The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26

Ii,0 0 A YEAR,; KARUt «UiXr BSlior«**PrepfUtor, -‘tabtttk 9*wa*j Wt*i|W*Wo Pirn. S A W m A X , MARCH 9 ,’ l&OJ, •■ ^iT»S>ltfyl^SnS3SS^ OBITUARIES - - CeEtnfnins ctw two hundred words, will bo. charged .nr; .at tha rate of five cents per Hoe. CARDS OP WANKS — Five cents per lino, . ' - When you send hi long obituaries pleas* state whom the bill ia to be sent to, n r we will publish two (2U0) bun- tired worets and leave the baiauce out, .Make t$em as long aa you wish, if you comply with the above conditions, which is a matter of pure justice, ' .American missionaries are losing no time in “the Philippines, and their work is meeting with much success, , ‘ 1 • ' * The Chinese minister’ stated the facts in a nutshell when he said that if all the powers were as fair toward ' China as the XT, S. the trouble would end at once, The XL 8. has no'secret ■ purpose to ' carry out in Chinn,- 'as each of the other powers hast that’s why we arc faired 1 » ^ o s ?..... * * ^ 4 At the ' ‘Inauguration banquet”, of ‘ the . Woman’s National Republican - Association, given in Washington - SenatorDepew was the only man among the speakers. Op •the back of each o f the menu ."cards, was the\ fol­ lowing, “the republican party is the party, of nctioii; its breath is progress, its speech is the language of. the l - world; its dialect the rhetoric of the . 'house and the farm ‘and the shop, It 1 ' holds wlthin its rattkfithe armies of all . ."reforms. I t - studies political ciudi- - ^ions, weighs popular- sentiment, and seizes the earliest ..hour ‘to crystalize that sentiment into wise legislation Its heroic constituencies are the think- • ving, moving, Vital elements of Amort » can life,” Corner-stone; of the . - V ; , N e w C c m r t H o u s e . /' iJhtiAlriiedby.DoqttrM. Mr. ^Editor of the iieptiblicu’n. Some 'divison ;of opinion is’enter­ tained by our .citizens ‘concerning the ' laying of the corner-stone of the court j house. Some'insist the Masons ought tO lay It; others tha t the ex-soldiers, tailors and marines should conduct the exercises, - - >■. The executive commitee of the Aeso ! elation of Ex-soldiers, Sailors and Ma­ rine of Greene Coffnty, ofwhich I am not a member,, v-ere called together to take Bomb action in regard to it, and ‘ ■&committee p f five was appointed by the chair to wait upon thb Building - Commission. I was one1of tbai com­ mittee abd found the facta to he these* The BuildingComissidti iacomposed of four wen-appoitttod by the courtof Common Pleas end- the county com- -missonera, who together constitute this Commission, The general . public knew nothingabout the proposition of the Commission to allow any order or class of individuals to lay the cor ’ ner-atone until an invitaton was ex« tended to the Masons to preform that - function. They made mention of the matter to no one, and’ in that quiet .condition o f affairs the.,chairmun o f that body appointed /i committeee of -• two, both being Masons, to invite their fellow Masons to lay the corner-stone. Now we claim that was not .fair to other associations and orders in Greene county who may be .interested, and further that that action of the Commission, allowing the Masons to the corner-stohe, ought to be rescinded under'the circumstances just as courts do wberejudgmenUf effecting therinler- •sts of others