The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 27-52

r~ t. I: £’V ll%o H e r a l d . $ 1 M A YEAR. KMUf W*JLt t o r i ! ASt»< l Waite l*ta«, b a t u r p a y , O c t o b e r , a i m fc**fiR4#f»*****«nrv «•♦*»*«<•*»*• *WR MOTTO 18; TAKS s CAMS o r A GOOD THING I WHIN TON HAT* IT ANN | TOTH TO* McKINI.KY AND ; ; DO NOT RON OFT AFTER t FOOUBH, tRMTIMSNTAD { AND UNTRIED notions , l WITH EUR* DISASTER TO J FOLLOW, WHICH IB ,TH* ? CAB* IF TOD VOTE FOR \ BRYAN," — Nerr Lexington t Trihuwe. <M«lif*A«MMf»' DEPOSITORS AND DEPOSITS, In ltM, ths vprlaus fewta of th* United States, national, elate and pri- VAto, ud i Mvingv «nd loan And truat companies, had 5,519,861 depositor!. Laat year At the date of the latest com­ bined reporta, this number wa* In- oreaxe'i by nearly 40 per oent, to 7,555,- 414 depositors. The increase In fiejpo*- ita from Democratic" freed trade tlmea la 1894 to Republican prosperity la ISM waa even greater, being nearly «0 per cent gain, advancing from 11,874,- 589,406 to 84,608.096,W5, Even mod significant, if anything, ie the lnoreaee Ip Individual deposits from an average of |59d for each person to |608 for each-person,, Bryanlsm would undo ait of that. DEN. BUCK ALL RIGHT, Genera) John 0. Black, the eminent Illinois Democrat, surprised the Re­ publican committee of that state the other dayoby a letter offering his serr- ' tees upon the atump to help elect Mc< ' Rlntey and heat Bryan. The Demo- ' otpUc declaration that "Die paramount Issue" la opposition to the authority of the government for which he fought, ' and encouragement to ita enemies in arms, made his soiater blood boll, though neither the surrender to 16 to I nor the Populist alliance wet* able quite to mave him. ‘General' Black repreeenta many Americans who art \ patriots first, patriots afterwards, and ' are against Bryan’s "paramount” pref­ erence for Agulnaldo and his "half- breed Chinamen." "Mr, Davts makes his facts as he goes' Hong, an indispensable accom­ plishment of an anti- Imperialist/' Is the cute comment oi the New York Sun upon Webster Davis's latest mare’s neat. I t is fate sutemsat that the Chinese Efreluatod* a it has been suspended so t t r as.the Philippines are concerned, and that thousands of Chinese laborers have been coming to California and tbs. East one g 6 od point . y*bn Barrett, so long American min- ’Aster to, Shum by Democratic appoint- meat, And an expert in tbe eastern question, maktti a good point In this; "When they tell you that wo have al­ ready spent 8100 , 000,000 and the Uvea of atony In the Philippines, yon tell them what t say now, that it would cost us millions And millions of dollars and the Uvea of hundreds of thousands .to reclaim the prestige we would lose in the Pacific and in the whole world Were wa to depart, now from the Inl­ ands and leave undone onr duties, and run away from our responsibilities." dofcee'nbddnof 640,000 bet on Bryan flf9.60V on MpKinley, does not show tk* stoatsat faith In his candidate ttryan for Preetdeni brings a Bryan •ongreas, and atarta the silver smash a t l« to 1. what will the railroads do then about their interest due In gold, with two dollora of interest to be earned for every dollar of Interest to he paid? Will thai fact affect and cut the wages of railroad workers? IT8M Tut HIM MBWtttMFf m 66l». laxative Brorao-Quinine Tablet# cure a cold in one day, No cure, no Fay, Price 25 cents, An Elizabeth (Pa.) couple, mar* jfcd sixty years have 220 descendants. Do not get soared if your hears tomabtee you. Most likely you suflet from indigestbn, Kodol Dyspepsia Cur* dig*** what you eat and gives tha worn onUtomaoh perfect rest. I t k the only preparation know that •omplstely digests all classes of food#; that la why it cures the worst cases of- hwhgestion and stomach trouble after Prttggkt*. Yes, August flower still has tbe Isrwestsal* of Any tnedidn* in the eivUkwd world. Your mothers' and tpNMsdsmdliSNhf