The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26

■’ ’P i l e $1,00 A YBAK. KAta,H Max. * Wtt*r*i*4l*re*ri**«i C j »1' a * o Ow if*; W ft M) W«ld<i PI m *. ^TUIiPi.Y ,FEBKUAEY 28,ftKft OBTTUAEIE^ -iCootaijlmg over. tiro buadtM wrirdS, Urttt bei thurged for, at the rate of five eeutti per line, V -,<W #6C 'wenta per line. £ tWhen you ja«mt lu Jong (Quarter jflease state whomthe iT^ SkH^Wseut Sfi, dr we will publish two-'‘{200) bun* ^i^red.W 0 ^ *p< 11 eay^ the bfihtJCQoift* \ ^ Make tfeemffti long »» you wish,'if ^ou comply with theabove conditions/ fftiich is a matter of.pure justice. ■ * '■ •: The 'Jsnuary-TiHpuf fto$^ct;iff<hi' '■r Pennsylvania was a,, reebrd; ,breaker, . the total being 5,165,000 tons. It $jgWji| tbdggh 'Kafa|a| 5arid th •saloonsweFeVealiy about to part com' pajiy, as the regult of Mrs Nation^ agitation. . \-f . * -j “ ' 'tMk -■yA'l >V'*'" ft*• i An One good term always deservi another,! tthfcreitwill haWe-ifepubUcaq opposition in the, next House to th^ re-election of Speaker.Henderson,' f , Z 'tilllr*: JM M U W fl * i 1Vy*at-'-- >P*.. -„v _• If Mrs. NationVefforts, radical ii£| they are, result id exposing ,the ab* tmrdity of that prohibition which doe? • not prohibit, they will have be^n nf .-'SiS.i* %[<■*»lyjJ/.t- Jsw.'rfpw**>»<’ , J ,vam. . • , ft ;t 6,P,\ Uf' Stories of winter suffering, at Cap^ , ^■inU''h 6 if‘llBsen'thehi'dofo{ thri’ viTima iff! The ease' With whiuli tije‘'fofitfh£d itHri'criWolleiV theY votes 5Pthe dem-> 'heraftid^hirimberS o f the HntiSty'fifiiii* ftmlttee.dh""Ways4and1Meattfe ecratpied ~:!mubhaftbst fne’frf hi •Waahingte& 5* > ■ -V ’{ fjtiJ-- n . ,i yp/ft .. fell?; •’hi i riYABeflb papeftpuya tis this coiripli- , jnenti /^ ‘America-hasgredbajlyseized - iheilssdersbip.otsther World’sjfiiiancfei ;ifiiiirs,;andEurope,has -grown ,to,med.tO;<refceiv'iiig' it$.chief,impulse^ ^^rOni/thehusinees,'mrtyement^beypnd '&W AfiffaUeH Am* ftft xv ’ - m ., «4l I sithn't '$'*?**& T&PT^T ,i., ^h,0;;';<3hii)eses...Minister, ,,woslflucky' i m,no,t.gfjtt)Pg;h;s tJapspprfs,* % tJw^F Jng,thM Ifctttjr,. criticising, tbs,fa c ia l ^a^ogGep,. Q.tis ju^the • M he , &*arpihg .not,. t9 w^ilo,, anymore, ,fopj ^Je^terfj,,either.pubjifor.priyiiiei, „ „ fcjj Util,' 'hi.fh 5/i.,"r,Xr'"‘{,''fX h fii W >’-hm J ' ^hCfFiPopit yppilhin^I haye^gop^ sh|QUtht.f‘i teyi fp,iK‘ <t5(i ‘mSt V3 olK, right* „ I vn .x j Infj mta kxs Q.‘ tt-M 0 ’,-ftit >t\i viila'ugSViltedfthe j;Chida^ < ; teTiirtli ,?a Qrl«SW f i f t l f ’ tighiedi'^ith'nifaingh^WYVle-e fdy^jl :Wia&‘W ut6b\tr’ ’front; Ghidkgo' fe ■fpfcAXik.iHlrA lift. ’ •Tbam'iiHii Montgotaer^rPiaht iVt 6 ^ackfenvilid^; afi3 ,iPidri^a ' " >Co.V8t'Jtdf‘St. AUguitine', iirHyia^''kt| the latter city 7:30. t’^O'heitVvetiirigl making the. fastest lime evening, may log tiie'iaEfeatiimee^rmade hetweeni •Vi.eaepointir. - This! triain-has abnexi sleepefa JcaviRtf ‘^ibninnati at 'llflhj AJw, •ehl'iJt. liofllfe at iZilO' p. frii, whkh aljfx-iiitt thfoughr- Mr. 0.1i.: Staae, ^Getierah Passetger 'Agertf/ iliSuisvilfe &■ KashVill B, B .,' uobis- yille,-^ill ansvfaralUncfairieechncem- , . ''a v- WLMmm WAY. In days joug agone the would vow * Jg JpveiPI THROUGHIChFLORIDA. Eternal aflbetion, and simr t i ^ ................................. iea 1 | lh $ # i . The praise o f his love *nea •' ■ : dow™diut now ' . We’ve grown out of that sort of thing, :X«|SUtU« Witksrt' 4 *; f\ ‘ ’O A s s f ^ f ; D v y / , “a 1 _ ± . / ...S The old-fashidnwl pledge by the bright 'star# above fii-rather played but and: effete] We Jive in mqre.practical times, dear, '? ' >r«|fchire^/>,»;• .'■? - x;: /: ' .Let’s go and have somerhing to eat! .