arc entersJ without no­ tice, or in an exparta proceeding, as this was, The soldiers had talked about tbs corner-stone and had cher­ ished the hope that permission would be granted them to Jay it when the time came arouijtd, and that permis­ sion, I suggest, they ought to have, There can be no question why, ap­ pealing to the spirit o f fairness Which characterises the Masobic fraternity, this should not be,conceded to«the. ex-soldiers, Butsome.maysay, the soldiers have' no ritual , That is all nonsense. Churches and schools, or any society, can lay a oom r-stone. Is it possible jftbat intelligence enough cannot be - .found among all the soldiers of Greene county to have an appropriate oeto- tdmhd bn such areoccasion? I t is Hot only fitting;, it is proper that the ex* soldiers Should fay the corner-stone, 1 spiib&lteldgthe loyaiiiy 6f lids people p the gyrertsmtit, and, it must be cou- oerled that they are fid*more represent atiye of the people that are the Masons, very away c f Whom, are old soldiers tbea^fttves. The Masonic frate. nify d riean^W p rten ta single principle ' atUtdAuK. to toe wuit-honae, or any wtharbs this country! no more even lo a «oufl-1lbute la Spain Of fVanos. t»bSa(thv ex-soldiers are Hv* • Ht ftw d W i t t v t prinriplii of tbs people of the county and thsir loyalty to the constitution. . 1The Masonic lodge in Xenia has 207 members, 42 o f whom reside out of the, county, some ip ofhenaijatee and others ireforeign lands. This leaves only IDS, which includes 23 who do not attend thfrlolge at a ll There am 49 mcrri- of the Yellow Springe lodge, with 15 livid out' o f our county, Burlington lodge has a membership of 44, with 14 out p the county, an Jamestown 89, with 23 ou tp f the County, leaving only 307 including about fifty who do pot attend the lodge meeting" at any time. _ So.the fact remains that if ike 'Btonerisdirid-byihe Masons only about 650 residents will be able, to attend. I f more attend they must come from othor counties, '■ Then it must he considered that the cotnerfstone. cannot he laid by the ■Masons of Greenecounty, so far as the chief actor in the scene is concerned. Lew Whiteman, Worshipful Master of the lodge here cannot lay i t The Grand Master of the state .must act the rules of the order, - upon whom it devolves to select a com­ mittee for .that purpose. Our. boys would, .only be permitted to march ground on that occasion, possibly a few being selected fo help the~Graud Mas­ ter; - ■ • ■ With the ex-soldiers all would be different. We would do it^ all our­ selves. In our association we .have 900 ex-soldiers, 1800 sous of veterans, and 145 veterans of the Spanish war, there being over 3000 in, .the associa­ tion, Representing almost every inter est, profession and industry in the county. Our chaplain ■ is Dr. Irons, Professor in the Theological Seminary, whole ably fitted for the undertaking. Jast let us vtry it, ' ■Something has been said pf me per­ sonally; that it was In -bnd taste for me,to represent the. association of ex- 'soldiers, having fought the court­ house when it was before the people This, ! confess, is true. When, the first proposition for building a court house was precipitated I then voted against it, but in so doing I was only «n accord with the voters of the county, who were overwhelmingly op­ posed to the plan then *proposed, and upon that preposition