The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26
f u y , ,H <' *'’*\ n '* * " , -*n^ 1''‘\ l% $'» 1 r ' f; ilt w* ' - . “ * • ‘ “ J( \ «.„ • - { ? * „‘ V f • -^ , ,‘ I,^ ,„'^ »‘ l|I.II J I!^MIll,U,ll'll«l» ll.ll«JIJ.II* IWIIIf f lllJI HmUjill ^ H ll»l■ijlllMJJiail . „ . *.'*>* „ " .'i s i . ' , / ' ' -'’'’V J . ,« ' y * f • ,, , ,, ' r ‘ ^ ' * ' ' ' W - ■’?;■ ** *' - ,*'„ i| ut a > Id inK s o l for ec€tnei$c« 0 Mf 3 $ ElorR Oil!! Cott^rt with asy other firm. t w e n t y - f o u r t h y e a r . n o . s . ytera ld . CEDARV ILLE , O H IO . JANU ARY § . 1901. / When this item is marked by a» Index, it, denotes ‘ bat your subscrip tion ss overdue ay.! a prompt payment is desired. * . ■*fs PRICE $1.00 A YEAR, \it iture ci ITA PILLS Itty. Lost Vigor aqd Manhood y. NIffht Emissions. Loss of Men, all wusting diseases. r ifTcetaof aolf-abuee or .ss aud indl&qrefcicn, »rve ton ic and d builder. Brim! _ - l er. Brings pink fflow to polfi ks and restores the of youth. By mail irtex. 6 boxes for k*r ______y pi oankablo guarantee tend lx?--- ----------- fcW. ----------- t ur bankable ffaurwitee to cure pa id . Send for circular money i Qhlflfq extRASTRENGTH hum .) Immediate Results rantaefll care for Loss of Power uilsveloped or Shrunken Organs’ motor Ataxia, Nervous Prostra! Kits, Insanity, Paralysis and the n-s.ive Useof Tobacco, Opiumor ail in plain packwre, $1.00 a •OOwith our bankabla guar- cure In SOdays or refund Address TA MEDICAL CO. ‘ on Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. V K id gw w a y. I)ru g j;i-' nil wlmn tt'U iniion ni>art, lit “l\ horsi's, the pick of liic u'tit.v proud \vc were, 1 m. liui tune the Indians we 0 utiinsnnie. 'I'liev generiilj.' nail hands, and occasionally a hunch of horses would be ranchmen thereabout. !.ce fear 'em much, They car- l"iws ahd arrows, and if it i Imsc our horses could eas- theirs. The greatest danger fear was tin' loss of our i 1 hud talked frequently Indians, and both were of Mind- if attacked, kill the Her than let the marauding ■in. re at 1 he half way nunk. as day. got back to my 'dohe eating dlimei; turned in. 1 11 asleep very long when I d by a sort of feeling that somebody in the room I lor the pillow for iny gun, ■ ■r as 1 did so, and there in I ay stood Lee Wells. The] shafts of six arrows \vgyy,| om tils breast, and Ids ('ace lonllglit looked drawn anil There wns a smile of snHa los face, though, as tie said 1 icy got me. Hob. hut they he burses.' 10 of bed Ju an instant. The feet touched the floor Lee The door was shut nnd lock left it when J[ went to bed. over the realistic 'dream.' r It was. 1 turned lu again, a long time Indore 1 got to hoc 1 was awakened by on There stood Lee In and again lie pointed to f'n and snid uie. H 0 I 1 . but thei didn't e. p for me tltat night I the 'dohe. thinking oer- i playing me a triek I the corral. The horses nnd there were no signs v|ng been around. I sat •d nnd thought a whole ■enk. then 1mounted nnd e half way mark, Lee nnd there wns no sign of I rode ,n to his 'dobe le gate of the corral, was vlth six arrows In his I had seen them In the the corral lay the bodies U1 killed with bullets, a to me that, seeing the g. had deliberately SS before turning hla at thlrres Judging from « there must harp been nos In the bunch. t-ce iinge.l them some before rig fmn> the cartridge round They took his ' nurse, and looted the do t get much for their want to know is was ■ r did Lee Wells really me In some sort of mild not explain Ve"' ltd Express d I'nr l'rp«prt •»*. l * n fi-minin*1IxvtnniHl M<'** n .**• iijrnn n m n w u lln e n n t- v\n« j1 1 t ir> tU p art Gf u r'ffirlin tf «o a if>th In jr In to tn "li'( t) anmothintf <*!»** j ■ f Mi*Mi )m rh J f I, fooling Munti. n >»n« In nrrt^r. n'ntfL proRrrrrpY 1 grlfMl|«t Youth’* T « finlfln 1 IfnH, « 1 1> Mm r.ingrpimtlon if i'n ajiifi \I ip tn ln lx io r * im 1 1« iiim V eni*lr o il o f on his " Bif^ipi'rN ■m 1 *'i nIways uses a TOO ,1IMl ut these he tvmt got are 1hnt a nil made out o’ Iplcn Press i much afraid of draffs expended from Ihe eell- otlken thread. Should ve In Hie etlebteat db rest eintent ufitll b* 1 tie .|raf comes ft*om. ox ( untiles RMgwny ^ Cold (Uoatbor lltcmities HEAVY W E IG H T UNDERWEAR , Fleece and Balbriggan, per garment, W I N T E R CAPS, Plush, Kersey and Wool , EAR MUFFS , - r> - - - * - MUFFLERS , - - - - . . . PURE WOO L SOX - - - ' ■ Hats, Shifts, Collars. Cuffs, Neckwear. 