* r ’* Vo t;' f-. 7 rM»i:ch Smart Set. . y^jT^frrf 1 H’l 1r ’i ~I " ** w u “ a -GoodAd^ce,' ?t J ^ ; The most miserable lieiugs in the ;iirarjd^itm.tlipBOBii^i »g fromDyspep- feiti ahd Llviir Complhfiit. More than seVe’nty.flvQ per cent.„.of the people in. .^ratep'im^bg;nfSteted; :>i%;- i and, their effects; "these two' diseases BUch'VsSoUr Sloinach, Sick Head., C^sliyien^ .PalpltA- tron of theHeart, Heart burn, Water- brash," Gnawing "and BurningXhdns at,the.Wt. of' the ^Stomach. Yellow Skib’i Cbatyd TbnguV' hu'd' 'Blsagree- Tasia in the Moiitn,- tiomitfg up ’ of. Pood,afterdating,;Lo\v.;Spirits,. etc. Of August P^ower fqr 75 cents. Two| doses wilWelieVe’ you;1*' Try.''5ti‘ ‘‘ Get' Green’s Brize Almauab” '. 5' ' 4 - ’ " : (i m {' Whey’TUtale5 'jiftiitit, ' Stoti^bVoke—My dear.’ the wolf !s ! ',ai flic? dOOrf ';i/ r i -> f '< • Stbucybrokfrv-Is .he? -. Wcllj .tell him to wjp? hla .feetl : „.;.4, ,. . . The B^mei'.C)(jpWthea. ■ ’ ’ Mrs. CrJmsonbealt—Why la It, John, thn^thp,ppenr.nlwaya.huWmJldnisht Oilfi M .iMilCSifej; w ji-kp s j; Mr. Crlmsonbeak—Oh, I presume they are ashamed to be seen writing ,s.ucli stu^(!iri;.,tlic dtiytlmo,7rypnkcrs Statesman. ' ”■ The Corn Fed Pfallogoph«r, *‘A man,” said the corn fed philo&o» phen.n‘‘mtiai!yi ireallzeg «6 ’middle »age •'t.hat!I«M_s,a gqpd deal of a foot..though' sometlpies he needs the assistance of "Sbdie^yonbg phfson t6’ nld him liilShd. tag,itsout.”—Indlairapo1a Press; '' •‘ finft a si \ 1 -»,.|„l,;>.,?,i.,. v , '4 fd.-i-rRcports' Bhowv,ft;f4g’reat!;y iqcieasod .^ath ;vygt^hfrf>»J..itbjro^t end,,, lung Troubles^ duetto the ^prevalence of crbuK pn‘euihdhia:"and.‘. grijppo.’*’W i o p, mon , e C ’dflVisb thd'ljst o f One Minute Cough CuredlfaU bj‘’these difficulties.*' >It it Iiidgway <LCo. i ir/t i:.'i t KHoiioicrapher’lr.; ' *<> f , 'pJe^hJopkjpJeflsant," ^emurked thd photographer, ’' ' ' “ '■«RtSnnSWHVirnir Sn pvwbhttlib Cn’mcrd;: *'* ■;! ,vVAhtL nhw.' jna'ani]” the continued; '/you jinay, your natural expre^* ,}t ,n 'Slori.''~phllauefpfila Times, J ■* - ' 2 k ' ' • ;qyltliig i^nitieWItU ThtM, German &artfer-“-Neln. Dose blaniatS •T.,peffey nellprtpqtrflnl^; m?, .and ho - .batronlzedem.—Tlt-BIU. hfilB ypitjpBEAflOI^IH.Offi m i I T*ko, EUiXaUvnBrUmo-Quininc.Tab* lets,--rAn druggists refund if Us M # td cure, , ‘E. W.' Grovo’l lil^i/afufo'ls di?ekcli hqi. s25ti.' ’ ' ‘ 'a , j •■’,*/ '.mil; .' r > ,UiSi -. tin the XroiiaeoTow'teKTGtasa.' . ‘ i "Mention somd ‘familiar* example^ oi successive layers.”4 ’ } "Yes, sJn.fifitfir’tnd jenjr-cakes, Mr.’! ^^eiand/PlHl^pe^&r..... j f (^ ,*4 ’< j , .... ^ ^ ft , , favcrable CoadlUfHs^OrtafRiy. , Belle—8o Maade has Accepted; Charleyl , Would you have accepted' him if you, had been in. herpiaepf • ,I^aA-t-;lf«sry li&eljs ,Shd^ i t * m| 'hMipatt'hetmitf.,,^ *X;'* *—March Bfflart Set.' (Re^pVwwi'Wwh' ?| ‘ Mts. E. L- Masters, lit hc honie iii Monitor, Ind., used Tfcl Miles’’ 27di viheftnd Bills th:C6rb“ afair effeefe of n «•*■ X ; W h 3 '*.* ir.s .if |! - . , . . . I towp jOf Modelia(, Minfe,. used ; Mrs, A. E, Lopenr, iit the little . . ng .Bn Miles’,Pi^irt Bills r|ad^erve,ond IdYej- Bills andwas well Ip a few, days. t Bcetident McKinley isaowly recdv 1 cHng from grip and ijBpfter effects/..^ ; The readets o f ^bis •p iper wifi be *ptddifd>'1'fo ',’ieiim ;’ tbit ‘;'|hefe’5’is ' ati T««jarl bii.. huffed dlksaee ttin't edi|ti6fei -lifter been hbfofo nurcriti dll itOffcga*1| «tM that Is-i.Ciitafrhi Haifa t'Afarth'. Gnfe ft the bnly posiliye'nufe kndWn ^|d the mhdicfil BwftiYiity/;i‘ ‘ <la^fiI|hl 'l»hn^ A co^iftftuthjmil' disease; ’Jrd-: ^dfriiS A •dOhetitftfioh'nl/' tWatnidiit. CAtarrh (Jute ft Ukeh • idtdtf naliv, acting 'Hitdctly Uperh Mobil Wnd •fttuifauw ititfaittii M thcAytYem^ .