The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 27-52

* ' 4 < 4 . Ev I S' fc. r &" i ' i ' p- &li The Next President ^whertvoT SHOES * OR * CLOTHING, B u y Y o u r ^ ------ WE CARE nod. will »bowthe finest line ol Mede toOrder Suit* lor Ladies and Gentlemen wehave ever offered. SPECIAL STYLES AND SPECIAL PRICES. J S L X * S T E W A R T , ■m ft m m m m m m N«w Meat Store Hariag opening the Meat fkotelbrimariyconductedby SidHenahel, w#will have tm hand At *U tiqw* a chokelineof fresh and Salt Heats 1 Bologna andSausage End everything connected with a first-clate meet store, We handle the celebrated Kingan As Co’s. Hams. O h w l e s W e i a e * . GOODS DELIVERED Telephone 66, Q lno lnnatt Division* nnsutvaniaLineal :W^P^SiPwllwi -• W^waMt.’ MtMMftaalr nM&tshrC .■,:SkS 1 0 H l>e,*#*eiee#.:*^' ' ■ ; :--u- W, JMlWaeM*• lAHtWW.....“ hUbWlWeE** laimi . ..J m TralnMaatnlTImt rAPEi [V«Nih»«. « V>ya«#vttM«‘ ’rfV^-- - ' ' .......... . -. ...... te*M— SwWaWl X—»•»#«><*«. Etehir.jad. v & * * * * * * * * ** «LS#»i*khtk«$n?k-?.' —Te* i ,4*.trn ntt X *-. e . X, > iM tetter ran Um.itah vfi II -taME tar i*¥. MteMfl 1n a r nffw7?*tP*dr‘lroilU i: ____, ______^.nmttwronneci friri'O'i .kaH tf* Dak* Out*v, ami n< .* r?--*il nt a flpMit ri:t t'vu •HiEl rrtfjiilc; 1U. : j ' IfidBL, Lo::i..{ Aoi. ’44WP »u nm m n , rEMNAtti W TAi: MEDLIGHT. Tfce tw |» r Slfael Mh#t Nmt Always be When there ia danger on the rail* road a red ligbtis displayed, To ran bythk signal means death or injury to the passengers. All through life we see the danger signals and, if unheeded, sorrow, des­ pair, and sometimes death result, These warnings are sent out by man or nature for our protection. . Nature sends out a warning Bignnl when her laws have been, disobeyed and there is danger of going, farther before the wrong is righted. The best machinery needs oil, so does the human machine. The system becomes run down and needs to he built up. I t must he placed in a healthy condition before it will do its work properly. I f the blood is impure aud the liver toi pid, the stomach fails to do its work and dyspepsia, nervousness, catarrh, headaches, and constipation are the result. These are nature's signals. Heed them before it is too late. Anew combination of thoroughly tried and tested remedies called Knox Stomach Tablets are now offered to suffering humanity. This new vege­ table remedy goes to the Beat of these disorders, builds up the whole system and transforms the weak and infirm into healthy men and woman. A sin­ gle box will be a most forcible argu­ ment to the Bufferer. Knox Stomach Tablets immedi­ ately relieveindigestiou and are a dis­ positive cure for dyspepsia. I f your druggist does not sell them, send fifty cents with your address and that of the druggist to the Knox Chemical Co., Battle Creek, Mich., and a full sized box will be sent postpaid. PUMJC SALE. We will sell at public sale on the farm known as the Thomas Wade film, one and one-half miles east of Cedarville, Wednesday, October 24, commencing a t 10 o'clock standard time, the following pro|)«rty to wit: 6.head of horses, consisting of 1 eight- year-old draft horse, 1 seven-year-old general purpose mare, 1 work horse, 1 family mare, 1 fancy driving mare, seyen years old, 14 bands high, weight 900 lbs, a deep bay, can be drove about steam and street cats, is sired by West Egbert; 1 spring colt. 4 head of cattle consisting of two good Jer­ seys, fresh, With calvesby ride, 2 cows with calf. Three bead of hogs, good brood sows, one with nine pigs and the other, two with pig. Farming Implements consisting of 1 farm wagon, 1 Whitley mower, 1 wheat drill, 2 corn planters, one with check- rowder,2 breaking plows,1 corn plow, 1 double shovel, 2 harrows, 1 good sled, 1 corn crusher, 1 pair hay lad­ ders, work bench, 3 lets of harness, doubletrees,etc. Also 1 cooking stove; 3 buggies, one rubber tire as good as new. 160 shocks of corn, 35 shocks o f fodder. I j tons of mixed hay. Terms;—A credit of nine months on snms over 15 with two approved securities. Mrs. Cynthia Nagley and Bon, Jobe Bros. & Co. • * A • • Large Pall Assortment and Low Cash Prices in : : : C L O A K S , M ir.T.XlNrGR'V , Ondermear, Hosiery, Gloves, And and MU ms Shoe*. Alt the jb Mf -JULt gk 'APw jh -..a* 1 ^,**.