The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26
■ l- “- V ** * V - rs>-» T 1 | C t | c 4 f c \ , l d . $ i.‘oft x . ' Editor and Propfietar. KAKUt RUM,. ’Ctuc*es O jwjcs VWto04\fdMtiMace- „ SATURDAY,^JANUARY i'D. I 9 0 t ' OBITUARIES —Containing over two hundred words, .will ho-charged for, a t the rate of five cents per line. CARDS •OF ' THANKS — 'five ecrite per liile. When you send in long obituaries please state'whom the hill is to bo,w-ut to,, or wo will publish two ( 200 ) hun,- dred words and leave the. balance out, Mate them as long as you .wish, it yoU pontply with the above conditions, which is d matter of pure justice. . A PERPLEXES PROBLEM, - ’‘What shall wo do with our boys?” is a question about which many lines have been written and of which much has been spoten. Yet the problem .Still hangs on a balance, and will pos sibly for a time, ’ Another- question mote important to the [.feminine sex- rind of which has given grave concern tcTHh^ Chicago Woman's Club is . "What shall we do with our men?” In this eta of-feminine progression the- -surplus masculinity becomes a burden^ Eves enterprising- and en tergetic daughters fiutl Adams sons ,r an anomalous annex to the plan of ' existence, and that smiething must be done to relieve the strain. ; So woman’s wit has set to workWd solved the question that has beenjtlre - crying- need °of the hour,—that or ■^household help.” That, man must he educated in the divine art of cook ery, and that his idle talents be irane- fered to the. separate domains of pots and pans and dust brush and' broom. Therefore; it has been resolved that the'growiug youth of the country be . instructed' in the hidden mysteries of culinary concoction, and that, a chain of husbandry and household economies ' be-established in' the public, schools will fit the more affluent class of hus- -bands, brothers and fathers of the fit ture for- a better and more sympa- ,thetio uuuerstnUciiug of the trials rind tribulations with which the other half has bceii contending since the prim eval period. Russia has abolished the Saloons, except in Moscow, where they will cease to.1exist next year, and in Liberia, where they will be abolished in 1903. Although this ib announced as a moral'reform. nnd it will unques tionably be sUcfytoTnauy, it does not .abolish either tbo manufacture or the sale of intoxicants, but they can only bqsold in bottles, and by agents of the government, as under the South Carolina-dispensnry law. According to an announcement of the Civil Service Commission, Mary land, Virginia and Vermont are the only Stateri which have received more than their quota of appointments iu the government scrvicoj-at W^ridug- tob. The District of Columbia, which is only ..entitled to 28 places, has 318. When D r, G. JyPollock,^f.Kirks- ville, Mo., conceived the idea ot mak ing the first application for a United States patent in the twentieth ccn? tury, lie knew there would be otoers, But he employed C. A* Snow & Co,, of Washington, and, of course be suc ceeded. -Building log cabins would he no sign of poverty if they were alt like the one that is being built on Warren’s Island, off the coast of Maine, fo ra Philadelphia mart, which will cost when ready for occupancy 176,000. ’ In saying that lie saw "imperial- $*fnv ift the acts of the Philippines Commission, Senator te lle r made it plain thfltTiia eyes needed treatment. When a man sees wlirtt doesn’t exist ho h in a bad way. The renewal of the discussion of the project for making the^ Presidential term longer and prohibiting re-elec tion is a good thing. I t would