The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26
j »*. "-T* *> H0& f- T l[e V{em\hit . fl.OQ A Y E A R . KAJtUi M i l , * CiHC*«a O w a u 58H< *4 W%ldu iW '*. BATURI}AY*FK£EUARY 16,3*1 TH E KING OF HANDPUFF0. #f**r M**rr 3Bt*»#?*t« AtonwJa#** *w« **• mum** W n?n H arry Houdtet, th a Aniarioao l i a r of baadeaffa, amvad te Harlan^, i exhibit of OBITUARIES -.— Con taioitig over .two hundred wordtf, will be charged for, a t the rate o f five cents per line. CARDS OF THANKS .—'M w ! cents per line. When yon send in Jong obituaries . please state whom the hill, is to be seht to, or we will publish two (200) bun* dred words and Jeaye the, balance out, , .Make then) as long a» you wish, it you comply with the .above conditions, which is a matter of pure justice. I t is not .probable that the Kansas ' militia,will he called out to protect! the saloons from attacks , by ‘Mrs, . Nation. Democratic .reorganizers are "still plej f:fijl,’bu t they don't seem able to j ,find any democrats willing to be re* organized." • , ' ■ His appointments have all been so good that even bis political opponents do" not expect President McKinley to make any mistake in filling tbe places provided for iu - the Army Reorgani* zation, ' / 1 - b e trie d to a rra n g e fo r a n h ib it b is skill a t Scotland Vard, *b a t tb e au tho rities refu sed to allow him. a n opportunity o f p u ttin g on o r tak ing off official handcuffs, say s London M. A. p . So, accompanied b y a; skeptical London'm anager, be paid a n o rd inary call a s an American, visitor .to th e police headquarters. Mr. HowJIni, a f te r m aking th e usual rem ark s on everything h e s aw a n d beard, casually asked a question a b o u t a p air of band* cuffs, Tbe guide took them- down an d answered; "Oh, th e se a rc handcuffs impossible to remove.” ’ Houdlnl w as greatly interested, and th e Incident closed by th e American v isito r requesting his guide to lock th e handcuffs on h is w rists. . Then he tu rn ed h lsjsso k and succeeded ln.get* iff In a couple o f m inutes. Ori& 'of H pud ln fa stra n g e st adven tu re s happened" a t a big hotel in S t P au l, Minn., w here he w as very well known. To h is surprise, h e found th a t a couple of men occupy ing .the rooms on either side o f h is own appeared to b e mounting guard over him . A t "first be. only suspected this, h u t after.w few days he w as perfectly sure th a t one o r th e o th er of his neighbors shadowed his*every movement. 'One afternoon, when Houdlnl w as sittin g In his own room, be h eard th e sound o f scuttling outside th e door. Flinging It open, he discovered his two unknown friend s grasp ing a th ird man, who h ad evi dently been w earing a long dark cape t&at w as d ragged on one side, show ing th a t h e w as heavily handcuffed. “We’re" a couple of detectives, Mr._ p an ted Democratic Senators who fillibuB- ts r to prevent a vote pu tbe ship sub-1 sidy-bill and then try to claim that J . the republicans are engaged in forc ing an extra seBciou "must credit the. people with being very gullible. Houdlnl,’’ one o f the, men. “This fellow m ade his escape from ja il some days ago. W e k n ew th a t -he _wouldn’t d are to go to a locksm ith to get his handcuffs removed, and we suspected th a t b e m igh t come to yon,” -Good Advice. The most' miserable beings in the President McKinley is right in bis j world are those suffering/rom Dyspep- '■' Contention, t h a t ' to Congress belongs J 8>a and Liver Complaint, More than the duty of decidiug when our author- j seventy-five per cent, ot the people in -. .. , ,, , . . . , - „ , the United Slates are afflicted with ity shall be withdrawn from Cuba. tUe8e Uyo disrtW8 and their effects; I t was Congress'that ordered tbe war Uuch es Sour Stomach, Sick Head- with Spain, to end the-deplora'de eon-1 ache, Habitual Costiveness, Palpita- . diiions in Cuba, and it! should be tbe J tion "of the Heart,‘Heart burn, Water- same authority that/passes on the aDi Barring Rains ^ 7 . ju t,the P i t,o f the Stomach, Yellow Cuban constitution. - . t I skin, floated Tongue and Disagree- . . . , j Taste iu the Montii, Coming up of Western Bate* Reduced. . I Food after Eatings Low Spirits, etc. Greatly reduced one-way ..rates will j Go to your Druggist and •get a bottle [ bo in effectfroin Chicago via the Wis-1 of August Flower for 75ceuts, cousin Central Railway to points in ' .-Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana, - Idaho, Oregon, Washington and Brit- •f-vtoKiTV*il%r»vK?avAA/%W .Arumnurm/i, j doses will relieve you, Try it. Green’s Prize Almanac. Two Get "isb Columbia' each Tuesday, commenc ing February 12th 'and continue until ■’April 39th'. For detailed information inquire of >nearest tickeh agent,- or address T. D. Campbell, D. P . A., 52 Ca- * rew Building, Cincinnati, 0 ., C. E, Johnson, D*.P, A ., 62l Park Bldg., Pittsburg, Pa., or Jas. C, Pond, Geu'l Passenger Agep| Milwaukee, Wis. Sunday- H ab its. The. average man does him self so much harm on Sunday th a t he does n o t recover u n til the follow ing Wednes day. In th e first place, he loafs around th e house, 'instead o f b eing ac tive, a s on .Weekdays, I n the n ex t place, h e c a ts h is b reak fast la ter th an usual, and his dinner earlier, and the -result Is th a t he is knocked o u t until Wednesday. The best th in g to do on Sunday is to conform to you r Oauii h ab its a s "much as possible.—Atchison Globe. . . . : - ;way- at* tif« w * i » irsiu re , I consider my life ft failure.” '(OH H en ry , how sa d t Why should you A y that?** . ‘'JJppent all my tim e m aking money endngh to buy food and clothes, and ; the"food disagrees w ith me," aud my clothes don’t fit."—Life. .Hia V fervent Hove. Mrs; Sleepylze—H enry, th e alarm d e c k ju s t w e n t off. , Mr. Sleepylze—T h an k goodhessl X hope tbe th lng ’ll never coma -hack .- Ohio S tate Journal. '( , A P o ser P rom th e t a t U Boy. Mamma—Don’t boil those canned peas, Bridget. They duly .w a n t to be' warmed. L ittle Tommy—Mamma,, peas ca n ’t talk , can they? . ' ' Mamma—Of course not, dear. ■Why? L ittle Tommy—T h en how do you know w h at th e y w an t?—Philadelphia P r e s s ." A man has no more rig h t to sa y an uncivil th ing th a n to a c t one, no more rig h t to , say" a rud e .thing t o ano th er th a n to knock him down. ^-‘-The claim of other cough meffb cine*, to be as good as Chamberlain's are effectually set a t rest in the follow ing testimonial o f Mr. C. D. Glass, an employe of Barlett & Dennis Co., Gardiner, Me. He says; MI had kept adding to a cold and cough in the winter of 1897, trying every cough The first tim e a man is appointed on a "committee'’ he Is Very a p t to th in k bis' posltldn a very im po rtan t oue.