The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26
m* $1,00‘A YEAR. ~ ' l;>ri)VLw*i’'*^blL!|'WW|!l*l|lll »1*1 l>iii|'ii>'in%^il*Wl'Ui|jii)i|i'i»»i',ll<|l» 'i nil*'.wy{.■■...* KARMi 9UIX, - BdttVwtdPiwprMer. O x » a * o Qtmwi WgW*J*J***.- SATURDAY, FEBRUARY fU&OL OBITUARIES ~ ConttinlBjj^ovw two feu«(?jr«d words1, will beeharfifiV far, nt-iKp rateW five cents per line, CARDS OF"THANKS — Five eeat* jwrJjHe.* x- When you send ill long fliHuOiries please state whom (he hill k to Besent to, or we will publish two (200) bun- ‘•deed words end leave the balance-out. Make them'as long - as you wish, it you comply with the above, conditions, which la a matt^ro) pure justice, •Our exports are forty times as great- . aa they were one hundred years ago while our imports are only' ten times greater, • * * . _ ,f, .. .. . The paragraphed are having fuu With-the name of North Carolina’s new democratic. Senator—Furpifold Mc Lendon Simmons, I t cannot he said that Mm, Nation, who has Assumed the role of chief Sojoon exterminator, .does not prac tice what she preaches. • . ‘‘.Bryan’s Opinion,” instead of “The '(Oijmmoner,” should have been jib name, os that is aUi that six of the eight pages.,of tlie paper contains. President McKinley deserves and is ■ receiving commendation, for announce ” lug that preference vvbitlcTbe given "to . those Who haya seen service in the . Philippines in giving out the new commissions provided for-hi the Army Reorganization Act. Airs. Nation says o f tbetenlocm:, Men- with ballots and wtteoen with -•' hatchets,' will j clean up this awful traffic.” ' With all- due respect to the ’ iadv and her worthy object, we sug gest that the use of the hatchet might .be dispensed with without injury to ''-'phecrwkle* \ - Y,. • ■j • An Innovation, r- The Louisville .^Nashville. R. R together with its connecting lines, has . inaugurated fthe-Chicago & Florida 1limited," which, is a daily, solid train, i wide vestibuled, steam’ hc-afed, ’ gas lighted, with dining car Service for nil , itneals en route from Chicago to Thomaaville, Ga„ Jacksonville and St. Augustine, F%, . This train leaves Chicago over the Chicago & Eastern Illinois trackaa tlliO o a .’to., running *• via Evansville, Nashville; Binning* ham and Montgomery, P lan t System to Jacksonville, -and Florida' East Const to St, Augustine; arriving at . the fatter city 7:80 the next evening, - making the fastest time evening, mak* ' -ihg.tba fastest time ever made between tlieso points. This train has annex sleepers leaving Cincinnati a t 11:15 a, m, and St. Louis a t 2:15 p. m.* which also run through. Mr, C. L. Stone, General Passenger Agent,. ^Louisville & Nashvill R. R ., Louis ville. will answer all inquiries concern* ■ ing it. , Excursion to Columbus, ' February 11 and 12 for -celebration o f Abraham Lincoln’s birthday by the Jefferson-Jackson* Lincoln League •xcursion tickets will be sold to Col; umbus via Pennsylvania Lines, valid returning until Wednesday, Febru ary 13. • W estern R ates Reduced. Greatly reduced one-way rates will be in affect from Chicago via the Wis consin Central Railway to points in Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Oregon, Washington and Brit- . isb Columbia each Tuewlay, coromenc* . lag February 12th and continue until April 30th, - F o