The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 27-52

T 1^Magi* wM t w ill otmviaoe ytm tlm t no oth®r store in town is so aW* to snpjply ysnw -wsnts in B V S B T U C N E « ■.. ................■■-■...^ especially so is tins tens in ------ --------^1,1 — ---------- - ; " _ >■ Underwear, Boots Shoes, ?|3S5w fed's U s e OvercosU to Light sod Dark Styles, fine! tailored a t 17,50,#10.00, $12.50 A $15,00 each m ’ s F ine gait*, Double Breasted Vesta In variety ofpattern* a t f 0' v ten’* Duck Gout* ____ _ $8.00, $10,00, A $12.50 each $1.25, *1.50 and $2,00 each Children's Jersey Ribbed Union Suita, fleeced a t 25 .and 50c per garment Ladies’ Jersey Bibbed Tinder "Vests and Drawers, 25 and 50c per garmeut Ladies’ Jereey Ribbed Union Suite,...................... 50c and $1.00 per garment Men's Heavy Fleeced Under Shirts and Drawers.,,,’...,.... „_^,50c per garment Men's Fine Over Shoes in Box Calf and Vie* Kid a t $2.50, #3 and $3 50pair Men’* Leather Boots ______ ________ „ f 2.00, $2.50 end $3.00 pair, Men's F E L T BOOTS with Snag Proo f Overs.......................... $2,50 p»ir. Men’s F e lt Boots with good grade Oveis.... ................... .... $2.00 pt]r< A t. BIRD’S MAMMOTH STORE Trtnrirnrf th rp^;i * I " • • >. .. •• ,•- : Local and Personal —Fountain Pens, guaranteed the *«t a t O, M, Ridgway’s. —The weather is such now that rou need a horse blanket for your torse. See Kerr A Hastings Bros. . Mis* Emma Blair, who is teaching chool near Xenia was called here Junday by the illness of Mrs. Satter- feld. Mrs. James Barr entertained a uum- MarOf friend* a t dinner, Monday. —Ify o u r children »re fretful, peev- sfa and cross, mother the saihe, ditto ho boss* it would seem proper to give em all Rocky Mountain Tea, 35cte Ilia* Maud Smith, o f Xenia was fas guest o f Mr. and Mre Sherman a t he Sherman House, Sunday, Miss Ru th Molford, of Waynesville, Vis pleasantly entertained -by Squire md Mrs. Bra his week* Mrs. John A, JEsseck returned to i«r home in Dayton, Monday; after i few days visit here the guest of Mies Stoma Anglebauer, , Lost;—A small, black pocket-book Mtween McCollum's and S. L . Stew- xfy. Finder rewarded* Leave at gat-aid office and receive reward. for M. dford, several days of ricots isins —Ifoifefc cream of all kind* thapped hands and" face a t C* SMgway’** s ’ Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Smith have aoved Into the Milburn property on 3eisr Street. , * Mias Ada Creawell has 'had for the Mpal week fo r her guest her friend tfrs. G , A . Steinbilber and son, Mau fa», of Abilene, Kansas, * ■—Hew Crop Calijjprnia Ap Breebss, F ram es, Grapes and Rai it Grey’s. James Watson, a Former resident in his vicinity has moved h is ‘family VomMorrow to Xenia. —<Tha old reliable Acorn, stove is told only by Kerr A Hastings Bros. Better see thhm before you buy. Horace Sbroades returned last Sab­ asth from Chicago, where he has been Tor the past two months. —TaiteleSs Cod L iver Oil a t C. M, EUdgway’s. B . G, Ridgway has been confined to his home for the past week owing to a haavy oold* Special Sale:—The millinery firm o f Barr A Boyd will for the nex t two waatof sell their trimmed hats a t rrately reduced prices. Call and see than. The United States produces 22,228 paired* o f grain for each inhabitant; Eaghmd only 860 pounds, F o r Renti—Niceet office room in town. Next Oleman's Insurance office, J . P . Chew, Xenia, (). Miss Effie Buffingberger, o f Car* thage, Ohio, was the guest of Miss ZsiU Kagley, Monday. —A choice lino o f all kinds of Groceries, a t Gray's. —We prey thee, heed him not who askest thee hi take something, said to tha same as the Rocky Mountain Tea read# by the Madison Medicine Co. $6e*ah», D r. E , C, Oglcsbee is able to bo out wad around after an attack o fth e fc - Mr. F rank Keenan ‘ in Sol Smith Russell's play* MA Poor Relation” will appear a t the Xenia opera . house, Wednesday evening, November 21. I t is a rare chance for playgoers to see such a play in a* city of that size* Prices 25, 35, 50, 75c and $1. -—A fine line o f dried fruits, canned goods, pickles, hulk