The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26
•CASTORIA tUm Kind Yon H*r«A hn ji Bonght, and which turnb m 1* KM fcr over 30 yewre, ho* borne the ilgnatnn of end has beenjnadeunder hli per* mkui I supervision elnce its infancy. AUoirnoone todeceiveyonin this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and *«Just-*s-good” arc but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Intents and Children—Experience against Experiment* What is CASTORIA Caxtoria ia a harmless substitute for Castor Oil* Pare goric, Props and Soothing Syrups. I t is Pleasant. I t contains neither Opium, Horphlne nor other Narcotle substance. Its age is its guarantee. I t destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. I t cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. I t relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. I t assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep* The ChiIdren*s Panacea—TheMother’s Friend. CSNUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bean the Signature of TheKindTonHareAlwaysBought In Use For Over 30 Years. , wectwTAFiieoiifdNV. rt ■ogfwvgtriccT, new fork ertv* A b \ It does not require much money to Buy Useful Xmas eifts of Sullivan, the Batter Here is a description of useful and lasting presents: Hats, Caps, Col.’ -s, Cuffs, Underwear, White Shirts, luundried and unlaundried, Fancy Colored Shirts, Mufflers, Suspenders, Hosiery, Silk or Linen Handkerchiefs, Cuff Buttons, Dress and' ■, ' ' • . » *■ Driving Gloves, Sweaters, Cordigau Jackets, Mackintosh Coats, Rubber Coats, Umbrellas, Pocket Books; Collars and Cuff Boxes, Dress Suit Cases, Valises, T runks, and many other articles too numerous to mention. - ' e-t*- • * . . r • • • • • SulHvau, t lx B a tte r, 27 S. Limestone Street, 03KXO, L 0 UIS 711 L 6 &NASHVILERAILROAD The Great Central Southern T runk Line W INTER . TOURIST TICKETS Now on sale to and the GULF COAST Write for folders, descriptive matter to C. L . STONE, General Passenger Agt. LOU ISV ILLE , KY . 8END YOUR ADDRESS To R. J . WI2MYSS, Immigration and Indn*tri»l Agent LOU ISV ILLE , KY . And he will mail you free SfAVS.thMlSTKATED PAMPHLETS and *K!C£ LIST Of LAND and FARMS ID KENTUCKY, TENNESSEE, ALABAMA. MiSSiSSIPPL FLORIDA. - ‘Don’t use any o f the counterfeits c f DeWitt’s Witch Hsrel Salve, Most Of them are worthless o r liable to W umm injury. The origitiul DcWitt’s Wftch H atel Salve is a certain cure tu t pile*, ccaemi, cuts, scalds, burns, m m and skin diseases, llldgway <fc Co.,' Druggists. «W-. gave y#a a iWby? I f Ho are want your address, "We have valuable ^information for the mottos of AW lea. We are fut- aiwrs to his majesty—th# baby. f l ow my 6 Henry, 167 Dearborn 8t„ a t o p , J»; —fhwi Xfar*4%*i» Ridgway A l t a , The Night Before Christmas. A t the Park Theate, Dayton Dec. 27 ,28 and 29, will be seen the beau* tiful play pastoral cotaedy drama.“ The night before Christmas,” by Hal Reid, although Mr. Reid is not with the play a t present it is stated that it » better staged than it was last year. Considerable money has been expend* ed for scenery representing the Capi tol a t Columbus, the old court room a t Xeula and the Covenanter church and Reid homestead at this place. The characters are about as was rep resented last winter, but a number of new features have been added Daytoninns are anxiously awaited the coming o f this drama on the above dates and the house will be packed to the doors. Iu all probability a num ber from here will go over to the Gem city to witness the play. ‘—Do your Xmas Shopping with us. The store full to the top a t popular prices, 100 umbrellas all prices and colors, new handles, 50c to 16.00. A wagon load of handkerchiefs lc to each, extra values for 5, 10, 15, and 2oe. Alexander & Spahr, Xenia, 0 , A GoodTiring. German Syrup is the special p r e scription o f l)r. A, Boschee, a cole brated German Physician, and is ac knowledged to be one of the most for tune to discoveries in medicine. I t quickly cures Coughs, Colds aud all Lung troubles of the severest nature, removing, as it does, the cause ol the affection and leaving the parts in a strong and healthy condition. I t is not an experimental medicine,but has sloe d the test of years, giving satis faction in every case, which its rap idly increasing sale every season con firms, Two million bottles