The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 27-52

k O y ite rs in Bulk, per quart, - * Crackers, 5 pounds for Pickles—great big ones—per dozen, Rice—a good one—per pound, P runes , new ones, per pound, Tarred Tw ine—260 strings—per pound, B inder Tw ine—5 pound ball, 16 inch Galvanized Coal Bucket, Stove P ipe per joint, - - ■ XfOaded Shells, per box, a t - Loaded Shells, Smokeless Powder, ■ More and better Prem iums than ever. H e re arc a few; One Fancy P ie P la te for - $ 3.00 in Tickets O .00 10.00 25.00 30.00 15.00 15.00 U M One " ' Cup and Saucer for One V Cream Pitcher for One-half dozen Fancy Dessert Dishes One-half dozen Fancy Dinner Plates One Kid Body Doll Bisque Head for One 2 Blade Pocket Knife for One 4Blade,Pearl Handle pocket knife 25,00 One Fancy Solid Silver Orange Spoon 40.0a 0 „Qne Boy’s Air Rifle for - J - 35.00 (I $t T H E B E S T M en’s Knit Booth w ith Snag Proof Ui U if it it If i t Overs a t M en’s Lea ther Boots a t Boys’ Knee P a n ts a t Men’s Heavy Jean s P an ts Men’s Corduroy pan ts Men’s Duck Coats - A $ 2.50 pair $ 2 ,0 0 , 2 .50 , $ 3.00 s s - ; * 5 . § 0 , 750 $1.00, $I.25jj^ ■ - $2.50 and $3,03 $1=25, $1*50, $2.00each Comforts - $.00, $1.23, $1.50, $2.00 each] B lanke ts—cotton—per pa ir, - , 75 c>$1.00, to $2,50} B lanke ts—-wool—per pair, - - $ 3 to ^ | HEEHHESEZAt B I R D ' S M A M M O T H '•IER #^ 3 E* 0 3 r'' o , ml O v e r c o a t; ' S T O R E v W e pay 18c per doz. for Eggj[| * T P T i e r • L o c a l a n d . P e r s o n a l . —Fountain Feus, guaranteed the best a t C. M, Ridgway’s. Mr* H arry Kelley, of Springfield, 0 . , was the guest of hiaeousm, Homer Wade, over Sabbath, — Oysters, cranberries, celery, ba­ nanas and oranges a t Copper’s. . Hates have been received as to when ’ our Farmer’s Institute will be held They will be February 27th and 2§th* The state speakers are John Begg and W .,M . Farnsworth. The executive ' committee also expect to have some one from the Ohio State University ’with them. —I f your children are fretful, peev- . ith and cross, mother the same, ditto the boss*, it would seem proper to give ;,em all Rocky Mountain Tea. S5cts Mrs* John Townsley on Thursday ' entertained a number of her indy friends a t dinner,. Mrs.1 Chas. and dames Ervm, of Xenia, and Mrs. John Ervin, of Old Town were pres­ ent. —Try Cooper’s bulk coffee. • Miss Lena Gilbert, who is teaching in th e Alpha schools, stopped off here on her return from the state institute held a t Columbus last week. —Toilet cream of all kinds for chapped hands and face a t C. At; Ridgway’s. ' ’ , .' Mr, and Mrs, Will Torrence enter­ tained a number of Greene comity relatives a t ’their ..picaavut home in South Charleston, last'Friday. —Disinfectants of all kinds can be had a tO , Af. Ridgway’s, Mrs.'Coburn and Miss Daisy Hill, who liavo'been spending the paBt few weeks with relatives here, returned ThursdUy to their home in Hleksville. An editor in .a' nearby district asks for proposals from the merchants of tlie town to furnish him a pair socks, a bushel'of’potatoes and five yards of calHco, contract to be awarded to the lowest bidder. He. says that- is the way they want two dollars .worth of job work*—Newspaper Talk. —Crepe paper, all colors C i M, Kidgway’s. —Pickles, sweet and sour, 5c pe.r dozen a t Cooper’s. . We desire to call attention to tho article a t the head of the editorial col­ umn on the second page. Not all will read it but we venture to say that the most of oor readers will. —0 , beauty!, what .a powerful weapon thou art. The bravest men fall pt thy feet. No wonder women take Rocky Mountnin Tea to proloug that joyous