The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26

I' f l! gS; *1.00 A YEAR. KAXLH iHjjkL, » CdKeriWMiPrttprLLH-, Catesim p m t s i 68 to « WaldoRites. m TU Jm Y i^& N U A ilY S fi, 1903. m OBITUARIES —Containing over twohumlrod words, will ha charged •■ for, at the,rate of five cents per line, •* . CARDS OB T H A W r - Five cents per line, - When you send iu long obituaries - .please state whom the hill is to he sent to, or we will publish tVyo (200) hun- .fired words and leave the balance qui;, them as long ns you wish. U ' ' comply with the above conditions, ^/whieh is a matter of pure justice.- • %:Mr \ .Vermont haprVo explosion of nearly fifteen hundred pounds of 'dynamite - the other day, but it didn’t blow'1the . state gufc.of the V n* 08 * ■ 4 : Secretary Wilson! says*no class of our people will he more benefited, by ■ the Skip subsidy hill than our farmers, , who are now handicapped by the lack of ocean shipping facilities and by the high freighted , The factja being generally recog-; ahEed'iirttte'''btid 0 ee 8 a wowd_that Oer ’ 'many, aud not England, is, now our . leading commercial rival, and that it \is with Germany,that we have to fight . for'commecialsupremacy," ‘Geb? Raeeieur, commander-in-chief , ,; o f t he G, A*. JR., headed the pension ' - "committee of1 that organization, in an .appeal to House Invalid Pension Gom-. •mittee to make a favorable report on ; the bill for the establishmentof a per- ,* manent pension court of apppals/ i’£* l <,^Wt By giving the opponents of the Army bill'full swing, the republican Senators saou had them talked out,- .W ithou t1meaning to bo personally . disrespectful* wemust say that the ar- , gdment that a standing army-of 100, , OQDmen can be madea menace to our liberties strikes us'as ridiculous. A movement is on foot, in connee ' tion with tfio National Maritime Con­ gress,which" is to meet at Bruswick, Ga,, on tho fiOth insLr’to form’a per­ manent national ergaization of busi­ ness men and ship builders. Such an • Organisation -should be able to assist s in the work of building up our mer* ‘chant marine. ' . **L* * * ^$ • Sfcappee vs, Shoup. 6 - I - i t, K H Ahere has been a .curiosity on a. part of some of our subscribers to know-the contents of some of the papers" that have been filed against ^Attorney Marcus fjhoup by_Dr. W. , A. Shappee, of Xenia, Upon the < solicitation ofseveral, we have secured ' the last paper which -was filed -with •■ the Court of Common Pleas, and.give . a reprint for those who desire td know the contents^ To the Honorable Court o f Common Pleat o f Greene County, State o f Ohio: The undersigned has read,' with mingled feelings of sUrpii-je and dis­ gust, the report of Messrs. Schnebly , aud Gowdy, two of the committee ap­ pointed by the Court to file charges against Marcus Shoup for disbarment. Me-hereby, in justification .of him­ self desires respectfully to day thatha filed written charges againstMr.Shoup pU information and belief, hut since , ,tbeee gentlemen made their report, he jhas taken the trouble to personally in­ quire about and to%xamine some of the papers and evidence that these gentlemen knew all about or If they did Mot know, it was because they purposely closed their eye and stopped their ears, " Ho asserts without fear of contra­ diction that they knew, when they made their report that there was a pa­ per filed as an entry in a criminal case in the probate Court of this county, which purported to dismiss and finally dispose of a certain criminal case then pending