The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26
gpwwgawfppiinw„. - i f f *.- u p s p ; f • jwiw»il)»|igi;i^pi»lB<l i i i l ^ v. « KyynTOgBT ilA liA .liililil.^ li.lifc^l, ^ ^ ^ | f| ti^ i||it,iAiti^1Mi^liLi> Q u a l i t y C o u n t s H o s t I n h a r d w a r e # ♦ Ju$t so with ours, as has hecft proven by those who have deli with us in the past dur line will hear inspection both ifi regard to QUALITY and PKICK, . - . { An ALITTLENONSENSE, . Who Went Abeenlminded Vein StjoppJnjj. ( VotM,*?,, litet’.o; !, t irnffni% vision ary awl very ptatujiinimlHL lie np-* pyorscii<:d tiie’ youi7t;r]aJy at the as tfi'>n;rh walLing in J ob steep’* ■'■ .. . . ■ ■■■■■■* H ’kaae let tn:> stv a .'ample of four Jeff hand pockotf?/’ was tlio lurpriaing iv<r.i-<t, “Beg pardon, ?” Sample of left band pockets GASOLINE STOVES, TINWARE, FURNACES; ’ GRANITE WARE, PUMPS, , SPOUTING, . JbAWN SWINGS, a ROOFING, PAINTS, VARNISHES, LAWN MOWERS, ► * « H K f f Complete Id&e o f Building f l a f t o f e C . M . C R O U S E , CEDA fcVILLE , / OHIO* l H “ILa-g-pardon 5'” And the clerk ihowed ho>t tall and dignified she lould }>e, “Possibly yon want me to fiiow you Rome buttonholes, needle syce or invisible- perforations for smbrofttery.” • ■ •‘“No,.I think not, I recall hone )f those as on the lis t Pin anting* for my wife, you know—charming woman, but so unpractical; thinks , Ihnt the house must be attended to, no matter what beqames of the shopping. You Mvojno loft hand pockets }" “No pockets of any kind.. Possi bly you wanted the, opening to the popkoi or a pump for inflating the pocket.” And the several clerks who had gathered around looked at ,ev erything-bat fcliq,customer, . “I t might be , '% confess*that I'm a little uncertain as toj u s t Wife did ask me to got. Come to think of it, I have a list; forgot all about it-—fimttei;, vegetables, oys ters, sweet point’-— ’ Ah, here it is— ’'sample, left hand pocket, *two yards.* ” • _ “Then feel in ypur left hand pocket,” laughed tlm clerk, and all the other clerks laughed. * He did, There was a sample of harrow ribbon. The-combined, tal ent of the clerks matched it, and thelQustomer wondered why they all beamcdTso benignly on him,—Stray Stories. ; The Sbati.t’oek’s Designer. George Lennox AVatedn, the de» Bignt-k o£ Shamrock IT, began his ca reer -aa a naval architect in 1873, s;'nv. t!ip" hnr.dou lung. Since then ho hue been renpnnTliju for tho erec tion of .some very famous craft. In his first vear he designed 'the d o - tilde, which proved' a great success. In irtfiOhe planned the construction of the Vandura, which heat the fa mous Formosa, owned by the then Prints of Wales. He furnished the plans for the America’s cup compet itors in tbe This! lo, Valkyrie I I and Valkyrie XIJ, Hut perhaps his great est triump was the Britannia cutter for the IVifii-e' o f .Wales, "the best craft of its kind oyer seemin British waters. ..Besides yachts, he has de signed many of the great ocean go ing steamers. In undertalcing to supply the. design for Shamrock II he admitted that he had the cutest man in the boatbuilding world to heat in ITerreshoff, the American, hut he was not dismayed by Ameri ca's past successes, ' —You may as well expect to run a Steam engine without water as to find an active, energotie-amn with n torpid liver and yon may know thnthia liver is topfd wiieu docs hot relish his food dr feels, dull‘and languid after eating, often has headache and sometimes 1 dizziness, A’’few doses of Chamber-' Iain’s Stomach .and Liver Tablets will restore his. liver to. its normal .func tions, renew bis Mobility, improve his digestion'and ’nndte him feel like a new man. Pried, 25 cents. Samples free at O. M.j.Ridgway’e drug store. Obeying Orders. Ittlllincry Offcrmas. This week we have uptrimmed hats that formerly sold' . ' • sold for 50e, now....7.777........ . ,77...,..,,..,. .„ .,.,.2 5 c ' An exceptionally good Leghorn Hat at ....,,....,.,.$00 . A’very fine linen colored Leghorn Hats..........$ 1 .0 0 > 'Child’s school lint nlixeil straw braids at:..... ......... 