r detailed information inquire of neam ^ticket agerit, or address T. D . Campbell, D. P . A „ 32 Ca- rew Building, Cincinnati, O,, C , E , Johnson, D , P , A ., 621 Park -Bldg,, Pittsburg, Pa,, or Jas. O. Pond, Gen’l Passenger Agent Milwaukee, Wis. 5 KM) REWARD, $100. The readers o f this paper will be pledged to learn that there la' a t lew t one dreaded disease that science bits been able to cure in .all its stages, «0d that is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cura is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, re quire* a constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter* nallv, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, iheraby dorfroyirtg the foundation o f the disease,, and giving the patient atrangth by building up the constitu tion and'assisting nature in doing its Work. The proprietors have so much . fitUh in its curative pqwcir* that they offer one hundred dollars for any case I t fefU to eufts. Bend for list of test! ■mouhtli* Address. F , J . CW kkv Toledo, 0 , vyetpEft THrsyN .* -ur*.....• ' M*V*’*U«g tto PtOfA W*a**. Aww«d* wwd**»»P* t horn*. „ Tfcry h**rd U the t ‘*«V ■ v 9 Tb*r(herd*9*O'* IjT* tliat thllll tW, . They struck Jts tl.»yr«* non* fcy* fad tU*arrows of death p-»t kiU-W) Art f;u*d where 091 - latter* He. ... Hi.t’ ytt yarjty *ungcf the j-rcrdiwc - ■*'. I*vanityMill today; The a r, o{lb*aujeken treftor* • 11 m i .4*i» Hit wood**lway. . ' ■ •' But the »CP**art worthrcUngint, - , With the ohsbuiSot no-*inj;Io »et#, ' ^ And thesjwkeawords »te rinstnjr As Vi\tf «ng tn tbt.yssni rempts. ^ , th*«! 5»nonewrosil to follow, love, ' Xor o«d there ever 13t, for the eld, with it* ,|iUl sad hollow, lor*, , if Mtoueh for you and mt. . —ChxrWB. Baton ia Century. WHATM0DERN8A IL0RS FEAR Not SV<rtd»‘«na Sens, k«t sin Kxpjo. ' nloit Wlrlck Scuttles ike Skip. ■ "Dod'if explosions are the Usrrac of the seafaring map,” said an old time deep Wflter-eaptaln, “Sueli a d.W»g is bad enough onSdry land, but;lnjagine a catastrophe J>t th a t kind a t .AML In nlnety-r.lne cases out of a hUndred it means the absolute wiping out of the craft itself and every soul on hdard. “The average landsman would be greatly shocked in looking over the maritime records to see how many ves sels disappear each year and leave absolutely no clew to their fate. They yun well up to the hundred mark, and guch a. mystery 1 b .not to he explained aWay hy stOfms." A Chinese typhoon may swoop down like lightning out of a clear sky and- tear a ship to pieces, but some floating wreckage is sure to tell the-tftle. -A-bdiler-explasionrOn the contrary, will; blow a hole as big a* a railroad tunnel right through the center of the hull, and the stricken vessel simply goes down like a sho t., There is ne time to unfasten a boat from the davits or hu t loose a spar;. * , / “Ip. the opinion' of seamen, th at/is the story of a t least 00 per cent of t|ie system. of marine holier inspection Is extremely, strict and thorough, but it . is impossible to absolutely prevent carelessness and- fraud, and often enough, no doubt, the fault lies with the engineer, - “There is an old story of a drunken .Scotchman who mistook the ther-' mometet for theSsteam gage and ‘cuss ed out’ the stokers because he couldn’t get the pressure above 80, That yarn will hardly hold water, but- I’ve seen cases almost as-hpra. I antgladlto any, however, that during the .past 10 years , there has been a steady diminution of the number of vessels which ‘mys teriously disappear,’ That is due, be yond, afl question, to the increased stringency of boiler Inspection and the greater ’strictness of examinations be fore a license,Is issued to engideers Nevertheless there is Btlll considerable room for- Improvement in both 1branches.’’