The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26
Until pawn ^ 'NOTICE T O Ws Stave, ter th# pa*t ten «.' bean mro. ----- Kittnufacturinpr ami »*Uinjr 111 # . Lan>(njrPnl«nt P«Be« Maehlne , "“V, Th« - shown aboveu. Jaa. b . im SI s N o , Ayr, & K«j.tl5,Mttl6«VIPd MftecKaO, W . '1’bemaclilnaaUaclu‘BthoPicket* ' _____ nk .. toUw vtroudt li* lnoV* ot wire, — ■racelyed notice from Wa Jiiivs' l tKl m certain farmer* la tills rlclnity ttaEk ................... ..... thiito j*anattemptto collect; royalty fromfarmersuslue fence many year* after ouraerllornalanta. . _ WaMpectauyreflueatiiny.fafaofB threatened wHbsuiton accountof Halniroor machines *o sendall paper*ion*atonesandworelitwun.J the. defense of the sujto eo for ne the cams pertalntotho - L a n s i n g P a t e n t F e n q e M a c h i n e Woalsodesireany farmer* recelrlntr written ,noticestegurdlmt this matter to forvmrd the. sameton»ntonce, eo that wocontake such ,*tep#a«atQ.necessary to protect formers in -the use of our improved .macnlnee. .Wehave employedhwyer&tnrtin*purppeo, , ^Signed) LANSING"WHEELBAUROW CO.,' Lansing, Michigan, A Dyspepsia Cure D i g e s t s w h a t y o u e a t , / I t artificially digests tile foodand aids Nature in strengthening and recon* sttucting the exhausted digestive or* gans. l t is the latest d!scovereddigest* ah t and tonic. No other preparation ^ can approach I t to' efficiency. I t in stantly relievesand permanently cures Dyspepsia,. Indigestion,' Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Side Headache, Gastralgia Crampsand all other results ol imperfect digestion. frtceSOc.ftndtt, Largesirecontain*254time* SmallBiio.BoolcalXaboutilygpepsiarattiledirce Prepared by E, C. DeWlTT ft CO.. Ctjlcoao. PATENTS Caveats, and 'AradC.Markrmn*incdand alLPat-i entpusincss conductedlofMotieHATlc Fct*. ouroffice iBorpooiTCu.8,PATenrorriec andwe cansecure patent in lesstimethan those remote f-'im"Washington, Sendmodel,drawing of photo., with deserlp lion. ., We^advlse, ifjmtehtable or not, free of charge, OurfeonotdiietiUpatentis Secured.. . A P amphlet , “H ow toObtainPatents,'*,with cost of same-in theU.S, andforeign countries1 sent free, Address, i C . A . S N O W & C O . O ff , patent office , WASHtNdtoN. D, C. N O T IC E Notice is hereby.given that, The Payton, Springfield and Urbana Electric RnilwhY Company on this 17th tiny of January, 10U1, tiiiadeapplieation to. the Council of flic Vil lage of Cedsrviile, Ohio, fhr-pemtfsson to construct, operate (mil niiiliitinn a street railroad Jh.said.Tillage-with tingle or double tracks Upon .Main Htrec-t -from the North corporation lino to the South corporation line.; ■ • . ■ Said grant to he for.the period of twenty; five years. ..Scaled proposals will -be re ceived at thifoiP.ce o£ the nndcrsigni. until twelve o'clock M. of Monday the lltli day of Kcbruory, 1001* for the construction, op oration and xnnintenartie of a Street.railroad. Upon the above designated route. Hills must be made with reference to thu terms and conditions set forth In an ordinano now on file in (ho office of the undersigned -and entitled "An Ordtnanfce granting permis sion of the Village of CcdarviHc, Greene County Ohio,' to The Dayton, Snrlngfichl and UrbaticLElectric Railway Companyand its successors Or assigns to construct, main* tain, and operate a Street railroad on Main street in said "Village of Cedarville." Bids should specify the lowest rates of fare for which, the bidder proposes to carry passen gers for single continuous ride and also the number' of tickets good for one such fare, tvnidi will be sold for twenty-five cents end also for the sum of one dollar. ■ JOHN G. McL'ORKELL Clerk a t theVillage 'Cedarvllle, Ohio. NOTICE. The annual meeting of the share-holders of The Cedarvllle Building & Loan Asso ciation", for the electron of four directors, and such other business es may come be fore the meeting, will fake plat* at the Mayor's office, Saturday, evening, February ',',1001. Polls open from? to 9. ANDREW JACKSON, Sec'y, N O T IC E . The firm of Ridgway & Co., doing business as druggist* opposite opera house to CcdarviHc, Greene Co., Ohio, ia comjroeed of Jennie W, Ridg way,* the name of Ridaway A .Co, being adopted for commercial purposes alone. No other person is in any way Or manner interested in the said firin '1 and business, B G. B iwjway , Manager, Sworn to and subscribed before mo this the 8 th day ol January* IDOL I A ndrew , J ackson , h . Justice of the Bence. - T-Mtelesa Cod Liver Oil at 0 . M. RidgWayV.