be better for our Presidents and better for the country, -•■As long as'the list of those who have failed because they insisted upon being the "whole thing is, There tire those who will not accept it as a warn- ' . * Perhaps some of PreVidsut McKin fey's great personal popularity nrists from, the fact, that he saws wood and and does not hunt ducks. * English capitalists will (Sect « big factory in Louisiana to make {tiper out of "bagasse,1* heretofore a wash's product of sugar cane.. 1 Hevevei Fvnatow worked off their left-over campaign ’speeches or, "im pel ialbmff in the debate-on the Army Reorganization bill. President McKinley \vi)i deliver au atbirys a t the Lincoln birthday celebration in New York, .February U th . , When Bravery Is. Needed. Friday a Cincinnati woman found her husband’^ body hanging in a door way. . SUICIDE! .He was out of work and despondent, j He didn’t know know how he was going to sup port his big family. , Tri be charitable, one must conclude that people who kill themselves are insane-—otherwise it’s a coward’s joh It’s n confession that death is easier to face than life. . Men die because they lack eouVago—the kind of cotm age that would enable them to face life’s battles, and iu their desire to es cape either justice or responsibility, •by talcing refuge in The grave, they forget that they have either the burdens of those left .behind, or heaped added disgrace upon the heads of the innocent. Men have argued that Buicide is*not a sin; that one had a moral-right' to anticipate Time and quit this earth when life became burdensome. Take it'out of the catalogue of sins, if"yW ' will, but-remCmber that in nine coses out of ten deliberate self-murder is the act of a coward. Bestow your Sympathy on the liviug, and realize that brave men FIGHT when adver- aity comes, but. do not die,—Editorial in Ciucin Have yon a Bab)'? ' .I f j a w,e_want,_your -address. We. have- valuable information for the mothers of America. We. are' iur- nihers to his . majesty—the baby, Downey ■&Henry, 167 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. THROUGH TO HOfilOA. To JacMouvilhL ksd tit. Augustin* Withe 9 * *{«»' yOrianglttg- C*rs. assy ^ Good Advice, The most miserable beings, iii the world are thrisesnffering from Dyspep sia and Liyer Coinplaint. More than seventy five per cent, of the people in the United States are afflicted with these two diseases and their effects; such as Sour Stomach, Sick Head ache,'Habitual Uostiveness, Palpita tion of the Heart, Heartburn, Wafer- brash,. Gnawing‘and Burning Pains at tbo.Pit of the. Snmiiidv..Yellow Skin, Coated Tongue alul; Disagree* Taste in the Moutn, Coming _up oi Food after Eating, Dow Spirits, etc. Go to your Druggist and get a bottle of August Flower for 75 cents. Two doses will relieve you. Try it. Green’s Prize Almanac, Get The army “canteen"’ or liquor _sell ing establishment has been abolished by congress, . -r-The most soothing, healing, and antiseptic application ever de vised is DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve, I t relieves a t - once and _ cures piles, sores, eczema and skin diseases. Be ware of imitations. Ridgway & Co., Druggists. . The Aetna Powder Company* has sold the fuse factory a t Xenia to the Miami Powder Co, for $20,000. —Persona who suffer trom indiges tion cannot expect to live long, ^be cause the cannot eat the food tequired tf> nourish the body and the products of the undigested foods they do eat poison the blood. I t is important to cure indigestion as soon as possible, and the best method of doing this is to use the prfip.