bp court-house could have been ^ builj;. Two meet* ings of cittiiens were held in my office: to consider the second proposition At these meetings X took the con­ sensus of oinlon of those present and drew up a , solution,.expressing their Views, which provided for a court­ house Commission of five persons, to be named In a special statute, inde­ pendent of the', commissioners, under whom the court house was to be con­ structed, Waller, Williamson was chairman of both .meetings,,and they were well attended. . No others had taken any steps' whatever in the mat­ ter, A day was proposed for a mass meeting, of- citizens to consider the resolution, and in that meeting and before, pending ' the discussion of the subject, a different-resolution was prepared by Mr. Frank MpGeryey, engrafting the views of both parties, which"provided that four, citizens ,be selected by the Commbu Pleas Judge, to act in'construction with the county commissioners. ‘This was presented to the meeting and unanimously adopted. Without ’ the steps being taken as drat above stated, we would have had no new court-house today. Thus I certainly did as much as I conld toward bringing the.subject up in an acceptable manner -before the •people. Much has been said about the inter­ est lam taking in the matter, and some insist that I am working for my own seif aggrandizement, and to fur ther my political Interest, My record in putting myself forward In the chair ia-not before yqu; neither Is it true, I always avoid such conSplcuity, I do not believe conduces to one’s political advantage. In the position which I now occupy I feel that I can Serve my comrades' and the loyal peo­ ple of this county; and I propose to do my wholeduty in the matter. We fctioWthere are persons who object to our views in this matter, but their ob­ jections are not Well taken, and we propose therefore to overrule them so far as we can, Whatever may be said of the peo­ ple of this county becoming' tired of tho old soidiefs, as some would have you.believe, this, to any greatj extent, is not true. Whatever may pervade the minds of a few individuals con­ cerning certain matters it) which the ex-soldiers sre interest, I am never­ theless persuaded that the people of Greene county are-just a$ loyal to the soldier today as they were when the first gnu was fired on“Sumpter, ‘They Stand by to support us still Then le t us not displease any of our good and loyal friends of the county when we insist Upon laying the corner-stone of the new court-house; for the prin­ ciple ofjustice are with ns, and wa propose to maintain our right to the 3. N- D raw , A d tawattaNi, .. The Louisville & Nashville R. R., together with its oounectfng lines, has inaugurated the Chicago A Florida Limited, which is a daily, solid train, wide vestibuM, steam' heated, gatf- lighted, with dining car service for all meals ea route from Chicago to Thomasviiic, ’Ga-, Jacksonville and St. Augustine,-FJa. This train leaves Chicago over the Chicago & Eastern Illinois tracks at 11:05 a, m„ running via Evansville, Nashville, Birming­ ham and Montgomery, Plant System to Jacksonville, and Fjq,^|a. East Coast’to-St, Augustine, arm ing aty tlmWier-city-7:3(1the next,eyeing/ making the fastest time evening, mak­ ing the fastest time ever mpde between these points. This train has annex sleepers leaving Cinninnati a t' 11:15 a, ms, and