« Hi* AM**t « » 4 til* CntHntrr. On one occasion durhu: n visit to America Sllehael Onon, who assisted Gilbert and Sullivan in bringing out many Of tfioir opems, wns trying the. vole,** of soiite candidates for the eho rns, One of them sang in a son of affected Italian broken English. p,TTio stage ''manager Ifilcmipiefl. "wol; here," im'snisl, 'itlmt accent won't do for sailors or pirates, (live tm a little less Mediterranean-And ft little more Whitechapel” , Here Gunn turned and said:' “Of what tniubnaiity are you? you don't sound ItallRii," The other suddenly diopptd his hat tan Keoont and in Irish tAid. "Ehurf, Mr, C m n , I’m froid' thesaimV country its yourtidf." L o c a l a n d I t e o n a l -Opera Hawse, Jan , 24. Mr. Harry Stormont has been suf fering -with - toflatwatory rheumatism. Mr. aud Mrs. Chas. Gilbert, of South Charleston, spent Saturday and Sabbath with iiia parents o f this place. Genuine Rock^ Mountain Tea fa never sold in bulk by peddlers or less than 3&cts, Don't be fooled, get the tea made famous by the Madison Med icine.Co. . Ask your druggist. -. The Germaine-Caveney Co., .by mistake got off here Monday evening, tmt discovered the mistake in time to take the evening train for Jefferson ville. . i -—The largest 10 and 15c show on the . roiijl. PJr.station scenes aud camp meetings by a colored ‘Minstrel Troupe at'opera house, Jan, 24. r, Elsewhere in this issue can be found a legal notice regarding the firm of Hidgway & (Jo. as to who comprises the company. John Lott hns beeu off duty this week owing ,to sickness and conse quently did not go over to Dayton a-uisunl. —Constipation negleeted or badly treated, leads to total disability or death- Rocky ^Mountain Tea abso luiely cures constipation in all its 'forms. 35c. Ask your druggist Messrs* Prank Shepard apd George Shull who have positrons in Dayton, spent a few days -this week visiting relatives in this place. Elsewhere in this issue can be found a notice for the. hauling of the stone from the old Massies creek church to the farm of Mr. James, Anderson, about-tjvo miles above Clifton. Mr, ’Anderson contemplates building a large stone house sometime during the coming summer. . , -■-*-Clay Minstrels, Thursday, Jan. 24.* a t opera house. Mr* Win. Harris, of Fairhaven O., Was here, Tuesday prospecting for a farm with the purpose of locating here. -Auction today, at Bird'*, The recital which was postponed on account o f the illness ofMiss Cost will be given a t the opera house next Fri day, Jan 25th. , , y -No. 2 Castor Off for buggies, "Ridgway A (Jo, com in The Hflgar Strawlp 3 arcl <fc. Paper ropany have finished up theit,work Kentucky for the present and the bailers teamsters were expected liere last evening. Enough straw has been bailed to run them until spring,' .. —I f you like good *cheese try pome good Cream or Switzer,' Get it at Copper's,. >M rs„J,'H , Andrew has issued in* vitatipns for a .partyn t her home Fri day evening Jam 25th. Wantedt—Racon and Lard ,’ a t Bird's. Mr. and-Mvs. Robert Watt entei tained a number of frieude at their country home last evening. —Scratches Ointment, sure cure; ' Ridgway & Co. Mrs. OyM, Crouse entertained a number of her lady, friends at" dinner yesterday. Several from Xejrtn were- preeent. —For horse collars,- lines, bridles aud everything in the harness Hue try * Iie rr & Hastings Bros. Everyone remembers the Brussells Dramatic, Company.. Keep the date in mind* , - — - •—-Honey, ofTn r su re cure for coughs " Ridgway & C’o, Mr. J , J , Downing has .received a' complimentary notice and also four reproductidns of his studies in the Professional Photographer, published at'Rochester; N. Y. The work re fleets, high credit to