The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26

/ r i ’e v q J L d . / *1.00 A. KARLH BULL, - fMrtrewtfProjwtrtwv ®tmtm Qttmt *S/te84WsWsftw», • — — .SA n R U A £ #FEBRUARY 2,1901. . . OB imABIES— Coftlnimioft over two hundred rmiids. wliJ be charged forr at the rate of five cents’per line. CABDS OP WANKS - Five cents per line. , <■ When ypu send in Jong obituaries please state whomthe bill is to hesent to, or we will publish two' ( 200 )' 1 uix>:. drad words and leave the balance oaf. ' Make them as lopg as you wish, it you comply with theabove conditions, . which Jaa matter of pure justice, | 8 gMjtegjg 8 ^ 8 V -m3SB! t ' P\* ’ * if aj -vtkHra 'Venezuela Seems disposed to court the hmniliuliop that several tof her neighbors have met within the past for.getting too cockywith.Uncle Sam. ’ ■ ■«■;..... • The death „of a good woman, whetherske.-worethe crown of-royalty or love,. touches all mankind, The world weeps with England jn men o.-y , Of Victoria, the'good quern. * “ ' lu the Revenue. Reduction hill as passed by the House there was no cut in the- tax on tobacco, - cigar and . cigarettes. The Senate Finance com­ mittee has decided' on a cut on. those ./articles, /••*,{•>" >l Dave Hill may well consider him* . self “between the devil aud the deep ''■'sea," with fool-friends telling himhe ought to be President andhthe Chinese Minister telljag* hiin he ought to be married. ' Every republicanSenator is for the .Ship' subsidy-, bid, and ,prepared to meet the.threatened democratic Silt '^buster.with'means that 1 will make it „ ineffective. /The passage of the bill is regarded as certain. Sixty-three .years as- queen and never'guilty of an/unpopuiar public .net or an 'unwomanly private act, is fob ,proud "record of Victoria, -It Strihds alone and yiU staad alone in , the royal annals of the world. Vic* toria’s are not born in every century. . It yus thirty-two years after the death of ThaddeuS, Stevens before hia will'providing for the erection of a home for orphans, in which, no pre­ ference should be shown on,account of race# religious belief, could bo made effective, owing to legal technicalities. Under a recent, order ofcourt $ 20,000 will'be spent for that purpose, /Voluntary reform is always better / than compulsory reform* We are glgd that the West Point cadets-unan­ imously adopted an anti-hazing reso lution .before the Congressional com­ mittee made its. report, Perhaps many of these young young men never realized the brutality of their practices. ouutUf they saw them de scribed in cold; type. By the way, cold type about the most powerful agent of reform Wehave. —-Bridges, rivers, tunnels, rrfoun tains, builds cities, gathers up the scattered rays of one’s ability. That’s what RockyMountain Tea docs. 35c. Ask your uniggist, —Coach, Buggy and Wagon bar* new all grades ana prices at Kerr & Hastings Bros, Western Rates Reduced. -Greatly reduced one-way rates will be in effect fromChicago via the Wis­ consin Central Railway to points id Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana# Idaho, Oregon, Washington and Brit ish Columbia each Tuesday, comments* *idg February 12th and continue until April 30th. For detailed information inquire of nearest ticket agent, or address T. D, Campbell, D. P, A*, 52 Ca* rew Building, Cincinnati, O;, C. E , Johnson# IX.P, A,, 0.21 Park Bldg., ,Pittsburg, Pa., or Jas, C. Pond, Gen’i Passenger Agent Milwaukee# Wis. tm R t w m , mm . The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn. that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure iniall its stages# and that is Catarrh, tpilt’s Catarrh Curb is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, re­ quires a constitutional treatment-. Haifa Catsrib Cute is taken inter­ nally, acting directly upon the blood *od muootis surface* of the system; thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building- Up the constitu* tbn and assisting^nature, 1 $ doing its work. The proptfejjbte have so much; faith in its enyaifve powers -that they S dns hundred dollars for any cash t< to #ur*. gjttnd Kr 1 s t of teat! menM*. * AdHtew 0 uttfsfiv a c b , Tolsffo, 0 , rfl fkteiy F 5 i« m tie best. A 8 tew»tettwteir totaster Vtam iten* A s ,« c l « w C o u n tr ie s a t B u ffa lo , In the flivWtett Of Foods and thole accessories an exhibit wilt he made a t the Pan-American Exposition a t Buffalo of a most comprehensive char­ acter and covering ontyquarter o f the Jju-ge area o f the hlanufacturcs and lib e ra l Aria building. The .division will bring to the atten­ tion of the consumers and tradesmen the food! resources of Pan-America, showing them that the countries o f the western hemisphere produce, au.d are capable o f producing in quantities suffi­ cient for alt demands, a great variety of foods that arc now imported from the Islands and, countries of the .fa r East. •• - ' I l ls hoped thus'greatly to stimulate Pan-American trade.. The division will present a collection of food-products and their accessories In such a WUJ as to challenge the interest of every inquiring visitor, and. he will be offered -valuable instruction upon the nature origin add use of the varibus foods. One group will refatq to literature i .d statistics of food, Jive plants, vines and trees from all parts of the western world and miscellaneous specimens of trunks, limbs, leaves, seeds, grasses and grains. Under another will be exhibited such product^ as coffees, teas, cocoas, choc- plates, . kola and their substitutes, spices, aromatics, mustards, olives, yjnegara'and other condiments, hOrbs, .hops, essential oils and flavoring ex­ tracts. An Interesting collection of con­ fectionery and sweets, including the sugar' cape, beet, .sorghum, maple, grape, palm, etc,, honey and glucose, Will he exhibited.' Preserves and kin­ dred products will be shown unuer an ­ other group and nuts and dried frulte and vegetables, e tc.,' under another. Prepared cereals, breads and cfackers. Indian' corn ns food for the table, macaroni and preparations of paste and Ibavcnliig preparations will con­ stitute still another interesting group Mineral waters and beveragesT bott, aleohdlie and nonalcoholic, preserved and packed meats And sea, food, gcla 'tin preparations and-even machinery used in food preparation processes will b e ’displayed. -The food exhibit IS un tier the supervision of Mr. G. ‘ Fuller an expert .o f, worldwide-repn- ‘ tation in;- this -llpe of work, who ha traveled around the world and lute many m f: Its remote corners in search o f .information upon the subject of foods. ______ > Good Advice, The most miserable beings jii the world are thosesufferingfromDyepep, sia-and,Liver Complaint, More than seventy five per cent, of the people in the United plates.are afflicted with these two .’diseases and tbeit ’effects: such ss Sour Stomach, Sick Head ache, Habitual ’Uostiveuess, Palpitn tioff of tlifeHeart. Heart burn,"Water brash, Gnawing and Burning Fains at tlie Fit of;-the. Stomach, Yellow Skin, Goated,Tongue and Disagree- Taste in the Moutn, coming .up of Food after Esting, Low Spirits, etc.. Go to your Druggist and get a bottle of .August*Flower for 75 cents, Two doses will relieve you,, Get Green’s Prize Almanac! Ya jsofcmrllii u l . 