—New' Orleans Times-Demo e r a t:. . . ! '• —■y.— i---- - * • Good Advice. The most miserable beings in the world are those suffering from Dyspep sia, apd L iv e r.Complaint. More than seventy1-five per cent, of tllb people itr the United States are afflicted ' with these two diseases and their effects: such as Sour-Stumach, Sick. Head-, ache, Habitual Uostivencss, Falpila tion of tlfb Heart, Heart burn, Water- brash, Gnawing and Burning Pains a t the Pit ‘ of. the Stomach, Yflloiv Skin, Coated Tongue* and Disngree- Tasie in the' Moutn, doming; up ol Food lifter Eating, -Low Spirits, etc. Go to your Druggist and get a bottle of August Floyver for 75 cents. Two doses will relieve you. Try it. ’ Get Greeu’s Prize Almanac, 10 rt,0*»A. *' .. Jy ■■ • f* 7«kw«viW* gt, CptB, Witiuan Travel, eonvenlencoeson the Penn sylvania Linos -will include through car service between Ohio and Indiana points mid Floridia, on and after J a n uary 15th, On that date a new train will he ruu. through Cincinnati via Chuttauopga, Atlanta and M^eon to Jacksonville and ot. "Augustine, A Sleeping'Car*running through to Florida on the hew , train will leave Pittsburgh at 8 a. in., over the Pap. Handle Route via Newark, Colum bus and Xenia, and passengers for the Soiith may go through to Florida otil i t .without change from the following Stations, leaving on the schedule given each Tuesday .and- ’Friday: Pittsburgh 8:00' a, m., Columbus, 2:15.p, raMLondon 2:56 p m., South Charleston 3:13 p m,, Cedarvillo 3:28 p. m., Xenia 3:48 p. m., Waynesville 4;07 p. m,, Morrow 4:27.p, m., Love land 4:48 p, ni.** From Cincinnati to Florida the, train.Will consist of the latest pattern Pullman Sleeping, Dining and Obser vation .Cars, including the Sleeping Car from Pittsburgh, .Chattanooga Will he reached at 5:40 a. m., Atlanta at 8:45 a. m., Macon at 12:05 noon, Jacksonville 7:25 p, in,, St, Angus- tiuO'8:30,p. m. the day after leaving home. . ■ The through service will be espec ially convenient} for persons COutem-’, plating trips to Florida and the South Tourist tickets to Southern winter re- The Kind You Have Always Bought* and wliicfr !ims b ea t ia use for over 3 0 years, lias borne the signature o f Mac and Baa been iryido under bis per- . sonal superviaio:n since its infancy. «, - Allow no oneto-deceivo yon in tills. AH Counterfeits, Imitations mid “ Just-as-good” arc but Experiments'tbat trifle w ith and ep'dangor tbo liealtb o f Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment* What is CASTORIA Castoria. is a harnrless substltnto for Castor Oil, 'Pare- •• .goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups*. I t is Pleastmt. I t contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie sitbstance. Its age is its guarantee. I t destroys "Worms , ,and allays Feverishness, I t cures Diarrhoea and *Wi„ud Colic. I t relieves Teething Troubles* cures’Constipation', and Flatulency. I t assimilates the Food* regulates the Stomach and Bowels* giving healthy and natural sleep* , Tbe Childreii’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend; GENUINE CASTORlA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 3 0 Years. THE9EHTAU809MFAHT. Xt MURE***TRCET,M*WYORKOITV, ships thfit leave'port and arc. never - . , -heard~of~again.