The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26
T 3 } o I f o u q l d , * £SM>n\c YEAR. " ' ' . ' KAStfcH BULL,- (ETdiiOrwalPrepfigtor. s'aw'WO ■Urt-iost St'i to «) Waldr-.Pie1'*', >' riAT0RTbVY,‘.fANUA ftY 12,1901. OBJT$ARIEB - Containing over two hundred words, will l),? dmrgcd for, At the rate.(if five rents perlimv OARD3 OF TH A N K S * -F iv e cfettta pet Hoe. v JVlien you send >iu long obituaries please state whom. the bill ia to be sent ■to, or we wilt publish two*(200) bun* .'tired words and leave the balance out; Make them a$ long as you wish, it you comply with the above conditions,, which is’a matter of pure justice. . GOOD ROADS, . At the recent good rends congress held in Chicago, many o fthe rocom-. mendiuums could be d?ehiedly prheti* enl. I t provided Jbf h pernmugnt highway ‘improvuimnt olgiudzution, which will mMsi- up ^ntlvito With all sfate and even c effty orgimlrniiotta. One of t l - , rewmuiH’hdtitiotia mrnle is tlio uholitiomof tho olilnyctoni, m >gen oral in .this section”, which requires all adult males .to furnish so m any days work for improving tho roadways .Experience has taught us that this ,system is of little good and that qur roftds are not what they should be. <Ti)'thosfet place nearly- all' the “work ib dope at-one time, after the crops have been harvested, and during the remainder of tbe year the highways re ceive-very little attention and conse quently become iu a bad condition. ■> The new recommendation is that - the road tax be Id in cash instead,of • labor,'and it is.calculated that if the money be .used to- employ hign class labor, stilted,to road building and re pairing, it will accomplish three times as much ns the labor of farm bands, • store keepers, clerks, etc., who, knpw litttle about rood, making, . , The congress alsp recommended that - the StuteJLegislatares make provisions for the employment of convict labor in the’preparation of material for road construction, hut to* he employed oii tbe roads themselves^ f t is believed that the best results can be secured by the co-operation of (lip state and local authorities. ’ dust how. man will ° welcome the -twentieth century Is purely specula tive, since the formality of consulting r opinion on'such questions, basso far been -regarded as purely superlative* not to say superfluous, The students of the Columbia Uni - versity,-ofNeW York, ..might lie en gaged. in better business than the or* ganization of a; socialist club, There may. be Some excuse-for the existence of socialism in the monarchic! coun tries o f Europe, but there is none in this republic, Where every roan may get on top if he be euffidently thrifty and industrious. I t was a wastc^pf'nioney .to cable from Copenhagen that Germany was not after the Danish West India Is lands, There is oneconvincing reason Whyneither Germany nor any other power is after these islands, and that is that Uncle Sam would not consent to their sale to anyone hut himself; Wild cat schemes are morn or less ’ troublesome nearly everywhere, buf real wildcats in the northern and east* era? parts o f 1Maine are keepihg peo pie in their houses after dark, al though the State pays a bounty of 10 for each Wildcat killed. - „ ji According to press dispatches, the . Chinese government is Showing a com mendable desire to meet