^ A. uluh . ww«pw JHJrMNI. m% tSHI WHCt Jt^ICCV* • * * * • "IMPERIALISM” CRT IS HOT NEW. The following i* a facsimile reproduction of » famous caricature and poster used against Andrew Jackson, in the campaign of 1832, when he nought and secured re-election: BORN TO COMMAND. KINO ANDREW THE FIRST. A H i m r a r l u i i m i i wRw “ B o m to Command.” A KING whs, 1 ofIt. power as Us. Gmcfea# A KINO whohasplaeslU— sffsievetholaws,ashehasshow hyUa •lessytefoarjadgsa A KING whsiWeaM M n p i rosneocy.aad i r i ritsU -ow ffga peyahtehy no one haewswho,aa 4 boom knowswhere. lasteadof fe s ri i ffser thttme. A KING karate rswsl,oehehae showshhapelfbyappoiatiagmen toofloe toatrary to thewill oftbopooplo., A KING who,while heweefinding Us firysoritesoel ef the pahUe MMaey,denied a pHtaace to the W lSM kr* trim fisegU aadhied Ibr < (adepeodctiee. A f-TTT m-*rr nffrfr*r r*~J *Trf~ fursrntr nsslhi^ h l i h r theogee ofawheteeder by thepeople? Sha ll he re ig n o ve r us, O r iM IA e PEO PLE RVLE7 loli OoilDs'tH ot , At«4 It I f ho'd had Itching Piles, They're terribly annoying; hut Bucklon's Ar­ nica Salve will cure the wonit case of Piles on earth. I t has cured thou­ sands, For Injuries, Paind or Bodily Eruptions it’s the best salve in the world. Price 25c a box. Cure guar­ anteed. Sold by Ridgeway & Co. PMUCSALt. We will sell At our residence, two mile# east Cedarville ,Wednesday, Oct. 17, commencing at 10:30 stand­ ard time, the following property; Eight head of horses, consisting of one match team of gray, one two-year- old Clydesdale gelding, one yearling draft gelding, one three-year-old road­ ster, two extra fine brood mares, one Spring draft colt. 17 head of cattle, ooaskting of 7 two-year-old steers, 3 yearling steers, 6 weaning steers, and 2 good milk cows, 65 head ofmerino sheep, consisting of 15 breeding ewes, 25 wethers, 23 spring Iambs, one fin# Merino buck ami one half-breed Cotswocl buck, 31 hogs, consisting of 80 feeding hogrf and one Poland China hoar, also a few household good, Terms; Credit of 9 months oasaawover 85.00with two approved seewrtHks, Turnbull Histers. at 11:30, . »‘Jt will be noted that the de­ mand ia for the immediate re­ storation of the free coinage of silver at x6 to 1. If another issue is paramount, this is immediate," —From Prcsldeafc McKinley's Letter at Acceptance. “Were they afraid it would paa*?“ was the pointed question asked of ths Democratic party by a NewYork com­ mercial traveler the other day, as hia answer to their preleaded coaecra over thfr absence ot sufficient federal legislation to restrict trust*. HI# aaery followed another one wondering why the IttmortAt# did not offer some MHNumr* In ron*ir*« to meet th* mm , '*» matter whether tkty wars la a MUMrity or a maJorUy. THE WAGE EARNERS. NO AUTHORITY FOR IT. Where Is there one word of warraat ia the constitution, or in the dcclara4 tion of independence even, for ths Democratic plan of an armed protec­ torate over the Philippine Islands? Bryan makes much noleo about it, but Would not any assumption ot such au­ thority, particularly by the president or even by congress, over territory not a part of the United States (and that it exactly what the Democrats