8 b JUfWtlra — ObsagisgC*n. WltkMfr .Travel ponveuieocceson thePenn­ sylvania limes' will include through isar/servicebetweenOhio andIndiana pointsand^Floridia, opRndafterJan* nary I 5 tb. Onthat dateaueWtrain will lie run tb.roKgh Cincinnati via Chattanooga, Atlanta and Macoh to Jacksonvilleand St, Augustine, ' A Sleeping Car running through to Florida on the. new train, will leave Pittsburgh a t 8 a. m„ over the Pan Hnnclle Route via Newark, Colum­ bus and Xenia, and passengers for the South rtiny.go through to Florida on it without changeTfrom the following stations, leaving -on the schedule given each Tuesday and Friday: Pittsburgh 8t00 a. m., Columbus, 2:15 p, m,, London 2:56 p in., South Charleston 3:13 p m., Cedarville 8;28 p* m., Xenia 3;4B p, in,, Wavnesville 4:07 p, in., Morrow 4:27 p. mMLove­ land 4;48 p-,m. From Cincinnati to. Florida the train will consist of the latest pattern Pullman Sleeping, Dining and Obser­ vation, Cars, including the Sleeping Car from Pittsburgh, Chattanooga will be reached at 5:40 a. nu, Atlanta at 9:45 a. m., Macon* at 12:05 noon Jacksonville 7:25 p,-m., St. Angus ■tine 8;30 p, m, the day after leaving home, , - The through service will be espec­ ially convenient for persons contem­ plating trips to Florida and the South Tourist tickets to Softthem winter re­ sorts nowpnsale at special-fares—via Pennsylvania Lineswill be good on ‘this magnificent through train, Ar­ rangements to, travel ou it -may be made through Ei, S, Keyes, Agent, Cedarville,or by communicating with C, C, Haines, D. P..Agt-» Dayton, O., who will make reservations for any Tueslay or Friday during the season. . . . F o r t h e g r an g er s . X IT c a a q a a r tc r u F o r P a tr o n * o f H a *- . b a m l r r a t t h e B u ffa lo l i i p a i t t l a n , Tbe .Executive Committee o fth e New fo rk -sta te Orange visited Buffalo­ cently to make such arrangements ns might be possible for a Headquarters for the .Order upon the Pan-American ’ Exposition C rounds, the- New fo rk State Grange feeling Itself to he occu­ pying In a measure tbe position of host toward, the members o f the Grange throughout the United States who might visit -the Exposition. In ndtli- • tlon to this the New York State Grange alone comprises a membership o f (JO.- 000. so that the convenience and com­ fort of the members o f the Order In tbe .S ta te of New' York alone were decided worthy of careful attention on the part of the Executive Committee o f the Grange. - The Director General stated to -the Executive Committee that an effort would' be made on his part to bring about some arrangement that might be satisfactory to the Grange; so that It may be taken for granted that a Head quarters for tbe National Grange upon the Exposition grounds will be provid­ ed fo rte some manner. This will be very pleasant news to all members Of the Grange. e x h i b i t o f F e n c e * . A display o f interest to every pro gfessive farmer a t tbe Fan-AmertoaU Exposition will be the variety and methods of farm fencing. Barring the old stump fencing of pioneer days amt the stone waffs of New England, * great variety of fences will be shown. A GoodThing. German Syrup is the special pro scription of Dr. A, Boschee, a cele brated German Physician, and is ac­ knowledged