The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26
X % "♦•. tt :i 'ions of esc por- uwould :o Rico, , North Maps, W ill at their trchase; u have and get- mt; you e,'. You Ask to at time ish Pur- 'ce r tes . ■: * » r, 1897. 97r the darville Origin txoent. or * va- > insur- e Com* the «rl- 2 7 1 re- arrreou. '.1*00, I km HJMNNlt bwrnad •ntirei/ lix P a g e s THIS WEEK * ■ twenty - fourth YEAR, h o . I 'C e d a r u i l k h e r a l d B ix P a g e s THIS WEEK Tp.-r^i-ap^w CEDARVILLE. OHIO, DECEMBER 22, 1000. PRICEJl.OP A YEAR. BETTER rer before to furnish a present for'your father, father, ancle, nephew, fi Son, Brother, or the Other fellow, •ery acceptable, in the following:™-^ __ MUFFLERS The New Idea In Plain Black and Fancy Silk and Satin with quilted silk lining to match. Boxed seperately. Silk and Satin v Handkerchief Mu f f ! ers* Ranging in price from 50c to $1.50. GLOVES Dressed and Undressed Kid, Fleece Lined Dressed Kid, Unlined Kid, Fleece Lined, Scotch and Jerseys. HANDKBB- chiefs Plain and Fancy Silk and Linen. Plain Center with Fancy Borders. /; CHRISTMAS * NECKWEAR ........ t If there’s any men folks,or boys, you’re going to make a gift of neckwear, remem ber what a dependable1 place we have for superior styles, in any color you want—-Plain, Figured and Striped effect* •;; -, ■ ; , stiff bosom? also white, laundered or unlaundered, Sizes 14 to 17. smitrs. Smart, Attractive and Fash ionable styles ^ in soft . and A large assortment of Hats, Suspenders, Collars,, c a f f , A c . * V , »! T A IL O R , H A T T E R , a n d K T J I 1 N T P S T T T T IT ? FaithfulDog. This story is related o f a faithful dog on a farm east o f town. The owner had gone on a visit to a neighboring qouuty for a few days and left his aunt aniftwh children in charge o f the place. A t different times during the night nois^wu jieard in the vicin ity of the hen house and the dog Was soon on hand. Throngh-outthe night the dog warned the pheupanta of the house o f tlie trouble, but through fear they never stepped outside. When morning came the lady went out, and noticed the dog sitting by the hen house, add she prorcCeded for that S lace. After some little difficulty the og was moved from his post and the door opened, and here was found the trouble, A man had spent the night in- this lodging place, not for the want o f abelter but tor safety,whether it was for his safety or the protection o f the. fowls is not known. Nevertheless he made a proposition to the lady asking her what she wonld take not to -say anything about the case, and the wo man replied five dollars, but the man Only had life clothes and. three dollars, and the lady accepted the ensh and lady ifhaaa * Allowed $ 150 . allowed him his. lreedom. The is acquainted with the man but refuses1 The. 810,000 damage suit of Caleb to tell his name, and intends keeping [^ooks against Trank Byere which her promise with him. Before he was • held t(l0 boill,Js tbe Ceurt of Com- allowed his freedom an invoice was ni0ll p ,RaB for t]m !ngt w<,eJc made o f tliedien house and it was found; ^ a conclusion at 11:30 Batur that everything was still there. j day night when the jury had reached Now, this dog, only an ordinary .an agreement and the verdict re* shepherd dog, is one o f the few that, turned. deserves special mention, for a dog-1 Sometime hack, Nooks sold some that was faithful enough to hold his “ u,<f D f T ' J * J r?T !,8| 6° . . . Byers chums Was appropriated unlaw- prisoner un entire night certainly di- ^ by Nooks. At the trial of Nooks serves the kindest of treatment troiu |br embezzlement he was acquitted his master. * and the damage jsuit followed. The ‘costs in the case Will lie very heavy, ‘ some 120 witne^es heiug examined, [ I the costs being, nearly 8500, making' | it rather an expensive suit. Theju ry allowed Nooks 8150. - t Mr. Byers’ attorneys. Messrs, Ma* gruder & Shearer, immediately gave notice of th e filing of a motion f o r i new trial. Judge Rnwea and J . T, Hnrbine d r. repf^nfed'jHddpktt, Gloves FUR Driving Working Woolen mam HYPES, theHAHER Useful Gifts for Men T i - CAN BE MADE A PLEASURE, IF YOU COME TO OUR STORE. XWTE have the largest stock o f Holiday Goods ever shown in. our lin e in the good town o f Cedarvliie. The interest manifested in buying so early in the season has been a great surprise to us, but we’ve prepared to satisfy the wants o f all. • Come Early, M ake Selections H ave Them S tored Till You W a n t Them . M any Have Done Sp Already. It’s B a tte r Not To W a i t Till T h e L as t Days. * Motif at* • X f e Diamonds— Solitaire and in Clusters. T Opals in variety o f settings. 