The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26

BhckHair ■ “ I Jis'.o .-' v^v Hair Vigor lor five :>r..t am ?re*dy pl$*s„'J v , •;?. it Aicrwisly re- scores this f.rlf’tngi-..color 10 gray iifr* A'?3aS'So!r.M"-Mrs» Beien K&l' IJonKs^iMSi Ayer% Hair Vigor-has feeea-'rearoriii^; co lo r to gray half for S£to yfeus, and it n-vor toils to do tills*work, either.' ■ f m m n ro ly u p on i t for stopping your hair from falling, for keeping your scalp clean, and for making .your hair gro\y. $1,03«Mil*. Ail drej'lsls. I f sp W (Ifr-ftPist cannot! supply you, jscofi as ont'wiJHr-sma vrp will express ymiauptiio. 2!onirof.mlfthutUoname o£. yourai'swftflxjiw#*fldjiue.Address, JVC. AVERVO„ I<UWcn,Ma»*. , - ' L o c a l a n d P e r s o n a l - —Teas, Cbifee audCigars at'Gray’s Miss Louise-. Smith is6visiting iu - Cleveland. *, -, r ,—^V«ythingfu the, harness line at Dorn’s. Mr;“ 33 dHagai- is in theLast ona .business trip, , , —^A choice line ,of all hindsof , ‘Groceriep, at>Grays. , , , . - 'Mr B^hvin Dean last weeksoldhis •finebay',pacer ,to' J, W, Biugaiuah, of ncaj.’ Blajatowu, for $ 200 ,’ Mr. . ■; Deanhashed quite a number qf ;fine /•buttesinthe lastfew years, and has ■ Soldthemat good-juices. -1 . , —Jenriie-^To.have a round bean; tiMneckaviggleyour head fromside to .'side, every knight take Lucky - MountainTea* It’s, a short cut toa graceful form. 35 e. ■Askyourdrug- - ‘ ^ - , , • / ; . ' ’ j 1 1 —Paint yourhouse withJames E. Patton'sSuu ProofPaint. at >ros. tHun Sold Dr. David McDilJ,,of Xertht, deliv- . Ors the annum.address to theChristian A^ociatxon at Lew Goucord, 0 ,, nest . • Monday; Commencement of Mus* ■ ’ , kingurn college will beheld Thursday. •Nlwar-d EveretK'ale will lecture in -'Ih'is vXeiiift opera, house Thursday by-. GUm^tfprm20th,* ‘His subject will be Persoalt'Leitiiimsceuses or -Emerson,. • Lowell, “Longfiillqw and Holmes. Come ami hear the famous author of “*‘vThe Man .Without a Country,” talk flf his friends. ' ' ' ' ’ - Miss J c U h Jrviue whiffet several ‘ years has been employed-oii theHeraId is taking her vacation at nftseiit. She left Thursday} for Hew Castle, fuel., where she will spend about a month with friends niul -relativcs of that city. „■ At a meeting of the Senate of Mom ' month ‘college last week, ‘Prof, John H> McMillan, brother of J. H. Mc­ Millan, the undertaker, waselected to fill tbo vacancy and act as president of that institution,'tmiill a' successor can be selected for President Lyons, 'who recently resigned.' -—A surgical operation is not ncc* ' esaary to cure piles, DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve saves nil that expense - and never fails, Beware of counter' feits. Bidgway & Co. . -—The painting season is here, why - •— hot have your house brightcued by ,a emit of James'E, Hatton’s“Spn Proof t. A five year guarantee given. I by Kerr & Hastings Bros. The Carry and Jacoby family pie* arc will be held at the residence of Mr, Harry Corry, bne-milc south of Clifton, Wednesday, —Xew Crop California Apricots Peaches, Frames, Gripes and Barsins *■. at Gray’s, , , i Mr*M, E. Marshall, wife and son, ofTarkio, Me.,arrived here Monday evening and arc the guests of Mr. J, W. Marshall and wife, east of town, M. F. is the youngest son of- J. W, Marshall, . - • .‘—Mr, James Brown of Pufsmoutb, V».f over U0 years of age, suffered for . years Willi a* bad ;mre on his face* -w Physicians Could not help him, De- Witt’s Witch Hazel, Salve cured him jwirmnueutly. - Khlgway & Co. A wonderful invention haajttst been eonrpleted amt after a test proved sat* ^factory in every respect. It is the , Wiekloes Gil stove, which generates gas front kerosene They are* hihUmti at Kerr A Hastings Bios. Miss Lula Johnson was most agree* ably surprised last Atoathy evening ott the occasionof hereightecurth birthday. A crowd from the O. 8, and 8 . O. ,. Home, k T so onejrom here wore pres* 1! music to enliven the most important anniversary in jn. gjriG lifrylfud v.q think they