The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26
** y ' ‘4- ■» y y? v " :v-inpn^ ! f ' , . . . » i. ■ >3J*’. .3f V b Vj ^ » e t r and Aetcemi, ' '] •ABtqGHT] id Stripes i— fin] j at C,M.Crosse’s: r j - 3 o t l i . n . 3 i s t Y. vt n Ohior 3 , to be disposed o f a t ity, style an seasonable- of our store, being njost W a i s t s S i l k s , - s t i e s , M e i i ’s , - M e n ’s ;. W o - i ’ s a n d B o y ’s i, L a c e s a n d a r t s , L a d i e s ’ a i n s , C a r p e t s , iter magnitude than wC ' o k l y . MUST m a k e :: O ORIGINAL GOST access merchandizing in giving in America. * , - f r Sale ce a t your disposal more >re tha^ nil Springfield * ■eater than ever before, of this sale, and rather NOTHING, and MOST i»iiracea.eveyitem large. ' WREN’S” during this in Ohio. ■* , *.* ' : u e s I W e e k . pay the fare to Spring* I J V T , Opera House 5 W ROBSON - i n , yal Box, Sday, Eeb, $3. engagement, . f V ■ iN WINKLE * y Feb, 35. „By J E F F E R S O N ' ..........................I III nil li'ii!IBa |iliM * l^i!jli : o»r3W wom II m h any m v T i m , i * i^yim When this item is marked by an Index, i t denote# (hat yonr imbserip- turn nr overdue and* promptpaymaat is desired. JNTY-FOURTH YEAR. HO. S. CEPARVILLE. OHIO. FEBRUARY 9 . 1901 . PRICE $1.00 A YEAR. Your Shirt Fit You? I |f it <ion’t and you want one. or two or haltadoWn that will-fit you, come in and } leave your measure for some of Loeb & Co’s. Custom Made Shirts. We are showing Spring samples from now until farther notice, t ' . !♦ €♦ D<Wt$ I ^s^R^MEMBER; W e s t i l l c o n t in u e t o m a k e s u i t s t h a t s u i t t h e p e o p l e I an d s e l l t h e r ig h t k in d o f f u r n i s h in g s . T j i i l o r , * ; • h ». F w r n i s l i e r COMING OMR WAY Itrvilte to be the Central Point in the Electric Road Business. iT.tfhe citizens of' Oedarville should * epraises from the fact thntBbe is /jaa to be the central point for the syton, Springfield nud Urbana iuth-westem Railway Company,' |lfbe residents, business men. and pen- I^ein every walk .o f fife should con i'patolata - themselves, ■The line in I'^estiou-to be^operated by the above .^tripany will be constructed from fgpriugfield to Yellow Springs,' Clif* 'toa, Ccd (rville, to .Tamestovvu. An- >tlierline will be constructed from 'We to Xenia by Wijberfhrce, „ { The business men here should keep [jap courage lor we nre F«on to be the Eiittcea for electric railroads aud busi rceet ip this part of the county. Ow- jijig to otir position we will be able to Nrnw from CJiftOn, JVHlierforCe, end r&rfeinty people would not go to tlie |tnil of the of the line to do their trad* ling,-consequently we will find James- fcowncitizens at our' counters seeking Ithescmarvelous low bargains for.which fflitr,stores arc noted. ' - It is no longer a matter of talk, Ithis company ha's .orders from' head- |quarters i»’'the cost- to begin construe., Jftton .with in sixty days,-and a road Ited will bo p u t down along with the j Equipment that will cost $20000 per Imile. Farther,,,,tbja ;comp^iiy% agrees lie g‘>?under bond, forsuch mi amnnut l a t h e fojvn-counqtl may aet.'ihitf they |ytiU build and hove* in ‘operation this, inTa~certaiii length oftipie, - For the citizens it certainly is the I'bcst proposition that has been sub- ItefUed/forJb evidently will be io the *W interests o f the town, employees ;nfthe branch lines, w ill. make this llk ir headquarters and consequently KSVeral families Will be brought he& by tins plan, w■ r ’ New territory will be tapped that will be of immense value to .to the |'»mmercml interests of the town, [Our location on the E . C, C. & St; L, [By. Will be another great factor in [yuc ing pehple to’ come to this place, [The citizens of Clifton, Jamestown [tedevetf Yellow Springs will all come [toold Cedarville, from the fact that die is.on one of the main Pennsvl- |n aw lines. finch an electric road as this should ere the unanimous support of the Itttire community. -Our $3.00,13,bO and $5.00 shoes jjwe the beet the world, can produce [Her the money; such makes a i Hanau