The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26
“e*w v ' *1.09, A YJS&B, KAfiMt 'BHlUkt * B4«*i'»?«ftrS‘prfcte» Cia~>fio Or;:*; cm tvfit W*?!:?#!*®, *- s a T l ^ a y . jllne i & a » i . OLD TRINITY CHURCHYARD. , ■iitiarfc trdpsan WJi*r* th* Bu*t *f Men pf Peed* Cfonwnlngf**. t, I» every stem ' of egrtli L sar-rcti* mjf » writer in • the- Neff, Yyrij Vigflaiat. 'WitMa |f* - fy i^ ia r fsielostiti: lie entombed 'ilm S M s f e s tit the- txspk p leW o il Stew T o rk Three mm • tm the grave;*.' Tlie early-xceotae are gone* t e l ira3it!o% history and ancient stories eu U i d i their stories tit-mpi of,deed$’-~bf' gaoeifeefi, fo#*- - W£$ki- M%a. .njid.. seMteretotenff-'- There under the-shadow of’ G^d's tornple Mother Earth has opened her fco=ora with strict impartiality _ ,fofE«glisji governor ’ted signers of. the Declaration, to royalist soldiers ' and titerfcy'Eoys, -to. the 'English garrison and to Che starved martyrs tit tteitovolntion, Judgcsted gener als, ministers and'merchants, mar-' liters and artisans, the rich and re nowned, the poor and humble, all lie here, their.bodes dissolved, their dust mingled, forming together one great memorial hnd ode concentrat ed history of the origin and'growth of the American metropolis. - •The colonial gdremote, Sir Henry ATdore end Sir Danvers Osborne, . were buried herej also the wives of , Governors. -Clarke anA Oombhryv ' "Each of these repmenlatiyes of for eign govemnenfc resided in The fort soatU of Bowling Green. 5 ■ ILre are also the royalist judges, -Tamcc Delaney, .vho presided at the vAtrial; >dfi Horamauden, who, thoi gh devoted -to tire- maintaining of the preroga tives of the crown, wiih&tood Gov ernor Cohlui’s arbitrary acts, and David Jamieson, attorney general of the province-, and recorder of the city pi Tew Torfcj Robert'Bi, Liv ingston' and Leonard- Lispenardy members, of the stamp act congro™, and John (huger, delegate to that ' congress and the first native born 'mayor of Tew YorJL Judges, dele gates And mayors; all performed their work-la the city hall on the siteof the Treasury building. ■And here lie General John Lamb and General John JL Scott and Gen- 'r ernl Marinus "Willett#boldest of lib : 1erty Boys, whose voices were heard . Wi|h Hamilton’s in the great, meet ings of the people on the commons, then called the. Field- of Freedom, now the City Hall p a r t; also John Holt, the patriot printer of'The Ga- • zette and Post Boy, s.-v ’4 School Meals Ih France. - -V- - ' J it the"rural districts of Franco - every pupil, boy or girl,takes" to school in the morning a handful ,of vegetables and puts them in a large -pan of Water. They are Washed by one- of the older pupils, who take turns a t performing this duty. Then the vegetables aro placed in a kettle" , with water and a piece of pork and are cooked while the lessons are go- ingem At 11:30 o’clock eachmem ber Of the co-operative association has a bowl of hot soap. To cover the cost of.fuel andmeat those pu pils.who can afford it pay from % to 4 sous a month. Inmost of the cit ies of Francs the pupils in the public schools are now “furnished their noonday meals at “school canteens/' maintained either by the mtmicipal- - ity c« by private generosity* Finding « "Mare'* Ne*t.” The origin of