The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26
***** ■Mr-' FmU .fl.SdMU 9 Xenia, » Ohio X ' d w * < : - OaiMt, - UnttoethM, Cut Glean, firicadwee. \ 4 $1M A TEAM. M 4 I W 5 » P > « • ■ .•*■ '.v »■’ ".■* t -i ■:. ■..■ .\ . Engraving andJob Work of all kinds done in First-class Style. ♦ ♦ ♦ r1,-• * JILL the new weaves oi goods has been re- / I ceived from best importers. Golf Skirting Plaid Back,. 374c. Chiviots, Pebble Grain, Storm Serges, Poplins, Whip Cords, Covert Cloths, Prunelle, &c. SWrappers—Tea Gowns. No use to make up when good qualities asjyou can make at 65c, 85c, $.00. Eton Suits. Golf Capes. Jacket. Rolling in for Fall Sales. Hosiery. Among nice assortment the Black. Cat Brand for Boys and Girls School Stocking. Um lsm u r . Although quite an advance, prices same as last year. Skirts ami Colored Petticoats, Muslin Underwear- corset Covers, Night Gowns and Skirts. Sheeting Muslin. Good Yard Wide^sc.,.,,^,..-.-......r'—* KAWJI NLL . itfMweail’MetffrtM*. ****** dunes: Si tossWstoeFfa**. »ATP»IUY,DECEMBER >1, m No woudsr the dsmcerats is CoS’ ( ism are quiet; there h nothing tor | them to sey, I f theSeust* wish* todo a popu lar thieg it mrill put tbs Army re-or- ftahuttiM MUthrough before the boi- | Hey reosas. Oritersfor 100,000 tone of steell n ils at #26 a ton have been placed by j tbe Vanderbilt railroads, which in* dicfltes belief in the continuance of I prosperity. flutter constitute* nearly one-half | of „the agricultural exports of Den mark, and there is no reason why it I should not figure proportionately in the exports of the United States. Oom Paul is eitberextraordinarily, pioua dr 4 gnat hypocrite, He re buked tbe crowds which .cheered hint when he was returning to his hotel] from church, in The Hague, for dese crating theBahbatb. “ I f the inheritance of #23,000 by an 1 Albany bnsiness man, because of) “bis uniform kindness and courtesy” to the testator, molts in increasing kindneass and courtesy iu buisineas if | willbe a good thing all around. .# ' — ■•-°rjr’ 'j' -|V;~"■fri Kansas is always on hand, with a I new idea. .Her latest, fathered by l F. D. Smith, a inember of tbe legis-1 lature which will meet January 1, is j for a State commission to propagate. “Jack ham,” Well, it is better to I raise ham than some other thioga I that begin with h. Timely Fur Arrivals, assortment. Not scarfs. To conte at m H E LIBERAL use of the Msgrepb and express hes brought many of our line# from tow ebb to tbe #ood tide of full A w i f that, hut the spot cash with whiob we go into tbe market gives us goods now at February pncee-notaWy in sc once means to choose from this enormous variety, but one that each day lessens—you’ll thank u» tor Ihmeeutton. ^ This is one store where you ocn buy with perfect confidence, even during the holiday rush. -*-"?**.v ,n*?’ and “0 mutter how tow a price we name, yau can rest assured the article is right in every way, or it wouldnt be in our stock. That the people appreciate this is proven by an ever increasing business—an ever increasing trade circle that now includes many surrouadiog towns. Not oven England ever gave out | contracts at one time . for warships aggregating#50,000.000 iu cost. That Is about what the six armored cruisers and five battleships, authorized by the tost session of Congress, the bids for J which are now before the Navy De partment, will cost. Stop*Tk# Corf 1 ladWttksOfThe0*14. Laxative Bromo-Quiniue Tablets I cure a cold in'one day. No cure, m>| pay. Price 25 cents. FirCluster Snarls This is tbe most popular form to which far is used. A1I have a full, Huffy bunch of tails. Many new scarft came in yes terday. HaaStKWMRleetrieS**! »e*tf**S Brown Martea aonrh $5 and3,SO . Extra grad* las. Sloe* Marten aearf* IMS ' . -Near 8 m I Ki.rf. (4 and 5.08 Genuine Blank Marten aeerfi #5 Real Mink scarf* $7,5# to 82.5S Naturat.Merten aearf. |6 to32.60 • Genulite Stone Marten aearf* |15 to 22.G0 , Baan Marten scarf*| l 2 Natural Bearer tcarta #6 to 15,00 • Extra fin. Natural Ottersoarfs 124 Gray Krinnar acaif* #4 to 7.60 Sable Box ioarfr15.00 to 22.50 Animat Scarfs These are the whole skin scarfs .with the mounted - head, feet and large full tail. . Gray MouBon Animal scarfs *5,00 to 7,511 . . Badger Animal aearf7.50 Sable Pox Animal M to 13.30, Lung Doable End Scarfs These are also the whole skin scarfs, but have the one very large tailoneach end. In these we’repromised Monday twenty- dive in Sable Fox at #12 each. Brown Marten doubleead aearf* 7.60 Im. Stone Marten double end acarfe • ■ 12.50 Bln* Fox doable and ao.rfs 13.56 Extra large Sabi* Fox Marfa 20.00 and 23.00 Pointed Sabi* Fox doable end scarfs 25.0Aand 28,00 I Fur Muffs \Ve place on Bale some special muffi* at intemtingly low pticei .