Mr. Downing. —Mounting and Mat Boards, all colors, a tLMcMillaii’s. -—A complete line of harness at Kerr & Hastings Bros. Mr. Robert Bird is conducting his sale,in the Lowry Rloclr this week. He opened ip his store room as adver tised but owing/ t o the. crowd had to seek other quartets. TtoslmgsTBf®; —Such little pills as DeWitt’s Lit tle Early* Risers fire very easily taken, and'they are wonderfully- effective" in cleausing the liver and'bowels. ' Ridg way & Co., Druggists. Mr. Lee Stewart lias been .confined to hie room for several days tin's week owing to an attack of the grip. George. Thompson, a brother in law of S. L. Stewart, is behind the counter a t Mr. Stewart’s ttore. Ho. has charge during Lee’s sickness. D r. P . R. Madden, P ractice lim ited to EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Glasses Accurately Ad justed. Allon Building, Xen ia, 0 telephone.—Office No, y i, Residence No. -j;. The ladies of the R. P . Church will furnish dinner .duying the days of tLc Farmers’ Institute hero, '—Goods are selling from 10 to -25c on the dollar at Bird’s Auction Clear ance Sale, v The council has provided two set ting places for the fire .engine along side the creek. One at the rear o f tbecuiored Baptist church, and the other In tbo vacant lot back of Mrs. Lidya Weymouth. These places are Very convenient and are easy to reach without any danger to the apparatus. They wiil he able to' protect a- larger portion of the town from the fact that .the water was never known to get so fow that it could hot he reached at these points. F o r S a le—‘A No, 1 hot water Inca- j bator, capacity 225 egg, in fine condition. Need the money and will sell at a sacrifice. Apply a t this office. The "Eleventh Hour” will be pre- septed at Xenia opera bouse Monday, Two of Pittsburg female citizens became engaged in "a fight Tuesday. . *1—. ,u:— For a time, things were quite lively in that section^, Mrs, Pearl Blade and her mother, Mrs. Anna Robinson were the participants- No Arrests have as yet been made. * Baked Beans. ■ With Tomatoe Sauce, No Meat* No Fat. A t Gray's. One of the strongest • melodramas that has been given in this part of the country will he given At the Xenia opera house Monday. i,tHh«i* ‘'Great t/otf, and 'tho hank lm gone up tor #fisf0.donj For how much tv,*1 the d im tor*Tcj-ponidhloV” -■nat? tot the ftllttr*/ - Leaver ..... ..... —Passe, Partoitt Binding in dif ferent colors at McMillan’s, . , * '" A Fiddlcy.paper’ has been handed ns, which gives an account.of tiro Mu tual Insurance <’bmpaiiy's annual meeting. Th> disbursements for lost for IDOO were 11,075,84, There was $251,480 Written in 1900. Amount In force Dej. 31, 11)00, $938,154. Written in 1904, $10*570. Amount jo f risk to Jan. f , 1901, $954,724? I There were over one hundred ami fifty I f.inoers, represcufttive men from every township in the comity. > Mr. Ed Hustings has been attend-, iug the poultry shows in this vicinity and has made several purchases frorir Galesburg, Ind.,-Bnshton. Ill,,Florin, Pa, and New Concord,' O. Mr. Hastings expects fo undertake the business on a rather expensive The breed is known jis tho Buff Ply mouth Rocks, "V - -Coach, Buggy mid' Wagon har- ness all grades jynd prices «t‘Kerr & Mr, Ridenour, Osborn, was in town Wednesday in the interests of the Dilyt.m, Springfield and TJubana Elec- tric Railway company. >- —Singing mid damsing ol all -kinds at the opera hotise Jan. 24, ■* ■ Better order your sale billa and re serve . the date. We have several al ready booked. —Those going to Downing’s Ccdar- vilie gallery for work on Friday will please hear in mind that the forenoon' or soon after dinner is preferred ob he returns on the 3:28 tra in ,, Some Strong A r g um e n t # F a v o r laid t. of the Ship Subsidy. Measure. ADVANCEMENT OF OUH OCEAN TRADE* % hes,eflt» t« 0e Derive# by American Producer* TUrougfU ik e OperwU®^ *( Such SyeteWi—Wl»o Ike OPP*- ucnt» or this BHI Arc—Some o u n tE a c ti for the, People. . ■' [Special CorresponflenceJ - Washington, J>, C„ J»n. IT. The American people Kftve been favored (?) with- a vast amount of'argument, seem ingly directed against the shipping bill now pending in congVess, but, really aimed at the efior. that is now being so strenuously made to revive and build up our .shipping in the foreign trade. No mdscutemcnj! has .been too wild, no untruth tpo ridiculous, no innuendo too base, no assertion of >enal- fty too absurd, to fail of use in £he hand* of. these malignant opponents of American in- tereet*. 