- Atchlson,Globe, . . . . . . . TO CUBE A GuTjynr.OHB BAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. AH druggists refund the money “’™ ," (E . W . Grovea .26c, „ Ji f its fails to cure, medicine I heard of without perman- {signature-w on each ant help, until one day I was in the 1 drug 8tore of Mr. Hotilehan, and he advised me to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy -and Offered to pay hack my money i f I was not cured. My lungs and bronchial -tubes were very sore a t this time, but I was com pletely cured by this remedy, and have Bince always turned to it when I g o t« cold, and soon find relief. I also recommend it to my friends and affi glad to say i t is the best of all i « -i * *# w t * , cough medicines,” Fo r sale by C. M. . ™ f ent McKinley is sowlyrecov- Rldgway, I enn# *ft,rn 8fJP *nt* lts After effects. Recoveries From Grip, Mrs. E . I. Masters; a t he home Jin Monitor, Ind,, used Dr. Miles’ Her vine and Pills to cure .after effects o f grip- ' . * M ri A. E . Lopeer, iu the little town o f Modclia, Minn,, heed Dr. Miles’ Pain Pills and Nerve and Liver Pills and wee well in a few days. George J . Flannery was relieved of the awful pains irl his head in fifteen A systematic count by states shows | a w i f l ....... that there were 6283 lynchings in I the use of.Dr, Miles' Pam America during the past sixteen PlI,Is/ , «ow he is rapidly recovering 1at his hoste in Buffalo, N- Y . y ears. Speaker Hcuderson is. agaiitt in his ARM) REWARD, $100. chair in the House ef Represenatives The readers'of this paperw.ll a severe attack of the grip. pleased to learn that there is a t j , J* C. Hdfrey, foreman a ttb e West- least One dreaded disease that science j mghmieo factory in East Pittsburg, ^ * 7 ^ ^ j T h *“ J .K„TK?a“kfs and that is. Catarrh, -Halls Catarrh j pills and was scon back in his nlace. Cure is theohly positive cu re ‘known ' ‘ THROUGH TO FtORlOA, T* freluMrilis u i -Bt, A«gaitU» - CiuntgUgr Out, WltiMt Travel convenieticces on the Penn sylvania Lines will" include through car service between Ohio and Indiana points and Floridia, on and after Jan- uary lStb, On that date snow train will be run tbufough Cincinnati yia Chattanooga, Atlanta and Macon to Jacksonville and S t Augustine. A Sleeping Car running through to Florida oq the new train will leave Pittsburgh a t 8 a-,, in,, over the Pah Handle Route via Newark, Colum bus' and Xenia* and passengers for the South niay go through to Florida on it without cliauge, from the following station's, leaving on the schedule given, each Tuesday and Friday: Pittsburgh 8:00^ a. m., Columbus;* 2:15p, m., London 2:56 p. m,, South Charleston 3;38 p m., Cedarville 3:28 p, mMXenia 3;48 p. m.f Waynesville 4:07 p. m., Morrow°4:27 p, in,, Love land 4:48 p. m. From Cincinnati to Florida the train will consist of the latest pattern Pullman Sleeping, Dining and Obser^ vatioii Cars, including the Sleeping Car from' Pittsburgh, Chattanooga will be.reacbed a t 5:40 a. n;., Atlanta a t 9:45 a. m,,-Macon at 12:05 noon, Jacksonville 7:25 p.- m,, St. Augus- tinerSfflO-p. ni. the day aiter 'leaving home. The through service will be espec ially convenient for persons contem plating trips to Florida and the South Tourb’ tickets to Southern winter re sorts now bn sale at special fares via Pennsylvania Lines will be _good on this magnificent through .train, . ^ Ar rangements io travel on i t may he made through E . S, Keyes, Agent, Cedarville,or by communicating with C. 0 . Haines, D, P. Agi., Dayton, O., who will make reservations far ariyTueslay or Friday during the season. 