succeeded to judge by the -liberal rclmluhent t*f fruit, icts and cake they wore helped toj -boddos, ,«hd Jet them nu»rry-maK8 till tbo wee knm* hours, Tk* marriage-nt Mbs Jennie C- hr H* ing, of HpringliohL to Harvey L, Mil ler, editor oi tfh<* Itnity Morning Hun, was quietly voiebmtedat the luime o f tire bride' mi WVilw«(hy loWhiug* 5tfea Coshhtg hit* vi-iU'd hm'd'■,4ui<« a; . firtmliev of thins mnl nude -ninny friend* who will he pltsSid to I k <ir o f her thanfogt * .The ronplb liriv«rt'p<?e> Etwtfon avMdmg tripVjj.l ms-'tlKdr ■trtnro will reside in HpriitgUeM Mn ' *wt Airs, W, J t Hmifh >ii tins jdai’e Wvnf W, U. IlJtf and suna Jmve tbecon* ti.Kl for a large job of >tone work >t the I-’air grounds in HpringncM. Mr. and Mrs/ 'Willinm, Conley en­ tertained n large.uumlrcr of timed* at thrji; eountEv home on Tuesday evening. A meeting—of the directors of the local telephone company .washeld here Tuesday. - Tho time is not far distant when the revenue stamp mi the check will be a thing of the past. ■ „ : ■The entertainment at the M. *E, church, Tuesday evening for the Irene- fit o f the Epworth League was fairly well attended. •Today is the day. What’s today? The exhibition of the Sterling Puritan; Wickless Blue Flume cooking stove. Generates Grp! from Kerosene. . . . KerrA, Hastings Bros. Mi&a Della Ford spent .Wednesday in Xenia, the. guesf of Mr. and Mrs, Frank McLean, of Xenia. Mies 'Clara Gordon has returned from Xenia after several week’s visit with friends,' Wanted: 3000 Ladies to call at Kerr A Hastings Bros, today arid see the wonderfull Wickless Blue FJarao Oil cooking stove*. - The Xenia High School commence' menfwiil be held Tuesday 'morning, June 18, at nine o’clock. There will be twenty-two graduates. . 1 i * Harry McLaughin, who lias been attending, college here, returned to hfs home in Illinois, Tuesday, . " ' Dauger, disease and death fi-IJow .neglect of the *bowels,—Use DcjVitt’s Little Early Kisers i,to regulate them and you will add year’s toyour life and life,, to your yearn, ^Easy- to take, never gripe. , Ridgway AOo. ^-/The beet line of collprs in the town at Dorn’s. ■ Jamestown will have an election Monday to 'determine whether or not they want saloons.' CedarviHe is mak­ ing an dfbrt'tb havethe saloons abol­ ished. At TrebeiuatUe old distillery which has been closed far several years is jo ’be reopened for huSiuess. with a capacity u |. 0000 gallons per. day. PepplcTn- one-emd-pMie-coimt^ight- ing against the liquor business mul the and in other for. AYhero’s tjie logic? On Sabbath fire destroyed the home of Peter Bruce', who lives on the south side of t6wn. The, house first caught fire ou Saturday but was thought to Inivft hpon phtlrplv tait. T_ha inSUr* ha e bee en i e y in , •an'ce amounted to’$240-, —Wanted- at once. ■ . -All .my sacksreturned W.E. Stcrrett. •,s Mayor Wolford was in Dayton Tuesday on business, ' ; •*—Eczema,$altrheum,tetter,chafing; ivy poisoning and all skin turtures are quickly cured by DeWitt's Witch Ha­ zel Salve. The cc/tnin pile pure. Prof,. J.JRobli Harper spent several days in Jamestown this week.. —Don’t get-side-tracked in bus! ness. Dulliuesa sometimes passes for death. Men with brains readi tho goal, Becky Mountain- Tea puts gray matter into' one’s head. i>5c Ask your druggist !1 Bert tJsfcick, of Oolumbna, was the guest bf relatives here 8 abbath. . 'Wilberforce commeftcemeiit will bo held Thursday, Juna 2D, Tho strawberries this season are of a fine quality and large in size. Those dn Bale at, the groceriss are mostly raised by J. B. Orr, Thomas St John, M. It. Turner and Frantz; Xurseriea; There will be large crop but only of a sh -ft duration. An exchange says that a farmer who advertised in*" Kansas paper for a wife, got all he wanted ten days ago, —'all in a bunch—a woman and six children. . —I f you want anything good, gO to Gray's, —Tim bilious, tired, nervous man cannot successfully compete with hit healthy rival, DeWitt’s Little Early Bisers the famous pills for cotisfipa* tion will remove the cause of your trouble^. , Itidgway A Go. A barn belonging to Hubert Stew­ art,who resides between Clifton and Springfield, was struck by lightning during the storm on Thursday, The damage was slight. "--Gall at O.M.Bidgway’s!drug si ore and get a free sample of Chamberlaufia Stomach and Liver Tablets, They are an elegant physic. They also im­ prove the appetite, strengthen tho di­ gestion and regulate the liver and bowels. They are easy to fake and pleasant in effect.