Congress the power to define, regn late, control, prohibit or dissolve trusts, monopolies, or combinations, Tka Republicans gave X49 votes for,it —the Democrats and'Populists 5 votes for it; the Democrats and Populists gave 219votes against it—the Republi­ cans only 2 against It The Democrats and Populists laughed when it lacked tho required two-thirds; and now comes Bryan cry­ ing out, "Congress rauBt co-operate with the states In preventing the or­ ganization of any Interstate mon­ opoly." Yet he must know that this cannot to done without a clear and strong constitutional amendment, such as he himself advocated at Chi­ cago only a tew months ago. Sup s Mint*, And consider if the pills (no matter j v*ur what kind) you have taken for your constipation have really done you any { rood. Are you not. more and more iable to this trouble? Try Dr. Cald­ well’s Syrup Pepsin, if you want sure relief, 10doses lO cents, also in 50c! and 01.00 sizes C. M. Bidgway. TheJapanese inPekin havearrested the assassin "of Baron von Ketteler. He declared the Chinese Government I ordered the murder. fete TearRaart TlntUn, That is not heart disease. That is j no terrible heart failure; that is indi­ gestion, the prime cause o f all short | breath and sudden' jumping o f the | heart which so frequently follows an exertion* o f any kind. Go to the! Drug Store. Get a bottle o f Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, No more | need to said lor after you use it ooee, you Will never fail to keep it in the i house. C. M. Bidgway. Hiss HelenGould notified the army officials in New York that she would tend, at tor own ' expense, 50,000 rations to distressed families in Gal­ veston and the hurricane-swept dis­ trict. . Ou-MirfltXiii Conies from onr neighbors* A neigh­ bor o f Joe Crook's o f Bridgton, Indiana, told him o f Dr. Cald­ well's Syrup Pepsin. He is cured o f | a case o f Indigestion that kept him down 12 yean. Hr.,Crook wishes us j to refer anyone to him who doubt* | the wonderful cure he found In Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin, which has I gained an honorable foothold as a true | remedy for Constipation, Indigestion, Sick Headache and Stomach Trouble, C. M. Bidgway, OVER IN CHINA •t Democrat!* Co*do*»n»Uon of frMMilit Oar Clmon*. President Low's remark at Colum­ bus that he had yet to meet the first man, be he Democrat or Republican, who filfi not applaud tbe attitude of tbe national administration In the Chinese matter and who would not ad­ mit that but for the Spanlsh-Amerlcan war and the possession of the Philip pine islands, which had come to America as one of the accidents of that war, the United States would have had to appeal to some foreign power to protect our ministers and missionaries In China. Unfortunately, campaign exigencies have moved some Democrats "to In­ dulge in ugly criticisms of the admin­ istration for its promptness in defense of American officials and citizens in China. They have even damned that McKinley's use of troops in China to rescue Conger and American mission­ aries and business then there, in the very imminence of their peril, with­ out waiting for congress to convene, with a delay that would involve their death, was itself evidence of imper­ ialism, Those Democrats have doubtless for­ gotten tha former Democratic plat­ form declaration for "tha assertion of American nationalitywhich shall com­ mand