6 A S T 0 BIA rorXzifimtff and Children. ^ ■ The Kidd You Have Alwayo Bought Bears the Signature -of |S i Over Thirty Years TH*CXOTAUIICOMPkNr, «CWVOBKCIW.' n E a r l y -A r r i v a l s to tbe medical fraternity. ~Catarrh being a constitutional disease, re- fjfijyes « cosstitftfionftl treatment. Hall's, Catarrh Cure is taken b ier- nallv, noting d ir tily upon the blood jsnd mucous surfact-s- o f the system, Rev,. C. Body was in aseriOas con- 1ditlon a t hm bomo in Bt, Paris, O;, but Dr, Mijc^ Nervine aud Nerve and Liver Puls pulled him. through all right, ,-JinuMjft feuna t-s i su t , j counting the. imtional capital, d r y i n g a . M U t a . o f the disease, and giving the patient 1 ___ ___ r w ___ rtliw g th b y hnildirtg u p th e cobstifu- « ^ * to;u tio n an d assisting n a tu re in doing its r e ^ y o n y 0 J ? m on ey i f ? y o u ' a re w ork, p e p ro p rie to rs hav e fo m tieh n o t satisfied a fte r using C h am b e rla tY s fa ith in its c u ra tiv e powers th a t they,} S tom ach an d L iv e r T ab lets, -T h e y Offer one h u n d re d d o l l a r fo r a n y case 1c n re disorders o f th e stom ach , bilious- .. “ I was given up to die from heart and nervous troubles caused by grip. Six bottles each of Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure and Nervine cared me."—Min. John Wollet, Jeffersdn, Wis. -nr Stop* Tbs Couglt AndWorks OffTbs Cold, Laxative Bromo Quiniue Tablets care a cold in one day. ’ No cure, n« pay. Price 25 cents. ,—There i s always danger in using counterfeits of DeWitt’s Witch Huzel Salve? The original is a safe and cer tain cure for piles, I t ia soothing and healing salve for sores and all skin- diseases. Ridgway&Co. 1 T o n can’t convince a man who haa dyspepsia th a t crim e'la no t on the In crease.—Philadelphia Record. A«M(i T h a t A re D c ith Co Cholera. The acid o f lemons and oranges Is fa ta l to th e cholera bacillus. Even if placed upon th e rinds of th e fru it th e germ s will not survive longer than a day.—Ladles’ Home Journo). In th e Georgian language, spoken In (he m ountains between th e Caspian and Black seas, dado m eans mother and m am a fa th e r.' ■Ww—in■—in u« »w- ■4H* Thaicough Hangs on You have used all sorts of cough reme dies but it does not yield; it is too deep seated It maywear itself out intime, but it is more liable to produce la grippe, pneumoniaor a seri ous throat affection. IYou need something f that will give you strength and build up the body. S C O T T ’ S EM U LS IO N will do this when everything . else fails. There is ho doubt about it. it nourishes, strengthens, builds up and makes the body strong and healthy, not only to throw- i t fails to care, fond'for listo f tc«tS monlats. Address F . i* C-BEkBS' A’-Cn.f.Tol^lo, O, RoMhydrhggttts; Hall's Famfly Pills arc the best, n tts constipation and headache. Price 28 cents, Samples free. off this hard oough, but to fortify .the system against icks. - A n o t h e r lo t of F re sh C and ies thlA^eek fresh from factory. Hee 1our north window, Ridgway & Oo, , further- atta If you are run down or emaciated you should certainly take this? nourishing foot! rfedicine, Cheviots, sjiiitnble for Waists and Gents SpriDgSliirtings. Short length goods that sell in piece, 15, 20, 25c; ,»»,-^^EOO Thrive cases Seesuekcr Ginghams, the best goods made for Dresses, Aprons, Shirts, Bqys’ Waists, &e. No fade, and excelleut-styles; 1200.0 yds, sold by us last y ea r„ .,..,.,....4: ., . . i p c One case Madras Shirtings, One case Oxblood Seesticker-..8 ^C One case Classic.,.,^......... „.;...6A c ’ One case of Outing, excellent for gowns................ .................;5C One case of yd, wide Bleeched . MuBlin, short pieces,.,...................5C One case of Indigo Blue-Prints, also black red and gray.........5 c Large job Torchon and Insert-.- ing,. best selection........ ......... 5 C Pihe time to buy Embroideries i advanced in the - they .8 £ t a 2 5 c HUTCHISON & OSBNEY I CHURCH DIRECTORY . ■R. P . turch—RevJ J . P. Moitfjn, Paitor. ferrise'r at 11:00 1 . ra, S&Ubatli School at 10 a.