spall. Air. and Mm. W. *T. Trrbox enter­ tained about sixty of their friends in a very pleasant manner at their home last evening. —A choice lino of all kinds of Groceries, at Gray’s. —For horse blankets und buggy robes try Kerr & Hastings Bros. James McMillan, Who resides on Mr. Ai Gaunt and family have re­ turned from Indiana’ after several weeks visit with friends in that state. the Columbus pike, is barn. — raising a new —Pure Buckwheat Flour, Prepared Buckwheat, Flour, pancake Flour, Maple Syrup, Sorghum, New Orleans and Sugar Loaf Syrup at Cooper's. —When you want prompt acting little pills th a t' never gripe use De- Witt’s L ittle Early Risers. Ridgway & Co., Druggists, Dr. B. W. Baldwin/ of Xenia, called on Dv. Oglesbee and Rev. A. Hamilton last Sabbath. J . JT. M. Bull has resigned his position *3 travelling salesman for the whole-. «nfa grocery house ;of Weakly, Wbr- man & C.o-» of Dayton, J , M. has no t yet decided what his future work will be. Special Sale:—The millinery firm of Barr &> Boyd will for the next two weeks', sell their trimmed hats a t grately reduced .prices. Call and see them, , —DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve will qiiildv hen! the worst burns aml scalds and uot leave a Bear. .I t can he ap­ plied to cuts and raw surfaces with prompt and soothing effect. Use it for piles and skin diseases. Beware of worthless counterfeits. & Co., Druggists. , Ridgwuv ■n ■ - Mr. John Williams h a s , for his guest this week', his sister of Jefferson viile, 0 . Mr. and M rs.’J . W. Marshall en­ tertained a number of their .friends at 'dinner last Saturday in honor of Mr. Marshall’s daughters* Dr. P . R . Madden, P ractice lim ­ ited to 'E Y E , EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. G lasses A ccu rate ly Ad­ justed . A llen Bu ild ing , X en ia , O, Telephone.—Office No. <p, Residence No. CHURCH WEDDING. •a .{Oofstinned from fast pngc] following persons: Mr. and Mrs, Deriison; Mies Eleio Denison and Karlh Bull; Miss Mary Moorehead and W. T. Mahon; Miss‘Maud Stew- a rt and Mr. C, G. Denison; Mis3 Belt Jobe and Mr. ,J. II. Denison;.Miss Clara Jackson and Mr, LUteii; Mbs Flora Nisbof arid- Mr. Emmet Wil­ liamson; the oilier guests were served by fours at small tables. The presents were numerous and haudsume. ' The bride is one of Cednrviilt-’s pop ular young hulks and will be greatly missed by her friends. The groom iris a charge at C'mimurcp, Mich. The happy couple will tonve. about next Wednesday for Youngstown, where they will visit fora wt^-k among tho groom’s relatives, from wltcuci they will go to their . home in Cum nu'rce, Mich., wlmre they will be at home to their many friends alter Dec. let.. ■■■. . Guests from a distance were W. X. Mahon,. xVudes, N. Y .; J . I£. Deni­ son, Youngstown, O,; Mias Elsie Den ison audrMr, G..G. Denison of War- ren, 0 .; Rev. R.V*G, Smith, Muncie, Ind A large number of relatives of the bride from nearby towns were present. The Herald extends its best wishes to tho newly wedded couple in their new life. , A C ry F r o r a 05N a tu r e . AWAItNINGTIlATBHOTJM) BEHEEDED r.YEVERY SUPEEEER. ;couftr proceeding . -New Crop. California Apricots * - ’ &u —Agood line of Glovea. and .Mitts a t Cooper’s. jisms Peaches* Brumes, Grapes and a t Gray’*. Mrs. William Conley and brother, F VP . Moudy, of Springfield, returned last Friday j from N ew 'Y o rk City, having been called there by the death of their brother, E li Moudy. During Mr. and Mrs. J , H . Andrew enter­ tained a number o f their relatives and friends a t dinner and supper, Tues­ day, Mr, John Lott came over from Day- ton, Saturday, to