♦t#»Why‘dWi'ttt^riiig the fonudMl^ t^ *th# *iliiWefe/ hfid *living th§*>pilitmt* strength by building.fp th# cdbMftiii tiori am! aaefttiffg1 fiAtilfd in doing its work. The ptdpvie^ta have m much ■^u’ thin iftcumtiv# powenf thaHbey ofikf au « hunted 4olftr* for any case li»v«ii tttt! : monftli^ .. Address t.;, M d. .Gainst dfc.HO!, Tnlivln# O ,, : **Bfn^y-Fdft ttAth# {wjt. •i George Js Efanhery waa telieveitl of the afyftd, pains dmhis hbad in fUteen minutes,^by theuBenfDr. Miles’ Bajri; Bills.; ffow he is.’, rapidly recovering At'hftficmc tu Buffalo, K. Y ." " .‘i n!,.jth -,*.1 tu -j.. S ' 1 * . t.w.; Travel convenienccefi on the Btnn- sylvania iW r^ t ill include through car sm'icejb&tu^ep Ohio aud-l^<Uan^ points and FJoridia, on and after Jan­ uary*15th.' On that dato a no^train will he run through Cinc,inntitt..via OhsttaBooga, Atlanta and Macon to* Jacksonvilleand St. Augustin#, ■: *A Slcpping-Garmnning throughly; Florida on.the new train wiH JeaVp** Bitfsburgh at 3 a, m,, over the ■Bam l%5dN, Bhuje vin’ .Kewark, Colum* bus,and Xenia, and passengers’dor ^he j3«Ujh,m>yjgdcij|hrough to'.Florida on it without cha’uge Yroiii ' the following -stations,,..leaving on, the schedule givcp each Tuesday and FritHayr Pittsburgh 3:00 a. m.^ Columbus, 2:15 p, m,, Lhndon 2:56 p m., South OhariestOu 3:13 p:m,, Cjedarville#:28\ pr. m,t Xenia 3:43 p. m., Wnynesville 4:07 p. m:, Morrow 4:27 p, m., Love-, ■land4:48 p. S rom, .Cincinnati- to Fioridaithe :in will eonaistvaf the lateatipdtterp Pullman Sleeping:.Dining and-Obser- vatiodCars; 'including -the: Sleeping Carnfrom Pittsburgh, ..Gliattanpoga •willbe reached at 5:40 a^:m., Atlanta, at 9:45 m m., Macon at 12:05<uoon, Jacksonville 7:25 p, in.j SL Augus­ tine 8:30 p. m., the. day niter leaving' home. r"' The through service will be fespeq- ’ftliy "convenient for. persons' contem­ plating trips to Florida, and the f^odtji Tourist tickets to-SiifitbiWwiritCr i*e- Horts’ho'wbn sale at special fafel' "Vilt Pennsylvania Lineswill be gbod bn ' this'mhghifWdnt thrbtigh- train.' ~ At~ 'rabg'onehfs to' travel mi' ft ihay be made through' E'. $, Keyes, Agent, X'etlarville.or. by communieiiting'with C. O, Haines, D. P. Agt,, Dayton, O./who 1 will make reservations fjr anyTuesday; or Friilny during;, the .season, . - “ I was given up to die from heart and nervous troubles paused by grip. Six bottles each of Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure and Xervine cured me/’-r John Wallet, Jefferson, Wi 3 ^- -Mrq.. , Stopii -lh 0 .OaB|bAadWait* Offiltis-Ootd, Laxative, Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a,cold in-one dayh-Xo cure, nb. pay,-' Brice 25 cents* - t -—There Is always danger*, in using .counterfeits of-DCVVitt’a Witch Hazel Salve The original is asafe and cer­ tain cure for piles. - It is soothing anil' healing salve for sores and all skip diseases. ItidgWuy&Cd. i ltl» Cauttan. Bttly ijueltlon* make-an hour, ' ■ ' ’ One for incrjr miniitp^. Atift Kcdtiy Irlts, Ivlth afl Mf itilght, To c«t mqi« qucstlana.iii-it, 1 Slrty-qAeatipnsmakeanhaur, And at: tor a rfjdr . . The-wWat nge waoldalandaghak At Ufditpq acar.chinj “ Why?” Sixtyqaeationamake’anhenjr, 'AndchtldhoadVhMir*arebrief;'* .S 6 Kcddy'haaAo’tthietowatte. tip pauses- toy .:■ !■ . ftaty. qnetUpnBmake an hour. Trettol Why, whereIsMedt .*v UlM, he’*grtno,andIntl$jb*ee'. Aqueftion.point InsteadI ■- ■ - .■■'■*■. —ChnrekmaA.