the wishes of the powers and eiul the present unsat isfactory condition of affairs iu that , unfortunate country, Ex-President ( ’levels «ddidn’t make a political killing with, his recent broadside, hut, wseirted by Oapt, ftob- bey D. Evans,1be is kijjiug lots of ducks off the coast of South Carolina, The CommonweaTUi of Australia, composed pf the six British colonies therein, began its cxbtai-ce with the new centiiry, MrV Bryan1 in gun nil);* ift Texas, jkobnWy fbr Mibtoribcrft as well a« other game. * * w-Sahy?^';,' * i i f so wc want your AthtrfiW!. Wq • have valuable information for the mothers of America. We are fur? nihvra - to hb majesty - -the baby. Downey is Maprry, Iflf Dearborn Sri, Chicago, 111, A choice lima o f all kinds of Clrofwries, at Gr-sy*. t i Pan-American The B is Exposition Prom ises to Exceed AH Expectations. *' r, . .. « , • » . ^ ” - V, •- •”• ^ *%■■:■ .<*•*- ^ - - - ’ l ■- "... _ i.-' Exhibits From All the S tate? and Countries <>f the Western Hemisphere—More Than a Score of Great Shelter - the Displays,;. ■■ ' The Fun-.AmerJefm Exposition at Buffalo during the summer of 1001 -will he not only bis. but beautiful In many ways It will excel every similar enterprise’In tho history of the world, and chief among its merits will be the fact that everything cap- be easily seen and comprehended. System aid.origi nality are conspicuous In every detail. The*revised plan shows a plot compris ing 350 acres. From north to, south the' courts of nny former exposition, and, on accpupt of the unusual area, greater opportunity Is given for'elaho-’ rate and beautiful decoration. In all the courts are to be large pools into which beautiful cascades and wo# derful fountains, will throw' their crys tal streams, ,To the water features will lie addedvthe garden effects. These will comprise large slunken gardens, with formal beds of rare apd beautiful the grounds ele about a mile and a quarter and froth east to. west half a, mile. The grounds arc situated In the northern part of Buffalo and are eas ily reached, either dirt et or by transfer ticket by all the electric car lines con stituting the city’s perfect street rail way system. On the northern side are the tracks erf tlie New York-Central Belt Bine, to which the -SOsteam rail ways entering. Buffalo will have access during the Exposition. Tho southern portion of,tbe grounds Is a part of Del-’ hware Park nnd contains a lake of ir regular shape more than half a -rn'Ie long. Indicated- by letter B on the ground plan. This part, of the Exposi tion'plot Is already very- beautiful, the city of Buffato haying spent many thou sands of dollars lb plaufiag shrubs and trees of many rnre species and in pro-; dlicing lnndscnpe effects that gIVe to dim eye a beautiful vistas from every 'point of view.*- ■* • ' The main southern' entrance'of the Exposition Is On Lincoln Parkway, lay dleaicd by the letter A. At the left as ; you enter Will be the beautiful Al bright A # Gallery, built of white mar ble and -costing upward of $330,000. This Is the gift of a citizen of Buffalo, Mr, J.” 3i Albright, and will be a per manent fireproof building for p.nbHc uses devofed to .art, On the right 1st the .beautiful new boathouse nnd shel* flowers, and many plants of a,highly :decorative character will be displayed throughout