The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26
V JESUft'- I . f k fe i ■1 local and ftrswwl. ! Ralph Bingham, Jan . IT, 1901, . ; _. aiiil Harry. Xiiglov (ittfiidwl tlio funeral of their littlft niece at Mor row, Wednesday. . . * “Ralph .Bingham, a remarkable de lineator, p v e a recital at the Odean last night to p large and fence. He certainly has wonderful elocutionary and mimic powers. His delineations were a t lad y. Thirteen years ofstage practice has trained, his voice i n .such : - a manner that he can be tragic or hu morous a t vriJl/'—Com/fributie, He . will be a i the ypera'house, 'Thursday, .Tan, 17, Admission 15a and 25a, ~ -This week being the week of prayer , tlie congregations o f' the dili'efents ctmrehre held, some interesting meet ings,in Ervin's hall. —-Gemain’st part .of the .program on Tuesday evening will he entirely different from that of last year. He lias several new . features, including mental telepathy and n great variety v of legerdemain acts, „ 1 Dr, D. C. TVolpert is now editor of the, Graphic, a weekly, paper pub Jished bwthe Graphic Prinitog Com pany at-St*. Marys, Auglaize' county, nwl recently juoyed his family to that city from UhnclisVille. ’=* “The 11th Hour” will he the at- ■ traction at the Xenia opera, house on Monday- evening ‘J a n / 21, and will he played by a strong company. . .Tames Scott,, whose term of service expired-Monday, returned to hia for iner home.. \ ' / * -........... 1 ,. * ........... ......( « *\ Mrs, John SiJvfey visited her' hus t band in Columbus last Sabbath, . ' —-Auctfon, every afternoon and evening next week ' , t_ at Birds Mammoth Store. Mr. E . O, Bra,dfute has been elected president of the Improved Delaine Merino Sheep Breeders Association. Ghas. McFarland was taken up by the Xenia police last Saturday,' but after being held for some time was al lowedJbis freedom,- —I have heard Ralph Bingham, of ' Philadelphia, three' times recently tind I consider hinl 'tlid. best enter tained on' the platform todny, ami 1 have heard someof tbe most popular He is a wonderful conhination as 'a humorist;’ pereonatOr and musician.- A., Hamilton, Pastor M„ E.-O, “ The. Eleventh Hour,” a t Xenia opera home Jam 4.’ , . ' X ' ‘ — We'would advise those’ who oc cupy the front seats next Tuesday evening,, wear their company expe3 sion as they will undoubtedly, have their pictures drawn, before tho en tertainmetit is over.'- Mr. »Tobn Green, At the wholesale firm of Green, Carr & Co,; of Dayton was in town Tuesday on, a business trip for the'above firm,. - .. — Oomtw, Brushes,-Toilet' Articles, Ridgway & -Go's.' . ■."-Mrs. •. -George; -Harper Went --to Oregonia, Tuesday, where she pur chased a fine farm of about 197 acres, —r At ou t Auction sale you can buy .a t Yeur Own Price. .Ovei'cdatsjfiuits, Boots and Shore?- F in eC jno a Ware, &c, &c at Bird's Mammoth Store. Mies Gertrude Smith entertained a number of young people a t her borne last Friday evening in honor of her •birthday. Refreshments wore served during the evening, and tlie young people had a very ♦(njoyabte time, v —Bring your children to the „ Germaiue-COveny Go.' Admission 35c for children 25c; , under , Mr, Ira C. Davis has been the weather for several days. —Fancy Box Paper a t Ridgway & Go's. —Such little pills as DeWitt’s Lit*, tie Early Risers are verv easily taken/ and they are wonderfully effective in cleansing the liver and bowel#, Rtdg* way A O , , Druggists, Mr* and Mrs, B, G , Ridgway spent several days in the.Queeu City, —Fine Box Candies Ridgway "& CO. . . ■ - ‘ ’ Mr, John Reed and Miss Retire Kayes, Colored, were