St. L oui ' b at 2:15 p. m., which also tun through. Mr. G. L. Stone, General Passenger Agent, Louisville •&Nashvili R, R,,. Louis­ ville, will answer all inquiries concern­ ing it. '• -9 ' “I Was given up to die from heart and '.icrvv’is troubles' caused by grip; Six bottles each of Dr, Miles’ Heart Cure and Nervine .cured me,”-—Mrs, John Wollet, Jefferson, Wis; -L-_ CASTO The K ind You H ave A lw ays B ou gh t, and w h ich has h em in u se for over 80- years, h a s borne, th e .signature o f arid has b een m ade under h is im r- aonnl supervision sin ce itsln fan cy . ‘ --------- rv* A llow no on e to d eceive you in th is. A lt C ounterfeits, Im ita tion s and “ J a st-a s-g o o il” are b u t Experim ents th a t tr ifle w ith and endanger-the h ea lth o f la fa n tsa u d C U ild r en—E x p e r ie n e o a ^ in s tE x p e r im e n t. Iwilliani-Wiidmao^Pres.y Resolution. The .number o?’ deaf mutes in United States Set over 111,000; number of totally blind is 80,924, the the What is CASTOR1A Castoria is a harm less sub stitu te for Castor O il, Bare* goric, P rop s and Sooth ing Sym ps. I t Is P lea san t. I t contains n eith er Opium , M orphine nor o ther IVarcotio - su b stan ce.. I ts ag e is i t s guaran tee. I t destroys Worms and pllays F everishness. I t cures D iarrhoea and W ind C o lic .1I t relieves T eeth in g Troub les, cures Constipation and F latu lency . I t assim ilates th e Food , regu la tes th e ’ Stom ach and B ow els, g iv in g h ea lth y and na tu ra l sleep . The Children’s Panacea—The M other’s F riend , GENU INE CASTORIA ALW AYS Bears the Signature of ExekugeBank CEDARVILLE, OHIO, r«£ (WTO TRAlVSir company , Bflwt-en Xenia aud Dajton, A GCOUNIS of Merciants-and IP’ dividuala solicited. Collections promptly made and remitted. TiRAFTS on New York *bd Cim " cinnnti sold at lowest rates, Tlie cheapest aud most couvenieut Svay to send money by mail, T. OANS made on Real Estate, Pei- sonalor Collateral Security, Seth W. Smith, Vice Pres., W, J- Wildmaii, Cashier, 1fjeaw# Xenia; . a, m , ; ffioo . : 7:00 8:00 - 9:90 10:09 11:01 12:09 Noon. 3190 p, rn. 2:00 . ' 3:00 .. ■ 4:00 5:00 ? 0:00 7:00 8:00 • - 9:0fti n m 11:00 L(-«ye Dayto,o. ‘ L:(K* a. m, 7:90 - 8;00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12.00 Noon, 1:00 ji, m. - 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 0:00 7:0D 4 8 : 00 -' 9;00 10:00 t n o r 12:00 - Whpreas there is a New Court House in Greene County now in -pro* gVess of construction, and \ \ hereas, the Association - of ex- Soidiers, Sailors and Marines of this county have cherisbep the hope that permission - .would be granted this Association to joy -the corner .stone thereof, and, Whereas, the Court House Build­ ing Commission has, usurped the power not vested in them by statute, to determine the. righ t. to select the Order of class of persons to lay said corner-stone, and, Whereas, said Oommissipn has with­ out any notice to the public, volun­ tarily solicitated the Society of Mas-^ ous, and has granted the privilege of laying., tiie -coruer-stoue of the New Court •House to that order, against the protest of over (2000) petitioners who ask that the. Association -of ax- Soldiers- Sailors and Marines have the privilege ■ o f . laying said corner­ stone. Therefore,**it is resolved that the actipn of the Building Commission in solicitating said Fraternity, and io