in that Court, entirely in the hand Writing oFMr. Shoup, which the probate Judge and his deputy could both testify under oath was for* gery and waSsufrepticimisly placed on file by Shoup m said Court, without any shadow bf authority whatever. Again,they knew that if they would take thh trouble to walk to the office, ofthecounty Auditor, they could find indisputable evidence that Mr. Shoiip lot a t least two Or three years past had evaded a very plain, a very irtiportanf. and a very wholesome Jaw requiring him to fils a statement in writing,. In September of each year ahowibg all . the moneys received by him as prdhe- ettting attorney .during the preceed- Ing year, | ‘ - Th* first year of Me, Slump's term ! h i filed a sworn statement as the law ' required, showing ait the nioneys he had received, not only as lalitryi but forftried recogsizanoes, from, ‘fiaas and costs collected, .Ac, thus ' he knew the requirements of law, After the first year, he mi; »< pressed all information p to hts re­ ceipts except his salary, which least of all needed repotfog because it could be ascertained by anyone by simply lookingover the reports of the County ConjmMonenit These gentlemen also know that for more than two years an indictment for rape on a femeje under the age of consent* hung in court untried, and that at least one witness would testify positively to an effort made on the part of the prosecuting attorney to buy off the father of the girl and thus sup- prom the prosecution; that tW case was brqught to trial !within a few weeks, after charges had been fifed against the prpsecutor, he gave the case away from start to finish in hts closing argument, in order to bring about an- acquittal which be thus accomplished without the use of any funds, T h e . undersigned fo r thp credit o f th e G reene Gounty b a r, respectfully asks thatj ano ther committee be a p ­ pointed Composed o f men who a re no t lawyers aud who believe th a t a law ­ y e r ough t to be retrained by some ru le o f common decency, a t least, an d if this cannot be done, then the un­ dersigned desires hum bly' and respect­ fully .to beg pardon f o r . annoying the Prosecuting atto rney an d interfering tut Court matters. ' What He did in the filing charges was dOne uucjer a total -misapprehen siou of.facte. He supposed that evi­ dence tending strongly to show for­ gery ,and perjury *would he- -good gfound for filing charges for the'dis* bartuent of any attorney. In fact,he supposed, that such charges!! support­ ed by tlie'strong evidence which can be brought to support thepi, would be ground not pnly of filing charges, but" for actual disbarment. • W , A; S baapjbe ; - Have yon a Baby? If so We -Avant your address.'. We have valuable information- for.the mothers of A m e r i c a . a r e _ f u r - nihers to his majesty-r-the baby, Downey & Henry, 167 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. f43 ■Good Advice, - The most miserable beings iu the. world UrO thosetoffering.from Dyspep­ sia and Liver Complaint. More than Beventy-five per cent, of the people in the United states are afflicted with these two diseases and their effects: such &&Sour Stomach, Sick Head­ ache, Habitual Goafiveness, -Palpita­ tion of the Heart, Heart burn, Water- brash, Gnawing and.. Burping Pains a ttb e P it Of. the Stomach, Yellow Skin, Coated .Tongue and Disagree* Taste in the Mouth, jJoniing up of Food after Eating, -Low Spirits, etc. Go (o your Druggist and get'a. bottle of August Flower fpr 76 ceiita. Two doses will