'When the shipping bill fifot came before congress, the suggestion \was made - that swift ocean steamship* were what-were : most needed, mail carrier*, vessel*- avail-: able a* auxiliary cruisers—ocean gray-,, hound*, in short; and it was alleged that the alow cargo carriers could take care of themselves, that they^needed no assistance, they were profitable under present condi tion*, and similar arguments. , When if was pointed out‘that there wa* -tason for government aid for,slow ships, carrying only cargoes, because theyj were- at a disadvantage fn cost of construction, if AmeRcaA-buHtTTftnd-ot a-further disadvan tage in cost of operatiod, if run by American Officers and seamen and firemen, and thia truth became ItfPown, then the enemy turned, right-about-face and declared that : the ships that arejneeded to build up the . American merchant marine are the cargo carriers, the vessels that take, away eur farm product*, and not the swift patsen- ger steamships. The enemies of the shipping" bill have blown hot and blown cold, all in the same breath, mid. the pity is tfiat the American people are so utterly uninformed regarding the real facte concerning Amer ican shipping—concerning any shipping— -that they have been easily duped into be lieving the most extravagant things that mind could concoct in. order to fight and de- . le it the passage "of the shipping bill. ^ 7As a matter of fact the shipping Ml _is carefully drawn, on the most scientifio line*, drawn so i* to barely enable Amer ican-built and American-manned, ships to compete with foreign ships on term* of equality, and this is true of fast ships and of riow ships, of steamships and of sailing ithips-r-of any kind of. American ship* en gaging in the foreign carryirg trade of the United Sthates, .The disadvantages they labor under, because of higher cost in con- ; struction, and because' of higher cost of op-. eration and because of the subsidier and to Mr, Chas, Turner moved his-family to Xenin, Wednesday, where ha has empWment ns brick mason on-the ...... 'l l court inuse, Miss Edna White, of Knighistowii, tod., spent Tuesday with Mrs. "Wildninn / 4e^ Wal- —The Clay Minstrel Combination Troupe will be the attraction at the opera house Thursday, Jan, 24 - 10 and 15 cents. The J r . O." U , A, M. gave a ban quet Inst night a t the Sherman House About seventy five were present. —A full line of dried fruits at Cooler’s, Peaches, Prunes, Apricots, Raisins, Figs, etc. Mrs. Harry Walker^ of Chicago, is the guest of horparenis, Mr. and Mrs. S. L . Walker. -^-Everything good and first-class flit in the grocery ne a t Cooper’s. The Brussells Dramatic C'ompntiy will show here for seven nights begin ning February 2 to 9 inclusive. —petroleum Jelly, pound cans I5c, Ridgway & Co. Mr. J, C: Barber hns for his guest Lis • sister; Alisa Effie B.i,rbtrf of Springfield, -~A choice ’ line "of all kinds ol Groceries, at Gray’s. Edmond Brussells with his superb company* wifi appear a t the opera house for Seven performances,. Feb. 2 to 9 inclusive, N otice —-The report that a certain E ersan entered my lien house, and was 4 eld in the house all night by my dog, is false, and I take pleasure in exon erating the accused. . J . W* Matthews; -“‘-Allen’s Toilet Cream for chapped hands and face, Ricgway A Co. , —At our Auction uale you can buy }at Yfiiir Own Price Overcoats,suiti, Boot* and &bo«. Fine Ohifta ware, A S-ycar-old boy went with his meth er to make a call. The ifuly of the hotise, who was fond of children, told him she meant to aak his mother to lot her have him. ''Don't you think yoiir mother would lot me buy you?” she asked* "Mo, ma'am," answered tho little fellow; "you haven't got money