to be one of the most for­ tunate discoveries in 'medicine. It quickly cures Coughs, Colds and all Lting troubles of the Severest nature, removing, as it does, the cause Of' the affection and leaving the parts in a strong and healthy condition. It is not air experimental medicine,but has Stat'd the test of years, giving satis- faction in every case, which, its tap* idly increasing Sale every season con­ firms, Two million bottles sold annu­ ally. Bosche&’s German Syrup was introduced in the United States in 1808, and is nowsold in every town 4 rtd village in the civilized world Three doses will relievo any ordinary cough. Price 7bets. Get Greens’ Prize Almanac, * 1 had grip three months'; could not s’ epi pain all oyer find fi^idaohe vcf~ bad, Dri Miles?. Ncrv3us# .Pain Pills and Liver Pills marie me well.” Mrs. E. C. Bowlby, Waterloo, Inj, Tfl m m a m m ur oxb day TakeIrtfgAtlwBcorno Quihinn Tab- ft*., All druggist# rafotirt themoney j.fte MJte fc f m t# ,- ;E. W, Q m m i •kt§ w<$t W%,' .“I was given up to die from heart nnd neryops trembles paused by grip. Six battles each of Dr, Miles’ Heart Core and Nervine cured mm”—Mre. John WolletvJefierson,- Wis. Sta^« The CoughAndWorks OffTh»Cold. , Laxative Bromo Quiiliue Tablets curea cold in one day. No cure, no pay.. Price_25.cents. —Therei is,always danger in using (•punteriHts of jDtiWitt’s Witch Hiizel yalve The original is a safe and cer­ tain cure forpiles. It is soothing and healing Salve for .acres and all skin diseases. Ridgway&Co. OoMot Drink While tatlnq Liquids at meals, if taken too often or too carelessly.' aro liable to dilute the gastricjuices. Take no liquid of miy kind wben food is in the month. Take as little as possibie till the dose if the meal. The digestive agents themselves being fluids His reasonable to suppose that an. excess of liquid* taken-with the food will have a tend eucy^to dilute and. thereby ' weaken the digestive juices.—February La­ dies’ Home Journal. Nobody knows all about ltj and nothing, nowknown, v,V\ always cure it. Doctors try Scott's Emul­ sion of Cod Liver Oil, when ■■ they think ft is caused by im­ perfect digestion of food. You can do the same. It may or may not be caused by the failure of stomach and bowels to do their Work. -If it is, Vou will cure it; if not, you will do no harm. ’ The way, to^cure a disease is to stop it$ cause, and help the body get back to ifs habit of health. When Scott’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil does that, it cures; when it don’t, it don’t cure. It never does harm. The genuine has this pictureunit; take noother. i t you /have vtfop fried it, sebdJhF./Iiee, its/ apeiabiei taste wfi'i you, = Chmites#''-' Fv andI lopi all druggluts. . .. - W 4 . ■• . - • 1 Avl:l?efableFrepSMlioAforAS' slmfiatltigtlieroodandBeguIa- tingtheStouaelsarriBowilsof 1Nt V M S / ( H1I DR1.N PromotesDigestion,1Cheerfut- nessandlfest-Containsneither. Opium,MorpWne norMineral. NOT/NAUCOUIC, flm fK tfou jrsm m m sM A -A 5 .W Mt.S*HN* * ' A k k S m * * - AperfectRemedyforConstipd- Tion,SourStomach,Diarrhoea Worms,Convulsions,Feverish­ nessandLoss of S leep . Facsimile Signature of N EW YORK . For laijants and Children. TheKindYouHave AlwaysBought B e a rs tb e S ig n a tu re o f A lb i i i o n l h s o ld jf 5 D tl S 1- S. - J J C 1 IN1 N EXACT COPYOFWRAPPER. ............... ...................... i --------------- THECNTAUHCOMPANY.HEWYORKCITY, n e w C u i t u r y Contrary to all conclusions that no old prices would be secured this season, a factory has Furnished us >vitb a case of * 9-4 Bleached Sheetings ■ Remnants (long enough for sheet^.. The 30c qual­ ity for 20c. Beat that if you can. 45 in. Pillow Case. Muslin . Nice quality 10 yds. for 504, (5c). -These wili not -stay'/long. ■ ‘ ■ ." 