^ration- known. ns ICodol Dyspepsia Cure. I t digests what you cat and restore all the digestive organs to perfect health.—Ridgway & Co., Druggists.; Three o f the Elsie Dinstnore- hooks by Martha Finley viz:—■'Elsie Dins more,” "Elsie’s Girlhood,” und “ E l sie’s Holidays” wore added to the library this week. The whole num ber of volumes in the library a t per cent is 980. Now is the, time to buy tickets and read books. ■ 9 Early Strawbearics, A dispatch from Jacksonville, Fla., dated November 12 , ssysj The strawberry season wick usually' opens about December 25, made an early start for this season this week when a small crate was shown from* Bartow. 'About $1 per basket is the opening price this year, HOW’S THIS? Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward lor any care of Catarrh that can not bo cured by Itall’u Catarrh (hire. F. J . CttBNiiv^t Co,.Props, Toledo, O We, the .uiidersigned, llavcluiowri F J , Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all buisne y transactions and (loan ' Hally able to carry out any obliga tions made by their firm, W m ; & T uuax ,, Wholesale Drug gist?., Toledo, O, W a i i>mh & , MAnvlSr,' Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, . ‘f Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter' tmliy, nciiug directly upon the blond ind uuicoiis fiuriiii'fs o f, the system. Prices 76c per' bottle. Hold by nil Druggists. Tetrunittiftfe t e , ( . . Halls Fntmly Fills are! thivhesl. _ TrUvel convenience *3 *>il the Penn sylvania Lines will .include' through ear service between Ohio and Indiana points agd FIoridia, on and after Jan uary 15th, On that date u new train will be run through Cincinnati via Chattanooga, Atlan ta und Macon-to Jacksonville and 8 t; -Augustine, A Sleeping Car nvtfuing through to Florida on the new/ train will leave Pittsburgh at 8 it. «),, over the Pan ■Handle Route, via Newark, Column bus. and'Xenia, and passengers for the South may go through to Florida oir it without change front the following stations, leaving on the schedule given each Tuesday and Friday; Pittsburgh 8:00 a, m,, Columbus, 2:15 p. m., London 2:56 p ra.', South Clmrlestou 3:13 p in., Cedarville 3:28 p. m., Xenia 3;48 p. in,, Waynesville 4:07 p- m., Morrow 4:27 p, m., Love land-4:48 p. m- From Cincinnati to. Florida tlie train will consist of the latest pattern Pullman Sleeping. Dining and Obser vation Cars, including tHe Sleeping Car from . Pittsburgh, Chattanooga will be reached nt 5;40 a, m., Atlanta aT9T45 a. in., Macon at- 12 ;UriYiddiiT Jacksonville 7:25 p. in., St. Augus tine 8:30 p. m; tlie day alter leaving home.' • . - » The through service will be espec ially convenient for persons contem plating trips to Florida and the South Tourist tickets to Southern winter re sorts now on sale at special lares via Pennsylvania. Lines will lie good on This magnificent through'Train. Ar rangement# to travet ou it-m ay be- made through IS, S, Keyes, agent; Cedarville,or by communicating, with C. Or Haines’, ■D, P, Agt..,, Dayton, 0 ., who will make reservations far ariyTueslay. or Friday during the season. •T,r;.-4L- i0 Wmmi j^V'egefablePrepawfioniforAs- ■ • - ■ • - * b o f n a s o H R , j . 'n Jin'J**R.iW'W!.W"i"w- ;Promoies Digestion.CheerfuL ness andRest.Contains. neither Opium",Moiphine nor"Mineral. H o t N a h c o t i c . , - J&et/KafOldJDrSiMUZLl’trGHKR I\unpkuiSctJrm yflxSetout^ i 4 (iocKtiUSal#* S&a&S&d t - tKnp'Stttt' tu n lu i jStifur miktyrwn-ffamr , ; ■*' ■ . . 