The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26

' ' / •&ocd pel f e im a t Th* Gyp«f* $5 and 35c. $tlw W fam BUI, of Xvote; is the *»ert tide we#k«f 'Dr* *ad V hl JS*. 0 , Ogteftbw. M m 4 m m Tbwnatey j« recovering sfowly fmm U grippe. Oa Wednesday* a»W, G- Wteenmu wnd RT Cr Kyis cam* to town Ed, ' Bpetasftrwjyj found near tbe railroad ir-osting pnoocsclous. H e was taken to hi* home where he wen revived^ Hearttmubte was the cause. .. —Wjxen you are bilious,, use those ' famous little trills koowrt as-DeWUt’ft l i t t l e Early Risers to cleanse the liyei* and bowels, th e y ' never gripe, Ridg* way dc Co.. Mrs, O. A. Spabr, of Xenia, spent Tuesday with 'Mr, and Mrs, James' "Townsley* Remember the Hungarian Gypsy Rand a t the opera bouse to night, 4 H r. Hutchison’s lecture was an intarestipg report of the many things he-saw while, on- ’his tour. A t the close .of the lecture the costumes of ‘ the women in that country were ex* hibited,—Sidney Nows, Mr, J . 8, Brown this week sold to ’ Mr* Caleb Core, of Roxabe}l,0., three ,,Durac Jersey brpod sows, Mr. Obre j;also bopght some of the same* breed from Mr, Edwin Foust, “Xhad . been in bed three weeks with grip when my husband brought me Dr. Miles’ Nervine, Bain Pills and Nerve and Elver-Pills* -I was cured.-' ■ Mrs, X Renier. Frauklin, Ind,. A t a meeting o f,,tbe<Associated Board of-Education of the*'State at Columbus, last-week, Hon. Horace Anfceney wub make a member o f the legislative committee, and Mr. H, 0 . Dean, of Jamestown, was selected as ", a member of the executive committee. ■ X few good seats,are left: for tlie eh* , tertaipment to-night. G,et them be- fore i t is too late ,. * - Twelve insane persons, whi were able to work, were removed from the Greene county infirmary to the insane , hospital a t Dayton, last week- Thir­ teen Jemain, ntast of whom are help less.1 'A recent law does not ullow tlie. confining ofjnsane person iujnf irm- Aries. V; '* ’ • —See that you get the original De- Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, .when - you ask for it. The genuine iVa certain cute for piles, sores and skiti diseases. . Bidgway & Co. Charlie Nagley, o fDelaware, spent • vtbe first Ofthe jveek here the guest Of relatives and friends. ;Miss Perditta Bridgeman has been v$ty ill for two weeks. Dr. W. P . Madden* ,of Xenia, is in attendance. ,j<#After sufferibg for two months, a/xevere attack of grip I found quick relief and.u lasting cure by using Dr. M iWNervine, Pain Pills nnd -Heart Cure,”—Harry ■Abbott,-? Cincinnati, Ohio. I - # ' * ’ a Miss Mary Templeton visited her ‘ , sister* Emma, a t Dayton the first o f . .the week, „ ' . . My heart and hand another claimed, His plea bad .come too late. I t’s ever thus with people without pluck and vim, Take Rocky Mountain Tea,.don’t get left again. ABk your druggist, Mrs. P rank Sherman entertained, Tuesday, in hojnor of Charles Tin dall’s .twenty-first hirth-day. Those { iresent were; Misses Florence Pend* urn, Essie Bridgeman, Effie Duffield, Florence Richards; Ed Pendlum, James Duffield, Andrew Winter* Clarence Owens,'Win. Thurman. . —La grippe*“-our Honey Of T a t relieves and cures, fiidgway & Co, Mies Hannah Carson is convales­ cent from a severe attack o f asthma.- —Prof. Ivison, ofRonaoonfog, Mel., suffered terribly from neuralgia of the stomach and indigestion for thirteen years and after the doctors failed th cure him they fed him bn morphine. A ftiend advised the use of KodoT Dyspepsia Core and after taking i few bottles of it he says, “ I t has cured me entirely. I can’t say too much for Kodoi Dyspepsia C u re " I t digest# what you eat. Ridgway *&Co, ^ Dr, Hutchison’s lecture was the moat realistic,* plain, simple pfteenta tkm o f that most interesting subject it Was ever tbe pleasure of oar people to have presented here.t It- was not a lecture, bu t a presentation ofthe.cen* , tral spot# of that historic land in pic tore form, life size, so you forgot feu were looking upon a picture,* 30 Herald. 