The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26
- X »»* f i 0 ■ * * -r *3wwfr - * * *. v -*f? £*> mm mmmm • Boo^s, Shoes* S lipp ers a n d R ub b er s g o in g a t a barga in , S am p le s , odd lots and m a n y k in d s W h ich w e w i l l hot' fissdjrt up to th is se a so n w e w i l l c lo se .ou t at a ‘sacrifice. Y ou Will find, a few k ind s in e a c h d ep a r tm en t and :i f w e can . fit y o u they^will b e grea t b a g r a i 'n s .-T h e .ear ly ca llers g e t th e b est se lec tion s . vi ARCADE SHOE ** TAKING IN MR. MOODY. RMIROAI) TAU^ ®f»w -Jtl » t o f t * the K«tWM « t Bethany. ■' comm ittee rep resenting Xenia's Business Mens Association were taken W»*?n P . T:. Moody t r o t to-B*Umiyj over the g & xj. I f a last F riday . during bis travels ia the east, he ■ J very soft beatted over all the multi- h iey visited „the immense powei house at' Medway and were shown over the Hue in general. The com- ynittee was somewhat inken by sur prise at the immense power house of this road. For some reason tbey-had beep, made to beleiye that it did not amount to' much; bu t •'before their return they wore convinced otherwise. The committee "pronounced.‘it the beh power house aird best -equipped road;they had ever visited. ‘ * . if ■ r ° tilde of beggars there, not only because ths place IS so unusual, bu t because he was moved by its beautiful traditions, lie Rave quantities of “bftcksheeHh” 4 and thch naked if any of the children had the mimes of Mary and^Martha. Yes, indeed, they had. And- that open ed hia pockets again. * The news of his generosity Spread through the village, apd new claim* • ante came until hia visit seemed likely 1 to result in 'a light for existence,- The case -was getting desperate,' qpd he -told the dragoman to call for silence while he madq an address, .Then he \ . .said: “I have come 0,000 miles to see this Utile village off Bethany, It was -a place my Master‘loved, to visit, and I . have come to see i t because he loved It. Jam very glad to meet you all, hut 1 ’now l want to he alohe. I,have no - ' more1backsheesh, and I bid you good- ,5 ■> / . ' ' . , „ . • , Ahue looking hoy of 10 replied to the f- Address. -He spoke fluently and with * - -the* grace of an •orator. ' Mr. -Moody ■ • was' delighted with the beginning of his oration, hu t not with its conclusion. “We. are glad, to see the gentleman and-hls friends who have come so far, <• but the gentleman mfist not think that ,. .bis actions, are equal to the importance of hlss visit; Six thousand miles Is a -long way to come, ant^tbe gentleman , must have sacrifleed much to make the • visit Ip-consequence it is natural for us to expect that he would be munifi cent in backsheesh. This he has not tteen, and we now expect that h'e wW give ns-a great deal more.” ' ; Mr. Moody was so, disgusted that he abandoned the gltuqtion entirely and ; hurried away with his friends. ,, “I did •think,!’ said he, fithat boy ha® - a soul above Mckftheesh,” “And did ydu think, too, that some o f the children wore .named Martha ftpd'Mary?“ he wan asked. ' “Certainly. Why not?” , Nothing; only they;Wore all hoys.”— Youth’s Companion, f - Aa Experl -ent In JoQWfttlna. -*Ohco there whs a renlly i-adlcal pa, per, in -Z^mdon it was, .but the man who made It now lives herb and tells the tide, -;lt- was -one of those papers which ate a traggdy. They represent the wreCk of the enthusiasm of strong men who must find tlie outlet for their apoatolate. This paper began by being a t odds with all that was established, npd it had readers. But as time wont on the'man who made the paper drove off singly and in groups all those who had begun by being his supporters. It waft found-a little too radical for them, and. they ho longer kept step with its newest inarch. , “Of course I now can see that such a paper was foredoomed to failure,” the editor said after he had recited the