spend Sabbath. Ho was accompanied by his friend,- Mr. Ross. M. their stay in tho city Mrs. Conley was invited to call on Hon. Whitelaw d family a t Ophir farm. - Mrs* Conley reports that Mr; Retd is in the best of health, looking bettor than he has for years. —The old reliable/ Acfifitr stove is sold only by K e rr & Hastings Bros. Better see them before you buy, 1 A fter today the faro between Xenia and Dayton over tbo DaytOn and Xenia Traction line will be 25 cents o n ew a y sn d 4 5 cents round trip in- stead o f 15 cents fare one way aud 30 cents round trip as has been tbo rale for several months; Tho Rapid Tran­ sit line will establish tbo same rate of fare bu t has no t yet given out when th e new rate will go into effect. —Tasteless Cod Liver Oil at C Ridgway’s. The report reaches us that consid­ erable roudyism goes on nt tho depot on Sabbath evenings, and that a t times it is impossible for a lady to get through the crowd of "ruffians” that congregate there to await the OrnriU of the nine o’clock train. I t might be well to have an officer there for a few evenings to try and break up tho crowd that gather there only for a loafingplace. Mrs. E . 8 . ICeye3 and children were in Columbus Monday,a the guest of Mr, Hnd Mrs, Clem Rich. —We pray thee, heed him not who askest thee to take something, said to the same us the Rocky Mountnin To: made by the Madison Medicine Co. 35 cents, Most all tho hands in tho em­ ploy of theHagnr Straw Board Co. in Kentucky, returned home to cast their vote. I). F . Malloy and Trone Milburn, who sQtne time back made an assault on Constable John Ross, were brought before Judge Scroggie, Monday. Mil- bitrn entered a plea of not guilty and, was sent buck to jail in default of bond. Malloy pleaded guilty .to as­ sault and battery aud was filicdj 825 and costs. Mr. David Turnbull, .sheriff of Warren County, 111., passed through here last Saturday to Columbus,where ha called ou Gov. Nosh for requisition papers for a prisoner at Akron, 0 . The quail season opens today, and consequently the marksmen will bo o a t ♦wlrihg the county on the bunt • f tbo "Bob White.” —New pcachc3, prunes, apricots, date*, figs *ud raisins a t Cooper’s. Floyd Iloutzalm. of tho shoe firm o f Koutxrim A Wright,'candidate for shc rrif'o f Clark county, was elected to tha t office last Tuesday. Mr. E u a iu b a rati slightly ahead o f bis party, proving him to In a very pop­ u lar mau for the office. The vote— Kentoahs, R, 3708; Myers, I), 0217. —Thar* in to pleasure in life if you dread going to the table to eat and eaa’fctert a t night on account o f indi gaatkm. ^ Henry,Williams,4of Boon vHV, Ind ., m j i be suffered tha t way r*. tilth # commenced the ms ftf^odo i Dyipafiria Cure; and adds, "How I can t a t anything 1 like and all I want and sleep soundly every,” Jtodoi Dyspepsia Cure will digest what you t a t Ridgway A Co*, Drug- Oscar Hatterfirid went tot/iucin* watf, Wsdnaaday, when; be intends hw aw g this wiatsr. Mr, Bam Andsrson, o f Bpringfirid, who recently sold his grocery to Mr. WiKDean will In a short time move swt th« Jameetown pike F a r Hale; Plymouth ltocfc C-. <k“ acsIalOoeaeK Wm. Conley, ' Mr. A. R. Bull was in town Tues­ day, for the first time in about two years, he feeling able to cast another vote for the next president of the United States. . Mr, Bull has been terrribly afflicted with rheumatism, moat of tbo time not being able 't o leave his room. —You can’t afford to risk your life by allowing a cough oi* a cold to de­ velop into pneumonia or consumption. One Minute Cough Cure will cura throat and hlng troubles quicker than any other