The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 27-52

ftOyl* * • OW» i %6edarvUk XeralcL 4NMT^pt £ k ^hpj^SWNi^ JVENTY-TBUD YEAt. MO.« . CEDARVILLE. OHIO . OCTOBER 2 7 .1 9 0 0 . PRICE $1.00 A YEAR. ft can iaV^ you time re can save you trouble oSr We can save you money Our doth is of superior quality, exclusive up-to-date styles andthevery lowest prices consistent with first class custoai tailoring 3 A Pull U m of Gents’ PURN 1 SHINOS and HATS. Right styles at Right Prices.; I R a O . COGITATIONS A IWery of fi'o*ie.-~l* Oho Voraacular of Today. TVra whs A good deal of human MgtHie about. Romulus, and when K«mo grew"stud they would go out g^ry little while before breakfast and gsnex acounty or two, be got the •sell head. When people called 0» liw-tbey did not blow their nosesand wlpe'tbeir feet op the doormat, and fciailiarly slap him ou the baok»sa^ •w%f “ Hello, there, Romulus, boto'afe youstacking' up?” No; they would god,him dressed in scarlet like'Me > phistophclee, ami lying on a couch o f purple, smoking n cob pipe, with a pitcher of hard cider neur at hand. All at once, history tells us, Romu­ lusmysteriously disappeared. A good manyof the Oldest inhabitantsgrieved over him andwondered where he “ had Rent,’1 which' shows that the early Ramans ueglected their grammar as ‘ well as their noses. Romulus hasn’t been found to this ' day and people begin to think perhaps heis theman who wrote “ Beautiful Snow,1’ or “ Curfew Shall Hot Ring, tonight,’’ hence they do not blame •ita*. . •. , < ‘ ‘ : . \ - > : ■ the senate waB composed of one, hundred'members. Polygamy was not prohibited aiqpng the senators, al- ough people in that day -said It de­ eded inure ou what- was in a man’s ;kct hook than what was in his J, whether he g'U into tUpNsttsj' u*»t. Timurmy was called a legion and was armed with bows and arrows, stuffed clubs, tin puns, brick-bats and plug chewing tolweoo. For a year Rome was without a (ting and the people became dissatis* tel, 'They Were governed by the sen steahd said they bad a hundred kings instead >Fone. Theycouldn’t go out- side of their own yard-without keep- » g their bands on their pocket books They agreed that the Romans should choosea king, but that he should he a Sabine. I t was a case similar to the Democrats runniug Horace Greeley, Mima Fompilius was the nominee -sad htifollowersdaimed that he knew hall. Everybod • who was opposed * to Mumtwas not allowed to vote. He was a self-made matt and bis partisans called biro “ Honest Pomp.” When the returns came iu it Was found that he had carried every pre- aiact. The fellows who got the reluc­ tant voters to the polls immdiately appliedfor postofBces and those who g»t left immediately discovered what stile wretch Mima was andotgan- bsd to dsfeat him. „ A notification committee was ap­ pointed and the chairman wrote and «*wimitted to memory a long speech Be started out by saying thatthii was the most important campaign the country had seen sine* the days of Andrew Jackson. That is same way notification a^seebeswera made 3,000 yearn later. Before he goftkalf way through .Muna asked to be afteed and begged to be excused. He Mb! this honor was so sudden and that Be had uot gathered bis corn nor dug hU po­ tatoes. He told them that if he had his fall work done ho might consider the election, but he couldn’t afford to rent the farm to move to town. -The chairman o f the committee had anothereardrop hiesleeve. He began his Bgeech all over again', and Muna cried out, “ For heaven’s sake spare me, I ’ll serve. Anything to escape another speech.” After making suit­ able offerings to the gods, which con­ sisted (if six: kegs and n pony,' all of which wasconsumed by the committee he started for Rome to assume the du­ ties o f office. Muna gave them, ceremonial luivs of religion ond made the first homesteud law. The pcopte went west to grow up with the country and hold old settlers* reunions, He established line fences through which the neighbors’ calves would break aud make work for the lawyers for thousands o f years. He also established the first trade unions. He called them guilds. At. the same time the walking delegate was it rented and he has become, a permanent fixture o f our modern life. It made Muna solid with.the labor, vote and he held