*' Speaker Eenderaoni^^aiuin#hif): Clrnir in;the Hpusq ,of Repressnativcs' after'nisever# attack o f tlie grip. ’ ’ n || rsnStl .-If. .* >; " i f ' t i ' - ■* , J - 1 *- Hclfrcy,* foreman ?t the West* inghotise factory, in, Es^t 'BlttsbHrgt -had AisevtVe ntftck i 6 f grip,'' but 'JnJ usedj>r. hriie.i’'NcWSnhnHtxPAiiiBnirf Bilft aad:,Wrt*soon; Imek in;bis place;; Tilts picture is llm triidg Jiiatk of SCOTT’S EMCLSIOX, «mt is Xm every bottle of SCOTT’S Ji5lh(,: SlOH.iu the World, which non ainouiits to many luiliious youf'Tv.1 This great business has giown uv such vast p rop i tious, . . First }-Because .the., proprietoi.-, s> ReV; t f Bofly Vift iil'k seriotis con* dition at lift iiome in8fkBaris, O,, but Dr, Miles’; X3rvjpq(;j\ndXerve anti Liver Pills pulled, through .all Ijave always been.most erfr.cful a;',, selecting •the .various -ingredient t used in its .Composition, nnmch : the finest Cod Liver Oil,' and the pttrest Ilypopltospliites, : •V < SOnOrtdJ-Beomise they have W : sinllfuliy combiued tlie vafiOtirf -itjgredients that' tlie best possible resuUr, dre obtained by i-.s use, , ■ .. - **C7; Mi.Iiidgway'tus druggist, wilt rafttfid you’ ^ooP money - i f you arii1 pot **tW|£dri ftef. peingiCivAmberftjn’# Ftomaeh;. aiul Liyfr Twblftt*. They cure disordafs o f ihe stomnch, bilious- nrtitvnnefbnttioft «ml henrlar-hn,. Price 'SSSteMt#.* SlfifplftsrfrtiK. *f ■’ ■•< '' . lot M Firveh Candies tbft. trade fine»b’' fmti fhm tf: -fftd' T/i/Wr-Beeause it lias made so tiianv ' sickly, 'delicate . childron Mi'oiig hm\ healtliy, given health’ mid rosy eheeks-to so* ftisnjf pale, anaetme. girls, and .healed thelr.e-f.-'! -'it-ffSj *cer?'rtt,/'4 ,to.full bcalth <,V,j'»,wv. thousands hi the first, J: 'Consumption; tf yem-hivenet UM g. «nd is-.- i:<,i« ' S W A CGOUXTS of .Mfrdiants and in* ,.JX dividuiift , solicited." CdHcctious ' promptly made-and fcnjWed.: , ,.s. -4.v. The K ind You Have Always Bought* And which has been. • f S r ^ . W ^ ^ g R S ^ j a P S ^ J f '*■' t rTiwn' ftt’Tf'i T r r--* 4>nalsupervls!on* since Its infancy* 4 u ow no nnetodocHive yon.i^thls# ?|-w /1 ,'AHi pouuterfpits, In^taHons aod “ Just-as-gdoa” laro huh- x v BJq^lmtbrta 4hat >trI<le;with and endanger the health,off Infhnts and. Children—Hxperleiic.df agdlnst HipeWmeht* cinnati sold at lowest rates, •The send money by mail. ._ j ^ p a t j s \ C P i $ T 0 P ^ j - f i : :: ' ' ©asfcorla is a harmless^ substitute / o r Castor Oil, Pare- '• • .goric^JDrops and ^ o o t litn g 5 ,$ y r u ® s .d B ^ s g a p t .; It,, contains neitltefc Opium, ATorpTitnle not*’ ......substance;. Its a g e js sits guarantefe7;Tt destroys Worms ^ , and allays Feverishness; I f cures BlarHiajafauiBWfhd .. Colic, It relieves Teething .Troubles,.cures Coijstipptipn. ifii 14a PipMlMdst, I t ’hs|(ViiatCS 'Hie Footl, regulates- the -i .. j - ■x^i^mach.Ahdi ^owelsy gfiViug healthy and natuifalsleepi *' j The Childrens Panaceo-^The Mother’ s Friend* * < p"*' v**. i j " . a i w A v s h send money by* ^ T 4 lA » 5 « iy « fo n Ria§ iitate f B«>l * *M^onaf orTSlTutei iv{' occurityT > 6 i3' ! wihftiri ■*''*■* 'THtetNT*uneoMMWV. tvm ^ bmv »Tptcrr new yo'tiK c I tv . ‘ v1 i‘< • :,t .n il., l<‘ . Cheviots, suitable, far Waists and Gents SpringStiiftings,. Short length goods tluspsell in piece, 15,- 2Q, 25c, *w » '4ndof»»i,M. . • to e . Tiiree^-cnses Bj:ersuckor, Giughams, ■Dresses, lh *‘ea Ja e n U the’ best *gtfodti’ nnnde- for 1 ” Aprorii,'^fjiVts?'Boys’ Waists,"&ci No- fade and exheileht styies; 1200CI yds, sold bv tftTslst"year ........4 ..IOC. a «.&P caso.Madras Shirtings! ' ' 1;( f One cfl^picbldod Seersucker.;.’ 