The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26
F • f t Local and Personal Wanted;—-Pop Goal, at Bird’s. Mabel Gribdle baa bfw vfmiMWf.reU arives in,SpriugfUdd, —Try some o f Cooper’s bulk coffee 12A,-15, ,29-and 25Lcents per lb. About two o’clock Thursday after noon the first fires were started in the now furnaces. has beeu , pushed very rapidly and the contract completed on time. The bouse' was . very, comfortable during the evening, though- tbe weather not being very , cold nor windy, the furnaces were not given a fair teat. 1—Poultry and Condition Powders.- Ridgway & Co's. have The telephone company now seventy boxls in operation. The engine on train No. if), due here at 3:28 , was broken* dojyu here yesterday ' afternoon, -The run to Xenia was made wi'flr~ooly one drive bar. The train was delayed here, ■about a half hour. The -plat opens Friday, January n , at 2 p. m„ . standard time/- at C. M. Crouse's hardware store for the third number of the lec ture course, The Germaine ; Caveny Co. • Mrs, Maud Ewry wife of Mr. Cal Ewry came nearmeettngiiwith a fatal injury last Monday'evening about 6:30 .o’clock. She had enter :d tho - stable on some mission andWaft kicked -oil the head by a horse. Wh( n found she was unconscious and remained so for sothe time. Her head was consid- . crablly bruised. • ■ Mr, Obns. .Dean has been under the ' weather for several'days.' ‘ • •- * Miss Jennie Murdock won the first priste, $5, at the oratorical contest at , Jamestown New Years Eve, There Were eight contestants, but only six participated, Miss Murdock coming off with first honor. -—The plat opens Wednesday morn ing at C. M. Crouse’s for the Elocu tion*Recital at the opera house, Fri day evening, January II, 1901. Gen, eral admission 10 cents. ' Reserved* septs 16 cents. Miss Mary Anna Cost assisted by the pupils of the elocution class will give a recital in the opera house, Fri* , day evening, January 11,1901. Dr, P, R. Madden, Practice lim ited to EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Glasses AccuratelyAd justed. Allen Building, Xenia, O. Telephone,—office 110 . 172 , Residence Ko. 5 ). .Ralph Bingham, known to fame as the "Boy Orator”,' now cne ot the foremost of Impersonators, humorists, violinists and recontcurs o f America, will appear at the opera house, J«u. 17,- Cedarville has never heard ids eijual, - Messrs, Godfrey and William Bell, of BlufiiOa* Ind., and Mrs. Jean Weaver, of Donneilsville, were enter tained at the pleasant home o f Mr, and Mrs. C, W. Crouse, the first of the Week* —Lamp Fixtures at Ridgway & ■ Co's. Rcy, A, Hamilton will commence a scries of meetings st Clifton at the M> E. church, Sunday afternoon and evening,* Mr, Homer Wfttlo of Springfield spent New Years with friends here, Me.srs Oscar Bradfnte and James McMillan were :nl Clifton yesterday ' afternoon where they met some forty or fifty citizens hr the Interest of the telephone company, Nothing is known?as to what arrangements were made. However the lock! company will go ahead with the contemplated lines in the country. A line is now proposed in the vicinity of Otis Wot ’.—Heinz's hulk Pickles, Apple But ter ami Mince Meat at.Coopers, Mr, C. \V» Chandler, an insurance1 agent, of Xenia, bad n harrow escape . Mouthy night. He had been to this place raid returning home, In cross ■mg the tracks ou "Detroit street ho Was struck by the local car, the .hftfc.3and buggy being dragged eonth little distance, The buggy Waft com* ptyft-ly demolished,. Mr, Chandler ‘ csiftpcd without u smieb( while the horse wafiTuiwMcrAbly firuised. . -In 1890 the mineral product of the I United States amounted to $619,000- 000 nnd in 1899 to $976,000,000. Statistics say tha't New York City owes more by $80,000,000 thanuall the forty-five states, together. t The town of Glen Flora, Wis. has just been sold tinder a foreclosure of mortgage for the sum of $2800. ' —Fine Box Candies Ridgway & '■CV y ' . V '”' ' ' •' ' ‘ -i ' A test libs been made which shows thata rook can fly sixty miles an liour. The hawk stakes' 150 miles in the same time. ■ la California' they want every couu- try road named and every farm house numbered. This will all come with free mail delivery. The people ofSandusky. O,, will erect a monument to the memory ofEdwin M. Stanton, the great War Secretory, under Ltucoln. ■—.For Langdon’s celebrated bread and Elliott's crackovs and cakes go to Coopor’e., The New Ydfk Journal says' there are five millionaires in New York who should pay taxes on .