The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26

m w i siliiifaieWor' ... ^ « F* _ ^>W».i«^«tli|!l^ljmiy^|ym T ? 4 @ I f e i ^ q l t l , |1.00 A YEAR-. KAJRtH BULL, Editor jundProprietor, C hicago Ovricsi 58 tft 04Wsldo Plac?. . SATURDAY, JANUARY 5, 1303, OBITUARIES— Containing over two hundred words, wili bo charged for, at the rate o f 'five cents per line. . - O&HDS. OP, THANKB — Pive cents per line. When you' pend in long obituaries |)Ieaee etete;Wliom4bebill is tp be Bent to, or we will publish two (200) hutt* dred words and leave the balance oat. Make them as long as you wish, il you comply with the above conditions, ,which'is a matter of pure justice, • *THE NEW CENTURY,' , ' We are not- only living in a new year but ;a new, jsentury. The one -just- closed has been one of remarkable achievements and speculation. The : pssthuudred yearsjiave brought the Anglo Saxon civil,izatioii_ to a stage where almost bewildered by its own progress, and it plunges into' the •; twentieth7century with a ,vague ‘ but . nevertheless confident belief- that the ’achievementsof the future will eclipse • thoseof-tfe-past. * “ Philip will leave nothing for us to do,’’ cried the ambitious boy,.Aljexan' - der, at the number and w^orld—con- secpienCeOf his father’s victories. He was mistaken. The old conqueror left,many great things for his son and ' successors to do. Philip ot Mace* ' (Ionia’s deatVgave the world a gi eater Macedonian, , Not onlyhas the ninteenth century been, one of discoveries and achieve* ' meats, but one of Wonderful advance­ ment, an advancement which, if con* ’ tinued for another century at the same -' ratio'of progress, would lift our civili­ zation to tremendous height. We know uot, of couree, the limit of bu* •/man possibilities. ’ Many interesting queries are to be , ,given over to the twentieth century to ^answer. In fact, tbe century, like the • Week, and the decade, is merely, n di- , vision of time. Things begin and end without respect to the figures -on-the ■ calendars. I t is with -the the destiny of the great future that the new century must deal. ' , i f the present management of the Military Academy at‘West Point isn’t . strong enough to enforce .the regula­ tions against hazing,' one should be substituted that will be. While the charge that Cadet Booz died as the result of hazing has not been substan* tinted, it bad been fully proven that hazing o f a disgusting- and disgraceful nature is practised among the'cadets. Common decency demands that, an end be put to it. Nobody knows, of course, that the *’ decision o f the Supreme Court will Uphold the constitutionality o f Prcsi dent McKinloyVpolicy toward Porto ” Rrco aiid the Philippines, but the fact that this policy was ''entered upon by tbe advice of" some of the country’s * ablest legal minds makes the probahih ilfes'all lean that way, Preparations for making the second inauguration o f President McKinley the memorable evynfc it deserves to be are being rapidly pushed in Washing­ ton A guarantee fund of'nearly 450,OOO'has already been subscribed, Secretary Root was right in saying that the flag Would be disgraced if Congress did not promptly provide soldiers to take the place o f "the vol­ unteers lb the Philippines. Mr. Cleveland’s resolution to try to regain the leadership o f the demo­ cratic party has not been enthusiast­ ically received by tha Bryanitea. We take it that .it would not ro quire much per&iiastob t& get drover to assume the role o f the twentieth -century democratic Moses, Mr, Bryan hasnot yet received Mr.