married at the Baptist church Wednesday evening, by Rev. George Washington, the’ bride’s pastor. The church was filled with friends of the contracting cmlple to see the nuptial knot licit, —I f you want Blanket a t prices that you can afford t o , hoy go to “ Dornj tho Harness Man.” Miss Amanda Duffield has been the guest of her sister; Mrs, Ora tile j»n8tJ week, - --f^'dalHr and not quantity makes Tv-Wo«.v LUt'.o fiaily Risers such valuable little liver pills. Ridgway A Co,, Dauggists. Win. Pickerel and wile, SauuicI Pickerel and Busan .Belgian' to Wm Joftes. lot, Codarvilfo, IJ6 . ■ Tft* merited reputation for car, ing piles, sores arid skin diseases ac quired, b y ' DoWitt’s Witch Haze! halve, baa led to the making o f worth- less counterfoil*. Bo sure so get only DaW ittV Halve,- -Ridgway A .Co,, Druggists, ■ The Citizens, l/Tepho/io €o„ of Xenia* vraS orgHiiixen thw week, with the folbmug officers: Pres, Marcus Bhwapj V. Pi*#., John, H. Platt: Beir, l? D* JnvirfMif; Trre*,, H , H , Devon, port. .The company has leased the t(*"'uffer-:»tf-ty o f th e TVickeisliailri mm * on Jfo*t Main street, ; Mis* Maud Hatterfisld, ot Xenia, was tho guest offirietids here, last Sabbath, , —Hear ’’“Ralph Bingham next Thursday. - Admission 25 and 15 cts, M w . Ella._RQeburn-.wud 'son, of Springfield,, were the guest o f Mr, a h i Mrs, Conrad GiHsugh the first o f •the week. • ■ f . . g| John McCorkell was offduty a t Birdie store part of the week, on oe- mount of sickness, ' * , -—Everybody liked Alba Heywoud, Ralph Bingham, who appears a t the opera house, Thursday, J a n . 17, is Heywood's • superior:- Reserve seats 25c, children 45o- .Hat, opens Mon-' day, Jan. 14, The revival services at the Clifton M, E . Church, has been postponed' on account ot the illness of Rev. A Ham ilton, —Constipation hegleeted or. badly treated, leads to total,- disability or death. Rocky Mountain Tea abao lutely.cures constipation in all its forms.1 35Cy Ask yoUr druggist. Chas Wejmer has sold his foptse pear the college to .Will-Timmons, consideration'$6^0. ,' —Gejinjne Rocky Mountain Tea is never sold iu bu lk . by peddlers Or less than 35 ,cfe. Don’t be fooled, get- the tea-made famous by theMadison Med icine, Co: Ask your druggist, - —W heirthveatoned by pneumonia or any otherlung trouble, prrrqpfc re lief is necessary, as itTs dangerous to delay. . We would suggbBt the One Minute Cough Cure, he -taken assoon as indications of. having taken cold are noticed.' I t cures quickly and its early use prevents' consumption. Ridgway & Co.', Druggists. • ' -.« Mrs, Frank Tathox and daughter, Ru th ,'.of Xenia, .spent gsveral drys with frieo.ds'fo this place. - '■ ■' , . D r . P . R . M adden^Practice lim ited to 'E Y E , EAR*' NOSE AND THROAT, G lasses Accurately Ad- ju s te d r Allen Building, X en ia; 0 . 'Crtcplione.—Qifice No, 7 i, K-sMence No. 37 , -The new telephone company at Xenia have commenced the .work of erecting poles,. - This ’has been done Ig order-to hold the franchise; which provided that wbrk must to begun in sixty days T t seems as though every ■'thfog will be pushed light along-now, .Miss'Minnie Rideuour, of Grape Grove, is-'the guest of-. Miss Lillie Fields. —•Soaps and -Perfumes at, RidgWay A'Cf/s5x' - * '-V * J —^Pepsin preparations often fail to relieve indigestion because they can digest only albuminous foods. There is one preparation that digests all classes of food, 0 and that is Rudol Dyspepsia Cure; I t cures the worst cases of indigestion and gives inetnnt relief, .for it'digests Hvhat you Oat,: Ridgway A Co., Druggists. . Miss Anna (* 08 tt the ebcution teacher of tbe college, .on adCQunt o f sickness posponed.the recital which was to take place in the opera house last night. I t will be given at a 1*t«* date'........... ( • —Fresh Horchotind Candy, Ridg; w.iy A Co's. ' . " Retfier SensattoRal, -A semution was created here Timrs- day, when it wos reported that one of oureollcge girls hadfolopid witlj a gen- tlemati from a nearby town. The; parties, Mr, Jo h n Ghitty and Miss Edith PerilI; o f Pmwersville, the lat ter attending, and board.