1 , 1 . ,j AperfectRenvedyforConslipa- lion,SourStoinach,Diarrhoea Worms.Convulsions,Feverish ness andL o s s OF SlJEEP. FacSiinute Signature of —HEW' VOHK. yikt tj.munllj.N o l d IS IS F o r I n f a n t s a n d C h i l d r e n . The KindYouHaye Always Bought CEDARVILLE , OHIO, A CCOUNIS of Merchants end In; dividuajs solicited, v Collections promptly made and remitted. I^EA FTB on JNew York apd Cim H ciunati sold at lowest rates; The cheapest and most convenient way to •send money by mail, T OAN3 made on Real Estiite, Pei- L soniil or Collateral Security. ■ William Wildmao, Pres., ' , Setli W . Smith, Vice Pres.. W ,.J . AVildman,' Cashier, in Use For Uver Thirty Years •PCACTCOPY"OFWRAPPER. ■ THE CCMTAUn COM » Ny . NEWYOAK . itv . P a tte rn s for Baby’s W ardrobe. We will mail 32 patterns for long baby clothes, 'showing necessary ma terials and full directions for making, for 25 cents'silver oi; 26 cents-stamps. 12 patterhs for short clothes 20 cents. These patterns are the latest styles and will delight any rimther. With each- package we send valuable information Address, Downey & Henry; Lilipu tbm Specialties, -167 Dearborn Streot- Chicago, III. • WANTED! Reliable man for Manager of Branch Office we wish to open in this vicinity. If your record is O. K here is an opportunity Kindly give good reference when'writing; A. T. Mounts W holesale H owsb , . ' Cincinnati, Ohio, Illustrated catalogue 4' eta. stamps —Quality and not quantity makes' DeW 'tt’s Little Early Risers such valuable little liver pills. Ridgway &. Co., Dauggists. The Swift Meat Company branch a t Springfield have an automobile de livery wagon. 7 " G ettin g T h in Is all right, if you are too fat; arid all wrong, if too thin already. Fat, enough for your habit, is healthy; a little more, or less, is no great harm. Too fat, consult n doctor; too thin, persistently thin, , iq matter what cause, take Scott’s Emulsion o f Cod Liver Oil. There are many causes o f get* ting . too- thin; they all come, under these two heads: over work and under-digestion, ... Stop over-work, i f you cans but. whether you can or not, take ;Scott’s Emulsion ef*Cod •Liver Oil, to balance yourself with your work. You can’t live v-; h -“true—but, by it, you Tin; TIlire’s a limit, however; ycti-H pay for it ’ Merit’s Emulsion o f Cod Liver Oil is the readiest cure for “can't eat,” unless it comes of your doing no vvork^you can't Jong be well and strong, without Some sort o f activity. T b o ffc n u fn o h a s < 4 i thfa p i c i u r o oO It, tn ’co n o o lh e r . I f y o u huvfi n o t tried itr cowl for iron cample, Ra a~ Pircjcublo tatil-J will n tm n ilno y o n , nOD ST & DOWNS . Ohomteia, 40D Pouf! E tro o h Mow Y o rk , T o o . o iK l $ 1 , 0 0 ; a ll Contrary to a'li conclusious that no old prices would be secured this season, a factory has furnished Us with a case of | 1 9-4. Bleached' Sheetings Remnants (long enough for sheets). The 30c qual- ■ jty for 20c, Beat that if you can. J 45 in ..Pillow Case Muslin . Nice quality 10 yds. for 50c, (5c). These will, not stay long. 1000 yards Solid Color Outing Tbo 10 c qunftty for 5c, no 'complaints ought'now to be made about prices, These Outings muko tine comforts, .and by the way one hatting 8 J, 10,124c. Chance for Late Buyers Golf Capes, Fu r Capes, Cloth Capes, Jackets, Auto- Mn(files, Dressing Saqties, Petticoats,. Fu r Boas, etc. ■ .Chance for Early Buyers m A .* . . ' t Luce Curtains,'Oil Cloth, Linoleum, Window Shades Velvet Tapestry and Ingrain Rugs. Hutchison$ ffibney X EN IA , OHIO. )t :00 a. la. Sabbath School nt CHURCH tyRECTORY B. P. bufcl’—Itov, tlf, F, Morton, Pa*tor« nsrvkcs at tOa. ul. Cji'cnanUr tbtircli—I'.cv, V,',J.SandcMon, ^ "tiMtor. Snbhath Seboot,, at 10 a, m, Preach-< ingnt ItiOO «, rj, Young Pcopto raCct at B^ j). la. oKcejrt lti 6 1 st nud S i Snbuatba ot the | montti when tbey meet at 0 : 30 , and preaching | In tho eveningon tho ist out CdSabbat?)