- Cleveland's subscription, but bo is un­ der obligations to him-for valuable editorial material. ' • .If Congress begins the new cen­ tury as well ns it ended the bid there wilt be rrn “ kick’’ coming to the country, . 5 • • I f Mr. Bryan w«V kidnapped, M»w nlueh ransom would the democratic party, he willing to pay for bis. release^ v —Red Ss a danger signal on i ho railroad, m « fellow’s nose and on a wernsn’s fare " Men add 'women* use- Rocky Mountain Tea and gel genuine rosy cheeks. fi 5 c, Ask your drug- .jtfW- . ' -.fa , word A" Wfrfi sro jtHt forces fa (to realm of lift, * Be careful ot their us?. Wl*» toIks of Uato, ®t poverty, ot rlclfceM, but feto'tVo ‘ fheer rcry ejepcat* fa mar h!g Into, Whenlow, hcslth, happinessami plenty bear Tliclt nance?repeatedover-dayhy day. Sbeywing thrir way Ijtnansyrprlus fairies near. Sheanestle-downwlthfa our homes to stay. Who talks of evil, cdpjurtslutoshape That farjpjees thing and gives it HI; anti ctopa. This-farl!i?law; thenlet no ward i-scuyfr That dees cot'lireatlidpf everlaatfasrhope. —Ella Whfaltr'WlleWfa Worjian’s-llouie t ■p a n f a n . . . Coin* A MATCH FOR /fi MILLION, Winning; at. WreatHa^ Pont tlie Fean- Uatfon of u Fortune, “Had I caught my .train that flight,” laughed, the man who has had nothing to do for a quarter of it century but to sit aud watch pins trees.grow to swell his hank account ”1 would probably be a farmer nowj^ylng to raise a mort­ gage and a few other things. I had gone to a Httlo town In tower Wiscon­ sin to see a colt that a man there want­ ed to sell- I was a good jtisfee of stock .and pretty shrewd on a trade, but a -gpeenet country lad nCver broke Into rt town. 1 would have walked back to the farm after I found. myself too lato f(u- the t^aln, but I saw. a handbill am npunciug a show that-night and could not' resist the temptation to see It, though it did epst a quarter. ‘‘In my hllarloue appreciation, I was more of. an entertainment than_they had on the stage, especially as I was .utterly oblivious-to the fact Wat.l did not look' like any one else In-the audi­ ence. Toward tbe fend" of the perform­ ance a huge fellow came out. tossed ennuou bails fu tha air, held men. o'fit at arm’s -length and lifted heavy weights. After this showing of his prowess he offered $10' to" any- one ; whom he could ndt throw Inside of two minutes. I was the craok wrestler in.all our section, though fihne present knew it, and 1 felt as though the chal­ lenge was aimed directly at me. I turned faqt and ’cold during-a few* sec­ onds of extreme silence. Then I sprang up and as 1 came out of iny old blouse shouted. ‘I’ll go you. b'gosur “There was a roar of langtuer. and; then some of those about me not to go up there and have my neck broken. But one old man told me to go in and do my best. It was a tough Job, but I Anally threw the giant al­ most through, the floor with a hip lock. There was a little hesitancy about giv­ ing me the $10, but the crowd shouted until r got Ifc The oid man took me home with him, and in a week I hod charge of all the teams In his lumber camps.’ In time 1 became a partner, and he cleared tbe way to make me rich. That, was really a match J’or a million."