1000 yards ■ ‘ Solid Color Outipg Tbo 10 c quality for 5 c, no complaints ought now to ■ be made about prices.- Theso Outings make line ...coinfortsi 'and by the way-one-batting 8 $, 10 , 12 |c. Chance tor Late Buyers. Golf Capes, Fur Cnpes, Cloth Capes. Jackets, Auto- Mobiles, Dressing Saqnes, Petticoats, Fur Boas, etc. , ^ . Chance for Early Buyers . LaceCurtains, Oildotb, Linoleum, WindowShades Velvet Tapestry and Ingrain Rugs. ExehangeBack ! CEDARVILLE, OHIO, ACCOUNrS of Merchants nnd In- te dividuals sdicited, Collections promptlymadeabd remitted. D RAFTS on Xew York and Cite cinnati soldajtlowest rates, Tbe cheapestaud mostconvenientway to sendmoney by mail. , T OANB, made on Real,Estate, Pei* sopnl.or Collateral Beqiirity, WilliamWildman, Pres., ■•■ Seth W, Smith, VicePreB,, W. J "Wildman,- Cashier Daily Meat Market. / ■. Under the above firm -name, the, meat market of C, W. C'jrouse will be conducted. All product in the ment line will be the best that money -can buy, which fact combined with honest and = thorough business methods -is enough assurance to the* public,' who always want the worth of their money in every respect. *‘ ■ When stridingfehildren, direct them to ns; we always give them tbe best they ask for,- Hutchison $ Gibney XENIA, OHIO. -- CHURCH D IRECTORY ' K.-P. harelt—R«r. J . F. Morion, Puslor. tcrrieei at llioo * . ra. gabliath School 10 m. • Cov«a»nter Church—Bar. W» 3 , Banilerjon, MBtor, Sabbath School atlfta. ut, l’rcach- ingat 11(00 * . m. Young Peopto meet et 6 p ,« , except tbe lal hnd 3d Sebbeths of the month when they meet *t t:$0, end preaching in ihe eVeninf( tm the lit *i.d 3d S*bb*th« of the month *1 7:30 p. ra. Ot P. Chnrch—Her. F, O.-R om , pajtor. Ser* vices nt-lOiSO (u ra. nnd 7:80 p tn. Sabbsth School »t 0:33 e.m, itandard lime. M. B. Charch^-Rev. A. HanifHoa, * Pigtor. Preaching at 19:15 n. ra Skbbath School it SiSO a.Jit. Young Pw,pf«\» meeting *t8;03 p. m~ Prefer meeting Wednesday evening *t'7:t)9. Preaching every other Sabbath even­ ing 7:30 p, ra* Baptist Church—-Bev. (Iccrge Washington, pastorofthe Baptist chnrch. Preaching at II a, m. and 7:30 p. tn. Sabbath School at 2:30 p.m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday bight »t7:3i).^ Kferyone invited.. A.M .E. Chnrch—llcr, 0. B. doses Pas­ tor Preaching at 16:30 a,'ra, and 7:69 p. in, Ciass every Sabbath at 32:1*0* Sabbath School at 3.-06 p. m. Prayer meeting; *7:86 p, w,, Wednesday ctc ; NOTICE. T1 annual meeting of the share-holders. ....................tihllng ’ elation, for the riw thnof fonr directors, of Thu Cednrvillc ffulhlteg & Loan Asso- and such other biisimM ns may come be­ fore the, mreting. Will take plore at the Mayor's office, Saturday evening, .February 2,1001, Polls open from 7 to 0. ANDREW JACKSON. Sec^y- NOTIOE Rupture or ilernia Oared Nooperations or injections, no pain or (ffseom fuft in «hy way, no sled springs or ironframes no wooden, ivory or bard rubber balls, cups, tmnohes or plugs Used. Not the LEAST 1>I8* TRESS cr annoyance. Our Oniat for the CURB ef RUPTURE OR llKKNlA is madeof fine epft-material*, inch as felt, velvet, Chamois skiris'and elasticWehS. It Sts like a glove and can harm you no more. IT HOLDS t Ortr Intestines back In their tint* nral position