ear l y history of his venture. “I confess lfc was pretty" strong even for British -radicals. After the. circulation had dwindled down to the extremists I sue deeded in alienating about half of them by denouncing social democracy aft feu .dal oppression, and the "other half left me when I attacked atheism bn the ftiora of its superstitious tendencies. After that l ra^ th e paper as long aS 1 could without any subscribers. But I had to give it up. Nobody would read it except myself, and toward the end I had to give up reading It myself. I found It too unsettling^. So it stopped.” —New York Commercial Advertiser. A company was ou •Monday incor porated in Springfield under ihc uame of the Dayton, Springfield & TJabana Southwestern, for for the purpose of building an electric road from Spring- |5eld to Jamestown, touching Yellow Springe, Oliitou and Oedtiivllle. ,A line will also he constructed from Cednrville to Xetihr by Wilb(;rtor<; This road will be a'branch from-the original company Dayton, Springfield and Urbqpn Electric Railway. Drawing on your imagination to a certain extent you will with in the next eighteen, months have the trolly cars running through our town from north to south and east to west Lone ahhut tho “ square” may be seen an electric car loaded with Jamestown people all ready to be transferred" to the-Xenia lin.0 or you may see another crowd farther, up the street and you will hear the question asked, “.Who and what is the crowd?” The reply will in all probability be of the fol. lowing nature. “ Oh, those “are just some Jamestown and Clifto.ii people, that have arrived to do their shopping/ Such questions and ’answers will doubtless be realized within the next few-months. - : , • By Default. Not a word was said about the Frey ordinance for the proposed line to Clifton via South' CJenter street. Ii was learned, IioweVer, that it had been decided to allow the ordinance to-J~ by. default* The Streets aud Royally Entertained, ' The members of the -town council, mayor, clerk, treasurer.and marshal, together with L , Or. -Bull,and the rep resentative of jthe Herald, took; a trip over the D. S. & U, Jrom D ayton to Springfield, Wednesday, on an invi* tatisn from J , F . Green, manager of the company. The epunty noramis- aionera along with ex-Mayo r Jesse Tay lor and A, Wickeraham 'joined the party at Dayton. ' • ■ A speck’, car took the party over the line. The immense power-house was thoroughly, examined and all agreed that it was not only the finest hut the best equipped of any, they bad ever visited in'the stale.' Presi dent Harshmaji aud Manager Green were very careful to '*explain every point along the line and for what rea son it was done, and in each case a philosophic answer was given. Upon'their arrival" in Springfield,, the crAWd-was-sWwiJ-ther-statiou. and offices, after., which they repaired to the Arcade-Hotel for dinner. The car loft the Champion City for Day* ton at 2:3(), ftVrivmg-jinJime to take the D, & X. for Xenia.- When the party reached home they weie treated to oysters a t Boyd’s cafe, at'which time a unanimous vote was given thanking the D , .8. & U. for courtesies extended. L. C. Bull, on behalf of thu company, returned thanks. v ■ The day was a most enjoyably one and eaeh member - of the party ex pressed himself as having received a royal entertainment, To- the pen. ^ 4 Edward Mendenhall and son Rob ert. were' brought before Judge Scraggy, Thursday and each entered a plc-a o f guilty to tho charge-of man- akughtprj the father getting one year and the eon eight years* The two wjere indicted by the grand jury -for murdpr iu the first- degree, hut" the state accepted the above plea. The crime was committed a t Olif- ton, -June 10* when Rpbert at -the command of his father, shot John Beck of'Bpringfield, ’ i Local'and Personal. • Mr. Frank McCean moved his. family this week to a farm near Xeuia. ■—A