-m. • ‘ Co»an»nt«r Cburoh—llev, W. J . Sunderoon, in»lor, 8ibb»lh School *t 10 a. m, .Preach pi lag at 11:00 a, u: p, pi. except the -A Good Thing, Syrup is the special pre German scription p f Dr. A. Bosc}iee, a cele brated German Physician, and is ac knowledged to be one of the most for I t V. , p S3?., l !tunate discoveries in medicine let end 3d Sabbethi of tho ........... _________________ nog; taontb when they meet at 8,‘3t), indl preaching quickly cures Coughs, Colds aud .all 'at •'Sabbatbe or Lun trouhles of tiie; severest nature; In the orening on the le the month »t 7:00 p. m. . ;removing, as it does, the Cause of the U. P. Church—Ker. F. O, Roes,pMtor. Sor- affection and leaving the parts in a a y i . i s r . r . s,ii,“ h .« r»ng Ma i » . m ,, « , « ! „ » , » M, E. Church— Her, A. Hamilton, Pester. 1« o t an ex p e rim en tal mediCHie.but has Preeehing at 18:T5 h . ra Sebbeth.School at sto rd tb e te s t o f years, g iv in g satis- #;30 *. m. Young People’* meeting «t 8:03 faction in ev e ry case, Which its rap p, ta. Fmyer meeting; Wedneeday evening J - ’ 1 et 7:88. p&chfdg'every other S.bbuth even® j^ V mCrcasing snle ev'ery season con ing 7:30 p. ta. .firm s. Two m illion bo ttles sold am iu - Beptiet Church—Rev, George Wmhingion, ally . Boschee's G erm an S y ru p was pselorof the B*]>tiet church. Freuchittg »t II in troduced ID th e U n ite d S ta ^ « »n * ,» . und 7:30 p. a . Subbeth School »t 2:30 1JUj« _„,1 Preyertneeiitigevery Wedneedey night IW>o, am i IS fiOW Solti IH every p. a t 7:38. Everyone invited. A.-M. E. Church—Kev, 0. E . Jones Pas tor Preaching at 10:30 a . m. and T;8B p. tn. Class every Sabbalh at lJhOO, Sabbath School at 3:M p, m. 1'rayer meeflng 7:30 p. in., Weducsday eve. Rupture or Hernia Cured No operation* or injections, 80 pamcr discom fort in any way, no steel springs or iron frames as wooden, ivory or hsfd rubber hslls. cups, ' - « . . . - - - ' ' t d / s . punches or plugs used, TRESS i Rot the LEAST ____ or annoyance. . _ _ Our Outfit for the CURB ef ROPltlRE OK HERNIA is made of fine soft materials, such as frit, velvet, chamois skins and elastic webs, It filtf like a gtovo and can Itarm you no more, IT HOLDS your ihtpjlities buck in their nut- ural position end the- wound WILL URAL like any other wound when it has a chance,- The Only Way to Cure is to hold the Intestines in or hack all the time, until the wdntids be comes grown together. Your Rupture Canhov ^ be Cured iii any other way. We have had 23 year* eonsirntand bard experience in treating RUPTtJRRS and this OUTFIT is the RE SULT. Men, women and children made COM- PORTAllPEhy asingthis OUTFIT, / Prices reasonable and in accordance with ibo case, IP. JKTERivSi'EB, please write for particulars, which we will mail you FREE. Address, t. MOHAWK RESTED! CO.. ■ .■ Rome, H-1 introduced in the nited tates m town and village in the civilized' world Three doss* wiH relieve any ordinary cough, Price 75cte. Ge’t Greens’ Prize Almanac, WANTEP! Reliable man for Manager of Branch Office we wish to open in this vicinity. If your record is O. K hero is fin opportunity Kindly give good reference when writing, A. T, M orris Wjioi,ESALn H ouse , Cincinnati, Ohio. Illu stra te d catalogue* 4 cts. stam ps ■"Marm ion” a iOc cigh r fo r 5e. Sold only by R idgw ay & Co. ExehaajeBank m M f » TRANSiT COMPAVr, }kltW( I’MXenia und Layton. -Leavellavtml jq I CEDARYJLLE, OHIO, 1 A CCOUNXH of Merchants 'and In* dividnals solicited. Collections Leaves Xenia 5:00 a, m, ' 6:00 7:00 8 ; 00 * 9:00 *7:00 promptly