$234,000,000. The amount they pay ou is $5,850,000 It 5s now claimed that .the Missouri River is fully 200 miles longer than, the Mississippi . The only way "The Father of Waters” can now claim pre eminence is on its volume. Misses Louise Reynolds and Helen Jenks o f Xenia, , were the guesto o f Miss Mnrgrettn Watt several day the fiirst of fne week; . Mrs- Wtn. Torrence of South Char leston spent Inst Saturday with Mr, and Mrs; Robt. Gray. v ' * ' One of the largest audiences that ever assembled in tho opera house to hear a lecture course number; was present Thursday'evening to hear the musical lecture, "Fitsmud Miss Fits,” The lecture was about onc-lidlf hour in length, after - which came .several musical selections. Miss Dora Sieg- Jer accompanied him on 'the piano,' Mr. Riggs is a very pleasing enter tainer and the auditors were very well satisfied*. Tho lecture course committee might fell proud of the course so far this season. —Syrup,Sorghumand NewOrleans in bulk and cans at Cooper’s. Warren Dean and ClarenceLackey of Jamestown took the train from this place Wednesday for New Concord, O., where they will attend Muskin gum College. Mr. E. C. McCown, a former stu dent efthe college here,but at present, attendingschool at Westminister Col lege, has been elected as orator for the Adelphic society, in the thirty-third annual inter-society contest Mr, McCown’s friends here will be glad to bear jof the honor thathas been given him. O f Union Services to be held in Ervin's Hall during the Week of Prayer.... —Fancy Box Paper at Ridgway d& CVs, It is thought the railroad company will retire a number of old Employes on pensions soon and the probable ob ject of-the count, which wa& taken last week, is to find places as watch men at the most used crossings for these pensioners, Mr. and<JIrs. Chas Cooley gave a dinnerparty to « few friends New day. . Years i Mayor Wolford waft in Wednesday, w busine*, ■ Dayton •Mr. and Mrs, James McMillan, Of South Charleston,, spent New Years with Mr, and Mrs, FyaukTurnbull. Misses. Blanch and Mary Ervin have decided not to return to Geneva College, and started here on Wednes day. Miss Lula Smith has returned from Sidney, after a delightful visit willi friends in that place, A Mr, Clark of the Allegheny Seminary is the guesirofRev. Bander- eon this Week. Here’s Money Saying Prices lor. Yon. 16 lbs Fiuc-Grannlatcd Sugar $1.00. 16Uhs Coffee A Sugar for jf.1,00. ArbttcklcS nnd Lion Coffee pc'* lb 13c, or 21h for 25e, California Honey. Syrup per gal. 28c While Cliff (London, (),) Flour 241b sack, 600,' Potatoes, per Bushei bile. ? ’ ^ Corn Meal, per sack 8c, 2. sacks 15c Big Ciit Star Tobacco for lOe. at Bird's Mammoth Store, {’, 8. WAHtru —Rreoti ami Lard, wo - ~,Tv~— ■' ■ ... t o p i c s .;. iloKDAY, January 7—Prayer for u better realization of spiritual truth and £ bettor estimate of spiritual realities; a elearer vialon of tho Adeeming Christ, and o f the act ual need and the divinely intended glory of tbe world which lie redeemed. PROF, ROBB HARPER. Leader. .TtiKspAY, Jan, 8—Prayer for a church which, through faith in Christ and by the ■indwelling of the Holy Spirit, shall be wholly Christian, doing God's will and win. ning the world to Christ, , -• MR. ERVIN PARIS, Leader, W kdhrshiay , Jan, h—Prayer for such Christian character and life as shall be pleas- ant in tha homo, honored in business relations, welcomed in the neighborhood, help ful in the church,personal religion being thus manifested in its rightful attractiveness PROF, DORA ANDkKSOJJ, Leader, TfiURHOAY, Jan. HI—Prayer for right relations in' society anti tbe nation, with.the Uolden Rule obeyed as between man and man, and all social nnd political action guided by Justice add good-will,r-lhe Christian Ideal, PROP. ft. A* BROWN, Leader. f . ,Fain a t , Jan. 11—Prayer for ail international relationships aud all international action,.that they may he based on the Cbristion principles which apply-to tha indi- a * t . A . * A , 1 . i . + W a -f l a . t i ,1 t l , A 4V .