—Washington Star. lloVy He Earned Bre&lcfnntt I must have walked the streets (of Iticbmond) till after midnight At last I became bo exhausted that I could walk no longer. I was tired, i was hungry; 1 was everything but discour­ aged, Just about thir time when 1 reached'extreme .physical exhaustion l came upon a portion of a street whore the board sidewalk was considerably elevated, 1 waited for a'few, minutes till 1 was sure tlmt no passeraby could see me, and then crept-under, the side­ walk and lay for tbe night upon the ground, with my satchel of-clothing for a pillow. Nearly all night! could hear the tramp of feet over my head. > The next morning. I found, myself somewhat refreshed, but I wns ex­ tremely hungry, because It had been a long time since I had' bad sufficient food. As soon as It became light enough for me to see my surroundings I notic­ ed that I was near a large ship nnd that this ship seemed to be unloading a cargo of pig iroii. I went ot once to.iho vessel, and asked the captain to permit me to help unload the vessel in order to'get money for food. The captain, a white man, who seemed to he kind hearted, consented,. 1 worked long ,cn<)ngk to earn .money for my break­ fast, and it seems to me. as 1 remember It now, to have been about the best breakfast that' I have ever eaten.— Booker T. Washington In Outlook, Irfttlc Harry’* D iplomacy. 4 Little Harry was .very fond of sweet things to cot "and especially of pud­ dings. Which were Ids favorite dessert.. Accordingly his dinners tyeremnde a burden to him. since fats parents per­ sisted that he must make his meals off the substantials and leave what Harry called the good tilings until Jast. One day.while UafryV nostrils wort? tickled with the tantalizing odors of bis most favored pudding ^ scheme Was bom In his brain that points his way Id, futdre greatness, When his mpther put before him a plate of meat and potatoes he eyed it a’ moment' in apparent ecstasys then, shoving It re­ gretfully away, he said;- ” 1 declare that looks’ SO*good 1 guess I’ll leave It tilt the very last thing and get rid of that pudding draft”-*What to Bat. Clot Ha latoXrapfc. To an applicant for hts autograph MArk -Twainon one occasion sent a let­ ter the substance of which was as fol­ lows; “To ask a doctor Or builder or sculp­ tor for his autograph would be in no Way rude. To Oik one of these for a specimen of his work, however, is quite another tiling, add the request might ho justifiably refused. It would never be fair to ask a doctor for one of bis corpses to remember him by,” There wan no autograph to the letter, Which Was* typewritten throughout.’ Don’t get tbo notion in helping the poor that you can do more with’ a “ehterfui word” than you can -with a dollar.—Atchison Globe. ’ Always speak wellTof the dead, atid if you have' time you might1spews a good Word for the iIvingneeds!onally.— Chicago News. ’Jhi^isigifatnfBfa Onevftrybox of the jjenulriO are o er Btp m ivfeBronio-Qiiinliie tablet* thhiotoedy IH t fafaCs f t ooiftf *« one dey. All jKiffioiis khowtu^ iliRmscivija to fee indebted to tlie jimilefsigiied will confer aftyor by.Cnli.rtg and miiftiim U-.W, (W ise A 8ou. ANXIETY OVER A TOMCAT, b myfttexy WAioli W#* Pxptalnxd by , a-Wsll Street 9I*». ’ft was injv Broadway pliarmgcy’i. A reporter wns^walUpg with others when the druggist stepped to the telephone pud, after getting the number be called foivsaid;- ' . . . “What is that tomcat doing?” - Ho listened with apparent excitement .and. added; “ How Is spinach?" - After holding fJm receiver to his ear for a few moments -ha rang off aud sterted to attend to his customers. He eedmed nervous, however, and finally excused himself In-the midst of filling an ordo.r" and called up the.same num­ ber on tlm telephone again. “ Sell my'tomcat at the market,” he said as soon' as he Jind some due at tho other end-' •Then ho returned, to his customer With apparent, ease of mind. The re­ porter wondered, what the druggist meant by this strange.conrersatlon