50c to $1.00 25 to 50c IOC 50c up 25c T. C. Davis, T a i i l o r , H a t t e r , F f l r n i s k e r i-gv* NEWS TID-BITS from Many Sources, Gleaned Front Our Exchanges Cider will keep if it is boiled, re duced at least one-third, and then bottled. A raisin, or a few mustard seeds, may be put in the bottle pre vious to pouring in the cider. The corks must be fastened with wires, and the bottles be placed in a dark, cool closet.—January Ladies’ Home Jour nal. f t t The population of SouthT’harleBton has increased just thirteen in the last ten years, and we can account for it. They are all from the Western % ) serve. Prof. Main and family, five; the editor o f the Echo and family, five, is ten, and Prof, and Mrs. J^ewis, and the professor’s dog, makes the thir teen. We have had evidence before that we belonged to an unlucky num ber-—South Charleston Echo t t + A number of railroad employees were busily engaged last Saturday counting the person and vehicles trav- the various crossings over the, Little Miami railroad in Morrow and while the entire number at the five crossings only amounted to about 6,000 people the number of ‘jiera°n8 P8®!0® b*ck and forth over the Miranda street crossing were 2,223.—Morrow Tri bune. + + t Scald a pint of cream; add to it eight ounces of scraped maple sugar; stir until the Bugar is dissolved. Take from the fire; odd a tablespoonful of caramel, a teaspoonful of vanilla, and when very cold add another pint of uncooked cream. Turn into the freezer, and when thorough’y cold freeze as ordinary ice cream.—Janu nry Ladies’ Home Journal. t t t A Xenia man kissed his wife in the morniog as he started to his daily la bor, «ml in the evening her lips were missing, nlso the oven of the gasoline stove, which she used for a trunk. A husband don’t always know what may bo tbe consequence of kissing his bet ter-half.—Jamestown Journal. We are of tbe opinion that if he'd kissed her in the mouth instead of in the morning her lips wouldn’t have been miming in the evening.—fl. Charles ton Echo. t t t It is reported that one of our West .Jefferson young men who has been pay ing attention to a young lady living W PQ W DC h I Z Boys and girls’ S Watch Bargains < b z D O C l Qi W as < a< We didn't sell os many as we expected to nnd will give a sub stantial reduction off tbe price of any we have left. We have them at any price from 81.00 up, and gojd serviceable time* keepers tha1 we warrant for 82.50, $3.50 and $5.00. Th^s month you can get a consider able reduction from the above prices. .....I___ B A M M o O O S . f e V & A The Jeweler. c r d a r v illb , , » otoio. / not over a hundred miles out of town, made his regular call at her home a few evenings ago. He was met at the door by the young lady and escorted to the parlor. She then excusedjherself and the old man came in and said; “ Young man, I’ve no objection to your visits here, but you’ll have to make your bow and bit the pike on this occasion as we are going to have a select party here tonight, and no one is invited but two or three old women and a doc tor.”—Home News. + t j Wade Covingtou, the oldest person in this part of^the state, has been taken to the county infirmary as he is very feeble and needed care. He is said to be 104 years old.—Yellow Springs News. t t f Sabina's tax rate is two mills less than 4 per cent., the highest in the county, but her citizens seem to think their improvements worth it.—Rf^itib lican. That's the idea brother Brown ing. The decreased rate of insurance more than pays the increase in taxes. Get waterworks in Wilmington and verify the statement.—Sabina Tribune Zealcadere First. Leaving out tha calculation of a few small islands, which are like pin points on the map, the incoming cen tury on Tuesday, greeted the New Zealanders before it did' any other peopleu Then swinging westward, the century dawn crossed Australia, the Carolines, the Ladrones and Phil ippines, Siberia and China came next, then over Asia and the Ural Mourn tains and successfully hailed the citi zens of St. Petersburg, Vienna, Ber lin, Paris and London, springing across the Atlantic, it then in tore sa luted New York, Chicago, St. Louis, Denver and San Francisco. Now passing out into tbe Pacific it crossed Hawaii, ami at dawn of January 1 reached the islauda u short listan'ce west c f that group. COGNATIONS --Constipation neglected or badly treated, leads to total disability or death. Rocky -Mountain Tea abso lutely cures constipation in all its forms. 35c. Ask your druggist. Waynesville is pushing operations on their water works and electric light plant. 