*, ing With Mr- and Mrs Thompson Crawford; Mr, • Chitty drove "over here,last Saturday and he apd his i o teiuled bride took the train-at Xenia the same day for Cincinnati, where, they were quietly married/ .Tlie plans had been carefully laid for__a_s£cret W’eilding, but 'without success,' for it soon leaked out through the Cincin nati papers. The cbuple returned Sabbath even ing, the bride going to her boarding1 house yvithoufc saying anythiugto any one." .The groom retumedto his home in Bowersyille. Thursday the young lady received a telephone . message from her father, asking her i f the re port was correct. She replied that it was, The father, made^uo comment, but,' bidding her good-bye left the* phone. .-The girl is. almost distracted she not knowing tlie exact meaning of her ^father's actions, Tbe report is current that there was-parental objections to the -young man keeping company with rMiss Perfil. The young lady is of a family that is of high standing, her father being ii wealthy and pros perous farmer iu that locality,; - s Franchise Granted. WeAre infomed that the Greene County Commisioners granted Day- Grjtna ju ry Report, The Grand Ju ry after U four days session and examining 02 witnesses covering seven eases anil five indict ments were found and one'case ig nored. W, .TV prise; the colored barber of Xipiia, was indicted on a charge of shooting to wound, W. J Cottrell for unlawfully^unhitching apd using a horse, . Joseph Stevens for shooting with infant to wound Robt, Darnell, "Ralph Black, for cutting Jesse Hu teuton vvas recommended' to the the courts io he, sent to- the reform- ato’ry, ■ , * John Spencer and Win* Gordon were indicted for robbery and pdeket picking. They are alleged to..hav ing held up ,James Cheney and rob bing him o! his watch apd $5. Thofoas Booker indicted for bur glary and larceny} The case.of John Huffman charged with insulting a little girl was ignored, Notice:—My Studio will, be open to my friends Friday, Jan. 18th, I will be glad to see my-custoiners. J , J . Downiuing. ton, Springfield 'and TTrbana Electric Railway company a franchise -at-thefo-kSfein, -Heated Tongue aiM Disagree- —Try Cooper on any thing in the grocery line. Ask for Atlas checks. Good Advice, The most miserable heiuge in , the world are those suffering from Dyspep sia and Liver Complaint, More than seventy-live per cent, of the people in tlie United SiatcB are afflicted with these two diseases nnd thcii effects; such as Sour Stomach, Sick- Head ache', Habitual CoStivehess, Palpita tion of the Heart, Heart burp, Water- brash, Gnawing nnd Burning Pains a t the Pit of the Stomach, Yellow ¥ « 1 « *« tb e CIUG, “It's this way,” said T, WJlle llpck* fagliaiu/ “Brown-Jont’S asks foe’ down {rpm Saturday to; Monday, Want to go and I go. Haven't seen B.-J. to t j»6ntlm; Jiot tf£mo be got married to money.