-----Jjucicily-th&--amdera- -sort^iawi>jr«aTC-a£-special -fare^-fvia Peuneiylvauia Lines will be good on this magnificent .through •train. Ar rangements to '.travel ou it may be plane through Jp. S. Keyes, Agent, (.'cdarville.or by communicating with C., C. HiUnes,. D. P .'Ag l., Dayton, ,0 ,, who will make, reservations for any Toes lay or Friday during the season, * n e w “Ewas given up lo die from heart and nervous troubles caused by grip. Six bottles each of Dr, Miles’ Heart Cure and Nervine Cured me.”—Mrs. John Wollet, Jefferson, Wis. . Stops Tbo dough And'tVork* OffTho Ooid, Laxative' Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day, No cure, no pay* Price 25 cents. Contrary to all conclusions that no old prices - would be secured this season, a-factorybfts furnished ns with a Case of , ’ / " • - <« , ,r , , ‘ -K< . , " ' - ‘ 9-4 Bleached Sheetings Remnants (long enough for sheets). The 30c qual ity. for 20c. Beat that if you can; 45 in, Pillow Case Muslin Nic-3 quality 10 yds. for 50c,; (fic), These’will hot stay long. • ^ ' ' . ', ’ .1000 yards Solid Color Outing - Sold by dnrgg&lA. 7 m . - kuigcIlKiid UU Songa. The late Henry. Russell,'the veteran English composer of “Cheer, Boy 6, Cheer,’1 and of mqre than 800 other Son^s which were popular in their day, had many amusing experiences when he sang his ballads on various occa sions. Once, -after rendering "Woodman, Spare That Tree/’ a gentleman rose IU the gallery and Asked, “Was tlie tree spared?’ On being answered in the; affirmative he, with a sigh of heartfelt relief; exclaimed, “ Thank God for t h a t r After singing the song of “The Dog Carlo," Who jumped off An Atlantic liner and saved a child’s life, Russell was gravely waited upon by a couple of Yorkshire miners, who begged him for a pup. .1 One of Russell’s songs, of which the words were^chauged In accordance with th e altered conditions. Is our us* tlonal jmthem, .“Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean/*—Argonaut Wtutted to Go to. One of Mis Wed* ' dimes,’ The "Rev. Dr, —— a prominent cler gyman, relates with, much gusto thft following story about himself. His present wife, by the .way, Is uot the wife of his youth nor yet of his early manhood, bu t the lady of his third choice, and a s 'a consequence the doc* tor’s set of olive branches spring from divers maternal ancestry, “Such a condition of affairs,” said the doctor; “might at times become embarrassing except for- the thorough amiability of all concerned, I confess, however, to a slightly, disconcerted feeling when shortly before my third marriage I was approached by one of my daughter^ a girl of 9 and one who called my second wife mother, With the question: ‘Papa, will you let me, go to See you married1? 