granting said, privilege to said Society be condeiited by this Association as an Unfair and unjust action, and is an ac­ tion which cauuot bo approved by the worthy and patriotic citizens of this County, and that the resolution ba spread upon the minute book of this Association, . • \ G. V. G ood , Sec HOW’S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re­ ward for any ease of Catarrh that cqn- not be cured by Hull's Catarrh Cure. F . J . C heney &C o ., Toledo, O. ' We, the undersigned; have known F. J , Cheney for the last 15 years,. and believe him perfectly (honorablq in all business irausactions’and finan­ cially able to carry outany obligations make by their firm 1 W est « T jutax , Wholesale Druggists Toledo, O, " W alding , R innan & MAKvm, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O, Hall’s Catarrh. Cure is taken in­ ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous.surfaces of tbe sys­ tem. Testimonials sent free; Price .75c per bottle. Sold by druggists. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Cood>Advke. _The most miserable beings ire tbe World are those suffering from Dyspep­ sia and Liver Complaint, More than seventy five per cent, of the people in the United States are afflicted with these two diseases nnd their effects; su<b as Sotir Stomach, Sick Head* at he, Habitual Costiveness, Palpita­ tion,of the Heart, Heart burn, Water- brash, Gnawing and Burning Pains at tire Pit of the Stomach, Yellow Skin, Coated Tongue and Disagree- T h SI o in the Moutn, Coming up of Food after Eating, Low Spirits, etc. Go to your Druggist and get a bottle of August Flower for 75 cents. Two doses will relieve you. Try it,’ Get Green’s Prize Atmauadr, —Prof, Ivison, of Lonnconing, Md., suffered terribly from neuralgia of the stomach and indigestion for thirteen years and after the doctors failed to cure him they fed him on morphine. A friend advised the use of Kodo] Dyspepsia Cure and after taking a few bottles of it he says, “I t has cured me entirely. 1 can’t say too much for Kudo! Dyspepsia Cure.” I t digests what you eat. Ridgway & Co, In Use For Over 30 Years. •meCKNYAURCOMMINMURRAY*T«trT. NEWVOBKCITY. Market. - Under the above firm name, t! meat market of C, W, C’ronse will j condi. ted; All product in the meat line will be the best that money can buy, which fact combined with honest mffl- lfi6rdupr“Fiisin?ss methods' is enough assurance to the public, who always want tbe worth of their money -in every respect. . When sendidg children! direct them to us;.we always give them. the best they ask for. Xeniiuofiice and. waiting room No 4 Soiith Detroit St. Dayton ofiice and waiting room, 15 West Fifth St. oppositeTPosloffice, ’ The running time between Dayton and Xenia is oue hour, passim: thru Highlands, SiyitliviUe Road, Zimmer­ man, .Alpha, Trebeins and Lucas Grove. ■Dayton to Xenia' 17 .miles, fare 25 cents. Every' other car ‘combination for freight. Sundays and Holidays enrs rUn. eveiy half hour. v gaassEssass^i 1 I f j h:u l G rip I w ou ld use l) r . M iles’ P a in Pillg ' i and D r. M iles’ N erv ine, g g Sold By all D ru g g ists. 8 GOODS DELIVERED Telephone No. 74. - • ■ i—--- ——” • Cheviots, snitnble for Gents Spring Sbirtinj goods that sell in piece, Waists and Short length / 15., 29, 25c, ......... ..... IOC, Three cases Seersucker Ginghams, tjiet best goods made for Dresses, Aprons, Shirts, Boys’ Waists, &e. No fade and excellent styles; 12000 yds. sold by ns last y e a r . . . , X O C - . One,case Madras Shirtings, One caseOxblood Seersucker...8 ^C One case Classic................... - One case of Outing, excellent for gowns............................ 