enough." "HoWmuch would It take?'' she eon* tiigtfcd. "Three hundred dolfArft," said the boy promptly, as ff that would settle the matter ftt oncafor all, "Oh, well, then," affid the woman, ,SI think t can manage It. if I t an, wilt yott oome and stay with me?" ■' "No, ma,ant,"vhe said, with decision, "Mamma Wouldn't 'aell .me anyhow. There are live of ns, and mamma wouldn’t like to break the set,"--Buf falo Enquirer,. bounties . . . . their merchant-ships, have been carefully reduced to dollars and .cent?, and the. amount of compensation provided in the bill just offset® these disadvantages. With out ,d'.sci!siing/ the detail* of payment# this truth may be relied upon, no matter What- stories the encxny circulates ini oppo- sltioh. ■ >■ - ■■ ■ And now, who are these enemies? &ui«} they- must be those whose Interest# will Suffer, or whose ’ theories will' be dis proved, If # bill f* pas«d sufficiently effect ive to encourage the construction of Amer ican-built ships* These interests and these theorist# ere the foreign shipowner#, their agent* in this country, and the free trad er*. Foreign ships now monopolize the car rying of 01 per cent, of our imports and. ex ports, and they take away from thi* coun try'fully 0150,000,000 .in gold or its equiv alent' each year just for their freight charge*. I t American -ship* are built and put on the ocean; they will compete with these foreign ships, they will reduce- the coat of carrying our farm product* and our manufacture# abroad, they will force A freight rate war upon the ocean that will b* fierce and prolonged and during which there will be ever expanding opportunities for our people to increase their exports and se cure and hold new foreign markets* for their aurplua products. Naturally these foreign shipping interests will fight the ahipplngbiU to ths death, and they art known to be do ing It In every way in their power.^ The other enemies, equally aa active, and supported by those first mentioned, are the fret trader*. American ships upon the sea have, been unprotected in operation for 40 years, and their tonnage has decreased by . two-thirds, while our commerce ha* in creased fourfold. Only by protecting out ■hips, as our land Industrie* have been pro tected against foreign competition, Can-thcf teakt bead against foreign ships. The fret traders fear another triumph of the Amer ican protective policy. Taking advanlagt of this element of oppositon, the foreign ■hipping interest* are supplying the Reform club of New York with money in unlimited quantities to circulate its free-trade liter ature is opposition to the ihippngbjll. 'And this telt* the whole story of the sources of opposition to the shipping bill. EXThe American people axe not to partic ular whether this or that particular bill ia passed to build Up American shipping*, at they are that tome effective measure be put upon our statutes, at ones, that wiil ac complish thi* very desirable remit, TBs people "feet that it » the duty of corn e r w to enact such t measure without fur ther delay, ; ^"Undoubtedly there is a majority of the senate in favot- of the b ill/'ttj* theNevr York Times, in an editorial urging demd- cratle senator# to re*oft to every possible device to prevent a vote bring taken 6a the bill. When the enemy t» compelled to thwart the ..majority will, they at# subvert ing the tovernntcat to their own end#—to the desires of the minority, - £7The great bulk of the people cannot be expected to know whither the details of this or that bill are best adapted to put American ship# upon the tea# in sufficient number la do American carrying. They leave that for congress to determine. But they do desire, and that unanimously and emphatically, that congress shall ce longer delay doing its full duty fit thi* respect* The people are looking for result#, ^Official figures ahow that Great Brit ain spends eaeh year $3,500,000 more on her subsidies to British SleAmritip* than aha gets for sea postage on British mails. The United States, On the other hand, get* 11,500,000 more tot sea postage on it# m#iU each year than it spends in subsidies ( to both American and fmeign #{e*in*Wps, And yet there arc ilurni who say that Great Britain don’t pay Subwdie* to hW •hie*- ' __ • m $ ‘ C h u r c h A im o u f t c e m e a i s iVnaVitig Sabbath hwriiiu-r at the M. E, church by the pastor^A. Ham ilton- Theme “ lYiIhmit Rewords tor Chi Istlnii Workfefd.” Eplvwli) League stnleetif 6:30 p-m* t t f P, ’Churchj IF. J , . HifiiJdfSfift , IIjOOnriti. V’tfWpGhriflltrtnUy Fs-euflally tliv'quo.” 7; 00 n, m* uAVhttt is tou r Life?” tuistor Their Importance In toe Trangpor- tation of Perishable / ' ■ Products. UNFOUNDED 0PP05ITI0H TO SUBSIDIES* Valne o f Ocean F lyer* t»„Jhe emroe’n t lxi Time o t Peucve or \Vn* —Ualld rip . th e Nation'# Ocean Trade and, An*ment It* N*v«i • Power. [Special Correspondence.! ' • >-y , - .Washington, p . C,', Jan. 1#,' ’ Considerable opposition"ito the payment of subsidies to swift American .steamships has developed In the press of the country. The statement ha* been widely circulated that' these ship.* merely ■ carry passengers icy, and to abroad to spend American mone bring back wines and silks for luxurious cit izens, and- that such ships, so employed, ara of no help to American commerce. What is Wanted, these opponents declare, is car- . go carriers, the low-powered steamships; that take cargoes wherever they offer, and carry them wherever they or* consigned, regardless of established line#. And these are the ships* they go on and assert, that have given Great.Britain her preeminence a* a maritime power.. ■ All this sounds plausible, and somewhat logical, and, if not analysed by thosa, hav ing- knowledge "of .the fact*, help# to'create : an unfavorable and hurtful sentiment' to ward. the'shipping hill now pending in congress which properly consider* swift steamships, as well as slow one*. A* a mat ter of fact, the swift steamships carry those •produots- from the United State* that are the most valuable, and, In many case*, the most perishable. Were it not for. the teat" steamship California fruits — a growing business—cfiuld not be exported to Europe;- with, them, the.exportation of Pacific coast fruits steadily grows and prosper*. All kind# of dressed meats, ham, bacon, lard infinite variety of agricultural or '‘farm products, that hav* gone through va-' rious stages of manufacture are sent abroad ip swift ship*. Swift ships carry the mail*; and it i*« - ’ sential that the mails, be carried with the utmost rapidity. Invariably swift- ship* are parts_ of regularly established lines, and they "make regular and frequent voyages tq and from their terpiinal points. The swift er, the"greater, the more powerful the ships,, the more profitable their use is-to their jm- spective terminal Countries, but the tnjdh 39 theless’remunerative they all are to their Owner*. They carry the most expensive cnrgoeA.that ,go both ways, the manufac tures upon which labor and-akill har<^been;; expended, and . which return the largest sums to their, producers. ' Bui these are the ships, the large, pow erful, swift odean-fiyors, that are most use ful to the nation in time of war. T.heyare at once available aa carrier# of important-, dispatches, in cases where celerity is of-the5 utmost-importance; they are useful a*.aux-v iliary cruisers, they quickly trans formed into ^cruisers and then, prey upon and destroy the enemy's commerce; they can- act as scouts for fleets, and keep them- informed regarding the movements rnf"the enemy, keeping in touch with the enemy and eluding capture through their swift-’, ness, Thi’a was well illustrated by the four great ships, of .the only.American, line in the trans-Atlantic trade, during our war with , •Spam. They were steaming at full speed between 500 and 600. mites a day, far out- 'upon the Atlantic, keeping .'Watch, for Spain's cruisers, ready to report them tothe 'dying squadron at Hampton Roads, It was this scouting work, so effectively done, that compelled Spain to send CerVera.far. to the'south, when Uut-for-them Cetvera might .have threatened if not seriously and irreparably injured our great Atlantic and Gulf seaport*. . • •• ■ The swift steamships