un­ til It was explained by a 'lyail street Speculator, “Tomcat," it seems,’ is 'a pet uaraqnmong brokers for Tennessee .Coal and fi'on stock, “Spinach'.' is the familiar name for Southern Pacific. The druggist had evidently bought “tomcat” low, and his excitement was caused by liis eagerness to “ take prof­ its," These are not tho only stocks that have pet names In “ the street.” Peo­ ple’s Gas of Chicago is known as “ Post- oflice," and Brooklyn Rapid Transit is known among many as “Little Manhat­ tan.”1,Tlm names are not the same In all brokers' offices. The jargon ena­ bles customers to. give orders over the' telephone to tlieit, brokers with a cer­ tain amount of secrecy. The practice is as oid- as “ the market,”—New York Mail and Express. MISPLACED SWEETNESS. Msmnm Snifcxett on Account ot Hex Son’s liovtiuaninfr. She was pouring at a tea that after­ noon, and she looked unusually be­ witching, He was sitting at her left in a. bower of palms that almost con­ cealed him. n e was holding one of her hands under., cover,of the tablecloth. While she tried to pour with the other. She- did not look at him as he talked, but ho knew by licr color and the fiUle quiver of the hand lie was holding that she heard everything, he said. “Dearest,” he murmured ns she sept one cup off wUhoiuna spoon aud o’noth; er filled only with whipped cream, “dearest, if you don’t.rnfnd my saying all tlriA” to you, just drop a .spoon. Couldn't you manage it?” - v -A clatter of silver and more color In the‘ girl’s face ns, in stooping io_ pick up the spoon, he kissed her hand. Spur­ red by this success, he went on, "Dear­ est, if—if you return It—that is, if you love tne.vyou know—just put three, lumps of sugar Into tho next (‘up you pour—'y-o-s'—or, if you don't, two, to spell ‘n o /’* One, two, three! The tiny cup was almost, fnll,.but in. her haste to hide her confession* she covered the three lujrops hastily with chocolate and cream and sent them off. He asked Ids mother, ns -they drove home that night, if she had enjoyed herself. “Ugh! . No!” with her disgusted re­ ply- “ Such horrible, stuff to drink as' they gave one! IVhy, my cup was half full of sugar!”—M„ S. Holbrook in Smart Set, (lava yon a Bahy? f I f so wo want your’ address, Wo have valuable information for the mothers. of ‘America., We’ 'are liir- uihers to Ins majesty—the hahy. Downey & Henry, 167 Dearborn St,, Chicago III.__ Florida jicople are preparing to go more pud more Into the small fruit and orange business. Thin, pate, kn&mic girls; J[ need a fatty food to enrich! i ! their blood, give xolor to < ; »their cheeks and restore their; ] | health and strength. It is ! | j safe to say that they nearly; | all reject fat w ith their' food. EM _ _ O F ( S d b i i V E i t o n wfriimptiPHOSPtttmvLiMESiSOitA <[ Is exactly what they require $ | ( it not only gives them the im« \ [ portant element (cod-liveroil)! H i n a palatable and easily dl*j gested form,but alsothe hypo- . phosphHesvvhichareso valua ! blc in nervous disorders that : | usually accompany anaemia. \\ SCOTf*S EMUISIGN Is a i \ fatty food that is more easily ; | digested than any other form ! of fat, A certain amount p f i ! flesh is necessary for health, 11 Vou can get it In this-way* 11 . hav® k m W M p e t* \ > s o n s to g a in , a p o u n d a ’ ;! d a y w h ite ta k in g it, ‘I f ' FtnJSi.M,Miftrat^hfa, ’S cott a boWHfc, ctwmfam, n « w Verk. ■ ’ > BVrrnrq e cwx* | W1 WWww * * f l l f W . For Intents and CMIdren. AYegefaWePfeparalionforAs siipaUag itieFoodandBegula-. linMieSffiioachsaodBowis o f The Kind You Have Always Bough! Promotes Digestion,Cheerful-, ness ahdRestContains neither OpiunuMorpliine nor>tineraL N O T N A R C O T I C . /topeefOUJOrSAKUEtPiremi JhcSaaut *' - m#Se*d.