and the wound WILL 1IKAL like any other wound when it had a chance. Tbe Only Way fb Cure Is to hold the intestines In or hack ell tires time, .until the Woundsbe­ comes grown together. Your Rupture Cannot be Cured la ahy other way. Wo have had 25 years constant and hard exnirisnee in treating RUPTURES and this ODTBIT Is the RE­ SULT, Men, womenami children madeCOM* EORTARJ.E by being this OUTFIT, Prices rsenohabl.e and Iff accordance with the ease, J F JN T S R j& im njease write Ibrparlfdulars, which w« wllVrabUyog ?pSE . Address', JI5HAWK REMEDY 06a Rc»», a . Y Mohawk Catarx/h Giife. Cheapest and Rett, - Cores Catarrh In fmm8 to 16 days, Cures Cold tn tho llesd, 5 io tS minutes,- Securely peeked with fall instructions, by mill, POSTAOS PAID, SSh, Try Band yon will l>0 wore than pleased- with the investment, Yt-Urmoney back If yen arc dissatisfied, ‘-Stamps taken,” maA tK m f f i s r oo, ■ Rome, NewYork NoticeIs hereby given that, The Dayton, Springfield and t!rbi*n,t Electric Railway C om p a n y on the 17th ila y o t Jan nary, trot, the Council or the Vil­ lage ot Cedarvillt', OhiOr tot* J*cri,jl!wqn to construct, operate nn(i iufiintian a street; railroad in saidVillage) with single ortloubh* tracks Upon Main ntrett from- tbe North corporation line to the South corporation line. Said grant to be for tliepiriod of ivremy- five’ years. Scaled pTOfUMata wilt be re­ ceived at tbo office Ofthe undersigned ttnlif twelve o’clock M. o£ Monday the n th day of February, 1901, for the construction, op cration' and maintemm jo of « street railroad ttpm tbe abort? designated route. Rids must he madewith tch-rence to the terms and condition!tsetforth id Anor.linanc now on file in the office of the undersigned nrtd entitled “Ad Ordinance grunting, permis­ sion of the Village of Cedarville, GreCne County Ohio, to The Dayton, Sm-ingfieht and Urbana Electric. Railw«y Company and its stirciasora or assigns to construct, m a in ta w and operate a street railroad on Main Street iu raid Village of Cedarville ” Rids shonld specify the lowest rotes of fare for which the bidder proposes t« carry t aven­ gers lor single coaiinuons rl.le and also the number of tickets good for ferm such fare, which will be sold for twenty-five cents sfid also for the stim of one dollar. JOHN G. McCORKELfr * Clerk of the ViltXge Cednrville, Ohio. For (4rip "ackus Use Dr. Milts’ 'Fain Fills/ Nofoby nil Dnigfttete. 1 Far Jfont:—Nicest flfilca mote jn town. Nflfri 0 foman’sXnstifahosoftlos, | 1 » E Ohflw, X«nl«#O. ty. WANTED! Reliable man. foe Manager -of BranchOfficewo wishIo open in litis vicinity. If your record is 0 , K hereisan opportunity liiiully give good referencewhen writing. A. T„ M orris , W ro L issat . e H ouse , Ciitciuflatk Ohio, Illustrated catalogue 4 cts. stamps *~*Hiiole^Plymouth* Rock cockerall A, H, Uiis'Mit GOODS DELIVERED Telephone No. 74. New Meat Store— *- Having, opening the ATeat Store formerly conducted^by . . Ed Henebel, we will have ou , hand .'at all times a -choice line of Fresh* and' Salt Meats Bologna andSausage ■.