Relieve1you,-. Try it. Get Green’s Prize Almanac, 1■ 1BROUGH TO HO*©A." To Jaekmvtlls u d Aiputuu Wittsat UXtigtog Cars. Travel convenienccos on the Penn sylvahla Lines will include through car service between Ohio and Indiana points and Flondia, on and after Jan uary 15th. On that date a new train will be run through- Cincinnati via- Chattanooga, Atlanta .and Macon to Jacksonville and St. Angustinb. A Sleeping Oar running through to Florida on the new train will leave Pittsburgh at 6 a. m., over the Pan Handle Route via Hewark, Colum­ bus and Xenia, and passengers for the South may go thrpugb to Florida on it without change from the following stations, leaving oh the -schedule given each Tuesday and Friday: Pittsburgh 8:00, a,, m., Columbus,- %15 p. m„ London 2:66 p ro., South Charleston 3:13 p . m,,Ccdarvil]e3:&8 p, m., Xeqia 3;48 p . m,, Waynesville p. in,, Morrow 4:27 p. m., Love­ land 4:48 p, m. From Cincinnati, to Florida the train- will, consist of the. latest pattern Pullman Sleeping, Dining and Obser­ vation Cara, including. the Sleeping Car1from Pittsburgh, Chattanooga- will be readied at 6:40 a. m., Atlanta at 9:45 a. m„ Maeon at 12:05 noon, Jacksonville 7:25 ,p. m., St. Augus­ tine 8;30 p. m. .the day after leaving home. The through service wijl be espec­ ially convenient for persons contem­ plating’trips to Florida and the South Tourist tickets to Southern winter re- sorts now on'sale at special ,fares via Pennsylvania Lines will be. good on this magnificent through train. Ar­ rangements to travel on it -may he made through E . 3. Keyes, Agent, Ciodarville.or by communicating with C. O, Haines, D, P . Agt., Dayton, 0 „ who will make reservations for. any Tueslay or 'Friday during the season. . , - . ’ Patterns for- Baby’s Wardrobe. . - We will mail 32 patterns for long baby clothes, showing necessary ma­ terials and full directions fdf mating,' for 25 .cents silver or'26 cents stamps^ 12 patterhs for short clotheB 20 cents. These patterns are the latest styles and will delight any mother. • With each- package we send valuable information Address, Downey <& Henry, Lilipu tian SpecinUies, 367 Dearborn Street* Chicago^H. . - Vernon County, - W is., offers • a bounty o f 50c for every dead Tattle- snake brought to any towh chairman. F req u en t iu ju ry ’to persons and stock induced thisf action. -—The most soothing,, healing, and antiseptic application ever de­ vised isDoWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve, I t relieves at once and cures piles, sores, eczema and skin diseases., Be­ ware of imitations, Bidgway & Co,, Druggists. ,Borne Polynesian languages have only seven consonants, fiumpus Jones came down from Springfield last Saturday, and'spent the day with his friends, ft has been some time since Bunlpus has paid his friends a visit and consequently they were glad to see him. He expects to play ball with the St; Paul team this coming season. ^—Persons who suffisr from indiges­ tion cannot ■ expect to live Jong, 'be­ cause tile cannot eat the food required to nourish the body and the products of the undigested foods the^ do eat poison the bipod. I t is Important to cure indigestion as soon as possible, and tjlie best method of doing this Is to use the preparation known aaKodol Dyspepsia Cure. I t digests what you eat and restore all the digestive organs to perfect health,—Bidgway A Co,, Druggists, > Health authorities estimate that 10 8 >r cent of the men who go to Cape ome never come back alive.. ' HOW’S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re­ ward for any case of Catarrh that can­ not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F, J . Catmnt&Co, Props, Toledo, 0 We, the undersighed, have known F, J . Cheney for the, last 15 years,, and-believe him perfectly ’ honorable in all buisness transactions and finan­ cially able to carry but aiiy obliga­ tions made by their firm. W a tt l A Wholesale Drug- giste, Toledo, O. ‘ WAibiK«, , KmftAif A M arvin , Wholesale Druggists, Tolcilo, 0 , HaTts Catarrh Cure is taken Inter­ nally* acting directly upon the blood and mneott* .surfaces of the system. Prices 75e per bottle. Bold by all Druggist*, Testimonials free. Hall's,Famfty flits m the best, . WANTEDt Reliable man tor Manager of Branch Office We wish to open in'this vicinity. If your record* is O. JEC here is an opportunity. Kindly give good reference when writing. A . I . M orris WflonESAtjE H ouse , .Cincinnati, Ohio, Illustrated catalogue 4 eta. stamps and’not quantity makes DeWftt'fi Xittlo Early Risers such valuable little liver puls. -Bidgway & Co., Dauggists. The British claim to control the goldfish market of the world. The fish'are getting scarce and the price has doubled. Tfoe Hfnd You Httve Always Bougbt, and vrblch has 1beea •w use Tpu ovojr SO. yesw , lias Iborne-tlio oignatnre o f »«d bus Iwmixntadeinnder Ills pcr-<- sonalsupervision since lts inftmey» ^ •Allowmoone to d e c e iv e yonIn thle. A ll C o u n te r f e its , In v ita tio n s a n d »t J u s t« a s - g p p tlMa r e but? E x p e r im e n ts t h a t tr l f l q w i t h a n d e n d a n g e r t h e h e a l t h o f I n f o n t s e n d C h ild r e n—E x p e r ie n c o a g a i n s t E x p e r im e n t, What Is< 5 ASTOB!A Nobody knows all about it; and nothing, nowknown, will always cure it. Doctors try Scott’s Emul­ sion of Cod Liver Oil, when they think it is causdd by im­ perfect digestion of . food. You can do the same. • It may or maynot be caused by the failure of stomach and bowels to do their work. If .■» - . it is, you will cure it; if not, you will do no harm. The way, to cute a disease, is to stop its cause, and help the body'get back to its habit of health. - r When Scott’s Emulsion of jCod Liver OIL”does that* it cures; when it don’t, it don’t cure, It never does harm. . The genuine baa this picture on it, take no other. If. yotf have not tried it, sOnd tor free sample, it* agreeable taafe wilt surprise ''SCOTT&BOWHE, Chemists, 409Pearl St,, M, Y. I Jfi'v, and JtLop; *H druggist*, 0 Castorla is a harmless shbstitate fo r Castor .Oil* Pare- - gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. I t Is Pleasant* I t contains neither Opiitra, Alqrphino. nor other JTarcetic Ruhstance. Its age is its guarantee. I t destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. I t cures Diarrhoea and Wind,. Colic, I t relieves Teething Troubles* cures Constipation and Flatulency, I t assimilates the Food* regulates the1. Stomach and Dowels* giving healthy and natural Bleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother’s Friend* ,. . GENUINE CASTOR!A ALWAYS Bears the Signature off r In Use For/Over 30 Years. THEOCNT.UROOUPAHT,~T»MUMRAYRTRECT. MEM)VORROI1Y- * • Contrary to nil conclusions that no old prices would be secured this season, a factory has furnished us with a case of .... ■ „ ^ , 9-4 Bleached Sheetings Remnants (long enough for sheets). The 80c qual- . ity for 20e. Beat that if you can. ,.-45- in. Pillow Case Muslin Nice quality 10 yds. for -50c, (6c).