arc the nearcat at tainment to the ideal, the consummation of the highest hope# of the artists engaged in' their construction, at once ah effectjyedem- castration of man’s best handiwork; and at the same time an invaluable aid- to thena‘ tion when meet in need of aid. Such ship# are the. final outgrowth of regularly estab lished lines wbors a trade baa been built Up at great expense, after many yetra of faithful effort, and through a service that is thorough, complete and. attractive. They arethebest of their kind and a nation whose- people fail to appreciate them doe# not grasp the full significance nor the toll value of sea power. The so-called tramp steamships’, the ves sel* that carry Cargoes wherever deaitinsd, are merely the carriers of the surplus car- -goea that accumulate after harvesting, or at exceptional times, when the regular lines are overcrowded. But it is the regularlines that build up a nation's trade—never the. tramps—and they often do it for year* at a loss, until they ate thoroughly established ‘and have accumulated a paying business. And Britain's sea poifet lie* in her great steamship lines, not ri r i e in/her "tramps" s foreign steamship t7I£ the agent rtf i s are deliberately working to defeat tho pending- shipping bill—a# ia being said ail over the country-rcongresn should bs warned. The American people are not in the mood to* * legislation helpful to a great American in dustry defeated in ,the interest of foreign- f T Ooisgrc** is not, of course, deliberately conspiring to injur# any foreign interests. But i l the latter happens to monopolize any great American industry, a* they do the carrying of our imports and exports, 4and congress in legislating to promote thia in dustry in the United States does hurt for eign interest#, that is a mere incident, not the objective. , - CWJf the foreign^ steamship line# are spending money lavishly to defeat the ship5* ping bill now pending'in edngree*, s s it as serted iq Washington prew dispatches, it must be that tho bell in question Would hurt the foreign ships. It that be So, it must: fol low that it would help American ihips. Con- gre*s should hot be slow* to follow this ar gument to its logical conclusion.. cyCongress, as a body, cannot escape Its obligations -to the American people in the matter of providing legislation for the-te< vital of outr Shipping in the foreign trade, by saying that this or that bill ia not just perfect'. The people elect congress to leg- . is5,ato rn the interest of the American peo ple and they have no time to study all the details. Results count, g^Membcra of congrete cannot be, any more concerned' to keep at home and cir culating among American Workingmen and business men the $?G0.O00,OQOhow annually paid to foreign *h;p ownersJor doing our foreign carrying than the people are them- selves, What the ptqple expect fotha^thio sentiment wiil find expression in an ef fective statute before adjournment. Or. Fennel’s K I D N E Y ondDackacheCure. Jtec ell KMney, nut&i r amt Urinary Tronbte*. Law* Beck.flmrt JUM-Mc^vih fmwuw,fthMimatlwn, BeuWetting,etc. By#»*!«*.s&.eleebym*H«Oct"HsC0»(«iHX. nuUie FMOata tiy, m/amt I Tifl'TfgyiTa [ h ’ a i • 1LUUJJ itiin Ktttaoriptloos to 'Ihop»tsat itesordft. if KE00«l>, Brifiwete.M# nwweww*' r (Int tHif prksffi bit Aat* Rilld, ■ Is the subtle, force which controls the different organs of tl body,.t I t makes-them strong or "^eak, healthy or diseasej according as the brain, and neryes are strong and vigorous weak ana diseased. Weak neryes cause headache, nervousne neuralgia, indigestion, heart trouble and many other forms chrontjfweakness. Make the neryes strong, the brain clear ar adive^and the body will be healthy and vigorous, , " I was taken-with a peculiar ailment that affected my head and my nerves were all Unstrung'. ’ I was very nervous, could not sleep and my mind was all confused. I doctored for several weeks without getting better and then began taking Dr- Miles’Nervine., Tbo first bottle .relieved me sa much tha t I kept on, and when I had used' •even bottles I was well.iL M bs . C, S' chrokdrr , Metropolis, Ills.