'r Those, who mte» the entertainment; t o n s i l stiU rates. one .of the b p t ep- meats o f tbe year," . Alexander-in partnership with hie son, Fisk, will s ta rt« carpet stofe. *x**Acomplete line of harness at Herr & Hastings? Bros, Homer G . Wade, p f Springfield, spent last Sabbath frith Cedarville .friends, The entertainment- a t th? opera house to night,promises fa be the best number Of the lecture course. - —Puny children with weak con stltutions can attain an unusual de­ gree &f bodily and mental Vigor by taking Rooky Mountain Tea this month .madttby .the Madison Medicine'' C», Site. Ask your druggist.. The-. Sophomore and. Freshman classes of Monmouth college had a sensp Monday morning in which they tore down the door to the cnpalo and part o fthe stairway. Pres. Lyons was unable to control them and called in the police Twenty-seven were ar­ rested and fined 1$ and costs, amount* , fug to £12. The boys declare that, ttegf/wlfi go to jail rather thaw pay the fine. . ' - Vegetarian. -> 1 Baked Beans. With Tmsatoi Banc?. • . ‘ NoMaati No Fat. „ , Mr*. m i Mf§» G. E.«J‘obee?wnter^i talnad the State Institute speakers, “ ■ : FirriSworth, a t thear :btew' Sa tea , Tfatiattey evanlug, Miss Mary Paris, of Indianapolis*, Ind ,ia makings short Visit' with the family of Mr. Frank Spencer, * “ My stomach was grip, and I .Could eat nothing but crackers and, milk-, I .began taking D r .' Miles? Nervine #nd Paiu Pills and the trou­ ble disappeared.”—-Mrs; J . Lindsey, Montrose, Minn, - Mrs. Ben Anderson entertained about thirty guests a t dinner at her pleasant home near Clifton.- .—Thestomach controls the situation. Those who are hearty and strong are those whp-can cat and digest plenty of food. JKodol Dyspepsia Cure di geSts what you eat and allows you to eat all the'good food'you want. I f you suffer from indigestion, heartburn, belching or any other stomach trouble, this preparation can’t help but do, you good, • The mast sensitive stomachs can take it, Ridgway & Co. , D r. Hutchison- closed his series of three lectures lust evening, to a good audience. . Everybody speaks in high termS of them.—Xenia Gazette. We have to thank Sammy Me Caugbu, of Ballymoney, Ireland, for current numbers of a Loudon paper and One published in his native .town. Good papers. Sammy, but American journals are away .ahead of them. —Smoke “ Djiis Especial” 5c. Sold only by Ridgway &' Co. "Our -representative, Hon. Horacs Ankeney, was iu attendance ai the Institute, Wednesday. Mr. Caleb Core, ■of Roxabell, O,, was the guest of his brother-in-law, J . L, Houser, a few days this-Week, and while hUre took' in. the Institute. -Rev, H . B. Turner, of Monmouth, III,, is the guest of his father, Mr. Adam Turner, of Clifton. “ Grip made me very weak aud nervous with tightness of chest and headache. Dr, Miles’ Paid Pills’rtnd Nervine gave me quick relief,”—■ Mrs. Oterinda Butler, W. Wheeling, Ohio. - Dr, 'Hutchison gave his lecture “ Through- Samaria” and' Galilee on Horseback*” ‘to a.crowded house last evening. I t wad,a graphic picture. His descriptions' made the places of interest so real that the listener felt as though he was oue of tho company, He is an eloquent speaker,—Ripley Bee. • H ea r tbe impersonator, Charles Ed bfert Grant, with the Gyjisy Banb this evening. i , ►' O. M. Crouse attended the annual meeting of the Hardware Dealers As­ sociation a t Cincinnati, this week. At the end of the, session, yesterday, he left for a-two weeks sojourn in Wash­ ington, D. C. and his native heath. “ Grip robbed me of my sleep-and I, Was nearly* crazy with neuralgia and headafebe. Dr. Miles’-Paid Pills and Nervine cured me.” —t Mrs. Pearl Bush, Holland, Mich; The ceremonies attending the lay­ ing of the corner-stone on- the new court house will be conducted by the Masons, March 15* —Coach, Buggy and Wagon bar* new all grades ana prices a t Xcrr & Hastings Rroa. The most gratifying reports o f Tom Tarbox-s health is received almost daily from the Physical Culture sani­ tarium, New York. He is gaining in flesh and has not had a touch of asthma since he began treatment* No drugs of any kind are used. The treatinent consists entirely o f Nature’s remedies—hydropathy, ^application of water), fasting,t deep breathing, and exercise? The idea of eating during ; sickness is scouted a t the sanitarium, they, taking as their guide the horse, tlie dog, the Cat, and other dumb brutes which will not touch food when ilk . < “ Failing to find relief from the grip with old methods, I took Dr, Miles' Pain Pills, Nervine and ‘Nerve and Liver Pills and was permantly cured / —Gust. Egan, Jackson, Mien. '*The residence of W. R. Sterretl is soon to be wired for electric lights. We are glad to see the people appre­ ciate a good thing* .BobNelson, formerly with Agent Reyes, has ju st graduated from the Morris College of Telegraphy, Lex* ingtert, I i y r - -Smoke “ Royal Arms’’ a lOo cigar fo? fie, Sold only by Ridgway A Co.