The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 27-52
UiVfeL «:uf< fhUij 30:00 Hit#) *?■<«> N,«« 2:00 U "-.Oil 5:00 0:0O 7:00 Hum 0:00 ■ IO j IHI Utoo • 12:00 "Mug room jj „ : w )!'3‘V’n >^ e s t Fifth St, between I>avtim ur, p;lpin? thru e Road, /lining,-, e»»8 soul * 17 miles. tare fcifkbiuutioh fof Oidiiya Ciiis. mn *E, OHIO. terchan'ts anil Iq. <‘fl. Collections remitted. York and Cin* irwest rates. The unvenient way to Real Estate. Pei- •al Security. Pres.* i,' Vice PreB., .’ildman, Cashier,. t Market. s firm name, the iV. Crouse will be iduct in the meat t that money cati ibined with honest < incss methods a i the public, who rth of their money iidreu, direct them ve them the beet ILtVEIlED ?No. 74. • IVIILEMLGOAB t Centra! 'ruuk Line :iIST TICKETS .eeriptive matter to ONE, S I ’cmzenger Agt- triSVILLE, 'EY. I ADDRESS 0 BMY&Sv Ifjd Itulfiotfiol LLE, KY. on free t:i> a*id w n and FARMf*hi TENNESSEE. AMA. a o K io A . rant 1 Dining Booms a the re and .V'^ inside, owl ,ji I loin Aw.Btff flft % foM h P(tP\ F o o y t o * *VWiMNlfMNfJW j *<*J wm ft . m m , ~ F U R N I T U R E * W e have just received a big j stock of | FALLGODS Mammoth Stock of Furniture Chamber Suites, Dining Tables , Chairs, Rockers, Secretaries, Kitchen Cabinets, Safes, Ac. ' J. H. ricfllLLAN, Telephone 7 . CexJarvlIle, O. UNDERTAKER Ladies *>*■•'■ JS, TV T > i Gentlemen Of Cedarville and vicinity, you are re spectively invited to take dinner off one of Smith’s fine dinner sets, of which he has an endless variety in Havland & Co’s. French Chinas and English Porcelains. Also to inspect our rich Cut Glass, Lamps, Chamber Sets and Bric-a-bracs at prices lower than the lowest, and goods finer than the finest. fiotry Smith & Son, 44 S, Fountain Ave., Springfield, O. from n o r On you Riant Chafing Dishes, Forks, Spoons and* Patters, Quadruple Ware, Bowls,1Tureens and Bread Plates. Triple Ware, Knives, Forks and Spoons, Caiving Sets, pearl, stag, bone and ivory. Table Knives, silver, ivory and pearl*. Pocket Knives from all the best makers. Safety Razors, in cases or out of them, Bread Knives, all handles, all kinds. Shaving Sets, best razor, best goods, $1.50* Baking Dishes, finest in the land. T and Coffee Pots, solid copper, nickel plated. Sterling Silver at only hardware prices. Scissors arid Shears for any place arid any use. Carpet Sweepers, best known makes. Beautiful Sleds for boys and girls. Boy’s Wagons, all steel and best made. Toledo Tricycles, for boys and girls* Skates and Skates, every size and kind. Wheelbarrows, the big, strong kind* Clothes W ringer-a ll women want them. Washing Machines—atl women need them. Tables and Dressers for nearly grown-up girls The Springfield Hard ware Company. V h War# t# KiiJorTHe We believe that iho time has come for u belt to be caller) to mir various "rurreepouduntft” to city papers, We have been watching fur sometime, mut noticing the trend of their news am! ■B a rule the major part of it fa taken Irom otheripapere a week old, or else it is neighborhood go«3ip that hns a tendancy to create a stir in the inline- diato vicinity, and often times causes serious trouble among neighbors* Tbpre is also bo much toid that is not true, as in the case with the corres- poudant for the.Springfield Hun. He saye last week that “Colonel Barlow is having a well dug," Now the citizens of Cedarville did not even know'that he, (Barlow) owned any property to dig a well on, Wo would like to known where it ie. Now, why pub lished this untruth? Again: The tendancy"of all correspondauts is to make known everybodies doings or their whereabouts. Now there is no businessman that wishes everybody to kuow where he is, or was on a cer tain day, neither is it wise for a eor- rpepondante to make it known. Such utterances by country correspondnnts has caused more than one-business man trouble of a serious nature. Ex amples might be cited, but it is un necessary. Now, we believe that the welfare of neighborhoods would lie far belter if these “ newsmen” would leave out nil matter that creates ill feelings, all assertions that are not true, nil items pertuiuing to business mens affairs, or as to there where