preparation known. Many doctors use it as a specific for grippe. I t is an infalible remedy for croup. Children like It and mothers cadorss it, ltidgway & Co.,’Druggists. Mr. D. Bradfuto & Son yesterday received a fine Pole Angus cow, hav­ ing purchased it in Kentucky. The animal is valued nt several hundred dollars. John Shinglcdeckcr sr, John Slung- ledeckcr jr , and Jane Young entered picas of not guilty to the charge of receiving and concealing stolen goods. Harvo Jeffreys entered a plea of not guilty to tho charge of .burglary. These cases lire in connection with the robbing of the Dallas property. Nature soon rebels when thehtiroan machinery is out of order. Her ap­ peals for help should be quickly an­ swered. Life is too short and dear to us to neglect our health,- When- tho system beqoihos run down, the blood impure, the liver torpid, nerves all on a quiver, aw the stomach refuses to do its work, then nature utters her warning note, ,It may ‘be a sick headache, nervous­ ness, dyspepsia, catarrh, loss o f appe­ tite, insomnia, languor; constipation, but it is nature’^ signal o f distress. Tho human jn-ichiue should he at tended to without delay. The system ne.i'dfl building up, tin impurities must be driven from |ln blood, the liver made tA do its work and the stoimmh placed in a natural, healthy condition, Knox $t'tiuach Tnhiets are n ikh - combination of ve^tnMe reuufik.- cfSfsipounded by.-.{me of the host chem­ ists in the world; add" are guarantee' to build,., up the whole system. They do not act as a stimulant, but are n- sarsaparilla in u tablet form, contain ing twice the iwGirimti properties o: any other combination of remedies known. They give health am strength to the entire body and im­ mediate relieve indigestion and posi­ tively cure dyspepsia, , A single hoi? will .prove their power to cure chronic invalids and make them strong, hpnlthy men urn women. - .*,. If unable to secure Knox Stomach Tablets of your druggists, send fifty cents to the Knox Chemical Co. Battle Creek, Mich,, aim a fall sized package will be sent, postpaid. HE), BOYS HID CBlIiDBE|(’S . . C L O T H I N G . . NVvWvtrVVVTVVVl^VX»rVVrtfVV^rvrV' 0 (V>vVv-i^>rvj!!N<y . I ^ > r n wsSm& SPRINGFIELD. OHIO. t/SXPsMXAXlsXAXAXAZXkAXfaK, THISLABEL 15 FAVORABLY Wm TOMOfijMINWHOWEAR ®&DCLOTHLSTHANANYOTHER INSPRIN&FIElb. ifYOUWANTTOWEARCLOTHES BEARIN&IT,CALON m: J , M . M . K f l U F M A N , WE LEADIN& CLOTHIER,. KftUfMflNi CORNER. Gent’s Furnishing, Hats. Trunks and Falises Mr. Rildy Ivyb, o f Xenia, was the guest of Mr. aud Mrs, Chas. Cooley aud family last Sabbath, Mbs Mary McCollum died nt her homo north of town, IiiuivJay, in her 81#t year. Shu suffered n stroke of paralysis about-two weeks ago and never recovered. She was a member o f the R. P . Church and lived a eon* sisicut aud devoted life. She was n daughter of James hud Mary McCol­ lum, there being nine children. Squire Bradford was in .Morrow and rynesvillo Tuesday und Wednesday Wry, on business. —Many petqde worry because they believe they have heart disease. The chances are that their hearts aro ali Vegetarian. Baked Beans. With Tomatoe Sauce, No Meat. No Fat. A t Gray’s. Mr. O. E , Bradfuto left Tuesday, for Chicago, where he will attend the Angus Breeders Association which was in session in that city this week. Next week Mr, Bradfuto will address the members of the "Illinois Live Stock Breeders Association” a t their meeting to ho held in the Supreme Court room at. Springfield, HI,, on tho following subjects; Tuesday, Novem­ ber IS, "The Up-to-date Stock Farm.” Thursday, November 15, "The Mod­ ern Beef Animal and IIow to Pro­ duce