8 ^C' . Ono,eii^q.Cla¥9m—• -...... ....... -.9 ",«ot Quting, excellent’ . t o p g f t wn e . T . ... i One'Cnee of yd; wnde-'BleecheTf .Muslui/shoct'pieces...... .,.M 5 C . ‘ One cnse Of*Jbdigo Bibo.Brints, ■ •also black redand gray,, ,,.>,.„ 5 C* Large job Torcbon ahd Insert- *ing, best S e l e e t i o i i - M. . y - > ) 5G * Find time to buy •Embroideries. V ■from Us] they hfite advanced, in t h e . *e a s t . . . , ; . * . , . . ' ».,S^. 2^C. C /I A ^v, »• vfiS'M ^ •’ ■: '5- 5 <?■« 1 ■m ■th *sr» n U„n «« HUTCHISON & GIBNEY «« *■ ‘ *; f **»W >*,»> - ---* . i . ~ k ■> v . * »*».**! * K’Si’t i 7 CHURCH D IRECTORY ■R. P. Imroh—Rev,' J, V. Motion, Pnsl&iv soryites at 31:00 *?, in. g,<!^ool ,-nt .10 a. m. • . ■ '■• * ^ ■:/ . C.ovonatitcr Ctliroli—11(4 ,t W: 3\ 'Blitid'erSlin,. pastor, Sat)i>h(l\ fa'olipot■ alJO.n, t«., ;Prfiadlt* Ing at 11:00 a. m. .Young People meet hf d p, 'm, cxefcjlttlie lit* nt;U “3U-'£'KMiVUlis<tiT 0io monlk when tjioy meet at ^:!l0,.aoil,jitcaj tyr * v A Good Thing, Syrup .is tbe* 3peail p fo : .•iGermdtttffi _ ,%rip|Ioju;of sO#rr'A»!'*Bds^9i:Ape|ft b^ted,Gier^H| B|>j9li|i|tii .t0 $ , j i kpowiedged tp-he^f|e of ’iooaiiipS’b fUnafd afttloveries -^ lh^■*inedifiinel’’ ’ it- monlkwhent|ioy,meet at ijtoo. aoij.ji puifig quickly cures Couchs, Cold(f Mill lilf intfiooren'ingon tlie ist iti.b'MSalttaihs.of Lung troubles of the Bcvcrost nature, 7:00 p. m, : n ’*i’ *■•: ; removinKjiOe it,ido.eA 4 hU: 0 #U 8 e of the 1 vice*It : S ection l i v i n g the portiji" !a SebooUt ^ tm \«.. .. ^irong uijd -healthy^Wtidition,_ I t is I’nstir. , notaii experimt>ntnl nietHcinb.but hfis, : 16:45a. w -tiakbaih'^kooi’ ‘ui. 8t<Vd, the te?t -of yeara.- giviog sutis- ^'^ItbK'w^ic^jiVYcvep^^ f ^ tio,u 1° * W .Which.its rap- M»K. ^InJrcli'—llov*. A. UawiJtna Preacfiing at 9:M a, iii p, m. Prayer meeting, Wm\oics 6 ay;ovepipg'- r .............. 'at 7 : 1 ( 0 . ' Prcdeliing‘cVcty ffibtktheven- inly increasing sale every season qopt !jng-7:30'-p;. ■,vT- .firms. TWo rbililon,ooltlea iold antiUs p,m, t’rayerinceisng every nt 7:S6. "I4i?tifyotio inyitetl- •A . Si. 13. Otmtoh. lor Prfachiog at C fili every*Sabbath at 3:00 p. tn. , J’tiJirr me’etlti* 7,:39i*.,ti„ WcdtiesdAV-evo-. t-.. and k.village'in,v.the civilized world.' Three doses will relieve' anv ordinary ’'cough. ‘ Brieif'7bbts. Get GtCeris* Prize Almatfae. • • ;; * *:: .*;n IS1 Rupture or-Wnia...(jured*■ No npefations or injottionli,*nd |mift W'didiiii- fort in any way, no steel soring?&r iron fraines ho wtioden, Ivory or knril ru^ltet twlli)'. .cups, puncUe* «r pings nsc;l. XUESH crannoynmc, , • , , , i ■< Bar oatJit*for lfc« t!CP.fe of RttPTtmta 0% IIPitNIA fr my'Ie of «ofj, niateriab. *pMi a* felt, velvet, diatnois chin* anti olastiOwoUl. It Sto likea gtevo ami rare harnlijfou'nb-itiote, JT IIOX.DS voiir inf()sti(ie« Iiac(c in thsjr.Biit- \traf }>6tUiort' mid- tf.e kfburtrfWITili UtfAlIJ Hke.Sny orter wewisf, when ft, lift's The Only Way la Cure Is to hold tho Ititestinia in or bsek oll tho' time, untii’ InoWotiWsI*!- tomes grOnin together. Your Rupture Cannot be Cured in any fttlicr way. Wo have had gai years conslanland hard ennetictiee in treating; jUTPXURKS and.tfils OPTPlT. ls. .the lti?A SUfiT, Men, women Mid children made dOM*, POitTAJinB by ositfg tfiid OUTFIT, t J * Prices reasonable' and In aecordShne ,wHS. tho ease. IP JNTKRESTJ3D, please' write foriiarticuUrs, which woiwiU mull y<hf PllEp. Oh.V: « '.<1 l;» -1 l';v 'iVf Sa^SSeH#pf* :WAKTEBl i-Eeliahlb ■mnn . /or "Maiiageh, , jafi ■Brjdieb'O/fieb we wish to'open in itlji# ■vicinity., ,,If; your-.a-eenret* sis’ <O/. fC? ail opportunity; , Kindly gifo ^oibreferencewhetr:writing.