The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26
m m ** O^OTIMWMpiM n * Extraordinary®*^ Phenomenal! " f l - H O u r 30^; m eoapare untb as <mt Tirm. Purchase of high grade Pottery. ^Think of It! gating 24,800 pounds; more than 12 tons. UTOPIAN ART WARE. All now on sale. 7,020 (Seven Thousand and Twenty-six) Pieces aggre- JARDINIERS, UMBRELLA STANDS, PITCHERS, am fENTY -FOURTH YE X * £i - ^ Lot No, i .—1625 -three pint fancy glazed 'water pitchers. Manufacturers, price 25 cents, W ren ’s price 5c. 1 gfr.fW' . Lot No. 2.—1500 8- inch fancy glazed Jar- r dinieres, over 50 dif ferent s ty le s and col orings to se lect from. 1 Manufacturers price 50c. J W ren ’s price 15c, g l a z e d Jardiniers, same as Lot 2, but in g-inch. Manufactur ers price. 75c. Wren's price 2 5 c Lot 4. -750 glaz ed J a r d i n i e r e s , beautiful styles and colors,, as before 'named dots but lar ger, measuring full ’ 10 inches. Manu facturers price $1. W ren ’s price 39c , Umbrella Stands. Lot No. 6..—200 handsomely glazed U,m- brella Stands, M anufacturers. price $3.00. W ren ’s price 75c. Lot No. 8—400 U top ian hand painted 8-inel Jardinieres. Manufacturers price $1,50. Wren’3 price 3f4c, ,. V Time .now to th and Furnishing convince you t arid for. the leas Lot No. 7—150 very fine Umbrella Stands, Majolica finish. Manufacturers price $3,50 and $4.00. W ren ’s price $i. 25 . Lot No. g—400 Utopian hand painted o-incl Jardinieres. Manufactures pricp . $2.oc W ren ’s prices 49c ' . L o t N o . 5 , - 5 2 5 b e a u t i f u l l y g l a z e d J a r d i n i e r e s , s iz e s 11 to 12 i n c h M a n u f a c t u t o r s p r i c e $ 1 .5 0 , $ 2 .0 0 n4 ■■ , *- , #*•»<*.n a n d $ 2 .5 0 . W ren ’s price 7 5 c a n d 9 8 c . Extraordinary S p e c i a l . Utopian Jardi niers, *the rich-, est and hand somest pottery, in America, in b eau tifu l.,,and- briginals d e signs by the in ventor of the famous “Rook- wood” ware. Lot N o . 16—75 U top ian hand painted iodncl Jardinieres, Manufacturers W ren ’s price. 75c. ‘ price. m th e Council Meel -M onday Night. Lot No. 11—75 Utopian hand painted 11-incl Jardinieres. Manufacturers price $3. W ren’s price $9c. v FRANCHISES gran / Lot No. .12—150 Utopian hand painted 12 incl Jardinieres, Manufacturers price $4.0 Wren's price 9$c. TheCouticiimen Bitterly Contested 'lion of Electric Road .Franchi Monday Night, but Met in Seer Session, Thursday Night and . Granted Them to Roth the Proposed] Roads. Note—Springfield Agent for Butterick’s Patterns and Publications, Send 2 cent stamp for fashion sheet X fir Local aud<Personal. . Miss Bess Crain «£-Jamestown was . -the guest of Miss 55olaDownnrd a few , days this week., ' Mr. -Stewart Townsleybas pttr- ' chased the preperfcv on North street, owned by W. H . Biff. Hugh Stornjontj who la s been in . Kentucky for several month* past, in ‘ the interest of the Hagar Straw Board .A Paper Co,, finished his work irf the Bide Grass state and returned home, CalJ and see' our samples of wed-j Mrs. C. M. OrqUae has quite a rare ding invitations and get prices before' collection of solive(lira which was sent placing your order elsewhere. , ■her by her1 husband, who attended the convention ot Ohio Itetail Dealers at Cincinnati last week Almost ever.' Millard Shresides has removed to the Stretcher property. j article of importance that is handle^ Will Northup .is home again, by ihe retail merchants was • re Kentucky.i7' i presented by —Smoke "Dias Especial” 5c. only by Ridgway & Co, Sold —When you are bilious, use those famous little pills known as DeWiips Ri Little Early sers to cleanse .the liver and bowels. They never gripe. Rt'dg- way & Co. During the heavy wind storm Sab bath and evoning, a straw rick on the farm o fAlex Turnbull was blown over . atttl scattered around the harp lot. A young heifer in the lot, became fright* ened at the sight of the flying straw and in its attempt to get to a place of safety, ran into a „pond and was drowned. The animal was a valued one and Will be quite a loss to the owner, ■ , Mr. Boyd Wylie visited his father and sisters here the first of the week. He has of late been located in the Queen City. —La grippe— our Honey of Tar relieves and Cures, Ridgway & Co. According to Auditor McPherson's semi-annual settlement account over #200,.000 in taxes, were collected, of which the state gets #10,000, Mieses Leona and Lulu Johnson, employed at the 0 . S .