*- 'Poor old ebap.” T> Wlfife (sighed and took auotber observation In hia gla^k. "Find looking well. Seems m hlt-'-neryous, though. You know bts florid style. Scatters your wits and keeps you from thinking. "Mrs,” well, I can’t h'efp seeing she bltea her Ups ft lot. Squally sign. Thinks l, J .l\ Willie, little old' New York is good enough for you. You were JU ft'better place, there. Nothing happens though— not yet—nnd I begin to forget: -Nfce country place: Hinner, billiards and .(he downy. Then It's Sunday. Morn ing goes. Afternoon comes. B.-J. sends for the porses, t Begins to.cfack on a bit as. we stand In the window watching the brutes-como up the drive, Been -talking quite tall nil fay about ■‘his place’ and ‘bis plans.* Mrs. &.;.T, biting her lips ail the .time. Now be lets on about ’bis’ quadrupeds. Trans parent bluff. What do 1 care? I like to see a man happy. B.-J. prattling along, Mrs. B.-.J. bites ber Ups some more. Out we go to,the vehicle. ’Like to let you drive, old man,* says mine host ’Know you're AJ with tfie rjb- .bons, but 1 always think my horses like roy hand best,* St*m breaks. ,’“ My horses!’ says my lady, scream ing out the first word. “B.-J. turns pale. Then he straight ens up. . “ ’Yes. your horses.* he bays. ‘You own them. You own this place and all that goef with it. You own me. -Will you assist Mrs. Brown-Joncs, WUIler*’ T. WlllJb Hockingbam shuddered. “Marry moneyV” .he gulped out. ;‘Kx- cuse me. I’d rather work,"—New York Sun. - ■ -■ 1 ' • Sjtmt the n&w century by purchasing yoiir Furniture, Carpets,Picture Mouldings, . Sewing Machines —New j J o m $ rH 0 l t . ... J. Hi McMILLAN,. -Funeral G ' 'Furniture. Director - Dealer v w meeting, Wednesday. This eonipany ,spine time back secured a franchise ns far as Ceda'rvjlle. ■The last grant fe from- this place to Jamestown/ oij south to the county-dine. As .this company hnH the right o f way through the county th,ey will' ask . for a fran chise through this town hefore -mnuy days, ’ . - ’ Thu^rant D io r 25 years, alter the third ,year the company pays the county .f15 per mile per yeah AnAeccntric Printer. /The fourth number of the Tom Cat, published monthly at Miamiviile, is before us. * I t is a handsomely printed seven column folio a'nd is unique in more,ways than one, particularly its motto; “ We sling ink withoiie hand and hold tip 6ur‘pants with the other.” Tlrc-pnbjisher fo n wealtJiy man, hav ing a line estate just outside a f the village, and possesses one of the best equippedjprinting offices in the state. The office building is in the r e a t«r hia residence near the barn; He workti atone all the tirjfie, caring little for the Income for bis'work, but carries on the business for the love of it. is visiting in Mr. Edgar Stuckey Highland County. —Don’t fail to see Germaine, Tuesday evening in hi* wonderous magic. Everyone who saw him last year was more than pleased. Caveny is an artist of unusual ability,' He is called the young Frank Beard, Mm. Albert Hojpping continues to improve from her illness, —Poultry and Condition Powders, Ridgway,* Co’s. Tbe township trustees are making some much needed improvements in the opem bouse. A flew stage carpet has been purchased also, new carpets for the dressing rooms, and tiew mat* tibg for the aisles, - . Vegetarian/ Baked Beans. With Tomato* Sauce. Ho Meat. Xo Fat, ;i A tG |iy > i, ' * Miss Zola Dowmird has lieen the guest of the Misses Crain, o f James town, for several days. I have always heard "Ralph Bing- ham spoken o f in the highest forms. Rev. J . W« Sanderson, ' • W. C \ T. U. regular meeting a t the home o f MissMurdock, Thursday, January 17, a t 2;30 p. in., sun time. Mies Alice Bromagem has resigned as one of the contestant for lh« spring oontest. The reasons stated a re that she has very poor health. She repre sented the Philadelphian