hisoffice a long time The ward heelers who railed to get office* had a long, hungry Wait. Tbe tempte o f JesUk Wait'-' founded during his reign. It wiib open in time of war and closed iu time o f peace* I t was open n good share of the time. Muna lielieved in signs and visions and tokens ami things. He learned it from Brigham Young " He con­ sulted an old fortune teller, Egeria, Who directed him in his affairs. An other nymph he pommended was Ta- cits, or the silent. The campaign stump Speakers thought he was driv­ ing at theip and they deserted him in large numbers. Anything that raad^ a virtue of silence was, obnoxious ^ them, and he lost mnch support. has been a immlwr o f years since any prnudjUry returned ns many iadiet- mentaas the one just dismissed. The indictments against' those not. injail are not madeknown, the others are as lollops, Chariur Jaffreys, Har­ vey Jeffreys, Elsa :$hingh‘d->cker, John Blade aiulThomas Tinny were all indicted for the burglary of die Dallas residence, goiftls to tlm amount o f $1200being stolen, Ellis McMillan, who a lew weeks ago stole $35'from D B. Ervin’s safe, was indicted for grand larceny. are the men which made an ery that hnai.n ingenuity cali devise. These attack on Constable Russ a few days ih e f iw V i . ^ hack. - .......... ................. Edward • ^ Saturday Evening Post has a weekly•address was greeted _ , . I*™', f'*iftor:l circulation of a qiurter of a million, vociferous recognition. Johum. «e r » inilictal lor mrg .ry, ||ewsuU.,.; ioM while .Tonii T. t o , win ilultcled lor the KM „ f „ em mzz ement,__________ j ^ygHjnj j>s tea-new,' presses have just *—New hominy at Houser’s. been installed in VOTERS we ARB CANDIDATES Notfornttce,huttor j»* t taror, V* w*«t |obetbs th* af 0r*»fti Wt sahmlt ....OUR PLATFORM.,, rok vovs coiptpiSAVM*. W«*w pupcmk I to ttys that M* iatk” la tonttoM,on* tovw«pM, kMMMttotohaS*WkA „• » j»Mk. W« nyMMwat vattow ■*» toMUy«r*,«*M 0m »I m «, «r *tm **** •tan Swcrittag * » ddtotod ymlM* if t « *r» faft r * WTlilffal gnit # *»d .ptlt-tfiiy«v«r.«totasail- «w*to ta;*‘iaWa** ’ "stantoMsewitaibr* totottaf torww p*#w* ■%totlrtl*rj|*vtoatoasflaiklitosiWito*' *111 «a»H mm Hftfst «wK utaatoi itoprtf- *taktola to»*r to (Mtoc tot m am to . -ttotot pttoapt, ptotto tod ^ (ipww^ « « * » ■ * » • “ * * 1 , * * , W fittoptoUvtoy tottottyawiai aiairaai • tP*ISS»¥*lto», V, I X U M , r u t o n u i fif to EacMtohMt* Ctotonbiw On account o f the annual meeting o f the Central Ohio Teachers* Associa­ tion at that place, November 2 and 3. The Panhandle gives a rate o f $1.40 round trip, 60c for children. Tickets ate good going only on 7:09 train, re turning on any train till Monday. These ticketscan bepurchased only at Xenia; but if names o f those intend ing to go are handed to Siipt. Brown by October 31r tickets will be fur­ nished them when train arrives here. latter af Appracfatiea. To the employees Of the Hagar Strawboard A Paper Company: Mrs. Little and family ask rno to thank you for the floral tribute sent u a token o f love and respect for their departed one From no others would an evidence of love and regard be more appreci •ted by him than from employees■“ men who served him, and whom in all sincerity he lovsd to serve. Yours Respectfully, Ella Little Adams, Xenia* O., Oct. 22. 1900. teas H P * lafiaf Gto#* A cheapremedy for coughsand colds is all right, bat you w»ut something that toWretiev* and aura the more *s- vtra and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles. What shall you dof Go to a wanner and mm* reg­ ular oilman? Yes, If possible; It not posiHiie for yen, than in either esse take the oafy remedy that hasbaen in­ troduced in *11 eivilasd eounfries with suasnssJn s sw s throat *nd lung toenbtii* “ Mowbea’s Gernmn BfW* It net only heels end etlmulatse the the germ distowe* batslUy. iafiamatlcn* causes e j y .xpaeSoratloa, gives n «eed night* rest* nnt mm ita |tarian,l* Ttf on* M b . MmmmmM m**f year*by to| firufghmbi tbs nwid. For seta $ y 0 . l T « l FINAL REPORT. The Twentietli Ceatary Magazine. A new century brings new condi- tions and. new methode of ineeting GroodJorv Diomltaed TuesSay, After two them, ‘ Fifty years ago the average Weeks ■-irrTr'-, American wa* content to gei, his news ____ * 'once a week. Now he demands it , - ■ , . • ■ twice a day, with relays hourly when • A^ r-*.tr . w,,k,r r ":e *n,nl »> aw « «« i jury finished its work Tuesday, a d china ita final tepart aft,, 'whichj The' Curli, PuMi*in g Can.