choice ,’line of rill kinds of Groceries, a t Gray’s.. Elder McFarland of the,Christian Catholic Church at Marion,announced, yesterday that on April 1, fifteen families, embracing 5_2. people, will leave Marion for Dowiefs new city of Zion. , —Bridges, rivers, tunnels, moun tains, builds cities, gathers up the scattered'rays of one's ability. That’s wfiatJRocky Mountain Tea does. 35c, Ask your druggist,, Mrs. Daily is very low at this writing. ■^Cnacli, Buggy, and Wagon bar- OrchestraandMusical Entertainers Will give the citizens of Cedarville a fine musical entertainment in Opera, House / 1001 ness nil grades arid prices at Kerr & Hastings Bros. Mr. mid Hit'S. D. 8. Ervin arte <tx- If . The rianftcat Word. > “Eob,” sftld Tom, “which ia the post darigerous word to pronounce in the BagUab language?” “Don’t, know, unless it’s a swearing >w«ra,“ ■ “PoobI” said Tom. “It's 'stumbled,' because you are sure to get- a tumble between the first and last letter*” “Ha, hat”, said Rob. “Now, I’ve got one for you, t fotind It one day 18 the paper. Which 1ft the longest word fa the English language?” "Incomprehensibility,” said Tom promptly, “No, sir; It's 'smile®/ because there’s St whole mile between the first and laftt letter.” . "Ho, hofr cried Tom* “that’s noth* I kdow A word that haft over three miles between Its beginning and adding.” “What’s t b a t r asked Rob faintly. “Beleaguered,” «afd Tom.—Pear* son's. „ , _^ _ —Salt Jf1*h ia (?nlk a t Cooper’s. “My heart was badly affected by ad ftitiok of grip and I sufihred, intense intil I b«^«u taking Dr. Mile** *urq. I t made me a well m a n / —S. D, Holtncn, Irashfirg, Vt. d t f our prices m 5rilo Bills. •—O ke bdtl dollar#, all counterfeits Of DsWitte Wlteff llazel Salve are f worth-kwi The original quickly cures pfjftft, «ores -and all skin uieeases. * (if, ■’ tb s Black Hawk Com Finn* tsttfesfcrepurohaftirig. Kerr cfeHast “ Whan I was proefrated with grip and my heart and nerves were ijn 1 #, j D jv Miles’ Nervin* and stt Cars gave ms new life and ©t», y<^e» ®i|^», iu . go Highways Comiuitteo to which it had been refered, report, and it was stated that Harry Frey, the pro meter, was figuring DU entering the city by Gliftoh avenue to Spring north to Monroe, west,,to Fountain avenue and thence north fo the Espla nade. Ib is would indicate that the South Center street residents have won their battle-.—Springfield Press Republic, Bfusselis Dramatic Co. The Brussells Dramatic Company, which has held the boards here- for the past week, has been meeting with good crowds. lid s being the- first week this company has been on the road this season, some things did not go lift smoothly as they will in a few weeks. One feature of the week has been the voting contest to determine who was the homeliest man in .Cedatvilie. The prize, a small" pig, W hs awarded to Lester Hagler,, A Iwo and one half gold piece will be given this evening to Hie prettiesf girl in Cedarville, No Action Taken. Since our last issue no steps of im* portanee have been taken in regard to; the census for this place. There has been considerable talk but as yet no action’has heeb taken iu regard' to a recount, We have received the official report from Director Merriam and we find the report of the past week verified— 118®. Ten yoinf ago we are reported as having 1355 inhabitants. *-“-Now is iho time to look nbo»t and .see what you will need in the; Harness line lor spring Work and in doing so,' remember I can fityori out' with better goods and a t hetter prices^ than anyone in Ctdarville. I men- ion this because nearly every mer- ebaaf in town handles something] which should belong to, the Harness linker, who aims to doal strictly in ;ood» which behmga to the Barfless lUftlriewr, but 1 will not tie undemold. I can and will make better pricea'amd better goods thari any of them. f Dorn, the Harness Jtlwt, - Public Sale. I. T. Cummins