- These will n o t stay long. 1000 yards Solid Color Outing r-The lOc quality -for 5c,. no complaints ought now to be made about prices. •. These Outings make fine comforts, and by the way one baiting 8J, 30,12^0, , Chance for Late Buyers Golf Capes, Fur Capes, Cloth Capes, Jackets, Ante- ,, Mobiles, Dressing Baquiss, Petticoats, Fur Boas, etc.' / Chance for Early Buyers-, 'LaceCurtains, Oil Cloth, Linoleum, Window Shades Velvet Tapestry and Ingrain*Bugs. ' ' BMcbfson$ffibney** XENIA, OHIO. CHURCH DIRECTORY R. P. harsh—Rer. J , V. Mottdn, Paotor. Mrrte** at 1I;00 a. m, School &t 10 a. a . v ■ CoreBAi.tcr Church—Rer. W. J.S»ader»OB, pAitor, Sahhath School at 10 a. m. Prnch* log at 11:00 a, at. Voang People meet at 0 pvta, etoepttho 1st and 3d Sabbaths Of the |4ioath when thojr meet at 6:30, hadpreaching ' labbath* of in the erentng on the 1st and 3d S l ths taonlh at r.$9 p. m, V. P. Gharoh—Rer. P. 0 . Ross, pastor. Ser­ vice* at 10:36 a. m, sad TsOOp.- tn. Sabbath [School at 9:30 a, tn, standard time, M.E, Chorcb—R» y , A.Hamilton, Pastor, Preaching at 10;#&. a . w SabbathSchool at I9:30 a. in. Young People's meeting at 6:93 [p. as. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:09, Preachingevery otherSabB&heven- !lag7:30p.m. . i Baptist Church—Rew George Washington, pastoroftheBaptist chorcb. Preaching at 11 a. to. and 7:30p. tn. Sabbath Sehool at 2:30 p.m. Prayer tueeiing every Wednesdaynight at 7:36. HtetYohe Invited:. A.M. E, qharch—Kev. 0 . K, Jones l'as- A Cry From N ature. A WARRING TilAT SHOUtll BE HEEDED BY EVERY SUFFERER, tor Preaching at 10:30 a, m. and-7:00 p. m, Class every Sabbath at 12:00, Sabbath School at 3:00 p,’ m, J’rayef meeting 7:36 p.m., Wednesday tvev Rnptnrfe or Hernia Cured Nooperations t>f Injections, nopain or discom­ fort in any way, nosleetspringsor ironBarnes tiojvooden, Ivoty or hard rnbh*^batls^ caps, punches of plugs used. Not the l.EAST TRESS cr annoyance.’ Our Outfit for the CURE of RUPTURE OR HERNIA is made Of fine-soft materials, such as felt, velvet, charnels ’akin* and elastic Webs. I^hls Mkeaglnveahd can harjnyou nti mor*. IT HOBBSyour intest1nes-Jh*cEin 'their nat­ ural position ahd the wound tylT-B HEAD like any other wound when it has a chance. .TheOnlyWay toCore Istohold the Intestines U or back all the lime, until theWoundsbe­ comesgrown together, Your Rupture cannot beCured In anyother wiy. W*have had 26 years constant and hard experience tn treating RUPTURE?! and this OUTFIT la the RE- SUI.T. Men, women and children madeCOM- F0RTAI1LKby uslngthls OUTFIT, ^ Prices reasonehle and In accordance with the case. IF INTERESTED, please write for particulars, Which we Will mail yon FREE. Address, MOHAWK REMEDY OO m w Koine, N< X Hohawk Ofttatrli Cure, -> Uheapoat and Rest. Care* Catarrh in from8 to 10 day*. - 'Cures Cold in the Head, It to 16 minutes, •, .Recurel* packed with fAH instructions, by „tN)$TA< ‘ “ ma)l,.PD CRPA ID, S3c. , . Try trend yoitwlllDe mere than pleased with \hc tneestmerti. Yeurmoney.Widt If you are diaratlsfied, "fSIanqw lukwt, ■' * ' JtOSAWE REKDOf 00/ . < Boise, RswTorit. For Kenlv—Xiewit’ office room j« town, Olaman'* Ingurauca offioR, 1J,F,ObdW1X to i* ,0 , Nature soon rebel* when the human machinery'is out of order. Her ap peals for help should be quickly an swered. Life is too short aud dear to us to ueglect our health. When the system becomes run down, the blood impure, the liver torpid, nerves all on a quiver, aud the stomach refuses lo do its work, then nature, utters her warning note, I t may be a sick headache, nervous­ ness, dyspepsja, entnerh, loss