*of! iliamonth at 7:53 p, tn A C ry From Nature. A WAltNISO THAT SHOULD HE HEEDED *BV EVERY BCFFEKEP.. Nature soon ,rebels when tlie human U. P.charch—Rcv, P. O.r.ossf p;i*tor. Scr- mfichincry is out Of order. H e rap teaat 10:33 a. m bail 7:09 p nl. Sabbath a ,, i,„t„ „ peals for help should lie quickly an- Pastor, : swered. Life is too short and dear to vic s luuo «mt .-.ou Schatrl at 9:30 slnmlar-l time, M<E. Church**ttov. At HamiUon, Preaching a t 10:15 n. la Sibbntb isehoot at tia tn n e n W t inir'lipalflt 9:3SI ft. 111 . Young Pe-.pte’* meeting a t 0:03 J8 “ n eg lec t Oltr neaiUI p.'ra. Prayer toetlitig Wednesday evening? When the system becomes tUIt mg 7:30 p. in . „ dftWrii (hei blood ,„impure, the liver Uapt:*t Chntch—liov. Gi-orgo Washington', tdfpid, nerves all on a quiver, slid <*•■*■»«*>««■«« <» *> .!»* IVAijormteting ovory UFctinc»diiy iiight then naiuro titlerA her wftriiing note* 0 . Ufc-r**■<** "«»“«• tar Preaching at id ,-30 a. ra. »wt ?: 0 »p, ni.; neas, dyspepsia, catarrh, loss of appe- Class every baithath mi 2 : 00 , Sabbath School titc. iirtomaitt, languor, constipation, Prayor tnccting 7:30 p, in., lass every h: at ihnit pi au Wn'daoSday eve. lk{i{|iiT or jScrnia Cured Ko operMions r.r iiijetlt^ng, no pain of itidemn* fort in any^wny, no steel springs or iron frames no wooden, ivory or hard rubber halls, euns, tiAnehcft or pings used. Not tho LEAST DIS- TUESS tr anhoyonee. Our Outfit for the CURE ef IttiPTUltE OR ll Elt ,VtA is made of flno roft materials, snob ns felt, velvet, eharaois shins and clasiio webs, ft (its Jilto a glove and can harm you no inore. IT llOLRS j oti'r intestines back In theirMat* tfrai. j.ojitifm end tho wound WILL HEAL like any other wound when it 1ms a chance,, The Only Way to Cure is to hold tlie intestines in or bach ait tbo time, until the Wounds bo* ectnoa grown together. Ynur ttuptneo Cannot bo Cor. J in any other wily. Wo have had 25 vents ei.netantand,hard expcrieiuo iu treating RUPtUIlEA and this OCTITT is the RE- fH;LV. Men, wm.:enarid chihlren madoCOAf- PORTARLUby using this oUTtMT, Prices ri’itoof.nhlo nnd in Ortordame with the entc. XV- INTRRCS'fBD, 1 'tease Write for no*.lic-ilars, whieli wo will omit you. l:TtEE. Addnss, HOllAWK REMEDY COt, * Some, w* Y Moliawk Catarrh Curt?. ' Cheapest and If st t ’mes Catarrh In from 1. to 1ft days, CmesColdin tho Head, .’»,tu to tuitiotes. ■ 1 rt-nielv packed with full itolntotiumv by .1.-POSTA(IK PAtR, H'c. ■S iiinit 'fry‘ t nini you will (><i more but it is nat tiro’s signal of distress. The human machine should be a t tended to without delay. Tho system needs building up, the impurities must bo driven front the blood, the liver made to d o its work and the stomach placed fn a natural, healthy condition. Knox Stomach Tablets are a now combination of vegetable remedies compounded by oue of the best chem ists in the world; and arc guaranteed to build up the whole system. They do not net ns a stimulant, but are a sarsaparilla in a tablet iorin, contain ing twice tho medicinal properties *of any combination of remedies known. They give health and strength to the entire body and im mediate relievo indigestion and posi* tiveiv eiiiif dyspepsia, A' single box will prove their power to cure chronic invalids and make them strong, healthy men and women. - I f nimble to secure Knox Stomach With>b«investment, a?t> ilRuirb-tied. m:tamp'»”t:*kvtf. _______ ... .MOBAffK,.BflMflDYlpit tWo pltssM *,, 7 , ; 1 1 7 • Yiuv ui'-viyv if Jon > lnblcta of yonr druggists; scud fifty cents to the Knox Ghemieal Go., Ron^, 'NewYotk/ B.akie Greek, Mich,,^ ami n fall sized ■ ••' i imckasre will he sent, riostnaid. , For Rent:--Nicest nflico loom' pi town- Next<lleman’s lufttiisnee ofliec. ' ,k F. L’hew, Xenia, O. Ipa g bo t. p p , - -If you want, anything good, go to Gray’s , ' D a i l y .M e a t M a r k e t . . ■■■'it ' '; 4 'p,'rri*',)-A 7 . V'”",fi'1'5 1 •*. I 1 Under’ the above [firm name, the meat market of C. W. Crouse will be' conducted. AH product iq the meat, line will be the best that money can buy, which fact combined with honest and thorough . business methods is, enough assurance to the public, who always want the worth of their money in every respect. When sending children, direct them to us; we always give them the best they ask for. THE BAP© WViMT I D W m Between Xenia find D.iyn,n, ■Leave Doytim* f-bfi v. i :0(i 8;0!i ■9:011* . - 1(1:00. . IJfOO'' 4 2.00 Not®,! , WiO p, tn. l ■ 2:00 3:1)0 . .. "4:00 „ 5:00 ' - 6:00' • 7:00 8:00 , iiCiO' ;'= 10:00 ' .' vlLOO ' 12:00 Leaves Xcnhi: 5:(H)a. m, 6:00 ' 7:00' ■8:60 . 9:00 ' 10:00 l i : 0 C 12;00 Noun. 1:00 p. m. 2:00 „ . 3:00 ' 4;0Q '. 6:00 6:00 ■ 7:00 “ 8:00 •f 04)0 * ' .. 10:00 11:00 Xenia office and waiting room No 4 .jBonth Detroit St, Dayton' ofiice and wajting room', 15 We, 6 t Fiftli St, opposite Postoffice. . The running time between Dayton and Xenia is one' hour, passing Ahtu Highlands, Smithville Road, Zimmer man, Alpha, Tt/eheins and ’Lucas Grov§. • ' Dayton to, Xenia 17 ■miles, %e 25. cents, , . . • .".Every other car combination for Bundays and .Holidays- ears %very hajf hour. - ^ 1 GOQD3 DELIVERED - Telephone No'. 74. Tto New Meat s « - /, » S t o r e d - * - ' Having opening the , Meat Store formerly conducted by Ed Hensliel, we will' hdve on hand at all times a choice Jine of F r e s h a n d S a l t M e a t s " B o l o g n a a n d S a u s a g e and everything connected with u first-clnes meat store, We nahdle the celebrated Kingan & Co’s. Hams. Charles Weimer. ‘ GOODS DELIVERED] Telephone 66 . , ■ 'VVea.tward, CuliimauBI t .’ A l t o n ■< vv. .rottai’son '* Lontlon ....... “ s.toliai-lesion ta Sc'lnm . . . . . . . . “ Certiu-vlilo.,,.. *' , WJlberforce,. >• Xv«.ln... |fj'; ■ -inrli!a Val,,,'"’ it-.XlUliill___ “ Wurnesvllta'i 1 “ - ifnrirAnclcptI‘ Xioiuny..,.... -io. Lebanon 14 Ui'-flnnd...., “• Milford.........«■ ‘‘amvla.le..- i'locinrSntiar •L* 9 twr-rs!‘. 'a.i-i3ii!i,inv oLlViiiJe... “ lii'o.l'll',..... s* o'vvbti C .... “ iicimnon “ :■rr.,iv%....... "L Auetant *■ •iiv-.jonin....’■ .'oym .HvlUeo '.n-non:v„, 11 Vdt LOUISVILESNASHVILLERAILROAD » The Great Central ' Southern Trunk Line w in t e r t o u r i s t t i c k e t s Now on sale to FLOR IDA and the GULF COAST Write for folders, descriptive matter to O. L , STONE, General Passenger Agt, LOUISVILLE, KY . SEND YOUR ADDRESS " "* To 11 J , WEMYSS, Oenw il Iram i ,mttan and Indn^lrint A g in t LOU ISV ILLE , KY, ; And he will mail you free - ■t ' * MAPS,ILLUSTRATEDPAMPHLETSand PRICE LIST Of LAND and FARMS in KENTUCKY TENNESSEE, ALABAMA. MISSISSIPPI. FLOR IDA . Blue Front Stable. Leave your horace. there and your rigs be kept on tlie inside, out of the rain and storm, 20 N„ Fountain Avenue,' Springfield, O. . , C h a r l e s t3, T o d d , P ro p Adam's Restaurant and Dining -Rooms Comer High and Limestone street, Springfield, Ohio, D on ’ t B e F ooleoi T*Wettw #rtfhMtt ROCKY MOUNTAlN T e a ■i -SMi. - Tastcle*.s Cod Liver Oil at O, M] ItidgwayV, C incinnati Division. ennsylvaniaLinBsJ Scbedulo ol Passenger Trakis-CentralTim,, run a c m O i T .CHECK SWiJ: r DP YVPfeRDae foiiw ,« 'ReH}vD'iSlitrt ' TJiat’tl'fve 4Htw end to the .r.ijit)fct»g upon- «5i!