5^ , One case of yd. wide Bleecbed Muslin,shqr'tpiece3 5C One case of Indigo Blue Prints, also black red nnd gray..-. ..... .'.,.,„5C Large job Torchutr and Insert­ ing, .best selection,..,,................. 5C. Fine tim.e to buy Embroideries from us; they have advanced in the east,.,,.,,.. ,,,.**,,,.***-*v*‘8!tIQ i H n P M R P M HUTCHISON & QIBNEY N e w M e a t S t o r e ____ Having opening the Meat Store formerly conducted by 1 Ed Hensbel, we will have ou ImncK at all times a choice line of ■ , - t i T ' * >• Fresh and Salt Meats , BoiognaandSausage and everything connected ; with a first-class meat store, i .We Handle the celebrated Kingan & Co’s. Hams, . Charles "Weiner. • GOODS DELIVERED, Telephone. 66 , W estw ard Ottliuilbuslv, AltonI ... . “ W, Jeflbison f1 London ___ H.Oliarlesion Uolino ......... Cedarvllle.... Wilberforco., Sonin ... | $■ ■iprJngVal... Uoxuiinci,,..; *• Wuynesvllle'* KurtAncient" Jtorrow..... «»■ So. I.cbanon " novolimd,,,.. *<; Mlifm-d.......“ 1 l)ntnvJnJo.„ “ Clnciiiiiatlai Cincinnati Divir’-: PennsylvaniaHi : ScbeduIeorPauengerTrakis-teno;-!; CHURCH DIRECTORY ' It, P. hiircl)—IteV. Jf. F . _Moiton, Vealor; terrleu >t 11:00. a . m. Saljbath School at lUn.m, • CoT«n*utor Church—Rov. W. J.SantderBon, paator, Sabbath School at 104. nt. Preach­ ing at 11:00 a. is. Voting People toeet at C p. nt,.except the lat and 34 Sahbilba of the month when the/ meet at 0:30, amt preaching in the eTcntogon the lat and 3d£alihatha of themonthat 7:00 p.«. O. P, Chureh—Rev, V, 0, Rose, pallor. Ser- viceaat iOM a. m. tnd 7:00p. u, Sabbath Schoolat 9:30 standard time, M. E. Churoh—Rer. A. Hamtltoti, >Pastor. Preaching at 10:46a .» Sabbath School • ", . , A Good Thing. German Syrup is the special pre scriptiori of Dr, A, Boschce, a cele btateil German Physician, aud is ac­ knowledged to fie one of the moet for tunnte discoveries in medicine. It quickly cures Coughs, Colds aud all Lung troubles of the severest nature, removing, as it does, the cause oi the affection and leaving the parte in strong anti healthy condition. I t is not an experimental medicine,but has stord the test of years, giving satis* ^ ‘ p^ycfmMtfng^dnMdS fa “ «• which Itorsp" i t 7:09. Pmehtog « » « / othor Sohbatb even- *jd ly increasing sale every season con- mg 7:*0 p. m; firms* Tw o m illion bo ttles sold su rtu - Riptlit Charcb—Iter. 0t6rgp Washington, f pMtorofthe Baptist chnroh, 1’mehifig at IT a. ta. and 7:30 p. in. Sabbath School at 2:30 p,m, . rayermealingOvaryWednesday night nt7:3tf. Kreryone inrtted, A.M.E. Church—Her. O. E. Jones Pas tor Preaching at 10:30 a. fn. and 7:00p. m, Oats everySabbath at 12:00, Sabbath School at 3:00 p. m. l’rayer meeting 7:30p. Wednesdayere. Ba is e ' Ro , peO y i gion^tally." Boschee’s German Syrnp was intrwluced in the United States in I860, and It nowsold in every* town village in the civilized world Rupture or Hernia Cured Nooperations tit Irgectfons, nopain or discom­ fort in nuy way, no steel springsor ironframes noWooden, irory or hard rubber halls, cups, punches ot pines used. Not the LEASTDIS­ TRESScr annoyance. Dor