The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26

' . m f ? &v- C L E A R A N C E S A L E O F CLO TH ING ^ • ...—i ^ . ■ ■ —■ ■•'wry.'imn ''1 1 1 - - Is now in full force.' Don’t fail to take advantage of this grand opportunity to buy first-class M ' ' * at « greatly * Reduced * Price* rs ‘ >, X- lieadi M CIotMef, { E C ' O O ^ W T E J E f c , to c a l and Personal. f -t s# , * rW :.V,V ■-■ .Preaching ftt .'tho; M. E. church", Sabbath morning by the pastor,,A. Hamilton.4 Theme: “Bottled Tears.” ' ,Ep worth League service 6:30' p. ny- . M r ' ^ v ’ -- i ' IL P. church, W. J ’J Sanderson, pastor, Theme ll;00 a, m ., “The , 'Mighty Fallen.” • - D. Q. Frantz is": lying very .low with typhoid lever, • ' -Passe-Partout 'Binding in dif­ ferent colors at McMillan’s, We received a pommuuiesttiou this week from the. State Librarian at Columbus,, asking f o r e copy of the Herald, the first issue of, the year and the .new century. The Ohio State Library fe preparing to bind together copies*of each, newspaper' published in ' the state, on the above date. These will bp kept permanently in'.the State Library as. a record of what Ohio Recoveries From Grip., Mrs. E. I; Masters, at he home- iq, Monitor, Ind,, used Dr, .‘Miles’ Her vine and Pills tenure after effects of SAP- . the little Mrs. A. B, L/jpeUr, in town of 'Modeliu, Mian Miles’ Pain Pills and Everybody says that J , W. Udyis looking splendid since * iris recovery,, from- grip at hia home in DesMoinea,' Iowa', They all know that Dr, Miles’ \ ■ Nervine was what cured him. " ! -* • 1 T i m e t o O i l Up, A number from here'-"attended the’.newspapers'were at the beginning of Eleventh Hour, a t Xenia, last Mon-,1901. da.) night. | —.J wil) pi^y 6 |c for .liens and young 13c,for old roosters. ■tfl-n-fis ©few M .) wi ’.*! ' 1 W M M Vegetarian., Baked Beans. \ With.Tomatoe Sauce. , 'HoMentj HoFat. .At GraV's, ‘ftYW _i, iiL' *Y L 3 , V'A; Spile—A Ho, 1 hot water Incu­ bator,, capacity 225 egg, , , in fine '.condition. Heed ' l .the money and will sell sfe T a sacrifice. Apply at this, office,, - t / • „ ’ ’ - Edmond Brussells is enjoying bet- roosters ailtl t q ter health than usual this winter^ anfl - W. M. Hart, Gladstone, O consequently will delight his audience,- mbi e‘than ever. - - . “I was ■* ' And fi6<rvoti3 “ Failing to find relief from the grip Six bottles each of Dr. Miles’ Heart with old methods, ! took Dr. allies Cure and Nervine cured me.”—Mrs. ^Pain Pills, Nervine and Nerve and .John Wollet, Jefferson, Wfe, Liver Pdlsand waspermantly-cured. . , , —GuBfr, Egan, Jackson, Micli. “La Grippe” seems to he very pre- '-According to thA census return's 1wlritin-Uim, section at the present $ T . S r ijrh,s 72 pk ,n th- £ & «S”^ h I S , , , , , , _r .Like every o th e r complex machine, the human body has its , „ J L ' & Z Z V 2 § & i £ S p e r i o d , fo r repair. ^S leep » N ^ V S - . for rest, w U < £ S ' , 7 ,u r t t 0 'Wawb™ the grip attacked her; but repair shops o f th e b ram make good th e damage o f the waking .Nerve and JnveriB|ie t00(, p),. Mjle? Nervine, mid uow hours,- T h e man who canno t sleeps o r