& S. O. Home, spent Sabbath at their home, north of ■town* An old criminal was once asked the first step that led him to his ruin, and heanswered: "The first step was cheating an.editor out of two years subscription. When 1 done that the devil had such a grip on me that I could-not shake him off.” " - The ‘Xenia telephone company, which has recently opened Xenia, has their poles'on hand, and we notice that laborers were at work the first of the week shaviug poles and getting them in shape for erection. ' ■' —Smoke cigar for 5c. & Co. "Royal Arms” a' 10c Sold only by . Ridgway The wheat crop of Australia will be 14,000,000 bushels, a neat souvenir which was given to. the members. The col* lection is gather unique and is highly prized by its owner, • D .S . & U.'surveyed a line from the west end of Springfield to Yellow Springs .through Rocky Point, be* tween the Little Miami Ry, nnd Pole cat' road.—Hustead Cor. Yellow Springs News, —The lingering cough calif for One-Minute followin grippe T miJ Cure. For nil throat and lung trou- Coug X bles this is the only harmless .remedy that gives immediate results. Pre vents consumption. Rirlgwny & Co. L. C. Smith shipped Of) head' of cattle from the Sharp farm Monday, which brought an average of nearly $70 per- head;—Csoaarcreek • Cor Two gray engleB have been roosting •t night in the woods near B. B. Van* tervort’a for ahaut two weeks. The sportsmen of that locality ure cleaning up their guns and will go after them. —Jamestown Journal. —Three cans Tomatoes nrd brnuds fur 25c a t Cooper's . Miss Lula' Barber5entertained a number of ladies nt dinner yesterday. best stand-! Mrs. Samuel McCollum entertained a number of her lady friends at din ner, Wednesday, I havejust received a huge stock of Horse Collars from one of the best Collar Manufacturers of the state and and can sell them at prices not higher than the prices which most dealers sell Collars of inferior quality at. I also have a very, good quality, of Harness Oil at reasonable prices. Dorn, the Harness Man The township trustees on .Monday held their final meeting for the (yeiir. All hills were squared and everything put in readiness for the coming year. 1Mrs. II. If. Albert, of Delaware, Ohio, was the guest of Mr. mid Mrs. A. Bradford, Wednesday and Thurs day. 1 In a resent scientific test, a worker Jamestown Journal in metals succeeded in drawing penny out in 5,700 feet of wire. For the first time since the* war there is not a negro in the legislature 'of North Carolina. Harry Nagley and sister, Zella, were guests of their brother Frank and wife in Xenia, Sunday, Dr. anyway? is a perfect —How are yeti, Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin laxative, Sold by C, M, Ridgway, A play called the Milkmaids Con vention was- -.held last evening a t Pitohin, I t seems as thought the old maids afe having a lively time this , winter, as this play has been given a number of times this season. AwjfowcsjtjfcST’s—The charge for -announcements at $1 for corporation and township !office* and #2 for county office*, Payable in advance. “I had been’ in bed three weeks with grip when my husband ^brought tea Dri Miles* Nervine, Pain Pillsnnd Nerve and Liver Pills* I was cured,” Mr*. J . Renier, Franklin, jnd. A t the irieeting of tbr Board of Sewer Commissioners of Xenia, the hujtr&ot vra* awarded to A; F.fchover, e f IftdhrnajmH*, for $20,155.45. He ' ■ ' ■ itfc'i: promise to begin wort .Tbs dal immediately. .«« **-m it,* fa*,t«** ' «%» 191 1UU If*7I«Jg aer-sion*of the.newoutfit %St fcltu JiOtfoe been set forMarch 15th, •—SpringRtyles in Ladies*and Men's Pina, Shoos are now ready. Extra values in every pair we offer for Sale thk spring. Our line of shoes lor ■'little"folks is the best ever shown in Greene coun ty ...... -< ' . FmerVBhoe Store, Xenia,-O. Railway* u|t .over 2,W .900 year, almost half th* worid’i product, ' —Horseless carriages,. fuelless en glues, and the wireless telegraph are the greatest innovations. Dr. Cald well's Byrup Pepsin is next and cures Constipation, Indigestion, Bick Head ache and Stomach Troubles, Bold by C, M, Ridgway. A Grundy county (Kan.) physician recently sent to the address of one of his patients a bill for professional ser vices, and within ten days received the following letter written on the back of his memorandum: "Deer Bur this noat was put my box by mistake I han’t the man nee's dead and han’t any relation of mine any way. I don't see how your conshens will let you dun the dead. Why don’t you live a better cristou live and let live and try to meat that man who dide in heaven which IS worth more than forty dollars to enny doctor,” <*“ EX.: \ ■ - ■ . . . .