the courts, .The grounds outside the main group of buildings are also to be richly adorned with hor* tlcuUunU and floral features. The hor ticultural exhibits; to. which nbout sev en acres are devoted In the ■ southern part of th e 'grounds, will .contribute much to the decorative effect. ,ln this exhibit will be over 500 beds, many of them containing hundreds of plants of « single variety of flowers. The exterior walls of all the build- ltM> of the. Exposition are to be bf s«T , All cornices, corners, window JPfnings and entrances are receiving Very elaborate adornment In madded plastic work. >This ornamentation Is of a far more elaborate and Intricate character than heretofore used on any exposition. The roofs Of alt tbe build* lugs are to be of red tile, and the outer walls are to be painted In-harmonious colors, giving a most pleasing effect to the eye. .This Exposition will stand pre-emi nent 1“ point of original sculpture. There will be more than 125 groups of magnificent original works by somo -80 or more American sculptors, of note. Thls.grand scheme launder the person*, nl direction of Karl Bitter, who was In charge pf a similar work at the World's Colombian Exposition at Chtcago. ter erected by the city of Buffalo, Crossing the bridge between the lake and the North Bay, tbe New York State building may be seen on the north bank"of tho bay. This also Ik of White garble, fireproof and a - permanent structure. It will be devoted, after the ExposIHon, to the uses of the Buffalo 'Historical Society. Continuing op tho slight grade aero?* the bridge, we nOW cOme to the- “Ap proach’' (Df, where. we got the first broad view of tbe wonderful group of buildings devoted to the various ex* hlblt divisions of the Exposition. it will be noted by reference to the ground plan that tbe building? are, grouped around * system Of CpurtS which have been aptly described a# la the form o f an inverted letter T. The transverse court, corresponding to the cross of the T, W.the Esplanade, capa ble of accommodating 250,000 people. , North oMhfcfy corresponding With the perpendicular of the T, are. the Court Of Fountains apd the flax*. ..which resell almost to the northern }!mlf.B of the grounds. Oh “efflief aide Of the Court of Fountains are the subordinate courts known as the Court of Cypresses 'and Court of Lilies. These severs! court* have a combined area of 33 acres, which Is far more extensive than . Owing to "the nearness of Niagara { Falls, with Its unlimited power, tire : targe area of the courts and the ar* ^rangemeM of the buildings about these | courts. It has been triple possible to {present an.electrical display far more ] elaborate and grand than any before } conceived. Some 5,000 horsepower and I more than 200,000 incandescent electric ' lamps will be employed in this wonder* ful Illumination, The centerpiece, of thi$ display wilt be the Electric Tow* er, a structure of superlative beauty standing between ’the Plaza and the ] Court of Fountains, This glorious work, i designed by .John Galen Howard, is , 875 feet high. In its southern face ts ft beautiful cascade, 30 feet Wide and 70 feet high, ratling upon a terraced base. This cascade and all tbe fonn* tains of all the courts will be richly il luminated at night in a .great variety of colors, giving an effect