- - D #• M ^ !e s , N e ^ v ls ii soothes and reBts the tired brain, strengthens the norvc 3 • and supplies the nerve Influence tha t is so necessary to ’ .build up health of body and vigor of. mind. Try it- gold by druggists on guarantee. Start the new century by purchasing your Furniture, Carpets,Picture Mouldings, Sewing Machines — New Home—at J . H. M cM LLLAN , Funeral . Furniture Director.. . Dealer.. § t |: " - M Gross Fiinips, Tanks Water ing Troughs, : - _ —XN— Cypress, Pine, and Steel; ■ All Sizes and Shapes.' In introducing:this Hue of goods* will stty .tllnt' they are supt rior to any on the .market;, Our motto: “The best is none to good.” When in need' ofunything .in this line do not tail to rail on . . fs.r> \Vho does nil kinds of.General Repnirii Saw Gumming and Job Griuding. Pump'Reairiog a Specialty. O r address H ; X> . #Sc O O . , , Enon, Ohio, - * • General Agents for Greene and Clark Counties. iZTfiKttttucc ten 0<* i Win tm u * wBt'ft otter Tira.. ' 1 ' -7’" '7'.""'*^'" J . 'ifi X V E N W - F D U C T To ' Red Within two weeks t, They are the IV . a *• - - ' < * b | M ilks M bwcal Cp., Elkhart, i Dl COUNTY GRIS, fjc-ys (toms Gathered Around tl , cat County Offices.—What i: | f ing Bone\ in the J Differ/ ' ’ / - , COiirts. I "Three prisoners.were arm*; Jonffrot^Gonrindn-Rletts, : u * 1 , Stevens of this place -i t lag RohL Darnell. "Thoina- on a charge of robbery. Willi t don-,' Oedarville, for stealing and eome money from Jar&es i The three being unab le'to 1 were returned to the jail. - John Spencer entered a pi gu ilty before the court of pleas Wednesday, on a charg*- ing onething to do wtih th 5 o f a .watch and some -money man named Cheney, Behrens Drug Co,, of Waci against Frank E. and Delilah on a note for $2500 agaitiF- Wjlson, - AttorneV Dakin, c- Springs, and C. L) Spencer the plaintiff, and Chas. Stc Springfield, and Judge H. L the defeadanta* .* 1 v • ■ > * SHOES STRICTLY UP-TO-DATE . . A U ’ O O S ' F . This has lieen a backward winter find in conse quence we have too many shoes in stock for this season of the year. Notice the prices that are quoted below. » The Court of Common I engaged Thursday in hearing 5 age- suit oF Albert Geiger '■ Frank Byers, and Kelble, as . o f the Bohle estate- $30.C amount of damage asked f gCrsome years ago was in th of the Bohle Company and ating the sausage machine fingers cut off,, Hugh A. and Chas. G. has entered suit in- Prob. -agaiust Mary C.JTurubull, e Mariba J . Tnrtibull estate t> ' notes owned by .,W. L, C lt' wife. ' - 4 mariuaob lic UN hi E , A. Sodders, Ottawa mer, and Sarah J . Ratroffo vilie. _ . V . O. Batdorf, a farmer, and Miss Glara M, Stull, ( Rev, J , H , Albright. John I . Raker, 28, farmj town, aud Miss Effie Gcrar ersville, Rev, A, O. Horne,.! -. 1 lintian's $5 shoes, Patent leather, Ensmcl and Calf, reiluceil to 4C Men’s $J,50sliots In Patent Leather, Enamel, Vici Kid and Box Calf best wearing shoes in Xenia, reduced to $2.75, Men’s $3 shoes in all leathers reduced to $2.35. ’ . About 50petia k .'. r ' s shoes, aizta S)£, 6, 0 ’J and 7, former prices $3.50 and $3, rcdttccd to $2.. REAL ESTATE TkANSl E . a Beall to John’ H, lot, New Jasper; $13,682.6^ Charles L /and Ollio M; iiy Sackett; lot, Beilhrook Louise Law to D . II- lot, Xenia, $1. Amanda A. and John i* Emma A, Sanders; lot, : E li Trubee td Joshua O Beaverctcek, $150. Ladies' hand sewed wells, made l»y t>, Armstrong tfc Co,, minced from$4 to . f . Ladies’ fine shoes with hand turned or heavy extension' soles reduced from $3,50 to $2.50, ' f W« have the heal shoes in Xenia for $3 tn all leathers, .shapesand sixes, eyery pair reduced to $2.3-3. '• ' The Shoes 'offered a t this sale are all this season’s goods aftd warranted peri&ct in style, material.and . workmanship, We mfike this snle to convert our . slock into cash. NO GOODS TO BE . CHARGED, c. s. 17 East Main Street, Xenia, Ohio. J- The Lowry estate will lw ftppraired Jan , 22 , . % 0 # t This algaUttte Is on svary bo* tf the itsnnta* CASTOR I 111 KWYtaH»nAlfiji Bwf ■Hears th i
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