coffees, teas, etc,, a t Cooper's. F rank Milburn. arrived Wednesday evening from Painsville to spend a few days with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. J , H . Milburn. —Bulk and condensed Mince Meat; hulk and canned Apple Butier; bulk and canned Syrups, sorghum and new Orleans a t Cooper’s. , Homer Wade, bookkeeper for the •W. L . Clemens Insurance Agency, has resignted and accepted a position with a similar agency at Springfield. Homer’s many friends here will regret^ to see him leave, —Nice fresh Oysters, Celery and Cranberries a t Cooper’s. R. L ‘. Gowdy, receiver of J . E, and E . M. Lowry, has offered for sale the electric light plant a t Morrow, Ohio. I t will be sold Thursday, November 22. The rush is on and next Friday the 23rd will be Downing’s last day atCedarville before Christmas. All that can, should go in the forenoon. •It your lamps don’t give good lights, empty them, pu t in new- wicks and fill them with Magic Safety Oil. Get it a t Cooper’s. all colors C M. —If you have ever seen a child in tb* agony of croup you can realize ‘ grateful motitersare forOne Min- lough Cure which gives relief as m it i»admiatsterd, It quiqkly t uouabe, colds and throat and Wes. RidgwayACo., Drug* $bt*« —When you want prompt acting t ie vHfa that never grips use De> ktfeUtete Early Risers, Ridgway I C a , th# feoyt thbut town M Mill* lif t —.—._ ,i they would not like to fcaew'MMNMi many tlmst, Several pi»fi>ui*d nwtlwBossand Mil* trial a* Xenia, and were to bg •fet Jck*k. feewswtf, none K H Miff# fta* )p t«M , a l a a i 5 a a l $ I Jh* Astltefea fee a wftusas K J § feu h a t e m m nut, ffWva *wvm IMP nven ' t . —Crepe paper, Ridgway’s. ' F re ak Keenan a t Xenia opera house, Wednesday, November 21. Prices 25, 35, 50,’ 75c and $1. Go and Bee him. ' Postmaster Tarbox has iieen offduty this week, owing to sickness, Mrs. Gertrude Fields filling the vacancy du ring his absence. Most of the scarlet fever patients are about recovered and the quaran­ tine has been removed from a number of the houses. The disease seems to have been hilled out. —Fo r horse blankets and buggy robes try K e rr A Hastings Bros. Mrs J . P , Satterfield who was very sick the first o f the week is somewhat improved. Her daughter, Mrs. W. H . Blair, of Morrow, was called here owing to her serious illness. —Disinfectants o f all kinds can be had a tC , M* Ridgway’s. An evening would be Well spent by Sol Smith Russell’s play, "A Poor Relation” a t Xenia opera house, Wed­ nesday evening, November 21, The insurance agency of McGervey A Le Board this week paid the lorn on Mrs. Bailie Barber’s household goods which were damaged by the recent fire. Although the company was u n ­ der n&obligatisns to pay the lots, they kindly consented to do so. When Mrs. Barber moved she overlooked having her insurance transfered. -Window Glass, Coal Buckets, Shovels, Tongs,-etc. a t Cooper's. * A large force of men wefe yester­ day engaged' in unloading railroad steel a t this point. Some time ago new steel was laid from. Columbus to this place and uow the work has com­ menced again laying it on to Xenia. I t requires shout twenty cars of steel to complete the work. - I f you want anything good, go to Gray's, Mrs, Bailie Barber this week moved her household goods to the Clemans property.Qn South Main street. Mrs. Elmer S t John and little son are the guests o f Mr, and Mrs. Tom St, John . Some great inducement* for the Holiday trade a t Downing's Studio. Word wa* received here this week of the death of Geo Nicho), o f Los Angeles, Cat,, on Nov. 2nd, Mr. Nicuol formerly lived here and was a brother of Mrs. John Tarbox. Toil could not give a Christmas present tha t Would he more appreci­ ated by your friends, than one of Downing* fine Photo*, Wafer Color or crayon portraits. TO TH E DEAF ; A rich lady, cured ot her Jteafnes* and Noise in ike Hem! hy Dr* Nk^fdson’i Artificial E a r Drams, gave $25,00$ to his In» stttnte, so that drefiteopf* unable to the Mar Drams may h a te A $ d r e » X f t ,D 2 t t i The yjffi km York. Morgan Wood, Tuesday,Nov. 27. Edward Wren, proprietor