The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26
RTi . ■ ^ ft today’s a n d c o n i, W t h i s S a le u s W a s h iUr ' r!t’s tlu- *:» i • " * 0. ___ IV illUuli-i .j •> . \ <1 i.j Strips. Lph aO. 1 ■ w * ’ ypiedwii". ,) ' eOv’Ods IKV;. fy that tins’ ; A noney saving Fabrics evei ■ le of Spring, ut I1- >ea,son. ►nqi ical t i m . iri li-Htt • a te; imn—j—i ada i i c a ^ r m a ! iWi< aatlr I . jn’t <• ; fes, eh n (av. e g qt rnst wag ®pr 1, i ou&, omi ilth tint wn auf Sm ark it 1 bei ny fj;- EKS 0 , 1 9 0 1 . f.lhc (hqiiinl lmlllls*,0 , H’W M t,Iu> L’ctlnV- iWi-t of Voi'd ml F.lueiilhtn Haydn* **d«*r - file i i* '01.* . ' will bu jfiveu 'it'the'holder to ms iind nll the cuts. 82 50 to $3 .10 c m i, PrinctiHih Mint, Mnuiig<-.i. n address G. Wui-m-r, Cedarville, 0 foranca* till ■Mr. Abor ts mijfij'" e; ij d to tint! very ,e »w. iiiid you A 1 her with his “ r do Unit tliitn J mbiing knee.” 3' 'tiler. ?SU toil Set te lit Uace. t Bessie Tauk- to the matinee r, you haven’t rile, have you? go we decided re we could sit e, long talk.— edom< I city table £ I only ba« ’d show yot had a fe# >n I’d sharpen l-Olu* ay boOJ. 1 and your restaurant )« know it u say,- 4<f iomo rcast lid to tbe tuber that id flowing '<v« “I know. 1 is e& care* I Haitimore 4 just rAttrwc* >. Me my* 5l» .»on record. • K SO. r*tBel. W p l i l t l \ When this itf.‘» » marked by as Index, It denotes that your iabserip- tlmf« overdue and i*promptpaymeml is desired. aggsa TWENTY-FOURTH YEAR. NO. 26 . .. l!.T A i \\ Mmvmmm CEDARVU.LE. OHIO. JUNE IS, 1901 . V PRICE $ 1.00 A YEAR. W>- W h y d o W e S e l l s o M u o h \ » N e c k w e a r ? N Because We Keep in Stofck the j;, R ig M S t y l e ? jNeckwear that people want ' ‘ „ ' R i g h t C o l o r s R i g h t P r i c e s —the neckwear that YOU Want. Our STRAW HATS are the correct styles, new and - nobby, You will like them; sizes 6f to 7& @ 25, 50, 75c -and $r. Summer Underwear in Balbriggan and1 X/isle Thread, plain and fancy colors, 25 and 50c per garment. (HA C. DAVIS T « i t t o r a H a t t o r 1 ' a n d > i i r n i s b f t r , , ., \ ' , *’ ♦ 1 - ’'- , n ’ . v 1 1 ’’ 1 * . * ?> ■ ■' “t * . .:■ ■ •■! 7 ..t. :. '',fl...... V f ’* *' A-J"»"*» 1 ‘’'w -*1 ’Wwr- , 1 ^ 4 Of BYTHEWAY ■’ ’' "'•'ji'iVInil/'^r|j':jr.’.'-;:j.;ij'-* A Few, Paragraph^ Not ln- tended to displease. BOTH GRAVE AND GAY Tfiey Are Not 1 ictlon But Prodocts From jhtful Cogitation endFverytlay , Events la total Life ' • ' * v» A. n' - ' J- f A. little tot of n girl wn$ running (iway from her nannut and was going down town where tlie teams Were and where there was some danger of being , run over. Her thaumcaught her just as she got to the public square -and telie' said to her breathlessly, “My, goodness baby! .weren’t you -afraid?” Said the infant: “YeS. I was awful afraid you would .catch me.” Bo that kids eveu unto this day are wholly .ir repressible, , . - '■ <■ Charley Smith, th.o genial tousoral. " -artist prides himself quite highly as the f'palve man,” Cast week just be fore contest Charley was after several Of the contestants to apply his “lucky ointment,, but Fred Anderson was somewhat, superstitious; and didn’t care to indulge, Homer Henderson . was then gent for, although he had | _.shaved just a few minutes before he mf’ came down town, be was Soon irt tile ■chair getiing hair-out and another shave in order that “Smith”might lay, hands on him. Charley doesn’t be* lieve iu Dowieisin, hut he has it faith of Iris own, that of being able to so- lent the winner in any contest what ' ever it might be. “Marketing ou Sunday” is « n feature about the -burg. Birch ‘'was the' ease lust Snbbath wkeg/lPlady c^ine lu town’with n haskdt of provi sions for market. She hitched her home - in the. neighborhood of Gray’s store, and upon finding the store locked asked some bystanders why the store was closed. They informed her that the proprietor had gone to church. It then dawned upon her that the day was one on which no marketing was done. The lady then gathered up her goods and started homeward. Bhe evidently got her dates mixed. Most of the college stuikfltit have re lumed to their respective homes, and the people here havesettled.down after the excitement of die previous week and are ltvibg the life of a private fri In •mbmt ■ liteff 4W || New A s s o r t f l i e n t Parker Poi$.. ■ Ifyow want ft really good f O O T T A I t T : f S S Try w e 1 of thee* r o m m o r n B s m U ym*?