the expression “To find a mare’s nest” Has been traced to the days of the early Saxoha. What we call a nightmare was by our forefathers supposed to he the Baxon demon Mira r Mare, a kind of vampire, which caused the ineu- b'ta by sitting on the sleeper’s chest. The Hare vampires were said to be tbe guardians of hidden treasures, over which they were supposed to brood as hens do over their eggs, and the place where they sat was termed their neidus, or nest; hence, when any one announced that he ‘had made an extraordinary discov ery some one accused him of finding a mate’s neat or the place whet* the vrmpire kept guard over her hy pothetical treasures. Dip Your Hand* In Water. It Is a strange fact -that the right hand, which is more sensible to the touch than the left, is less sensible, than the latter to the effect of heat or cold \ I f you dip both bands simultane ously into two howls of water of <Nju«l tcmpcratMC, the left will ex perience tte higher seisation o f heat; and this will happen even i t the thermometer ahovr* that the wa ter Jeft bowl is in reality a trifle colder: than the water in the right one. The reverse happens in the case of persons who am left hand*#. _ - $«p$ F#f ftaMfife * " Some of the privilege# of mem ber* o f foreign legislative bodies arc tm'upm . Danish M. P.'s can have a tnelik at in the Royal theater at Co* E h*fc » whenever they like. The makers of ttvm k j receive free medical attention and nursing if theif fijtyp t ** •„> *-»*, H i f i ,* im*c exffoiled this privilege to include couraes of .gymnastics, maw-age bath*, wine and dental iw k , *11 gratis. - A F I T&©JEted Tost Have ATiwys Bough t, and w hM i he«tt " f a a »0 fio?. over* yostra, 'Sm* hom o fhe.Hgimkmre o f - and h&a made under h is per* soaa l aupervision. since it s inifency. : ABowrao one todece ive yott ia tdds. A ll GAnnierfeits, ymitarions mad **Just-as-good” mre Imk V JSxperiments th a t trifle w ith en d endanger th e hea lth o f Xnfiuats .and Chfldren^Bhqperlence Agaiiust. Esperimenfc. W h a t i s C A S T O R I A Cestoria i s a harmless substitute fbr Castor O il, Pare goric, l>rpp* nnd Soothing Syrups. J t la p leasan t. 16 contains neither Opium, Morphine nor o ther Hareotfc .Bubstauce. I t s age is Its guarantee. I t destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. I t cures Diarrhoea, and Wind, Colic. I t relieves Teeth ing Trophies, cures Constipation and Flatulency. >I t assimilates th e F ood , regulates th e . Stomach and Dowels, giving' healthy and. natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother’s Friend , CE !? i!ff«E C A S T O R I A A LW A Y S Bears this Signature of 8 q For wer iSO Yws. tm * etAmoi cokn M i w mwruavutpitt ,. kew - toim enr,- C i n o l e u m ^ ^ ^ ,• , Housekeepers will vmnl their kitcbcua . ‘ : covered;-Sue a&sorliiftent,.'...-15,50, 60c t mailings... ' ■■ ^ ; Wa are sellittg at tb^^owest “ ’ i to 50c S littlow Shades... 1 Lace Curtains $1<0Q to $1*25 a pair * j |(| 0 lVQ Ulasl) and SilK Goods... Tever have we had such a flue assort- • - ntent of ge6d shade?, new- gixjds for Dresses and Waists. Suit Rooms... ' ' h i n t s . ..*...*....-...^ 0,00 to $ 10.00 . * Waists Silfe..,,:............ $2.75 to 35.75 Waists Wash..;..............