made and remitted^. jjR A F T H o n New York and Cin cinnati sold at lowest ra to . Tho cheapest and most convenient way to send money by mail, 11:00 12:00 Nuon; J.:00p, m. 2:00 - • T OANS inode on Real Estate, Pei- sopal or Collateral Security, William Wildffion, Pres., Seth W. Smith, Vice Pres., * W, J . Wildman, Cashier 3:00 ' 4:00 5:00 6:0C 7:00 * 8:00 9:00 10;00 31:00 8:00 9:00 JOriJO Olditi 12.00 Nn ' 'L o u T 2:00 3:00 "4:00 5:00 0:00 7:00 - 8:00 " 9:00 10:00 ' 31:00 ,,32:00 C.L 4 Daily Meat' Market- Xenia office and waiting room ,4 South Detroit St. Dayton offiR and waiting room. 15 West Fifth Stl opposite Postoffice,' Tii Under the above firm -name, tbe meat m rket of,C.*W. Crouse will be conducted. All:product in the meat- line wi)J be the best that money can: buy,''which fact combined with honest andh thorough business methods is enough assurance to the public, Who always want the worth of their money in ever^ respect. When sending childreitrrirreetrthem to us; we nlways give them the best they ask for. \ . . . he running time between Dayto! nnd Xenia is. one hour, pa&iiig thi| Highlands, gnmhyille Boad, Zimme man. Alpha, Trebein.s and Grove. "Dayton to Xenia 17 25 cents, . - " Every other car combination freight, • Sundays and -Holidays ears bvery half hour.' Lueq miles, far fd rul I f J h a d G r ip ! w ou ld fuse D r , M ile s ’ P a in P ills la n d D r , M ile s’ N e rv in e , Sold by-all D ru g g ists.,. , . GOODS DELIVERED Cincinnati Division] ennsiilvanialtinesj ScheduIsoIPassenaerTralnj-C«ntr*ITIni| New Meat 1 \ Store. Having opening the Meat’ Store formerly conducted by Ed Heushel, we will have on hand :tt (ull times a ch/nce line of . ■ Westward; CeluinlHiMlv. Alton ..........« W. JelletEon *« London >• B.Oiarlesion V Selma *J eodarvlllo..... \yRljerraree,,"0 S ou I n .., Spring Val... t<' ituxmina._" Wyynesvlllo “ Oregonla.... “ Fort Ancient" Morrow..,,,..;1.* So. Lebanon “ Loveland.,.., “ Mitrord....... Hatuvla Jo... “ C l^iciuiiatiar - 334 AM 1447 f4 55 Fresh and.Salt Meats . •Bologna and Sausage a iid . everything connected with u first-class meat stor . We nandle ]the celebrated Iviogan & Co’s, Hams, Charles Weimer. E a stw a rd , C in c in n a ti Jv BnUtvla Jc„, “ Milford........'• Loveland,.., •' So,-I.ol«uion " Morrow “ Ft. Ancient ■* Oregonig " Warncevilio '* Rox»nna„;., 1 Spring Val,;. 'I Xonlri .. W'llber'orco « CcdarvUle... “ Selnui......... B.Chnrleston Umdon ......-<* W. Jeflordon 11 Alton ...,,..™. •> Uolunibns ar. AM 19.10 mm Q3t AM 1040 AM IO O AM *830 T944 =982 „X012 *718*1017 1723 729 7.37 74ol0r<4 8051100 818 829 .. 845M.35 AM AM GOODS DELIVERED . Telephone 68. Oetwstn Springfield. aa 10 A'M I’M•I'M 1*865*215*740 9 IE 1758 925 808 943,256 ft 71 .9,68 10Of, if 13 fill 10IVT328 054 11)125 was 34t 907 1041 "348 PM lOSC tO’54 1103 <407 11 14 ■ --'.”7 IU2S USB 4ii7 1148 1201 449 12 16 1250 5311 JPM I’M :t»-| aq I’M| ra *150*430 21B|..... 230!..... "|0j 511 IMj *800, 325 f33“ 34L 351 1400 05 605 I'M ;3 50j. s 3s! d'i&' 617 630 <945 1010 i0.20l 'iSItlK 800(11401250 r a pm ra AM U135 WESTWSim, Springfield tv T m 7TOTW s i s » i .! am ’ AM AM. AM PM1 I’M| j X e n ln LOUISVILLE&NASHVILLERAILROAD r3-12 ara ss *725 744 80S] An >’3 38! The G reat' Cantrnl Southern T runk Line Oaylon. ’iroDkvIlls* Undson ...i,” ".Idofsdg..;",4 43"'- 1*810i 846 *840907 846 907 918 f922 . 9431005!i6l5 *930 940 IQtC AM % WINTER TOURIST TICKETS Now on sale to FLOR IDA E astward MtSmsslJv, Vlilorido " fiodiPn'. ** 3:4 3jS Osyion krnli TiT.I 14 AM| Atf AM I'M •51610*05 541( 1604. 