* , A I ■ ' U l r V i o f A I . l u a k t U V J I U R J - U O . u a p v u A S M A M U V U viduftl,—the reign of the Prince of Peace, *- - - MR. J, CECIL Q GEORGE, Leader. S atubkay , Jan. 12—Prayer for all mlisipnaries and all missionary organizations, that, being wholly Inspired by Christian devotion and wholly guided by Christian wlsdon, they may speedily and triumphantly fulfil the Sayioitr's last command, MR. II, it, McMILLAN. Leader. Services will begin promptly at 7 o'clock; (sun time.) Bring your Bibles. Gome prepare*! *to make, the meetings interesting. All invjted; are “ Lot us consider one another to provoke unto tore and to good works: not forsak- ng the assembling of ourselves.together as the manner of some is; hut exhorting one another: and so mush the more as ye see the day approaching,"*—Heb. 10: 24*23, - •* A Good Thing. , Syrup iVfhe spedihl pre - A»*rtlwjr . Koaannoe "Tell a $*aod atory and stick to- It,*' krin old maxim that Is illustrated In a German , , . . seription of Dr, A. Boscbec, a cole , , brated German Fhyriiian, and is ac- \niwn knowlcdged to be one of the moetf r- lct0P a^tea into fats home .one tuorn- tuu&te discoveries m medicine. It |njf about tl o’clock. The wife of fals quickly cures Coughs, Colds and-all bosom was waiting up tor him, lie Lung troubles of this severest nature, told Tier he had been out all the even- removing, aB it does, the cause of the ing -with one of!their friends, Charlie affection and leaving the parts in i , l ) „ and then related ^an interesting Btrong and healthy condition. It is] fairy story of bow Charlie, had token, not an experimental medicine,but has!* crowd to supper, how funny Char- atord the test of yearn, giving e a t t a - ! bad been all the evening, how faction in every Case, which its rap- ’vel1 Charlie looked to his new sdlt, idly increasing sale every season con- **ow he said this, that and the other, - 7 -- g ...............* - - After telling a 15 tnjnute stcry,. firms. . Two million-bottles sold annu ally, Boschee’a German .Syrnp was introduced in .the United States in 1868, and is now sold in every town and village in the civilized world Three doses will relieve any ordinary cough. Trice 7hcts. Get "Greens’ Prize Almanac, * J ChurchAnnouncements R. P. Church; W. J. Sanderson pastor. 11:00 a, m,—“ Woe to Them at Ewe ii} the Church." 7:00—-"A Reviving,’1’ t t f . Preaching at M, E. church next Sabbath, morning and evening by the pastor, A. Hamilton, Themes; 10:45 a. m. "Stock Taking," . Epwortb League at 6:30 p. m. ’ > t f f Services at usual tomorrow at the R, P* Church, by the pastor, . ftfio liimrr •£ m Meant M imb , . ■This la the atory of a mean man. He may not l>e the meanest on record, but he carries a very fair brand of close flstedness.' He had a contract to sup ply a certain amount ot crushed atone. The machine he Used could turn out all tbe work he could get by running eight hours a day, The mean man had an engineer who was a genlts. Tbe genius went to his employer otto day and said ho thought ho could make some Improvements, in that’machine so It would do more work to less time. The genius was paid by the month.' He worked on the machine tor sever al days, taking It apart and putting tt together again. ..When reconstructed, It proved to have greater cflleleney than before, so much tso that It did the which the gentle“partner of hts Joys and out of work periods listened with respectful attention, but cynical mien, he paused tor breath,' Then she, la a confident now I’ve got you tone, said: “That's a lovely romance you've been giving me, and 1 bate to spoil it, but Charlie has been here nearly all tbe evening waiting to see you about' an engagement. He left only about half an hour ago,'’ The teller of. the talc looked rathe? dazed tor a moment as If he had been struck. Then quickly gathering him self together he assumed a bold front, with hands fn his pockets, head thrown back and, In defiant Innocence and em phasizing each word, said: "Well, thafs my story, and I’m not going to changs it for anybody.’’—Clip per. , ......