it.” Thio association gives a ban­ quet Thursday evening a t the 8t, Nicholas Hotel, Mr. Bradfuto respond­ ing to the toast, "Tho American Htoekmau,” Chas. and Jonah Weakley plead not guilty to a charge o f having stolen soma corn, and gave bond. Attorney Lewis St. John has been appointed by the Court of Common Pleas to defend Join: Blade who is under indictme n t for cmieealhigstolen goods, and T im . Tracy who will an ewer for a similar offense will ha do fended by Attorney W, L. Miller. Attorney' Knot, appointed by the Ellis McMillan for Ilood court 1ms bccu to defend stealing 835 from Mr. D. S. Ervin’s safe some time ago. The following citizens in this vicin ity have been subpoenaed os jurymen —I f you have ever seen a child in tho agony of croup you can realize how grateful mothers are for One Min­ ute Cough Cure which gives relict as ami as it is ndminlsfcid. I t quickly cures coughs, colds and throat and lung troub le. Ridgway A Co., Drug­ gists. for tlm murder trial of A. G. Binga inon, December 4: Bilas Murdock, James Turner; Jos. Holmes hnd Robert Jackson. S tatu Omo, Cit’v or VouaKt, ] Lt'CAS C'm’RTV, ■ ‘ J Tho foot ball game for tomorrow is declared off, Xenia deciding not, to ling up againot the team hcrc-'-and perhaps for them it would ,bo ju st as well. However u strong team from right but. then’ stomachs arc unable Lmujon will be hero next Friday nmi to digest food. K m o I Dyspepsia Cure giv« tho hoys a good game. Let ligestt what you cat and prevents the eveiv love? iff riiiYgpm't fie on the - ........ *+- 1 * fL* • F eank J , (iiiBNBYmakes oath that firm of F« J . (T ibsby A doing hugine.'J in ;tc formation o f gas which makes tl» stomajrh press against tho heart. I t will cure every form of iud:r; .. Uidgway A i ’o., Druggists, Admi-sit as 10 b . gronods, —I fy o u want anything good, go to Gray's. John Iliffio nt the soldiers honm in Mr*wtd Mm, W. II. Eskridge vh It#dl BdtNrd# In ItoMth £h lm , Ttjmlny. I *“ ... , , i Pwftdilnu by the pastor a t too 7.1. , , —TO T H E DfcAFi A rn h la d v , ^ rti!,l* th morning at Bklo, Hmidusky. ^ t h e m e , "Pur» Mtligion.’’ Isftigues; r>| T m L r S f ** *,r’ vkt nt $ p. m. T«u tr» (ordiully in- i ’ J* .V, Afurrhflil fins hud tor his p irt week daughters. unullhi j<i A lt Mar Drama m t Imr* Mra. Claorg*1W**t#r and daugh ter,. ilankin uul daugisi; r, *d\ k'»nd for iratiiuim;::! Mk fitifinn N*. D3M9, T) m ONra mm *Mm. QarMd# FWA» ...................... h I . O r tnl fM l i t I «M N ) mtmteiMrf by Mr. mm ! kin. ( I l f j B UB I m , Tkamtay. ChM. i <rki> , * 1 <*» T iu 'y v d »uf< rtaund , Thnrabiv . at tha Immr of Mr, and Mm Daniat Manimli. j ho is senior partner of the to CitESEY & tho City of Toledo, County and Htri e afsnv?.ud, and that said firm will pay the mm of ONE HUNDRED DOL­ LARS for each aud every ease of C.vrAJ'.r.ii that cannot himued by the U£Uof IIAIXV, C-ATAKKII Cftill. ■ F jj AMICJ . IhtBNEY. .Sworn to LMmv me and uuL aribed in my preKOtice, this fitli day of' December, A. I). lk ’M. * . A. W. O b L ui . v , •J sb At, | Notary Public. Haifa Catarrh Chtto is taken infi-r- lutlly, ami net?! dirt fitly on the Wood mid mnfiMti* Bitrim1’^ y f EI ib system, 1 ft»r tr fSitiunmU, f»tu« F. ,h Ciievnv A Co., T.