- " t Prof. W, G. Warner was in town, Tuesday, in flic interest of the f o r ­ mal School of Music, which is to be held Imre this summer, . During his canvas he secured quite a number o f mremvho will take fnlFvmirge-fiek^- jtrfs. If enough can lm. .secured the management expects to have Dr. Pal­ mer, of Xew York. with them. This certainly would he a treat to the dti- zen’s nf this place to have such a anted musician with us —UA few' months ago, fond which oafo for breakfast would not renmia In mystomdch for half an hour. I usedonebottleofof yourKodol I.)ys* pejmra Gave and can nowcat my llfiaUlmtaml othermeals witharelish mid my food tlwrmfgby digested* Nothing*quals Krnlul Dyspi-psiaGurb Ter f;l«f«gi:b twitibleS'.'” !l,. 8 , Pitts, Arlington, TVs, Kodol Dysiicjisia Gute digests what y«it rat, Bldg* way A <V • Tha .Byuml of the II; P, Ghurch »■»* in cewion in Gluciunati thw week. The following were among those that attended; prof. McChesnay.ami wife, I)r* Morton and wife, Prof. Dora Andcrsmi, Prof. F. A, Jmk'at, Alice Bromagem, Jamesaml Anna Hmiley, of Hparta, 111,, also attended the meet­ ing aud will go from there home. Miss WhitCi of Goulterviile, 111., and 8awuel Hemphill, of the same state, returned home by way of Cincinnati. Vegetarian. , . Bakwl Beans, With Tomatoe 8auce. No Meat, No Fat. A t Gray’s. . -Frank Jackson ou Wednesday took tbo four children of Marion McLean to the county Children’s Home. Dr; P. B, Madden, Practice lim­ ited to EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Glasses Accurately Ad­ justed. AllunBuilding, Xonia, 0 . v Tt-'IepHouS,—Office Ko. ? 2 , Healdeiict No. 3 }, Coninieneeiug today at Wilberforce there will be three great events, at 2:30 the crack city team of Dayton, ryill play ’Wilberforce. On Monday there will be the field day sports, and in the afternoon'Wilberforce-will eross bats with the Wilmington team, .Kerr A Hastings Bros, shipped about 30,000 lbs. of wool to Boston yesterday, , ft is said to be the largest filiipmeiit eyev made by a local firm at pjoe.time. - * .—The weather is nice why not have that old buggy repainted ' j at WoJford’s . The children and. grandchildten of Mr' apd Mrs, Samuel Greswell cele­ brated the 55th anniversary of theiv wedding in a pleasing manner Mon­ day eveuing. ' - , Mr, Bobort Bird’s new residene on Xenia. Avenue, is uow getting some form-. The carpenters are pushing things as fast’ as.possibJe. . . Now je the time to get yourbuggy painted ' ; at Wolford's . Messrs John- Pierce and Will Stew­ art while driving a colt, one evening this week met with what might have proved a serious accident, While com­ ing to town the colt was frightened at a cow along the road, and in au in slant was engaged in freeing liens® from the* buggy, and jumped into a barbed wire fence. Fortuuately the animal bad enough presence ,of mind to remain still until it was released, The buggy was damaged to some ex­ tent,-but Pierce aud Stewart were for- tuuate in escaping without serious.iu- jury.’ C. H- ,G tugh has bad- the interior of his grocer., store painted and repa; peredetl, which adds much to the at­ tractiveness of the store.. 