-15c to $2,00 Petticbats...... .........59e tp $5.00 XJnderwfear,-ali grades. Percale, yd wide,'5c, Prints", 4c., - — a ® , Sheeting 5p O Rutchison % 0 lbne|r rARISTO BUFFALO. OyerThe Akron Route For Pa.l-Amerk«n FxfKisitlon. Excursion tickets to Buffalo over the Akron Route via Chautauqua Lake for the Pan-American Exposi tion are noWon sate at ticket offices of thePennsylvaniaLinesand connect ing railways. Fares from Cedarville are as follows? •Tickets good' returning ten days, $10.90. Tickets good returning fifteen days, $13.20,...................... . Besson tickets with return limit un til Oct. 31st, $H>”36, Special Coach excursion tickets good leaving Buffalo Up to midnight ofThursday following dafe of sale may be obtained on Tuesdays at $7.35. Tourist tickets at special fares may alsohe obtained for trips to resorts in Canada. All tickets to Canada and Eastern points, including Hew York, will be good for stop oyer at the Pan- American Exposition on payment of $1 extra at Buffalo. Stop-Overs at Chautauqua Lake .will be allowed on all tickets to Buffalo and Eastern points,without extra cost, For schedules showing convenient through paswenger service to Buffalo and other information, please apply to R, S. Keyes, ticket agent, Cedar- ville, O. A BCKAXNED ANKLBQUICKbY CU b W “A t one time I suffered from a se; vere sprain of the ankle," says Geo. E. Carv, editor of the Guide, Wash ington, va. “After using several well recommended medicines without suc cess, I tried Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and am pleased to aay that relief came as soon as I began its use and a com plete cure speedily followed.” Sold by C. M. Ridgway. n* «*««kA*4¥«i* o t m m „ tsrxaliva Sromo-Ciulfwie 1 ‘kWei* aoWin tm w»f, Ho ruft, t e #*Y fHea $6 mtim ' ’' —Dyspsplied cannot lie long lived tiecauee to live tepiires nourishment. Footl Is not noirisning until it is di gested. A disorderedstomach cannot digest food, it must have assistance. Kodol DysjiepBia Cure digests all kinds o f food without aid from the stomaeh,*dliswl«g it to resiantf tegafn it* natural functions. It* element* ( am «ual di-< gfotive fluids and if simply can’t help but do yon good. Ridgway Alto. * -Mto - t u —il# ewiurr JntKAXlf it* companion toa wefi ordered sjto- maeft. Dr. <laidwell’s Byrup Pepsin keeps the ■stomach In ordar - the’ breath pure and sweat, Bold hr C. I M, RWgwa^*" Agalntt the Stag*. * Hot. long since John M. East, the noted English actor was touring the provinces’with a company playing “An Ideal Husband” and overheard a woman give a practical reason for not attending the performance, re lates the-'Chicago Chronicle, She was examining the bills outside the theater. “An—-an idle husbandI” 3Nfcr. East heard her mutter. fT’ve got 'One of that sort at home, t don’t pay my money to go in there!” On another occasion Hr. East wished to produce a little sketch he had written for the mnsic hall stage. A dog was necessary for the action of the piece. He searched the col umns of The Exchange and Mart and finally entered Into communica tion with a lady at Streatham who was anxious to dispose of a big Newfoundland. At the end of a lengthy interview Mr, East casually mentioned that he wanted to use the dog i n a variety sketch. The lady looked blank. lie explained— a little play, a dramatic perform ance—but the lady cut him short.. “Good morning 1 ” she exeMmod, opening the door, “I could never think of allowing my Bonto to goon the stage 1 ” Only 50 Cents t iti wetU A titty cen t bottfc tit Scott’s Emulsion \witi buttigsMttokfy to&y i& 14 plump, mmplngthikt* , Qaty um mat # M I tit m m w p m m i m m l$ ■rfc?