- Aperfecl Remedy forConsllpa- Bon, ^our Stomach,Diarrlwea Worms,Convulsions.Feverish­ ness and 1 / 0 8 9 OP SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of -NEW Y O R K . Bears the / Signature of A t b uu 111 1h o ld J j U llS I-f, - j ) t l N I-N ’ 1 I , 1 ■ FXACT copy ! ok . wrapper . ■ 1 ... .................. , THCBtnraun gowwv, «tw roFi-Keimr. m Cputraryto all conclusions that no. oid prices would be secured this seueob, a factory has-furnished u6 with a case of - g<4 Bleached Sheetings Remnants (long enough for sheets). The 36c qual- ' ityfoi*20c., Beat that if you can. 45 in. Pillow Case Muslin Ntc; |uality 10 yds. for fiOc, (5c). ■Tims:* will not 1 stay long 1000 yards Solid Color Outing complaint^ought now to , be made about prices.- These Outings mnke fiae . comforts, and by the way one-batting-8J, 10, 124c. Chance for Late Buyers Golf Capes, Pur Capes, doth Capes, Jackets, Auto- Mobiles, Dressing Saques, Petticoats,,Pur Boas, etc. Chance for Early Buyers Lace Curtains, .Oil-Cloth', Linoleum, Window Shades Velvet Tapestry and Ingrain Rugs., „ V “ feutebison$ fiibntv XENIA , OHIO. CHURCH DIRECTORY R. P. Iiurcli—Rev, J. P. Jiloilon, P as tor. (ervic«x.ot 11:00 a< tn. S«bb»th School 10a.m. Covenxntcr Church—Kev.'W, J.Sxademn, n*Btor. S*tjb*lh School fit 10n. m. Prefioh- iniyst 11:00 >. a . Young, people meet »t 0 p, w . except the let end 3d Sshhilhs of the month -when they meet at 6:30, nnd preaching in the evening On tho let end 3d Sebbeth* of the month et 7:30 p. m, O .P , Church A C ry F rom N a tu re . A WARNING THAT ariOUtD BE HEEDED BY EVERY SUFFERER. Nature soon rebels when Ik? human -Rev, v. o. Rose, paeton Ser- : machinery w out of oreler. Her ap* vloeent 10:30 n. m. sad ?:«[P. m, S*tib»th p^Jg fa help gbotlld be quickly an School at S:30 a»m, efanderd time. . , . M. E. cfmreh—Rev, a . lUwiiton, p*»tor,i swered, Life is too short and dearJo Preaching at 16:15 a ,# e<!hofL Us to neglect our health. 9:30 a, m. Young People’* meeting «t 6:03 ° , , p, m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening; When the system becomes run at ?:aq,’ iWhfag every other Sabbath oven- dow-fl<the impure, the Hvcr torpid, ^nerves all Oft * quiver, and tog VtSOp« m Baptiet Church—Rov, George Wajhlngton, pastorof tbe Beiitistcbu'rch. Preaching at 11 a. m, and ?:30 p. m,\^kbbath School, at 2:JW p.m. Prayor meeting every Wednesday night at?:3d. Everyone invited, „ A ,M , E, Cbureh—lieV, 0: K; done* Pas­ tor Preaching at 10:30 a. m. and 7:66 p- tt. Class OverySahbath at.1 2:00,*"Sabbath School at 3:00 p, to. Prayer meeting 7:30 p, in., Wednesday rve, . nature nttars her warning note. Tt may be a sick headache, nervpjus- Rujitip or Hernia Curd Ito operations or injections,, no pairs or discom­ fort in any way, no iteei spring* or iron frames naivooden, ivory or hafd_ rithber_ haffa^ Oiijps, punches or pings used, - * • .... Not the LEAST RESS or annoyance, , . ^ Our Outfit for tho CURE of RUPTURE OR HERNIA Is made of fine soft-materia^, such as felt, velvet, chamois akin* and elastic ivebs. It fits tike a glove and; can harm yon nOmore. IT lit)UllS your intestines hack it their nat* urai position and the wonnd Wl Lb HEAL Ilke atsy other Wound when it has aehance, The Only Way to Care is fa hold tho intestines in or back all the- time, until the wdnnd* be­ comes grovrn together. Your Rnpfnre Cannot be Cured in Any other way. We have had 35 yenrs constant and hard expetience in treating RUPTURES end,this OtfTFIt fa the RE- fiULT,, Women and chlldren madeCOM- POIlTSfeUEby using thfs OUTFIT, Prices tcesonnblc and- 1ft accordance with the case, IF INTERESTED, pleas* Write fijr particulars, which we wiUjnsll you FREE.' ••• A ddress,' -. • ' • . MOHAWK REMEDY 60.