Society for essay, Mr- Eif Hastings attended the poul try ahow a t Dayton yesterday. Miss Nellie I jcwis , of CJiffon, who, has been iu Pittsburg for some time, but returned, home holidays to spend her vacation .with iieV parents; -Mr, ami Mrs, A. f t , ' Lewis, h sick with typhoid feveri -Now is tin-.time to feed some con dition powders hi your stock attd|(poul- try. Tor any thing in this line go to Cooper, he k i p s , ' GspHol Htock food Capitol Poultry food CHpihd fttock poWder Capitol Worn-Powder 1 . Cftpifol C’<mdiliou Powder 'i niHtoi Of.ii cure Capitol Hesre cure , - t HalfftCCond dice kilhfo ' ■ i Chiek-ef re kee is good for hogs or - poultry, ' ■/ ., Mrs. % B. Audiew'h.’isJwen quite Msk with a severe cold. A GflMt-Thing, German Syrup is the special pre scription of Dr. A. Boschee”; a cele brated German ‘Physician, and is ac knowledged ro be one of the mpet for tunate discoveries iu medicine. I t quickly cures Coughs, Colds and all Lungtrouhlcs of the severest nature, removing, as it does, the cause ofj the aJTcctiob. and leaving the parts in a strong and healthy condition. I t is not an experimental medicine,but has stood the test of years, giving satis- factfon fa every case, which its rap* idly increasing male every season con firms, Two million bottles sold annu ally, -Boschee’s German Syrup was introduced In the United States in 18CS, and is now sold in every town and village in the civilized world. Three doses will relieve any ordinary |-tottgh. Price ’75cW, Get Gteens’ Prize. Almanac. F o r S a l e—A No, 1 hot water Incu bator, capacity' 225 egg, in fine condition, Need the money and will sell a t ft sacrifice. ' Apply a t this office* The greatest Unloading sale of ov- Icry class oFMerchandise that has ever taken place in Cedarvillfe will lie our- Ahction next week. a t Bird's .Mammoth ftfore, ■The Miamia Sunday-School Union Convention will take place Sunday ftt2 p , m, in the M, E , church, at Clifton, Rev. A . Hamilton will ad dress the meeting on “ The Bible i n : the Sunday School,” other well known speakers wiJfftddress the meeting.. Taste in tho Mouth, Ginning up of Food after Eating, Low Spirits, etc. Go to your Druggist and. get a bottle of August F lower for. .75 cents. Two dtfees .will relieve you. Try it. Get ‘Preeufs.prizft Almanac. Church Announcements Quarterly meeting a t the M. E. church, Saturday and Sabbath, 12 and 13th inst, Dr, Barnes will preach Saturday at 2:30 p. tn, nnd Sabbath morning a t,‘10;45n. in ./s u n tinie. uengueatfoBO -p. m* ! ' s - R, P. Church, W. J . Sanderson, pastor, 11:00 a, rn.—Children’s.Ser mon'. . . . . v - .■ /, , ;■ I'SbaiethlnK-In-IC’-nin, DIG you; eVer notice how. many,itcf- bo U s there are In the world who can be Induced to admit there ’*ls something, in it?!* Doesn't make any difference, what It I b .. -The inost ot the folks will sputter disbelief for awhile and then when souie sudden recollection strikes them or you get some argument In un- ’der the solar plexus they Will grudg ingly' admit that there's something queer about It or something we dpn’t- Understand or generally “SOniethlUg in it,*’ The members' for tlie society of psy chical rcseaVch, the spiritualist doctor, the medium, the Christian Scientist and dome of the'rest of tbe folks will explain to you just whaf “is in it” ac cording as they practice the cult. For the rest of ns the vague notion that there-is something somewhere some how, that we do not understand, must needs suffice.—Lewiston Journal. 