The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26
Q " ■ Beeembef Sait Sale! We have placed on our tables, marked down to this advertised price, nearly 200 suits, the remainder of small lots of the winter stock from the following well-known wholesale tailors; The Stein Bloch Co., L, Adler Bros. & Co., of Rochester, New York, and Alfred Ben jamin & Co,, of New.York City. This sale comprises Oxfordsf Chev iots, Cassimeres, Fancy Worsteds and Nobby Scotch Effects. Each suit guaranteed perfect in every detail of workmanship and finish. The regular values of these suits are $10, 1 8 . 0 0 , 20.00 and 2 2 .0 0 sale price ) \ E 3 i v . H IM r 530 S \ $ 1 3 - 7 5 I We have all sizes in this purchase from 3 3 to 4 4 , regular and stouts, , and heie are values you cannot afford to overlook if in the market for a*winter suit. \ m \ NO TAILOR CAN DUPLICATE THESE SUIJS FOR DOUBLE THE MONEY And Now, as in rte Past, We Hope to Make Many New Customers By This Sale! Fine Lise Of Are Few ttealf clothing , hats and furnishings . ass id Prices WeCanPlease Yen Is Gods ^ , < YOU CAN FIND An Elegant Assortmemt of TECTIOXTE Consisting of fine Chocolates, Fancy Box Candy. Bonbons, Stick Candy, Mixed Candy, n r FRUITS: Apples, Oranges, Bananas, Figs. IN NUTS: Aimnnda. Walnuts, Filberts, Cream Nuts, Mixed Nuts. I]l STAPLEApDpAjtGYGEOGEHIES: The best of everything in th a t line, a t HOUSER. •' i ' x I wi ' hm V' \ •-nf'-M n m . . - t -lO tHBDBAF : AAKMJ-. STORIA * s c . ij1 M s ami Q M tm . , Ear Druma, i*v« *85.000 to fcfe im t m lU m N # » S S r t f ‘L T K & ' - x SC m M t Z 7S0 m Av#«»i’, ]Hmi Tart, tO 0018 AdOt» INOiXSAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tsb* lilt. All druggists wfund the money i f its fails to cute. K W. OwveV signature is on each box. 215c. —Itiafototinisdf all kinds osn bo bed at U. U. BMgesfs. COGITATIONS Matary af Rtxn«—The Defeat ef Spar- tsewa. We shall pass over the history of Caesar and Pompey, who was the man that built Porapey’s pillar, and Caesar was the man who invented the cuaa word wbicii is used by all people who have the desire to awear, but not the nerve, and therefore swear “ by Great Cmsar’s ghost.” An uprising of students occurred iu the year 73, whence conies the well known “crime of 73 ," about which you have heard. Note: This last state ment has been disputed. But us none ol those who object to the statement, were there, <we shall continue to be lieve as we like about it. There was a school at Capua where they trained nothing but gladiators. Not alligatr ors, as Mrs. Partington said, but glad iators. A t these schools boys were trained in the gentle a rt of hacking each other to pieces with corn cutters aud then they were fed. to the lions and tigers' which were kept around for that pur pose. I t was a noble . art, but nowadays we would not allow such brutality to exist. We teach them td*play foot ball and allow the boys to go to school where they practice hazing and it a boy is killed in the process, we at least have the pround consciousness pf knowing that he died according to Hoyle, ns the poet says. A lot of these gladiators got tired of their method o f life and organized a sort of Coxey'a army to tramp over the country and rob and burn and destroy whatever came in their way. Their leader was a man by the name of SpartacuB who had learned his art from Jesse James. Spartacus was a leader of a band of robbers and wrote pieces for the school speakers and his decla mations me used to this day with brilliant success. Pompey and the regular army were away from home fighting for their country and Spartacus and his follow ers thought they would be able to make a great success o f the rebellion before he got back. But in this they were mistaken, as they were driv'vn to the crater of Mount Vesuvius, where they had a good - chance to see the erputions. for which they prescribed Cuticum with gOod results. Pompey returning put a quietus on Spartacus, ns Pomp, .was a good deal of a cuss himself, and the rebels were obliged to flee. They were all cap. tured and were tied to the chariot wheels of the Jlomau conquerors and were dragged through the streets be fore being taken'out to the city dump ing ground and made into good citi zens by having their heads cutoff. They d id u c t miss them much how ever, as they had not used them much anyway. Any conquered enemy whom the Bomans could not tie in the stable and work, they disposed o f in this pictur esque way. Henceforth Roman history is an ac count of murder and arson and rapine and sciilduggery of one kind and an other. I t wassimply too awful to talk about. I t got so bad that most of the Romans now known as Dagoes came to America, where they are now en gaged in the laudable and also lucra tive business of selling “ do banan." Thus we dismiss the history of Rome, hoping that all who have read these few lines have been greatly built up and led along paths o f learning. —•Blankets 65c to $8.00, cloaks t l to $15.00, rugs 25c to S10.00, collar ettes and fur collars £1.50 up, Lace Curtains 50c pr. to $15.00, everything in abundance a t lowest prices. Alexander A Spahr i ® o l Xenia, O, —The most effective little liver pills made are DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, They never gripe. Ridgway A Co., Druggists, • i tg i iti grf*: i i i i i dbij C , f e l n a . ! s? j W *1§! t