of the great wholesale aud retail dry goods nouse in Springfield, had a free excur­ sion from Lima and way points to Springfield, Wednesday for the bene­ fit of bargain liunter. I t required eleven coaches to carry the bargain hunters to tbe Champion City, Vegetarian. Baked Beans. With Tonmtoe Sauce. No Meat, No Fat. A t Gray’s. County Commissioner John Steven­ son was in town yesterday looking after some bridges that were to he shipped to this place. D r. F . R . Madden, P ractice lim ­ ite d to EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. O la s je s A ccu rately Ad­ ju sted . Allen Build ing , Non in , O. •Telephone,•—Office0No, 73 , Residence So. z7> Hon. Andrew Jackson left on Wed­ nesday for Chicago, where he will visit his wife mid daughter, Mrs, Ralph George. • Mrs.T \V, H . Barber entertains her Sabbath school class at her home to­ day. The citizens telephone coinpany which intends putting a plant iu Xeniu are meeting with great success and commence work in a few days. One thousand new phones have been ordered.. Mrs. F rank Townsley entertained u number of ladies Thursday, Those who have not purchased their season tickets for the lecture course This plgnatar* la oa every box of the genuine Laxative BroaubQuiniae T*bieta fhe remedy that c a re * • e * M f a « m d a y Miss Alice Turner, ot Xenia wn, the guest of Mies Florence Richards Sunday, . Chas. Connell, aged 48 years, died a t his home south of town Monday,’ of a complication, of diseases. H e leaves a wife and eightcbildreu. A number of witnesses were called to Xenia Tuesday to testify at. the Mil- burn and Ross trial. It will he re- membed that two men by the names of Milburn and Maloy struck consta­ ble John Ross, n few weeks ago. The jury was out only a short time re­ turning a verdict of guilty. He was fined 825 and costs. I t was supposed hy some that the question of electric roads would f® brought up at the meeting of council last Monday everting. Hut such was not the case as Sir. Frey, promoter of the Springfield road, did not put in his appearance We are unable to state just when any action will be taken. Somewhat of a joke was innocently played on T. B. Andrew one day last week, Mr, Andrew while around on one of the side streets was approached by a small boy, the conversation being as follows: “ We aint going to sell our rags to that little old man any more, cause he don’t pay enough. After this we are going to sell them to you cause you pay more,” Mr. Andrew then told the boy to have his rags ready and he would come and get them, Don't forget that you can buy heavy underwear for 25, 35,150, 75 cents and$1.00 at Sullivan’s the Hatter, Springfield, Ohio. ^ jam, BOVS AUD CHILDBED'S ..CLOTHING.. can get them either from the commit- The chap had mistaken Bqv for the1 tee or a t G. M. Grouse's after next! W?™80’ Wednesday. Rev. and Mrs. Alfred Denison and Miss Elsie Denison took their depar­ ture Wednesday, for Esteru Ohio aud Pennsylvania where they will visit among the groom’s relatives and ulso visit Mrs. Mattie Williamson, of Clays- ville, Pa,, before returning to their new home in commerce Mich. Miss Elsie Denison returded to her home in Warren, Ohio, ' Born to Mr. andJJ Mrs. ^Fred Barr a ten pound girl. Fred is the electrician for the Xenia Electric L ight Company, and is receiving the congratulations of bis friends,—Ga­ zette, Mr. Frank Dean and Deputy Pro­ bate Judge, Walter Dean, o f Xenia, spent last Monday in this vicinity taking advantage of of the bunting season, Tfasre is one community in Canada in which the people are so religions that twenty farms within a radius of ten miles o f their new church were mortgaged to p«y for the build­ ing. -DeW itt’s L ittle Early Risers are the best liver pills ever made. Easy to take aud never gripe. -Ridgway A Co., Druggists. The plat for Morgan Wood’s lecture will bo opened a t C, M. Crouse’s next Thursday a t 2 P , M. Andrew Carnegie has stated that ho intends endowing a polytechnic school for tha instruction of practical mechanics and the industrial sciences a t Pittsburg, The endowment will