will have a public sale on the Alex Bailey farm - three -miles south of Cednrville 60 the Fed -eral pike, all his personal property: .8 horses, 12 cattle, 40 thrirougebred Chester’ White Hog8t 100 Delaine Sheep, breeding ewes and lambs. Farm impllmeuis, harness,. c.orn, hay, etc., etc, I. T. CummiiiB. - PUBLICSALE, I will sell on my farm east of Cedar ville, Thursday, Feb. 21 at 10 a. *m. the following property: Two draft, mures, 8 arid 7 years old, 1 in fold; 12 head of cattle, Consisting of 5 2-yr. old atcerft, 2 yearling steers, 3 milch cows, one with calf by side; 1 Polled Durham heifer, bred; 1, Polled Dur ham hull calf, 8nto old; 55 'sheep, thirty of.them bred, the Remainder, iambs; 20 bead of hogs, four of them brood sows* One Brown wagon, 1 buggy, new buggy harness, 3 Buckeye ridiug cul tivators, 1 mower, 1 sulky rake, 1 coraplanler, 1 disc drill, Iodise har row, 2 spike tooth barrow, 1 breaking plow;! McCormick binder., R. F* K ebr , LIST OP LETTERS. L ist of letters remaining uncalled for inf the Cedarville postofnee for the month ending Feb. 9,1901. ,L?ftt No. 6. Bmith, Mrs. J . E , - T N, T ab B ox , P . M. —O u r# 1,95 shoes are exactly the same grade other dealers in the city will ask you $2,45 for. Wheti you buy of us you get the benefit of large purchases for cash From some of the argest manufacturers ifi this country;- Starkey’s Arcade Shoe House, , Bpringfield, Ohio. “After suffering for two mouths, S severe attnek of grip l f w jfi quick xi-llcf mid a Instiiq! cure by using lit. Miles*Nervine, Pain Pills and Heart Cure/**-Harry Abbott, Cincinnati, Ohio. ' peeled home tqdav from Cincinnati^ where they' have %eeii spending lh& week.- • -—Our $1,25 shoes are superior to any $1.45 goods in the city’ We buy in-quautilics tor spot cosh and sell tor spot cash. •- \i- ^ ' . a Starkey’s Arcade Siioc Springfield,. Ohio. Five women follower? of Down? in vaded two 'drug stores in Chicago, Thursday,-ami managed to destroy considerable property. The women Iinuouiiced that they were justified in smashing the druggists, for they were only, “devils” in human form- This is the second time this week that druEgists -on the west Bide have suf fered. They seem to have the Carrie Nation fever, - _ ;' —A second-hand top buggy, newly painted and repaired, will /save u good line, wo, have them for $10 and up. Excellent values, iu ' carriages also, $30 and up. -Rubber Tiro and paint ing a specialty. Thomas B, Jobe, Yellow Springs, 0 . —Jardeniers, vcry/Tieap, - Ridgway & Co. The local telephone company this week extended their line to Mr Lintl' Wilson’s who will have connections with our citizens, A hox was also put I 11 at Mr. Hale Collin’s residence. -HM.50 will buy a hotter shoe of us than one can get up town for 81.90. Our purchases* are large aud We get the benefit of the largest discounts by by doing a cash business, Starkey’s Arcade Shoo House. • Springfield, Ohio t Miss Flora Nisbefc tins been quite sick, this week, being unable to Rtteud to her Bchool duties. ' ___ V. . —Another lop* of Fresh'Candies this week fresh from" factory* See our north window, Ridgway <fc Co. . Wm, Gordon ,wns Thursday-- sen tenced by Judge Scroggy, he having recently been convicted of a^au ll and battery. He drew 8100 fine, costs and thirty days. The costs are about $160 and it will require about one year and a half to work out the time. “ I was in bed five weeks with the grip—nerves shotted, stomach and liver badly deranged. Was cured with Dr* Miles' Nervine and Nervs and “Liver Pills.”