* “ Human Hearts” one’of Hal Reid’s plays, which was to be produced bore this week has been canceled* - •Headache often results from a disordered condition o f the .stomach and constipation of the' bowels. A dose or two of Chamberlain’s Stomach afid Diver -Tablets will correct these dtordars and cure the headache. Sold by €< Ai. Ridgway, $r*nfe Harper and wife, of James­ town, took dinner Thursday with his mother, Mr* 0* J* Harper, of this p b p '. v c . • • l —Ladios, Do no t purchase your pew spring dress until ybu have seen our S a m p l e H o o k of fine spring Dress GoodsfroRr^Uich weave, tak­ ing orders foir any number o f' yards you want in B r o a d c l o t h , V e n e ­ t i a n s , C o v e r t s , dec* “ a t Bird’fl\Msinmoth Store. Reed"O wsjub has been entertaining a species of the “ grip” this week. “ I had grip three months; could nut deep; pain all over and headache very bad. Dr;-Miles’ Nervine, Pain Pills #nd Liver Pills made me well/’ —Mrs. E . C,.Boyvlhy, Waterloo, Ind. Miss Jennie Morton came home last Saturday night ou account of the sick­ ness of her mother. Her mother hav- ^ng gotteu so much better she will re­ turn to her work a t Minneapolis soon* Dr! P , R , Madden, P rac tice lim ­ ited to EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT, G lasses.Accurately Ad- jiisted. Allen Building, Xenia, O. Telephone;—oftke No. fi, Residency No, yf. Mrs,David Shroads came home from Dayton the first, of the week, bringing her daughter, Mrs.'Rader, with her for a short visit, “My heart .was badly affected by an attack of grip and I suffered iutense agony until I began taking Dr. Miles’ Heart Oure. I t made me a well man.” —S, D. Holman, Irasburg, Y t., , John Townsley and- family enter­ tained Mrs. Oscar Spahr, of Xenin, Monday. —The lingering cough following grippe calls for One Minute Cough Cure. -For dll throat aud lung trou bles this is the ouly harmless remedy that gives immediate results. P re ­ vents consumption. Ridgway & Co, ; Mrs.-Bless Bird has been worse this week and her friends have givefi up all Hopes of her recovering.. —Counterfeits of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve are liable to cause liloocl poisoning. Leave them alone. The original has the name DeWitt’s upon the box and wrapper. I t is a 'harm­ less and healing tailve for skin diseases. Uuequnied for piles. Ridgway & Co, Mrs. Nellc Murdock came home from the city Thursday on account of the serious illuesS of her grandmother^ Mrs, Bird. —Like Oliver Twist, children ask ask for more when gi ven One- Minute Cough Cure. ' Mothers' endorse it for croup. I t quickly cures all coughs and colds and every throat and lung trouble. ’ I t is '■*- specific for ' grippe and asthma and has long been a well known remedy for whooping cough, Ridgway & Co. , Mr.and Mrs.>V.C.Wiseman and sis­ ter Blanche departed Thursday, for Dayton, where they have bought prop­ erty, and will make tb it city their fu­ ture home, They have been keeping house for Roland Kyle. * —Potatoes per bu. 55c, Tomatoes 3 cans for 25c, Corn' 3 wins for 25c, Shredded wheat Biscuit per package 10c. •? - /■ a t Bird’s. The family of Thomas Tarbox will move next week to Joseph Mc­ Afee’s house on Xenia Avenue,. , The Gypsies," The Gypsies tonight. OUTHS* DEPARTMENT. I ip o r ta n t P a r H o y #—Jt Tw raeM —S io a v fta ta am . B oroui filer. CLIFTON NOTES. Mr. E. W* Wing sold his grocery to Mr. Harry Smith, this week. Ru­ mor has it that Smffli bought it for W. B* Clark. Miss E tta Russell entertained a se­ lect few of her friends Tuesday even •ing. . , -..___ Giir popular farmer, Ben Anderson, entertained quite a good many a t din ner Tuesday* Wm* Clark has a tte s t got in the push and has bad La Grippe, We are glad to see Dr. Harris out again. Even the Dre, can hav the grip* Geo. Iliff,and Joe Johnson went to Springfield to join the Regulars, Tues­ day, Quite a number from here have the army fever* Mis* Chas. Iliff has been quite sick with the la grippe. But .is getting better. _ ? . - ~ Let’s all join in a hunt and kill all the ground hogs, for the sign certainly is proving true* Most of the people here are sick arid consequently there is hot much stir. The scholars are all looking happy this week as examination is on! Well that always made us smiiefafter'it Was over) Rev,Brownlee preached to men only on tes ’uesday evening. ■I t certainly was a treAt to hear such a talk. And we are sorry that all people in this community were notapfetent, -'-Fo r home colters, lines, bridles and everything in the harness line try K e rr A Hastings Bros, B m y count*r boy whose ambition it la to ”*o to the city” should ask him­ self th® following points; they are sug­ gested by a very level headed man; JBenjanjln Franklin, one of the. most sagacious and practical of the world’s great statesmen, had the habit; It is said, of reducing every puzzling prob­ lem in life to a series'of written ques­ tions and answers.' “When I can see them before my eyes, X can master them,” he used to gay. There are hun­ dreds of boys and girls today on farms qnd in country villages who are eager to go to the nearest great city to “try. their luck.” We offer a few questions for them to consider before making their decision, ' First.