The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26

,CEDARVILXE OPERA HOUSE •fV ,J ;• •/ „ • • •* 1" •' ■, ■ 'i ' ■!=. ■. • •• " ’V • v i Cl j ‘ ♦ . ... — ' r ; * * 1 \ . * * 4 1- • 3 X T x g f I x t ^ Commencing Sat, Eve, The Distinguished Actor • ■»/ and continuingweek of Fel)v 4 -to ,0 .inclusiva' C Q i i i u n o D r u s s c i i s i . Supported by the Famops B R U S S E L L S D R A M A T I C ! C O M P A N Y ' " . The strongest company Mr. Brusselle has brought to Cedarville ; : NEW DANCES ,.NEW£QNpB NE\V SPECIALTIES EACH,EVENING * R E P E R T O IR E , ' 8 t* r * and Stripes Stricken JJHnd . _. >• 1 Our Irish Neighbors - - The Moonshiners The Two Orphans ; Government Scou t Alabama Homes' • * - ■ ■.A * ,8 " •* i y ^ ‘ ^ , • ■ " ' \ V Opening B ill Bat, eve, F eb , 2nd, ' The Patriotic? Drama, Bpeeial Engagement of the Celebrated Singer, Dancer hud Actress, * r i - - us M ff Stars and Stripss . . . ■: ___ / . : '■ ____________ . ___________ . . . PRICES:. lOvResem Seats 5a extra at M/Crouso’s. . • ’ Sales open Wednesday, January 30th A JOTEHORSE SHOW. ’ ’ ‘ r ' 1 " ' 'v n PLANNEDTO PLEASETHE!VISITORS TO THE PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION- Inwbleh mutton Is the drat considera­ tion■ and^Svoftl secondary.,, This class includes•Sbropahlrgs,' Oxfords, Soutli- downs and like breeds- The exhibits of these breeds will be exceptlQnii% large. The classification■ of sheep In* dudes, some 1*1 breeds. Some of tlicm-l- rtrC’flow“to America, such as Tunis A F i e ld P a y . F p r |I>« jp a » n to n a b lc » . In h ib its ’ o t Ijlofsea or AU flrecdH. Tbo in tere st o f beudiusr Brcedcm ( Sulfolks and-the Highland Placls Face, « « a A sko ' o IM J oimi KaJlw tert, ' " ‘ ’ rr,’nKf' now hi-fwl« w ill lm nnrtloiilnrlV A Horse Show of the'fashionable hind, with »U the embellishments that society can bestow upon It, will be one Of the features of the Pan-American •Exposition flVBufMo next year. ■ lit Is planned tipon the lines observ­ ed ,ln those well known society events of a like nature held-aimually in Mad­ ison Square Garden, Kew York city. Metropolitan' society , is regularly Local‘and Personal, Today is Ground'Hog day, * “ —Chocolate Chips—Fresh, Very Fine. Ridgway & Cp. " The Third Bi-Monthly Meetfug of the Greene County Teachers' Associ­ ation fdr the Year)vl900-’01 will be held in the High School Rpoin. 'Xenia, ure a- . , 1 n iu 111 in ti n o u i x -.Scratches or Grease Heel a sure Ohio, February 9, 1901. • Ridgway of Co, ^ • „ Mr. and Mrs. Chas,. Gilbert were gl'iests of relatives here Sabbath. Ptisse-Part’oufc Binding ,in' dif- • ■■■ These eW breods be pa enla l} Interesting on account of their novelty The Highland Black Face Is a well known breed in Scotland, but Ip*Amer­ ica there are comparatively few flocks. . „k Wool grpwing is carried on in nearly, micut.colorfl ut- McMillau-s. every part-of the United.-States, the Mr> and Mrs. Chas Crouse Jr. spent business iietng particularly adapted to g^b^th with Mrs. Crouse's parents rough and nMUntainons districts where • f'ilnr|ps,„_ r the steep hillsides aud mountain pas- v , tdres can be utilized. The exhibit of —.Reports showa greatly increased sheep will therefore come from nearly ^lenUl rute . from thr0ilt an(l luug- _ every state In* the Union ami w’l l l l u - i , j . nrevHlenee o f .thrown into, a flutter of excitement a s. clud(? about 1,500. of the flnest bred ah- t r ~ e3v'' - - tne - PreJ am n ce jir - - the time arlpi'oacbea each Season for ■";,Tir,?0 - - these picturesque eyentsi, and the great Garden take3 on a festive air J ■that Is hot rivaled again throughout the year." ■ • l- ' $ociety th e n ' shines resplendent. Popular