—‘Headache often results from a disordered condition of the stomach and constipation of the bowels.' A dose or two of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will correct these disorders and cure the headache. Sold by C, M. Ridgway. A Galveston firm. is in receipt of this* letter from a man in a- coast country town; " I have read so much about Mardi Gras that I Would like you to tell me where I can get the seed, at)d if you think it is is a good grass to 'feed cattle.”—Jerome Re porter, Rev. Pressley Thompson, wife and little sow, oFGolofsdo Springs, Colo,, are at the home of Mrs. Thompson's S rents, Mr. and Mrs, J , W. Pollock, y , Tiiompeon is leaving the ~wtat d expects to settle in Washington, Pa,,where hejhas a calk Mrs. Thomp son and son will remain here for some time, In this issue will be found the an- nonneement of Mr, John Fudge for re-election trr the office of County Commissioner. * Mr. Fudge served two terms and should he elected for the third so the county will have a te p resentsllVC famllisr with the duties of the office. —Canned rhubarb, for pie.8 at Cooper's. John Cross this week handed us a copy of the weekly Cincinnati En quirer Which was published by Furan & Robinson, December 20, 1850. The paper contained the inaugural, address of Gov. Wood who took Ids seat as Governor of Ohio, December 12. In bis address ho vindicated the constitutionality of the Fugitive Slave Law, and warned the people of Ohio to beware how they- follow the lead of South Carolina in resisting a law of Coni ™ in Thos, Tnrbox, pur postmaster writes ■fromthe Physical Culture Sanitarium at New York, that be has gained ten pound|sin weight and one inch in cheat expansion. ■ ■D. H. McFarland received word of the death of his cousin, Clark McFar- Innd, at his home in Oklahoma ,Ty He was a former resident of this place having enlisted from here, in the 185th regiment at the thne'of the Civil War. He leaves a wife anti daughter. ^—A complete line Of harness at Hastings Bros. - Mr.Oscar Brndfute Was in Chicago th'wweek attending a meeting of the \lierdeen Angus Cattle Association gress. The paper was found the old Nisbet property during the damoiilion of same several months *go. v —Coach, Buggy and ’Wagon har ness all grades alyl prices at Kerr & Hastings Bros. * Xenia citv and- He also attended a sale Wednesday where 40 head' averaged #512. Mr. Bfaufute made no purchases. The primary for township wilt he held to-day. The Ladies’ Aid Society of the, U. P. church will give a Dime Social at the home of Mrs. E, C, Oglesbee, Thursday afternoon, March 14, at 2 p pi. A short but interesting pro gram has been arranged'' and a light lunch will be served. All ladies are cordially invited. Upward of 100,000 horses have per ished in the South African war up to date. - Ottr hopes of au electric line lias been greatly enhanced in the last few days by the report thnt Mr. D. I. Worthington, of Washington G, H. had Philadelphia capitalists interested to the extent that they would furnish the necessary wherewith to put the road through to Springfield through to Springfield through Jeffersonville, South Solon, and South Charleston, As Solon is the half way station it is very probable wc will get the power house.—South Solon C>r, Jefferson ville Citizen. Fon S a te—60 8. C. B Leghorn hens and pullets at 35fi each. Also 6 Cockerels, price on application. Matt Willson, Cedarville, O, *—Putty children with weak con Stitutiona Can attain an unusual de gree of bodily and mental vigor by taking Rocky Mountain Tea tin’s month made by the Madison Medicine Co- 35c. Ask your druggist. okr price* on £«i« Bills, - i Mrs. O, W, Alexander, who resides near this city, is very proud over her success as one of the competitors in n cooking contest given by thb Ladies' Association Cooking Club, »of New York City. Angel Food Cake formed the Subject for the competition and there were about a hundred competi tors and Mrs Alexander has jnst re ceived word that she has been awarded medal. <The cake submitted by her was divided into two partSf halt of it being sent to Pres. McKin ley and the remainder to Pres. Dun*, ban? of the association elub.