1 i . T h n t T ire ft reellM ir. “There's no doubt about it,” says a prominent vegetarian, “that for endur ance, for hard work, vegetarianism is the only thing, Do yon know why? It 1s because iu vegetables you eat no tifedfifcss. In meat or fish or poultry you eat a great deal of tiredness, and that Is why the meat Cater after a hearty meal feels lazy andJheavy and disinclined to work. He has absorbed with his meat a great quantity of mj|c acid, and the definition of writ*arid has been given by an eminent scientist as the ’essence of tiredness.* He who cat# only vegetables is never"tired after a mesJ-,never,v A S u rsrie n l O p e ra tio n , The Army mid Navy Journal tells ■ ibis story About .the late'Dr. I,ewfa A, "Sayre of New York city: “When a youtig medical student at' tho College of physicians and Surgeons ,in New York, quo o fthe or/t'at'ug ftby- Sleians was about to ciit off an- Irlsb- |'man’s leg, btjt before beginning the op- j oration gave a. long.tall; to the students on amputation. The,irishman lay on ,the operating table’fo full possession of his faculties, and listened to the discourse he grew. Whiter and whit er, Finally he jumped from tbe oper ating table, crying: ‘Gut me me breech es, be gob; I’ll die with, me leg on!’ Anti with thnt he was out of the room. “Dr, Sayre-found him several days later, with his Unci' badly swollen. The young doctor promptly cut open the knee/hut saved the leg. One day bo had im lint to bind tho .wound, so he nsed the tow stuffing sticking-out of an old horsehair sofa. When be called again, he found the wound so much' Im proved thnt be reasoned that.fow.dlp- pt-d In Peruvian, balsam would not only disinfect a wound,, but would keep It free from pus. . “This wos the ^foundation of one of tbe most satisfactory successes be ever had in surgery. It was tbe means Ot introducing Into tbe army tho use of tarred hemp.'or oakum.-as a dressing for wounds.” • , \ Onr ftne« For Mower. 1 “If it is not true that we Americana - regard money mqklbg ns tho work for Which life was given to us, wby, when wc have millions, do wo go on strug- j gling to makfe more millions and more?” writes “An Amer' ani Mother” fn The Ladies’ Home Journal,.. “It Js not bo with flic older races. The London tradesman at middle age shuts his shop, buys ail a.Crc Iu the suburbs and j lives, on. a small income or spends the rest.of his life in losing it In poultry or fancy gardening. The German or Frenchman seldom works when past | GO, Hp gives fils last years to some study or hobby—music, a microscope, or tt may be domlnOs. Yoo meet filth r.nd bis wife. Jolly, shrewd. Intelligent, jogging all over Europe, Baedeker in band. They tell you they ‘bate a cu riosity to ■ see this fine world before they go ontofifc* ” ftedGross , 1 ' Pumps, Tanks Water ing Troughs, — IN— - Cypress, Pine, "and Steel, A A l l -Sizes and Shapes. In introducing this line ot - goods will ‘say that they are superior to nriy.on the market. Our motto: “ The best is none to ’ goods.” .\yheu in need of anything in this line, do not fail to cqU ou ' - / ; / : ' J” Who does nil 'kinds pf General Repairing, Saw Gumming and Job Grinding. . PumpReiuring a Specialty. O r a tW ro a s 3 E i , I > . O O . , t Enon, Ohio* G e n o ra l A g e n t s f b r (x reene a rid C l a r k C om itie s . ‘ ■ , -*. ^ ♦ ii -Underwear Bargains; On account of having too many of two numbers * of ladies*-Ribbed Union Suits we will sell a 75c “'qualityfor - . -*• - - -■ - soe- .The $1*00 quality fdr . “ * ( - 745C HOSE BAEGAIKS. * 15c fleece lined, hofee “Burlingtoh black’*which is a guarantee as to quality arid color. They are worth regijlarly :25c. While they last 15c Special quality in boys’and girls* Fleeced