* wot naiaftvd H & sC fS U LH M , m " v ChangeInTimeofTrains. Under n new schedule in effect May 2(5,1901, passenger .trains oyer .the. Pennsylvaniafines' leave Cedarville station as follows; For'the East, 7:26 a. m,t.4:41 p. m. For the West, 10:17 a-, mn 3:28 p. m, and"8:54 p. mV • For particular information on .the subject apply to 38, §. Feyes, Ticket Agent, Cedaryiile, O, ' citizen,' These young folks will be greatly missed in a number of the homes, „ , ' / „ —0— V1" “Boy” Gray-and JimBurlow, the veteran fisherman, had a Cleveland turn of mind one cay this week and concluded to take a 'day off, and go. fishing over to the river at Clifton." The fc’.un,was very hot that- day,’, and Barlow suffered somewhat,of n gun stroke, “Boy” secured the .service of a nearby liveryman and returned home. Cheese Factory Starts. ■ - > The cheese.factory-opened for .bus iness,-last Monday, and made a very good start. A number of farmers brought iri milk as a Sample, * which prove;! to be of a ‘very good quality. The quantity has averaged about 1000 pounds daily so far tlfis week. I t is expected that the ,,amount will be more than doubled by the middle of the coming week. ' . . . , - The firm,' Gibson & Postle, has ereeterl a modern ■structure -, and equipped it With the latest improved machinery for the- manufacture of cheese: These gentlemen have 'gene to considerable expense for this busi ness rind should receive the hearty ’co-' operation of every citizen in the com munity. ■ . - ' Monmouth College Commencement, We are in recipt of a copy of The Evetiinst Ga^ette, published at Mon mouth, 111., giving an account of the commencement exercises ofMonmouth College. Twenty-nine.,graduates re ceived diplomas from the college, The- class address was 'delivered by John Merle Co(iter, Pb, D., head pro fessor of botany ill the Chicago Uni versity. Among the list of graduates who received the degree of A. B. we notice the name of Miss Juijiia Pollock one* of Cedtirville’s popular yoimg ladies. Miss Pollock came iu for second honors in her class. At the eating of Stuwue^-Trpf, McMillan, vice pfesideid, ’was requested to take charge of the president's affairs owing to the resignation of Pres, S.R, Lyons. ProfVAIcMiilan is to he relieved from whntevbxteaching he desires, and will receive theYegrtlar salary,of thq’presi dent, $1800 per year. The Commit tee on finance report the endowment to he $100,000. > rMIT—rlih-it.i-V^7 . . . 1 , i ■ - Dead to Rights. Murray Marshall, the 17 year old son of John Marshall Was caught m the act of petit larceny last Monday. For some time back money lias been miseed fromthe till at Ervin’s mill, it being generally taken at noon hour. The amounts at various times were about three or four dollars, On this occasion everything was put in readi ness and the money marked with Frank Ervin on guard. Shortly after the mill was closed at noon the boy made his appearance and entered by a window in the rear. After gaining entrance he then went to the cash drawer arid succeeded in opening it after some little difficulty. On one occasion he caine near catching Frank as he went up stairs for a screw driver. There was about seven dollars in the till but the lad only took about half of it, He then placed thingsio order and was ready to leave when Frank interrupted. He was taken by sur prise and made all1kind# o f promises and the money back if allowed his liberty, but was refused, A telephone message brought Marshall Grindle