2 5 c -/ Child’s washable hats......0....,,,..;..... .a.,,.-, 2 5 c - ’ Roses, large bunches, all colors..... ........................ IOC - . ' - . Baby Cups at 10-/25, 35, 50 cjuh 1 up. - Ends of Counterfeit Bills. At a down town bank tbe other day I saw a teller counting a pile of: bills, each one. of which was-upside ’down. - ‘1 \ ’ - “Why do 3 rou; hold, timid that -'way?” I asked, '. “So as' to .view their left ■ends rather than 'theirfright ends,” he answered, “I t is natural tp hold a file of lulls with yotur left hand 0 and 0 turn them back''with the right hand as you: count. Counterfeiters know this, and so they arc more careful with the work at the, right hand end of the face.' First impresr .sions go a great way , 1 a Judging of money, so they fcry-lojmako it as fa vorable ns possible, . 'Oi 'course, the saf^way is to'carefully examine all, portions of a bill, but when counting rapidly I two fins method.”—Now York Herald, f, i ■ MltS.MAUGI E JIOOi’KIl SUNOS A MESSAGE Pattern and dimmed bats. ...v....-.’W^e..l»Avft reduced .the' price, on our fine" Failern Hut k many are now grille former price—this week we have some evtra good values «nd styles in-trimmed hats air,,**.. ,«*.*,««. ... ...... $ 2 .50 ' 1' „ ; • , « ■ l ¥’’’ .. ' hosiery. •We have just secured some mill 6nds in fartcy Hose for ladies, that are very desirable and cheap— Lace Striped Lisle, regularly worth 25c at...,.,...15ets Fancy. Stripes, Dob and Figures, worth 25c nt„.15cb • ‘ , 1 Imported Fancy Stripe Figures, worth 35c at. .,..25cts . Children'sHuilington Black School Hose, the 15 cent kind, fo r ..,,.,...,...,..,............. . 10eb Child’s Tan Lisle Hose, were 25e,‘ how........ .......loots * Men’s Fancy Hose at..............,,.15, 25, 30 and OOcts ‘ IGbite lUnsb Silk One o f the late new summer ideas, very stylish, very , cool and Very serviceable, just received, 43 ami $4. Black Silk Waists, unlined for summer, $3, $3.50 and $4. ■ , " m W f i o o d s . Some very new Batistes just received, including the new linen shades, a t ............ ,.,.......10, 124 and 15 cts --.“Good grsaiousi Bridget, What ever artj you turning out the seat of that chair for?” • ■ '“Sure, umm. ye said 1 was tp com-' monce ‘spring cleaning’ this morn* mg/ Stoutsville, Mo,, May 5, 1900 Gentlemen:—I have been troubled will} Indigestion And Constipation for the last two years, and have tried every remedy known, hut had imver received any relief until I was handed a trial bottle of Hr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin through our druggist, .1. W, Watson, which, gave me imtaedinte ( relief, and I afterward bought a fifty Cent bottle, which I can truthfully say has given mo more relief than anything I have ever tried.—li, B, Hurd,. Sold by C. M. Ridgway. Jefrersonvilic, Ind.,' May 15, 1900,' Pepsin Syrup C«,» Monticello, 111,’ Hear Friends:—I wnp. bothered with Stomach Trouble mid .Dyspepsia for years/ Nothing helped mo until I tried, your grand Hr, Caldwell's. Syr-: up Pepsin, nrid pOw I feel like anew wotmup ' You may pliblbh tliis, that id! others may learn of the great,hen dit of-your cure./ Since*ely your. Mrs Maggie Hopper, Bold hy ,C. M. Ridgway. Bridge Whfet. ‘ „ The Paysinger Department of the C. II. A D. Ry. bus just issued a beautiful wt of rules bn Hhidge Wliist”which will bo mailed on re quest, Enclose two cent stamp. Ad dress Bridge Whist, Advertising De partment G, H. & I). Ry., Cinein nati, Ohio. 1 rt»irvw* • , A good concur am»u,is& * T speiiks well for ChamberJain’s Gough remedy when druggists use it in their,own families in preference to any. other. *T have sold Chamber lain’s Gough Remedy for the past five years with, .complete satisfaction to myself mid customers," says Druggist J. Goldsmith, Van Etten, N. Y. “ I have always used it my own family both for ordinary coughs and colds find for the cough following la grippe, nud find it very efficacious,” ' For sale by O. M, Ridgway* ” : ' * LOWE HROTHEWS S T A N D A R D " PAINTS GIVEBESTRESULTS* « nowTOPAW'’ Will Wt irty. a # k