who suffers from headache, 1 •neighbors in YV.veham, Maps., re-, nervousness, lost appetite, indigestion, h ea rt trouble or pain, is 1 rk on how well die is lookup. - m nn ing wit]l a h o t box. Give d ie tired ' b ra in , and worn-out 1 nerves a chance to rest. Stop! ’ I t is time to oil up. .................. vfill© Pills and was well in « few days. • . ],er . President McKinley iVsovvly recovJn,ark °« d ) r,1S- ering from grip and its alter effects, >• After an illness of five weeks from r* - r Ti i- , J th a grip. Mm.* Harriett Jackson is George J i b tannery was relieved of allJ i ’ut iMldllg fit)e She be- the awful pains m hi? head m filteen f^ n ta(d Dr Miles’ Nervine after mmuteSr-lH’-Ihn isa of IJiv i\filpsr'P)iin'i , eiveh un to die__fmm w niinutes^by the use of Df, Miles’’Pain ; T dS FB hw ^vH e r. home-is-in given up to <ue_ii.oic_ijeartLFills, Now~iieis rapid y recovering mv .- ms troubles, caused by grip, at his home in.Buffalo, N. Y. oreet). Mo. r. Miles’ Heart , • 1 ■ ; — ------------ , ' - ' “ I was troubled for a long time with a stomach disor­ der and terrible headaches. I could not rest or sleep and night after night would lie' awake until three on four in the' morning before I closed an eye.' The doctors did not ■ .help me ana I began taking Dr. Miles’ Nervine. i i i S b ■’ i "' Dr. P , It. Madden, Practice lim­ ited td' EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. ’Glasses Accurately Ad* fasted- Allen Building, Xenia, 0 . T^tepliow, 7 ^office So. 72 , Jfo, 3 J, , -—Teas, GoFee and-Oigar? at Grnyys NO T IC E TheDWIon, . 'NoUcc* JUTfihygiven that, ThoB.'iylon, . Spritgftcid''ami Uvbiina‘Hectdc Jirulvvav Company oft tlie 17th 'day of January, 1H01, ^maOtrapplifatiomto the council of tlie yjl ' lagoof CoffarvilE, OJiio, for permitson to construct, -dnerato ami liwiintian it street railrotai fnsumVillagewithsingleordouble tracks upon Main fttreet from the .North ^rprjiorahou line to the Sontli corporation ; Saidwant- t'fth©for tlie period -of twenty^ five, .years.' Sealed proposals will .he re­ ceivedat tbe oilhhof the undersigned until twelvoo'clook SLot Monday the Uth day of F<iiiniavy,i!H)l.'for the construction, op- - erafion ami maintonynre ofa street railroad 1 upon the above designated route. Bids • must homadewith refi-reuctt to the .terms ' and conditionssot forth in. an ordinnnqnow on lilftin tlie officeof the undersigned and entitled “An Ordinance granting permis­ sion of the Village of Ccdurville, Greene Gotinty< The Dayton, Siningdold and I'rbiuiti HietitrioKailway Companyand its successors orassigns to construct, main. - tain and operatea street railroad Oft Main Streetin said Village of Ccdarville.’’ Bids . should specify the lowest rtffwof fore for Which the bidder proposed-tq carry-passen­ gers for siiigleContinuous,rido and also tlie number of tnkoto, good for one such fare, which; .will he -sold for twenty-live cents and also for thusum ofone dollar, . .TtilXS G. .McUmKliLh Clericof theVillage ' ' - Ccdatville, Ohio. ' Speaker Henderson is 'again jm .his chair in the House of Bejmjsenatives after a severe attack of the grip. ‘ “ After suffering for two months, si scyere attack of grip I found quick relief and a lasting cure by UStBf' Dr. Mtlee’Nerviqe, Pain.PilE and Heart Gurft'A—'Htirry Abboit, Cincinnati, Ohio. -—Genuine BockyMountain Teats neVer sold in bulk by peddlers or less than 35 cts. Don’t be fooled, get the tea made famous by the Madison Med­ icine Ceb •Ask your druggist.. The rnftny friends of Postmaster Milbumt-fidk Xenirt., wifi, be-glad to hear that lie is able to be up tind around, - “Grip mode m6 - very weak and hervous-with tightness of chest and headache. -Dr. Miles’ Pain Pills and Nervine gave me quick relief.”— Airs, Clarinda Butler,' W. Whceliug, Ohio.*1 . ' • •-> —'A choice line of all. kinds of Groceries, at Gray’s. 1 - ,The saloon keeper by the name of Landis, who opeued up a salooou here about a month ngoMecided to-aban­ don the town and ftipved to Xenia Wednesday. The /cause assigned is lack of business and to strong compe- titioni The saloon fixtures will be moved next week* NOT ICE . The annual meeting of theshare-liohlew ofHijeCedaxviHe Building A. Loan Asso­ ciation. for the election, of ‘four directors, and such other business os-may come be­ fore the meeting, whl take place at. the Mayor's office, Saturday evening. February 2,1901. Polls open frr,tn7 to 0. „ ANBIlliW JACKSON, See’y, '■“ I had grip .thri.e,'months; could not sleep; pain all over and headache very bad, Dr, Miles’ Nervine,. Pain Pills and Liver Pills made me well.f —Mrs. E , G. Bowlby, Waterloo, IncL Dr.FfinMi’sKIDNEY] ^Baokache Cure, tor Al KW iwt , m trlnAJj- Tr»» 6 !«(, l*msB«kiH*»rt IHfw»w.^ita K he H«n.a#dW«UnX, tU. DnfeiliitginFornaleW eakness, Sy (i«*t*r*.mfc. 3 lj« hf nailMeFiSdonlA^tlT. I I f I b a d G i 'i p 'l W o u ld - 1 tific I ) r . M i l e s ’ P a i n P illff I a n d D r . M ile s ’ N e r v in e * I so ld b y a ll D ru g g ists. ' The Hagar Paper Go. arc making arrangements for putting in an addi­ tional boiler of about 300 koree power It will be one of the latest patterns. There is sOriie talk of enlargiug their barn, owinihg to .:the, crowded condi­ tion at present.; —Such little pills ns DeWitl’s Lit-4 tie Early Risers are very easily taken, nftd they are wonderfully effective in cleansing the liver and bowels. Itidg- way <kGo., Druggists. A jolly good time is assured,all those who attend the- opera house, February 2 to 9 inclusive, during tlie stay of the Brussells Dramatic GoUi pany.-. . ' ■“ When the grip left me rny nerves and heart were badly affected; but 1 , began taking Dr. Miles’ Nervine and / Heart Cureand was Soon all right.”— jWm* Roericht, Eau Claire, Wis. . T H E STAR Land Roller TheStarBolterhasgfCfl^^deij^WIrjrihnA^liWOjn^toba tiw wire ■.fit «ien'%'1i«iSoi)ti>arTt W.tnsd# W feet lonv.itheretoro enebll the opetiftor to do * very Amountnt workInonetlsr. Ifoin* Andtiihhltt tnn<ttto«ii<l fcronhi 30, lmht» la rimneter, >tilBitltvayJietA-eeti the fmAkei t'heWiH Bl.l'nwl, eo?fio«dedof BO..,vrei«tit on .the and tmhdllmt verv tU(irott<thlj-l, l.-“ - 1 HoMee* Ti?-fk«.“"lt"hsS^"''hit* Iron ................................ hoeri*towhichlifeShittedtheeUVA*. whichheflmudsintwo eectigtiA, »tm votre on An tif tach r- the wrnnmt..... irhlnjt. ftr u i v, 'Xhc- Atrcmi .« to! eriuriSfilnji, T erod l*hc •mb .hr Ei ..... .......... . cAnt MflildArdA,, hottedeollrllf tolhnJjor. Thoc*tiler ■ ' cdhvwhlc....................... ' •tAndar rwhi h therollerIfdntwn eojijjoTttltherodtU« 0 . Weightabout Casb tOhCCotTtjtaoyoeder, LANSINGWHHE18ASS0WCO., LANSINQ, MICH. malady^ The ftfree at the Herj'Id office this week seemed to httve a slight touch pf what is known ns “ la grippe”’ consequently our news columns have Buffered, J, G. UelfVey, foruqian at the West- ioghmiSeLfactnrv in East ‘Pittsburg, had a severe attack of grip, but he used Dr. Miles’Nervine and Pain Pain Pills and was soon hack in life place. Mr. ami Mrs. W. H. Bhiir Bpenti - the first of the week with Mrs. B’s j parents ., , !, “ I was i« bed five weeks with the r grip—nerves abutted, -stomach and i - . _ _ I could see an improvement the second day, and in a few -weeks my head and stomach trouble were gone.” . • • A, H. gEnvF, Astoria* Ills; S,m —A complete line of Kerr& Hastings Bros. Rev. G Bndy was in' :t serious con­ dition at his homo in St.,Paris, O.., but Dr. Miles’ Nervine «ud NcrVe and harness at Liver Pills polled him; through all right., - cured' bdt he Oliver badly deranged.; Was in Pain, ^vith Dr. Miles’ Nervine and Nerve' and Liver Pills/’—D ,, C HaJIsvillc, O. . - ' Walker, . feeds and rest-s the weary brain and weakened nerves. I t ’ gives zest to the appetite, stimulates digestion,' increases circulation and restores health to body andmind. Messrs. Wilt Crawford and J . H , Drake attended the meeting, of the Poland China Breeders Assticiution at Dayton this week, / „ | Sold by druggists on guarantee. , Dm M iles M edical G o ., Elkhart, Ind. « « « A t t e n d O u r G r e a t * * * • M A RK D OW N S A L E . . / O f ■VTTixiter G o o d s :’,! To Close Tiiein Out We Offer at Sacrifice Prices. Start the new century by . purchasing your Furniture, Carpets,Picture Mouldings, Sewing Machines'— NewJ Home—at * j . h ; m c m i l l a n , Funeral ' Furniture' Director Dealer: Ladies’ All Wool Shirt Waists. Our $3.00 Waists for $2.00 Our $2.50 *« . *• $1.75 Our $1.75 “ $1.25 Our $1.50 : ‘f , f* $1.15 Ladies’ French Flannel Waist Pat­ terns, 2J yards to pattern was 75 c yard, now 50c. The 50c quality now 35c per yard. Ladies’ $2*50 Bolx Calf Shoes, new­ est style with heavy soles, per pair $2.50. .Flen’s Fiiie Dress Overcoats. Our $12.50 Black Beaver Overcoatso for $8.50. , Our $12.^) Light Colored Covert ' Cloth Overcoats,handsome ones for $9.00, / ■■ ■• . 4 Our $8.50 Overcoat for $6.00 Our $7.50 Overcoats for $5. J : Men’s 1st quality Rhbber .Boots, $3.00 pair. 2nd quality $2.50 ■ ■ pair. MAMMOTH Bring in your Premium Tickets; wr tickets imw out will be taken after Januaty 3ist S T R I C T L Y U P - T O - D A T E •«k*< • • This has been a backward winter and in conse­ quence we have too many shoes re stock for this seasop of the year. Notice the prices that are -quoted below. • i l Xlanau’s $5 stipes, Patent Leather, Enamel and Calf, reduced to $4. Men’s $3.608hoeS'in Patent