■ ■ Arm y J o k e s W ith ft _Mor«li, ‘'During the civil war,” said an ex* army officer, "the authorities tor some reason were anxious to move troops up tbe Torublgbee river. Word was sent to the engineer In that district asking what It would cost to run up the, Tom* higher. That official got gay and re ported that the Tombigbec ran down and uot up, d Joke that promptly land ed his head in the banket, as the mat ter was serious, "At the bombardment of Charleston it was extremely desirable to bring to bear- on the city an extra heavy, gun called by the men the Swamp Angel. The gun took its name from the swamp In ‘ which It stood, dud to move It through that lmggy morass was an en gineering feat of extreme difficulty. However, the cotomAndtog officers were determined to hare the gun brought within range of Charleston and Issued orders to that effect. At the same time they sent word to the engineer having the matter to charge of requisition without regard to trouble -or expense for anything necessary to accomplish the desired object. Ills first requisi tion called for men 20 feet 6 Inches In height Another officer promptly took the matter in charge, from which It can readily be deduced that It Is not a pay* There.Wax a Mistake, "X think," he began as be halted a pedestrian, *T think I-made a mistake with the cabmnn who drove me to the Corcoran Art,gallery, I am quite.jmre I gave him a $10 bill, but be crust have mistaken It tor a.$2 toll" "And you hope, to find him again?" asked the man bf the stranger to the city. ! "Why, yes, l have hopcsj" “Well, you are about as green as they make ’em. That cabman deliberately swindled you out of many dollars;” “I can hardly believe It. tie looked so honest and truthful-that I—I”—. , “That you ought to have asked him to hold your watch urtil the rest of your mouey! My dear old Josh' from the cornfields. let me say’’— At tbaVmlnuto^Tf'eab rattled up. and tbe drive? dlsmouUteuxand said; "See here, old man, there is a mis take You probably meant to give me a $2 bill, aud I thought It wwrnc wlieij I gave you $1 in change.” "Rut Tthink It wns a ten. my friend.” "No; it was a twenty, and* 1 have been driving about tor half, au_bout' to find you and restore the money. Here it Is.” . "Anil what was lt you were going to say to your dear old Josh from tho cornfields?” asked the ohl man as he turned to the wise peijsnn. Itnt tile wise person was there no longer. He was dying fof-n car as If running tor ids life.—Washington Cost. Green J»fH Rentfnt to th e B yH . ; Tt seems ns though cherished notions were no sooner on an apparently firm foundation' thnu some Inconsiderate Iconoclast -comes along nnd ■throws them dovia. People have'tor-many years supposed that the color green was restful to -human eyes nnd have been 'referred to the green grass and green foliage that nature has been so prodigal with tor the benefit' of wearied vision, v • Now, a Oermnn profess or of Heflin, 'nature wasn’t thinking of humanjtyes when she made her pro fuse vcrdnnTnTspluy and that hef col or scheme ' was carried out absolutely regardless of the visual needs of hu manity, He says (tint green does not protect tbe eye, and he dentes that It has any beneficial effects whatever. He declares that green paper, green shades, green glasses, green decora tions aud green umbrellas are all a mistake and itmt by Increasing' the green- light wc are simply provoking a nervous disturbance. He says that each of tho colors tires 'a different set of nerves of vision, and therefore looking at one particular col or saves one sot of nerves at the ex pense of another. The best method, he says, la to dim all of the rays of light by smoked or gray glasses, which rest all of the optic nerves,—New York Herald, Safe Way t» Watch PtsSU, The colonel and l.sat talking under a shade tree to front of the toun poet- office when a dogfight started down the street, "Come on!" I said as 1sprang up. "Come this way,” replied the colonel as he seized my arm and drew mo Into a doorway.* “ But 1 want to see the dogfight," I protested. 