0 1 Q “ ' > • We will -likely be at Bulfalo next week,and iijit at <nir Gederville gal­ lery Friday, tho 21sfc, but Will be on hands the. week following, „ .7. J, Downing. Messrs Kirt Bandnll, Boy Brqmm gem and Bohett Galbrenth with their lady friends, blisses Dora Siegler; Belle Winter and Nellie Ustick pick-’ nicked .at Oliftou yesterday afternoon aud evening, Mr. James Anderson, of Columbus, brother of Mrs. J. B .. Winter, spent Thursday in town, Mr, J. W. McLean lias for bis guest his sister, Mrs. Unfee Euslby of Washington state, It has been some thirty tyears since-Mrs, Ensley left here, Misses Bosa Stormont aud Martha Bromagem left ou Thursday for Leb­ anon, where they will attend tho nor -maLachool T i i e . I l - * e a c i i n g : G l o t l i i e i ' , KAUFMAN’S CORNER. * « , ? ,? ■*! THE BE 5 T PLACE IN SPRINGFIELD TO BUY YOUR Hats, Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Valises, THE THIRTEENTH IMMORTAL. 4 ----------— 1 Will Bostand, have the nerve to, occupy a seat which hears the fatal number 13? , Thiq is a question which many Frenchmen are now asking, and the reason is'because it is regarded"as practically certain that the distin­ guished dramatist will soon be elect­ ed a member of the French acade­ my, and if so he will most probably be assigned to a scat which bears the number 13. ' > . There are- at present four empty seats in the academy, and they, aye respectively numbcred'25, 7 ,13 and 14. Of tliese-the first two have hi* ready been awarded to Mcssicyrs Emile 'Faguet and Berthclot, and they will at an early date take pos­ session of them amid appropriate ceremonies. The seat numbered 13 was that of. the Viscount Henri tie Bornier, and that numbered 1-4'was 1 apjicars more than qnce.'bn this occasion, for it is pointed .out that M* Emile ■ Fnguct will be the thirteenth occu­ pant of tho seat numbered 25 . 'Potent is-superstition even in the twentieth century;, and thorp-mice many ,persons who have a-horrible foreboding that ill Itick in some form will surely come to two of the four newmembers of tile academy - 7 namely, tp.the one who occupies the, seat numbered 13 and to M*Faguet, who^will be the thirteenth to occu­ py the seat numbered 25.- • ■ —Get your buggy painted ■ ' ■at Wolford’s. \ ' AL 'Il£AVE1.IJH,’ MAN I ' ■ confided- to us the other day that he used Dr, Caldwell's■Syrup Pepsin id his family arm needed up. other rem­ edy, as it seemed to keep the entire family so perfectly free from Consti­ pation J Indigestion,* Sick Headache ami Stomach Troubles, , Solti by Q, MLBidgway, CHURCH DIRECTORY.., , It. L\ tiurol*—jRoy. J. 1?; Mtiiton, i’astor, serviuoa nt 11:00 a, m.' ""Sabbath School at 10 a. r«. - Covenanter CUnrcb**-It 6 v* W. J,Sanderson, pastor. SabbathSchool nt l(f a.' tn. .'rronch. ing.t’t lltflO a. m. ■Young People, moot at'(! p, M, except The i,st ahvt 3d Sabbaths of the inuftth vthtni they, meet at H:S0, andiirtiwbiitr: in theevenini; on.the 1st"ai.d 3dSahbjUhs.of Umusmithal T.-U 0 ji. tn. , ■U, P. Church—fiev. r. O. Kosa, pastor. Stir- vires at a. to, „ad 7:00 p. in, Sahhath Seheel at !);30a.m. utaudntU tltno, .. ’ M.T}, Chhitch—Ucv. A..Hamilton,', CPastor, Ptonehiu^-ltl iOMh r„ iu Sahhath Sohoyi at 0:31) a. in. 1 ’oung PtepteV weetiug at 0:00 p. m,‘ Prayer .meeting Wednesday dvcniug at 7:00.___________________________ lluptfet Chureh—-ltov-.‘ George.AVashingttm, paMeroi theJJajilistchureh.'Preaching at 11 it, in. !Oid7;30p, in. Sabbath Sobool./at 2:30 Priiyii'rmeetingeyery.Wednesditynigbi «t 7:30. Everyeue invited. A.M, E. Church—Key, O, K; Jones. 1’as­ ter Preaching fit 10:30 a, in,And 7:00 *p. in. Cias'S'Jftv'erjvSabbftth at 12:00, Shhbatlr^choo) at shoo, p, iB.'-.'.Phtyev, meeting ,7:30p. un, Wednesday * LIST CP LETTERS - List of letters remaining uncalled for in the Cedarville postoificC for th& mouth ending June Jfi, 19Qt. List No. 25. ’ Brown, Caddie , Bemly, Mrs. Della Harrison, J, S, ' ’ T, N, T arbo S c , I \ M. - - 1 The most Stylish - , v 1 , r S ^ ! . S f r a w - ; - '■ j. H a t s •' In Springfield are display^ , If you want ap up-tti- - date Collar, Shirt;' Tie;. \ or light-weight’ Suit of Underwear from 38c to ,$x.oq a suit, can find what you want,.at Sul- livanTthe Hatter, 27 S. Limestone St., Spring- field, Ohio. ".by siMMfi ? THU HATTER, 27 SautH.Linjestone.