—I am going to. the city in the hope of making my fortune,. Is there any duty a t home on which I shall turn my back when I goiflay duty weight­ ier and more urgent than tpat of mak­ ing my”fortune? Second.—For every dollar to be earn­ ed there are at least n competitors in the city for one here in the country. What qualities have I that will insure me success over tho other nine? . Third.—Tlie jack of all, trades, or “handy man who can turn -his hand to anything,” Is not wanted in the "city. Ho is speedily trampled out of Bight. Success is to be won only by the men best trained in. their own trades or pro? fesslons. What trade or profession have I? Wlmt proof have 1 given of specia] ability in any trade I have in mind dr that may seem attractive to me? Fourth.—Have J energy, skill, pleas­ ing manners, tact, to will me A place where the crowd and the competition are so great? Or Is my only qualifica­ tion for town work discontent with borne and village life and unfitness for work in the country? Fifth,—At home I have the good will and friendship given to my family and to me by people that have known mo since-1 was born. . This is a valuable capital, out of which happiness can be made to come. What is there in the city to atone for the lack of It to a poor, fricudfess hoy? Isn’t there some occu pation In the' village or the country town that I can secure, or cannot farm ing, with energy and industry, he made to give me an adequate livelihood? .‘ These questions if gravely considered may lead a boy or girl of common sense to a wise choice a t one of .the great turning points of life.—Philadel­ phia Times.’’ ' ■ A Dozen Tamers. A father with a glorious sense of humor or a .mother wholly lacking In it must have been responsible for the fol­ lowing list from the entries In a family Bible of 'some people named Turner. The-names are those of the 12'Chiidren of the family and were taken down by an English clergyman daring a pasto­ ral Visitation: -1. Turnerlna de Margaret, .2. Tumerannah de Mary Elizabeth, 8. Alfred Fits Cawley de Walker. 4.- Bernard de Beiton. * 5. Cornelius de Compton. j 6. Turnerlpa Henrlea Ulrica da Gl<h ria de Lavlnia ltebekab. ' 7. John de HHlgreave. ' Egniah de George Turner Jones. 0. Fighongbangai O Temardugb Hope de Hlndley.- lO. Turnwoll William ap. Owen de Frulgh. • 11. T.urnerietta de Johonnah Jane de Faith. . . ' . ' 12. Faithful Thomas. “Human Hearts.”, ” Do not miss seeing one of the great­ est of melodramas, one that takes possession of the spectator and-move# him to tears and to laughter with equal skill; we mean the powerful story of life in the hills, Hal Reid’s “ Human. Hearts.” I t will be given a t Xenia ‘ opera house, Thursday March 7', by a company of capable players; wbo present the. play in a manner' seldom equalled for excel­ lence, , COUNTYAUWTOlt. We Arc authorized to announce JOHN If, McPHEfitiON as a can- tiittete for 're-election to ih? office oi AtiniTon of Greene Collnty, <)„ mtft. jeot to the Republican primaty elec­ tion, April lit , 1001* NEW SHOBT STORIES. f B itltr Y, r»—The Tw«h* « i ’», T h rm A—T b e S w i s s t a w k • 4 v r* the ciwmbaiM “Jim Butler, tho big fellow from St. Bouts, who has been elected to the next house of representatives, is the leading character In. a good story told out our way,” remarked John P» Mackllff, an Interesting raconteur from the Mound City. “I cannot vouch for the trath of the narrative,"but as it runs Jim was making a epeseis In the late campaign to an pillience of stockyards employees and proceeded in. a rich Irish accent to berate trusts and comblnatons, * ‘You must bate the trusts, or they will ate you up,’ declared tbe then can­ didate for congress, who is really a competent -man, possessing plenty of intellect to cope with bis future associ­ ates In the house, ‘nere yon. bev bed the sthreet cars In St, Loois. It used