never thought of using anything alee for Indigestion or Bil- fMVMwMP* isoeion Wwiw *nci they eetdom heard o f Appendicitis, Kstyene Prostniiien or H«*rtiWlara, * 1 *,. ^Rssy used Aiuguat Ffowtr to eiean ent th* systom and stop frrmen- latte* a f t i d i f totn l food, rsgpfote *6- tfosttf the liver, atimalala the ner* von* ami nrgaai* eetfoa of the system, smd that Is ell they took * h ts feeling Anil sad had with hsadMiss and other You only used a few doses of Flo ( im * ** Augftst wer, In liquid form i-» make you satisfied there ie nothing e-ikHw the msttor with yon, For wifobfi* i t ItWgvay, The millinery opening o f the firm Condon A Mardosk arohfllitiNgMr spaaing of fiiti and winter hate tofoy. ifodiss hate aa srray of h its each m ean he fonud ia any of th* hui*'. d^^MaoMua, fa, fiteoasojidfo IPVHa foflVI HT m I mmwJP1 111 v f*HI fUMM wHhdss s ttf alyfoe ae sau h* ass* ^Ihi^^8B)y, •C-’W' ? !V // POTATO CULTURI. v*e n snaaanw *•***••' * rm m Whivh S m S «» CTalauMU "Happy Medinm" la the »*» • be- stowed by an <>hk>Farmer writer on a system of potato planting for which bis claims are by m means small, as may be seen from tbe foltowin The points of superiority which 1 claim ovsr any other system are; First, adaptability to the different solfo of tlm .sections where pototoea are grown, north or south; second, the most perfect system for a change of season to wet or dry weather and the only one that will secure the most profitable'results In either ease; third, th* most even crop of tubers find th* finest quality; fourth, the system that is In itself the most effective prevent­ ive known for rot and blight and, has .proven successful for 15 year*,without an exception. The following illustration will male* plain tbs many principles of my meth­ ods for hand planting, the use of th* band potato planters or two horse, po­ tato planters. In th* first figure, which fs a cross section, the plain line shows the ground level. Tim straight dotted line is three Inches below. The seed pieces ate shown In the bottom of the groove. The curved lines show the ridging above the rows. The ground Is supposed to be thoroughly fitted and either dragged level or floated till the surface la even and smooth and in per feet condition * i to fineness of top soil at least, always using a jointer plow where there is a semblance of grass or aod, In sandy and loamy soil the seed is planted three Inches below general sur­ face of ground. In.clay soil depth of planting is decreased to two inches. In each kind the sell Is ridged along the rojv to a height equal to tbe depth of tbe seed below the general surface, I plant early potatoes 80 by IS to 80 inch­ es; late varieties, 80 by 30 Inches apart. A ridge Is left by the two horse planter directly over the seed of 2%, or 3 Inch­ es of sol) aboye the level, or about five inches above the seed piece. In all forms of hand planting we secure thla ridge by going through’the field with the wings or mold boards on the culti­ vator several days after tbe planting and. before the potatoes appear* The next operation is the use of weeder or drag, and I much prefer a drag with the teeth set shallow or slanting enough not to disturb the seed, for tbe reason th^J ltrdoes tbe work more thoroughly a t one operation and should leave the field level once more and free from weeds with tbe potato sprouts just appearing. Our latest ex- * f c m i nefca. a sapp r medium : i s potato r u L v m a perlmenta indicate that the use of a harrow or weeder after the appearance of the plants is detrimental In some cases and that the use of the cultivator is better. The cultivators are started a t ope*, and the soli Is worked up fine between the rows to n depth of two Inches be­ low the seed piece, allowing tbe culti­ vator teeth to run quite deep and dose to the roots, as shown In the second figure- Rendering the soil loose around and below the seed piece Is tho object, as the first