Hose Hose at i$ and - - - 25c FEENCH ELAMELS. . * In short lengths, just right for waists, at less than the price oft'piece. Good styles. HOSE BARGAINS, Long enough for table use, say 2, a£, and yards, bleached and half bleached, less than regular price. „ . .. A Blr««lnv< Dr. Cnnnn Doyle tells this story of a' Boer and on English’ soldier who lay wounded aide by Bide ott the field of batik: “They had a personnl encoun ter. In which the soldier received a bul let wound and the burgher a bayonet, thrust before they both felt exhausted on the Held, Thu Britisher gave the, Boer n drink out of his flask, and foe burgher, not to bo outdone in courtesy, bSndcd a piece of blifong In exchange: tn the evening, when their respective ambulances caiue to carry them off to . the hospital, they exchanged friendly greetings.- ‘Goalby, mote,* said the soldier, 'What a blessing it is we fnelt each other!’“ „ : - HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re* ward for auy case of Catarrh that fan* Pot bti cured by Hall'# Catarrh Cure. F , J , CfifcxKY&t'o, Drops, Toledo, O Wc, the undersighfid, have known F , J* Cheney fotf tho Iasi 15 years, •ml believe him perfectly honorable tit *U feuisness traflsietmns amt fiiifth dallyab te to’, carry out any obliga tions made by their firm. ■W est . & T kuax , Wholesale Dr«g- glstfc, Toledo, 0 , W amunu , R innan Jr. M a I ivin , Wholesale lJrwgg1«tst TolMo, O, H alls Catarrh Cure is taken Utter- tmlly, sriiug directly «|hin the blood and mucous stirfaew of the system. Price# 7fNi pm* bottle. Hold by all Druggists, Treirmotiisls free. ifallVFfimdy Pills are the heat, A. ifS td itn * CotiiatliHM ir She was not front Chicago. “Do not anger me,*’ she said. “How ftffi 1 to know when yon fire angryl’*He asked, “I always stamp'my feet,” she an- Mvered. » , He loot;rif down a t her dainty shoe#,. “Itnposslblo,” lie said. “There isn’t room for a stamp on either of them.*’ ' That retched lief.-Cleveishd . IMftlu Denier, ■■ , ......... < - An Irishman p:t»sitig a store in Lon don sOW nothing inside bm n man At a table, The thing struck him ns being Very Odd. so" he H-eiii in rtfid Inquired, what was sold (here. '.'Asses neads,” Said the tnftn Si tin- wide, “They tuyst bo In great demand,■“ said I’n t “for 1 fec'ytili have only 4vonr own left *' -■, ‘■ A Daftwhiteu f« Vwrtfo Ridge-Well, Mrs. Joppa. whnWftMlt' have you to and .with your Imsimmi? - Mre.Jopps -Now Jr,foe, |t‘« (Ids wftyt He's awmi good i,n t-'n i toil he's an peaky uftfimtnsimt. tWifoM Prey i’ttaft, Bil>$es md children need properfood, rm!y evermedi cine, ^If they do not thrive on their food something l s | wrong* They need a little Help to get their digestive machineryworkingproperly.1 Jobe Bros. & Co., fer €??a»e mr 3oh( I P t WH& J ' e t e f f r a * W W T Y f o m m There LIVELY TIMI At the Monday Evening Session < ^ Frey's franchise fifed Wil XENIA, OHIO. m mu o r o i l . , *UHE4>Sm —This 'season there is a large death rate among children from croup and j lung troubles. Prompt action will !save the little One# from these tern- ■blo diseases. Wfe know o f nothing so :certain to give instant relief as-One Minute Coiigli Cure. I t can also be relie<l upon in grippe and all throat | and lung troubles of adults, P*eas- Ian t to take.- -Ridgway A Co.. Drug- gists. -10 OU1U3AOOLbDt GXCBAY -, , > .. T Take lax a tiv e Brenio Quinine Tab-* lets: All druggists refund the money i f its fails to cure. JE5. W. Grove’s Signature is oh each box- 25c. (Considerabletalk'has tak v o n the street as to what wou «ut come of- the street railro ahise, as well as the purcliasin - of horses for the fire engine. Mayor Wolford called the to order, all , members being I except J - 1H> Andrew, Thj routine of' business was tr.