* Roms', Hi Y M oh aw k C atarrh GuPO. . Chenptat and Rest • Cures Catarrh In from 3 fa Iftdnys. Cures Cold In the lteAd, a to 15 minutee. "■Securely packed w itfr fu ll InstHietions, by Waif; POSTAGE P A ID , 25 o. T ry it and yon w ill ho tiioro than pleased w)|Ji the Investment. YnhM ttoftcy bncK i f yon are d lm iip fle d . “ Stamps taken.” MOHAWK REMEDY 00, * Rome, Raw York. Nor ltoiit:«-Niwet oflU‘0 worn jn town. NextOjertiaft’dfoMrftta-froffice, J. Uhfrw, X mi ' u , 0. tbe stomach refuses to do its work, ness, dyspepsia, catarrh, lose of appe­ tite, insomnia, languor, constipation, but it Is nature’s signal o f distress. The human machine should be at­ tended to without delay. The system needs building'Up, the impurities must lie driven from the blood, the liver made to do its work and the stomach placed in a natural, healthy condition. Knox Stomach1Tablets are a ftew c'ombifiatioti of vegetable remedies compounded by cue of the best chem­ ists in the world; and' are-guaranteed to build up the whole system,. They do not act as « sLimulant, but are a- sarsaparilla in a tablet lorm, contain­ ing twice the medicinAl properties of any other combination of remedies known, They give health and strength to tho entire Iwly and im­ mediate relievo indigestion and posi­ tively cure dyspepsia, 4 A single box will prove their power to cure chronic-invalids find make them.slre.ig, healthy men and women. It tumble tp secure Knox Stomach Tablets of yofir druggists, send fifty; cents to the Knox Chemical .Co,, Battle Creek, Mich,, aito a fall sized package will he sent, postpaid, '* . CUDARYILLE, OHIO, ACCOUNTS of Merchants andln- A* dividuals solicited, . Collections promptly made aud remitted, jjRAFTS bu New York-and Cin­ cinnati sold aVloweat rates, Thy cheapest and mostconyenjeift way to send money by mail: made on Real Ustate, per­ sonal or Collateral Security. William Wildman, J?res., . . Seth W . Smith, Vice Pres., W, J. Wildman, Cashier. Daily Meat Market Under the above firm name, the meat market of C. W. Crouse will bo .conducted. All product in the meat line will be the best that money can buy,, which fact combined-.with honest and 1thorough business methods' is enough assurance to the public, who always want the worth o f their money in every respect. r- When.sending children^ direct .them to us; We always give men i the best they-ask for;. ‘ ■ \r (/-■ GQCD3 DELIVERED Telephone No,- 74. N e w M e a t Having opening the. Meat’ Store formerly conducted by Ed Hecshel,- we will have on hand 1at ’nH- times' a choice Tine~of Fresh and Salt Meats' ' BolognaandSausage and everything connected with a first-class meat store. We nandle the celebrated Kingan At Go’s. *Hants, C h a r le s W e im e r . GOODS DELIVERED- .# , ■ ‘^rv Telephone 66, LOUISVILE&NASHTILERAILROAD The Great' Central • - Southern Trunk Line WINTER TOURIST TICKETS Now on F L O R I D A ' and the G U L F C O A S T Write for folders, descriptivematter to C. J j , STONE, General Passenger Agt. LOUISVILLE, KY, SEND YOUR ADDRESS! To R. J. WEMYSS, Gentril Immigrutfafi And Indaxtritl .A'aent- LOUISVILLE, KY. And he will mail you free mafs , jm ,U8T b A ted famfhbrts and FRKJB ulst of LAND and FARMS in KENTUCKY, TENNESE , ALABAMA. MISSISIPI. FLORIDA, Blue Front Stable. JLeftve yoitr horses there and yfeur of rigs be kept on theiniside-, out the tain and storm, 20 N, Eotiiitain Avenue, Springfield, 0 . * O h a r ib s E .'T o B t r , Prep Adam’s-Hestaurant .. andDining Roams Corner High and Limestone street, Springfield, Ohio, ee sse ROCKY —Ifyou want Anything* goml+go to Oreyn, -Tastolwa Cod Liver Oil At (X U\ Hidgwfty4*. ° . T»f RAPIDTRANSITCOMPANY. Between Xenia mil lhmm. J^aveti Xenia: *% Lreve Uaytoul 6:00. - • 7:oo4 7:00 6:00 . : , 9:00 0:00 . 