2M T Rabies, in the mountings yon like. <5ff- Sapphires, as you want them J 8 S Pearls, singly end in combinations; Em- ends, Tigereyss, Garnets 3EC Topaz or any other stones. 3C Plain gold, engraved band 331Hf Or any other Ring you 4Q0* Want for lady, g« tlem a ii, gM Child or baby. Are popular for presents And wo have them from 11,00 to 100.00. Elgins $6.00 And up. The Popular * HAMPDEM WATCHES. Large ones f fA k - Small ones i H f 1 Smaller ones i figp Still smaller ones j T iny bits o f ones | W51 For boys, ! 0 Girls, too. t The is le o f watches t? an important feature o f onr business. Wo never misrepresent the <piali- i ties and guarantees satisfaction to purchasers. ««• Of w*« We have a large Btock o f high, medium and low priced, from 20 cents up to aa high a price as you want to pay. « , cmi S uomi A great variety from 5 cents a pair up to the solid gold with diamonds. www B r o o d * * WWW All the latest and most popular styles, set with p sa iil, brilliants and colored enamels. Some* thing for every taste. The esse o f th&State of Ohio agiunst John Blade court otf1 Common 1’Jeas, Thursday. Blade is one ot the tnen who was indicted for burglary ami larceny of some household goods from the Dallas resi dence. 'Some four or five -who were implicated in the crime pleaded guilty and are now doing time in the “ pen.” Prom the time the jury received the charge until the verdict was read was only twenty-five minutes.’ Officer Wood mid guard Silvey ac* compaitlied, Elza nud Elva Shingle- decker, Chns. Jeffries and Tom Tracy, to Xenia w’hcn they wo were sum moned as witnesses. " DeW itt’s Little Early Risers are dninty little pill, hut they never fail to cleanse the liver, remove obstruc* tions and invigorate the system. Hidgway A Co., Druggists. A numlier of the college students have gone to their respective homes to spend their vacation. Will Pollock Philadelphia, Pa; Jesse Brown, Bain bridge; Miss Luella Wright aud John McCall, Indiana; Homer Henderson, Iberira; Prof. Anderson, London* ville. 0 , R» H i t IkW T o atniiwwate the many things we show a line of - ■ WB*>#*»* . . . . » W . ! .« , fw .r * r » m » « d m t y » « * • W . low prlwl prewitt, »rfl«m pried W e have •oaswwing _ ___________________ want at the nrice you wish to pay. Every* praam* aarf aoatly ptwwata, aoyou can sava Ike gift* yo« *k tlU5 Pwce S l a g Ne w— Anort ed- , m emt, tmk and mm n , t o ^ n c p » « Hrdifcr M * * «■ w « m .v . C l i i « m » bu r in , « p f c » « « m l. I« r f« tlr .... INIllHnWPWaJFn Samuel McCollum, Jeweler, CKpABVaXB. OHIO. —Big cut in cloaks to clear up th steck, After holidays, cut prices on ail cloaks, plush capes, collarettes and far capes. Alexander A Spnjbr. Xenia, 0 . A t its meeting Thursday the W. C. T. IT. passed a vote o f thanks to the Superintendent o f the public schools, the singing class and all who assisted in making he oontest a success. Mr. Dave Turnduli, sheriffof War* ten county, Illinois spent Babbath with hia sisters, Miss Minnie Turnbull and Mrs. Will damans* Mr. Turnbull was called to this county on some lcgat business. Co. -Fine Box Candies Hidgway A D . H. McFarland and family de «re, through-the column! of this issue, -to thank the Fire Department and those who so kindly assisted them dur their recent fire. ^■-NeW Crop California Apricots Peaches, Prumes, Grapes and Raisins a t Gray’s. Mr. aud Mrs, John Fields enter tained a uuniber o f invited friends at dinner, Thursday, at their homo near Clifton. 6 JPiwh ode Men’s Roys' M Caps Gloves Stilt fckwear At Lowest Price. jy g fm n s ? ft Springfield, O. New Years Candy, Nuts, Celery, Oranges, Oysters; Figs. Plum Pudding, Currants, And other good things. 5 0 c €iat. IHloetSHffm FOR MEN a m e a t u a t m . W e have the largest vari ety of itsiEst emim K U i i w CgMiyMg 50c Ceatber - Slippers* FO R M E N • giit’tbe Bat fortheIDdmf That we ever carry atid can please you if you want S lippers f a r C h r is tm a s p r e s u i ts We have Warm Slipper* for Ladle* and Leather Slipper* for Men OUR . . . B la ck U t t a r £ aN a t $1.15 . I* a Beauty BV6RT or OPBRA Call and see Our line of Slippers If you want * ’ Batgain*. t t t a K N ’ s f e l t S l i p p m FROM 50c to $1.50 All Style* and Color* ROUTZHAN & WRIGHT XX Boutlt liaffeet ftt** •priagfteld, Ohio* -■ * ft .*4-.
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