1 have never heeft a t any of your weddings/ "—F ud . •~ i ~/ j rit*i'iffw^“^'“"fc^A'filiiriTi*i‘~V-‘*‘ ' l’kilkdcliikia UnpHeltyv ’ f i t was during the natural history hour; ■v.. “Give tne/’ asked the teacher, “an example of the alleged'deceitful char acter of the cat,” “In restaurants it is sometimes said to pass itself off for a rabbit/’ answer ed the head iwy^PhiudeiphUt Times. TO 0MB A o o h h ts outs DAY Take Laxative Bromo1Quinine Tab-* lets. All druggists refund the money If Its fails to cure. E, W. Gfrovea signature is on each box, 23 e, ■ Chocolate Chips ^ F rw lij V eijf' —There is always danger in using counterft-ita of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve The original is a safe and cer tain cure for piles. I t iskoothing and healing Salve for sores and nil skin diseases. , Rtdgway&Co. Divining floda; The only trustworthy divining rod' that has ever been made is fortunately cheap. I t has Asteel head and a wood en handle and (s shaped something like no anchor.. Any man who wants one snculd go to &hardware store and Ask .for a pickax.—Youth’s Companion. ___ .....WiHi^Vt.. „H A fool forme an alliance .with the straws driven: by the wind; a wise man forms an alliance' with the wind.—Chi cago News;- The first savings:bank in the Doited States was established in 1810. The 10c quality for 5c, no complaints ought now to -be made about prices. These 'Outings make jiue comforts, aud by tlie way one batting 8J, tO, 124c. ■ ' ^ 7 . t v -Ghance .ifor Late -Buyers ’ .rJGdlf Capes* F u r Capes* Cloth Capes, Jackets, ^u to- , Mobiles, Dressing Saques, Petticoats, Fur Boas, etc. • . S. „ , "Chance for Early Buyers Lace Curtains, Oil CJbtb/ Linoleum, Window Shades Velvet Tapestry and Ingrain Rugs. - % 1& 1& fiutchison $t fiibntv XE tflA , OHIO. consmipiion is destruction of lung by a growing germ, precisely as mouldy cheese is destruction ot cheese by agrowing germ. If you kill the germ, you stop the consumpti on, Y ou can otv can’t, according to when you begin. * Take Scott’s Emulsion of ’pod Liver Oil; take a lkile at first. It acts as a food ; it is the easi e fT f ph t i * -Seems not to bi food j’.makes you hungry,; eating is comfortable, Yougrowstrong- TikeMore; not too much; enough is as much as you like and agrees with you, Satisfy hunger with usual food;' whatever yon like and agrees with you0. When; ^you are strong have recovered your A GoodTbJng. /V German Syrup is ilje Special, pro ecrihtioriof i ) r .,A . Boschee/a celo brated Germau PhyBician, niid is ac- kuowledged to bo one oi tim most for* tunate discoveifies lo medlcino, f t 8^o” nAprUciiinx $«kklY cbros Coughs, Colds and all slid 3d SdbhsihiHif Lung troubles Or thO iSeVOrOStHAlUrO, removing, as: it does, the tauso of tjie affection a n d leaving the parts in ’ « strong a n d healthy eonditloh. I t Is .................^ .............. ....................... not en experimental medicine,hut has Prwwhing nt r&M5« .» .. Bsbbith "s*Uooi »t stbrd the test of years, giving satis- S:30 * . 111 . Yonax PwpiE’i tavEtiag *t Ssoa faction in every case, which its rap- & 7 V ’ iSSy^,?lSSSt.SSlS Ml/ «,vd- tag 7:;J0p. in. firms. Two million bottles sold nnnU- B*pU«t Charch—Hev. flwrgs Washington, ally, Boschee’s German Bytnn was j»«torofih#B»pU*telia«h.,l*»AclilDg *t II introduced in the- United Btatfis in A, tt.