sold annu ally, Bosehee’e German Syrnp was introduced in the United States in 1868, and is now sold in every town and village in the civilised world. Three doses will relieve any ordinary cough, Pries VftUs. ’Get Gretas’ Priae Almanac, MJlAtillhF.1 Martha J . Hamilton was born in Cincinnati, (>., May 20,1829, She waa married April* 15,1847, to Wjn. M, Stephenson. They moved to Ced a rvillc after thcii’ marriage and later joined tbs I!, P , church. Some years after tlda- rihey moved to the West. Although they frequently changed their residence aba waa always a faith) fu land loyal member o f the Church' of her choice. A t the time o f her death she was a member of the United Presbyterian Church of Lincoln, Ne braska, She bad been an . invalid for yearn, which often prevented her from the enjoyment: of church priviledge?, but the Bible &as her Constant com panion and its promises cheered her to the last. f . She was the mother of five children, three o f whom with her husband have proceeded her to the Better Land, H e r two sons, a brother and a sister are left to mourn her loss. Her brother and one son were un able to attend the funeral. The funeral services were held in Dr. Morton’s church on Monday at 1 P , M., hnd were conducted by Rev F . O; Ross assisted by Prof. W. R McChesney, The remains were bur ied in the Cedarville cemetery, where one of the daughters is buried. / __________- . —I f yon want Blanket at. prices that you can afford to huy go to “Dorn, the Harness Man,” KNOTE COME AND At the great bargains v r& are offering in ■well-made, well- timed and up-to-date Clothes for Men and Soys. Goods that were made to sell for a great deal more money than we are asking for them* Unseasonable weathei has left large quantities of cold weather goods in the hands of the producer, and ready cash enabled us to secur some rare bargains that you can have AT ABOUT MANUFACTURERS COST. Look at the prices in Overcoats For men that are neat and new style sackB that we make to sejUfor more money but you can have one ns low as $2.00, 3,00 and 3,50. ’Coverts, Beavers, Kerseys aud Oxfords rnnde with French facings and Iron sleeve lining, $5, 6.50, 8.00 and 10.00. You will only appeciate them when you see them, anc more so if vou wear one. A commentary on the “ bigness” o f | Alaska is the following incident, told by General Friedrich. He said: “ Some time since a deputy marshal started from a pointless tbau half way from here to Nome to bring a prisoner to Sitka,, to which place bo bad been sentenced by n commissioner to serve tliree months in jail. The prisoner’s time expired before they reached Sitka, and the officer turned, him loose.”—Boston Transcript. Boys Suits Boys suits with double-breasted coat and pants, or the three-piece Juvenile Suits with double breasted vests and knee pants, ages from 3 years up to 15 years, and made fiom high grade cassia*eresTand cheviots, stylish plaids iu prices from $2.00, 2.50, 3.00 3.50, 4.00 andJ5.00. Men’s Suits , j . We are equally as strong in Men’s Suits. Come and take a look at them. Here are the new fancy Worsteds, Serges and d a y s in. blue and black smooth or rough finished goods. Some have double breasted vests, sors’ are not. Cut in frock and stripe. Fancy stripes checks and plain grays the lining, buttons and trimmings to match, and prices that are sure t* please. _ Underwear In fleece lined, ribbed, gray, wool, -camel's hair,p Wright’s Health Under wear—all grades and prices. Think of good fleeced lined underwear sell, ing for 25c Shirts Working shirts of all grades. Dress Shirts iu all styles. Mufflers for everybody,Jos we haveall the styles. Neckwear in all shapes, styles and colors. Gloves and Mittens both for w6rk and dress. Good warm Caps for men and boys for 25c, 50c nnd 75cts. We enn and will save you money in any purchase you want to make in our line. SA T IS FA C T IO N GUARANTEED. Dr. F . R . Madden, P rac tice lim ited to EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT# G lasses A ccu rately Ad ju sted . Allen Bu ild ing , Xen ia, O. Telephone. —Office No. 73. Residence No, K N O T E A large shipment of potatoes, first of the kind, will soon be made from Washington to China# —Bright eyes are an infallible in dex to youth, nice windows from which Cupid shoots his arrows. Rocky Mountain Tea makes bright eyes., 11 E. Main