-? ’ u'- A. T. M orris W h ttsk tn Hot/hk , 1 Cincimlhfi, Ohio, IllustthfeiB’ c^i ^ ^ 'e is , stamps t>;rl».*. .'tf'".? J L ^ ‘ iMhffriimi’) J& *ipb ci&ai for 'fici, Gold'Wily by Bidgkhy* : ‘ " il'*ii;.'I'nJib.iV-M-i. jM o h a w K O a ta r r^ i .OuroA. -' F op ! Gi‘jb nclsi'3 Use ‘ ! I>.*< 4 '« f. V. vit r.fni, :*((,</ . :>’i *s ij V>f.'Cv 2 }!’ ' '4,5 «?i «s'<7:.h : imk >-tjj . 4 } sold bjs*all ftrugglstsi. , Cheapen. Cures Cfiiftrfli in ftoin S'to 10 d.iyo, ^sCnrca€o5i! itt th^ . ft i 'VHIVfl ^Wti'U4» M?w %»«■,tte "T ST^d<K 'Wf f T'ry itimd.'ywi wiil he itiere Allan'pttiaaeii Jkn s wHh.ihft invosfmjpnt*. Y»nr inptity Jmpk lUssRtU^cit. €*Fi*i»frrf VOflJLfK.SfiKBDYtlOi.. ; , - , _ , RjjftSr $hyt Tott, j —Teas, Coffee and (ligiirs at Gyhy' - JiU'ifthfew, very ehchpiv. m jrellfM- trnl>A Bi%wayA(V)/ . ... W . , .fWf <e»A , J # , . ARVILLE, OHIO. _ fIB A F B f m JIw Yuik. m . Clift A / f u ------- f ‘'T3rider?,thft •hbove'lfirm-'nKiiicf,1 tlie ;meat' ttfrtrke^Ef Crbiise will"be conducted. ' All product-lb *the;*mbit jin^ wil/bp the best-^hgfttmppe^ cntfj buy*, wblph 'fimt.wuilg^ ^ith.hpuejit end /thorough. business .pi.etlioiJ^r|s enough usguranc^to the public, wl|o always want the worth of their money. . nsTBriM i J * if, in every respect. . ,j 'iAVben'kendiug childrentdireclthejn •t^'iisj'wenlway&feivefdheoniitliev Ifeet 3? M f t k t./;| Every other freight. ‘ touridays mid Holidays -cars -’feyery. hnlfijil ij £4 7 1 ' " i J they ask for; Ar -ft .Jil , 1 . «-,t iti 1 - I titt. ...*7 (.5 Ri is if .} t. -iJV GOODS DEUM^BlItP ,>!*{:- . <. ,, fTelephone,97Qi.>74.i**' if* Store 'i ill 4 ; * ,4 .Htu’ing .qpfeniug the -bMejif Store fornierlyiconducted^Uy 'E d Heushel, we will have, e ’ ” ‘5'eh o icb lin e 'd r ‘ :A; ’ . ; 6 Fresfa 1 an4‘ Salt’-'MeatS’””,f \ v ■ . u.'i.iiii.* 5 BolognaandSatisaj . f - •.»"*and everything!- ’connected' . ,» 0 ; :• with u first-class meatetom •* Weitiaridlo the ’celebrated:; • /.Kingftn (fciCcfs. Hams. :■ *» •; ?<■* r •? ,-s.i is d ■>,: 1*4 lie e rfiintt'*!V IkitnvinJc.,, Miilor.d „ j .„ j i,()VBlniid Bo.JjeViiiKm : m ni’rnn';;:,:,'-. Jj'i,.Ariolvnt • icavllle.*1 t... »;ir« « 5 n., trHb'l^i'rt "Wu^i *ui 4 ,s*!,>«fj tis* .. .tt?> 3 w ... yr- % ■ ' v ”G06 d S DELT^HRED/ '. 1 t! :<T<ilephoni} ; ,14' LOUISVILLE&MSHVILLERAILROAD J 1 ! ■* ' Tllh ' Greiit 1 ^'Osritral ' 1 j f ' ( > ..•' •.SoutbernrTrufik'Line'::* ft j ’ k r a i t e 'i T . ' f o i i f i t ^ T ' ■l ^ c f k f e c s i •J„* - -<{T- ,'_jj Jp5. IjT Now, oh sale to \“ i i* VT »*}•!« J*l ,} IJM.VirfltOjJIJll*i"? ;■? f> -ii i.n < r^ajwLtbbw:"* u, < |l* >' . l"b"' -sir- 4-l:fV» | p'"' 4"if a' rt- • I .Jri, itn ,,, • *. Write for folders, descriptivo matter s j .*™ >*.’ -i-’ 4 i rroKFi.- to U -ft r . , ;; : -;S . •' i.GejiicmtPneeepgepAgt.s . / " / • .r j -■ s e s d y u t n r i i P i i t i B s r * - 3,.{, »«|. ^ ' f e ' r ^ E M Y g s / ■ , Mj Qontral Immigrnllon and -Industrial Age^it , , LOUISVILLE. KY, . ; t-* f ' out? t/ih;?■?« \* rL'll J AncihWvfih maiiydu frits' •1,1 ".‘ft K E N T U C K Y ,'T fiN H fiS S E E l l th . i «>r'm ^ i*t%% A lA B AM A . j j .M I S S I S S I P P I , . , R Q g I D A , { ! Blue Front Stahleft■•!•*v 1 ,l:l l,.- ; 1 ) •**'• 20 *il.’.F 6 itet«m;iAveniie* iSpringfieldvO,:;,; t.-, Sl.-rs ' CtrARIEft E. T o M>, f’ r ) .r/fttlifliiR *nb ” ^ B n d ; 0 in iB g * ?lk i CTdrhejr’ High"and Limfeatorie1! sfrcitf SprihgfielrVOhidi^1 «■* ft •-? I JrtjL'ih...?, •■<?*.i titSI. Mtt,. •■-ill,*- " CoNwfifcFeiSLEnl 'M a o a n , int i ■ 'fciBdJaatUtUJ ■- ““ W'o. 2 dih^of 'huggtett; f 5i u ' - k>- m ^ w V t > i » e jmw BtAssar comw , ■tm Mfd U^yt(*«,*» ^ muiui " * Lvt-iv- I-Mivt vlirOi) hftiji. ft.. c,jr. * 0 : 00 / {■ 7:(K) ' ' . ?l;U0 10:00. , ii-: 0 C ' ' . 