of fantastic and enehnnting. beauty. Standing in the Fore Court (E) and looking north, Immediately In front, Is the Triumphal Bridge (Q). This bridge Will be one of tho most beautiful Works of the Exposition, having four great piers mirrtiunded ami surmounted by sculptured groups modeled by Mr, Bit* ter and others, Ctosaihg the bridge, we may Se*> on the. extreme right the t tOetatlmudcn frags Third!,} • -’-The m«%t southing1, keallng, and antiseptic, nnhlicatinn . over <Io Vlaed ia llew itt’fi Witch iJazeJSalve, It relievo* at once si;;! euros j%*, mrcs, etzemaand skin disease*. Be ware of ilrtltatiumh Jtldgwfiy * & <J(t t Druggist!*, /* ! WANTED! Reliable mail for Manager of SjIafiL.-wm.-TifrlW <§wA This ‘sl)t**l«OBhi'cft < r*ryno* f*f tho grain?* . . i a s A i v i its *m*<t vma MMt- m # m ooe ftay Branch Office we wish to open in this | vicinity. If yonr record is 0 , K *here is an opjHirtumty Kindiy give Igom! reference when writing,.. j A, T. MofiniSj W iiolehal B tlofjaft, ; * Cincinnati) Oliio, Ubislratcd calalogne 4 ids. stamps •. “^ubscritjo for tiro HeraM. mm The Khtd- Yott Have Always JSougM, and whlcliJias be^t in use for over 8 0 yenrs* has hom e the signature o f f -i and. has heen xmule uude? his per sonal supervision. since its Infancy. .Allowno one to deceive youin tills, AH Counterfeits, Imitations and o jnBt-as-goqd” are hub Experiments that trifle, w ith and endanger tlio health off Infants and Children-Experlence against Experiment. What is GASTOR1A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare-, gorle, Drops and Soothing Syrups. I t is Pleasant. I t contains neither Opiums, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age'is its guarantee. I t destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. I t cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It- relieves .Teething Troubles, cures Constipation ■and Flatulency. I t -assimilates th e Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. » O iV Q I MW . C i Bears tlie Signature- df A L W A Y S In Use F o r Over 3 0 Years. THt CCNTAUHCOMPANY, M WlUMY »TB«T, ,1 * YORK<?TV, Cuptrary to all conclusions that no old price? .would be secured this,season, a factory has furnished , USwith a caio of ,’ / -■ ~ \ . ^A , .- ,1 * —- . ‘ '' ' . ’f>‘ 9-4 Bleached Sheetings Remnants (long enough for sheets). The HUc qua.l- _ By for 20c, . Beat that i f you c«u, a ‘ ' ' * ' „ ' * 1/ 45'in. Pillow Case Muslin . $Icd-qu4itity4h^tls. for- SO-*, (*1a).-- The3'T will hot -- stay long, .1000 yards /a- • SoIi 4 Color Outing Tlio 10c quality for Sc, no complaints ought now to 1 I ks made about prices. These Outings make line comforts, nod by the way ono batting 8 |, 10,-12Jc; Chance for Late Buyers Golf Capes, F'nr Capes, Cloth Gapes, Jackets, Auto- Mohilcs, Dressing Baqiics, Petticoats, Fur Boss, etc, > >< , , Chance’for Early Buyers Lace Curtains, Oil Cloth, Linoleum/ Window’Shades Velvet Tapestry and Ingrain Rugs. hutchison $ flibntv XENIA, OHIO. CHURCH .DIRECTORY B. 1*. bafcti—Bev. J . F . Mdtton, Pnston t«rvice» at 11:00 *. in, gnbkftih School »t l i i . n . Corenallicf Clinrch—Bev. W., p«»tor.. S»bb»th School *t 10 a. tn« I’re«h-_ lag at 11:00 a. m. Yean* People Tr.eet at 6 [ p. w. except ths let nnd Bd Snohslb* of (hs i tiDOth *th«n the; Meet »t N.BO, a ml preschinx; in thO etenlnx err the l;t sad 3d Ssbbslhg of f the MOBtb'st 7:3* p. m, t A Cry From N ature A WAltNlNU THAT SHOBI.OBE HKEDEI) ' ■* ■ BY EVEHY SUFPfiltER. Nature shon re!