conversation Is upon the eom- ■paratlvo merits of favorite anlmal8. The decorations of the person and of the building and the attire of devotees suggest -.thp.. hum..' The. newspapers HAlli horse and. the whole metropolis , pays homage to the high hred,jratmala t0 s^me extent in Canada, but Is prac- • whose proud ped,grees become-as .fa- j|cajjy unknown In the United. States. t miliar as the biographies of statesmen YVliilO swine growing on an extensive ^at-election time. , , ^ l scale has1been confined largely to the , J t Is eimeeted to make the great corn i,elt. It Is becoming a profitable hOt;se show to he held in the fall Of jn(iustry among- dairymen., It. la:. par- next year at this Exposition quite ns -ticularly so’ln conpeetlon with cheese spectacular a n ti Interesting as those making, the byproducts furnishing -an .................... .....................orted Sheen C\°VP< pneurunma and grippe We will be! made only by AmerJcau^'breed^..jrivwe^the o^eut Cue Minute Cough ore. the rules requiring that the stock l,re 111 *'** df theec <i|liiculties- I t is Shall havjs been In. the possesslon.of ex­ hibitors at leastA»0 days before’the’date of the entry. " -The display of swine to lie made in the’ latter part of September will ln- eljjiflp representatives of 12 breeds. Among these Will- be the. new breeds known ns SUEfolks, Victorias and Tarn- worths. The Tnmwortb stock Is bred pete , piUbllc. , - - The show will be held Jn . the ? Stadium,, which/ Is” to be the great , show place of the Exposition, having " Beats fo r more than lO.OOfl and A track a quarter, of a mile in circumference, While a general display of horses. will be made a t this show. of particular . ' ' Interest will be the animals adapted to • ‘. the useb o f fashionable society-, such as , saddle horses and, ponies, tandem driy- ' ere, hunters, Jumpers, polo pontes, cou­ pe and . coach hafscs,. four-lU-hnnds, ' trotters' and, runners. The’show Will Include many costly equipages and hovel turnouts .that am usedwith the - finely bred - animals that will ‘ be brought forwafd<Ao delight the', public ■ eye;,, • ' > Superintendent F. A. Converse ot the bacon: The secret of ‘“fattening hogs loan” Is the one that swine growers are striving to team, and this exhibit will tie judged with special reference -to their bacon producing qualities,. It Is expected that not less thun 1.500 ani­ mals will be shown In the exhibit of M ark B bxw itt ; ________ _ ^ ____ _ ___ Sleighing'is rfine air(l thoJipreeri)on ,Livestock dTvrslotf haVpiamied to ae^nre enjoying themselves hugely." ,.4 - ftr t fV I t n t iN n n -I* a n - ... . 1 ■ ^ ^ 15 ■ ;. All we want here faith electric road, niu) that is principly the conversation. . ‘The.doctors are having a harvest” now. Both are on the go nil the time, - /,, . Mr, Warner Is trying to ght up a Chorus Cliiss here,; He Wants at least dft'tnitflft'tvlth«!' -'vC , n - A ■ .o'-: }■■ y_, ■,r . The, funeral of Hr. Mendenhall '‘wflaCHeld/iiii; the M. E. Ghurch the 29th-, Rev. Haniiltonaud R?;y. Brown* lee ofliciatccl. ; ! ^Protracted meetjug begun here at the M. E. Church fast Subbnth even* ihg, The tepetlhga are well attended And very-interesting. , , - “ ; Mr, Fred Estle fln^ slster^KacheK efaterteined ebout oftheif young frieude in a must pleasing inanuer at dieirhomeiiortli of here, last jPrlday evening, John Shape went to Ocdarvllfe the first of the week and took lus fine Newfoundland dog with Binf, «Iohs gat jaged and brought home the wrongdog, and thenext flay had togo back aiid exc'lwiige them, H i found h i t P h i l l i p s . commodate 1,000 horses In the exhibit o f American bred animals, The'breeds ■ that will be recognised are Standard bl-ed, Thoroughbred.French Coach, French trotters, Cleveland bay, Olden burg,-ete„ Belgian, Hackney, Morgan; Arabs- Percheron, ’Clydesdale, English ehtre, French draft! Suffolk, Punch, ..Shetland ponies, Jacks and Jennets. ■ This will be the occasion for bringing together the finest animals bred on the Western continent While the trolley car and tho automobile have relieved the horse of much of his drudgery* he continues to occupy a distlnctivc field of work In the general economy: The , tendency of-the times,, too,. Is to pro- •> duce better animals. The. cheap car horse has to a large extent gone out, and scientific, breed - ing Is replacing the common stock With horses of higher Intelligence ftrfl efficiency. The experience of many breeders during the Introduction of fhf trolley car and the flooding of the mar­ ket with cheap horses was discourag­ ing, and a large number turned (her. attention toother line#of work. The situation, however, Is considers* bly Improved, arid prices are agate more nearly wbat they should be. The Interest In breeding Is regulated by tbs pecuniary reward, and the Improved demand lend# a new attractiveness to the breeding and training of horses. The demand for horses In cities contin­ ues brisk, particularly for draft anl mal# such as the Clydesdale and the Percheron, and for gentlemen's drivltij and coach horses, The Live Stock division Of the Pan- American Exposition Will offer ie breeders an opportunity to place he fore the public high bred, stylish, good acting horses with a view of sbowlbg What particular crosses are advan­ tageous In producing such animals, Experiments have been 'made with a Hew' of producing large standard bred horses with the most admirable re­ sults, ’ , . Another feature will bo an exhibit of hotecs adapted fet* cavalry purposes, Tho extraordinary demand for cavalry horses within tile -last few years lift# ^brought to the attehtlpu of breeders . the wisdom of producing a type of animals having the qualities that the cavalry service requires. Rot only hds the demand been very large for the United States Urmy, but foreign buy- t rs hive frequented the American markets and purchased many animals for the armies of other countries, Sev* era! large breeding establishments are already turning tlielr attehtlon to-the raising of cavalry horses. With the groat number of lmrses that-will be brought together at the PnteAinorlcan Exposition the visitor will have an opportunity seldom' equaled to make a partkmlsr. study of tills line of breed* lag. Superintendent Converse is in cor* ftspondencer with the entire 28 Km tbual AssociationsWhose members am ' engaged In sheop breeding aud wool growing. He reports that every aaro- clitinn, without exception, I* much in­ terested In the.Pan-American Expoid- tion and' that, If will contribute tes- bibits to the show which will take . plane & .September: sick CLIFTONNOrbS. • Mte. J . i f . Confar is ..quite with-stomacli trouble. ^ Mr. Harry Tavener Was out u little. Tuesday for the first. Chas. Hackett thinks be has a world- beater! but there are others. Bring la Year Tickets No matter how small the amount btiug them In and receive their value in goods, X fiave extended tho tune to redeem them until F e b ru a ry 18, after which date no ticketa now- oufc wilt be accepted. This la final. Robt, Bird. the only harmless remedy'that gives immediate results. Children like it; Kidgway & Co, ■- ■ : i - Mrs: ' W. R. Torrence, of South Charleston, was a visitor at the home ofM k Robt. ,Gray, aud family, Wed­ nesday. , "u . _ - - -^-La grippe—our Honey of Tar relieves aud cures. Rldgway & Cd. •O, W. Minser was taken suddenly ill last Sabbath with an attack of in­ digestion,, , Mrs.'Hannah Robinson hasbeen ou the sick list* frir the paatrweek with with la grippe and stomach troable,-- —For the weakness nud prostration following grippe there Is ‘ nothing so prompt und eflective as One Minute Cough Cure.’ .This preparation is ■uglily endorsed hs nn/nutailiug rem- •dy for all throaEauu lung troubles uni its early use proven.« coosump- ion. . It was made ttr cure quickly, .tidgway &Co. , Mrs. Berry A. Bellnil, of. Kansas City, 'Mo., is-visiting Mr. Sclmll’s father and mother, '-Mr. and Mrs. Wnu Scliull. * —Freeh candies each week: Ridg- way &.Co.' , . J - 4 , ( *»■/ * '* 4 ; Thursday, as was predicted was the coldest duy, so far this year. ’ Borne re­ ports reaching, as Iqwas ten degrees belowzero, \Vjth the snow that fell the previous days and the coutiaoue cold weather makes. it very pleasant lor sleighing*. —Best .cigars in town. Leading brands. Ridgway & Co, * Mrs John Cooper, who has been confined to her bed for several weeks past, is rapidly improving. . —Roosters often crow over eggs they did not lay. Same with people whosell an irnitatiou Rocky Mountain Tea, made Iambus by the -Madison; Medicine Co,hi advertising. 85c, Ask your druggist. Mrs, Maggie Crain andj daughter. Mabel, are in ' Jamestown this week; being called there by the sickuess ol relatives. 1—Stock and poultry food at Cooper's. Imst evening Miss Mamie Sterretf entertained a number of invited guests. The evening wasspentiua social way. The scholars of rooms seven and eight of the High school enjoyed a sled ride Thursday evening, —Take Rocky Mountain Tea. See it exterminate poison. Feel it revital­ ize your iiiood ami nerves and bring back that h«ppy, joyous feeling of Iwiyhood days. 35c. Aik your drug gist, It "A number Of Selma friends came down Thursday evening in a sled and spent a few hours with Mr. and Mrs. Waller- Wildman. Refreshments were served, "'After Suffering for two months, a severe attack of grip I fiund quick relief ami 6 lasting cure by using Dr. Miles’Nervihe, Pain Pills,and H**art Cure.’’—-Harry Abbott, Cincinnati, Ohio. . Mr. and Sirs. Riley McMillan gave a party Thursday evening to a num­ ber offriends, 1 -—Remember Friday and go to Downingand have your picture made. •All kinds of up-to-date mount#. Mr. Riley Kyle, of the firm ofKyle <fc;Tate, of Xenia, ■left Monday for Chicago, where he will be absent for about ten Weeks. During his stay in’ the Windy City ho will take a course iu an optical school, ( _ , - —For horse collars, lines, bridles and everything in the harness line try Kerr & Hastings Bros. ■ Mr. aprl Mrs, W. R. Sferrett'ett tertained a large number fit friends at their home nn,Xenia Avenue, Tues­ day evening. A. number Of out.uF- town guestswere preeetit. , —-Bring your butter, eggs, lard and bacon to Cooper and got the highest market price for them. A Card of Thanks. • We desire to express to otir many ft Main, who lihve aided us in the last sickness and death of our dear hus bond and father, our heartfelt thanks, for their kindness,assistance and words of Jove and sympathy tendered to us. Very Respect fully Mrs, Frantz and family Twenty-four Below. , ~ The majority of our citizens were under the impression that from eight to ten degrees belowzero was .-the coldest we haver had (his winter. Mr, J , W Bollock reports that the ther­ mometer at ids neighbor*, Mr, A. It, Bull stood twenty-ioflr .degrees below zero on Thursday morning. This teem,s rather a cold story btjtit tiinst be remembered that (his farm is one of tho flakiest places in the county, qwiugto its situation along the ereflk., We have notvbcen -informed as to (he Standing of the thermometer <m the ......... other places Coes Station a barn near *Morrow. Were (he/guests of relatives Mr. Roll is bothered With i!