Leather, Enamel, Viei. Kid and Box Calf best wearing shoes in Xcntn, reduced to $2.75, Jlcn’cs 43 shoes In all leathers reduced to $2.35. , About50pairs men's shoes, sizes 5K, 0, C i4 and V, fonner prices$3.50 Ti and $3, reaueed t o l l » 'fp Ladies’ hand Sewed welts, made by D. Armstrong & Co„ reduced from $4 to $2.95, T ' . * ' , Lndies¥ flno shoes with hand turned or heart* extension soles reduced from $3.50 to $2.50. “My-heart m s badly affected by an attack of grip and I suffered intense Mrs PtffSOVCfS. E .P Green has recovered from tinlTl I began taking Dr, Miles an attack of the grip fit Gauaseraga, eartGure. I t mnde me a well man, ^ —S, D. Holman* Irasburgf Vt. -Petroleum Jelly, pound cans 15c, RidgWay & Goi }N. Y., by the. tvti of Dr, Miles' Fain {Pills, Among the victims of the grip epi­ demic now sn prevalent, F. Coyle iu uow recovering tit Canton, O,, by the Use of Dr. Miles’ Nervine and Pills. Rev* F. O. Ross and Dr, J, B. Me? Micheal as a committee of the Xenia Presbytry installed Rev*- J , II. Leo, t,7 « xt-i 11 f o , * ■ ■ispastor of the 1st tJ. P. church of L. N,fells, of*l. Lores, Columbus on last Tuesday evening. | W-‘ | ' “IS *?'?" Mr.' I a , » from » . Y,., “Grip robbed me of my sleep and I vws nearly crazy with neuralgia noi| headache. Dr. Miles’ Pairii Pills and A conimittee consisting of George V* Good,.chairman, T, E. ScrOggy, Andrew Jackson, John A. Evens and J . W, Smith meet todj^y in the Pro­ bate court8office to revise the const!* tjttlon of the Greene County Associa­ tion of the ex Soldiers, Bailors and Marines. - . We have the host slices in Xenia for $3 in all leathers, shapesand sizes, everypair jyduccd to $2.35. The Shoes offered at this sale are all this season’s goods and warranted perfect re style, material and workmanship. We make this sale to convert otir stock into cash. NO GOODS TO BE CHARGED* Mo*, grip, is re­ used Dr, The Friends' of MisFL/DSiiTstiu .will; ho pleated to learn of her recovery —161b.? Granulated Sugar $1.00,' Syrup in 1 gal cans (bestgrade) 30* Hyruf*, (Cali'ornia Honey) ia bulk, per gal,, 25c. Flour (London) per 2dlb sack 60c, Coffee in Bulk, (Bet* ■ ter han Lion), per Jb-Hter -Potapn 1 per hnsfael, 60c. Wonted ■— fiaern cud Li rd/ (hiUforuia Peaches, fine fllba fi»r25tf. At Bird’s. w * G. S. FRAZER, 17 -East Main Street, Xenia, Ohio* Nervine cured me.” -M r s . Pearl i " 'j f ’.5',; IfO )0™ inr ^ $fy>t {I ha U TL,iio„*i i.Micu., tlmuLdi the use of Dr. Miles < ... . . . Bush* Holland, Mich, 1Nervine and Pills, ? W, J . Wthlmnn aud Mr. and Mrs. Roliert McCainphelJ { the guests of William Selma, last Sabbath. family were WildnrAn, of entertained a number of young peq*; n t ' 1 .... pie. Thursday cveinrisr lu honor of DuWnolo, who has passed thc_ threes their guests, Mr. ami Mfeo Ph,kert<.n) :mr ^ lmlest“^,(i^ ^1-i,1 !i ”,' t? Y,th tkc , of College Corner, O, ' grip; but, when weo at bis home in with grip when-my husband ImmHit- ” * »ttnm iw fafta tl" 1 *■■* ‘ ” * *1 had been itt bed three weeks <Roscommon, Micfu tho^qtlier day* he me Dr. Aides’ Nervine, Pain Pill?and ' —Allen’s Toilet Cream for chapped {said. .Dr,, Miles’ Nerviue. wits what Nerve and Liver Pills* I wasretired,” hands add face, liicgwaytk Co, {cured him, " Mrs. J, Reiner, Franklin,. Ind, F o r G r i p a c h e s u s e D c . M i l e s ’.T ’&ift F i l l s . Sold by ait Druggists* „CASTOR IA Ii Pot Lofwita and Children. TfiaKindYouHaveAlwaysBought • Deire the Signature of i eEpAKVILLE OPERA HOUSE Commencing Sat. Eve, n The Distinguished Actor and Continuingweek of Fak 4 to 9 kclusiva vr- ■ • / . ■’*■ Supported by the Famous 1 • BRUSSELLS DRAlVlATIG -COMPANY * The Mrongrn company Mr, Hrit*«clla has brought to Ccdarville NEW DANCES : NEW SONG-s , NEW SPECIALTIES EACH EVENING REPERTOIRE Stars1and Stripes Stricken Blind Our Irish Neighbors . The Moonshiners The Two Orphans GoverreuentScout Alabama Hornet i a Opening BUI fiat, eve, Feb, Tbs Patriotic’Drem»* 2nd, Start andStripes & a - - 6 a tB « « 0 W 3 » WH »«b «Atr Tin*. TWENTY-FOURTH To Re 55/ithin two week They, are the *1 NEWS TIB-BI from Many Sources, Gleaned Exchanges (There’s Asneezing and cotig cussing, galore, A curt “ H»w dedo’Lind a “ d----- door;” A ruffled up temper; eypesvs red— Poor, pitiful man, with theg head*.' - , . f. There’s others so courteous t! I -forgel | A pleasant “Good day” fron ' . tosunset, A curei of ills—An iuorensinj For the medicine man with in his hand —o— A shipment wub made ! jrom this place of 343 head beef'cattle in a special train ;cars. These cattle will go 1 Y Philadelphia, where they wil ■*lerred ou board vessel and-s London,England." The-shij made by-Stimson & Black, J- field, 6 ., via the Big Four, tie were alb frohi Chirk Core being furnished by John H. J* Eidqn Bowman and W I Snyder. This is the )arg I shipment of cattle ever made |&county, abd When seen at th I Cattle pens before loading mi posing sight. The average ’ I the lot was nearly 1,500 'po I tlie Aggregate selling, price a| 1 009-—Springfield Weekly I T-o- The acid, of lemons and c fatal to the cholera bacillus, placed upon the finds of tin germs will not- survive' lo a- dtiy.-fFebrurtry Ladie r Journal. I . ~ -o—. I see the old elixir of hfi to"he Salt, oldoride of 'sodi world has been a long whi this secret out*'“And the h has been in the quest ever culspius sent his sou, to 1 discovery, however, remind friend aotne years ago was w plain ofhis father eating pc .He thought that so much injure his constitution, ’ *then Was an old man and 1 living until a couple of when he dietjl{ being a little ninety-fiifth birthday, 01 Leon had better taken to s of to Florida. The fouttta he fdund to be a slimy ma ' ited by *alligators.—Twer tury Farmer. “ I wbe a country editor tome 26years ago ” said a r Httractio I k Special Engagement of the Celebrated j Hitiger, DancerandAdress, AttractiveWatci At Attractive Pr Should Prove AnAt ToAttract The Attentio Of Every Attrac Lady InOedarv Who does not s m m t w i t c h H T T i v s if! ap|te Rod reliable ii keeping qualitie PHIOUS; 10 o»Eosem- Soafis- Ocoattfa a t 0 .M* Crous^o] ; ■ -» (^ales jMMwiy 30th - ;€ o m e a t t d .‘ie e - 't wtotber ^you- buy or not, ♦ ’•■ two: ' aaooo - ■5'fh«-4sm*elsi -OeOARYlLLR, <*. f- t ^ f-