>els when the hunmti V, r , Charch— k * y . F. 0_, Bos*, pKstor. Ser - ' raschincry is o u t . of order. Her ap* ^ » A . ,MgySii.ifc wr s «* m i* H . K. fchnreh— UeY, A . IlsfnWen, Pastor.!SWCrcd, Life IS tOO slfflft fthfl jd ftsrtd PrtsehisX *t I*ri? n. m SsHsth Seheol s t l ... ,n ns«lnAp htir tienllh : M9 s, m« Young Pupa?* tattling at x;<(> «S to JlftgleCt OUr .JiCaUK- p. to, Prayer meeimx-WedriMdsy hv«n!*xi When the" system becomes run sU:«fl. PrmhlnxvVe.ymh«r8sbhsth«ren-<1owftti!jft MoQd j the liver 16X7;33P-n» Baptist Chtireh—Kev. Uecrx# WashinX'-W., lU tp id , nerVCft ftH 0 » * q u iv e r, p,m, Ptajret niMting ever; Wedftesdsy night at 7:30, Everyone Invited.' . A.M. B, Chareh—Itev, 0«. H. Jones Pa* Jtof Breathing at 16:30 a. in. and 7:90 p. np, Class every Sabbath at 12:00, Sabbath School at S:QS p. m. Prayer meeting 7:30 p. tn., Wednesday *Ve, ' er balls, calm, nineties of plug’s used, Not tbe I j EAST I)lS» RfiptiiCc or Hernia Curd No operation? or Injections, no pain or discom fort in say tray, no steel springs or Iron frames no wooden, ivory or hard rttbbi S ‘ * r 3 cr annoyance. Onr Outfit fcr'tbe C inni of ItUPTPRBOB llfiltNIA is made of fine'soft Materials, saeh as felt, velvet, chamois' skin* ind clastic webs. It fits like a glove and caft barm yon so more. IT llOLOSj oar intestines beck in their net- oral position and the wonnd WILL HEAL likaany other wound .when it hss ftehance, The Only Way to Cure lew bold the intestines in or bask all the time, •afitll the wounds be* comes grown together. Yonr Ituptore Cannot be Cored- In’any other way, We hate hadjtfi years constantand hard experience in treating RtlPtllftES and this O tftPIT Is the SBLT. Afen, women find children madeCOM* PORTABLE by using this OtlTfilT, Prices -reasonable and in aeeonlrmc* with the cafe, IF INTERESTED, please’ write for particular?, which' wo will mnlryou FREE, c Address, * HOBAWK REMEDY 00 o tm t, N, t ,M o R a w k C a v a t r R G u p e . . , ’ Clieapfst And Best' ' Crtres Catarrh In from8 lo HI day*. C h ? c * Cold In the Head,, f, iolO tnimflrs, Securely packed with full Insfrncllohs, by MSlL tWAOE PAID, 250.’ Try it nnd ymt W?;l l>o mote than pleased with the inVettatcHt. Yonr money Uric ifymt. afe diwsitsfied, wflramp* takon." - . .MOHAWK RtflBDY fep, ; s , Rom*, IfotfloA* I V Refill- -Nieort q ffe e fom ri , tn ttt'viv N e x t Ok-niau's Iimui'aiw'e offee, J . V. Gbew, Ketit’t, O, - OBPAUYILLE, OHIO, A GCOGN rS o f Merelmnts anfl In- A dividual? solicited. Cdlei' .proiiiptly made mid rpirnllcd.' D RAFTB on Nt?W. Y^)rk R.iid Gin- ciiinitti sold at/lowest rates. The cheapest aiid-rtoBt convenient.way to e^ad, '. f *. T OANS made on Real Estate, Pei- ** sonnl or Collaternl Security. . .. William Wildman, Pres,, . Seth W. Smith, Vice Pres,, ■ W, J- Wildman, Cashier, IHt RAPIDmvtssr C9MPAW. C J . M O S M * Daily Meat Market, . Under the above firm name, the meat market of O, W, Crouse,will be conducted. All product in the uniat line will be the best that money can buy, Which fact combined with honpst find thorough business methods is enough assurance to the public, who always want the worth of their money., in'every respect. • - ‘ ~i' When gemiing childreu.'difec't tbem to us; we always ^ive them the best they ask for. -> GQCJD3 DELIVERED. Telephone No. 74, •' New MeRt S to re— Having opening the Meat ,.,s Store„fornierly cmiducfed by Ed Heusbel, we wijl Iiave on .hand at all times a choice line of Fresh and Salt Mkts _ •_ . * i‘ , * Bologna and Sausage olid every thing, connected witli a first-class meat store. Wc- nawdle the celebrated , Ivingan, & Co’s. Game. ■' Charles Weimer. GOODS DELIVERED ■' Welcphtmtr 66, , , , bouismihsHASSYILLHRAILROAD - c- The Greet Csntral* „ Southern Trunk L ite \VlNTER TOURIST TICKETS Now on sale to * F L O R I D A - and Ibe • G U L F C O A S T Write for folders, descriptive matter to ■ U. L. STONE, General Passenger Agt. ■ LOUISVILLE, KY . SEND YOUR ADDRESS To R. JJWEMYBS, U«ncr*l imwigrslhtw Inilnalrl*! Agent ’ LOUISVILLE, KY, And he wBT riiaH you free ’ ' A.' MAPS.U.LtiSTRATEDI'AMBHLETSand trice h ist of land and twntis in KfiSTUCKY, TEN ESSEE, • ALABAMA. MISSISSIPPI, PLOKIDA, l> ,t'.U U iX « : l«.-d U iV lr.l Jk-iiVL'S br-'iVf II, 5:<UI u . iu, • O m o : 1. ■ •.fcL " 7:(ili /7:W» ' fijOO M;(tO • 0:0(1 Ojflfl ro:ii(j 1 0 :0 0 ■ 11:00 lliC C . ' 12 .0 0 • 1 2 :0 0 N o o fi, 1:00- n . iu . * . 2 :0 0 V 2 :0 0 . . ’ 0:00 0 :0 0 ■’ . -4:0(1. ' 4 # , *1:00 b ;0 0 ' 6 :0 0 * , 6 :0 0 . ^ r 7:0 0 ■. 7 :0 0 , - 6:00. 8 :0 0 ' ' ' . ■9:00 . y . - o o ' 1 0 :0 0 1 0 :0 0 n m ^ 1 1 : 0 0 -■ . " ’T 2 7 q 6 a. 111 , ■ p. m. , Xenia hffice find winting rooiii Xo 4/ Sop 111 Detroit S t .' Dayton office afid waiting room. 15 West Fifth Sf„, nppqsilePosroffi.ce, . The running time between Dayton and Xenia is one'hour, pnssinc thm Highlands, Smithyjlic Road, Zimmei-- (i)iui. Alpha, ’ Trebeins and Luwis Grove,. . • Dayton to 'Xenia 17 niijes, fare '25 cents. '. * . ‘ ' Every’ other car combination'for freight*- .' , Sundays ”111.1 Holidays cars run every Judf hour. JX J S T I S , N - t e ' . E e 'B ' T r T I - 'O ' v^> v / ■’ ‘ W e b ^ e r ^ s Im te t* n a t i o a a ! ! D i d t i o n a f v N o w P l a t e s , . T h r o t j g h o - 25 ,000 N ew Wort P h r a s e a .n n d D efir)itio n 3 ... Pfepared under the ’direct supervision ofW.T. HARRIS Ph.D.j LL.D., United States 'Commissioner of Education, assisted by a Urge corps of competent sp ecia lists and editors. ^ ■ . K ic k B in d in g s . t> ‘ 2364 Pane,. 5 3 0 0 I llu s tr a tio n s , !- B E T T E R T H A N . E V E r ! F O R . G E .N l E R .A L U S E R Wc also publish j 0 •Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary jH "withOlossatyofScottisHWords and Pliratss. 1 1 .‘‘Firstclasa ia Quulity.secondclass in si^c,111 ’Specimen pugbii, etc, of both ' book* tent- o n , application. G .tSC .MERR IAM CO. Publishers Springfield ) Mass, ■MRS -V*A y CHICHESTER’S ENGLISH PENm OYAL PILLS * » fc . Always hTlable, X<iuti«w,nskI)ruTCl*tft>v I 'H I d l l . W i a f S C N iiM N H in K cd and H o ld Mt'ihllie boxes, sealed with bide ribbon, TA kn n o o ilie r. Itc fu s o iln n s c ro u n nctlMll* tn tln u * Mnit Im itn tlo n tt. ])ny of your Dntuvlst, or seed -le. in elnirip .1 for P n rilru Ia C T , Textl- m o a fn U nnd **H ei:er to t inMler, by r e t u r n M a ll. ?9,000 TestltnOntatx. Sold by allUniKBlMs. • . ■ o m c iln u T s a orjbmjoax . g o ; ■ aiOOMnillaOrt «wnni-e, riUL. 4 , M , -* 