>1*do, O, S«t »l hv Dru .’gii?1*, 7-«’. Haifa Family 1’iiU « » tha l*at. —I t will not* be a Surprise to* any who are a t all fatnilar with the good qualities of Chamberlain’s Cough Item fitly, to know that people everywhere take pleasure in relating their exper­ ience in the use of that splendid med­ icine nml iu telling of the benefit they have-received from it, of brfd colds it has cured, o f threatened' attacks of '’pneumonia it has averted and of the children it has saved from attacks of croup aud whooping cough. I t is a grand, good medicine. Fo r sale by 0 . M. R’idgfrny. TOCUBE A COLDIN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo .Quinine Tab­ lets'. All druggists refund the money if its fails to cure. E . W. Grove’s signature is ou each box. 25c. Obuibtrfolft'aPftiaBala Oarei Otberi, t l j l m t " My wife has been using Ohamb Iain’s Pain Balm, With good rewlb EDIT0B3 SEES WONDERS. Editor W. V , Barry, of Lexington, —Both makers and circulators of counterfeits commit fraud. Honest men will not deceive you into buying worthless counterfeits of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. The original is infallible for curing piles, sores, ec­ zema and all skin diseases. Ridgway & Co., Druggists. Tenn.,m exploring Mammoth Cave, contracted a severe ease o f piles. His quick cure through using Bueklcn’s Arnica Halve convinced him it is an­ other world's wonder. Curc 3 Piles, Injuries. Inflammations, and all bodily I t is reported that Geo. Randall lujs had his pension increased to $12 per month, and received back pay to the amount ofS-iOO, eruptions. Only 25c at Ridgway &Co. X lsla if o r Sweet Btad PlelU Coen. I have b?cu growing sweet corn for 20 yean:, atid when I have planted sweet com within the range of field corn I have had them more or less mixed. I grew field corn for market, and when th ?nweet corn came lu range with it I would have a email strip of Sweet corn, but it Would conform to the si;:o of tl:p field corn. I asn satis­ fied that they would mix the first year. -“•Chartori I'.laetr, New Jersey. Epilepsy tie Knew Better. ■Mtai Klttlrh (pitigiHg}—“Oh, promise me! Oh, jw.Jafco me!” Mr. Spued:;-Couldn't think of St. It coat mo BIO.OHOto break the last promise I made to a woman.—-Detroit Free Press. So#*1**He* to t, "How awfully dull Eve must have been In Eileu with no clothes to wear.” "Worse still, no other woman’s clothes to criticise."—-Brooklyn Life. K m w Dei^idr, , Tbs most ptuiloun hour of a person's I'to is when ho Is u-mpttd to despond. The roan that loses hig esurapo loses all. -There is no hope for bi:u than a, dead man. Rut It matters not how poar he may hr*, Imw uunh pushed by clrcsjawtancrs, how much drauted by friends, hmv much but to the world, if he oa!y heaps his courage, SioMs up hit head and with uneonfuierable will de- twialyea t.r he aud to ,ia vvtiat becomm K ihatr, nil wilt .be well. It Is nothing : weakens the body and de­ grades the mind. I t saps the nervous strength that is the source o f all health, and perverts the Functions o f every organ. Because o f its stubborn nature, it is often called incurable. This is not true. There is one medicine that never fails to check the nervous spasms and give hew strength to the entire system. , bfi>yboyhad epifcptfaspasms ? * « un ab le'd :» ,'v« ktsrd cf 4 d !) N. Mcudjan Ave^ Andcttoa,W , outri-lo of biiu that kills. It is v?hat if that mo!:( s «r not makes, Tki* «»),-»,rr hot of tho ft—vilMI L r n t i v * B ftw io -Q nW ae d «.m * ’ Netvtne *lUys nctvm s irritation, *»tops spasms, resto re* db gestton and .mental vigor* Hr, MiW»Med) *1 C«, UkltMt, 2 ml for a lamo shoulder that has pain her continually for nine yean, W| (have tried all kinds of medicine*i Idoctors without receiving any be* from any of them. Ono day *:e*M an advertisentoiiC of this niedicin* i thought of trying it, which wet with the best of satisfaction. Bin! used only one bottle and her shouk is almost well. Adolph L. Milk Manchester, N . H , For itle byC M. Ridgway. M! m Bessie Milburn who has in Dayton