tile respect of foreign powers.” McKinley having done what Demo­ crats demand, what are they' kicking about? a* •• a* »* « « *• * * "WHERE IS MCKINLEY’S : PROSPERITY?” ASKED THE : EDITOR OF AH OREGON DEM- ; OCRATIC PAPER IN A LONG : ARTICLE, AND THE LOCAL DE- : PARTMENT ANSWERED IT ON ; ANOTHER PAGE IN TWO : LINES: “THERE IS NOT IN BA* : KER COUNTY AN IDLE MAN : WHO WANTS TOWORK.” •a ee a* Potato bread is now extensively! used In Thuringia, Germany, to feed horses especiallp when they are | worked,hard in very cold weather. The animals thrive on it, and their | health and strength are excellent. IMini BtttYa Aprils. Only a roaring fire enabled J. M. Garretteon, o f Ban Antonio., Tex., to lia down. when attacked by Asthma, from which he suffered for years, Ho writes his misery was often ao great hat it seemed he endured the agonies oi death; but Dr, King’s NewD mcov - ery for Consumption wholly cured tim. This marvelous medicine is the only known cure; for Asthma aswell as and all roubles. Price 50cand 01,00. Guar­ anteed. Trial bottles tree at Bidg­ way A (Vs. Drug Store. Over $500,000,040 more in American savings banks this McKinley year than In the last Democratic year of 1800, Ore 0,000,000 depositors know that Bryan’s election attacks thetr savings, and have no vote for him. The sale of scats for the Sacred Concert tomorrow at Music Hall, |Cincinnati, is tho largest that that house has had for a number o f years. Don’ t Dot TUn If I Consumption, Coughs and Colds, i f . . . , , Throat. Cheat and Lung IG et fat I g et mcc plump; ■~"J “ r,-“ - there is safety in plumpness. Summer has tried your food-works; winter is coming to try your breath-mill. Fall is the time to brace yourself, But weather is tricky; look out 1 Lookout for colds cspec tally, Scott’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is the subtlest of helps, ft fs food* the easiest food in theworld; it ,fe more thanfood» ithelps you digest In New York Slate 010 persona fere killed and about 40,000 wounded n the factories last year. In the war with Spain 200 Americans.were killed and 1,557 wounded. Based on these figures, the total killed and wounded aumtaUy In the industrial pumuits in b* United Buts* would he 20,000 tilled and 900*000 wounded, 1 ifeafeHlh£4f itehfeftjfeLfeifefl fife .J a j bspyw w-roaeflsv wow wHfi October 1st and 2d tor all trains, »ad tor trains scheduled to arrive at ndiaaapolis before 12,00 noon Onto- ] y^w food , and g e t inure nutri her fid* Excursion tickets will be sold m en tfr om i t to Indianapolis tor Quadrennial Gon-j D o n ’t g e t thin, th em h vfettow National Association Darnel ftftfety in p lumpness. Man orotic dubs* valid lor return trip un -1 woman and child, til Friday, October fitk I Jm «***« ‘nmauaslifara tor all. W t ife «t**—I . ^ . mammmm | a JLy*&magifew 1 fefer jFlYPPr^^1 tffi IW m ^feMWa | , iHPI SWtMfc. BrtWWJ Yt'Tis^rf tity;*' CASTOR IA T lfe IHari Y on ITnya A lsr»y» m r i wdrtife X im »«affi fa w e fo r aver 8 0 year#, Ira* Bonus th e s fea feare feT - a a d h a i 3»eeaaufeeafeU r | is sonalewpervietoa timee f t i faif waoy. -' * ' w w w A D ow iH M a e to fiM tiT eyon la tife A ll Counterfeit#, JroUatlow and “ Juat-aia-good'* a re X hs U HxiMMtifeenfe tifeh trifla w ith and — tinffip arttoi JimHh aC JmOmtM amt agabrnt f l i f s i l a w t . W h a t is C A S T O R 1 A Castor!