>6 htetof tlifc week, Frank has —take bad dollars, all counterfeits of DeWttte Witch HnZel Salve are worthless. The original quickly cures piles, sores and all skin, diseases. Ridgway & Co.' --Homihy flake, Rice flake,.Bean fluke and Pea flake at Cooper’s. Will Forthup has; been laid up (his week,"suffering with the grip, “My stomach was nifeeted by.grip and I could eat nothing but Cracker* and milk, I began taking Dr, Miles* Nervine ntpl Pain Pills and the trou­ ble disappeared.’’"*-Mw. J . Lindsey, Montrose, Minn, , Remember the Brussells Dramatic Co, ton)gh,t. . \ “Grip made me very weak' and nervous with, tightness of- chest ’ aud headache. .Dr, Miles’ Pain Pills nud Nervine gave' me quick relief/"— -MrsrClariudn Butler, W. Wheeling, O i i i o . , ■'The patrons Of the uew telephone company will this week, he . giveu « new list. They request every one to call by (uurnbet. If interestedr gets list and look over it. , . .-—Teas. Colfee and Cigars at GrayV . The young folks-about town hav* been enjoying themselves ljugeh Since t,he “beautiful” -has fallen. Sk-*- mg, sled and sleigh riding being th principle amusements. —Try. Cooper on groceries, he h« t a full line of the, beat ot everything a the right prices. John Stine tripped and fell whih engaged iii his Workat the paper mill,' Thursday night* It result^! iu sprain ing hia wrist-nud hand and cutting his chin. .—Jardinieres, new styles; Hi way & Co% Mrs. Andrew Gordon swore her life against her bushaltd in Squire Brad­ ford’s court this week. The cifte was sot for Thursday, but (he trouble was compromised between the parties. “ Failing to find relief from.thfe grip with old methods, X took Dr, Mites* Pain Pills, Nervine and Nefve and Liver Pillsaud was'permnntly cured.’ stores combined —Gust. Egan, Jackson, Mien. —Guarantced-EggProducer, Ridg* way & Vo. K , E. -Randall rather than ho out of fashion lin'd his -Share of the gi Kirt wnscompelled to miss school for a day or so. —!-Bl«ck Hawk. Corn Planters will lie sold this" season by'Kerr & Hast­ ing Bros, „ Brupsells Dramatic Company at opera house tonight. PriccB 10 nud 15 cents. “When I was prostrated with grip and my heart and nerves were in Iwd shape, Dr. Miles’ Nervine and Heaft Cure gave me new life and health,”—Mrs, Geo. Colie, Elgin, III. . & Anniversary Christian Endeavor Society will be helit in the Presbyter­ ian Church At Clifton Sunday even- ing, when all the churches and their pastorswifi unite.' - Dr. P* R. Madden, Practice lim­ ited, to EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Classes Accurately Ad­ justed. Alien Building, Xenia, 0 . Te&pluMS,—Office Nor. 72 , Residence No, 1 ), —See the Black Hawk Corn Plan­ ters beforepurchasing, Kerr '& Hast ing Bros, , Rev, J , XL Kennedy, ofNew Con­ cord* O,, was the gueat Of the Hast* ings Bros. last Thursday and Friday, He preached in the U< P, pulpit on Thursday evening. . Vegetarian. *' * Baked Beads. With TomatOe BailCo,* • NoMeat, No F a t . . At Gray’s, A-Jamestown crowd came over on a bob-Skd Wedneslmy evening, The crowd, stopped at Mr, Samuel McCol­ lum’s) CONTINUING ONE WEEK ONLY. Tne Host Important rioney»5aving Merchantile Event in Ohio* . rongly demonstrated in Cloaks, Capes, Furs, Tailor-Made Suits, Dress and Rain Skirts, .Waists Silks, B l a c k and Colored Dre^ss Goods, Housekeeping Linens,- Domestics, Men’s, ' Women’s and Children’s Gloves, Mittens and Handkerchiefs, Men’s, Wo- « men’s and Children’s Hosiery and Knitted DhderWear, Men’s and