* Good Bfaek Coney Muffs ] ,00 Brook Otter mune 2.60 River Mink muff*2.00 Nutria Bearer muffs 3.01 Fancy flat muffs in Im. Stone Mar- tea 5.00 > Fanny flat muff* in Brown Jlnr- tem 5.00 Hlaek Murteimuff* 8.50 to 15.00 Sable Fox- with bead and I»reo tail 8.00 to 13.50 *" "" Sabi* Fox, large plain muffs 7.50 to 20.00 Persian L*»t> muff* 111.00 GenuineBeal muffs 13.00 to 20.00 NearBeal muffs 4.00 to 7.50 Russian Storm Collar There are much like collarettes, but not so deap. They’re both stylish and comfortable. Plain Electric Seat/ tabs trimmed with Fox tails, 3.50 ' EieotrieSea)with Kimmer yokes 5.00 Brown Martin,-handsome tails $7.50 Electric Seal with extra long-tabs, 8 fall Fox tol!*J8,50 ” Nutria Beaver with 6 handsome tails $10 Persian Iamb with Martin tails $10 Collarettes - Mostof these have the tab fronts, and full, handsome tails. Electric Seal with Astrakhan yoke 7.00 Electric Seal with yoke and tabBof Persian Iamb 10.00 Plain round Monkey collarette 10.00 Extra fine Beaver collarette 22.50 H UTCH150N & fjlBNEY \,iP '.e. > * ‘. . \• ' ■vtj.ysi-is c.'.■ wjw -I ! ! The Great Success O F T H E i i l G >!■ AT PAEIS EXPOSITION P roves T h a t It Exactly Fills The Bill IE ARCADEMUSICDWSE * V In sow estftbltohwd as a Biaiioh Factory Store at Factory Prices. The Steinway House at Cincin nati announce “The Ludwig* Piano a* the only American Piano awarded a prisce at Pari* Kx^wwition on it* Merit* Exclu sively.” Call and *ee these Magnificent Instruments, P. B. MILLER, r f.lanager Springfield, Ohio. ij f liiij p lln ii W Saw MtechVMSCMw Shrink? In the toll of 1896 an experiment wet undertaken by Prof. Atkinson, at the Iowa experiment station, to asoer- tain thftjamonnt whtaiauy in ear corn, A crib was conatructed upon the platform of pa pair of aeatea, the Scales so constructed that an exact regiater of the weight could alwayar be made.-) Seven thousand pounds of corn wero husked and placed in the crib October 19, 1898. Hie cribwas 18$ teet tong by 7$ feet wide. The cornwas then weighedonce each week for a year. Daring the first three months the loss was 630 pounds, or 9 per cent of the original weight. Dur ing the next throe months the lose was 890 pounds, or 5 per cent of the orig inal weight. During tbe next three months the loss was 220 pounds, and the last three months the loss was 190 pounds. The loes during the year waa 1430 pounds, offa trifle more than 20peroent. Thismeans that a bashe! of corn weighing 80 pounds when like this sample will weigh 64 pounds attheendoftheyeer. Men's Seal Caps We place on sale eighteen genuine seal caps at #5 each. They’re handsome, durable caps, and have the adjustable visor that can be worn either up or down, and the hand to turn over the ears. Electric Seal Jackets Not only are our garments better fitting, but the whole make up, including fur, lin ing and workmanship, is honestly totter than #10 more will buy afauy^other Spring- field store. XX quality with Skinner’s tost lining, *#25 th e to a t g ra d e high collar and large reveres 9 ,XXX quality, atooJnteiy l ofElectric Seal #35 i I hi VVinfrbfi.iVf**-T-tn-farlr—tr*13*' Near Seal Coats The perfection of these coats and the . reasonable price combined haBbrought ua customers even from Dayton. From atock or to your special meas ure without extra charge. , in any of the uew ualityfthe finest madej in thfo XX quality styles $40. XXX qt 22 or 24 leng r #50 Mink off marten trimmed coats in the tost grade #65. Jf Genuine Seal Coats We solicit comparison ofour prises on Seal coats with those of Cincinnati or any other large place.