r f i l Cheap Heat THE FOSTER SLACK BURNER e 3 Can be operated at less expense • than~any other stove : : : 0 . X . CROUSE, C e d a r v i i l e , O - I f you will carefully look over the following! items, you willfind a present for very-little money for your mother, wife, children, sister brother and friends. Do not say you cannot afford it—you ate too poor. You are not—the devil is poor. That gift will be cherished in their minds and tdat thought is worth much to you Wra. Roger’s Silver Knives and Forks $3.68 up Crown Silver Company’s Triple Plate Knives and Forks $1.30np Sterling Silver Triple plnteknive aad forks $1.57 up Gents Watch Chains warranted 5 yrs. 93c Ladies’ Gold Watch $1.10 Ladies’ Ebony Case Watch 3.60 Lubies New England Watch Co. works 6.10 Gents Flgin Watch 6.10 Gents' Black Beaver Oyercoats 3.75 Gents’ Black Frieze Overeat velvet collar 6.19 Ladies’ Fancy Petticoats assorted colors 62c Ladies’ Dress Skirts 93cup Ladies’ Golf Capes 83.38 Ladies’ Plush Capes l.lOup Ladies’ Cloth Capes 80cup Ladies’ Jackets $2,94up Ladies’ Collarettes $4.40 Ladies’ F u r Collars $1.86 Ladies’ Striped Flannel Waists 49c Ladies’ Undervesta, fleece lined I5cup Ladies’ Ribbed Drawersfleece lined' 21cup Ladies’ and Childrens Gloves and Mittens all prices Childrens Jackets, large sailor collar ’ 74c Infants Cloaks, fur trimmed 74cup Infants Zephyr Sacques 27cup Infants Flannel Sacques 10cup Infants and Childrens Fine Head Wear Infants amd Childrens Hose . 5o pair Corduroy Velveteen and Brush edge skirt binding 4c Laces and Embroideries, prices ranging from lo op Turkey red Table damask 18cya White Table damask 20cyd Umbrellas all" prices. Ladies’ Men’s and Childrens Shoes, prices to suit the pocket book. Men’s and Boy’s Clothing Men’s lined Corduroy Pants good value $1.62 Men’s and Boy’s Caps, all kinds, all prices Men’s lined and unlined working gloves 25c Men’s Dress Gloves 50cup Large Doll 30 -in, long, bisque head flowing - hair, shoes aud stockings Doll 23 in, fancy muslin dress ribbon front . lace, light and dark hair Doll 23 in. hair stuffed, bisque head long curls, shoes and stockings „ Doll 14 in. Kid Body China Head doll, 16 itfi Doll 16 in. light and dark hair fancy dress Soldier Dolls 9 in. bisque head, cap, red and blue jackets, trimmed in white braid 22c Doll 10 in. bisque head, long hair 10c" . 'Doll Carriages with Parasol, upholstered 1.06 Doll Baby Carriage 47c Hobby Horse $3.22 40c 47c 23c 21c 15c 18c NewYorkRacket Store JO EL ORANSKY, Proprietor. Shopping hist F op ChristmasBayefs. Ebony Novelties, each........... .....19c Gilt Picture Frames, each............10c Venetian Vases............. ............. ..25c Cast Brass Picture Frames,........ ...50c Child’s F u r Sets...................... .$1.50 Books for everybody..,.,<...15 and25c Fine Writing Paper, boxed..... 10c up Ladies’ Kid Gloves........ $1 and $1.50 Ladies’ Kid Mitts*................50c to$ l Child’s Kid Mitts..............................25c Handkerchiefs for Men,......5c to 50c Handkerchiefs-for LadiW......5c to $5 Duchess Lace Handker’fs.,...$1.50 up Linen Lunch Cloths.........$1 and up French Flannel for Waists............. Taflata Silk all new colors..........,75c F u r CallaretUp............,.$1.98 and up F u r Scarfs......................$1,98to $10 Ladies’and Children’s Cloaks............. Baby Caps............................,25c to $2 Winter Underwear, all k inds........... Ladies Fine Show........... $1.50 to $3 Children’s Fine8how......50c to $1.50 Warm Wool Blankets.,.,..$2.75 to $8 Bath Robe B lankets..,.,.,........$5.00 Laco Curtains and Door Panels......... Ladies’ Walking Sk irts...,..$3 to $8 Wool Dress Goods, all k inds,..,..... Fine Silkalinc Comforts...$1 to *2.50 Kn it Shawls....................H a n d $1.50 Wool Fascinators..................25c to *1 Wool Skirts, fine quality ............*1 Black Underskirts..,,.......*1 to *3.50 Silk Umbrellas, Ladies’ or Gents...*. ....................................... $1.00 to *5,00 Centemcri Kid Gloves,. 1.50 to 1.75 JLaFayette Kid Cloves.... .... L50 Winter Hosiery of all kinds.... ......... 3obe BroM €o. XENIA, O. Bl>iFloat(tibia. Leave yonr horses there and tout rigs be kept on the inside, out of the nun and storm, 20 N. Fountain Avenue, SpringAell, O. C«Ai5tr:e E , Toitfi* Prop • For something niceIn the line of. X«k*i Presents fcf kdk# m gentle men, go to c. N f ro m Hew On Chafing Dishes, Forks, Spoons and Pattern. Quadruple Ware, Bowls, Tureens and Bread Plates, Triple Ware, Knives, Forks and Spoons. Carving Sets, pearl, stag, bone and ivory. Table Knives, silver, ivory and pearl. Pocket Knives from all the best makers. Safety Razors, in cases or out of them. Bread Knives, all handles, all kinds. Shaving Sets, best razor, best goods, $1.50 Baking Dishes, finest in the land, T and Coffee Pots, solid copper, nickel plated. Sterling Silver at only hardware prices. Scissors and Shears for any place and any use Carpet Sweepers, best known makes. Beautiful Sleds for boys and girls. Boy’s Wagons all steel and best made. Toledo Tricycles, for boys and girls. Skates and Skates, every size and kind. Wheelbarrows, the big, strong kind. Clothes Wringer—all women want them. Washing Machines—all women need them. Tables and Dressers for nearly grownupgirls The Springfield Hard- ware Company.
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