—D. C: Walker, Hallsviile, 0* D r. P . R . Madden, Practice lim ited to EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. G lasses Accurately Ad justed . Allen Building; Xen ia, jO, Teiet>iioa«,«~ Office No. ft, Residence No. j>, Tnlhe suit ofDarlington against Mr Harper, thejury allowed tho plaintiff something over seven hundred dollars for legal services rendered, - - “ Mafniion” a 10c cigar for oc* Sold only by Rul-jway & Co. .. This organization is composed of father and eight children, every one being a soloist on his or her own instruments and under the Direction of Prof; Hein, a graduate of the conservatories of music in Germany and one of the finest Violin Virtuosos yin Ohio. A ir persons - attending this entertainment are guaranteed satisfaction. Admission is and 25c. No charge for reserved seats. Ira 0. Ijavis waft taken suddenly HI yesterday, He was suffering from an attack of stomach trouble, ' F or B ale ;—F our hundred bhaeks of fodder on the J .N , Townaley farm one mile east of town. -Smoke cigar for 5fi. & Co. _. “ Royal Arms” a 10c Bold-only, by,..Ridgway ^Pehrnns who can not take nrdln ary pills find it a pleasure to fake j Dewitt'sLittle Early Rfsete* f ke f . are the best little liter pills evermade be sold this seaaon by Kerr ft Hast- Ridgway & Co* ing Bros . Mise Gertrude Turner who has been visiting in Illinois and Indiana for Iho past two mouths, returned homeTuesday. Smoke “Dias Kspedal” 6c, Sold flnly by Ridgway & Co-. Vegetarian, finked Bea«». With Tomatoo Bagce, No Meat, No Faf. AtGray's. Black Hawk (kirn Planter* Will Will-Northup ’ returned to Ken tucky, Friday, in the the interest ol .the Iiagar Straw Board & Paper Co, Will will be;there for ,sonic time looking after rliio shipping of the bailed staw. / - —Bread, crackers, cakes, candies, etc,, at Cooper’s. J , H . Drake this week ’shipped two fine Poland China hogs to foreign points. ■ ■ . - - .—Roosters Often crow' over eggs they did not lay* Same with people whu seil an imitation Rocky Mountein Tea, made iamoUs by the Madison Medicine Co.’s advertising. 35c. Ask your druggist. . Both of our meat men are making a great effort. to get their ice houses filled betore the weather moderates to any extent. The ice is of a lair qual ity and about six inches In thickness, “ Failing to find relief from the grip with old methods, I took D h Miles Pato Pills, Nervine and Nerve and Liver Pills and was permautfy cured.’ —Gust. Egan, Jackson, Mich. Messrs- Kerr &.-Hastings have erected a Black Hawk corn planter in their store room, it being put up jn SUch a position that farmers may see the exact workings of this pew ma chine. —I will pay 6 |c tor hefift mid young roosters mid oc lor old roosters. W, M, Ilart, Gladstone, O.’ —Millions of people are familiar with DeWitt’fl Little Early Risers and those'who use them to be famous lit* tie liver .pills. Never gripe. Ridg* way-& Go,: Cedarville Farmers Instiaute will be held iu the- opera house, February 27 audj'28. Fresh Hhrendcd Cocmuiut in white, orange, lemon, pink and choc date, a t Cooper’s, The W. C. T.* V, held a pleasant social a t the homo of Mrs, D. H, Kr- viiirjp-st Friday evening, A largo numiicr waft present ami some inter esting addresses were made, Messrs. Bubdeupn, Brown, Beigkr and Bull InrnfeMd some good and appropriate music. Light refreshments veto Served. - cLinrorNdres. The Rev. .Mrs. Brownlee1has been Very sick with la grippe, but is bet ter at this writiog. . . Dr. Spahr and family attended the funeral of Mrs. Clint Spahr, Wednes day at McKay’s Station . Miss Abbie Russel visited her sister at the 0 . S. & 8. 0 . Homo last Fri day. . Harry Tavener is very busy cut ting ice for himself aud some farmers. Rev. Hamilton is staying: here this week'as it is to rnueh for Jiim to drive so far after ftervices.