«*V 1• •"''‘•-,’v.” and everything connected . with a first-class meat store. — ... , We napdlo . the celebrated Kingan & Go’s.' Hams. Charles’W 6 imer. » i GOODS DELIVERED Telephone 00. LOtJISyiLlE&NASHVILLE RAILROAD The Great Central Southern Trunk Line WINTER * TOURIST TICKETS ' : f . ... - Now on sale to FLORIDA and the : GULF * COAST ' • ■ 4 Write for folders, descriptivematter to ' ; C. L. STONE, General Passenger Agf. LOUISVILLE, KY . SEND YOUR ADDRESS To R. f . WEMYSS, Gentfat ImmlgrAffftt* *nd lpdn»tri«J Agent LOUISVILLE, KY* t; ; ■ ■ . ‘ ■ - And, he will mall yon free MAPS,ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS and PRICE LTST Of LAND RUtl FARMS in KENTUCKY, TENNESSEE , ALABAMA. M ISSISSIPPI; FLOR IDA . Blue Front1Stable. _X^eaveyour horses there and your rigs bekeptoff theInside, out ofthe rainand storm. , 20 N. Fountain Avenue, Springfield, 0 . C harles E . T odd , ^rop lam's Restaurant • and Dining Rooms Corner ^High and Limestone street, Springfield, Ohio. P ' G N ’f -tnkHMlftegUNl, aHttkirf 1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN TKR i f ® Ms»RV«nAinc»f»M t * t * . A»k your A No . .2 CantorOil for,bugles; HidlwityA: Cc# m RAP® TRANSIT COMPANY. BetweenXetiUand Dayton. " . leaves Xema: Lritv* pavton- 5 :Wa,m. - 0 : 00 ^ ^ , ’ 6:00 7:00 8:00 • 0:00 10:00 I I j OC 12:00 Norm. 1:00. p. m, 2 : 00 . 3:00 „ 4:00 ' 5;0O - - 6 :0 0 ' ‘ 7;00 8;00 9:00 10:00 ' 11;00 7:00 8;0O 9;00 10:00 11:00 12,00 Noop, 1:00. p. m. 2:00 3:00 .4:00 5:00 6:00 .7:00 -. - HsOO ■9;00 ‘ 10:00 11:00 • 12:00 M O T I IO E TO JPARME1 Xenia ofitcc.aml wailing room No 4 .South -Detroit St, Dayton office and waiting room, 15 West Filth 8 t. upposite Posiofliee. *’ The running time between Dayton and Xeniii ie-one hour, papBing-iliro Highlands, SmuhviHe Road, Zimmer- matt,. Alpha, Trebeins and Lucas Grove. i Dayton to Xenia 17 m'iJes, fare 25'cents. ’ Every other enr qombination'for freight; r Sundays and Holidays cars run. every half hour. *• toftow*!-%<»; l?SaLten)Bltowllect C in c inna ti Division. E n n s y l v a n i a iiin E s , SchiEulsofP««»angrirTralns-Conlra|Tlme, Westward, C o liiu ib u a lv . Alton......... ... “ IV, .lel^rson “ Lomlnu ■,...... ** S.C’lmfJesfon ** Si-hrm '• Oertarvlilo,,;.." Wlib«rfor4o . . H X r n t n ... { ^ ; Spring V u l..." lOlXHIKiU,... " Wnyiifesvltte “ i Oregonta..... FiirtAncjent-" Morrow ,,,;..,." So. Lebanon " Iiovoland ....," •ililf.irrt...... lin la via Jc ,„ “ i 't iic iu m it a r .Eftauvarel, Pinrim intl IV MIll'ord " LovbJatid.... So. I. o I jiui OH " Mi rrotv.;......" Ft.- Ahoiebt " Ore-gnma....’’ W'iiyneavlllo " UoMiium...,'. npr,ng Vot... “ Xenia,,.,. | f*‘ Wllborforco LViliirVhto...^ S,Charleston." Loiiiion ........ " IV . ienbrson " Alton " Coiumbna.&r. Si am ♦150 .„L: 105 AM *250 334 3 t AM •700 7 46 '805 S3 1ill ,M I'M *859*215 925 .. 942 2® 958f3 13 m 3 8 806 821 838 1005 f845 *.W 10IVr328 854 1- .. 10125 3051 419 B3C1033 3411 98/ AM 4-25 US; 104(1 34G 4 35 f *lr 1050 1054 *4 471910 U03 f407 s..... Hb5 . „ 11,14 llf2S 5 10 930 1136 427 ffste >U tl 43 53? 100! 1201 44G Vi 16 5 ..... \ 030 1041 1250 530 M l Ail PM VM Sprfrianatdtv rfiuvsjt>t*" X a n te ( M j tarion itrookvlllo' ‘Idorado. . 't i(.^htnond,.fll S4STWARP ClfhaomUL Eldottilo" Oudirnt. “ X«nta Delwtan SprlniillsIdj Xsnlfl. psjicn, Richmond, WESTWARD. f 6 6 OF. 6 IOIL 84011™ Darkfackd trad4«wt»»tin*fr<«ItMMtoui2.O0*><-f oirktjLight7 mmkm 12.00 BitegUn17.94»«»• L —l*nll«u»i».Mteei»ln* Cars On No>.Z,Si<,| I - i p , an, 31 and ion either run flmniKhTl*| rr-iluinbus nf'd Pittsburgh o f ponuret ihretwil Pillsburgli Union Rtftllon to and from ltstH<| more, Washington, Philadelphia at," York, K«a. tt, SCI Arad 31 connect at Risk-1 mond for Indianapolis andSt, Louis; M*L| 3 t rand S for Chicago. L, r , LOREE, I!, A. FORD, dwralkmgWt S*t*nl|*aiit<rinfij II-K-Ort-P PlTTBIlPROft, VjtHH'A. . For timecards, rale* of fare, through tlckeu, I baggage eheck»,*nd ftiriher information rof gardlng the running o f twins, apply to *®7 j agenttot the Pennsylvania Lines. I E. 8 .Keyes# Agent, Cedarville, OhTo.J t *V8AtWWM .