declafs to be the condition of the Philippine arehlpetego) be the most radical, com­ plete and absolute assumption of auto­ cratic authority, without aa lota 0 1 any kind of constitutional right? la a word, would It not be pure and un­ mitigated imperialism? Oan any Dem­ ocrat give any warrant in ths laws or precedents of the Waited State# tor their protectorate plan? Mavlug* iUaik Jft§ «r*» kharr Xh*4r f r*n ^ licruaa Mr, Bryan rashly take# the ground th a t the wage-earner# of toe United States have not benefited by toe pros­ perity of the past four yesrs, HI# the­ ory Is that they have had to pay mors tor what they have bought, and that this has more than covered toe in­ creased wages which they they re­ ceived. Mr. Bryan, as usual, is talk­ ing theoretically, without due refer­ ence to facts, The figures refute his theory. In the fiscal year ended June 80, 1896, the wages paid in toe United States amounted to |2,605,750,183. For the fiscal year ended June 30, 1900, tho total was 83,125,750,000. The increaso over 1890 is 8520,000.000. Now. if to'e wage-earners have been compelled to Spend all their Increased earnings on the Increased coat of living, toe fact would be shown, and It would appear In the item of savings banks deposits. The fact that the bread winners earned less than they spent was shown clear­ ly by the savings bank deposits of 1894, - which decreased more . than 837,000,000 for that year. But from’ 1805 to 1899 toe savings bank deposits of the wage earners In­ creased by more than 8420,000,000. The reports for th e fiscal year ende„ June 30-last show th a t the ratio of gain has been more than retained, so that the savings bank deposits today are not less than $2,500,000,000. Now, please note the following Interesting, tabid of comparisons: . Wage-earners, 1900 7,500,000 Wage payments, 1900 .,..83,125,750,000 Savings bank depositors, 1900 ......... 6,000,000 Savings bank deposits, 1900 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...82,500.000,000 Wage-earners,. 1896 . . . . . . 5,300,000 Wage earnings, 1896.».. .82,605,750,000 Savings bank depositors, 1896 ................................. 6,065.494 Savings bank deposits, 1896 .............. 81,9b7,156,277 These figures, which are - official, ihow that Mr. Bryan’s rag-time theory has no basis of fact. The Increased cost of living, of which he prates.-Is largely a myth. The increase In wages is a solid fact, and is- reflected In the increased deposits in the savings bank# by the workingmen of toe United States. FURNITURE W e h ave just received a big stock of ■ " ■ ’ Ffllili GOODS Mammoth Stock of Furniture Chamber Suites, Dining Tables Chairs, Hookers, Secretaries, Kitchen Cabinets, Safes, &c. J. H. iiciTILLAN, Telephone 7 . CedarviHe, O. UNDERTAKER Buy SULLIVANw HATTER In two. months talking Mr. Bryan has not yet given so much as a single word in support of toe Democratic platform ot a protectorate which be has so toadly adopted, to show the least authority for It in the constitu­ tion, laws or the supreme court deci­ sions; nor has any other Democratic speaker, nor any Democratic paper. It Is an entire Innovation' upon all American precedent, and, as suoht the very essence and spirit of imper­ ialism. WHY? | | E C A U S E you have at least five Styles to anj * * other dealer’s one to select from. In soft and stif hats, w e have B la ck , Brown; T an , Pear l and Cedar,| ranging in price from wander when the brain ia tired. Overwork, nervous irritation, worry and mental strain exhaust the brain forces and diminish their thought power. Feed the 'brain, strengthen the nerves and build up new1vigor, vi­ tality and mental power. The greatest o f all brain foods and nerve tonics is Dr. Miles’ Nervine. "Several vests of sick headache and ttotnache trouble brought on nerv- co; out pro*(ration sad for s long time I mla.not concentrate my thoughts. Alter taking a fewbottles of Dr. Mile Nervine Lwaa completelycured." Mi*, W. A. TUOMsojt, *ru , a nvmsun* Columbus, Wil# 50« Cents to $3.50. 