to be could ride to the Four Courts for 5 c.lnts, and thin you pade 5 clpts more to ride to the stockyards. That was tin cints a day. Now, pbat bnve they done? You pay five cints to ride to the Four Courts,where they give you a red pace of paper that takes you to tbe stockyards for nothing; 5 cints going and 5 cints coming, tin^cints a day. “ ‘It used to be that you could walk- and save 20 cints,’ continued the St, 'Loufe- statesman,- preparing, to clinch b)B argument and speaking Wit! great emphasis, ‘but now you kin wall and save ' only tin elnta a d ay /”— Washington Post. THE SPORTING WORLD, President Ban Johuson of tbe Amari­ etta Eeague of Baseball Clubs, former­ ly called the Western league, is an ideal head^for an organisation of this sort, He understands the sport right down to jtbe ground and when present a t* game is always the most enthusi­ astic rootpr on the grounds. Mr- John­ son was himself a good player in hi* ’ ®- T lie TcwcUer-’n T h r e a d , There is nu anecdote !ft some volume of French t* eatrlcal'memoirs narratJng an experience, of Mile, Clalron, the gfent. tragic actress, with n pupil of hers, a girl of strong natural gifts for the histrionic art. but far too frequent and too exuberant In. her gesticula-’ tlon. writes Iirander Matthews in Har­ per's, Magazine. So when tbe pupil .was once to appear before the public A S ton« l!*ed « • * B a rom eter. It is said that there la a stone in the northern part of Finland which .Is used as d barometer by the people of the-vil­ lage-near which It stands* This strange and accomiribdntlng stone, called "II- makiur” la Finnish,, turns black or blackish gray when it Is about to rain, but on the approach of fine weather Is thickly mottlgd 'with white spots. It Is supposed to be a species of fossil, mixed with cloy, and containing rock salt niter or ammonia. These chem­ ical substances have great attraction for motsture, and the dampness of a t­ mosphere that precedes a storm acts upon-them and renders them almost invisible* But when the air ls"dry and sunny weather is tn store for that part of the world these chemicals become dry In turn and show up plainly In* tbe white spots that th‘e Finns have learned to use as a weather guide. . Public Safe* I will offer a t public sale, on the Daniel Marshall farm tfiree*miles east of Cedarville, Wednesday, March 6 at 1 .o’clock the following property; Two brood marcs, one yearling filly* one cow, two brood sows with fifteen pigs. Farm implements and house- bold goods. Fifty shocks of fodder* Wm. Bailey. |Church Announcements | Public service morning and even* ing'Babbath, by the Pastor, Ii., Hatn ilton* Theme; A*.M.. “Marks-of A genuine Revival,” P. M,, "Peter’s Denial.” Special services every ery evening during the week, as an flounced* Rev L. Olensteyger, the noted Evangelist who is' how conduct­ ing a successful, meeting in Wilming­ ton, O., will be present by Monday or Tuesday evening, to assist the pastor. New Hymnals have been purchased. “ Come thou with us*’’. t f t R. P Church, W, J* ,Sanderson, pastor, 11:00 a, hi. Solicitude for the Ark. 7:00 p. m, Complete in Christo ANNOUNCEMENTS* TIME TO MAKE THE GESTURE. In a recitation MHe. Clalron bound the girl’s.arms to her side by a stiff thread, and sent her thus upon the stage. With the first‘strong feeling-she bad to ex- -press tbe pupil tried to raise her arms, only to be restrained by the thread. .A dozen times In the course of her recita­ tion she was prevented from making the gestures she desired, until a t the very end she could stand It no longer, and In the climax of her emotion she. broke her bonds and swung her hands to her. head. When she came off the stage, she went humbly to where Mile. Clalron was 'standing in the wings- and apologized for snapping the thread. “Bui yon did quite, right,” said the teacher, “That was the time to make the gesture—not before!” - - - w * s a y i n g lU ia clu There is in the property room p t tho. Gomedto Fraucalse the bell which they say was rung to prepare the massacre of St. Bartholomew. Everybody ' has been thinking of this and other historic things. For there has been a curious Incident in the chamber of deputies. M. Vaul Doschanci, the president, has found bis congregation so' unruly that he has broken his bell twice. This awkward Incident compelled ’him on one occasion to try to maintain order with bis paper knife nnd on the other produced much merriment In the cham­ ber* “Send for tbe SavoyardeJ” cried out one member, Now, the- Savoyards