4 ■. 12;W0 & « « v * v , : 4;.V0 p, u»- 2:00 . -,.3;00 , . , ^ 4 : 0 ,0 7 / - 5:00 , 6 i00 r. lyieu: W a. m, 3:00 l»: 0 b • 10:00 U:00 12.00 Kofig. !;«<>' p, m, JJsOO .. 3;i)0 4:00 fufjfOr." -'i 0 : 0(1 ■ - W ’ ll) 7:00 ft 00 9:00 1<):00 11:00 .-3,^00 •• -4-- ..... ,V i*4. p ' . ' ' * * 'ti Xenia office and waiting rtom Xo 1*:BAnth Vf/i St;/Dayton office and waiting room. 15 West Fifth jSt„ opppsite .PoFldfiee. „ v* r 'tinieUieftveftfi Diiyton and Xtenia is mie hour, passing "thruT. Higldaulft; Hinliliyilfiiiloiul, Zimmerl man, llplut, Trebeius and Lucas fveh'iu!; 17 riiilea*, tare . ■"# ’:M$ ! ■■•'■ combination for car tun rHyl*-- i^sag I f J lifid Grip I Ayould Miles’ Nervine. Sold by all Druggists C l r i o l n n a t l D i v i s i o n . ennsylvanjayrtBs. SchadultifliPqttenaeryrnhis-n.imVatTlaie. kvestwara; a ii.os U5tt?2E0 ai t aa' 1 m >- 'S m ' IST* pm \V, .lell'ereon “ X^mdoiL " ij.CIlai lc&iou '* Solmn ......" Cndurvlile...“ tVitMocrdrco.,;* a- 334 ' 925 L-h 746 942 256 1805 K «,lft,... {'fe-Vjg r4J 9 53j3 13 100 S 1017|f328 ifltast **.f 1033':'340 lo^o^u^e 8 1138 "45 51 ejti . 2.4 >8 R O' l,irfxa« “ Wnyneavflio “ .Rwinnln,,,, y KonAnolwit** -Morrow Hov,I,cbnnou*‘ Mllmril,,;:.... :iuuavittiTo,.?.f Oluoinnatln. 7 -r.Ml« s(, r.h itword. .Wayi , ^liiMtnnn*,..'.; *> *jr‘jn'JugiV,n 1 ,,,“. xcttuiL 1 ?*;■ \V 1 ihoi-!{pi‘t*<y 'ft* wIlfj f'J Yi ;‘ ?RUVrii»ijSftp. htfWaw'-SpMjtJffttd,^IftWaybdiibif/niti imb'ml. IVESTWAPP. .SpriiiafloldIV W *?! f'.fi am M amam - rpHmiM "r"J'805•■:*■L ■• -5--> 3nS idptMi i|i'i3 3B , 841807 w s 3a'!b»ff4Hi?;67 ........... jf.:ft "'i -ravai 5^ 'nicS.iorisfiiV^j' ,t'! loojsVtf'ft- Mhofi’Ji.k1*U>’ •mr MletiSpp." "liaar ipfingSA*: 20! Atfjil r»5 l3i“i*M|VM g05ji,:'.jl2 ' 1 ' iatHTW 187 00 Vic.t. I*.* tAC9({)Q^|^ - a S S ‘i i » ! « o S 'S f f lS !* 'that * ruififAireli tlnlWrt^tatUm^O^nd^rom^i/Uh. more. AV6»l»iiiKionf Ph1lBtlplpU»4-jftr»t! ,XJ pw Yotk: FNo»*fi.AOl moud for'IiidiAnft^olIn and fit* XyOtU/sf 31 niMt 3 for Cliica^os • : r . - i f - f c - s a s k . - U,2sv!{i.-ft Rirrsntmqa.J’EN^’*. . ' TbrUmhAaids.ratesoffttrti.'Uiioligfi fTi'golti, bamrditc clitckli,nnd fiirtlie^Infcrjntiuon.« - fardlng. tlis rnnr.lmt of tmln.4, njiply to htij tigoptof ttjoPean*ylyunin lAnpa. E .,8 Keyes, Ajgen^Gcdkrvijiei Ohio. 8 0 YEAR 8’ EXPERIENCE avapvniQHTS <*x. Antons WSrifllmf ftnkelrbund fleaerlptlon«B*t onlrKlr Mi-srtnln.onr opinion frts whtther:#n Invention Iftpro»»l#iti»tent«bls, Cornmnnjrv tlommncllj'wmfldsoti&l. Han(lbooston BentfrMt. OHMtJbretiiTr foEftoftirltipmtetJWi reo* ItIwflwpWI[iTOOfcWfifltOj JuW8 icrmTivuttrffui uuhwnrK ipi nm .u Scientific Htnericatt Abnodtoitiely Utmtimlod werklr.*e«t3 cnlatlon of any prtentino lonrniC. *l'Ptrr.s. ••» JW.t'MWlSwjt.tHi.ftt jbsr*QU 'MDHN 1 ,(, mAtit%U(njs». W r s t ; yrjttJUo|:l9nj». 4 yqiyiiiniiini;iy;i> |1»'Vp. J■Vjd*: Civyatu, PndTradr-M'urjVoWlncd slidait: »t-; ehthu<ilne*sconauotidfo»Mooc«ATe fen . pOftOfriocitiOftpoatyr U.«.i*AttNTOr! «c and, wb canstfdrewttdHt'inletstimethant, a«* ertote f-yn WMiitftor. f,df*wi«! fhSffrtf.: Otiffte!MtdtiellH'p»t«rtia<«Bri mAw*>ed< ■, mm'-m.m'mtrmm 's=r w fTfr.” , O ps . V atcnt ornoi, wa « hinsv « in , 0. »> «WMt Tirrarlt* ettasaros “TnTTTW i i " "' ' ' •[lfirM,‘m-... . » m 'fihjriflijttg* gob g° a luYUlil ' I^PPPRaP^F^wP' 70*r*?r- ^ newiw-Rf Wbf-t’iftiwmstR f raM»ft through the strrrt*.' .jjatyimiJfiyingM'tl ttt*9to* imi^ssrml fflint ttAS?” tliea’larm engine r ’ "Hear the shoutingi '^Thero. sum*! t _ ^,’i.aarjnoowsdgwn thereeraahi I X the gUw