609 and tbe ts . I’ m Ir a 4 *BOj §*10 *56102 »ii;unui^vwi t. ..1550 i 6 30 Iv 640 T 105 ,' 4*355 506 30 nr) 7101130 ;. IBS 207 OOi 3; pm ;I'M' 1 ' ) 0 ! . ) ; ar 6401105* “815 115>8 3 40 9™ 5 55 9151 Us**« 10*15' aria 1*.. 720jAM'll *3S. wr;; li * m I'M 8*53 GULF COAST i list *tosSunday, bSUntt jiicUrtttuMnruiradnlr " it UrtUii. *6ill;. OsrkFacsd 1vps4ettt«i lint from12.00»6ento12.00nl^j .rifht; Utbt 7 km frtst 12.00 midnightt« 12.00ncca, P u llm a n N leeiilna; C ars on >'«». i2,5, Id , 19, an , 31 And io n either run Umtttglt vli nmumuut. tmd PHteburgh or conned inrotigg Pittsburglt Union Station to and front Rultfl more, waslilngjon, Philadelphia *ti«f JJerf Write for folders, descriptive matter to' C, L . STONE, "General Passenger Agf. LOUISVILLE,, KY. York. No#. lit 801 nml SI connect at R1*l4 rriond for Indianapolis and Bt. I ahi I s ; Noa] s i nnri a for Chicago. ht P, LORRE, E.A , FORD, • SwnllUitgrr, C*a4r»lfs«Ht«tlga -H-S5430.-P P 1 TT 8 BUROB, PaSK'A. For tlmecardg(rate!(of fare, throtrgh lleketsl baggage check*,and. further infnrmnUon red gardlng " * .......... _ _____ _ tlie rnnnlne of trains, apply to anjrl agent of the Pennsylvania Lines. SEND YOUR ADDRESS ‘ To ’ R. 3. WEMY8S, Oenetsf Itnmigralimf and Industrial Agent LOUISVILLE, KY. E . 8. Keyes, Aggnt, Cedarville, Ohiol OO YEARS’ EXPERIENCE And he will mail you free 0 maps , illustra T ed pamphlets and PRICE LIST Of LAND and FARMS Id P atents , KENTUCKY, TENNESSEE. ALABAMA. * MISSISSIPPI. FLORIDA. .IIMDE BIAnRS V . DKBI0N9 C opyright * * c . Anton# sending* #Vetch end descrlattortmay quickly aa.-ertain nnr opinion free whether, ta Invent.on I#probablypntentabw. Ct.itimnnifa* itemsstrictlymnfldsntfal, Handbooknn Patent* sent frea. oldest agency for aecurlngpatent*.- Patents taleen tbnntKb Mann ti Co. receive' 1 tpteialnoMt, without chenre. Intbe ScientificJfitierican. Blue Front stable. AhandnometylthMraled weeVtv, T,.ntEe*t rtr- cufathm of any eclenUBa tsnrnsi. Terms. *! a year: fonrmonths,*1. SoldbyiOl newsdeale - F o r G iij) uclies use, l ) r . M ile s ’ P a l i P i l l s , Sold by all Druggist*. - 4Leave your boraea there nnd your rigs be kept ort the inside-, out of thfi rain and storm. 20 N. Fountain Avenue, Springfield; O, CiiAi&Ld E, Tdi»0, Prop Adam’s R e s ta u r a n t and Dining Dooms M o h a w k C a t a r r h C u r e . ChjeapMt and Best, Cares Cstsrrh In frmnEto 10day*. Cnrcs ColdItt the Tteaa. 15f» J5minutes, Securely packed with .foil Ipstracttons, hy mail, POSTAGE PA ID, 23c.' -Try it and yoti will L* more than--pleased With the investment. Year money hack if yoti are dissatisfied. “Stamps token." * MOHAWK HEMSDt 00, ^ ' • Rome, HeWTork. Corner High and Llmeatone dtreet, Springfield, Ohio, ASKYtHJR CROCER FOR |Cave*tSiand Trade-Marksobtainedandall Pat- ,ent mu|ne»aconducted for MODensTC frs*. , •OunOrncitisoaPosiTcu.B.PAtcNTOrrfeK and wctatfsecure psi^nt io lei*time than fhole remote f -no Washington , ; Send model,drawintf or photo., with desrrtp flea. Yto advise, ii pfto-t«b!e er net, f,*> ot chsrke. Ottrfee hotone tilt patent is secured. A fS*M«tl.eri-" Obtain Patents," with cost of samc in the U.S, and foreign connlrie* tent free. Address, TbeSrMlistrte Breakfast h . “Tea«t, Coffee nod Cigar* a t Gray* “JnriUmfew* very, cheap. Jlidgway & (’«• Health E’lots *? B E . E A 0 . WJR1KA MILLS, Sr. Lotm, kUt, DON’T Be F ooled ! friedth e genuine, erl^iaal ROCKV MOONTA’lN TIlA — - S R f i S W i toemtoeasTMtoM tot#. Ask j-wir Aritogtst. gasatw^saatteig^ O.A; 8 NOWdbOO. Opp. PsvchT orriee, 6 . C, ittmmriMi . vW-WKU 'AQCWwKS^ . TUI fATIKT aicoftp. | ftabsolitttk*#toThefrtent SeedM - * -No. 2 Castor Oil for buggira, ............ Ridgway A. Css. --Ifyo ti want anything good,; TO Cl«t. rfif GRIP, « famwis Pbys* Firvt and foremost, REST ■TakePHreofyimmif. Vnu vftikened nerves •want re:q, , have it. IN m attaelj is si-vi nod rcmaiii there. f Mn tiVtf re*u]t from negitei: tif cantient than from any other . Eat sparingly. Your «lig£ jjajjfl are in ho condition to t (J large tjuai:tities of food. Drink plenty o f pure cel Jt allays the fevoi^^iiniahiu-f neyg to action and tiphns up of the skin Keep the bow with Dr- Miles’Nerve and Li Take three ddsfeofDr. Mi) jno per day.’and if you cam take an extra dose at bed ti further control the fever, and eome the-,peculiar aches and grip, nee Dr. -Miles Pain Piilil aet quickly and effectually, mi effects result from 'their use remedies have been thorough] more than a million times,, efficiency is thorouglyf esfi They never fail to give relief Dr, MilesMlemedies can b atony drugstore, and they an a positive guarantee that fire or paakage benefits or tnondy a PUBLIC SALE. ‘ Ip order to reduce 'my stoc ■ sell1 on my farm, twn utiles so of Cedarville on the' Turnln - Wednesday, February 20, o’clock (standard time) the' fo . Tfiree head of horses coiipis ■one brood - mate and two thirty .head, of cattle, "eonsi four —thoroughbred. Polled „pne.cpWf two heifers, one bull, eight high grade .Polled cows, eight heifers and-f -, eight yearling steersy-fifty hog 'sows and stock hogs; one bund fifty sheep; 100 Delaine Merin . bred, and fifty Delaine Meric Terms made know on dav . Lunch 11:30 standard', , Alex. Ti Col, L. D. Perry, ^uct. PUBLICSALE. Xwill sell on my/arm east ol ville, Thursday, Feb. 21 at 10 the following property: Twt rnaresj 6 and 7 years old, .1 12 bead of rattle,'consisting of old steers,, 2 yearling steers,-? cows, one with calf by. side; 1 Durham heifer, bred; 1 Polio •bam bull calf, 8'mo old; 55 L thirty of them- bred, the ren lautbg; 20 head of hogs, four, o brood sows. ,. , ‘ . One Browii .wagon, 1 bugg :buggy harness, 3 Buckeye ridi tivatprs,. 1 mower, 1 sulky coraplnnter, 1'disc drill, -.1 di row, 2 spike tooth harrow, l b glow, 1 McCormick binder, . / . It. F . . An Innovation. The Louisville & iNnsbville 'together with its connecting li inaugurated the" Chicago & Limited, which is a daily, so wide vestibulcd,- steam, hea flighted, witli dining car servo meals ca routs from ‘Cii Thomasville, Ga., Jacksonv St, Augustiue, Fla, This trr Chicago over the Chicago & Illinois tracks at 11:05 a. m., Via Evunsvitle,- Nashville, ! 1mmand Montgomery, Plant to Jacksonville, and Fiori Coast to St. Augustine, ar the latter city 7:30 the next making ihe fastest time eveni ing the fastest tiineeVer made these points. This train hr sleepers leaving Ciuniurtati a, m, and St. Louis at 2 which also run through. Stone, General Passenger Louisville & Nashvill R. IS ville, will answer all inquirie fog it. - Low Fare Sffuth. Excursion tickets to New La,, Mobile, Ala,, and I Ela,,. for Annual Mardi Grrj Hies, will be sold via Petil Lines February 12th to I?] *ivc, good returing leaving tl{ not later than March 7th. may take advantage of tli.e !| and any Pennsylvania Lint ger or Ticket Agent will fuij tuulare iipoif application. “"^Seports show a greatlyl death rate from throat 1 troubles, due to: the pre\| pneumonift.snd grif Jdvise the use of Quo tMiuuj Ltire in all o f these diffieultj the only harmless remedy J foimwliate results. Childrel Ridgway & Co, CAST.O! • F o r I n f a n ts a n d Ct I t i iM U f i a H m A i d l ia r ii tha Slgaatnr# o f 1 .% *
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