3t**atloirthl*»aeer* 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE jifipure, and Work, then nstiiro niters her warflin^ note. I t tnsy bo n sick headache, nervous ness, dyspepsia, catarrh, loos of appe* tile, insomnia, languor,* constipation* but it is nature's signal of dlatribur. The human machine should be *t* tcndeil to withoatdelnjT, 'The system needs building tip, the impurities must' be driven fropt the bloat!, ihe liver wade’ to do. its work and the stomach placed- in a natural, healthy condition. * .Knox Rtomfieh Tablets are n new combination of YCgctable remedies compounded' by oa« of the best chem ists in the world; And are gitftrflnfeed to build up the wholp system. T^wy do not act"ns ft Simulant, h u t fife « sariMipitrills in a tsblftt form* cohttrin- ing twice the me^ioitml .proptrties of any other coinbinmtmi of known. They g ite health and sirerigttt to the entire body nnd i«|» mediate relieve indigestion and posi tively cure dyspepsia. . A single 1 h >X will prove their power to cure chronic invalids and make them strong;' healthy men and 0 0 N ’T o E F O O L E O I Slug Front Stable. , . Ift^AVc your horses there and your ri^s lie kept on the inside, out of the tin and storm, -< SON. Fountain Avenue, , Springfield, f), „ C ha ^ ibs E. T ojid , Vrop ra women , If unable Insecure Knox Stomadi tablets of your drnggislq, send fifty emits; to the K nox , Gpemical (h „ Rattle, ('reek, Miety, ado a fail gfeed package will he sent, postpaid. - I f you/want any th ing good, go to GTAf'i, ' ' , 1 Adam's Restaurant and Dining H qeps ....... ml Springfield, Ohio. Corner High and Limestone st-twii, . ’ * WaSSSMAWSlMik.tfttSi Tail*Ihi ftocatiMi,ftrlgltMl ROCKY MOUNTAIN YEA m ^ Tasteless Cod l iv e r o il *V(-. M; RtdgWfty’s, v TnAUtMARKS ' O'C'MftNS-. - , . - CoevntoKTft &c, Ahyrme sending ftrtcleh *nd dMO-iptlmi m»y nnlewv AsssfUSn fmr oplnk-rt ftswwhrtB'W, an Inrentifin h prohehiy MtenceMc. Commimle*- tlon*strictly<-onBdenti*I. Ilnndboekon t’swmts senttrod. Oldest sgenev fgr secatmg pxtents. I’ntenU teken through Mann ft Co. receive tprtlaiwAlte, wlthont cbxnre, inlhe ScientificAmerican. A handsomely lllttstrstcd weekly. T^rgeet rif- eaUtion ot yny srleOtlDn Jmtrner. Terms, 14 ft “Mr: Vot»rmonths,iLt-eoldbysfi newedeslers. .............. t e s j s M ® ........ ...........■■;■ r i a l PATENTS X'tYe4ti,SfidTrxdc.MkrkSohl*ipcd and sllJCat- 1eht busihes* conductedfor MfMthATg fctk . ] Oust Orrtcc i«oeeo«iT ru.*,ftxTchrorrict ■ »fld -we« n efrnre rwtwitIn less time thxn those ! remote f*omWftkhinxto^, • ' ', Send w* Kiri, xlmWifig or bbolo.,with- dr scrip, tion, Wt- »(Wi*e, if pxtCnUble or.not, free of *h itfla. Ohrfcejiofcmetill imienti*secured. AeftMfMCCT^yH01,tf14Psfcftt*,"xvjtll cost cif.sfttrttTb the ILS. *nd foreign countries; sent tree. Address, , O .A .SNOW&CO . GPP. P irttiT O m e c , Or A Kodol Dyspepsia Cure K ilttfii... .................... .. . »trusting Shft ttxbaustad dlgsatlvoor* p a * , I b il tha latosu dltoorcroddigest* AnUnttiflnia* No otb«r prapftiitton car Approach Ifc In Affcieney., i t la* ttontly raUiviwAnd pfirfflAnfintlycures All otlmr remilto ol imperfect dlgMjtlon* proiwrtsdl Ay C, DsWTT ACA, Ctjlc«fl®* ■ tf|ToPAT£KTftexlMm I I THfe PAttAt AtCtfirtj. ImftfcM' jHwHt %
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