™., J»J*a t o o Bgr tha,n. ft |,u,lg|„ The g , lurf, r E ,cui„g W t because it believed that the public which demands its newspaper twice a day, would mut a popular literary magazine once a week, provided’ it adjusted-irself to the new conditions and rightly gauged the demand ot the twentieth century And that demand, it felt, would be for a magazine of the best quality that'moneyand brains could make, Bold nt ns'tuw a price as ! modern machinery aud methods cnu)d produce »t. To improve the quality and at the tv m .1 * , samedime lower the price of it puhli- Dr. F. Mulloy„„| lYniic, mU„ 1( w „ ,|rc were iu, ic e, or nssim I ixttery. greKtcir«,ii.,(i»n tijfd til, Iwst nmcllin; IMMENSE Craw4. at .the.Optra: Neaaa Mtotoay rvaa* laf. QraatPtottlctoE«*at, The opera house was filled by an immense crowd last Monday evening, which had gathered to hear the *rgu- menta lit Setting forth the claims of the repubBesiii party. The people were filled with enthusiasm o f the most inspiring kind, making the Re­ publican Rally a most enjoyable af­ fair for everybody, a source of satis­ faction to the Republican leaders, and altogether a great political event. Hon, Andrew Jackson presided at the meeting and introduced -our candidate for congress 'from this dis­ trict, Hon. C. Q. Hildebraudt, aud the gentleman’s showing was a moat agreeable surprise. Mr. Hilf^ebnmdt has been here before on one or two occasions, andiu bis usual way proved himselfan orator o f wit, power, earu- estnese, and real eloquence and at the conclusion o f hia Monday evening with a most He said in part:. ‘ fTbere were two principles which led to the foundation of the union, its pew eight-story! “ The right to tax imports, and the i White of an egg beaten with loaf sugarand lemon relieve hoarseness— a teaspoonful taken once every hour. An «gg added to the morning enp of oofibe make* * good tonic, A tew egg with the yolk unbroken, taken in a glass o f wine, is beneficial foy convalescents. It is said that a raw egg* i f swal­ lowed at ones when a fish bone is caught in the throat.beyond the reach o f the fingers, will dislodge the bone and carry it flown. , ' . The white-ofan -egg turned over a burn or scald is most soothing and cooling, It can be applied quickly, and will prevent inflammation, be­ sides relieving the Btinging pain, One of the best remedies in case, of bowel troubles is a! partly beaten raw- egg taken at one swallow, It is bepb ing to .the inflamed stomach and intes­ tines, and will relieve the feeling of distress. Four eggs taken in this manner in twenty-four hours will form the best kind of nourishment as well asmedicine for the patient. A raw egg is one o f the most nu­ tritious of foods, and may be taken very easily i f the yolk is not broken. A little nutmeg grated upon the’egg, a few drops o f lemon juice added, some chopped, parsley sprinkled over it, or somesalt and a dash of cayenne pepper, v ity the flavor,, and tend to make it more palatable when .taken as* mediciue. The white o f a raw egg is the most satisfactory o f pastes, and is better than any prepared mucilage or paste on* can buy. Papers intended^ to be put aver tniaWera-of jelly wnd-jam- will hold vary securely and be air­ tight if dipped in the white of an egg- THEMILLENIUM WWArriveWtf» Rryaa’e tfiecttM» aeflay* - RoatManleck la .•SarcaatfcEto* torlal la the toicHta, <«•*.) • „ Eagle, ^ pm M » l B . a t M E x P o s f f T o S S r SHOwSlNQ~ BUILDiNC~PROGRESS • FROM PMOTOORAPHTAKEN AUO.Itr. .