- * !w a s w»« ", ,. jlwrfwSe, Can You l t ? r ■ - " ’ ^ ' - ' “‘I W?.ic it will bv tl'H; * ■> ■ s i ’ 1 ' c ’"x 5f"* • • ■ \ ‘ T o t a l N u m b e r o f • J / X ( t, . "■ $ 15()Q " ^ - ^ - ■ And' st Fig/. •,M;V,^P 6 iledm November? G iven Away Absolutely 'F feet To Press-R epub l i c , Subscribers* , W ’ ' * ' J ' t " T lie C ond itions tune BJasy* 'V * 5 * ’Sw-v .It .Costs Hotfelng to' Guess* • _ 014 S iih soriheys a s w e ll aS Ifow M ay Participate* The only requisite Is, you m ust be a subscriber ..i TKi3 .FltCSS-aBPFflXiTC, If you desire to make one igaee* .your m ay pay one month in {iC,V^nce;if you flesire t<j' m ake two g u is e s , yon pay fo r two months. Make a ll guesses you want, One guesa will be aliowtO for each rn a tn yaW in advance. A., guess coupon wii'l be printed In The. Press-Republic three or more days o f each week du ring t&ft contest, together with a subscription, b lank for new subscribers.' . . . W rite'youf name and address and your guests plainly on the coupon arid mail to Voting Editor, Thei- Preas-Re- public, Bpringfield, Ohio. 1 " • Itemember, yob a re npt expected to toll who w ill be clScted, or how mftny votes each candidate will receive, sb n - ply estimate th e to ta l number of votes t h a t win lx> c a st for all candidates for governor in the November election, ■ . The contest wlH close Get. 31st, and ho. suesses will be received a fte r th a t date., The announcemteut o f w inners a n d awarding of prizes will be made Smedlately a fte r th e official"count if completed. ' - Guesses, and rem ittances m ay be left a t th r office of The Press-Republic In Springfield o r w ith a n y branch, ofli.ce o r agent In other towns; .or they can be mailed d ire c t to Voting Editor, Press-Republic. Springfield, Ohio., E ach guess 'a s received 'a t th e Springfield office will be numbered ^bd, filed away, an d coupon showing n'umber and am ount, of guess Witt be mailed to th e subscriber. T be content will be conducted, absolutely fairly an d honestly, and no person1connected w ith .The P ress-R e public la any w ay will be allowed to guasaj, ■ - i ■ ■ : ■ The Press-Republic is th e newspaper giant o f Central Ohio. I t occupies .■a position among th e foremost papers of th e State. I t h a s the leaded wire ^Associated Rpyw Report a n d publlshes'dally the very latest and -m o st com plete market, sporting, cable and geueraS news *1 th e world, together w ith more and b etter home news foam any other Springfield paper. ' ! ' < X ' ‘ •' ’/ ‘ , , The Cress-Republic never prints less than $ pages, and from It to 48'oirSunday. I lls published everymorn ing in the yehr,- and the subscription price is I -cents a week, or 20 cento n month. There will be no .advance' In price during the contest 38 cento paid In advance gives you Tbe Press-Republic, delivered anywhere, for on# mouth/and entitles you to'one guess free on the S1,515 prize voting contest.. nw r-B i s s j s j I I f- | $ ' t V •PrnJar't lm ami fltrrp- m t r » t e i 3 * 4 o | m Mmt Btore «f ' O l i a r k s W e ' iegfttfefif wife thing to lie fouEiil k meat-! S E E TH E MAGNIFICENT L IST O F PR IZES . ■ T . « . p « m «nain , th« n» , o t » . r e « w . ......... . . . { “ S , " Pj ’a S ' 4 " a^ ^ . “? ,.