‘ aufferiort ?■ ufilinv-wort Ulusiratea 'l»y tli a sjrail atom recently. T1 Itinoinivl m>eiver was; surp li'ivtmr miRiy women come to iritfi credit ehrclits. 'i Uefic eii< mv smalt amouuts, rmiRiu:,' ti «10 At fii’ftt the riw lw r cm ft,,, -stand it, but upm-tovesHi ' jparned the detaUn of a prett ot ReediiR. ’ . • firm. Jt seems, had. ma rialty of siI8 and cotton ahii These ’ ’fOT’ 'svIth e3* '■shapeless. 111 htthm Bomm when the unfortunate women got homo witji their pureh put them on' theji were dls; find that .the hurgfiln sale wu haggy «B(1 poelcery. and alto poorly • 'fashioned ■ .that, i t . t nest to impossible, to make even by a complete ripping; remaking, Snch being the ( they invariably took the go and demanded other waists1f money- It was contrary to clples of the Arm to refun and as they seldom had wa becoming either tn style or si the ones returned, they we. to the- extremity of credit ch “We will get, In a new ■ waists In a few days,” was assurance of the manager well trained assistants. ‘‘Y<. - will be good a t any time, and .replenish, our stock you fan waist tli.nt suits yon.” ,, But the new stock never nn in spite of thp.good dollars from deluded customers w! creasing their1capital of w firm became insolvent and women ’, began to-come wt^ checks. So far the receiver* unable to compensate them | loss through ,the swindle wh way. was rather neat,—New V illjcijoree - • I ' d u rv lU it ,,. 4| . ..... ■’ '.LTinrlcston ’* ... . " A r . , l"!ifereo D " U ta h -------- •’ t a l n a i b a i ar. Sp'rlngfltld lv Sytgi ” XO iiln f n r "taytan... hooUvillo ‘cdtc.i ... Worado.: aiChM6nd,Ar4 43. ESSIWAllft PiAnnAIv. -"Iricratlo ’’ ’ndtan.." flrtskrifj .*• tajtan {Jy T«nl* riiUvDw.' m*: a AMi AM •S1610*06 B41) re04soa S40110S 64011 71011130! ,, 7aq am 11*3*, -y <Eic iUVSu3>f. It SlopsMtiiilirgs aiSM3;c?>H'.sml-I ifu w iu t. * m i* tiicipiSj'.oiy. Dalit Faced Irpa ieMifUiat 6m IXVD zcm V, l2.BftS ’ alrtt; Luit luMfriffl 12.00 SildMgLt la 12.CJ•s:a t 'u l l i n n o S le c n ln ic C n r s on -Nn?. 0.5. *. 1 4 ,1 0 , ao, 2 1 ana ton cither ran O hhut . e vis ifttlumbils i>t>d PlttahurK horroaiirf! diryift Pittsbtiverh U nion Siatloii to and fr.nn l.-> h- ntore, W aahlnglon, Pbiladplplim a ’ f York. N o s. ti. 801 a*Kl a I eonw rl, nt Hi th raond for-tm llftnapolla und fit. 1-oiti- S0* * a i u n d a for Chicago. L. V. LOREE, E- A . FORD, CtMnt IlMger, . G u tn !: tScft* I f f 1HW0.-3? P ittsbur R h , V s'jy 'A , Fortltneca.rd*,raleJO f fmo, IhiooRh ticket* Mggnrc checks, nnd further itiforfmillott re- g sram g tlw rnnn ln g o f trnlisH, spfilytocnf *g«nt o f the Pennsylvftnlft Lino*. E. 8 Keyes, Agent, Cedarville, Ohio. ISO Y E A R S ' EX P E R IEN C E 3 P atents .rRADC OiSidMt . . . . C w ra icm t* otc, Anvonoseeding ft »Vclctr »nd description io»f iioicklr 4 Wr«rtMn fmr otrtnion fretf iYfcttncr iw AARON BURR’S MAGhfi H o C o n q u ered A ll F ^ in ln ii W ith o u t a n B S o r t “ From the fTare the ■ hern - brilliant'Mme. Jumel had bec|’ girt and when Aaron Burr jt captain In the American had 'been, more, than once spell of his strange fasclnatlo , JVilllam Perrine In The Lftd , Journal-• “Burr had Introduto the ceiebvated Margaret Mon .J ’ desperately flirted with her •' Implanted within her an ; which was still aliye whci an aged social ,exlle.'