u id bottle* smath'iog! * , t 1«*$ »')w)e creation0 ’TtaCvrin Ktotton! „.U coming »n h^r nilftbt, ^ lb's .firtsi Of rum to ligiit! pgsginjtt.ssuMthat'e jml, dngth«#*Jooamborstf” -ye T"* m , herbalriiet riie'Il dtspatch Ir, •flu; wifi stnnsli itim o dust, , ’ ., _ W , Wheeler- in Xenia (In* TQCDRfi THEGRIP, Advice df ri famous Physician. vFirat *nd foremost. BEST. . -'ftike’ bdVfi^fyourself. Your giro yreaken^d perves,wapt rest, and ^s<ai|:,.,. ii'tb.e ,attack is severe, g jj^dgrul remain* there. More fa rfira h'solt’ frnhi neglect of this ^ri'tjoji tiian’ frbin any Other cause v, $at, spariiigly* ‘Your digestive jiiuis afte ib no condition to "take , rf|;|r^e'’quariti'fics.of food, , ^Hmife-pjenty of pure'cold, wp jftualJays the*fever, stimulates the lieykto'netioH and opens up'the p KeeP . Ihe -bowels ^itj) Dr Nervn nnd Liveri i-Take three dosesofDr. Miles' N lift;perida^-'/and’ Jfyob capnbt^s ’i«kis.lmi’ieXtr|i- dose at bed time, farther control' the fever, and to' o fehtri’ftfhe1pPcoliaYiirihes ’ and piiiti jy-ip^Use, t)r. >lik*s,Pa,in Pills.. pftquicbly'Rnd effectually, end' no from -tiieir use; - T r l^ fe s l|nyeJieen thoroughly |; oionb:thap-A fmidiou„times,, apd't efficiency is thorbugly ; establisl fo htijmy^drrigstore, and they aresoli st rio§itive!'guai-aritee that' first bt fii'f «;•!,! 7 ; , * *"»> -c y.ijyyqkageh?u.eohi or-money retur ..&<1 iWestern Rates-. Reduced. >■ |onsii,tfCentral Kuilway to yointt linn^sbta, North Dakota, Monti dnhdppftgOn,-Washington and Lh Ompmbia.eacli’Tuesday, comm F *4ib - ' m ' u .,' ■12th and' continue i For’fietailed inforipatiori-- in^uft lietire^ ticket agent', pi*address • jr.'jD, Campbell' D. P. A., 52 rewBuildingfClricinnati, O., C [nhupn. H^Pft A., 621 Park B ^ittsl^rgrBaM ot Jos. C: Pond, ( ftssejigeg .Agrint Milwaukee, Wis * j / ________ ______, ft - .;. ft’ ^ PUBLICSALE. ^Ji^ill Boll at my fnrm-2£ miles o f'C ed a fy lile^ T h F ebruar -atsl.o’clock, the following ^’OfiWhbi-Be; ‘-1 mule ; -2 head of e .Viib'with' bid^ 1 1 hogs.. 3; brood -.:»!)'/ 8,ifee4{ng .fiogs;4>vagrih,{ 2. s windiriili? 1; A)leCorm>ck .b)mftr; . household goods; fifty shocksof f ind several stands o f bees, . .................. / ■ * x w . ; e t a / >>ril Kni ;F«?r tti*> Grip, I wfsli to call the ottemioii' o public to , i vww*done Jyy the B/ lM;gUh ,of ih? city of bondon tlmp the .grip,was epidemic there years ago- It seems! that they I (,hulieiins 5 -invpublic, places tellln ,people ^ha,t .whca taken with tin -they-should drink freely of. lemon ;diluted With, water, or strong lemi JChlsfthriUld be .taken hob If. tUi j s s m i t ' ....................... . ,n the heglnnlng they wouh np: 0 ther unofilcine., Itt, the met .take, eyery precaution agMnst rttoJd.,,One AWng*ft -certainr-hot JpJccftOrt}eiri 9 rtRd«t ft a great remr ia^ughu.fuad coltft.—-Brooklyn . ft-;,,, jifitiM lU lir i] F ln U n i. 'phe ypqiinticin of; Finland p :|hf,Se.. It decreed that n , trings e? .people frir tbe discus. SticlaL seientlitc b.r economic m sligT Permitted ,without epe Cense, and even then only in th taco o j the. police, .Thus the mi . >W , tlie faculty o f : t il? . b’ rilver HeWtigforfep)vst not coipe toge dl*Hi« the ,nature Of the re -}\tL tn 'without,first getting a . from - the,! Itussian police, an statist have !*» Gtftsack, knout 1 AtBbpg, ihetn at their meeting. .Muscovite cWlUeatioaIs a:floe Kent Y o r k ■ . . : p d R f t S A i .1 One. pair of good D r a f t j ^ a r e s v , 30 PL.ushelspi-extra • • ^ S e e d O a t s . - •. Ajao a limited quanfi Beardless S|iri«ig - fo r sadiple and a t o ffic e o l ) . M . ■' & S o f t *