10:00 10:00 H-,00 1 X;0C 12,00 Noonj JfOONoom U00 r , ! 1:00 p; ro. 2,-00 2:00’ ' * 3;00 * 3:00 4;Q0 4:00' 5;00 5:00 , .6:00 .6:00 . .. 7:00 ' ' 7:00 &00 fe :00 - 9:00 9:00 10;00 10:00 ' 11:00 : 11:00 1 12.4)0, .Kenia office and .waiting room No 4 South^Detroit St, Dayton office and waiting room, 15 West Fifth St,J opposite JPoaioffice, The running time between Daymt and Nenia is tfde .fepur, passing thru. Highlands, Smithville Road, Zimmerl map, Alpha, , TrejoeinS and Luc Grove- Dayton to Xenia 17 miles, Itqj 25 cents. - 1 - - - 1 Every other cm' (’ombinution-foa freight,, • 1 , Sundays and Holidays cars run every half hour.. - J V O T N V / K D I T . I . -O International! Dictionary N ew P.lates - Througho* 2 5 , 0 0 0 N e w W o r e Fhrasea And Definitions .- 4 * Prepared '.under, .the direct, supervision o f W . T. HARRIS Ph.DJ,_LL.D., United States Commissioner .of Education, assisted by’ a large corps of com p eten t,sp eciali’s ts and -editors.' - , R ich Bindings,. X . 2364 Pages 5000 SllqiBtraflons B E T T E R TH AN E V E R FO B . G E N E R A L U SE.I 1 VVc al*0 publish .A'-.' Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary wlthGlo«saryofAeattiahWprds^tnilphrases. “ Pintclassinquality,secondclassinsize," - Specimen .pages, etc. of bod) books sent on’ application. G.6C.MERRIAM CO. 1 wShs' Publishers Springfield, Mass. CH ICHESTER 'S E H fiU S H ' PENNYROYALPILLS! Coy “< z . flare. Alwaysreliable. Ladiea,sskllranfat Col | CIIICUKSTBR-M ENUMMIlf In Bed and! Oeld -mcullle boxes,. Bnuedwith blue ribbon.I wake,no ether. Refuse isnxeroiMwhiU- laUoaissd imitations. Buyofyournrunfiat,] or send-le, ’ - —— . _ . Menial, i allDruggists. CHICHaSTHB OHBHtOAl, CO. I l » nadtaon Nqaare. PA] Bentfentklapaastv 6 0 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE P a t e n t s I hade manna Dtsiortg __ _ ___ __ _______ IfAX ijxeMiMtia^withoutchance, Hitbu Scientific Jfeturican. cumuotf nnrioltmifif iqnrBML ’xorms* m m tom i ton t mo« $L 8<>w t ssw n s w w s w w v f c s i s w s wv Arkaobtainedand'allPat-, for MeucnaYftVreg. OunOFrioeiuomsaiTcU.g.PATrNt.Orriec patent Inleu tifaetkanthose landweCansecure, remote Wasluhglot-. ,, - Sendmodel,drawingorphoto.,withdescription. W* advise, if patentable or hot,free of , charge, OotfeenotdnetlllpstentJ*secured.. * FAIiMSUtrLHftow,faribtalnPatents,” with emt"ttjjiatf*V U>oU.S, andforeigncountries Sent! C .A .SNOW dLCO . 1 Orncf* d. C. **%&%** Dyspepsia Cur it* „ Nfcture m fiwangi_.. atruoting th« nxhftua >t no ti toddlgtM^lvaorH gdtun Itlstha latestdtabovanqdigMt antAnd tonic. Nd otfear ttre^tfaticn can approach It in sfflciencjv It in i stantly reUovesand permanently cartel Dnpepttta, Indigestion, 'HeaftburaJ fi * v * MafenlenOe, .BOhr Stom toh, NauseiU BlokHeadachOiGastralgia aUotherresultso f imperfectdigestion^ imauri^DMKteiaiMtttdysreteianisfi Prspurad by E. C, DsWITT A CO., T iM tE III awt* l a a l iNitoWfiWii fa'tb*f»fa«MfaeN^ npnmrb ,| 'E wam is unn sideoi As we are pi printing you i right and our aisk of you is \york, and we satisfy you th in first class $ a i any, . I « \ Call on or 'J P The f » m