- R O L L M A N C H E R R Y S E E D E R . ThU perfect cbenyseeder does not cruih tbfe clterry or causo anylo u ofJutce. A practical mschiqe for larre,. small or California cherries. 'The sped extrarting knife drives seed into,one dishhod actuallythrows the cherry Into another, Themarks of the knife can scarcelybe seenon tho seededfruit. Seedsfromaoto 30'quartsper hour. Ast;yourdealerfor It, If he cannot furnish, we will send it'anywhere InJheIT. S-, express prepaid, Onreceipt of iu For furtherinformationwriteto themanufacturers Tinned ROLLMANMANUFACTURINGCO„iSOPennAvenue,MoimiJoy, Pm. Those wiahlng'to investigate " Osteopathy/ (the most mod* erir science of treating dk sense), should call at the " * City" H o t e l P a r lo r s , Cedarville, Ohio, on Tues- •d a y s nod- F r id a y s , hr- “ tweeir the hours of 7.180 a, ni.,, and 10 :00 a. m„ (not later), ! will lie at the ' - above place oil those days *at the stated hours. ■ ' Bcspectfujjy-,, L. N. M u C ahtney , D . 0 „ J, Xenia, Ohio." ./ * *' < v , Messrs B. G. and G. M. Bidgway and their wives expect to leave the week for Buffalo to take in the ex­ position. ' • ■> . Where Lamb* Are Fleeced, The New York Stock Excliangh-j^- at present has a membership of 1 , 100 . Several yearn ago it waa in- . creased to that number from 1 , 000 . According to the present market price, each seat has a value of $70,- O00 cash. The. total membership, therefore, represents in money & sum equal to $77,000,000. In addition to Hie market value of memberships there should he added the sum contained in what is known as the gratuity fund, also the other assets •of the exchange, which together aggregate about $ 10 , 000 , 000 . " The actual market value, there­ fore, of all the memberships in the Stock Exchange is equal to about $88,000,000, This represents ail in­ crease at tho rate of about $ 1 , 000 ,- 000 a year since a few brokers as­ sembled together under a. button- wood tree near the. Battery for tho ^purpose of swapping stores and stocks.—New York Press. CATARRHCANNOTBECURIO witlr LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they enunot reach the seat of, the disease. Catarrh is a~1fiobthj Rtitutional diseascaftd in order to cure it ,yon nnisi. take internal semedies. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter­ nally, and acts directly on the blood anJ mucous surfaces. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is not n quack medicine. It. was prescribed by one of the'befit pbyflifjans in tins country {‘or years, anti is a regular prescription. It is composed o! tho beat tonics known, combined with the best blood puri­ fiers, acting direeily on the mucous surfaces The perleet combination of the two ingredients is what pro ducessiU’lf wonderful results in curing Catarrh. riend for test ijroniaifi, F.' tf. CitHHiiy A Co , Toledo, O* Bold by"Druggists, 7,5c. Hall’aFamily Pills arc\he best. GREATSACRIFICESALE OSTEINBLOCHXIOTHING W e hade • closet^ the ' remainder o f th* Stetiu ttioch Co. Stack o f Men’s Sui\ (Blacks and Blues excepted) at about 6o cents art the dollar, and have thrown into this sale many of our small lots inf fine suits from our regular stock, thus .givingour customers a grand assortment* C h o i c e o f f 2 S T h e s e S u i t s All sizes and Stouts and longs—Oxfords, clays, stripes, Mixtures, new and bright styles, values $16, - $18 and $zo, now, $ 13.75 Afearly 100 Suits In finest grades, embracing all.the . new, soft weaves, as well as matiy firmer fabrics, stripes, checks, Scotch mixtures, etc—the regular $20, $22 and $25 values, sale price Regular {Suits In n ea t effecU a t $7>S0t $10 and $M, a lt woo l an d s tanda rd make, .vt- B o y s * D e p a r t m e n t . We offer nearly a hundred Boys* albwooi two- piece suite, new this, season, in the celebrated Hackett Carhart Be Co. make—none . . _^ better, each suit a $Sor $6value, now &4MQ *>dtikp partthaw i, tagsthar n>lth # - ) make ahaae hatgdiasfpmtihte. A* \ V, , " \M m tL