* Is a harmless snhatftmte lb r Orator OU» Vmm- f gorle» Drop* and Soothing: Syrnpa, I t In F leaeamt, X i contains neither Opium, Morphine n o r eth er Narcotle suhstanee. Ita sg e fa its groaraatee. I t destroys Worm* end allays Feverishness. I t cures IHarrhcea. amd W ind Colic. I t relieves Teething: Trouble*, cures Constipation end Flatulency. I t asaimllates the F ood , regulates the Stomach and Bowels* giving healthy and natural sleep* The Children's Fanaeea—The M other's Friend* GENUINE C A S T O R IA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of H e Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Oyer 30 Years. T H E < 9 E N T . II * « 0 * . . N V , T » W U R II.T « T » CC T , N E W T M * « T ». . . . J S u i u n i i i S u i t i n g s . . . spmfemtefe!>femwam*fe'TqrafiiumteN|Mi^j^^rj^-r t iMj^a^iiwan]jjjiEi|Marai^*mWaairaMwnwaaera' T I I v L th e n ew w e a v e s o f g o o d s h a s b e e n re - / ■ c e iv e d fr om b e s t im p o r te r s . G o lf S k ir t in g P la id B a ck , 37 .se. C h iv ic t s , P e b b le G ra in , S to rm S e rg e s , P o p lin s , W h ip C o rd s , C o v e r t C lo th s , P ru n e lle , & c . . ■ v-. -.;■■ . .- Wraposrs—Tea SG¥/ns. N o u se t o m a k e tip w h e n g o o d q u a lit ie s a s y o u c a n m a k e a t 65 c , 85 c , $ 1 . 00 . Eton Suits. Golf Capes, docket. R o llin g in fo r F a ll S a le s . Hosier/; . A m o n g n ic e a s so r tm e n t th e B la c k C a t B ra n d fo r B o y s a n d G ir ls S c h o o l S to c k in g . Underwear. A lthough quite an advance, prices sam e as last year. Skirts and Colored Petticoats* Muslin Underwear- Corset Covers, N igh t G ow ns and Skirts. Sheeting Muslin. Good Yard W id e 5 c. H u t c h i s o n 0 ( j i b n e y CHURCH DIRECTORY 11. P« Iinrch— R o t . J. V. Moitoo, I’nssur. «crvioos at Il-.Ctl a. m. SalibatSi Scboal al 10a, m, Covoaai.tcr Cburcb—Ilov, IV.J.gandtrsMj, [>nptor. tlcgalar cor,icep, at! J: 0 t)a, ta. I>a1l> nf lita. i.i, ir. P. CEiorob—Lev. t\0, Ilr.js, jiSslor. Str* viro 30 t a, a 7:il0 p. ta, S.ilitcit’iI Htbtiolat 0 ;uU a, m. stauil^cu time, M. R. Cliarcb—Ucv, A. Hamilton, Poster. Pfeachin;: at H:O 0 k . iq . SabbathHc-htriT at 9:15 a. tit. Toorig l'c&plo's tootling atG:45 p. in. Prajror mealing Wednesday evening At ,U„ t ['• >.1 • KHiUilLUWUHJi . L PrayermeetingeveryWednesdaybight atTjSO. Evoryono invited. A.M. E. Charch—llov, Mr, Maswtll, I’as tor Preaching at 11:C!>a. ta. and7:S0p. in, Class overySahhath at 12:30, SabbathSchool »t 3:00 j>,m. Primula And vlritora cordialty invited, 0900REWARD! Wewill pay the above reward far any rare of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Hide llen.l- Ache,Indigestion, Constipatijnor Oostivene;? weeattnotonto with Liverita, theUp-to-Dato LOtleLiver PilLwhenthedir^ffans tirestrict­ ly pomplifcjwith, ’theyare purely Vegetable- andnever fall to give sathafaetion. 3.1s Imxes contain I0UPills, Woboxes contain40Pill*, Ca boxes contain 13 PillB. llcwaro of aalstita- tlonsand'imitations. Hcut hy mail. Stamps taken. ^EP.VITA MEDICAL CO., Cor. Clintonanddadcsenfits., thicaga. Ill, PersaleLyC,M.Ehlgway, iiroggt*t, Ccdar- villc, Ohio, HLES CDlED WltHOtll TEE XMHEl Yoortltnggesf,whomyouknowtato reliable will tellyon thatheInauthorize':! torefundthe money toeverypurchaserwhereV15W OINT­ MENTfella- to care r,ny ease of ITt'lllNtl, BLIND, BLEEDINtI, it PUOTUrDtNti PILES,notnatterof howlasgsfandicg', Cures- ordinary t serau e»* day*. One ap/.liealiEft