. She h o f him In earlier days that hi to her to be 'the perfection hood,' that his figure" and '• been-j fashioned ’hr tho' mo graved and that be, was a t with .the drawing room as ' camp- . ' ‘ “ 'In a word,’ she said, • combined' model of Mars a ' Ills eye was of the deepest sparkled wltlv an .Incomi brilliancy when he smiled, - raged Its power was abac fi rifle, Into whatever fern: he chanced by the fortunes the vicissitudes of private " east, he conquered all heiii .an effort, and until he bee: Involved In the affairs of tlie vexations tncldent to t arena I do not believe a fcju ble o f the gentle emotions t *| looked upon him without l|| Wherever he went he was caressed by her sex, ant vhaP with each other In a struggle to offer him some Of their adulation. Subseqi Jumel was married to Bur nearly £0 and she nearly 00 |j riage was not a happy o f two- soon Separated.” ■OU Apothecaries nrtd The offenses of apothee middle ages were numercf« punishment In some cases' The worst was the fmpnl poisons—that Is to Eny. e not duly, prescribed by a L clnn /of reputation, and ev J to put down" In a register the* doctor and person to prescription containing p o L llvered, waa punishable 111 sale of pofson for d.rugg! prohibited and also that drugs by any apothecary, himself (unless a doctor found) was an offense put . whipping, hud all prephra him had to he made up In of tlie doctor or of anotlie A barber surgeon might o for exterior applications ' ’*" but we are not t the penalty In such a t man’s Magazine. j tpteMnrtkt, wifboiinshftt**, iftttiS. ScientificHtticrican. Ahima*c.m*tjf innsffstaj wMktt. BrftDcVofflce* & ^ 'WwtotOKtoh.IXo* NERVITA PILL! Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Aitsheod Oar*lispotency, Ntght Bra!*n!oo0, Lo».«ofMs ©jy, nil ytta* Injjr.dhoaaev,{-■ " ' lt * ............................................... W . ______' chColci nttJ ristdfes tha 5 0 , EflhCKkflm of youth, fry taoll C T S * S! 7 V 3 * ' v 500 P 9 ?bo*, fl boxse tar*" ; 9 JL 50 ,with oiw bnaknhls swnmntestoetm or tttfnndth» monny paid. Bond for nkw * andcopyofour bankable guarantee bond. ""MiMsSS-i f roiWii prontm-f n , all wfts'l g ■ All elToctaot •elf-abuse or eseewi and indiscretion. A aarve ton to^and .blood,.builder. Drinks tlie pink glow to pain :beek* and' estor t e ereejs, Locomotor Ataxia, Nemo* F ft * on, Hystfltta, Fit*, Ine«ni&iParalr*i**nd t™ esttlta of Rxcmnlra tin of Tobacco, Ontara ot Llqisor, By, moil In plain park.-igy-. * 1.00 a box, 8 for *0,00 With owr baukabla tfwMj antae bond to onra in SO days or refand money, paid, Addiww NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Gt!rdonAil«ok«<^i m*,i CHICAGO, (MU . For Sato ty U lUJgwyoy. j Cedervilto, Hhl'i. i H e r M raaseig An American hostess, ston of a gathering of people, was endeavoring pieasure of a -Frenchman htro tn bis native iangur that her lack of fluency ^ the lady and desiring to r baiTaasment. with pralst bllity the foreigner said: f ”t*«rdonJ nmdnnie, Frencli la difilcult for yo to understand your irso:| wlit speak English."—1/ ■ '«le. • ■ . ■ . ■ ■ _ ' A1 *hv Ftaaer'd *’My niece.” said t b j joined nn organization the-- Strange 1 can't thin i had it at .tny tongue’s ago-oli, yea, 1 rememhei \ call it the Thimble club ; ’’Then yon didn't ha tobyto’s end,” objected "You had It a t your flag fettfo Tribune., H U M i i f l r n T tM T E H T M I lt tl w ~ ' S ' 5 ’V « a - I THEPAtfilff ttHHife anbwrt»ie»» to Tb«T*t «*4 I rnTBSI S WIW* -RuWribe fot fot? H w lfi. -T ins sci into nrilflH^ Inng trmibl save the litt bid Jiaeases. ecftftUi to gi M iuute Clot* relied .upon ..iLmLJMgLJ Aril trilftkfl , !'»««. * - -Foaltrv *«<! R ffig w iv a
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