Boy’s Shirts and Furnishings, Ladies’ Neck Furnishings, Ribbons, Laces and . Trimmings, Ladies’ and Children^, Flannelette.Gowns and Skirts, Ladies' and Children’s Muslin Underwear,- Corsets, Notions, Lace Curtains, Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, Window Shades and Wall Paper. The unusual!y Mild \Yinter previous to the.Holidays lias left Us with stocks-of far greater magnitude than we ahoriMhave, at this rime, realizing that to dispone of these surpluses WE MU-ST ACT QUICKLY, MUST MAKE TH1? GOODS, M W GIVE NO CONSIDERATION TO 0 RIOINAL -GOBT OR PRLSLNl VALUES. Hits hasJbeen nnr plan for nearly a quarter of n.century of success merchandizing in disposing ot excess stocks aud has made “WREN’S” the most widely known store for value-giving iii America. ■' This Our 24th Annual Clearing Sale Will Ife the most important we have ever given, MOST.IMPORTANTbecnnsc we place at yourdisposnl more" goods, and all sflnsqiuibkjrnods. than in any previous sale, amniquhting ip quantity to more than all Springfield rCfr? !3 ‘ IMPORTANT because stocks being so heanvy price sacrifices" must be greater than ever before; IMPORTAN1 because of the fact that oUr AnuunLIiivoiriug immedhilely follows the close of ibis sale, and rather rtfany THE PRICES WILL-MEAN L IT fLE or NOTHING, nn.d MOST IMPORTANT because the scope of the sale is not limited to a fewlenders and trinkets but e 'ihracea_evey item large or small fromend to eml'of this big, store, and wo might add that ONE-DOLLAR spent at “ WREN’S” during this Great Clearing Bale will have,THREE TIMES the usuaj purchasing power anywhere else in Ohio. Safe Opens Thursday Morning Jan. 31, and Continues f Week. "NOTE;—As a still greater incentive to out of town buyers to ntteud this Bale we will pay the fare to Spring- fieldon all cash purchases of$10.00 and Over, * , Early Attendance is Important as best Values Go First, 19, 2i, 23, 25 Limestone St., Springfield, Ohio. S'- Low Fare South, Excursion tickets to New Orleans, Ln„. Mobile, Ala.* and Pensacola, Fla., for Annual Mardi Grip Festiv­ ities, wilf be sold via PeiifiSylvanin Lines February 12 th to 17th, inclu­ sive, good returing leaving thosepoints not l&tef than"March 7th. Anybody 1 M ri.4n i'#rii" Frank NngTey of; XrsWi,M. M(. Bril IJ U n i ritk '1™lt 1tef!!“ar»i!i, ,S * fL » 1“ r <*•'• Jw«fcw>v»'«>«» '<«WjR Mrlyfnw, m»»f of oof elfcirioUghipUtL lliat lii«oe?nJ Penn»jlfa»l» Uni* Paawi. fdY'hiA'Ml fthn IjlnM* hKt1*t AiVlift til's >it A t . . . * *.» til 1 AM A ^ u t C mv I i fn sn ioli a AW, V Grand Sleighing. - j The sleighing of yesterday and the day before wasas good or better than has been experienced here for years. This fact was not overlooked by those who own good horses, andMain Street andXenia Avenue represented the race course. The officers had Charge of affairs and took notice that pedes­ trians were kept off the street. Among the flyers present were, “Rex’* owned by W. H. Owens, “Cfid”, owned by Harry Wilson, "Gymnast”, owned by Crawford Bros, John Har* bison drove a young five-year old that showed considerable speed, Fred Anderson and Frank Turnbull drove horses that stayed up iu the race. NOTICE TO TEAM5TERS. - . . T desire to have the stone which Is iu the Walls of the old church ou the farm . formerly owned by -William Collins, hauled *to my farm, where,the Raney Bros,, reside, about two miles north of Clifton. There will-be abont" 200 perch of Stone and the work will, be let to the lowest bidder/ Stone must be on the farm by August 15, Paymant will be made in porportiou to .tne work completed, . ' T ames ANOEhsoic, ip g cgigaspgi ^Church Announcements Kt«r tfiJ Rural No, 4 i- BprhjgRetd, 