letsesseandrest, lielieve-i It.diinginatsotte, ;hhi 1 *anewdisr*vtryawdi?s,'.hJon a pnsi-; liveguatantt >\ No Cure, No Pay, Prise. J il.tiit. Pursalehy i\ M, liiJgway. I f you want nnvthtug t»teHl,jro to Gray *. ■ ■ H i' lima of y##r to mar at tottfe «MM||afeJL m Uttla vv irate gmmt y uaffiffifesa- - Daily Meat Market. Hmlcr the above firm name* the meat market of G. W. Crouse will be conducted. All product in the meat line will bo tho best that money dan buy, which fact combined with honest ond thorough business methods is enough aseurance to the public, who always want tho worth o f their money in every respect, When sending children, direct them to us; we always f.fve them the best they nsk for. GOODS DI3MVEKED Telephone No. 74, FKAMC H. DEAN. A ttorney at H aw , 41E. .Main St, Xenia* O* Adam’s Restaurant atid Dinin* Rooms * S ” lfoh£! w ”'“ *nn* JUuti 5;00*-i3. 7:00 H:tH) m ) 10:00 llsOC 12:00 Noon 1:00 », w. %m 3;00 4:00 5:00 . «;00 7:00 8;00 9:00 1O;O0 31:00 J^ave ■C;00«, ^ TM am 10,00 11:00 32.00 IW 3;oo »T r 2:0 ■’ ihm 4.00 5:00 0:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 Xenia office and wailing j;mn 4 BenlJl Detroit fit. Dayton and waiting rr*on», 15 West FifthKr ripiHtt-ite Pcricdfice, ’’ I'ito rtjifning time between Dauoa and Xenia :s um hear, i),-n-Jn>- if... Highlands, SmuhviJIe Bead, Zimier- nmii. Alpha, Troheins and hu-« Grove. ■- Davum to Xenia 17 miles, 15 ce'lte. Every other car combination j;* freight. Sundays and Holidays cars m# every half hour. Exchange Bank CEDABVILLE, OHIO, ACCOUNTS of Merchants andIn, .’**■ dividual* solicited. CoJlectinui promptly made and.remitted. TlBAFTS oil New York aud Cin* einuati sold at lowest rates. The cheapest and most convenient wav to send money by mail. T OAKS made on Beal Estate, Pei. sonal or CoIIuterol Security, William Wildman, Pres,, Seth W. Smith, Vice Pres.. W. J. Wildman, Cashier, Where to Locate? ■Why, IntheTerritory Tmwrecd bytho.... L o u i s v i l l e a s r a S v i l i e B a i l ro t : d mfm Bins frost s tib li. : ' I^avcyMitrhorwg thm and tour i * m m fit CM CfniraiSoiillicrnTniiiltihi IR—— . KENTUCKY, TENNESSEE, ALABAMA. MISSISSIPPI, FLORIDA, WHERE ■Farmery Fruit Grower^ Stock Raisers, Maimfaclunri, Inventors, Speeulmon and Money lemtm will findtho gicateit cliAttees in thel?»:M Statestomake“ big money*' by reaeonof lb abumUneeandeheapnei*of LAIDAID FARM*. TIMBER AID STORE, IRORARDGOAL. ^ XABOR-EVERlTHIIfl! Free financial ateietanee, «c<l rreetoi from taxation, for theinantifatfmcr. Land and fnrtos at$1.00 t>er a«e»«d»p- wards, andC00.003acre* in West PioridaIW canbo token gratia under15.8. ltorcutoi Iowa. Stcckraiilng in theGulf C'owtDitlrictwiK makeenormous profits. Halffar*exnrsieatinFirstnd Tkiri Twsidayief eaektacsth., Let Us know wbnt Jon want, anil wevil tell youwhere and how io get it—lotdelft del«r, a? thecountry. Is fillinguprapidly. Inoted tnatter, maps and alt infVrrsfw* free. Address, „ , , X. I. VEMTRS, wetsetal ImmigrationandIndustrialAft. Drainilk,Reatstkj, F O X , -T«E- Arcade PLotograDher-f Is the m ost rrlifthk and S tr ictly U p-to- date A rtist in flu* c ity— Spring field , O. N E R Y IT A N i l feaitnYlliaMy.lfetVlcafaalMMlfe .i^raraRi^saniRa*. .. v » -... ItraStMtetea♦»**>* ■raMHfeffiwafe-lffllRtiiuafeferaiffilr'4 m *jfeffilfeM IX ilA liliB ! FILLi g KntaTAWl .t o m w u l i ) • _ r JE m m m m * * * r a i j i t f e . toa Ms % c , ||. fefea Mf, imfeto