W. R. Sterrett, DeaU-rfn« Faints, Varnishea Brushes. Good Atfvee. Tbe most miserable .beings in the world arc thosesuffering fromDyspep sia and Liver Complaint. More than Seventy-five per cent, of tlm people in the United Slates are afflicted, with these twO diseases and their effects; such as Bo’ur Stomach, Sick Head ache, Habitual Gostiveufc 68 t,‘Falpita- tion of the Heart, Heart burn, Water- brash, Gnawing and Burning Fains at tbe Fit of the Stomach, Yellow Skin, Coated Tongue and Diangtee- Tasfojn the Mouto, Coming- up of Food after Eating, Low Spirits, etc, Go to your Druggist and get a bottle of August Flower for 75 cents. Two doses will relieve you. Try it. Get Green’s Prize Almanac, Blue Front Stable* •• . ’Leaveyo.iirhof-k-s there and your rigs bekept ontheinside, ojut of the rainand stond, 20N. Fountain Avenue, ■ • Springfield, O. , ' ■ GnAEw;e’ T3, Tonp, Prop v - T r 1 ! i«.U. | | * l \ 1 \ V. -.s ' f -4,ilk ^1 / , 'A Siiwy -‘ a L/*- . —Imitators li'ava ' been ' mgny, Thoughtful people have lparned that true merit comes ‘only with the gen uine Reeky Mountain Tea made by k Madison Medicine Co, 35e. As! your druggist. DR -FENNER ’S Blood&Liver REMEDY AKD m . IffiSc ISa A Bad Breath A' bad ,breath means a bad stomach, a bad digestion, 3 bad liver* . Ayer’s Pills are liver pills* They cure con stipation, biliousness, ■dys pepsia, sick headache. ' 35 c. AHdrujfzUt*.’ NERVE TONIC. Wjiutyour raoustucjieor itcurJ p l) 6 »uUtul brown or rlcli blwkV 'llii-n jmc , , BUCKINGHfiU’SDYESWfe socts op s m s J . M . ^ A P o E O X & S O N , ’ \ . . ' — =-=—FOR PRICES ON—---- =-■' " A l l K i n d s . : ' o f : L u m b e r , : ; L a t h , r S M u g l e s , •» y. */ r. , \m —Fur light buggy harness, (vhips, pads, the harness man, lmnu'S 3 , work etc., try Dorn, —For the best galvanized iron water tanka and troughs see Fierce & Stewart ns they will quote you lowest prices. • TO CUBE A COLDIB OBE DAt Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if its fails to curd. E. W. Grove’s signature is on each box. 25c* Mr. W. S. Whedon, Cashier of the First National ’Bunk of Winterset Iowa, in a recent letter gives some ex perience with carpenterin Ids employ, that will be of value to other median* Ha says: nI bad a unrpehter It’S. working working for- me who \v;as obliged lo stop work for several days on account being troubled with diar rhoea. I mentioned to him that I had been similarly troubled and - tlmt Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera mul Diarrhoea Remedy 'had cured nie. He bought a bottkr of it 'from* the druggist here aud informed me that one dose cured him. and lie is again at his work.” For sale by 0 , M, Ridgway. NERVITAPILS RestoreVitalii) LostVigor andMarJiooiL, A t e * $ 2 5 0 0 0 * 1 $ 2 5 0 0 0 . C m t t tH iw Cbousattd Dollar Gr*at Unloading! Bale now in progress, We fmd that we have too many goods and must reduce the stock, We have cut prices to do it quickly, •• y2 Pair Lace Curtain •Arrived late ami will close them but quickly rather than return them, Will make the pries ONE DOLLAR A FAIR. They are »*■ yds lottg, 43 laches wide/add white, Reautar price 41,50, ____ ,__L 5 D 0 Ifardr-Tprohon^~Eace - Crwini, rilk *nd hlackj «rid<r«s 4 inches, F'd.v<>■?.v» 5 -n il \ yard* Fereale aelacfed front 12 i cent goods ■Bale price 5 cent. 800 yards o f White Good* in this lot. , These goods sold at 20 and 25 oente. Bslo pritw Abirgsltw ol Wash Fabrics; all new this season,. Organ ' It will pay you to try to oome «mi sec* . ; 0 . ' A . . -■'■S'- . . , \ t Nation mm- Cure impotcncy, Night JStmsslotis, Los 3 Ot Memory, all wasting tUs- , eases, all effects of self-abuse Of excess and indiscretion.