1 On Various T..ernes and Observations About Tofvn. j There is a man in |his town who has beeu employed in every kind of work j under the sun. You can’t mention !anything that he has not done. Some j of tbe skeptics have counted up his age !and find that Methusaleh was merely !a spring chicken by tbe side of him. i © A woman in this town is proud of [her husband because he sits around |while she gets the meffts and entertains ithe boarders aud that is all lie docs, except on nice daya be takes her ipocket book aud goerf down town to buy the groceries. • A' man said the other day that acer tain thing was “ just 0 lot ol ueedless expense for n (thing,” and we wonder yet what kirv! tint! would be. • A woman not a hundred milts from Hello Keyes. The telephone company this week put in a tbe railroad station, and Agent Keyes is smiling all over from the fact that he will be able to Call up his friends. In turn Elmer will be'glad to answer all inqueries which may be directed to hint; in tact anything that you are in doubt of just call up Keyes, the station agent, who will gladly give you all the inf rela tion possible. Mr. N. L. Ramsey last week sold to Chas. Weimer, tbe butcher, a red polled Durham heifer 18 months old, which weighed 1065 lbs. Tbe beef dressed weighed 612 lbs. Mr. VVei mer says that it is tbe best he has killer) since he commenced business At a recent meeting of the directors of tb Hagnr Btrawboard and Paper Co . Mr. Edward Hagar was elected president of that concern, taking tbe place of Hon, John Little, deceased. Mr. Hagar has, since bis connectaon- witb the company, held all the office* with the exception of vice pres. At present Mr. Hagar holds thiee offices, that of president, treasurer nnd gen eral manager. E V E N F R O n T H E S O U T H S E A S . Lyintr in the (itr -nuthprir PaeifU' Ocean, nearly midway between-the continents o f A u s tralia and South America, is the isle ol’ Tonjra, the largest o f the Friendly Islands, a l m o s t the last plaee on earth oneu-wonld expect' the Herald ’s reputation for artistic j o b printing to reach, but such i< the ease as the appended fetter u ill show ■»ri' i >i DONALD M c - lennan m d M K IM C A I, I» IK K (T O R Mil T IK. liUVKHNMKNT OK TOMOA —Pepsin preparations often fail to relieve iudigestion because they can digest only albuminous foods. There is one preparation that digests all classes of food, and that is Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It cures the worst cases of indigestion and gives instant relief, for it digests what you eat.— Ridgway & Co.. Druggists. There was a rather warm time in the eastern part ot town a few nights ago. Borne ot the Pittsburg citizens had evidently ran out of coal and were appropriating some coal that was on the railroad. A detective was dose on them and fired several shots, causing them to take to their heelr. However they failed to get any coal. —When threatened by pneumonia or any other lung trouble, prompt re lief is necessary, as it is dangerous to delay. We would suggest the One Minute Cough Cure be taken as soon as indications of having taken cold are notice 1. It cures quickly and its early use prevents consumption. Ridgway A ( o., Druggists. Prof J. H. Sayers last Sabbath held a mfie'iig in Mansfield. Every tiling seems to have quieted down in the town as no disturbance was raised. Leaves of Heeling were distributed about the town at various hotels with out annoyance. —The most soothing, healing, and antiseptic appHiatiou over de vised is Dewitt’s witch Hazel Salve. It relieves at once Mid cures piles, eores, eczema and skin diseases. Be ware of imitations. Mdgway A Co , Druggists. The funeral services o f the late Jonathan Cline will take place thir afternoon at 3:30 p m. in the M. E. Church. The Grand Army Post will have charge of tbe remains. Rev. A . Hamilton will officiate in the church T o n g a , F r i e n d l y M a m b , S o . S e a , . D ecem b er 3, 1900. T h e H e r a l d ( V , ( ' e d a r v i l l e , < >li i«>. G e n t l e m e n : N o t i c i n g y o u r a d . o r r a t h e r a c r i t i c i s m o f t h e E d i t o r o f t h e A d w r t i ' i n g W o r l d , o f ( u h .,1 d u n , r e g a r d i n g y o i i r a t t r a c t i v e l e t t e r h e n d , p a p e r c o r n c o l o r , t e x t p r i n t e d in r e d , b r o w n a n d g r e e n . K i n d l y s e n d m e s a m p l e w i t h p r i c e f o r i p i a n t i e * . \ d d r e s s a s ab ov e , D r . M r L r •, x \\ Whip-Poor-Will and Katv-Oid- if , Blow do night's a-failin'. An’ I hyeah de callin’ Out rrpon de lonesome hill. Boun’ is moughty dreary, Holemn-Ink an' skecry, Bayin’ fu’ to “ whip po’ Will ” Now hit’s moughty tryin’, Fn' to hyeah dis cryink ’Deed hit’s mo’ den I kin stnn'- 3ho' wid nil our slippin'. Dev's enough ot wnippin' 'bout a bird a visin’ any man. In de noons o’ sunimah Dey’s anothah hunimnli Bings anothab song instid; An’ his th'oofa n-sweFlin’ Wid de joy o’ tellin,’ But he sayR dat “ Knty did." Now I feels onsutitan; Won’t you raise de cu’tain Ovah all de t'jngs Hat’s hid? W’y dat fenthahed p’isen Oopserbout n-visin’ Whlppin’ Will w’en Katy did?