Street, Springfield, Ohio KememUr that C, M, Ridgwsy"* White Bln# Cough syrnp hi th# bate marls. Mrs. E, G. Lowry’s mother, Mrs, David Gregg, who resides on the Lower Bellbrook pike below Xenia suffered a stroke of paralysis last Sun day. Her right side is effected and she bns been rendered helpless and speechless. Owing to her advanced age, 72, there is little hopes ot her re covery. —I f the average man would look himself squarely iu the eye, ho would I see a t once that he needs Rocky j Mountain Tea. A priceless boon|to to men. ‘ 35c. . t Prof. W . G, Werner, of Clifton, as sisted by the grammar and intermedi ate rooms, will give the Christmas Cantata, “ Santa Claus on Time,” at the Clifton opera bouse, Monday ev ening, Dec. 24, 1990. I HOLIDAY' m o o n . You will find our store fully up to expectations—and more. Many years Bpeuttn catering to the wants of Springfield’s great buying public has taught us to anticipate their every wiBb and thiB year we have fairly eclipsed all previous effort.. We are packed and jammed with the most magnificent line of Diamonds, Brooches, Watches, Chains, Clocks and To And everything you could possibly expect to find in a full stocked, strictly up-to-date and progresive Jewelry House that it has been our pleasure to show, egin with there is the popular; Th is picture ia the trade iiiaik of SCOTT’S EMULSION , nnd is on every bottle of SCOTT 'S EM HI, SION in the World, which now amounts to many millions ycnily. T h is g rea t business lias grown lu s u d i vast proportions, F/rsf,‘-Because tlic proprietm-.- have always liceu most careful i. selecting the various ingredients used in its composition, namely; the finest Cod L iver Oil, and the purest Hypophbspliites. S e t’O/u/.'-Because they have so sk illfu lly combined the various ingredients that the best possible results are obtained by its use. !T/r/rtf.*-Beqause it lias made so sickly, delicate children strong and healthy, given health giid rosy checks to so many pale, anaemic girls, and healed the kings mid restored to ftillheaUh, so many thousands iu the first stages o f Consumption, - „ it sw* tees sat iriri «. sea*! ter fte»*am;e »gm»N* tMt# MU MUmiJM*V, V. . a eo rr * * o w m , twmi«*. STERLING SILVER And Sterling Silver Novelties of every description from a Teaspoon to a Trunk, An unusually attractive line o f Ebony Ware is another special attraction. Then follow: Umbrellas, Opera Glasses, Gold Ware, Rings, Seal, Cut Glass, Toilet Sets, Combs and Brushes, Bake Dishes, Bronte Ware, Wedgewood Ware, Ladies’ and Gent's Chains, Lockets and Sleeve Buttons. A Guarantee of a Reputable House is w orth its w eignt in Gold. Our Guarantee goes w ith every Purchase «4t C. FRIED>» 6 E- st Main Street, Springfield, Ohio. * ^Christmas Presents Diamonds, W atches, Clocks, Jewelry i Diamond and P ea r l Brooches, Set H inas w ith any Style Stone, Cut Glass, P la in Kings in 14k and 18k. Chafing Dishes, Baking Dishes, Tea Sets, Candelabras in Gold and Silver. Silver and Ebony NoAelties. AP y § * |M | y m mmmm jtePteMN| ■ .nnwn HNBnPMMIteVM 3lf§ *** X e i i ln ^ O h io* T v \ New Meat •■4 Store. .fc-ri >."* .Jt> . 1 * Having opening the. Meat Store formerly conducted by Ed Henshel, we .will have on band a t all times a choice line of Fresh and S alt Meats Bologna and Sausage and everything connected with a first-class'meat store. • We handle the celebrated Kingan & Co's. Hams, Charles Weiner. GOODS DEL IVERED Telephone 66, CEDARV ILLE , OHIO. ACCOUNTS o f Merchants and In- * * dividuals solicited. Collections promptly made and remitted. iRAFTS on New York and Cin- ’ cinnati sold a t lowest rates. The cheapest and most convenient way- to send money by mail. T OAN8 made on Real Estate, Pei- ** sonal or Collateral Security. William Wiidtnan, Pres., Seth W , Smith, Vice Pres.. W , J . Wildman, Cashier. C.W. (IIW <6SON D a ily lte a tM a rk e t. Under the above firm name, the meat market of <3. W , Crouse will be conducted. All product In the meat ihe will be the best that money can my, which fact combined with honest nnd thorough business methods is enough aieuranee to the public, who always want the worth o f their mon / in every respect. When sending children, direct them tons? we always give them the lest they ask for. ( m m DRLlVKKtSB Tatephmve N«. 74*
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