ho $3,000,000. Tuesday evening a t the country homo of Mr. and Mrs. Chas- Cooley, about twenty friends were entertained a t supper in honor of Rev. and Mrs. Alfred Denison.. A number of tbe guests were front Xenia. Remember the first lecture, Mor­ gan Worn) a t the opera house Tuesday Nov. 27. S tats or Oaio, Cuv or Torzoo, f I, ccas CocsTt. I F rank J . C heney makes ontli that he is senior partner of the firm of F , J . C heney A C o ., doing business in UrnCity of Toledo, County And State aforesaid, and-that said firm will pay tlm mm of ONE HUNDRED DOL­ LARS for each sod every case of C atarrh that cannot lie curd) by the use of H ai . i .’ s C atarrh C ure . F rank J , C herry . Sworn to before tue And su lm ibcd in my presence, ibis Clh day of December, A. 1), 1886. 1 A. W, G t r hon , * Mr, and Mrs, J . C* McMillan came down from Charleston yesterday to Visit with friends. This is Mrs, Mc’s first visit since her sickness. B e tte r Try It . Periodicals and magazines o f differ­ en t kinds this year can be obtained a t a very low coat, especially when you subscribe with an agency. Mr. C. R. Hekble, of Xenia, has started such an agency and his prices are exceed* ingly low. He can give you two magazines for almost the price of one Write for his list; —You can’t afford to risk your life ! by allowing n cough or -a cold to de­ velop into pneumonia or consumption. One Minute Cough Cure will cure throat aud lung troubles quicker than any other preparation known. Many doctors use it as a specific for grippe I t is an iufalihle remedy, for croup. Children like it and mothers endorse: it. Ridgway A Co., Druggists. —I t will not be a surprise to *any I who are a t all familar with the good qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Rem-1 edy, to know that people everywhere take pleasure iu relating their exper­ ience in the use of that splendid med­ icine and in telling of the benefit they I have received from it, of bad colds it has cured, of threatened attacks' of pneumonia it has averted and o f the I ))l children it has saved from attacks of [ croup and whooping cough. I t is a grand, good medicine. For sale by O. M. Ridgway. Gent’s Furnishing, Hats, Trunks and Valises A Cry From Nature a warning that should be heeded : BY EVERY SUFFERER. ; lurch Announcements Public services in theM .-E . church tomorrow. Preaching by the pastor a t 10:45 a. m.: “ Partakers of Christ, and,at 7:30 p. m, “ The Royalty o: God's Children R. P. church, (O. S.) W .. J . San­ derson pastor, preaching a t 11:00 a. m.: “ Paul Illustrating the Preparei Preacher," and 7:30 p. ni, “ Christ Lost and Found.” Dropsy i , HEAL i- * ***,;-*) * Notary Public. ivmm , Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter­ nally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surferes of the system, Heml for testimonials, free. F. J . C hensy A Co., Toledo, O, Bold by Druggist*, 7.V. Hall’s Family Pills are the Imst, starting in the feet or ankles comes from a weak or diseased heart—a heart that cannot keep up the circulation. The blood then settles in’ the lower limbs where the watery portions ooze out into surrounding tissues causing bloat and swelling. T h e heart must be strengthened find built up before the dropsy can be cured to stay; and the best o f all heart medicines is Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure. “ X had palpitation, shortness o t breath, pain In heart, swelling . o t feet and ankles, hungry spell* and was confined to my Bed and easy chair. A few bottles of J)r. Miles*Heart Cure made me well,** Mxs, a O sborn *, Clyde, O. D». Miles' Heart Cure gives new strength to the heart, regulates the circulation, stimu­ lates the digestion and restores health, Sold by druggists on * guarantee. The wheat yields in many instances | in the Northwest are reaching thirty to forty bushels per acre. Six FrigtMPailant Six terrible failures o f six different doctors nearly seut Wm. H . Mullen o f Lockland, O., to an early grave All said he had n fatal lung trouble aud that he must soon die. But he was urged to try Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption. After tak­ ing five bottles he was entirely cured. It is positively guaranteed to cure nil diseases of Throat. Chest and Lungs, i « . , . , , , . including Coughs, Colds, L a Grippe, ’Na.ture T " M b wl,en th<>hum an , Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Asthma, liny Imachinery is out of order. Her ap Fever, Croup, Whooping Cough oOcj peals for help should be quickly an and $1.00. Trial bottles free a t Ridg-1 swered. Life is too short, and dear to way A Co s. drug store. ! u« to neglect our health. „„ ___________ ____ . When . the system becomes run FILES CUBED WITHOUT THE XKIFBI ' . , , . . YourdwM« t, whomyoa know to b.t.U.bli d W“ ! th® “ 003 ,mPUre» the h ! er win toll yoa that he ii authorUed tontaad th« torpid, nerves all on a quiver, auc money to tvery purehaeer whtra PIZO OINT- I *UA „„ .i, KENT fain to cute any eaaa of ITOHINO, I*’tie Stomach refuses to do its work bl ind , bleed ing , or protrud ing I then nature utters her warning note, PlT.lcA. ba mnttsv nr hawI mww «I b « 4 I h *, f«M.aa 1 .. « nervous- Price, I rite, insomnia, languor, constipation | but it is nature’s signal of distress. The human machine should be at tire guarantee. No 'Care, No Pay, For tale by C. M, Ridgway, hacco a t a stand in the corridor o f the building. A T O M f HE I S H H ANA WORKS I F F TH E B i t * . Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day, Price 25 cents. The man who built the city hall o f tended to without delay, . Denver is now selling cigars and to- j The system needs building up, the impurities must be driven from the blood, the liver made to do its work and the stomach placed in« natural healthy condition.'' # ........ Knox Stomach Tablets are anew No'cure,To”Pay! Ic‘orubiuatiou of vegetable remedies compounded by one of the best chem­ ists in the world; and are guaranteed to build up the whole system. They do Hot act as a stimulant, but are a sarsaparilla in a tablet form, contain ing twice the medicinal properties of any other combination , o f .remedies known, They give health and strength to the entire body and im Children's caps, IS. 19, »■* 35 and 5 0 cents at Sullivan's, x single 1 box will prove their th a llfitta r Qnrinnfialil IDiin Jpoyrer to curd chronic invalids and lllB n a tt e r , oprin^llB Id UIIIO, {make them strong, healthy men and women. I f unable to secure Knox Siomach Tablet* o f your druggists, rend fifty [cent* to the Knox Chemical Co., Battle Creek, Mich,, ana * fall sired package will he rent, postpaid. An apple tree in the orchard of There isno pleasure in life if you I^ h n Brooks, of Mount Haler. Mait- dread going to the table to eat a n d l 1* ^ County, Mich,, has blossomed can’t rest at night on account of imli-1 threw times since last winter, gestion. ^ Henry Williams, of Boon* .... ..... ville, Ind., says he suffered that way for years, till he commenced the use j ot Kodol Dyspepria Cure, and adds, “NowI can eat anything l like and «U I want and sleep soundly evrey,” Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will dlgrei what you eat, RWgwayACa., Drug­ gists. A r s f t it f s The most complete line c( gloves and mittens in the city, from 10 cents to $2 a pair & Sullivan's, the Hatter, Spring- field, Ohio. IWagazines AT LESS ’ THAN PUBLISHERS’ PRICES Cosmopolitan and Woman's Home Companion, ono y r...... $1.50 Farm & Fireside and Woman’s Home Companion, one yr.„«.$l«00 Woman’s Home Companion sud Youth’s Companion to*Jan, 1002 with Puritan Calendar...$2.00 Others in proportions. SeniVfor list. O * I I . XKNlA, OHIO. aa.wavVA^'i 0h*ia>«rl»)*t*Faia lalai Oates Otim, Wijr ItS My wife has been using Chamber* Ain’s Pain Balm, with good result?, or a lame shoulder that has pemed ter continually for nine years, lie lave tried all kind* o f medicines aiul doctors without receiving any benefit from«ny of feeMn Ono day wc saw an advertisement of (hi* medicine am] of trying it, whkh we did With the belt ofantinfection. Bhc h»* ired only our bottle and her shoulder kalnww; wall. Adolph L , MilleH. N. H, For by I* BpigWiya