Outfit for the CUREof RUPTUREOR HERNIA ismade of finesoft,materials, each as felt, relvct, chamois skins and elhstiowebs. It fits likea {(tore end canfiatmyon nomore, IT HOLDS}our tniestfnes buckIn, Ural position slid the woundWILL 11EAL like any Other wound when it has a chance. TheOnlyWay to Cureisto {holdthe intestines Innr hack ctj the time, .until thewoundshe- cbtnesgrown together, Yoni- Rupture Cannot beCured Jrt any other way. We have had 25 years constant and bfttd experienceIn treating RUPTURES abd this OUTFIT is the RE- SULT. Men, womenandchildrenmadeCOM* PORTABLEby nsing this OUTFIT, Prices reasonable and In accordance With the case, IF INTERESTED, please write forpirliOulars, whichwewill mailyou FREE. .Address, H0EAWK REMEDY 00., ^ Rems, H,T euo - - I f you want anything goodie tot Unapt*■' > / ■ v * ■ <t5_4P —The stomach controls the sitnatiou. ThoSO who arc hearty anti Stfong arc those who can Cat anti .digest plenty of food, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure di­ gests what yon eat and allows you to eat all the good food yon Want, I f ; S dsuffer from indigestion, hOarthttriL ehing or any other slomaoh troubles this preparation can’t help but do you 'good, The most sensitive stomachs nan tote it, RMgway «fcCo, M o h aw k C a ta rT h C tiro. ' CbenpeH bndRest,' Cures Csfsrrfi tn frnni3 tti 10 dnys- CureS-Coldin the,Heed, 6 in lbminutes. Securely peeked with full Instructions, by muil, PUsTAQEI*AlD, 23e. Try it nni'/owwlll be mere thsw plensed with the Investment. Year money buck ifyou *re dissatisfied, "Stetbps taken.’' X0B4WX EEMEDXCO, . . Se«#r NewYerk. -—Teas, Coffee find Cigars a t Gray —Jardctders, very oheap, , liidgwaf i f Co* and i ' Three doses will relieve any ordinary cough. Price 7bets. Get Greens’ Prize Almanac. WANTED! Reliable matt for- Manager of Branch Office we wish to open in this vicinity, If your record is 0 , K here is an opportunity. Eindly give gofwl reference when writing. A, T, M orris W holesale H ouse , Cincinnati, Ohio. Illustrated catalogue 4 etc. stamps LOUISVItLE&M 3 BVILLERAILROAD . The Great Central Southern Trunk Lin.e WINTER TOUFJ8T TICKETS Now on sale io F L O R I D A ' / -and the G U L F C O A S T Write ,ov folders, descriptive matter to C. L. STONE, Gciien 1 Passenger Agt. LOUISVILLE, KY, SEND YOUR ADDRESS To E . J . WEMYSS, Generxl Immlgrutlnn nnd Induttriul Agent LOUISVILLE, KY. And he will mail you free MAPS,ILLUSTRATEDPAMPHLETSand PRICE LIST of LANDSlid FARMS ib 6 C KENTUCKY, TENNESSEE* ALABAMA. - MISSISSIPPI, FLORIDA, —“Marmiftn” ft 10c cigar For 5c, Sold only by Ridgway & (Jo, F o r G r ip 'a c h e s use D r. M ile s’ M n P ills . Sold by alt Druggists'. ' Blue Front Stable- Leave your horses there and your rigs be kept on the inside, out of the ram and storm, •20 N. Fountaiu Avenue, Springfield, 0« C ha r l e s E . T odd , P ro p Adam's.Restaurant . ; and Dining Rooms jomer High and Limestone street, Springfield, Ohio, ASKYOURCROCEK FOR I'Oi ite slttmiteBfeakrast fee’ P iM tiftH i, U o n l t h Wf B R M l A t k *4 mm Mitts, Sr. «0. ' > .*■• '• ' P ojn ’ t ’ B z F o a t e ^ t take th« •^OCKV MOUNTAIN TC* a M Eastward. ITncinnntLlv- TlilUVUvJc,.,' “ MIRowl..._“ Loveland.... •* To, Lebanon “ Morrow..;...’• Ft. A-ncRnt -1 -)vegoimi.,.,„ o Wa.vncsvlllo-• RoxnnnU... 