'Yes, 1 reckon yon -do, bnt yon Also want to keep clear o f the shooting,” “ Why Should there be any shooting?’' "Bethnse one dog has got to lick t'oth er, and the owner of the licked dog ain’ t goto to let ft rest that way, There they go!” , Ten minutes later we stepped out, to find one man lying on the ground with two ballets .in him nud somd .people carrying away a second with half s dozen/ "Dogfights nre bewtifiil affairs,” said the colonel as we walked away, “but the safest way lo sec* oneTn Kentucky is to wait till It’s alt over and the dead carried off.”—Chicago New*. S I V S V J X o d ^ t o t o C l ^ r K m c n t to 4 ' 0<1 *ou army at the expense of your superiors.” ' •I nsy litjtfhcftf. price for if, and n half to do. Tho mean man, however, could -get no moto Contracts than before. He could fill nil his order,-! by running about three hours a day, Tho menu man then went to the genius aud said; "See heret Henry, I’ve been paying you by the month, but there* Isn't much work as there used to 'be—nut enough to keep you busy. I shall have: to flay yon by the hour after this.” Henry demurred. He had been too faithful, hut Itodldn't ftllnk that ought to reduce his earnings over one-lmlf. His' employer wns firm, however, nml Henry' resigned.—New York Mall* nud iixpres* y —New York Tribune; LtGT.OP UtfTfeHB List of letters remaining uncalled for in the Cedarville postoffiqe for the month ending Jan. L 1991. List .No, L Avy, AsL, • Baxley, Frank . Wright,-Daniel - <!Am> *, Allen* J! E, ‘ x‘ j Short, Geo, W. • T % T arron , V M, Pnl Money Aside,... Take 10 cents to the nearest avail able savings bank and deposit It to your credit. Keep H tip until you have a dollar. Don’t wait to do this until you have a situation, DO It tow*. If you, tore* change tor car fare., walk. This is the'only Way to save,money. If you wnlt until your .salary Is raised, or until you happen to have an errand near the savings br.nfe, you may bd dead before you toy by a cent, There Is only one way to save money.. That Is to jpegln now.—New Yoric Journal; ‘ A i.lttlo Short* At one of the railway construction works in Glasgow the other day a cler gyman Who tnkea a great interest to 'the members of bis flock engaged nt the cutting saw one of them entering n drinking place. He bailed him, but Pat simply, looked and walked hi, Waiting tilt he came out, the reverend gentleman hecosted him thus, "Pat, dkhi'tyoU hear me calling?” "Yes. your ravrtoee, 1 did. but-but i had only the pries of oher’ -^Ex change. CnnfAn't l>o th e imVoafttblo. Nft Urn citizen would positively not buy any of the hair restorer. “Ho you think you can wake a moh* key of me?” he hissed, with asperity,' “Oh, not at ail," replied the re«d*r Start the new century by purchasing your Furniture, Carpets,Picture Mouldings, Sewing Machines — New Home—at, J. i i , M c M i l l a n , Funeral. Furniture Director Dealer. THE MURPHY &BM CO-■ Oar Great Meotofry Sale <■1 Of Jan. 2 d to Saturday flight, Jan. 12 . j - ' / ' . ............. .... _• _ Interesting Particulars Will be given you at our store. , (New nnd seasonable goods* will he offered you;' Cbe murpfty $ Bro. Co., 48 f 50 , 52 , 54 , 5(5 Limestone Street. Springfield, ~ * - - - * Ohio, iNo good charged or scut on approval during this safe) ' cheerfully “We don’t pretend to be t able to restore the hair lost In the proe- j ess of evolution!" An Innocent bystander cracked a faint smile, but otherwise all wns still, —Detroit Journal, , AH Odd RpUnph. A vlaltor to a cemetery at South Ver non, N. II., will find the following upon i a gravestone there; ' Oh, b» klie went, and km «h« gont1 And left poor 1 ii«re til «ton«t, ' * Oh, erne! fain, to be to blind To tike the ’fare end t 'hlndl tier can never Come back to we, But na nroet eurcly go to ike. other day* of the week, bnt dinners In] course only on those day*. "And why on only those three days?" queried the New Yorker, to whom the delights of llto to, Brooklyn were,being j rehearsed,. _ ■svi “"YVash day, ironing day an^ the girl's! day oat.” quickly responded one o f the todies of the party. “That's no sort of j a conundrum to a woman who has ever] had the care of a'house. Better try a harder one next time unless you hap-,] pen to be In a stag party.”