for some time, spent first of the week with her par Mr. and Mrs. J . H . Milburn. Six Prigtfal FalluM. ' Six terrible failures of six (lit doctors nearly sent Wm. H. Mail ofLockland, 0 ., to an early i*w All said be had a fatal lung troafc and th a t he must soon die. B u t ' was urged to try Dr. King’s New1 eovery for Consumption, After I ing five bottles he was entirely cur I t is positively guaranteed to curat diseases o f Throat, Ohest and Lor' including Goughs, Golds* La Gr" Pnoumonift, Bronchitis, A»thma, Fever, Group, Whooping Goughj and $1,00." Trial bottles free at Ri way & (V s. d rag store. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Barber eat tained quite a number of friends their home, last Friday evening- very enjoyable time was spent. m n thi iimih AMI HUM I f f Till IMI. Laxative Bromo-Quinino Tablets ws a cold in oae day. No cure, no Price 25 cent?. ‘ Word was received here Sab morning that a korsa had lieen. «L. from Jesse Townsley, who reridssj the Gfiluuibus pike. Later ■ day word was received that tnef' mal lmd been found wear Piter We understand that it isn a t kny whether it strayed away or w « dps to th a t vicinity and’ turned Jos J huj makes th« second horse that i been taken from Mr, Townsley** ^ in almut a.year. m iNTV-THIRD Ft. h o * COGITATK: r i Pitwy Of RosUiri'A king CouW or Leave it The new king^JU ; ltowastbe _ Lucius, ........... first th ing he did, ev got used to ' wearing the while it .stiff hu rt his hea , he deprived the people o which they, enjoyed.' Hj fob.iUg on, Sunday, ai silow npy boyto ridon ; fide-whlki nur wear cell t ^ ^ f * nt all. H e passed a law tuap shoifld give a pink t talked ahout.her neighbu : punished by being comp stain from talking a weeks. And he made girl should chew gum or ' nt the oper house, so wbntj irt having, rt new hat, a also stopped the public his predecessor had est: the people managed to hi cited to, this hardsliip. hepaine desperate aud ' len t whether school kept were so oppressed -that a a year less, was nothing when a lo t of them, were r country grocery of a jug, Swearing nt the gov could smell .them from wouldn’t require a'hot ata Even as early as Luci iw e re i'o o k agents and 1 f agents, who made life oi [ round o f pleasure and a iOne day a female twok • on the king with llbofes Royal Path of Life,” anti , plete Letter Writer,” 'Doctor,7’ and a book of p hu^ the king refused t< ■went away and in a fe again, bu t the king was s But the tldrd day when she told him a pitiful sto her parents were right brothciB and some la'sFain ife has in Ba den,'“® she f kof thi rtieenfi of try best yone well, der, inualh pendent on her for a liv they had no bread in breakfast, so she hod to or pancakes 8 o he hoi anrl the country 1 ms bee ageftfa to this day. The king, to. make bargain, buried tho bool [way ed they were of great pi R ; When he desired to d c | ; ^ ° lowlived and disreputa consult his secret books would find excuse for chicken Stealing to cu head off, Tho same ph Some years later by on founder o f the Mormw an for the w Mrs. B i l l ■rible: e ,ea?y . and, t be faa Ono day while Lueii U1l in inventing some m* lie would pinch the tit jects in the door jaml> was pounding glass THE SALE WATCH ri to tr or Got battles •lively of Thr 2 Gotij nia, Bi Irowp. Ti Vs, dt ml Mu alto a lie, las livable is an imparti business, an are having in this line fact tint wc class tiinck?i low prices, represent, times sell watch at a < h t r « in slot o f ladies* fine wat ! h % pleasure will raff, i a ?:,i iofll ibblJS t VrftO liCUl ratautl if ( frui Vlriifll 6 » the ;n fVifi » year WcCOLLUM, CfO,WVi