Is the great bell tn the gr>at new church which surmounts Montmartre, a. huge bell which sounds almost all over Parts. It was a hearty and healthy laugh which followed this cry. And It helped the president more than a doz­ en bells even from the towers of catbe-! drats, because when a Frenchman laughs he forgets to be angry, A C am pn icn Sonic F o r S ale. Jere Matthews of Indiana* erstwhile correspondent, but now ft full fiedged lawyer; Is custodian of the Fairbanks presidential boom for 1004* He Is tlie personal representative of the Indiana senator. He knows everybody and Is the busiest man at the capital. Naturally the persons with schemes come to him. Day before'yesterday a portly woman trailed him throngh the corridors of the’ capital and finally caught him in the rotunda* She back­ ed him up against ft pillar and kept him there for 15 minutes, talking ve­ hemently. When Matthews got ftway, he ran' back to his .senator's commit­ tee room and sank Into a chair ex­ hausted* '■■■..,■ "What did she try to do to you, Jeret" asked a friend. * "Wanted to sell me a campaign song for use In 19(14 entitled 'On the Fair­ banks qf the Wabash,'” said Mat­ thews.—Washington Star. U 8T OP LETTERS. L ist of letters remaining uncalled for in the Cedarville postoffice for the month ending March 2* 1901. , L ist No, 9. , Christ Mason Hand, E, R . • ' , - Johnson, B itft.. , . T N* T ahb OX, P M, —New Drop California Apricots Peaches, Prurfips, Grams and Raisins i t Gfaj-V,' ‘«j7 P resident n, s. johnsox . younger days. He caught for the Ma­ rietta (O.) college team and was re­ garded as the best amateur player lit that position In tbe state. When the baseball wav was on in 3891 between the National league and American as­ sociation, Ban JohnSon was secretary of the latter body and proved himself a fighter .of the first .water. Under his careful , management the American league clubs were very successful financially. ' in d o o r G o lf G am e, Golf, with all Its dialect and diffi­ culties, may soon be classed with cro­ quet and sliufileboat'dl Tom Bendelow, who caddied ..for.Vardqn in several of the Englishman's, bta matches, has adapted i’ >sport for indoor play. Ac­ cording? ta his own enthusiastic descrip­ tion, the game may be enjoyed In any. good slj.ed. well lighted basement. The teeing ground is a mat- Fifteen yards away Is stretched a huge net. On this is marked, a square whoso sides are about four yards long. This square is divided into six sections,.and In tho center of'the upper middle section is a circle about a foot In diameter. This la the object point. A ball Inside this circle is reckoned perfect In heighJ..and distance. . ; ' Figuratively speaking, a stroke which lilts this bullsoye Is considered "dead." and -only another stroke is necessary to,"hole out” "Tf, however, the ball goes to either side, the player mast take ari6ther stroke to get'on the putting green! and If the ball strikes In the lower sections tlie player is com­ pelled to take two or three strokes be­ fore he can put. As each section of the square counts for a certain number of yards, any course can be played, theo­ retically speaking. - The putting green Is of canvas, with the hole laid in tho center. After the player has covered the requisite number of yards on the square he places the ball on the green and plays as he would out of doors. , To those wbo can neither Indulge In Fiorida tournamvnts nor sllpjtway for a gome among the Lakewood pines and who are anxious to keep "on their drive” during tbe winter months this simple device may appeal. ■ Wtth*v«r. - *tu» t>wt t»a own tMna&rtunwf •ad ealUDiruitt {AK ilB sP ateat VeHeo MaclilHe •Sown itbore. The . 1*^0 lamanufactured uncter patent* *» tnUfflre:—Fo.'XK,aS leaned Jan. US.1MI1; Ho. 330, 1 K 1 issuedApr. i, lSiS;anii Ho, 513,608 leaned March 20, ml. , u Themachine attache# thoVienna .tothe strands by loops of wire. We.hare received notice from- certain farmers In this vicinity ..thetthere la utiattempt lo eollect ' royalty from fanners using fence made. with, oar machines on a patentdatedin hso , many yearn after' our earlier patents. ....... Woespecially request any farmors threatened with suit on accountof using our machines to • send all papersto us utonce andwewillassume the defense pf tlie suits so far os the same pertalatotUe" , ^ Lansing Patent rFence Machine Wealsodeslrenny' farthera receiving writfed; notices regarding this mutter to forward tha- sameto ns atonce, so that we can take such steps as ere necessary to protect fanners in theuseof our improved machines, Wohave employedlawyersfor this purpose. Do you Intend buying, a rifle or pistol? If so* get tbe best , which is a STEVENS Kiflea range in price from?4,00 to $75.00. For large nnd small gome, also for tapget.practice. Pistolsfrom $2.50 to $20.00. Send stam p ■ fo r largo catalogue illus-il'. •tratlng com plete line, brim ful o f valuable inform ation to sportsmen* . . l.