of appe­ tite, insomnia,,languor, constipation, bu t it is nat urn’s signal of distress. The human machine should be at­ tended to without delay. The system needs building up, the impurities must be driven' from the blood, the liver made to do its work and the stomach placed in a natural, healthy Condition* Knox Stomach Tablets are a new combination of vegetable remedies compounded by o«e of the best them- istsjn the world; and are guaranteed to bufld up the whole system.. They, do not net ns a stimulant, but are a sarsaparilla in a tablet form, contain­ ing twice the medicinal properties of any other combination o f . remedies known. They give health and strength to the entire body and im­ mediate relieve indigestion and posi­ tively cure tiyspepsia. . A 'single box will prove tlieir power to cure chronic Invalids ’and make them strong, healthy mcli and Women. ' . '. m . - , * If unable jo seetire Knox Stomach Tablets of your druggists, send fifty cents to the KuOX Chemical Go., Battle Ureek,. Mich,, ami r fall iked package will lie sent,postpaid. D iKAFTB on New York, and Oin- ■**' cinnati sold a t lowest rates. The cheapest and most convenient way to send money'by mail. ‘ Exchange Bank OEDABVILLE, OHIO. A COOUNIB ofMerchanta and In-' jdividuals solicited, OoUeptionf promptly made and remitted. ’ j^OANB made on Real Estate^- Pei- sonal or Collateral Security, William Wildman, Pres., Seth W. Smith, Vice Pres., . \V, J- V’iJdman. Cashier. aw.,*r w / ' **7' ’ >i ' * Daily Meal Market. Under the above firm .name, the meat market of 0, W, Crouse will be conducted. All product in the meat line will be the best that money can buy, which fact combined'vylth honest and thorough business methods is enough assurance to this public, who always want the worth of their money in every respect, : When 'sending children, direct them to ns; we always give themHhe"best: they ask for. . ; GOODS DELIVERED Telephone No. 74.; - New Meat Store Having opening the Meat Store formerly conducted by Ed UeDshel, we will- .have on hand at all times a choice line of Fresh' and Salt Meats ’. * Bologna and Sausage. . and everything connected ■with a first-class meat store. We fiaiidle the celebrated Kingan A Co’s. Hams. Charles Weimar. GOODS DELIVERED! , telephone 66; - LOOtSVILLE&NASHVILLERAILROAD The G reat. Csntral Southern Trunk Line. WINTER TOURIST. TICKETS Now on sale to FLORIDA -and the GULF COAST Write for folders, descriptive matter to & C .L . s t o n e ; General Passenger Agt. LOUISVILLE, KY. s e n d T o u r a d d r e s s To K . J . W EM Y 8S , Gensrsl Iniiaig^stisn and ladAitrisl Ag«at L O U IS V IL L E , K Y . j # A nd he will mail you Free MArS,ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS an d PRICE BIST o f BAND find FARMS »U KENTUCKY, TENNESSEE. ALABAMA. MISSISSIPPI. FLORIDA, Bluebant Stable L eave y ou r horses th ere and y o u r rigs bo k ep t on the itisido, Out o f th e rain and storm , 20 N. Fountain Avenue, Springfield, O. C harles E, T odd , Prop Adam’s Restaurant and Dining Rooms Corner .Higb.tijd .Llm^fone. Itetet*. Bpylngfieldj OM dl i/ - r~ I f y o u w ant any th in g good, go <oG r* fi, •' -No. 2 Owtof CHI : %mm m t m IMw eeu X citii «it<l ibtymu, .. Neniat . UcHvelp*^ 5:00 a, in, 6:00 - 7;00 8:00 . 0:00 JO;0O‘ 11:00 . 12:00 Noon. 1:00 p , m. 2:00 . 3:00 4:00 ’ ' 5:0ft 6:0ft 7:00 8:0ft ’ . 9:00 - 10:00 > H:00 ' . Xenia office and waiting roomRo 4 South Detroit’ St. Dayton pflic, and waiting room, .15 West Fifth 8f, .opposite Posioffice. ' *' The running time. bctweefl_B«ytoB and Xenia is ,one .... ^ •’ ^•00 $, M 7:00 8:00 9:00 10;00 11:00 - 32.00 Noon, ’BOO p. m 2:00 ' 3:00 ■ 4;00 •5:00 6 : 00 ’ ’ 7:00 . 