27 Limestone St. Springfield, 0 J Dt. min 9 Nervine feeds and nourishes the brain and nerves, over­ comes irritation, and brings sweet, refreshing sleep. Soldby druggists on guarant**, Dr, Mile# Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind, GO TO George ‘W. Iliff FOR Horse Shoeing, General Blacksmithing and Repairing. Daily*Heat Market WODWORK OP ALL KINDS. (Ferris Brothers’ Old Stand,) Under the above firm name, lit meat market of O. W. Crouse will conducted. All product In the m’*(j lino will be the’best that money c«j buy, wlreh fact combined will) and thorough business methods * enough assurance to the public, always want tho worth of their mor in every respect, When eending children, direct to us; wc always give them the ha they ask for, GIVE ME A g a l l GOODS DELIVERED Telephone No. 74, AN OPEN SECRET S S E is ? w e undersell? T o explain would h r iX it w Advantages, but w e w ill say to you l t d tw v i S L 1* on ly ke7 t0 prhffperity. Value S S f iS S ? ? 1*®0®? 0ftS not °D ly mean to know but to understand,and fair dealing does not mean ^to^sell one article ^ lnw cos and then to make up on Jnother- 0ne ttrtlCle cost> NEW YORK RACKET m m # * o d The Ihr#M . J 1,1200. fbrfhc w;-; I ( m - w yttiak4;ib'’rs. XWBNTV-T11 fall a tmm J R E O V E R 30 a b ig COGIT.4 History of Rome.—Pri/c Horatii and es, “ N , ■i Romulus, had ewti ten months but N l)]eg unsatisfactory, being had some notes rnutu Jie found how short otjiers have since uj cumstanccB.' He di.- flles. Up to that been noticed. The first of the yea which was named at war. People did u New Year’s day come year when everybody ing, and that was an . changing the year. Naina’s reign gav. tion atid folks read newspapers. It was. good feeling,” and a. ■'..■■■of Monroe's adndni many years later. The people gave hii funeral. Congress ■ appointed a cominitte< funeral in style and c tor o f the time to d< oration and then pro Numa the next day scramble for his shoo ment paid the expense and le ied a tax on |they .thought it a hie [be a Roman. Tull us Hostilius wt throne by a large nn exciting campaign in niture rvllfe, O. KER w .w .» w ATT I S ty les t« In soft and Pearl and C speakers had said im j y e about encit other and waged a fierce war. ! tors got postftfficcs, si lovely thereafter and high. The new king was and felt that Rome .50. ground by sticking to so he decided to stir * have a little fun. dispute with the Albas** had settled out west p and had make a lot c were worth trying to They were about heavy battle when t way in which the decided with less b- both sides were a-trit they proposed a seln quarrel, and at tlo the men. They decided to s> of a prize fight helw. called the Horatii called the Curiatii. usual prelhniunrii-1 and they sent t} ^ nal tdi the people ^ ketJ of a W. Crouse final y when they . . AH produet in th any longer, they cju ,0 t!ie best that moll *t the first round t b ftet combined witl Springfield 1y Meat Mark! fell mortally wounds0Ugb business met Roman who flood K(Uaaeo t0 the publl “mt the worth of theil respect. WHATWl Lt'-ndiug childrct}, diN nlwnya give them (I tor. If HkKiHky I t cttctea will continm ftil tho best M s for the least I»«ce imssible; will the public Jtompt and ntten service; .will "hresenlgooifetbr J»*t what they are, endeavor to a emitimi J J ^o f t he getter favor of the rapidof this cam- SOILS D1XIVERE Telephone No. 74. r *<0OLLUM 11 fsay et'ity. riowhul ic below