abouts, ami all things that are injurious to certain church organizations, all “slurs” that have a tendancy towards creating ill feelings among friends. This wo be lieve will be beneficial to all neighbor hoods, morally and religiously. Let us demand of these “ Brothers of the Quill” better news and news that is not “stale.” :-;i Success. We are often asked for a solution .of, the phenomenal success of the Star key Boot and Shoe company in the Arcade. We answer: It is a combi; nation of business principles aud a thorough knowledge of shoes. We go Into the largest markets of the • Art thou ono of the many that UuH drained tj«f- (io’d-n Ne?hu> that risk* rth thy hc>:irt full »f rirength and gladsuT-:? I f not, take R.cky Mnun tain Tea.. Ap, international ensigns;,- assembled at Romo to discuss the uar of cannon in preventing hail storms, —-WlicnVyou need a soothing and healing mstkiptic application for any mirjose, use the original DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Halve, a well kuowu cure'for piles and skin disease. It heals pores without leaving a .-car. Beware of counterfeits. Iiidgway & Co., Druggists. A wideawake American has erected Steam pumps ou the Jordan, and is supplying churcbes all over Europe with genuino Jordan water. STOPS THE GOUDH AND WORKS OFF THE COLO. Laxative Brnmo-Quinine Tablets cure a.cold tu one day. No cure, uo l’ny. Price 25 cents. 1 regular •prescription. It is emu posed of the beat tonics kuowu, com- , , , , . . . , . 1 bined with the best purifiers, acting world, get the lowest whole sale prices j 0I) the mucous surfaces. The ....11 * .i: *. nr„ i,.., - j!)erpoct combination of the (two in gredients is what produces such won derful results in curing Catarrh. Send and largest discounts. We see to it that we got every case of shoes that is billed to us and that they are what we purchased. We see to it that we get the cash for every pair that goes out. Run no accounts. We take no orders and cash no checks unless properlp endorsed and and identified. In over a million and a half of sltoej bneines we holb niue dollars in specie j counterfeits and seven dollars and fifty- cents in fraudtenf check. We do bus iness on the same rules of a bank and j very seldom have any trouble. In-, carrying out our plan, now and then . we have a person who is not. accus tomed to handling checks or doing business with a strictly cash house,, who odjects to'the one price and strict rules, but most everyone can see the the advantage of not having to -pay for the neglect of -others, and the evi dent reasons for small margins, Starkey’s Arcade Shoe House. Springfield, Ohio. ^ ^ 5 mm preparefor tbegoldfrosty Days and Of December Protect your head and ears with a warm CAP. Our lines of Cold Weather Caps are complete. ,We can please -you with most any quality of a Cap you may desife. For an illustration we have the Alaska Seal, English and French Plush, the Ker s e y Corduroy, a l s o the genuine Scotch in all 9tyles. „ .. JJ;> SULLIVAN, | The Hatter, m i ao So. Limestone St„ Springfield, O. mam i U D i ! .A Good Tiling. German Syrup is the special pre scription of Dr. A. Boschee, a cele brated German Physician, and is ac knowledged to be one of the most for tunate discoveries in medicine. It quickly cures Coughs, Colds nud all Lung troubles of the severest nature, removing, as it does, the cause of the affection and leaving tlm parts in n strong and 'healthy condition. I t is not an experimental medicine,but has stord the test of giving satis faction in every case£~whieh its inp- idly iucreus(ng^al)i ev^rv season con firms. Two. million boules sold nnnu- ally. Boschee’s German Syrup was introduced in the United - States in 1808, and is now sold in every town and village in the civilized world Three doses will relieve, anv ordinary -cough,. Price 7bets.- Get Greens’. Prize Almanac. CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED With LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. .Catarrh is a blood or consti tutional disease,, and in order to cure it you must lake internal remedies. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally!, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces! Hall’s Catarrh,! Cure is uot a quack medicine.'’ It was prescribed by one of the best nliysi- cians in .this country for,-years, and is "You will find our store fully up to expeetotiona—aod more. Many year* apentin catering to tha wants of Springfield’s great buying public- has taught us to anticipate their every wish and this year w* have fuirly eclipsed all previous effort. We are packed and jammed with theuhost magnificent line of Diamonds, Brooches, ‘Watches, Chains, Clocks and Bings * * And everything you could possibly expect to find in a full stocked, strictly up-to-date and progresive Jewelry House that it baa been oqr pleasure to show. To begin with there is the popular. STERLING- SILVER And Sterling. Silver Novelties.of every description from a Teappoon to a Trunk. .^An unusually attractive line of Ebony Ware is another special attraction^ Then follow: Umbrellas, Opera GLuaea, Gold Ware, Rings, Seal, Cut Glass, Toilet Seta, Combs and Brushes, Bake-Dishes, Bronte Waref Wedgewood Ware; Ladies’ and Gent’BChains, Lockets and Sleeve Buttons. , A Guarantee of a Reputable House is worth its weignt in Gold. Our Guarantee goes w ith every Purchase 6 East Main Street, Springfield, Ohio. mm *4Values That Convince ^ Again we remind you that you should not forget us, as we do not forget you. for testimonials free. Fi^F C iikney &C o ., Props.,Toledo,O • Sold by druggists, price loo. Hall’s Fnmilv Pills arc the best. —When the stomach is tired out it (bust have a rest, but we can’t live Arena and Cosmopolitan withoutfood. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure “digests what you eat” so that you can eat ail the good food you want while it is restoring the digestive or-1 ■«-« gans to health. I t is the only prepa-; O . T t . U X t 2 1 5 . 1 ^ I ^ I S , ration that digests all kinds of food, j XENIA, OHIO. Ridgway & Co., Druggists. All Magazines AT LESS .THAN PUBLISHERS, ‘ PRICES Ohio Farmer and - Woman’s Homo Companion...$1,85 Obio'Fnrmfcr and Youth’s Companion (iiew).....S2.00 Review of Reviews (new) Cosmopolitan and Success......$2 50 litan..,,..... 82.70 Others in proportions. Send for list. Large Doll 30 in. long, bisque head flowing hair, shoes and stockings Doll 23 in. fancy muslin dress ribbon front lace, light and dark hair Doll 23 in. hair stuffed, bisque bend long curls, shoes and stockings • Doll 14 in. Kid Body - China Head doll, 16 iu; Doll 16 in. light and dark hair fancy dress Soldier Dolls 9 in. bisque head, cap, red and bluejackets, trimmed in white braid 40c 47c 23c 21c 15c 18c Doll 10 in. bisque head, longhair. Ladies’ Fancy Petticoats assorted colore Ladies’ Dress Skirts Ladies’ Golf Capes Ladies’ Plush Capes Ladies’ Cloth Capas Ladies’ Jackets * Ladies’ Collarettes Ladies’ Fur Collars 22c 10c 62c 93c up £3.38 ” 81.10 up 80c up 82.94 up 84.40 81.86 49o 15c up 21c up Infants Flannel Sacques 10c up Infants and Childrens Fine Head Wear , Infants amd Childrens Hose . 5c pair- Corduroy Velveteen and Brush edgeskirt binding 4c Laces and Embroideries, prices ranging front la up Turkey red Table damask ' 18c ya White Table daptask 20c yd Umbrellas all prices. Ladies’Men’s and Childrens Shoes, prices to suit the pocket book. Men’s and Boy’s Clothing Men’s Felt Boots 82.44- Men’s lined Corduroy Pants good value .Ladies* Trimmed Hats Men’s and Boy’s Cape, all kinds, all prices Men’s lined and unlined working gloves Men’s Dress Gloves 4pair $1.62 55o up 25c GOonp Lamps-—any kind from small Bedroom Lamp to lajrge Parlor Lamps, complete prices 15c np lined Ladies’ and Childrens, Gloves and Mittens all prices Childrens Jackets, large sailor collar 74c Infants Cloaks, fur trimmed 74c up Infants Zephyr.Sacques 27c up Cabinet Photo Framed Fairbanks Laundry Soap Fold Linen Collars Self Pronouncing Teachers Bibl* Large Clothes Baskets 24 Envelopes Leather Halters Brussels Carpet 5c up 2c bur 5c 67c up 24c 2c 39c 67o yd. up JOEL ORANSKY, Proprietor. Cheap H eat THE FOSTER SLACK BURNER Can be operated at less expense than any other stove O Tur n n f s r t a w m JML« w*ftU U 0 m I|| Cfc4«»i*vllt«s O* fi '
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