roots that form run right around the seed piece and doprn to the loose soil below. Now If this operation far performed quickly and thoroughly tbe plant will Immediately throw out a second and third set of roots that will seek the lowest depth attained by the cultivator and below, filling all tho soil nndcr and around the seed piece very foil of smalt roots, This loosening of the soil should1bo accomplished by the time the potato tops are not over threo Inches in height Two of the plants in the second fig­ ure indicate the condition as it should be a t tho time the plant makes Its first fappetrance, showing tho cultivator tcctli within about two inches of tho seed piece and below the seed piece level, The third plant indicate* the repetition of the first work a t a time when the plant Is from four to six Inches high and at about the same dis­ tance from the plant. Each cultivation should be made narrower as the plants grow, so as to keep close to th* roots and yet avoid cutting or breaking them. XftMJMft K«tM, Dirty seed enoangens the farm by Introducing weed seeds. Low priced need is often poor seed, and it Is than far mors expensive than a high priced good seed. Tho price of seed per pound or bushel is no Accurate meas­ ure of its value. Tbs true value is found by testing th* sample and thus determining tbs per cent of good seed present, Th* Americas Association of Nurs­ erymen will celebrate their twenty- fifth anniversary of Organisation at Chicago J msw I t and 14. As destroyers of many of onr most pestiferous night flying Insects, ilk* mosquitoes, to* bat 1* almost onr sol* dopsttdwkc*, and A* h* la known to fcnnt Insects afoot as well as on th* wing bo It also of tom* value for lame that do not fiy, Bo saps one of too scientists, who also credits the bat with dtotroplog coddling moth* One of the American agricultural ef­ forts at tbe Faria exposition will bo tbe introduction of sweet con* as an article of food, This will be through to* medium of a "corn kitchen/’when the debeacy will b* etrred In many tttractiv* style*. Beet sugar supersadsa **•*. Xn IM# but 84 per cent of th* supply Of th* world was from cane and Bd per c*«t from Itetts. Tit* M, K conuregetiou eve" aieg gnv* a reception in honor of iht now bastor, Kev. A, Hamilton. Kiri Kanuali read the address of welcome after which came the re* spout* hy the p*stor. Light refresh* monte w*h» wrvsd, ^ » N tt dalifornin Ajprfoote «adim, Frumss. Orape* and Raisina t « toy's. This vtotk’s Ohio Farmer in its write up of tbs Ohio Bute Fair, too following notice was given the <talar- ville exhibitors. The article was ciu- bfclltthsd withpictures ofJas. K, Orr’a Polled demy hull, ‘'Pride* and An­ drew Bros’. lied Polled hull, “ Gover­ nor Bradley," ’ . ‘‘The Polled Jersey is the property of,Mr. das. B. Orr, of Cedarvillo, O. He te six yean old and has boss shown a number of times a t tbs Ohio, Indiana and Wisconsin state fairs, beside* a number of county fairs. Ho has an excellent record. Out of 47 exhibitions he has won 44 first and 3 second premiums. The other bull is of tbe Bed Polled herd of An­ drew Bros., Cedarville, O. Wedidpiot learn his record, but be took first pre­ mium at this fair. These are only two of tho many fine animals at tbe last fair, We should like to have bail the opportunity to photograph more of them but the general rush pre­ vented our doing ,fio,” J \ Doe*It Pay to BuyCheap. A cheap remedy tor coughs and colds is all right, but you waut something that will relieve and cure the more se­ vere and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles. What shall you do? a warmer and more reg ular climate? Yes, if possible; it not possible for you, then in either cnBe take the-only remedy that lias been in­ troduced in jail .civiized countries with success in severe throat and luiig troubles, ‘’Bosclieo's German Syrup." I t not only heals and stimulates the tissues to destroy the germ disease, butalluys inflamation, causes easy expectoration, gives a good .night’s rest, and cures the patient. Try one bottle. Recommended many years by all druggists in the world. For sale by C. M. Ridgway. Philosophic Nates, . Mr Ritenour, of Grape Grove, at­ tended tbe first meeting and honored us with his name as associate mem­ ber"'. . Oliu Dobbins, -an old ,•Philosophic made a little talk on Monday evening He will scon return to the law ‘de­ partment of Ada We are entirely out of debt and contemplate some valuable addition to tl hall —All kinds paints at Mitchell. Wallace JlilF and B, O. Paul left Monday for Philadelphia, where they will enter the theological seminary. Rey.'Sanderson will lie in Cincin­ nati, tomorrow where ,hfi wilt assist with the communion services in the Covenanter church of that city. —Teas. Coffee and Cigars at Gray’s. —Last Excursion of the. season to Cincinnati via Pennsylvania Lines Sunday October 14. $1 2b on special train from London 8:24 a;,. m. South Charleston 8:42, Selma S;52, Cedar- ville 9 a. m, returning leaves -Cincin­ nati 7:80 p. ni. someday. Mrs. W,B. Smiley, ofSparta, 111., is the guest ofher father, H. H, Mc­ Millan and family. —Wood heating stoves at Kerr A Hastings Bros. Mrs Hattie Buck of Xenia is the guest ofMmWalter Murdock —Go to Wolford's and see that new Grain Drill, the Owego. Rev. J . F. Morton has been on the sick list this week; however is some better, These will be preaching as usual a t the II. P. Church. —I t is well to know that DeWitt’ Witch Ilatel Salve will heal a burn and stop the pain at once. I t will cure eczema and skin diseases and ugly wounds and sores. I t is a certain cure for piles. Countefeits may be offered you. See that you get the original DeWitt’* Witch Hazel Salve. Ridgeway A Co., Druggists. Messrs. Sam McCollum and W. J . Wildman are having cement walks laid in fKnrt of their property, Wal­ ter Biff is doing the work. Mr. Will Stormont autl wife ar­ rived here make a visit with his brother Calvin Stor­ mont find family, The need of the street sprinkler was certainly very visible yesterday. The merchants should continue dur­ ing this hot weather. DsAtess* Dseaet b* Cora* by local applications as they reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one wsy to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con­ dition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube, When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is th* result, and unless the inflammation can be token out and this tuim restored to its normal condition, hearing will he restored forever; nine cases out often are caused by Catarrh, which is noth­ ing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dol­ lar* for any case of Deafness ( musc .1 by catarrh, that cannot tie cured by Hall’s Catarrh ('tire. Head for dr- F. J, CMtoftY A tta., Toledo, O. M d by lfottfgtste, T&s. Osax o Kali's Family Fill* are th* heat, foal Wanted te M*w. Thursday, M»tra»g«r in this pise* was walking up street lie woa ap­ proached by a lady, who.aocompanfod by a little boy, asked if he would please tell her what that card was in a window across the street. He told her it was « campaign picture of Mc­ Kinley andRoosevelt, with the Doited Htete* flags in the lmck ground. Fbe •toted that she just wanted to know, for she was afraid it was a tjuarintine sign for measlea and did not want to take her son near, How the lady could have made »ucb a blunder we do not know, for certainly no quar­ antine sign we have ever Seen came any ways near resembling the above mentioned card. HrstMesttefi. Last Monday evening being the evening meeting of the Philosophic Literary Society of the college quite a large crowd assembled, taxing the hall to its fullest Capacity- President Calvin Wright called the meeting to order. As a basis for some remarks took “Ambition ” He bandied it in a most scholarly and forcible manner bringing out ninny gems