8:00 9:00 10:00 - 11:00 ' 12:00 j»i M*v* B#6>* y«vov«i»ir ■ ■ •; » r ■ jifw*•afwakasriwfc. ■ .*X:V*#- DkfMMilits . ■ o * ir t« ru ik u tM mUr, pnssing thru Highlands, Smithvillo Rornl, Zimmer­ man, Alpha, , Trcbeins and. Lucas Groye. ■ •Dayton t(t Xenia- 17 25'cents., Every other cur freight. • ^Sundays and Holidays cars mtj eVeryfhn!f hour, miles, fare, combination;fdr Cincinnati Division, ennsulvanialfc-;,fo. Alton _______ Vy. JoflbrBon “ Loudon s.ciiarieston “ Selmn ........ " licdurvlllp.... VVlUierforca, *f m m £ k ' HHi -!is Lit] fit K •■iprina VnC.,s. tl',xauuB ._..1 \Vii>’ni‘*ylllo“ ... *• K.irtAnolcnt” Morrow....... “ So.. Lebanon 1 i^Jvi-iiind,.:.. *! Miirord...;:,:.." Jiiluvili Jo... " ;iliicluciatlBr| ■Iiuatwaro. •ntavili.Jo.., ’Ut.pi-A ....... “ ovf-iund** -u; Lebiiuon ‘I 1, r r o w , -* •'t. Auckut *’ H'cKOilla,,,.. ’’ Wojiicsvme *l !.:o.vfinna_.’.. ” lit’-aX uln ... vVilbbiTorcof ■X'lIurvMio,., . Inin.....»• Li.’lmrleaton *1 l . oll<IOH ....... " ,V*. .Jwireison \lto u .......- ; vestwaoo , ’SpriiiQflalUtv l/illtr 5 f'gl*» Xetiin | 3 ,j|jj DayfUn.’.-j 3 .Irookyilis " ' Jodson.... Eldorado., Richmond.nrj 443 , EASTWARO litia.jJJr, -Idorsdo“ todson.' psyidnlf^ Xonlaj^ nuiwtpp." a|ttti *r tfri' OttwSen Sprln8fle|dj Xtnli^ D*l ' r*> f f i ‘ ^ W DarkFscsdTrMIiaMntlfei frMi12,00 sms itIZ.OOui- light; UrBfan/SnIZ.OO niiaigit n )t» »»». Pullm itn H le sn la r Ours onW«». 2,3,1, M. 19. SO. SI and 100 either run through t » Columbus and PHUbnrgh CM'.tonlicoi Uironth Pittsburgh Union Station to and- from. Haw* more, Waablngfon, Philadelphia fijl M «.Y. ’ i* aas n< annnnol at. Hldfi* Tdra; NoiwO, 301 n a d SI connci-t at RU6- mond Tor Indlanapolta and St. Louis; a**- SI an d S Cor Chicago. - L. F, BOREE. E.A. FOltD. twnlXwgw. ’ #«Mr*lP*m»lt*rtgaI U-ROO l -I* PmssimoB, Pawn’*. For timecards, rale*pfjfre, UiroiiKti Uckett, borage checks, and- furtlior [nfomyitlwLr^ carding ‘ .............. " “ 4f*®WMWJKff . ..n,„,v, ........ ^ A ® f i ^ v K f i i ! S & r pwrw<wi E . B, Keyes, Agent, Ccdarville, Ohio. BO YEARS* EXPERIENCE P A T ! ! E Dc»iQNr Coi»YmGHt» tteial noffkF, vlfhoNtoiHttr«dsla tb« Scientificflmsricaiie h a t e B s a i B # NERVITA PILLS Rtsfora Viiallty, UH Viter u i MuMl Emlssioos. L«« ciHa»; '«X6«!WA.... ____ *"rwsg.'*: . £&, d.tjoxi^lfof »wi«sj|i£r. * * P1LWI m CTflk, mmSableganrants* o«r*ftmd the money paid, send for olfW** •ad copyot tmr bankable xaanntoe bond. NawitaTaMets8*™-®*® (rahtowLAsatl Ittisifiltte INtfU .j'of Pv kehOrtt** ‘“jNEUWVliSBOICAt. CO. *«t Sale By (\.jk Rtdgwwsj, ttomk* C.odarrllle, Ohio. ' ...... " • s a ? {Special Cormpom Wesbl Before th em ro rd s will F reader, doubtless, the «• tion hill wiH have Been di sslist*.1. A t thle writing tfc ec -w ro u g h t'o v e r the fih’L 'purtued hy * f« r populieU discredited. Bjr their own h< . }j„ by a few renegaderepublicai ; ' th«y «m»t OPPOS*everything way-iatrengthep the hands . tration, fthat there. I* ever; some vigorous talkng, and>_ - wort, then some vigorous a, effedtur-lly iduelch these h mins of-American progress. As a. matter of fact, whet their votes, in last Novemb, ‘sdminietration and. reelectec Wi K'injfcyy the people also in d -S j oiple* And. the polices adyocvilj ppblioan party and by Presid’-'H These senators, however, w.. ^jy posing administration meaa army bill> for instance, knosv- ji, deed that "tjrey are attompi tv, ' the'will