— Paul Idinrence Dunbar, in the Janu ary Ladies’ Home Journal. Last and First. Mr. Robt. Wall, one of our well- to-do farmers nnd fancy stock breeders, holds a distinction that possibly no other person holds in this township. That is, be was the last man to ship a lmg frotn this place in the nineteenth century nnd the first to ship in the twentieth century. to do some tinker work around the house. He was not particular about whom he employed, so he hired a man whom he thought he would like to give a job. He hired him and he worked about two hours. When he was done and came around to settle he charged one dollar for about a thirty cent job. Which shows that it never pays to employ a man you do not want merely for the sake of giving hiin employment. _______ *Cb- Most all the students who are at tending college away from here have returned to their respective schools after their holiday vacations. Mr. C. L. Robinson came over from Dayton, Tuesday and spent sev eral days with his mother. —Soaps and Perfumes at Ridgway A Co’s? Mr. B. W. Northup was this week taken back to the hospital at Dayton. Mr. Northup is not improving very fast. —Fresh Horehound Candy, Ridg way A Co’s. NO DRIVER — G e n n iD e Rocky Mountain Tea is never sold in b u lk by peddlers or less than 35 cts. Don’t be fooled, get the tea m a d e famous by the Madison Med icine C-o. Ask yoiir druggist. Mr. James Holmes and family this week, moved to their home in the country after about a years stay in town. —If you want Blanket at prices that you can afford to buy go to “ Dorn, the Harness Mon.” Mr, Oliu Dobbins leaves for Ada, Monday, where he will resume his study in law. Mr. Dobbins expects to finish his course there in the -pring term. —.Such little pills ns DeWitt’s Lit tie Early Risers are very easily taken, nnd they are wonderfully effective in cleansing the liver and bowels. Ridg way A Co., Druggists. All c d soldiers are requested to meet at the G. A. R. hall Saturday* to attend the' funeral of Mr. Jon athan Cline, in’a bod' . • • Miss Cost, elocution teacher at the college, will give a recital in the opera house next Friday evening. -.-New Crop California Apricots Peaches, Prumes, Grapes and Raisins at Gray’s. (Quality and not quantity makes- DeWitt’s Little Early. Risers such valuable little liver pills. Ridgway A C >., Dauggists Mr. Hnwynnl and Harry King, of Washington, C. II., spent the Utter jart of the week with Mr. Olin Dob- Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Gray enter tained Mr. Spillman Riggs during hie stay here last Thursday. Mr. Riggs is somewhat related to Mr. and, Mrs, Gray. —Combs, Brushes, Toilet Articles, Ridgway A Co’s. —Leave your orders at Cooper's for anything in the grocery line'. He will see that the orders are properly filled. Mr. David Dixon, who was injured some time ago while cutting timber in the woods, is impoving and will be able to be around in a few days. hows nos? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re word for any case o f Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. C heney A Co, Props. Toledo, O We, the undersigned, have known F J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all buisneos transactions and finan cially able to carry out any obliga tions made by their firm. W est A T uuax , Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, O. W aldino , R innan A M arvin , Wbolesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Care is taken inter nally, acting directly upon tbe blood Sod mucous surfaces of the system. Prices 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Was Needed for the Horses Drawing This Fire Engine;—Perry Shull’s L-oss While the streets in Kansas City were filled with peo#ple on ChristmnB eve a fire alarm was turned in. driver of the engine drove his.horses. at full speed, in spite of the fact that the