*ad«;30p. m. Sabtalll hohool *12:30 ic ftft .n if » «ni» ...In p.w. Prayer meeting every Wednesday night Isbo. Add 18UOWsola JO every lowii at 7:3d. ' Everyone invited. . and village in the civilized world Ai M. B. Ch .. ............................... tor Preaching Cta** every At 3:00 p. Wednesday eve. CHU RCH D IRECTORY it. i \ iiuroh—RoV, J . P , Moitdn,‘Pastor, .services At 11:00 a . to , . 8»hbsth School *1 10*. w, "V CorehAttter blharch—Itov. W. J.S*pderson, Mstot, 8*bh*th School *t 10 A, to. Preach ing At 11:00 a . tn. Young People weel »t 6 p. to , except the 1st and 3d Ssnbsths of the month when they meet « t 0; in the evening on the 1st the month at 7:00 p. m. ■U.'P,Church—Uev, V. 0 , Ross, pastor. Ser vices at lOiOi) A. u . in d 7:0<J p m, Sabbath SchboUt 9:30 ft.m. standard flue.' M, R. ChercV-ttev, A. llsniliton, Pastor. Rupture or lieniw tad o operations or iftjeca'ons, ho pain or discoto- rttn n»y way, no steul springs or iron frames no>wooden, Ivory or hard rubber bails, caps, B l or pings used. Not the LEAST ®I8r annoyance, Our Outfit for the CURE cf Rt/PTURE OR HERNIA I s made of floe soft materials, such as felt, velvet, chamois shins and elastic webs. It fits like a glove and can hartn you no more. IT ItyfiDS j our Intestines heck in their nafc- ttmt position, and the wottOffWILL. REAL Tlie gtnnitiehss ttii* pictnte On it, - e f , toke no other, b?' V £ are .<trenr-th—the dead; yc>i» have killed them. If you have not tried It, sand f e r f r ^ e s f in p lo , lt3 agm eA b l* tas.t© v/iii surprise y o u . ' f-OOTT A BOWNE* C h e m l s t f f , 4 0 0 Pearl St., ■New York, s o b . an d .$ !,o o ;£ j| ciruargiifc** llko any other Wound ivhen H has a chance,. The Only Way WCnrn is to hold the Intestines in or hack all the time, until the Wounds be comes grown together. Your. Rupture Cannot be Cured In *hy other way, We have had 25 years constant and hard experience In treating RUPTURES and this OUTFIT is the RE SULT, Men, women and children madsCOM- F0RTA.ULK hy using this OUTFIT, Prices reasonable and In accordance with the case. IF INTERESTED, please write forparticnlara, which we wilt mail you FREE, Address, ' MOflAWE REMEDY 00„ ^ Berne, N . f Mohawk Oatarph Cure. Cheapest AndRest, CaresCatsf-l, ip from3 fa 10daye. Cures Cold in the Head, 6-Jo, 15 inihnles. Securely packed with fall-instructions, h r man. P ostage pa id , Try it and you will t« more than plessed with the investment. Y tnr money harp if yot* are tlissatisiled. “ Slamps taken.” MOHAWK BBM ttbt 00* BejSatp, Me# York, ’- ‘-Nfevr.Grop Ghltfornta' Apricots Rcnchei, Frumcfl, llwpfls Rfid Rnidns a t Gr*y’*. CASTOR IA -> F o r Inf&ati an d CMldren. TheKindYouHaveAlwaysBought B e a rs th e S ig n a tu re o f For Grip aclies use Dr. Miles* Pain Fills. S o ld b y a ll D ro g g te ts . . WANTED! - Reliable inttu for Mausgcr of Bmucb Office we wish to open in this, vicioity1. If your record vs 0- K here fs an opportttinfy Kindly give good reference when writing, ’ A. T. M orris W holesalb H ouse , ■-Cincinnati Ohio, JlljjfllpAted pnialogne 4 fits, stamps —TaJifc Rocky Mopoinin Tea, See' it exterminate poison, ( Feel it revital ize your blood and items aud bring ■buck that hippy, joyous feeling of Imyhodddays, 85 c, Ask your drug* Exchange Bank CEDARYILLJS* OHIO; . ■ A CCOUNTS of Merehunts and In- dividuaU eolidtgd. Collections promptly made and remitted, . " TftRAFTB on New York .and Cin- cinnati sold at lowest rates, %'lm cheapest and roost.convenient way to send money by mail. T OAUB made on Real Kstnte, ■”Fei-’ sonai or Collateral Security, William liVildman, Pres;, • Setli W. Smith, Vice Pres.,^ - W, J W.ildman, Cashier THE RAPE) TRANSIT fOHP.wy, Between Xenia and Dt^on. lAnveBaytcn. MO t i n ,: * „ ;?:00., . ‘*8:00" - » u m u r n v .