‘!^$45aoi> f ACorner Lot i >.Melrose—Springfield’s beam ' To the person sending the Second nearest correct guess-. 4 g ^ , t . v ' • X —ddlon. "Sp'.t cash value now............. ,.- ,,$ 280,00 .{ A Schclarshtpina prominentSpringfieldBusr i ■ a^sis Aaa4twy. Cash ' p r i c e - , . . - . . - v $i0ff»08 One “Standard” Drop-head, Rotary Shut- . ; tie Sawing" Hachlne —- Bandstune oak ’ 1 _ finish. . ■Ca<h price. <•-, - , y*„f , % r*A , , .$ 75.00 Ope f*thuT na” Chainless Bicycle, 190 j "TSttuel- i he best made. Cash price. 60.00 /One Handsome Diamond •Stud.. Actual To the person sending the. third .nearest correct guess., V ’ " c 4 C ; ,v ' , /* >*; - v ; * */ f< To the person sending the fourth nearest correct guess,,, -j To the* persdn -Sending the fifth nearest correct^gaess To the person sending the sixth pekrest correct guess ’cash jpto;e #<*«*•'*%*.*».•»< .$ 50.00 To the next ..five persons sending nearest correct guesses. ' $ 20.00 in Cash to each o n e , ,. ., .. . ..... ,.S;f00.00 To the next ten persons sending nearest corr:*t gr esrcc-!^Jo.'oo in '-‘ash to eaefi/one ......... ,.,$JO0.OO To the next 20 persons, sending .nearest correct £u is" 3 . To the next 200 persons sending nearest^correct • •-f *5 «o In Cash to e: ch /one,-.^.~A. . . . . . 1 . . .$300.00 i X n 1 » Opsh^to each o n e i . ; _..$280.00 To the next peAon sending the nearest correct ? ' ; , . ..... 11 hr’EOUWI.’a'lilBli T m PRESS-REPVBUC, Spring iitw , 0.: Epclo$fid find $. front___ •=.-■,■ u t o , . , x o . - . , , .. , , , . ,i .. . ivfinsfnccioi jyiy guess on total number of votes cast for all candidates for Governor of* Total Vote ami'KWgth ^ ^ - ' ‘ 1 - ...» payment of tiress-tiepubliu for -. 'Iffl O -vauM,. • ’ $ 1 , 515.00 ...V-'a? 30 C. 3 EO;', 3 P 3 C'i& Appended here to is a Table showingtheto- tal v o t e fot Govern or Ip Obb since 1 SB 5 . months 1 a: Is: . N a m e Town , . . i S t a t e 1 " <•a% m . -r - - i S * W •b 4 "#!#■*' b-»«*.*■«% • KF'.A * -p.-^ '*"ti -*# EUoutoneguewforeschmoa h'^Hob'cripil;.., cn- «-1 iicmUtAw* may be jnailr. by R.O, Ordrr. Silver * 1 tm .*•»t)d ttv.t-te *3 your gtiom .1 w mrwwniM.Kilim Cast; 1885,.733,W7 1887; ..746,97* 1389. .775,771 1891, .795,631 1898 , .835,694 1895. .846,996 1897 ,.864,922 1899. .929,872 Papers m*y he sent to. friend* or rrietlves the g u e s s he errdtted to the, one eea^ing the1* t f meaer, m m P K .m s s -& ,m p i 7*; ? i f * S P R IN G F I E L D . OHIO* 1 1 1 K - m u i im SBw m * € o m m i fi*dSa*j,g|£s 3 i i i f f p i f M 5 Z t iU ln t ih ? # ! « » > ? . - i l K l i S l i . . i s s s s r n t o d i i i t e 1 lljs'llilISli s “K S lI i l l l l l n D o n ’ t B e P o o l e d ! T«k* the genuine, OfigltMl ROCKY MOONTAIH TEA keep* j m wen. o*r t*m* m*m e*t- On, eh^i . **<&•**, cent*, 'tm&m t ——— la betlfc. Aceept ne *«b«U* A tkyeer *ri^gtot< —>“The Doctors told me my cough was-incurable. One Minute Cough Cure made me a well man,” Norris Silver, Kortb Sitatford- K. H .