- This will dem onstrate totter than anything we can say that our tlaim to save you 35.00 to 50,00 is literally true. The reason? Well, contracts made early last spring before the great advancein seal enable us to furnish coaist at a small advance over'99 prices. Our silk brocades for linings are the richest you ever saw 22 ip. coats from stock or to your special measure from 165.00 to 280.00 THE«AM IRANSiT COMPANY. Between Xenia and Dayton, Leaves Xenia; ~ ~ feed Make. Timmeet miserahis beings in the; worid ore ttosssuflbriDf fromDyspep sia m I Lhor Complaint. Morethan . . Hoar Stomach, Nek Heed- aeto, f i ahHwal CostiveoMs, lUpita-, Ikon o f the Heart, Heart bum, Water* i bseeh, Haawiaf and Burning Pains at^the PH e f tae Biomnoh, Yellow Bkia, Coated Toogus end Disagree- loots, C *Comieg op of | Spirits, Tests in the M n1 Food after Eating, 'Low B fe 'etc. (to to year Druggfct and g«t a bottle of August Flower for 75 cents. Two doses will relieve you. Try If. Get Green’s Prise Almanac. * ’ 5:00 a. m. 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 Noon. 1:00 p. m. 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 6:00 8:00 10:00 11:00 Leave Dayton: 6:00 a. m. .7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12.00 Noon. 1:00 p. m. 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 Xenia office and waiting room No 4 South Detroit St. Dayton office and Waiting-room, 15 West Fifth Bt., opposite Postoflice. ^ ^ , The ronning time between Dayton SeaMflare, trstesr. I and Xenia Iv one hour, pesidng thru The Sentinel flays Senth Gkarlsston IHighlands, SmUhville Road, Zimmer man, Alpha, Tretolns and Loose Grove, ’ Dayton to Xenia 17 mile*, tors 25 cents. Every other car combinationjfto freight. Sunday* and Holidays cart run every half hour. has a Haror two, a smartaleck, some pretty girls,more loafers then it needs, woman or two who tatties, an old fogy that the town would better o f without, men wbo staad on the attest eoreers and make remarks about the women, a man who laughs an idiotic aagh every time, he flays anything, •flora* ofmen with the cahoots o f ttorir trousers worn smooth m glass, Excursion tickets wilt to cold Dee, who have their own, who teH yon about how the war quec- J 2Sd, 24th, 25th and 81st, 1900, lion should to settled, the wmitherand **•> Ht 1901, vie Feftnflylwnto howto ran other neople'e beeineafl,) f t * * ****** Chrietame and New dtooal M iam i Tear Hetidaye. The rtletor adnlte wfll not toiecs than flOewito nor lew than 15oeat* tor ckildrsa. Tktkeki «rill begood teterninf enfil da»« 1, 1961, toetoeiv*. For datoHe it o it torte, (fflMi wftfltoae, fte..eftH m * addreafl t u fm TMtet Agsat, . M i r fM * . OUto : I ipMiiiiiiMk ifM mmgmr Magazines AT LESS THAN PUBLISHERS’ PEICES Ohio Farmer and ■ 1 Woman’s Home Companion...#1.35 Ohio Farmer and Youth’s Companion (new).....#2.00 Review of Reviews (new) * Cosmopolitan and Buece»......$2.60 Arena and Cosmopolitan.........#2.70 Others iu proportions Bend fortot. O . X * . H E B B L B , XENIA, 0.110- Ladies rm m m vpf Mvy • Hwimif We will mail 32 patterns for long toby clothe*, showiag necessary ma terials and full directions forsaking, tor 25 eeate diver to 26 cents stamps. I f patterto hr short clothes 20 cents. These patternsars thelateststylee and will driight any mother. With each* paekage we sssid vslaable taformation Address, Dowaey’ to Hflary, IJHpa tian Bpsatoldee, 167 DtorWn Street* eldest#.-1N« The chaags in tim« of trains under sew stoodale iu dtoet Movemtor 25, at* as toltowa: East Vs. 10-7:3# a. as. No, #Mc4t w. m. West, No. ito 10*17. No. 19<;2# ^ m. Ns. t*i •:54 p.m . A .1 X T * Gentlemen Of Ccdarvillc and vicinity, you are re spectively invited to take dinner off one of Smith's fine dinner sets, of which he has an'endless variety in Havland & Co’s. French China# and English Porcelains. |{i Also to inspect our rich Cut Glass, Lamps, ||i Chamber Sets and Bric-a-bracs at prices lower than the lowest, and goods finer than the finest, H enry Sm ith & Son , 44 S. Fountain Ave., Springfield, O. l i n ' i f c j iM r m t n w i v i i •smm m t H j t . r c t o i . x n t feiwttY S S S S m im We have pla nearly 200 bu the following Adler Bn jamin & Co., iota, Cassini ’ l v N O T A I L O And Now, as in tl Fine LineOf. Holiday ffito ,50- Ore M CN tX T C R t OHUSH ’ALPtlS K S C S fel CA8TC 'gkrigi to«MVWilmi ,a i * i kt’V - . /■
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