frosty Btreet was Slippery and treacherous, and a accident might have cost him hie life. *As a turn was being made the horses slipped and the engine lurched to the curb, throwing the driver from his seat. With free rein the horses plunged wildly down a street grade,, the en gineer being unconscious of .he fact that bo was on a runaway engine. When the horses reached the Street where the fire was they slowed down of their own accord, as it unwilling to pass the place where, their instinct told them they were wanted. The fire was in the tailoring estab- of Shull and Jelley on Ninth street. The Joss on the stock of goods is esti mated at 82,000, which is covered by insurance. Mr, Shull of the above firm is‘the son of Mr. William Shull of this,place,' being well known here. F o r S a le —A No. 1 hot water Incu bator, capacity 225 eg g, in fine condition. Need the money and will sell at a sacrifice. Apply at this ' office. , V j * NOTICE. i On account of increased work and i the discontinuance of the lace mails we find it uecessnry to close an hour earlier in the afternoons. Hereafter we will dose at 3 o'clock p. m. stand- 'ardtime. Respectfully, The Exchange Bank,' m —Subscribe for the Herald. % here left a picture at a furniture store five or six ago. A few days ago she inquired for it nnd when they could not find it, ffie raised the roof. They offered to pny her for it, or any thing else that would hush her up, for it is worth a good deal son e times to stop•peeple’s mouths. But nothing would take the place of the picture Later they found it and slip said she did not care for it. And yet some folks wonder why the men laugh so much at the women. We rnn across nn old fashion kind of a woman the other day who believes that candy is unhealthy for children. That sort of doctrine is hard on Santa Linus’ business. • A g ir l in th is to w n m a k e s n g re a t m a n y p o in t lace h a n d k e r c h ie f, b u t she hns so m a n y frie n d s th a t she has n o n e fo r o w n use. A n d th e q u e s tio n n a tn r n llv arises w h e th e r it p a y s to h a v e s< n in n y frie n d s • An old widower in this town says he wna invited to attend a certain church because there were sixty-five members who were widows and old maids. He generally goes there now. • A man in this town needed a tnsn —Tbe merited reputation for cur ing piles, gores and akin diseases ac- nired by DeWitt’s Witch Hazel alve, has led to the making of worth less counterfeits Be sure so get only DeWitt’g Halve. -Ridgway A Co.. Druggists. Mr*. A. Bradford was the gueat of relatives at Waynesville several days of this week. —This season there is a large death rate among ohildren from croup and lung troubles. Prompt action will save the little ones from these terri ble diseases. We know of nothing so certain to give instant relief as One Minute Cough Cure. It can also be relied upon in grippe and nil throat and lung troubles of adults. Pheas ant to take.—Ridgway A Co.. Drug gists. John A. Winter, formerly of Ced- arville, died at his home at Indian apolis, Ind., of consumption, Thurs day, Defcember 27. —Persons who suffer from indiges tion cannot expect to live king, be cause the cannot, eat the fowl required to nouriah the body nnd the products of the undigested foods they do eat poison the blood. It is important to cure indigestion ns soon as possible, and tlie best method of doing this is to use the preparation known as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It. digests what you eat nnd restore all the digestive organs to perfect health.—Ridgway A Co., Druggists. Annual - v ■■-'Ms- , -■ Auction Clearance m m j ; s i B e g in in g n o n d a y , J a n u a r y 14 a n d co n t in u e s e v e r y A fte rnoon and e v en in g fo r One W e ek . Mr. James A McCaltf of Findlay U., wns circulating among friends an old acquaintance, yesterday. TOOCREA 00M tR 0HE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine 'Tab lets. All druggists refund Hie money if its fails to ctm . E. \V* Grove’s signature, is on each box. 25c. During which time I will offer at auc- tion in my store-room in Cedarville, Ohio, an immense stock of Dry Goods, Overcoats, Clothing, Under* wear, Rubber and Leather Boots, Men, Women and Children’s Shoes, Notions, Glassware, and Dishes. SALES begin promptly at r.30 and 6:30 p. m. standard time. Terms Cash. m W&f wmt * „ a * • • ROBERT BIRD*% H. A. FERGUSQJI, Auctioneer.-' ' ’■ : - ' ' Y'.<' '
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