•nvi’aoisoi' )jiujfM 3 U'iMvtMfltss'i m i ’MeJMSUii “SSisiS ’ •taeted«03MRp..u ----- .. .. •'mjunniiie,'} -eicvisk-iiifriqvqord *1 nomi«A«I i*segienaoeij bow (do jbo unnjaaW inaBonuttoveppn»qotegsaSwiiraresnoiov ■39 BJLHOIMAOOO 3M0IUa 3MRVIM la v k t S l N 3 i ¥ f j |0N3iaadK3 PATENTS ‘ a f uaveats, anaTrsde.MarxSobt«ftedanasurw erttb«irirtresctmdati«dft(t|gob*n*Y*K**- OuraffrriceiaeraoaitcU.V.FATerarOrricri *nd vreeattseenreMientili IcreUraetbsnthos*, remote f wrawngkw: J . , , del,drswlag or {&oto.,Wllkdetirip* advise, it rattenubiew eiot, !«*•«», >affeenoiadsttUMtentIs iresjed* ,, 3.A i 3 N 0 W6b 0 0 , a n a m H t Iljiil|fcWii<lM»i>ll iteNt»r*,N tebsOriMMi 44TMPsteatRecord|i,«pwa#a* <-*Jtfyob want' *ayfoiug toG tffi. Lansing Pa FenbeMach: PwyodUw'ewfora^puraoBe. LARsma wheelbakbow Lanelng,MichlRan. TO CURL THEGRIP. ” .Advice of a Famous Phy-ril First andjoremost, RES - Take care of yourself. Yt 1 weakened nerves want rest, il' If the attack is sev| ■fied,«nd, remain there. ties result from neglect ol . •cflntioh”than f}hm any othe. 1 ■ >Eat sparingly. Yourdi>|| ganB are in no conditfop to - ofJarge quantities of food. -J Drink plenty of pure e ’ It aJJays the fovlir, Btinmlal-'' - neys to action auji opens u .of the skiff Keep the hr with Dr. Miles’Nerve aud .Take three dosesofDr. D ' iue per day, and if you c» ' take an^extra dose ,at bed further-control the lever, a come the peculiar aches ai grip, use Dr. Miles Pain P act quickly and effectually, >r ' effects result from their t - remedies have been tho'rou; | •mhre than a .million times, *j efficiency is ihorougly ■' »j They never fail to give' reli i* Dr. Miles’ Remedies cm i» . at any drugstore, nndthey !Ij r positive' guarantee that tli or package benefitsor mono ft f t _____ *■, PUBLICSALE, p As I hnvp quit farming a in other business, t will) 11 John Anderson farm, shut ft Cedarville and CUfton pil « north of Cedarville and- 1 Clifton, Tuesday, Feb. i o’clock, the following pro) Four head of horses, I ;3 with foul, 2 draft geldi -v| four, 1 general purpose it n old^ 11 head of cattle, o ~ one Jersey cow nfo call it! 41 bWek Polled Angus, fresl oj 09 ary, 1 lull blooded Polleo 4 t 2 years old, 2 heifers nnc,| head of stoclk hogs and 2 10 DelaineMerino owes, jr| ing implements of every bay in mow, Fodder in fi *| household goods, . »• Terms: A credit of s if] sums over $5 with two cnrlties. $5 and under cm 11;30 standard time. ^ • Jol *■' W, L , Marshall Auct. H J . H. Andrew, Clerk. f| 10 PUBLIC SALE In order to reduce ni cell oh my form, two tnji of Cedarville on tbe Tw W ednesday#s February ! o'clock (standard time) l|J Three head of horses k®j orte brood mare nnd thirty head of cattle, four thoroughbred Pt»i ,-one- cow, two. heifers, bull, eight high grade cows, eight hellers an| eight yearling steers; fif bows and stock hogs; on fifty sheep:' 100 Delflihej" bred* and fifty Delaine1” ewes. * Terms made know Lunch 11:30 standard. Onl. L. p. Perry, Auc) 43w»wev* Strae Miawoori apples are t:* bent placeat the I’an-* ! Bitten. Apple growersJ. are makingplans tob<*< ed. B y mean*ofcold ™ foentglt laWped to luft juuicomptetetfippifeyol^ nuttheSxpoaUtenaca^ ItljkbteNftFleelftki , The advance of UtoU . Aabjectof irrigation t WAftauriaent of the P boffittentoprovide fo^t mbit showing rneUit mil vwriptti’foMi-lted G trip 1Ua| Paachffii, Prttmei, Gj at Gray’a, £'X. J f . •> 4