-j such as the payment of the salaraies and hearing the rej the different'committees. James Johnson,' an attorm] Springfield1, - representing __elpetricroad was present and] plained tbe situation brought] ft number qf questions from t | bers of the council. Mr. then filed his ordiuiftice with tl but .the council took no actio] . iiine as they, had considerable to transact, \ , . The committee represeutiu department was next cailc they stating their mission .. finked assistance of tlie oounci -some means of getting the fir to and from fires, and that company be disorganized am tain number of regulars be t . at a certain rata per fire, T they claim for the above actio /those who have to. work out tax refuse to give assistance.!! fire. The cpmmiltmwerejrec draw Up some form of reques probable cost thatWould - be , and present it at the next i The terms of Perry Britoi J . O. /Stewart, as member Board'of Health, have ex; the council took action iha j Samuel Rildow will he the ber and Dr, Stewart w«s re | Tbe council then took a td Thursday evening. TitUiWDAY nioht J Hie- members of councj three long weary hours [ evening and then accompli! During the early part of til the regular routine o f.b ij taken up, • The request ironi the Fire wus then read as follows: We, the members of tlie] Ladder department of the j Voluntary Fite Dcpartmej fully ask the Council ot of Cedarville: 1st*. That the Council «r lire engtuc to and from. ' That the Hose and Ladder is to be composed of ten j ' lie controlled by their 3rd: That these ten menl • paid to much per capita fJ Pay to be designated by ([ tfO T IO B . Ths Armof K!djw*y ft Cc„ Koine kaiiae*s »» jlfOggltla O|Hrfth0n,«in OeJ Greoii* Co., Oi!», i« eomnoteAof ■■. RldiCVij, the hiw**of RICgw*y ft Co, bring ....__lMVili«, n Jennis W, Five w , ... Fine will generally cemd this difficuHy* ffyeuwUi p t 1 m t | fourth fo half « tenspoonfwl} in b«by*s bottle threeor four | times * d«y you willsoon lee 1 a markedimprovement* IFejr Iiiger children, from half to a tesspooidjd, occjfdb^ to dissolved in their iujlk, if youi so desire, will very soon show its greet nourish* ing jjower. If the mothers f milk does not nourish tht totyfr she needs the ewuh sion, it will show en effect I -at once both upon moilw thd child, v S cott & iowms , dm Oiemumi Rlirt envelope ANY SIZE Ok ORADB — fcJ6)it»4 fcr oo»«er»!M p»rpo«M No, 4Ur«fpWMa if la *nj « m *r manafr Inief- fo foe jHiidfirm*a4 Mrinbef, B. Q.Btao»‘*T, •. ' ’ . H n foS . , swora to andSaTworibeJ Wfifte »ae rtw fob {Sta of JenMiiry, t#kl. Afnaiiw JecKfofi . Jaetfee of foe P«*». r i n n o i , All petson^ knowing themaelvrt fo be indebted to the undereigpcd wtft Lai See how quickly the ettVfc* lope is opened and out the same time how the wire: prevents the possihiiliy of injuring the contents; ' ; t ill lilts i C i c ill confer s favor by palffiig and making }a seltlcment, ' ’ - 0 '. , ^ , . 0 , w , Crtfoi# 4;So«, f m p m mgh forrs* tm . liftxftiivc BfOmo;<iuifturtf gablets cure a cold in one day, Xo cure, ho jp*yT Price cents. CASTORIA . - Tor Jifoatii » i l W ld r i* . ' fotWTftllmAlwijiTfoai m m m ' ShiMt«reof i®'H!RALD4^ v. / , Thai’s all the lamps clear them out we wilt them a t ridiculously l | thifl class of goods,, I f you think i’Ou'll j lamp, ju st come in* Thcre'jj not often' be a a* good a t the prices w<j ou three • ... /- ; ' . ftK a l3 < , | ... ■ r . ’
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