11 «l*rlng Viil... '• j j j .VVilboi-forco *• UiMlurv'lIti... 1-liiia......... •* -J,-Charleston '• '.imdon..... -* iV. .luirarqou -* Mton___ " ' (lelnmbM ar. ft IIOSI 'ill 33 AMjAM AM 41 *160*2B0*7(M*855 ............ 915 3 05j AM 4 19 425 14 35 *4 47 C455 T<X 334 530 AM 10 4C- AM Ati 19 44 9 52 1012 1017 AM 1*715 f723 729 737 7 4510144 8051100 SIS 8 26 _ 8451135 AM AM 92b 7461942 8 05 .. 1012b 8 3010 33 850 1910 1040 1050 10 54 1103 U14 11122 1'J 35 11 43 1201 ,1216 1360 I’M. Hit I'M 230 >22 256 13 13 958 100$ 10171328 40 I'M *8SO1*!50*530*800 218 S38 'fUB tti BOfeS. 821 •« 1407 530 I’M ■ 0 C > two f8-16 85) 907PM i«4 . 518 850 918 '945 3171010! $301626 7^1103 8,0o|li40 I’M] 1>M- AM >1133 13 1250li| I’M 3 3 Balwasn SprlnoHeld, Xsnla, Parlon, Blehmom), KLSTWAdD. bprlngflaidlv '■sljow Sp’y» " ■icnlnj1,1; ajlon.,. j “v troolivillo ’odjon Idoradu... - lve*I2 llti T55T lit. a i a AM AM AM AM •725 *930 744 9 40 805 *840 10 10 AM*810 AM H46 907 846 907 918 r -* 1922 ia-*' 943 ale a- ■ ‘i’.TWSUP Itlmoail .I t , Ji’or.ultK-' (idjin " Rrockrido “ avion Xenia fJlfswSKL** •■srtiqSri it n, [ i t am J am -51610+05 5 411 l'604 609 . 6 40 I t tel 6401 lt e at 7101130 . tv I’M11 l-M n m AM I’M 10051015! 3 4 316 atookajo I’MI’Ml-M 4*505*10 5*33 f 4*35550630 _____ . 5P6 2%700 720:AM;I1*«6.13' i’Mjl’MB*3ff IM 744! X1S5531. . 851. ate ■ 1215'550: ritf. UK :P.,t*'.vpSu6d«T. bBW m 10dutblmp-a-roftertfiun-t -ct «fl4T«l*B4. trio “ OatkFacedtype4 m » ui On,fnmi! aigli; huktTuii lnW.12.00aiinigbtta5’.‘^>:/■ fi MiSittity. 0nld l^ ;i» ...................... ... M, IV, aim loft either lim n.,i,ii1-:r,via it.' . I’ iilimrtn N lccnlnir CnrMOi) rv«*. C, I'llumlniH ht’d Pftlsbnruh ort-iilihw- PitUbnreli Union RUtlon la ftn-1 fnmi Ur : » more*' AVuslUngion, PhUiul*'1plilu a tl v Vnrlc. .Non. ft. 301 nnd 21 Minin’*I nl It. >» mond for Indianapolis uml Ht, Lt»u1j; !>• -. a t nnd a for Chicago. L, K LORKE, II. A ICC! Bnwtlhmtw, irt;:)*. .::.i’ci/ 1J.25-00.-P PlTTSHt-HOJl, J’f.y-l ! KOrtimecards,rale-offur*-,«-r,mn». it baggHgc checks,nnd fiirllwt r. !'v. t- ftardlng the running of , y agsnt (ft thaPennsylvaniaLimn. E . S Keyes, Agent, Cedarville, Ohio. SO YEARS* -EXPERIENCE T rade M ark * ' ■--OEiiaNft. ■ CoPVRIdHT*Ac. Afrronswndlnit askelrh anddMcrIMIMims t qnleklr naceruin oneoplftlon JrcSwhether sn Inteminn isprohehlrtoslentaWe. Cmmtiunlca. tlonsstrictlyconfidential. IlsndbnokonPatents sentfree. Mldest assney tor seeurlriapstenU. Patents uken throesh ttunn X Co.mslvs tpteMnotlu, withoutchar**, tutbe Scientific JVtticrican. AbsndaotneiylllnetrafedWeebly, tenreatdr. raiauonof anyaddmlfloJournal. Terms,13a year; fourmonths,FI. Soldbrail newsdealer*. HUM BrWJChOffice, FBU*W«salSRto&,D*C« PATENTS Ovedts,and'Trade-MarlcsObtainedAdd*11Pat- .entbbstnea*conductedforMOO/ ,Vtt fill, ouwCrriot laoeeoairi u.a.iartHT orrmt and xtt cat!securepatent InKMtimethanth«e remotef---nnWaihlnytot* , 1 Sendmodel, drawing« photo.,-Withdeaorls- don. We udeiee, if patentable of bet,free of .charge. Ourfee.notdoedllpatentUscoured, ‘ ARAMSHUCT. "Do? toObtainPatauta,"With coat of sam« IntheV.S.andfonilgaeoTlntrtta sentfree. Address, C .A .S N O W 4 C O . Oww.PAtINtOPPie*,WASMIttftTOW,O. O* wadi ®at *W,a««di. pucksw, aver *oM ^ In bnlk. fAcoept wa sum wtetspofwttoiee* *«*». Ask your drsiixlAt* ‘•No, 2 Oantor Oil for htigglrs. - Bidgwajr* Oh, SthsertsUbs*toThepatentU«40rd llT«mE*T 8 « 4 lWu 1 s '& H iis KTRMM,. ‘ ViJb tKfi FATSirri —A ohoieft lino of *11 kinds ol