of thought such as Mr. Wright is capable of doing. The regular pro­ gram consisted of essays,declamations, Orations and tbe debate. Music at internals added to the attractiveness of the enteriainment, one feature be* jug the rendition of that.beautiful ballad “The Blue‘and fhe Gray,” by Miss Della Gilbert. After the program the society ad­ journed . to business meeting. The feature of this being the spread and the initiation o f ' some 18‘or 20 new members who had offered their names, some as active and a few as associate. At a late hour the meeting ad­ journed, each one feeling as though they had been royally entertained. ••The Prince of U m World.’’ Manager Fniufc Jackson this week received a letter from Hal Reid, stat­ ing that he desired to re.turo to this place sometim* the last of November or tho first of December, with his lat­ est play, “The Prince of the World.” This play of which' Mr. Reid is the author, awisted by his wife, Bertha Belle Westbrook, is a story of love, pure and undefiled; s tale of .Casar's cruelty; a picture of the horrors oi Rome under the despot’s rule. I t is a play without a creed, not for the Protestant, Catholic, Jew, but sim­ ply Christianity for all humanity. ' Mr. Reid has quite a large com­ pany. having twenty-five menibe'rs and also carries three Hons, Mies Westbrook carrying the role of the Christian girl is thrown into the cage of living lions. The management will forfeit $500 to any charity institution in the city if these are not genuine living African lions. Should Hal decide to return here this winter with his company, the citi­ zens should turn out and pack the house to its utmost, capacity in honor of their fellow townsman. COLOUR SOCIETY. R. C. O. Benjamin, a noted lawyer and editor, formerly of Xenia, was murdered at Lexington, Ky., this week, as a result of political differ­ ences. In the list of appointments of the A. M. E. Conference held at Wil­ mington this week, appears the name of Rev. O. E. Jones to Cedarville I t is whispered that one of our moat prominent young ladies will soon wed a Champion City gentlemnn Rev. Hatcher, of Hamilton, cir­ culated among friends here Monday. The children of Mr. J . W. Banks have been quite ill this week. James Cumberland is this week engaged in paioting the new residence of Prosecutor elect Howard, at Xenia. cmshn O m is, by no means, the dreadful disease it is thought to . b e - in the beginning. It can always be stopped— in the beginning. The trouble is : you don’t know youve got it; you don’t believe it; you won’t believe it—till you are forced to. Then it is danger* ous. Don’t be afraid; but attend to it quick—-you cart do it your­ self and at home. Take. Scott’s Kmulsion of Cod Liver Oil, and live care* fully every way. This is sound doctrine, whatever you may think or be told; and, if heeded, will save life. O you hav* tiot trlswfi It* >*tm* foe yy apwitfl#. itaa<fr<HHitola Last* will WNfc, Ch*m l all au r«rk* AvtgriatfoikeparaUofiftrA»- slmaatii*ierooclmitoflute- iw foeShaw* Bowls of PromotesDigeMk^Cheerful- nessandltest.CoiitaliWneWier jflmviUStU- . . AboSm.m* ■ JUMbSJlr- JfAtSm/ltt- Aperfect Remedy forConslipa- Ron, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms,Convulsions.Feverish- ness a n d L o s s OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of N EW YOHK . EXACT COPYOFWRAPPER. ___ _________________ LiiLV-1 i. liTirniMl - -ii~Tir fHCCfMTAUROOHFAMF*MCWTORK«ITV, ♦ ♦ ♦ R u t u m n S u i t i n g s ♦ ♦ ♦ TILL, the new weaves of goods has been re- / I ceived from best importers. Golf Skirting P laid Back, 37ic. Chiviots, Pehbte Grain, Storm Serges, Poplins, W hip Cords, Covert' Cloths, Prunelle, &c. * Wrappers—Tea Gowns. No use to make up when good qualities as you can make a t 65c, 85c, $1.00. Eton Suits. Golf Capes. Jacket. Rolling in for Fall Sales. Hosiery. Among nice assortment the Black Cat Brand for Boys and Girls School Stocking. Underwear. Although