# 0 0 :N o o a ,’ 1:00 p. mt- 2 : 0.0 3:00 . 4:00 5:00 ■ 6:00 7:00 i m r Leaves Xenia: 5:00 a, ,m. . '0:00 . • m 8:0(1 v - o.’p a "• 10:00 nijoc 12:00 No*.-. 1:00 «. m. 2:00 ’ 3:00 4:00 5:00 0:00. . 7:00 ’ 7 8:00 - 9:00 10:00 11:00 1 Daily Meat, Market. * Under the above firm name, tbB meat market of C, W. Crouse will be conducted. AH' product ia the meat line will be the best tbat money can -buy, which.-fact combined with honest and ‘ thorough business methods is enough assurance to the public, who always want the worth of their money in every respect. When sending children, direct them to ns;,we always feivfi the,m t h e . best they, ask foi;. - - GOODS DELIVERED - Telephone No. 74,; New Meat S t o r e - * - Having opening the Meat Store formerly conducted by Ed Qeosbel; ive will have - on hand at. all times a . choice line of v Fresh and Salt .Meats. \. . Bologna andSausage ’ and everything connected wiih u first-class tneat store. . Wo Dandle the , celebrated - Kihgan & Co's. Hams.' - A ^ » , , , 1 . . ^ " Charles'‘Weimer.. ’ • w . f GOODS DELIVERED Telephone 66. - $;0O 10:00 11:00 . - • , 12:00 . Xenia office and waitinE_rooni No 4 South petroit St. Da^fon 0fflCe' and waiting room, 15 West-Fifth St. opposite Posloffice. *’ I'Jie running time between Dayton and Xenia is oue hour, pasame’thru Highlands, Smithville Road, Zimmer- man; Alpha, Trebeure and Lucas Gfnve. • . Dayton' to Xenia 17 miles, fare 25'Cents. . Every other car combinotion*for freight. _ Sundays arid Holidays cars run every half hour.,- LOUISyiUjESNASETIbLEHAILROAD The Great Oantrnl Southern Trunk Line WINTER. TOURIST TICKETS Now on sale to FLORIDA and. the GULF COAST Write for folders, descriptive niatteffo C. L . STONE, General Passenger Agt, LOUISVILLE, KY , SEND YOUR ADDRESS To R . J . WEMYSS, Genertl Immigration and Indnxtrial Agent LOUISVILLE, KY, Autj he will mail you ‘fre»\ MA ps . im . tjst RA ted FAMrrf lets and TWGE JUST of LAND ftnd FARMS itt KENTUCKY, TENNESSEE, ALABAMA. , MISSISSIPPI. FLORIDA, Blue Front Stable. i I^enve yotu* horses there and your ngs be kept oft the. inside* ogt of the rain and 5tterm, 20.N. Foutitaiu Avenue, ' Spfingfield, O. CiiARticS E. To»n* Prop Adam’s Restaurant and Dining Rooms Corner High and Limestone street* Springfield, Ohio. D O N ’T B £ ' f t > 0 U & D f T*k« the grtwliW, wlglM t in rauK If I bad Grip I woijld useDrl MiJes’PainPills and Dr. MilesTTervine'. S o ld b y a il D ru g g ists! Cincinnati Division'. |l/ennsuivaniabines. -Westward. i ’olu in t> aslv . Alton....._*r \V.Jeflbiflan **. London *• B.CliarlCHton“ Belma ...... " Ccclmvllia “ Wflberforea., “ XoHfn... I j ^ Spring Vftl,., ttixuniiu JVnynesvtllo ... M FortAncient" Morrow,,.;...," 5o.r,ob;mon »* Lovelond....." Milford...... « tisitjivla.Ic... “ t'(iie ii)u n tlo i Sch*duIeo!PaMflngorTraIn5-CentralTtRw, ^5 |«OU) 3 _ AM AM :A *15O*250i*7 Eastward. i i i i in n n t l lv litWVlttJO.. “ ntjurd . “ .