- Thero is much interest "shown in the meetings At the M, E . church. On last Sunday evening the C E . of the Presbyterian church celebrated their 20th anniversary. ' All the churches were invited and consider ing the Inclemency o f tho weather the attendance whs good. -ReV, David son, Rev, Hamilton and Rev. Brown lee made Bornevery good remarks as well as Professor McConkey. Quite show at ASK YOUR GROCER F0Pv ?ood Iarvii ny attended the mirihg the week. Jerry Shafer continues about the same, without much hope of his re covery. Fred Auderion ihought he would come over ljeie Inst Saturday and clean up everything with hjs horse, hut Gilbert Lu«e took the conceit out of hirn in short order. “ Grip made me very weak and nervouswith tightness o f cheat and headache. Dr. Miles’ Pain Pills and Nervine gave me quick relief.”1— Mrs. CTarintla Butler, W. Wheeling, Ohio. —For horse collars, lines, bridles and everything in ihe harness line try Kerr dt Hastings Bros. t—Wetmora’ft Gelatine in pink and, orange nl Cooper’s. The'Paper Mill Co. received their new boiler and will proceed to have it put in place a t once. . The5 Minute Breakfast Fcsl P u r in a Health Flouc . «*T M aK .es “BR A IN B R E A D / PURINAMILLS. Sr. Lotas. Mo. JChurchAnnouncements % R. P . church, W. J . Sanderson, pastor. Theme 11:00 a. m., “ The Relative Importance ofProfeesion and Practice in True Religion,” . —We con honestly claim to lie the leading shoe dealer in Springfield, as we do more business- than all other shoe houses in the, city combined, 0Why? Because we can amt do under sell all o f them, Starkey’s ArCade.Shoe House, Springfield, Ohio. “ Grip robbed mtS of my sleep nnd I was nearly crazy with neuralgia and headache. Dr. Miles' Paiu Pills and Nervine cured me.” — Mrs. Pearl Bush, Holland, M ich.. On Tuesday evening a party of young folks drove down to the home’ of Mr. and Mrs. Jamie McClellan where they enjoyed an oyster supper. The crowd left at a late {lour, aftor enjoying n very pleasant evening, Airs Hale Collins was the guest Of Springfield friend# fof Several days this week. ' , _Elsewhere will be found »n adver tisement of Mr, Hate Collins^ in re gard to the selling of some horses and other material lie 1ms on hand. f # enefieiice o »4 * m m m m after Tir TWENTY-FOUR If it don’t-aiK leave your me showing Sprii L\TEND LI Council ShouM toko Actio Our limits. Thereby Vdluatloii.l , There should ho soiuj ,- by the council and eiti? • tending our' limits an- . residents that art: mnvj edge of the corporatims pnly-wonld ‘ tiioHu pt-ol pleasure of ' town pil greater extent than till joyingi hut they would fils of fire protection, r * is very much needed iii of the town, " Me thin’lj people w’mid not hive ' to hubu tikeu inti lift its already they have ti| many town privileges, would gladly come> iu,| . of untold value to th . duplicate will eral thousitad dollars twenty fttmilies be addel poration bv this addition Consider for a moniet] tent the corporation cij privileges, „ An orditl some months ago, forbic of the fire engine or anl apparatus outside tlie[ . limits. To thiuk thaj sh-iuld catch fire.and thi equipment not be nlioWtl the limits, when you a rJ rods from the line, wol thing terrible to relate. I -. never to have cause to | " ease. , . To those who .have the town, we will hear ' but those chronic lrickel bier will, of course, he I t is !6r the interest of i .this addition be made,’ we will-he backed byI owners iu the corporatil be to pach others ndvnl one would he injured i| We expect to hear taking some definite matter, at their iiext . -I(e House b | The huge ice house" j at Xenia, partially -night. The fire was < -ten o’clock. Before. arrived the flames Uadi tire roof df the buiidi railroad and we're w<| towards the remaindel .the wind being iu thhj p a rt of the building with ice which was t<] The building was ius contents $500, but tlQ •the loss. , —- —A t Cooper’s yonj and complete line of, thing of the best quq The a n ^ The We have an a | stock that 1ms stj We are VERY i t move from on and to clear out,| cobcessious in pr it, Maiiy thing| Phis, Rings, Chains Char No will he let go i t u c u e - h a lf ti These are high $ we’ve had them - mua^gfl. i **« n€«i < Will please the We hftVe some taste and pulse K L I M , CedarvI
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