-STEVENSARMSMOOLCd^' Onr fee returned if we fo il.. Ahy one sending sketch' and description of any invention w ill' promptly receive our opinion free concerning' the patentability of sam e.1“ How to- pbtuiu a Patent” sent upon request. Patents sechrcd through us advertised for sale ntour expense,'' Patents taken out through us receive special Ytotice, witliCmtcJiarge, in Tun P atent R kcohd ,.' an illustrated .and widely circulated journal,’ consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, • . VICTOR d . EVANS & CO. 1 (P a te n t Attorneys,) E vans B u ild in g ," WASHINGTON, D, C ., In te r n a tio n a l n e r v in g Raced, ■An English crew hns. never won In American waters,-while Columbia and the Vespers' of Philadelphia arc the onlyfAmerican crews to be successful on the other side. Columbia won the Steward’s cup fo r fours at the Henley regatta In 1878. Tlie London Rowing club, the Trinity crew of Cambridge and the Trinity college crew of Dublin were represented In tbe Centennial re­ gatta. in 18*0 In the four bared race. The London Rowing club defeated the Northwestern crew In the first heat, the late’“Father Bill” Curtis occupying a seat tn the American Bbelk In the second bent the London four won from the Yale crew, made up of Robert J. Cook, B. U. Ivcllog. Julian Kennedy and Fred Wood, It looked then as If the Londoners would make a clean sweep, but In the finAl heat the Beavers wycks of Albany outrowed them In a sensational finish* Tit 1871 England sent two profession­ al fotirs to'tbe Saratoga regatta-' \Thfy were known as the Taylor-WInshlp arid Renfrew-Sndler crews. Both were beaten by the Ward brothers, *Ellis Ward. Pennsylvania’s rawing coach, befog a member of the victorious crew* I n te r c o lle g ia te V io k tln s Rcfcdttit. Yale and: Harvard have taken the lead In arranging an Intercollegiate yachting regatta. Harvard proposed the scheme to. Yale some time ago and met with immediate encouragement* Together they will Issue a general, in­ vitation to all American colleges to en­ ter* Tbe Idea at present is to have the event decided a t Newport About the time of the annual New York Yacht club regatta In'August. Present plans limit the size of boats competing to tho 20 foot water line. A number of Har­ vard yachting enthusiasts have agreed to present to the hew Intercollegiate yachting association as soon, as it is formed an amount to go toward the purchase of a peri>etua! challenge tro­ phy cup, with the Understanding that competing boats must be owned a nd , manned by members of the colleges. Plans of lit* Cyclist*. Bobby Wakbour, F. J, Cadwell, the professional cyclists,-aud probably Ar­ chie McEnchern will form ft pace fol­ lowing team which next season will be managed by Al Smith of Waltham. Tom Eck will train them, and so as to be with Eck John Johnson wilt be. one of the teatn. Michael. Elkes, Wakbour, RosA and McEaehern- will ride on th e ; early circuit In the south. Dyspepsia Cure pigestswhatyou eat. I t artificially digests the food andaldft Nature in strengthening and recon-. structlng the exhausted digeative or­ gan*. I t lathe latest discovereddigest- ant and tonic* No other preparation can approach It In efficiency* I t In­ stantly, rellovesatid permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion* Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach* Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgla Crampsand all other results of imperfectdlgestlon. PriesMc.anaft. LargoaIzecontains3k time*. tm&U«UwBGokauaboutdyapepsl*m<ui*(UrM Prepared by E. c. OtWITTACO-. Chicago* FACTS IN A FEW LINES. N o t ic e * The Cedarville,Protective Associa­ tive will meet a t the Mayor’s office, Saturday, March 9, a t 2 p. m, A full attendance of r 1) mefhbera fs de- sifed. H D*Bradftite, President* “ When I Was prostrated with grip and my heart and nervet were 1 h had shape, Dr* Mitew' Nervine aud Heart Cure gave me new life and health,”—-Mrs, Geo. Oolite, Elgin, ill, There are no statutory .holidays In Mississippi, Kansas or Nevada. Belgium has no navy except a train* ,Ing ship