—Bs- cause ymi’ve not fonpd relief from a stubborn cough, don’t despaii. One Luc , „fcd riibu* ‘sand# and it, will cure you. Safe and sure. Ridgway CASTOR! . For Infenti and CMtoi c... ■ fli'IW'lffiiiifillwapSt B#*watbo SlffDAfttf* Of Special $ 5.00 Suit Being desirous ,of closing out all Spring Weight Clothing beforewarm weather,we have included a num ber of Suits, all worth more money, some of which cost more to manufacture. You Can Have Your Choice for Hats, Neckwear,. Underwear Suits, „Etc. J. M. KNOTE II East Main.St. Springfieldi Ohio The City Hoteh {Formerly Sherman Ifottae) HUNT’S iETS ^VWGOD, Rropriot&r. * l Tablet per Jfiy, JOto bu wiUnlcs Ibefuris hrcaxfa#t; one nmhth’gj. Itcfil* l went costa 25c, XfidFPatronage, ami ‘ Influence Solicited. BOFtJLAR RATES* Laxative btm SbsA'MMMI * i.'tb* tMtawt T. d. HUNT, IxVkNtou, f Merom, Inti, Fortolc by Itidgwky A <.Vft i*. 51 , Rldgwav, rtlitTfTirtYdrifi'Bni'fititriWt'ii SWB» Adam's, fiestaurant ■ ' and Dining Rooms Corner High nnd Unmtoti* tomb, Hpringlaki; Obfo, ' • Also 'handles, the, bnttodSitift.Doai 'BUwi Apd cor * ••.- and tr^t . • ■ " goes Wills the abort Goods Delivered. Telephone OCL v FreshFish*®4 . , CEDARVILLE, OHIO. A CCOUHTS o f Merchants andly ■** .dividukls solicited, Collec .promptly made,and'remitted, TbRAFTS oh Hew York and Cin- " clnbati Isold at lowest Tate?. % chtjapesi and most convenient'Way j, send money hv laaiL- Y OAES made oh Real.Estate, f ^ sottol or Collateral Security William Wildman, Pres., Beth h.". Smith, Vice Pres,, W. J Wildma’n. Cashk C.I. 1 H 4 SI 1 Daily- Meat Markst. fiiaR Tinder the" above firrti name, meat market of 0 - W- CVouSOwill conducted. AU product in the i dipe will lie the -best that money cm buy,,which fact combined with hOi and thorough business ^methods, enough assurance totilie. puhUe, * always want the.worth of theirmoasy in every respect, ' ■ - ' . When.sending children, direct then to (is;, ive always, give them Hie 1 x 6 they-ask for. , GOODS DELIVERED ' ^ Telephone D?o. TL T h e - Pleasant Wa| TO T im P a n - A m e r i c a n E x p o s i t i o n IS VIA THE C.H.ft D. and your phoiee of following route*. All rail, via Detroit, through Camukl, Lake Erie Steamers, via DetroitW j Toledo. Or going rail, returning fo, steamer or vice versa. Also all rail via Leipale Jut and Hickel Plate, or via Toledo j Lake Shore. Special Tourist Bates TO Al»L * NORTHERN and U X E RESORTS! Stop Over at fkrffoto. Inquire o f C. II. A D . reprs tittsS for particular* or foffe D* G, EDWARDS^ Pass* Taf. Mgr. ClRCIHNATl,0f THt RAP* 7RX8SIT COMfiANY. Between Xenia and Dayton. Leaves Xenia: Leave D*y 5:00 a. m. 6:00 a. fit3 6:00’ 7:00 1 7:00 8:00 , 8:00, 9:00 I 9:00 . 10:00 , | 10:00 , 11:00 1 11:00 12.00 12:00 Noon, 1:00 p. m 1:00 p, m.' 2:00 1 2:00 ' 8:00 . \ S:00 ■ 4:00 L 4:00 6:00 1 5:00 6:00 1 5:00 ’ ■ 7:00 I 7:00 ■. 8:00 | 8:00 . . 9:00 | 9:00 10:00 ij 10-00 Huh) d 11:00 12:00 j , Xenia office and waitin'? o,!!- 4 tiouu Detroit St. DaySoft amt waiting room, 15 W d # Sift! opposite Poatoffice. The'running time hetveett and Xenia 1 * one hour, pasrink Highland*. Stoithrifle Rowd, T man, Alpha, , Trehelne and Grofb, Is Dayton to Xm fa i f «11« S m t ‘• Every other- oar turn1 frm$hh
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