and the-boy was soon behind the bars, He appeared before Mayor Wolford and was fined $15 and costs and gate bond- for bis good behavior, £»r,«reto#t« Cefembas* Juno 18ih the Peunsylvanift lane# will Sell excursion tickets to Coltim* bdaitt *1 rount trip, good going)on special.train leaving Oedatville at 0 b, ts., central time; returning on spe cial train farting Columbus at 8:00 p» m„ eedtral dmejl ^ „ „ ,, V vm m m are requested' to return to m a t wee ail grain bags brandwt “ ,■ epent* d£. Bastings Kwo*. j the rlfffi »t <Tiftun. Council Meeting. The council met' in, regular session ■Monday evening? all-being.present ex cept,J. H, Andrew. The usual rou tine of business was transacted As this was the evening for lifting the pe tition in regard to. saloons from the table, quite a number o f interested spectators were present, njso a number of thh W* P- T, U, ■ ladies', . Several speeches Were maddn favor of repeal ing the ordinance. Council tpok no action except appointing a. committee to investigate iiud report as to what should-be dope, at the next'meeting. McLean, Northup and .Dciih consti tute the committee, . - , Well Known Here. From Kokomo, Ind,, comes the fol iowing; , “Three yearn ago-Joshua C, Freeman wanted to •iaariy Ivorn B. East arid threatened to enlist' in the army'if she refused hirii. ' ' “Enlist,” 'she said, “The country needs you, Worse than Id6.- Perhaps when you return I will'marry you.” He enlisted, and last \veck he re turned from the Philippines. By chance he met MisrEust in ibwu. • “■YouSaid ‘perhaps,’” was hisgreet ing to her, “ . ' . “I meant yes,” was her reply, “ if you ro-enlisb.” ’ , In 10 minutes Bquire Ue Hai cn married them and the groom departed at once for Ft, Sheriden to again offer his services to the Government. On the waydie received a telogratn,saying: “You need not re-enlist if you do not want to.” ,, The officiating squire iu this case Wasnone-other than-a former citizon of Greene county.James T). UeHavcn • familiary known us “jiiri.”—Xenia Herald, New Musical Issues, Every otie of our readers should not miss the chance to get the following 10 new pieces of new music sent us for examination. We have looked them over arid they are without a doubt very good and sure to please, Way back in Indiana, song by Bren- nen and &tory1 Carolina Pickannbiny, song by X. G, Solomons. Clubs are' Trump (Two-Step) O. 8, Stannge. . - Glaphyra, Waltz...........A. Eollinger, Pauline", Waltz.,,...,-.,..0 . B, Link, Colored Aristocracy, (Cake Walk).., ...........W. Bemard. BoyalFlush Mareh........P,R. Ingles, *Mid H o l l y h o c k s . . . . I ) . Book, Promised Lovers.(Gayotte) Jos. Burdo Geo K.Hatb, (Two-Step)...-........ ■ *#**■*>*»«!***»«*« S • EmnmBeigcr, The publishers will send you the 10 pieces complete, full sheet music size, for 60 cents. That is what you usually pay lor One piece, anti we offer yon 10 for the same money, If you think you did not get at least 10,00 worth of music We will refund money, Single copies of any of the above will im mailed postpaid lor a short time, for the sjwcial price of 22 cents each. Address, The Gmba. Music Pub, Uo* 82East5th<StrCincinnati, O, Screen wife per yd., 10f 12|| and 18c, Hope, all Hires per lb„ 12J Machine Oil, 20c per gal. Machine oil, the best, per gal,, 86c. We sell the best Gasoline at t 2 k per gal or 5 gal, for 60c, . 51 i at Bird’s, W, (u T. IT, will meet at the home of Mrs. 8, J. Harper, on Thursday June 20 »f 2:30 huh time, Ur, Morton and fomify »!.m~ •*\ruu*y about ATTHE The Weekly Oiitput of the , . Mill of Justice. REAL ESTATE DEALS Licenses and Divorces,-^damage Suits for Real or FanciedW*jpnRs,--New -■■„ Suits.' Eli Millen has filed u suit in the court of GnmmotfPlena ugainst W,W. Cnrr, M, L. Citrr, hi|wife, Ellen M; Knox, Alice M; TtAten, Chas, L, Speivcer and Ihonmaf). .Hirst .ai^ad- miniatrafor of John j | Hirst deceased The suit is for S6462.fwiih interest, *, - t - f t . v . . : \ XiijAI- ESTATE