‘Sr» The LeetoreCourse. * building, which, together with ita old A good lecture course is something facilities, give it the largest and most that any town, whether large or small, complete periodical plant in the should have. The benefits are num- world. erou* Vnd we deein it necessary to This addition to the equipment o f give them here. Suffice it to say The Curds PublishingOompnny, with that a hearty response from the peo-, the auxiliary machinery specially fie- pie o f Cedarville and vicinity will in-1signed for TheSaturday Evening Post, turn th« nt»vM nf thin muimhi ’ m coiirae the whole involving an outlay o f half s e e success o is season’s u s and make permanent an atsociatioir which will give our citizens the bene­ fit o f a course of high class entertain­ ments each year. Let all who are in­ terested in this matter put forth their beat efforts for success this season. The fint number, Morgan Wood, Nov, 27. The second will be Spill­ man Riggs, humorous lecturer, solo whistler and musical impersonator J*n. 3* The Germaine Cavcuy Co, come* third on the list, Jan. 15, The Hungarian Gypsy Band, of nine artists will appear March 2. April 8, the Picture-Play Co. will give the closing entertainment o f the course. Baa* Your StomachMatrassYou? Do you have pain* in the side, nausea, sometimes vomiting, distress after eating, belching, constipation, loss o f appetite, diszincss, flatulence, moth patches, sluggish looks, pimples and a repulsive complexion? I f you have any o f these symtoms, you have dyspepsia or stomachdisorder. These distressing troubles are promptly re­ lieved and then cured by Bailey’s Dyepepria Tablets, Pleasant to take. They will bring quick relief to the worst cetoss. Written signature of W, J. Bailey on each package. Price 25 cents, Sample free. Ihuggiota who don’t have them will get them for you. Two kinds o f tablets in each package. Tha new discovery. Mold by <*. M. Rldgway, Etotohde* to M ea t* - Sunday, Ootober 28, Tuesday, 0 * tobor to, and Thursday, November 1, for tha Horse Show, excursion tickets will he told to Chicago via Pennsyl­ vania Linas; good returning until Monday, November 5. a million dollars, will enable it to les­ sen the mechanical cost of the maga­ zine, and to print the edition of 500,000 weekly toward- which it is rapidly growing. And this cheapen­ ing of cost and increase of circulation will permit the publishers to make per­ manent the price which,' under old conditions, they were able to put out only as.a special and limited offer—a year’s subscription to The Saturday Evening Post, fifty-two numbers, iu- cluding the regular monthly double numbers and the special holiday issues, for one dollar. FovrthAmwot Roatooe, The fourth annual reunion of the Greene county ex-soldiers, sailors and marine* was held in Xenia Tuesday. A number o f the old soldiers from here were present and all report an enjoyable meeting. During tbe past year the death roll has been in­ creased by twenty-nine members, The proposition allowing the Spanish war veterans and sons ot veterans to becomemembers of the associationwas disaeussed and the constitution will be amended as to admit them to the as­ sociation. Hon. E. It, Monfort, o f Cincinnati, gave a Very interesting address in the opera house, IrtJBUC IWIL Bailey A Cum inswillhavenpub­ licsale, October 31, when they wil offer 49ChasterWhite breeding hogs,‘ 100Delaine(weedingewes, lODdstn* rami, 100 good feeding lambs,10 headof entile, - 7 two-yoar-eWHear*, 8two-yaar-old h«»n% i goodmilch nows.■ . • _ ■ ■, Mala asaunsneas at 12 M. Lunch asrvad at 11 n'eMt. * right to regulatecommerce,” Mr, Hildebrandt received the Dam ocratic attempts to substitute free trade for protective policy. He gave a brief history o f tbe free trade move­ ment and characterized the “ imperial istio” argument as the last resort and ridiculed it in no uncertain terms. Hon. W. E. Bundy, United States District Attorney for Southern Ohio, was next introduced. Mr, Bundy caught and held the audience’* atten­ tion for a short speech by his mag­ netic manner and forcible expression. He is pre-eminently a campaign talker of the old school, a believer in tbe “ whoop ’em op” policy, andabove all atypical political orator, whose fondness for flowery phrases and po­ etic speech is roost noticable. The rally on a whole was a decided success and the immense crowd left the building feeling they had been regaled with political knowledge upon which the true American should feast, The uses to which eggs may lie put are many, aside from their employ­ ment in cooking. A mustard plaster mad* with the white of an egg will not leave a Mis­ ter. .. . AVary J m R c I ms Appointment. On Monday Judge Scroggy took action to fill the vacancy on the court house commission caused by the death o f Hon. John Little, appointing'Mr, Geo. Little, a son o f the deceased, Judge Scraggy should be com­ mented