^JVel.'Ud,„. *' 1o. I,ef)iuu>n “ a- rrou-.,,.,.:, “ ••’t. Ancient" "vj'onm...... ■Viiyiicsvlllo" ptmg Vnt:.." JoHlll...., 7iitK') forco ■Mio'rv’ilu... toiit ..... “ c.('luirleaton “ I'tlltOIV,..... m •'.Jnflbgaon " „,Jlou.. iolicnO.ptn or. Wwtwsan Sprint ESTWARD. ■irfngflslii lv tfey sp.‘g»" oh la J \ v T3*12 IW 305 am 7-tS •805 830F *334 413 425 (4,35 1447 f465 6301041- AM AM *855*1 915 925 942 . assr; 10.05 ioir 10126; 1033 1040 1060 1054 1103 U14 1)122 U351143 IM50 I'M 729 737 746,10(44 805(1100 8)82 8451135 AMIAt|. iv S m an,Wild ■ itUoh. ...“ df)>.'tSo.,.“ , itiMnnn^ur<443 AM *725 744 80S AM TOT AM *8JI 846 605 I’M 8 21 8 30 (845 7(328 8 54 340 90| 348 <407 5 ... *0 'tt HW Hi *4 AH I’M m PM ■ *830 1 9 ’450 *800 ■ i |S 903 i f f 515 850 9 30 538 oil (944 I j j 952 (18! <945 AM 1012 417 617 io'io •AM *715 (723 1017 I l f 6 30,1020 •.+* 7i/A-a Mias 256 313 6 30! I’M PM 01250 P.M 3*- Held. Xenia.Dayton.Richmond ..........- [0*8 . 907 6907 -'7 .~ 7 i, i i i, 3 T? ’‘•TWAnoiTMjAMfe', 9.. (922 943 10051015' snra a ia ' AM 940 10 10 41 ^AM ’icmiOv. (ilorada" idato . ’* .'ttfiirij!*./1 sylon iff* jiv imU alIowSp|rji.“: cr.drll'a «t 516,10*06 ,!a!:::3 609 : J 64011 OS 640,1105 ar 71 ( 71130 ’ 720 AM ' 744 rw m pm ’ 4*50 MpSoz 320 PM 11*354ij, ft SB’S311 12151560*, i TM I’M JOS 6*30fI’M '“No. 2 (Lalop Oil for bujrgles. c*» PUr.aapStiolaT. bH im u dl>d»r(> rnaiA nt ei Ureltai, tbenlJaadat. OatkFacad lyaedtutn tint fmnl2.Mi«ai*12.00a;«- ilrlt; LirU h v i Ut* 12.00 tddoijHto11Mt»». _ _ IM lfnmn N lccplti* Cnrson N"». 2,5,d, •A, 19 ,20 ,HI,and loo cither run thrnugh via f•ilumbun imd PUIabnrgUorfoniiect (Iirough PittAhurgli Union Station to and from Haiti- more, waalilngioti, Philadelphia and New York. No*. 5 .3 0 1 n n d 21 connectat m«h- mbnd for Indianapolis and St. Louie; No*. 21 a n d 3 for Chicago, t . r'. LOEEE, * B .A .S 'pItc; , , C«tr»l tt*M|tr, 0«*Mt Poai»tt«( ***** II-250Q.-P PxrrgBUROiT, Pawn'*'. For 11tti’ecArde,rate-iof fair, (lirotigli ticket*, • baggage check*, aftd further inforranUon re garding the running t>f trains, apply to any «g*nf of the Pe&nayiviuiia Line*. E. 8 Keyes, Agent* Cedarvillc, Ohio. ?«aS^»o )»u*u tt»/(iwofl -iffnft tMtwpt A .. , • it ’*uu»,t -riuii **)*w*X4<rX 'Kttuotaano; urn* -~i» Xu* jo non*!** ’ iltlilBwoWavUV 'lie 3 M 3 HIKOmWBPS *tti»•*«*«* jnoqim ‘tmoumnd* >« » n«rvKH*nwin u*if*» *uw)*d . JojXsu**» t**tno ***->!to** *to»i*,i«ogoo<tpe*tr •nmuepnuooAitopivwoii •miuniumojt ‘•mvitiaiiHi X|A*q<JjiI at uoito»iu| o*Mi()suaMuf uo|<<l<IO4no AIW?h Om UD|;a|iOMp ptt* * Sii|pun tnoluv ‘O f BJUHDiUAflOO ------- sMotsao iUUtflll whkrtiT SlN 31 V (j aoNH iaadxa .8UV3A 09 PATENTS ,CAve*h,and 'rnfa.mi-iti otH*ln<sdand»n pm - ,eAtbHStne**Condu<3etlforiUonXBA*rtrclt*. . i ;OuRo m e x i* owkotire U.C.FATcMvomet |*nd we c*n'*em* patent ln I ch timethen the**; irnnctef-nin W»*hloet«r ’ Send modol. drawing or photo., with deicHp: ,t(on. V * advito, if mtentnbl* or Pott free Ol 'Charge. Our fed not duedll patcati* **cured.,. |A PAHWttr..** H °? /o obtain Pat«nt*,**ylUi !co*t st seme In the U.5. ind foniga emtublM » n t free. Added*** O .A .S N O W & C O . OP*. PA tenr O rrid t, W asH ikurdn, b . O. mtiurnttoim; iU ■ Tilt PATENTM B»«r44 —| f you m n t anything gWHl,g0 . . .
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