a'kASsvisns, , . -Hannah J. "Holmp toBenj, F, James: 0 acres iu Baftbrook, §350(k F, P. Cunningham and ’J .,S, Tur ner;' .ns’ executors •oF M.. Berryhill, dec’tli the. Board of Bo.'ue Missions of the Prcsbyteriiiri cluneh'of the U, S, A, of to Oiho Moore, 28- acres in,Bu- gtvrcreek tp,, $1640. ' ■ Otho. Moore to B. F, James; 28 a. in Sugarcreek tp,, 81640. LewisCosier and wife toP. J, iJyde", lot in. Yellow Springs, 8500. , Carolibm.Gfflgpt.Kl.M.ajy-Ji Auder- Bon;r>lot in Xenia, 01150. Clara L, Popenoe and huahnnd to Henry Pogge: 90.72, acres, 04300. John Payne to Trustees of 3rd' M. E. Church; lot in Xeriia $150. C. W. Whitmer ndmr/ to O. L. Spencer; lot in Xotiia, $100, Adda P. ‘Kidd 10 Jacob 1,04 acres, 81941 Hurry O. Siefert to Froth- lot in Xenia, ^llGO.-lG, - Fredricu Epglo to Harry C»Seifert; lot in Xeniu, $1166 60. t i t , '■ xj3W sum , The Commercial Tribune Co. has filed suit against Hiram^H. MnUicrs et al for foreclosure. M. J. Hartly and T .N , Hiuble for plaintiff and .Wildy Jt Wald for dofondauts. • F. M, Lackey vs. A. H, White, administratorof Hannah M, Johnson, deceased, et al. Little and Spencer. (l *pAvv» " Stewart; dnejt Engle, Agent Keyes/ ig the, possessor of a dog which was stolen a few nlgbts.agd. This is the second time the dog has been stolen. Xoyer-the-le«a it’s bound to to Yome back, , > - W 0 are informed by ope^of -James town’s leading politicians and business men that the whole of Greene county is in a fair way £ 0 , become-a Jooal op: tion coupty.' Lookout, Xenia, poli tics, is a strange quantity.-rYLebanon Itepublicnn. ' Tjie Cedarville Herald- came put last week with a handsomely illustra ted edition-in honor of the commence ment exercises .of Cedarville College. The Herald- is.a bright, newsy paper,' and ‘ deserves the splendid"support which it receives.'—Wnynesville Ga zette, • Mr, Henry Barher, representative- of theCedarville paper mills was here on business Monday, Mr. Barber is the same HqnV' only ,a TM tlo more so. His .avoirdupois is prounced to say the least; He is showing a little'of the silver in*his locks but is the same gen ial gentleman of old. It did us good to-meet one of our boyhood compan ion?.—Bouth Salon Weekly Visitor. SUMMER FURNITURE. ■ A Fine Stock of Furniture ° - ,t \ Consisting of-. , A full assortment of Bed Rooin Suits. * A fine stock of Rockers. ^ A comylete line of Combikalion Book Cases. ' A full stock of everything In the Furnituie Line. & EngineerTierce had the fire engine out on Friday pumping out the watey from the cisterns ip front of die hotel and the Walken property on Soutli Main street, These cisterns have been disconnected with the dwellings ami aftpr being cleaned arid repaired will be filled with- creek water,. It was found that, when the water backs up iu the sewer at the railroad it emptied rntcLtlie cistern at the hotel, this being theCause for its filthy conditiop. C, A, Young, who has been at tending the Seminary at Philadelphia and also-‘he University of l ’ennsyj- Vanis, of same city, has finished his work in the latter institution and has returned home for the summer. - We are indebted to Air, J* B. Orr for a box of those delicious straw* berries of Ids raising. In the box was found one bunch containing six berries which weighed 2J ounces. Mr, Bentoini Barber and family, Misses Jennie. Bratton, Ethel Fields arid Mable Owens, arid Cecil George attended the Hdimtiuk-Brattoa wed ding near Xenia, Weduusday evening* A number ol the employees of the Paper Mill were called to Washing ton O. I \ , this week, on warrants got out by a Fayette county farmer for tresspassing. Mr, and Mrs, Almon Bradford who have been occupying theOsborn prop erty for some time ate packing their household goods preparatory to. mov ing to Morrow the first of July. The families of Mr. Silas Murdock and Ohas. Cooley spent Thursday at the OliHon cliffs. These folks had the pleasure of experiencing the storm on that