for tbe merchant marine. Out of 750 samples of wine analyzed a t the French municipal laboratories 09 pulywere pure. Cvfifornla sends $1,000,000, worth of canned fruit to Germany a,year,, and more ls wanted* ' I t Is the custom of the Alabama dis­ trict of the United Mine Workers to elect a negro as vice president. A 40 foot channel Is to be dredged ,ln New York harbor* nntbthe work wilt be -done by the two largest dredgers In ex­ istence. During the century a total of about 10,006,000 people hnvettome from for­ eign countries to make their homes In the United States. ■■ . Among the learned professions. It haa been decided* must he admitted alt li­ brarians If they are property Qualified for their business, ' An automobile driver in New York Who overcharged ft customer and put the difference fn his pocket has been convicted of petty larceny, * It is estimated that the wheat crop In the Darling Downs district, Queens­ land* will,beat all records, the yield In- some 1; ■stances reaching 52 bushels pet acre*.. The city of Detroit tried, standard time for just one week. Then the com-1 men council voted to abandon It aud re­ turn to local time regardless of rAHrwb' time tables. The Ffencif. ministry of posts and telegraphs Is making arrangements Which will enable „e7cry resident in 'Paris to have a telephone in bis or bet apartment for $10 ft year.. A prominent taedfcnl journal says the best treatment for nervous dyspepsia Is "at least three weeks of absolute rest In bed tn some institution away from home, together with a full diet.” Swarms of locusts have entirely ds* strayed the crops In the tokar regibn tn the.r-stera Sudan* ‘ihe devftatatlon has been so complete that the popula­ tion is reduced ra the utmost destitu­ tion. f * r €*&«**<* O ut 3 c turn f tm m wtl dffeer first. twenty - fourth SUNNY SOUTH Ye Editor Viewed Enroute the the Beauties and the Xes| . ofour Soathern Stat P i Xo order to answer a tho one questions that have piuiuried in Ilie lust lew Editor will atiempt to gi idea of the South and Mttrdi ehratiobft. Un leaving Cincinnati al ‘ we arrived . in the (.'resent] tallowing evening at about 1 the Louisville & Nashville „ which load iudeed is u li ’■inresque curves through sui ll nvi-rs, a veritiihlt- paradist] uiug with tpe himoua ti vogiqh of Kentucky, a couth ' ofahiu“of ohanniug anil i| * scenery that can m ver- tJeJ Those who have,taken the 1 ; ’ always be able to reca thoughts_of sunny land, with the- resinous oak and stubborn’cypress t 1 shadows. Such a trip o: “ remains m. the memory that has. died upon the ea like melody' within the| sanctuary ot the soul.” To leave Ohio with snow the ground aud within a t1 hours ride be in a climate pie were thinly clad,' do \ homes thrown wide open i night ftir, makes a norther; With abatement. After ’ very pleasant nighta-we ve ' over the city, and while goi the down, town districts ' 1 S -entlemen say that he pa are for the privilege .of i ' cot iu a hall, where pro others were asleep. ‘ , A brief sketch of Ne (night not be Out of place, was founded by the Freii about one hundred miles mouth of the Mississippi rij , known as the Carnival city ■ ica, and .has a populntioi , 30,0,000 inhabitants. I t ha est cotton, sugar and rice the world.' H ob 16 miles -front with more than si: wharves. The Marine Dry tinder construction will be „ . in the world. I t Cxcells city in the Union in rega wise business. The city is -the river by -about twent which makes the decks r great place for shipping t levies. It is a sight to se outb fiver si@amera Ulili imtnensCcargoes bf Cbtto like miles ot cotton breast - as history tells us a t till sheltered Gen. Jackson’s f he whipped the British in also had the pleasure o the largest transport it lish Navy, the Politician, ael was stalled off to j 4000 mules which were to Cape Town* Afrit British- army. Great b representing the foreigt: ,the wharfs, their capacioi filled with mahogany, c« coffee, banahas and cpco American markets* Your correspondent -visited-as many of tfiOc interest in the city t s til enjoyed a ride on the yel the mighty Mississippi; the white capped expan o f Mexico; explored the teries,where .the dead ari the ground. The Soil bei it Was long ago agreed t Ueath tha earth wasimp Uusanitary, therfoft it ftbound with tomlw of W e OLD GOLD & W ilt p a y Ca»h> o?| JYE Wanti riP~T\ goods fop a ll the . Sitter you firfri change your Jewelry or oM Wf / o r someththing i and up4o-dah\ ittiys hare Ite 6 things. : « M X pBDARVUXF, i * p ,v ',s.