ou making his selection as the appointment.of Mr. Little will be o f universal satisfaction. Mr, Littlo is already perfectly familiar with the details o f the new building, for it is known that he and his father were the originator of the plans that have been adopted, the architect using them as a basis. Haven't Improved* The following item was taken from a recent issue o f the Cinninnati En­ quirer: “ Central team of Dayton, Ohio, defeated Antioch. Score 76 toO” I t is that same old song as when the Cedarville foot ball team was on the gridiron with the Antiocliians. They hadbetter retire for a while and get in practice or else recruit the team. With the triumph o f Bryanism: comes the milleniunf when Christ and tfie saints will reign for a thousand years. With, theadvent o f Bryanism comes emancipation from labor; a sur­ cease from toil. Grief will be abol-’ ished* hot buttered pan-cakes will grow on trees, and pie on bushes. The army is to be hiked home and dishatided; the navy dismantled; Ag- uinahlo andhis “ little brown brother^ are to wear shirt waists and to be fed on spoon victuals; Cuba is to be set free; money is to be as leaves in an October forest; riches are to come to' all; babies are-to, be hatched Instead o f born; railways are to Operate them- ‘ selves; palaces for the poor.are to ■ spring up like Jonah’s gourd-rib a night; crime is to be abolished;, wealth Is to be divided Up; laws and courts are to put in cold storage;'mintjulepe are to flow from the hvdraut on the street coraers;’while ever f man » to have at least one wife. With the comingo f Bryanism comes the chaining up of the devil and the turning loose of the saints, the chief of whom Bryanism is which.1AIL these and much more, are to come' at 12 o’clock, noon, on the 4th J f next March, providing Bryanism is victor­ ious in November, Nothing is . neg- *o ij |teate^frt»thing is forgotten. Bryan* ism promises everything for tbe* hap­ piness and comfort o f man. But that Bryanism. promises these things is not surpriBidg—the devil prqraised' Christ the earth if he would fall down and Worship him—-in other wbrds f^eYot:’ ; him—but is surprising that miiUons o f men accept these promises as sin­ cere—-yea, millions o f them, for Bry­ anism will get millions o f votes in November, No nation, since the world began, contained so many prac­ tical, bard-hearfed men as tibia does today. Questions that bate puzzled the old world for centuries are taken up by our people and settled in a day. Every nation of the earth isastounded at the practical way that toe handled tbe Cuban, the Philippine and Chin­ ese questions; at the effectiveness and directness with which we meet .and settle these great issues andSettlethem right; and yet right here at home, and under the mostbenign influenceo f the flag, we are in an uproar over an elec­ tion, that if successful, pledges itself to an absolute over-turning of every condition that has existed for a hun­ dred years. The brightest minds o f a century have put the country upon its protest exalted pedestal. Ithas taken a hun­ dred years to free the nation from Waoter*Rates Reduce*. Greatlyreduced oneway and round trip second class rates will he in effect from Chicago via W isconsin .O ln ,- TRAf,R ailway , to points In Minne­ sota, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Oregon, Washington and British Col- umbia aadb Tuesday daring October and November, For detailed information inquire of nearest ticket agent, or address J ab . C. P ond , Otn’l Paw. Agt>, political, social and religions Ititral- tlom; it has taken* century to shorten the hours and lengthen the pay for those who work; and yet Bryanism promises to undo and reconstruct, on (fiifereut lines, everything that hm been accomplished from the bogte- Uing; audat one Yittim end strange to say, mil pretend to believe that vent of Bryanism will come this revolution—thismillenium, this reign­ ing af the saints fora thousand yean. The Lord pity them for trying to de­ ceive,themselves. The devil hi not chained and it is not appointed to Milwaukee, Wis. Bryanism to accomplish thatjob. “THI$ HAT doe*not make theman,” but t j a T C nXJrJtj a H i x l o ImprovehifiappearanoMt*savinginprice <i r iM I tM twaiBfj 18 jfW i M M . W m a m a , |W£S HATA#) StflftT STOKE