* A nerve tonic and blood builder* Brings the pink glow to pals checlis and restores tbe fire of youth. By mail SOU*per box, 6 boxes for $2,56, w ith otlf jEwtttk** able guarantee to cure or refund the money paid. i Send for circular and copy of our bankableguaraatceband. I IK tQ V lT J l T A B ! .B T A / EXtBA STRENGTH NCKW I l A ^ [ A B L E I J* lmnjedjate ResuIIS Positively guaranteed cure fat Loss cf Power, Varicocele, Undeveloped or Shrunken Organs,. Paresis, Locotaotor Ataxia, Nervous Prostration, Hysteria, Fits, Insanity, Paralysisand the Kesulfs of Excessive Use of Tobacco, Opiumor Liquor. By mail in plain package, $ t.oo a box, ft for $ 5.00 with our bankable guarantee bond. to curb In 30 day* or refund money paid. Address ' NERVITA MEDICAL'COMPANY (’Anton and Jackson Strom* L CHiOAOO, ILLtNOfa , 0 . M. Uitlgway*, Dfuggint-, (Jetlarvillf*,. OlntX . Kerr St Hastings Bros., Agency for aoCSRMICK -'MACHETES A Full Lino of'Repaint. - 4 1, J & n *’ Bet the Best. Hteri Flows/ ' Garden Flow?, Corn Flanicr*, . Afowets, Mcf brmick Bimlors. ( ’ora Bhrllera, Riding Ctiltivafpw, Hny Kakea, Hay Teddcft, ■ Hay ( ’arrRrs, ■ Disc Hftrwfvs, Biiitmfiiiiig Harrows WalkijigujulttVAlora, - Brown Wagon, Jiuggiw.' Haiitl and Mnchitm Made, Hatho,j?. , . ^ Flooriny^ | ,s Biding, ’ I • ■ Ceiling, Sj| Riohmmid.Fci C’,_ t Gate’s, Q Combiuaiion Steps, S' and * Extension. Lacldeis, Doors, . Blitids, . ' 8 aab', - Glass, Doom and Window Screens, “A million fqr sonie Tarbox fence,” G o o d G r a d e a n d L o w F r i c e s . EfeMi T h e S u p e r i o r T o n e Q u a l i t i e s o f t h e 4 • t m Ludw ig 1 P ian o s Arc much admired in StuinglicMby the hundreds who own and enjoy them.- Likewise the *universal commendation of tbe musical public who have Seen and used this Piano in the various cities of tbe United States attest to all who appreciate the artists’ opinions ofwhat TONIS should be in a Piano for the American home. By comparison any oneat 11 Versed in musical qualities understand that the Steinway Piano is at the head of the Pianoworld in all Sweet, Pure, Elevating Musloal Harmony^ £ ^ Without solicitation the tone of tbe LUDWIG' PIANOS sold in Springfield and Central Ohio from the ARCAUK MUSICHOUSEduring tlio pastsix years hive been compared more frequently to theSteinway tone than any one of the few really HIGHGIIADE PIANOS. ' . . LUDWIG<feCO., NewYork City, arc the second generation building this Favoriteof all High Grad*Pianos. Why is it such a favorite,' First, because of its SuperiorTone Qualities. Second, its capabilities of holding and improving 1 ., ...- a afteryears ot use. Third, the fact that the leading dealers throughout the United States and many foreign eoua- wsell this Piano in competition with tlio best-makes the world produces. in tone triesno D i p l o m a o f H o u o r . S i l v e r M e d a l r;l E x p o r t E x p o s i t i o n I n t e r n a t i o n a l E x p o s i t i o n F M M e l p M a /1809 ~ ' E a r l s 1 0 0 0 Springfield and Central Ohio customers can now have the advantage of buying LUDWIG PIANOS at th« FACTORY BRANCH STORE at an immense saving oVer What is .DEMANDED for other’ HUndardHigh Grade Pianos. Hoidott easy payments if desired, so that no one need hesitate at all itt becoming the PfAUd owner of a Plano, the pee* of whlob is not sold elsewhere. The days have forever gone whets a manufacturer can «eDpfimoa w, they .fritsiwilwff hi to the § agent, andhbioti)etojnhtwit^jti<m._iLiidJhe 4 Arii»usefr--dItUHuRATartn*tra$nent 8 btgdodlasting rapuketkm saw -ojrirhtmrfAstAow tigures by producing large quantities. Ludwig & Co., produce mnre.pianos than any other High Grademanufacturer In the world. I.sitsg theMAMKsciecWxl material, the f*AMEskilled labor, thehAMji aiifetn pfli- pttwlaelhgina f’/lw y wh*-rebut nic* ;,ule id I, !w.os aremade and thatthe Idyl;,- A. Call at oar warerwan*—the W L Y r-XfUL-stVe; if ANti nm 8 L In yp.itjgbdcb andfor your own satisfaction*eothosemagnificent Pianos new beingedd At pneca never iK'foreotTctcd. ' ARCADE - MUSIC ' 0 *. » . W U X I h & 0 o ’ s 'VF* soil the iatnuifs JaA E.Fntten'Faint. ;f A five year guaranty, Cotiyim'cd by the uri'ig. : : K e r ^ . | ; ; i | , a g l ! n g a ^ B r O A * " ' ‘ ' H ' ' . N, B ,- -All inteHiifbftii (’ai* aton In front 0f our xter«, Waijing roomi And gtmeral ftfiicps uegt dow, S p r i l ! | ! $ & l< i , O , J : % ; iV" ' i »; %.
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