quite an advance, prices- same as last year. Skins and Colored Petticoats, Muslin Underwear Corset Covers, Night Gowns and Skirts, Sheeting Muslin. Good Yard W ide 5c. % H u t c h i s o i f # Q i b n e y PILES CURED WITHOUT THE MITE! Yourdruggest, wliomyou tinr-w to lio reliable will tell you tliftt tie is nutfcorircJ tn refund the money to every purchaser wboro PIZG OINT- MENT fills tn euro any c.a«o cf ITCHINO, BLIND, BLEEDINO, cr i'UOTRED'YC PILEis, no matter of hr>wlong standing. Cures ordinary ease# sa sjs days. Or,o application gives case and rcsl, Believe? Itching instantly. This is a new di?cdvery nod j« raid «,n a porTi- tive guarnntca. Tin Cure, Is’o Pay. 1‘rico, fl.CO. For sale by 0. M. Ridgway. Lxcarsteas to ChattoaMga, Tea*, October 7th and 8 th, for General Encampment of Bpanish - American War Veterans, and Reunion of So­ ciety of Army of the Cumberland, ex­ cursion tickets will be sold to Chatta­ nooga, Teiin., via Pennsylvania Lines; valid returning until Sunday, Oct­ ober 14th. Facarsteas to Kaasas City, M*. Wednesday, October 10th, Friday October 12th, and Sunday, October 14th, for National Conventions of Chrsitoin Church, excursion tickets Mill be sold to Kansas City, Mo., via Pennsylvania lines; valid returning until Saturday, October 20th. ’ Dr. W, H, Lewis, Lawrenceville, Va., writes, “ I am using Kodol I)y»- pepafo Cnre in my practice among se­ vere cases of indigestion and find it admirable remedy.” Many hundreds of physicians depend tho use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure iu stomach troubles, I t digests what you eat, and allows you to eat all the food you need providing you dont overload your sto­ mach. Gives instant relief and per­ manent cure. Ridgeway A Co., Drug- gists, TimPMgrtmi and tteraM one yea* for ft,**. -Bnhasrlh* for th# Henkl. CASTOIU For Infant* and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought B e a r s t h e S i g n a t u r e o f In Use For Over Thirty Years CHURCH DIRECTORY R. I*, hurcti—Rev. .1. V. Moitan, l’sstor. services at 11:00 ft. ia, SsWiath Erhnol at 1(2A. tn. Covenanter Church-Rev. IV.J.SandeT.GB, paster. Regular services at 11:00 a, ta. Safa, •hath School m Id 0 . tn. U. P»Church—Rev* F. 0 . Ross, iiastor. Ser- Vicesal lOSh) a. tu. -ad 7:00 V. rn. SabLath Sehcal at 9:„a n.ra, standard time. M. B. Chucoh—Rev. A . Ila:?.iUc.n, Pastor. Preachsu!: At. Pithath Sebtot at 9 : 4 j n. m. iouux People’s tacetihc at fi :45 P- Prayer taectiUR Wednesday evening BaptJnt Chareh—Rev, Utorge WashiftatOB, paatorol the Baptist thurch. Preaching at n a. tu. and .530 p, rs. S»lh»th School at C:30 Pi®,* ,.I tS/,er in*etitig every Wednesday night iit r:3t). Everyone invited, A. M. E, Church- -Rev, Mr, Maxwell. Pas­ tor Preaching at 11:00 a. t a . and 7&0 1 :. tn. h o*Levci,y 8a,1^ 4h. M Sabbath School atd:uOp.» . Inends and visitors cordially iDvttsu# Ar*Yo«(MstiRtd? I)t» you have that tired feeling? Do you feel sluggish, billions and out of sorts generally? IX, you have sick headache, j)o you have pimples, eruptions, blotches, ulcers, sore* or other results of constipation? The tower of the body must be kept in an •Give, healthy condition and nothing i ° n !fc“ JW 1 m larttotive Tablets, Their use brings on « clear, rosy, beautiful complexion. A tab, let or two taken at night make* you feel fine in the morning. 10 c packages contain 20 tablets, 5nd S i ™ packages, Tablets chocolate e*iatcd, Tho written signature of W. J , Bailey 1 cadi package. Sample ftce. They lY n f l’kYkf 1 I l > fitA ludta.U a * ,..-.. v on promptly relievo and then cure con stipatmn Hold by C, M. Ridgway, N ttttlj* m APPOINTMENT Notice is hereby given that J , W. PnlWk has l»een apimintetl and quab inefl as adm'mistrater of the last will and tastement im *sw t iffMMT <m>m, B*ta^«iXcEU»{sdi>gVl(iB I^avisXunaT I ^ v c l ^ w ndirta, m, 7:0(1 ' * tiOO . K ;00 ■ ■ i m 0:00 ' IO; 0 Tj ™ is». 