0 , with |hel?cr Pr Ticket Agent will furnish par* ! tfoblar* upon application. Win. Cordon had bis trial yester­ day for having Cheney. Preaching at the M. E, churchy Sabbath morning by the pastor, A, Hamilton, Theme: “Wide Awake Christians,” Epworth League ser­ vice 6:30 p. nr, t ;■ t ' AtU. P. church tomorrow* Com­ munion Services, Rev. King, of Columbus, will assist the pastor, f t t R. P. church, W. J , Sanderson, pastor. Theme t l ;00 a. hi., “The, Exulted BavlourBestowingBlessings,” 7:00 p. m, “The Ten Virgins.” ■ Mr. ancTMrs, Ed, Jobe have issued invitations for Thursday. February 7. Mr. and Mrs. -J. R. Orr Will en­ tertain Wednesday, February 6 . -—A choice line of all kinds Of Groceries, at Grab’s, I’ r e n a t lim K n a s a s , KriiiSi'-'t is preparing a grand dlsplaj Of fruit* ami other products tor th< Pafi-AmcrlcAn Exposition. Kansas l« potmhufy looked upon only as n groal corn Math, but hcr possiwmtes In til roimd farming, stock raising and frail and vegetable growing are to be sfcowi by menus of splendid object lessons la bar exhibits,at Buffalo next year. 1 , Xenia OperaHouse ANDREW ROBSON m The Royal Box, .. , / • : Wednesday, Eeb,' is. Special engagement. RIP AN WINKLE Monday Feb. 25. y • ' vr;. . I , By ’THOMAS “JEFFERSON M m m h K i D H M . ? GKUMKf 0 * rH o i mill Qtm f f r» . ■nr fefW ENTY -FOURT Ii [f If it dpfi’t and yc leave your tneasi showing Spring COMING OUR 1 . cedarvlltje to be the Central I * 1 ’ Electric Road Businesd The citizens of Cedarvill | aingpraises from the fact (non 1 to be the central poinl Doyten, - Springfield aud, -South-westefa - Railway Jhe .residents) business met )-1 f pi? in every walk of life shl I gratnlate ,/lieinselvea. ..Thef I question tolm operated by ■^‘ •company will be construe] | Springfield to Yellow Spriul R ton, Cetfirriile, .to Janiestovr I other line Will' *bo construcj here to, Xenia by Wilberfare ' The business men'here shq f up courage for we are soon i; qijeteu for electric railroads i| ness iti tliii part of the couul | jug to our position we will I I draw from Clifton, Wilberf I certainly people would not K end of (he of the line to do til I ing, consequently we will liul |i towncitizens at our countefsl these tnarvelou/low bargains 1 our stores-arc noted. It is no longer a mutter 1 this company lias orders frol I quarters in the east to begin d tion with -in sixty clays, nn| bed will be pufdown along [ •equipment that will, cost $ 2 | mile. Farther, this ;c'ompai| E t«-go under bond, for such ai| ‘ns tho town Council mny set, a will build and have’ in operil ! roatTin a certain length of tin ■ For the citizens it certain beet proposition that.lias ll blitted, for it evidently will! best interests of the town, e| of the branch lines wiV. their head quartets and cT several families will be brcitl by tins plan. New territor^yilTiie tap! will be„of immense value tf commercial interests of , Our location on the P. C. C.I Ry. will be another great! inducing people to come to I Tbe;'citizens Of Clifton, jl and even Yellow Springs -wil to old Cedarville, from tliej she is on one of the main" vauia.lines. 1 Such sn electric road as ! share the unanimous supj 1 entire community. —Our $3.06,13.50 and _ are the best the world caf I; lor the money; tucli makes &Sou, Lilly, Brackett &| snd the Sorosis. Wc arc stl dealers, which makes a big f Starkey's Arcade ShOq Bpringfl Httractioj Attractive Watcf At Attractive Pr| Should Prove An Att To Attract Tfie Attentior * Of Every Attraoj Lady in Cedarv] Wbo does not ; owna watch A 'l TLVE in appel ant|. Tellable it! •keeping qualifier Gome and see whether you buy or not. * , 'w , " -*' f H tc Jcwg|^|