ItBoii, Lilly, Brackett & Company Bhtd the Sorosis. We are strictly cash ,IJSers, which .makes * big difference, SfarkeyVArcade Shoe House, Springfield; Ohio* / # ♦ # ; ? AttractiveWatches AtAttractive Prices ! ShouldProve AnAttraction To Attract The Attention Of Every Attractive lady InCodarvillo Who dots not already owna watch OTTRAC- tiVE in appearance and reliable in time keeping qualities* Come and see our line whether you wish to buy or not. , ' I . ' ■' 'r-‘ ■ \ ■ ' Th# cBiSjAkvitija; v NEWS TID-BITS from.Many Sources, Gleaned' from Our ■Exchanges, , , . , Today the ground hog* according to Ccdorville tradition, takes charge.of the weather, I f the day is cloudy, winter is supposed -to he practically over. JBut if the day is clear and bright and Mr, G . Hog, when' lie comes up to look around, can see his shadow, he goes back to Roxanatand stays six Weeks while'the re‘st of us hustle around to pay codl bills,— Sprii g Valley .Blade. A Georgia Judge ,who-tried to im tate King Solomon io deciding the ownership oi a Gmonths-.old baby, was nonplused when, as he put the infant ou the table tiud aitttonnced his in* tention Of-cuttiiig it'in halves with a big butcher knife, the’, .woiifan Ciiedi. 4*Pov»’jt}lWthat; keep it yourself,’*and left fheVourt hurriedly,-^Jerome Ke- porft' 1 % ‘‘We are n o t . much of a sport.” says tvKansas editor, “ but when we meet a cihclr in the road we recognize it. We made the followiog_Jjargaiu| with a-frieud yesterdaj. We were to stand a t u given poiut half an Hour ancfwatch the Indies who passed. For every lady who reached back to see 'if her skirt was gapping or to tuck it under her licit,, we were to receive a nickel, atftl for CvCry-ofte. wiro failed, to. Jo so iu walking a block we Were to give him a. dime., We got, sixty; two.nickels avid gave dime— it jady with both aPms oil mate along. * —Jerome YAriz) Reporter, '. ' —/I-*' . . ‘ . An exeli/ingo . has the, folio wing; “The editor was busy when he Called and asked: 'How are the markets?’ He was referred io the office-wit, who looked'wise nud said: ‘Young men, Unsteady;'girlB, lively add willing are in demand; papas, fii'tn but declining; mamas, unsettled,. bu t waiting for a higher bid; coffee, considerably mixed; fresh fish, active and slippery; wheat, a grain better than barley; eggs quiet, bu t expected to open shortly; wbisky, still going' down; onions^ strong and rising; breadstuff*, heavy; boots and shoes, those 6 n the market, are soled, and constantly going' up and down; hats and caps not so high as last yenr ,.1 except foolscap-*, which is stationery; tobacco, very low and has * down* ward tendency; silver, close, but no f close enough to get hold, of; cheese, lively.” PitbRc library Benefit. The committee- has made arrange* ments with Rev, W. Hutchinson, .£>, D „ to give a scries of lectures for the benefit of the Oedaryille’ Public Library. These lectures will be given in the opera house on March 5, 6 ,.7, and 8 , They will be illustrated with stereopticau views, and the proceeds are to be devoted to the very worthy object name above. The subjects for bis lectures will be; “ From Gibraltar to Rome,” **!« the Land o f the Pyramids,” “A Tour Thrtiug the Holy-Land” and “ ’The Passion Play, as I Saw it Ju ly 27, 1900.M I t is the earnest hope of the com* iriUtCe that fbe citizens of our vicinity and patron# o f the library will do „all la’their power to make these lecture# profitable by purchasing tickets, which will bo on sale indue time, , There has never been as favorable a chance to assist our library fund* and the'offer of Dr, Hutchinson i# an exceedingly liberal one, The view# are the very best* the lectures exceed* ingty entertaining, and will richly re pay all who attend. •The library only .lacks about 18 Volumes of reaching 1000., When that number Is reached, wo HUder- stand that . ft standing °Ter to naslst f il l be made good,: and there dijghi to lie such nit dnterest srppSed in tblf oflferfc as to increase tb« ifimd copsidewiSiy, ~ ' ’ ■ * ■ "4-V t i k E desire to say that the quotations here named are upon choice seasonable merchandise, not MU upon stock years old*1 Every item is pf this season’s make.: The price here quoted .thay seem f a b u l o u s l y l o w , b u t there are reasons for all things. We are determined tp sell every dollar’s worth of winter merchandise now on hand. The goods must and will be sold for prices that will make them go. In order that you may clearly realize the sincerity of these reductions, bring this ad vvith you and test pretentions. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed; fair exchange or money returned. is Sale N ow in F u ll B last; Men’s Overcoats Men’s Overcoats worth $ 6 , 00 , challenge price..., .-.$ 3 -4 ^ Men’s Overcoats, worth 7,00, challenge price... , . . . , $ 4 4 8 Men’s Overcoats, sold this season for $12,88; chal lenge’ price *** •»**««•* *%•■*(ft* k*-** *'*<♦*#■♦*.* $7^90 Men’s Overcoats, values up to $18.00 and $20,00; challenge price....,, ................................... $ 13.87 Mdn’s Ulsters, made (0 sell for $8,00; challenge price............ ......................... . , , . $ 4.98 _ _Men’s Suits / ' .. J3*f’ ' ^ 75 Men’s Suits* worth $5.00 challenge p rice .,.......$ 2 . 8 o 160 Men’s Suits, Value# up to $7.50; challenge price.,.,.................. $ 4,80 l25 Men’s Suits, our best sellers this season a t $9.88 and $10.88, challenge priceT....................... . . . $ 6 .gO 80 Men’s Suits sold this season for $18.88; chal lenge p r i c e . - i . . ................. $ 8 .go 136 Men’s Pine Soils* values up to $17,00; chub |enge price....*.,., ................................................., . $ 10.88 Y< ung Men’s Suits* ■sizes 15 to 19, sonic worth $5.50; challenge price........ ................... ,..$ 3 ,g 8 ■ ----- _ .................. ........— 1 1..............1 t Men’s Paints ' 150.pairs Men’s Pants that are wortli $1.00* dial* ■ lciige price................................................................... ■4 9 c 100 pairs ’Men’s Corduroy Pants, worth $2.00; challenge price....*. .......................................... . . . , . , $ 1.24 200 pairs Men’s Pants, values $2,50; challenge price.. ***#«•>*(«»******»*■.W*# 4**4* «)•**,•«*«*»*.«»»*»*' r#>*f *$ 1.48 126 pairs Men’s Pants values $4.00; chaPenge price $ 2,48 - ‘ VERY S P E C IA L '. 100 Men’s fancy double breasted Vests that have sold for $1.48and$1.98; challenge price............. .g 8 c Children’s Clothing 10.0 Children’s Veslee Suits, sizes 3 to 9, suits worth - $1.60; challenge price,......................................... . 8 g c 160 Children’s Veatee Suits, sizes 3 to 9, worth $2.25; challenge price $ 1 4 9 200 Children’s Veslee Suits, sizes 3 to 9, worth $3.00 and $4 00; challenge prices.,......... . $ 1 . 85 , $ 2.24 Twenty-five per cent off, nothing reserved, original ticket on each garment. Children’s Overcoats $2.48; 25per cenfcoff..,.,,,,...,$ 1.86 . .'Children’s Overcoats $3,48; 25 percent off......... ■ 4 2 *61 Children’s Overcoats $3.98; 25 per cent off.......,..,$ 2 <gg Children’s Overcoatr$4.48; 25 per cent off....... .,..$ 3*38 Children’s Overcoats $4.98; 25 per cent-off...,..,... $3*74 Children’s Overcoats $5.46; 25 per cent off..,........$ 4,18 Children’s Overcoats $8,98; 25 percent off..,........$ S ’^4 Children’s Reefers 98c; 25 per cent o f f ............... 74? Children's Reefers $1.24; 25 per cent off....,.’..',..--... $3C Children’s'Reefera $1,49; 25 percent off.,.,..... ......$I,Z 2 Childrens Reefere $1.79; 25 percen t o ff.............. $I*35 Children’s Reefeis $2.48; 25 per cent off,.,.....,,....$ 1,86 Children’s Reefers $2 98; 25 per. cent off...,......... . $ 2,22 Children?*‘Reefers $4.98; 25 percent o f f ...,...... ..,,$3*74 Children’ Knee Pants, sizes 3 to 16* worth 20c; pnC 6 Mit««Hi» *'**#*•IVlllHl•*> a # #*-.»*»>ass g c Children’s Corduroy Knee Pants; sizes 3 to 16, worth 75c; challenge p rice ,..,,....,.,.,,....,.,,..,..* .. 