11:00 ,3;f; 5:(!i ■ •r>:00 <i:O0 «:00 7:00 8:(Xi 8:00 0:00 0:00 10 ;Q 0 10:00 n :oo 11:00 12:00 Xenia office and waiting room 4 South Detroit St. Dayton 06 b and waiting room, 15 West Fifthm opposite Pwtofflce. ** ♦ The running time between Butin# and Xenia is one hour, paesin» 0 ,,.- Highlands, Smitliville Rond, Zimniw. man, Alpha, Trelicins and turn Grove. Dayton to Xenia 17 miles. rtK lo cents. • „ Every other car combination for freight, Sundays. and Holidays ears rUB every half hour. Exchange Bank CEDARVILLE, OHIO, CCOUNTS of Merchants andI#. ' dividuals solicited. Collection! prouiplly made and remitted. A 1 T\RAFTfcs on New York and Cin- cinnati sold at lowest rates. The cheapest and most convenient way to send money by mail. OAN 8 made on Real Estate. P«s * Bonnl or Collateral Security. William Wildnmn, Pres,, Seth W. Smith, Yice-Pres., W. J . Wildman, Cashier, Whereto Locate?; Why, in the Territory Traverretl by th e ,. , , Lo u is v il le N a S iv i l le Bailroad] ---- T H E - - J Groat. Contra! Sonthern Triiiklitl - IN- KENTUCKY, TENNESSEE, ALABAMA. MISSISSIPPI, FLORIDA, ' WHERE . Farmer*, F ru it Grower*, /Stock Jlaisere, Manufacturer Inventors, (Speoulmor*. mul Money Leni/enl Will find the greatert chances in theUaintj States tO'taake ‘‘big money” hy res,onof lit I abundance and cheapncea of LAUD AHD PAXES. TIMBER AMD STOVE, I « 0 I AMD GOAL, LABOU-EVEATTHDHl! Ii'rco ,itcr, financial ftstsisianco, anil freriw j from taxation.fur tho nianofacluicr. | Land and farm# «t$I,0D ncr acro*»4»J- wards, and500.000 aorta in Wc?l Florid* iW can ho taken gralii under l'. S. lln«til**4| law*. } Stockraisieg in the (Julf Cos*t District»3t tanko ensrmon* jurpiu, Half fart «xctni«» the Tint aid Third ToMday* of *MkWottk,. Let ns know what yon want, sndwr*S : tell you where and how io get it—Lu! d:s’s doiay, as the country is filling op rapidly. I Muted Matter, rjiip? and alt infer-'.-** wte. AddregK, X. J, WEMT88, (icnerai Imtaigration and IndaatrialAgl, LtauivUte, Kcat*cly< Blue Front Stable. . Leave your horses there and Tigs Imkept oB’the inside, out of tte rain and storm. 20 N, Foutitoin Avenue, Hpringficld, O. Gif ARLES E. Toi)I>, P«T PATENTS GUARANTEE U?r. ,cic if wn fail. Any one m AMK “ ■^h *«U fi**ctiplto» of i w invention Vj* t^ ,*"Pj1v r*crive onr opinlm* free toejmttntaWlHy of mine. “ How io ObuW* ratent” etnt «fvw» reqrtMt, ratenu aetw* lrongnM;adwrttwd foe sateAtcor cxptc* „, thtoiith nsiec.eive*)>«J* ^ filW ra ted slid, widely ciKniatcJ !*«**»• nt iv encu .T. j ^ntwtHedty Sdanafsctsrrraand invests:»> •end for samptecopy ffRKR, Addtes*, VHJtOU <J, EVANS* 60. „ » (AMeMflafftyf,! t * m SriKftsg, WASHINSYONi * *. $606 BSWABDi Littu Liver I'iU.when the dlK.tisna ly teWfaliedwith. They «rs patriy Vcget*«* saverIasito .*iva eatisfnctisn, tew* onn ne t u giv« M raaic . "-»r contain ISO I'iIJs, Hv boxes »«»*;:) df) I’i^Y ec.ntssfi i:, Beware «.f svAsri* Most and Iwdtatifiss, Kent Ly toall, *»kto. S im iTA MKlttC'AL «0„ as* isrl«)h-KI*„ t.hksg,'), ill. „ \ M»Ridgway, fimggirir For salshytC, Vilto, Ohtf., tPte tin** «f y**r 1 * wwit v m * m m m fiifo Mil***** fWMr wWwm Clo< S ': U fall am ml M <n.» -^CP, ■ Um h h L a d i e s ’ T a i l o r qv£l Jackets, Child tei> and Jackets, 1 ca Scarfs, Ghildr French FJann [)( In Doeskin pi Petticoats, Me,rD of olie nm Our lin e of th< Nc varied we hav at speak for then ma i ■ mi); t k i imli 48 to 56 in t) rfied ...Obi Is to imp son both In s good honest —TJ 'm to the seller a reason we se guarantee. W e have sewed welts e^ in all sizes ai W f Price 1 Irani atest 12 ir.cisl >rtbe (nr at SOan ruti* Dr«ss h the tr&Bt*. maiecr Veadayi At:tint * f 4 t: Itsigra The correct t rent new m a p ^ $8, to, $12 a Stt $8, $10 and f ^ at $2.75 and p), * Fou 1 field m m $ t to $10; si m iliim r v D ep Baby and m velvet and to $ 3 ; m o r e SPECIAL- dren’s fine alike. mr or m its r# isHS tnt fIt ItT.W. eoipa ttd, AM Our a: sort* swi 2ila!ifte, th tot excelled q u a l i t y * Jobe