ef the people In tain tion may be necessary to Jo where they Belong these d and renegade republicans. , The assertion bail been re . th a t the filibustering againe, in the senate isnot Somuch c thatmeaeure at it. it againsn bill,' the latter beinganotbei demanded by republicans in national conventions, year t- Which 1|U been before two grewee, and twice favorabl. pasnage by both the house committee* having the-bdl • r~ it is being seen, now, that t doe* not,deserve this aspen- bill, on its Own merits, is > fag enda of repudiated and bobtail parties, solely to eml ident, and to give aid and ( nation’s enemies in the Phi’ - The shippngbill, too, eten . merits, and will, by the time - Tesder’o eye have been rest sitifon of precedence so unfi; i f it has not been passed l After the experience which th e senate have undergone i: ■ l-i! ’ ,, it n\ IV, ..„ A «s las H' ,v I’ kv of the army bill they -mil 1 mood to *it tamely' tnd- ai “kickers” in the senr •jjr a called. r time in filibustering. And- •fH ping bill haa been finally pt £vi 'discovered that the filibtjsit • j ’•the pops and renegade rep:..! ■,ifixat’»* Touch in evidence, s 3*1 the- measure that they may . ^ j cuteion.' "-In abort, the real purpose • terers Is to delay action on ; jM tion measures, even the app <®J tjj order to-embarrasn the MJ compel him to, call congrcei .^3 aion.- If this despicable plnO? then these vrry people who ^ extra session by preventing <i« portgnt measures during th M will be the first to excorial ,« and tb s republican party, fe * charge as extravagance, an>-- jr., through all aorta of indefe:. w ....... ...... .»:** IB! Itnd ET The Worst of it all is that, cecity df a number' of the long been questioned, it ia o their penonal honesty has but such pointed *uggestion» . ried from them to those .ir fairs on the other side th* eratlon” they would cease tion,” that* the most unw five* now seems to be at th, of the most active and mal ponents. * fes ltd tar iEi*i! art to*■it:Bl t ■ KFThe effect of the pa« ping Bill Will be two-fold: our qn*«i-military and nay give o t a power and a pres which We sadly lack at pt> -gradually give to our own L ifig Of our tS,500,000,000 v-1 eemnaerce, and hence to ou * employment that goes wit) 1900,000,600 for oarrying at were*, 91 pet cent* 6f wh't' the pockets of foreign ship i; 1 t T l t la td te regretted f infinriitHl republioar. sens F» -seen fi t in secretly nu t»mg w i the skipping hill so long, stating the hseis of their <U| 6a the matter has Been Broil!1 to adjusted a i to unite at! im favor of the measare, what • ' pewed a month ago St likely ff | to si ml moment, now—that it the Bill, 'rirAs toon -eia-the shipping •enate it will he sent to th) 1 th a t thd of thecapitdl th-e” » S*o* that Its difcusaioii wi'ffaJ exceed two dsy#, so that ^ and, approval by Presiden t , t he expected to occur abom“ *j m t f , .........■. . . . . f a .. .... ..... ... ,!s° ♦W it* k ic k .of the -opr{*.. •ktppiug hill wa* rather Brt f*8] pubfieam leaders in th* smo«i and united In favor of a l i « »o*)d kU euthuilastfcally ^ psesMsge of which at the ] . unwadwred.' l l k^AfiiX.Sdi hs« hteti r#x eorigres* don’t legislate nf| th* American chip the Amt Be owspetted—Bo one k n i; j Icuger—to psjr |800,000,00(»e* •igu A fpe for etrrying .............. ill —T h is eoaeon tlit-rfcjff ratoataOtiE ohildrtsn 'iw lung tnrtiww. Ffo«ihj' nm tW H ttla one* ft-ihs,' bU dlicuioi!. We-knoLs;, ecTbritr to give insttuii fcttlMCough Cure, telieil upon fa jptri anfi tu tot tot# -gwte. 1 ' a