34 c .Children’s Knee Pants* sizes 3 to 16, a big buy of remnants, some in tbis lot worth $ 1 ; challenge pride 49 ^ H R * * • $ * 500 doz Linen Collars, in standing and double band Collars, including the following celebrated makes, viz: Barker, Arrow Brand* Ci.uett* Peyser* Fellows 20 th Century, Ourtis/Stcri- big, I I 1 &, I j , Koynl, Red Seal, Double Triailgie. Reliable and Paris brands; sizes, 14 to 181; 15c, 20c, 25c values; Challenge prfee 5c 40 doz. Linen Cuffs, 20c values; challenge price 8 c, . Men’s Bliirts,”fancy colored Imsoms, white bodies, detached liiik ciifis, open front and' back; $1.00 values; chal lenge price 38c. 120 doz.- fine French and Garner’s Percale'stiff bosom Shirts, open front and hack, detached roufid cornered* link cuffs, sizes 14 to 17. Includes the following well knowu/makes: United* Monarch, Univetsaifllcnsslcr Majestic, Peerless, Fidelity, Ideal and, loon Brands; $ 1,00 and $1.25 yalpes; challenge price 48£ Men's Cheviot Bhirts, sixes 14 to 17; 35c Values; challenge price 18c.. Heavy {Standard Drill Shirts, black ;and white, cut 36 inches long, wide collar, SOc vaiucs; challenge price 29c , .Working Shirts, black and white patterns, 60c values; .challenge price Jersey Shirts, fleece Hoed;-sizes 143|r to 17; 50c values; cballeuge price 20 c. ■ • 60 doz. men’s blue, brown and white Sox; 5c values; challenge price 2c» 75 doz. men’s ‘black Sox, color guaranteed; / 10c values; challenge price 4c. ' ( * • 100 doz, men’s black, tan, and blue Hosiery, seamless and stainless; 15c Values; challenge price 0c. 50doz. men’s biack, tanaqd fancy Hosiery ip Lisles, Balbrlggans, Maco'a Wools; and 00c values; challenge price 24c. ' Men’s grey Underwear, Bbirts and Drawers;TJ5o yaltteejchsllenge price 8 c Derby’Bbirt#; splendid 5,0c vainer, challenge price 23(o. Fleece and Ribbed Underwear, 60c values; challenge pride 38c. Underwear $ 1 00 , $1.60 and $2 Off values; challenge price 68 c, Kerchiefs,' large size* 80 vafties; challenge price 2 c. Red Bandanas, large size, 76 values; challenge price 3c. Cambric Kerchiefs; 7£e values; challenge price 46. ~ Cambric Kerchiefs 15c values; chal lenge price 7 ^ 0 . ' ’ Plain white Kerchiefs with fancy borders, 20o values; challenge pride 9c Plain white Linen Initial Kerchiefs; 25c values; challenge price 124c. 100 doz silk'fecks. Pufft, Four in hands and Bows, good patterns; 25c values; challenge price 4c. 60 doz. fine silk '.fecks, all new pat terns, 40c values; challenge price 23c. Men’s Jersey Gloves, fingers leather lined; 20 c values; challenge price 12 | Men’s fieece .lined Jersey Gloves, fingers Mocha, 40c values, challenge price 10 c. Men’s lined and unlined, leather Gloves and Mitts; 35c values; chal lenge price 23c. < . Men’s lined and unlined calf, hog and cordovan Gloves and Mittene;50e and 60c values; challenge price 38c. Men’s^ Overalls, 40c values; chal lenge price 24c. Men’s Overalls, without bibs, cues 32 to 42, 50c values; caallenge price 39c. . . Men’s Denim Overalls, sizes 30 to 50, 76c values; challenge price 47c, Men’s and boy’s ‘Suspenders, 16c values; challenge price 6 c v , . Men’s and boys Suspenders, best makes, 6 . 0 c values; challenge price 23c, . 25 per cent off Machintoshes and Rubbsr Ooato* Oardigau Jackets ail sizes; $1,26 Values; challenge price 98c, Smoking Jackets 3fi| per cent off from regular price, . Boys’.Sweaters, alt sizes; value 75o; challenge price 38c. Men’s and boy's. Sweaters; all sizes; $1.00 values; challenge price 48c; 16 per cent ofl on better grades. Nats and Caps, . Advance spring styles in men’s Crush Pasha, Fedora and Tourist Styles, 70c values; challenge’price 48c Advance Spring styles in men’s and hoys stiff and soft Hats, $1.60 value#; challenge price 98% Advance Spring* styles in men’s Tourist, Golf, Pasha, -Military and Stiff Hats,. $2.00 values; challenge price $1,48. Some swell novelties in stiff and . soft Hate, advance Spring styles, $2.50 values; Challenge price $1,93, Men’s Winter Caps, Brighton style, 25c vales; challenge price 14c • « Men’s, boy's Corduroy, Kersey and Worsted Caps in Golf, Golf Yacht, Windsorand Brighton stylos, All made with slide, band; 504 valuta; chal lenge price 23c. * ^ * o r Y T P T T r * A M J . «M .y .. p Vi i l l <J f t , ‘ / , ,
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