day, Mr#, W. J, Wlklniau and two children are visiting in Iowa, Mi*# Hemphill, of South Charles ton. 3# th« guest of Mrs. Maas. AGoodTiling, German Syrup is the special’pre sGription of Ur* A, Boschee, a cele brated German Physician, and is ac knowledged to of the most for tunate discoveries id medicine, , It S uickly cures Coughs^ Colds and all iung troubles of the severest nature, removing, ns it does, the cause of .'the affection and leaving the parts in a strong and healthy condition.. It is not an experimental medicine,but has steed the test of years, giving satis faction in every •case, which its rap idly increasing sale every season con firms. Two million bottles sold annu ally. Boschec’s German Syrnp wna; Introduced in the United States in 1868, and is now Sold in every town and village in the civilized world. Three doserfwill relievo any ordinary cough, Price Tbctfl. Get Greens’ Prize Almanac, Here are our prices for One Week from today, June 15. Arbuckle or Lion Coffee per lb 13c or 2 for 25c. 16 lbs Granulated Sugar for $1.00, 10£ lbs Coffee A Sugar for $1.00. Fancy Table Syrup in 1 gal cans 30c, 6 lbs Beans for 25c, 6 Loaves (Traders) Bread for 26c, 3 doz Big Pickles for 25c. 3 lb# Best Ginger Snaps for 25c, Cream Cheese per lb I2je, 5 Gallons Gasoline for 60c. Wire Nails, 6’s to 20’* per lb 3 |c , . Binder Twine, a, p. ex, per lb lie , Binder Twine, Standard per lb 10c, 6 Bars Happy Thought Soap and one Ticket Free for Photograph at Downing’s Gallery for 25c. American Blue Prints or Calicoes per yd, 5c. Apron Ginghams good ones per yd 5c. Good unbleached muslin, per yd. fid. Premium ‘Ticket# given, ask for them , at Bird’s. SCRUB) IIHCS, • v. - loc, 15c,. 20c 5 5 c , 3 5 c * 50c, 75c, $t - f ■ - h ' v m '• ' :F S U L L I V A N ......... - t m i i m t s , 1 “--Pnhited Ilka new, are th« buggies! 1 . ^ , jifmt are tmintetl at Wolford*. |27 % Limeatoua St, Sprfngfiald, O I ,mt>at Voti Ulill R tce itehy Cradittg with ils.- y 1 , The Largest Stock fo Select From. * -* ' . : TheLowest Prices J . ‘ -• The Best Values, ' r - , v ; 4 . ' , , «■ ^ ? 4»''• - * ' 1 r ,’A ' k c , Special in Side BoardS: ■ y . , - ' » - * • - ■ ' . “.We will for a time make special prices on all Side - *■■ Boards. Better select early *«« Our Cnrpst Depwinunt is Tull of Bargains I J A M E S H . n c f l l L L A N , Furniture Dealer j.- . . Funeral Direcror. SHOE . Paicnf Ccathcr Specs. ' Soinebow there is a gkdsomeness, a bright ness, a shine and a sheen-—a mirror-like splen dor about Ihitent Leather Shoes that Fender them'the highest form of Shoe beauty, shoe grace and shoe charm. They are the pure no- ■ Lility among shoes. All other kinds come af- them and must render unto them due homage. We have the most splendid lines of bright and merry shoes for men, women and children ev er shown in Xenia. We have them in great variety. Men’s $2 to $5. Women’s $1.30 to $ 3 - 5 °* Youth’s, $2.50. Boys’( $3. go *. G. S . prazer , 17 E . Jlain S t , Xenia. W; The Murphy & Bro. Co. ttlarm Kleatber Gods- f i L 4 p f X X T rt -f Were never prettier, styles are fixed now, V ¥ » m l ftever comlerWble; sleeves just full enough nftd fiuisbed with soft cuffsf plenty of fullness in the waist proper, too. White Waists or ColoredWaists, you dammake no mistake in buying either sort here. Whether you wish to purchase a Waist of. modest price or be most liberal in your spending and stlect the best, THI8 18 YOUlt BUYING PLACE. A Q n I j q J$k 7 SO *a<1 eae^ waist offer# full value ‘KV'JW u w * *w - for the price. There are moron of style#, correct styles, We bought cautiously at first, plentifully later, and so se- effrai only the newest and the best. The stock is now at its beet. l U n f i l l e d D r e s s S k i r t s S n S erjnlpmenfc we believe to he unsurpassed in Uiis section. * • * # * in v i t e y o u to c a U , - < _ flK ffiurpbv& firs!£ 0 . 48, 59, A2, 5-1, Sft Dmwdme Street, <k
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