—Newark Times. *. A Con trast In Cooke, In an article contributed to a Dondofi paper John Strange Winter, who has been living for many months past In' Dieppe, compares the French to tbe English cook, rather to the detriment of tbe latter. "In the French kitchen,” she fe.iys. "there Is no waste, it would seem that the French mind does hot ran to waste or revel In It as the lower class English mind invariably does,” The French cook will not only do, a bit of the housework, hut she will do it cheerfully and as‘ a matter of course. "You cannot buy your French cook too many pan*, and her soul loves copper, to her kitchen. Certainly an English cook would grumble if .she was expect* ed to keep a kitchen full of copper pans bright And clean, but a French one has them to a condition Akin to burnished gold. Her pride is gratified if her kitchen walls tire hung with these or* haments, and oven If she does tile greater pnrt of her small choking in little enameled pans she will dally rub up the copper ones which hang on the Wall,” • . . fiber GmcBsCAH, ’ He was descanting with vigor on the exceptional quality of the dinners that fire served at one of the fayhlonable I chibs of Brooklyn at a very low figure ( tor a first ctosa meal on Mondays, 1 Tuesday* and Thursdays, Hqnaftyi toothsow* luncheons wold be hud on * - * i ’ . V ■ ! <*Ait ri«w.»* i Mr a Thurlow Says that Cardinalj WlsemaD .wont to dine with somei friends of hers. It was Friday* hot! they had quite forgotten to provide a| fast day dlnier. However, be was! Quito equal to the occasion; tor hel -stretched out hts hand* in benedictlonl over the table, And saR "1 pronounceJ fill this to be flah," and forthwith on*; joyed all the good things heartily*"! "The, dtory of My Life,” by Augustus! J, C. Hare. Mis«Hder«toan, Hncte Itouben-t jea com’ F town Yr git fi couple o' sideboards an tho’f l*d| drap to t’ see yon, ' City Niece—Why, Uncle Benton, wlmt| do yoit Cipeet to do with two Side-j board* to yonr house? | Uncle Reuben-~Sny, !*m talkin about! my farm wngoh, Whitt air you talkinf about?—Columbus State Journal. Prussian tone does not come to USI from Prussia, it (a a chemical product] of which England makes her foil share.| Irish stow Is Irish, but St^fing-. llslr dish, aftd Turkish Imtha did not] originate to Turkey, bnt to Russia. Vegetarian, Baked Beans. Willi Tomatoe Saturn. COGITATIONS n*>‘ Various Themes and Obsen About Town. A man in this town was wisely about the days when pi [ . tii,u was a party Issueaud in ref to the 'days of agitation, rein that it was in the days when pv . rion wns “ aggregated,” aud yet people think there is not as niw jtrthe world flow ns there used t t t A man who likes to brag,tlv sees for himself usually doesti much. ' . *■**., , „ * * • • * ; , * ©» T t T 1 A pigeon toed woman looks lhau eyer when dressed in white ' . ' t t t There is a man in1thi6 town ' told us. the other day that it p; get drunk because it makes a 3 feel so good getting oyer it. 1 does'not belong- to the tpmpt society. A good many will- no try it before heyear is over. . , f f t • *‘ Lots of trifling; no account mei spared on account of theirgood t - t t t ' If a woman is pigeon toed, W vise her not' to wear patent le, shoea as,they emphasize the fact, . ‘ t t t Two boys were leaning up. ar the-opera,house after the show- play, had been “ A Bunch”of Key ; "McCarthy’s Mishap/’ or eonb of that sort, but what it was 1material; One started o ff' tc home- and aaid to luni pomp! “ Come on Bill." He didn’t sa-’ |‘ hut that is tho way stories are i told. The fellow’s name is i Bill. And Bill said, “ Ah, w, , I roll my cigarette, aud I’lt'Y And that, same hoy will wont after years why people are* not ing aroflnd trying to hire him, j liewill no,dr 'iht write articles ’ paper* on “ Give the Boy a Ot t t t People who file to say that h not appreciate first claw music* get mad if* anybody else sail could not appreciate it. . g t t t 7 *, 7 There is no one so worthless n $oes not find someone to pity, 4 . ‘ t t t h A married roan who has. ti[| ing the Week tg go skating isd t ire d n eves Restci S5 ■8 <11 g ' Z D P * u< t t M M ./ tt, f i l By using a |>air c perfection Specta For $ t we s<?^ best loosed it bleto itiuke. Th accurately bent ground true an$ fcctly polished. Cheaper s'pe*j froni i 5 cts op tlfn all the grodcs. • J U l i ' A K o O O b X ■ " t u t Jetatof* nrpiftmri'tftw -’'•‘Hflpipiiftlftf r r r ' mmm m . k.' ML.
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