-'-XeniH • Gaxett#. , . t ■ J , W« McLean received this week a letter from his son, Rawiin, who is stationed iu the Philippines. He rent a number of pictures of different scene* on tiic*l8lanii One is of the band>of his regiment, Thomas Maddox being in the group. He says that the •regi ment will iu all probability bo dis charged, and leave for the United States about the 15th of this, month Rawl expects to obtain his release and remain’ on the Island He hopes to land the Postmastership atZambonOgo with a salary of #1200 per year, —See that you get the original De- W itt’s Witch ’Hazel Salvo when you ask for U. The genuine is a certain cure for piles, sores and skin rii*eases, Ridgway. & Co. r ; ' ; On Monday-two r.ttifs were filed in thoJGourb of Common Pleas by A. H. White, .administrator of the es tate of Hannah Johnson, In end of the suit* Harry. K. Tayensr is the defendant, suit being brought for col lection of ft note of #500 with 7 per cent interest from June 21, 1593 The other is against H. Tavener and his wife, |fbr the collection of A note for #1000 less a #70 credit, Foreclosure is asked on some real es tate whidt was given ns auroity,. —Black Hawk Corn Planters will l»e sold Vni* season by Kerr & Halt* ingBro*. At the meeting last Friday of the members of the R. P. church, plans for the new edifice were ndopted, The architectheiug Robert GotWflld, o f . Springfield. The congregation have a first-claes architect, as we have been iu a number of his buildings in the CHanfpiou City.’ In this issue will he found the an nouncement.of J . W. Smith us candi date for county commissioner, Mr. Smith .was a candidate for the office last spring and was defeated by about twenty votes. Mr. Smith’s acquaint ance with the people of Greene county is very large and Imring unseen things we predict a successful campaign for him, . ■ . Mr. Chas, 'Weimer has placed a new cooler in his meat store. The cooler is made of quartered oak and presents a fine appearauce. —Three cans. Pie Peaches, brands 25c, at Cooper’s. CLIFTON.NOTES. We are now Without a moat shop'. Ifl ' some good, reliable man would start a mcatj store hero he would do well. and —Fresh garden seed in bulk packets at Cooper’s, Mr. and Mrs. J . C« Barber gave a delightful party, Tuesday, at their home on Xenia Ave.. Missed Jesse, lea and Effie Barber and Mr; and Mrs. Will Dean; of Springfield; Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Frazer and Mr, and Mrs, E . W. Hagar, of Xenia, were among the out. of town guests. Vegetariau, .Baked Beans. With Tomatoe Sauce. No Meat. No Fat. At Grab’s. My1heart' and hand another claimed, His plsa bad cpme too late. It’s ever thus with people ’without pluck and vim, Take Rocky Mountain Tea. don’t get left again. Ask yotir druggist. —Their promptness and their pleas ant effects make DcWitt’s Little Early Risers most popular little pills when ever they are known. They are sim ply perfect for liver nnd bowel troubles. Ridgway & Co. Moody Nngley spent Monday and Tuesday visiting friends in Springfield and Dayton. ' W. B. Clark expects to move the post! office, tills week, to his new .place -in the Wing stand. Br. Spslir bought the honse and lot o | lines Kelley occupied by Wm. Wbnlcn. Chas. Hackett bought the Bookman prop eriy, Wednesday; ' .We Were Sorry to see John Fields from - this neighborhood. We Wish success wherever lie goes. - move • Ralph Wolford calling on friends. was here, 'Wednesday,! Shame on the members of the council. We venture the stati that there is not a> primary ro the p.ublicmcbcols hut what has order and more respect for them than has the‘ so called dieting!, town council.,, We have attend rinds-’of kindergarden affairs b meeting on 'Monday evening being hdarer,on this order tbai thing wo., have seen, A Jot 0 year old ■ school boys co.uid not 1been, as rude, discourtioue am gentlemanly as were a mnjar'pi ofthe members on this occasion, ■The room was filled to over iii With citizens who were in . atten to see the outcome of the el railroad franchise, and possibly ' more than they anticipated. Wt wish tha t more of Our property era could have attended so that might hr,ve an opportunity “who” represented the,people. George llitTpassedThe If. 8 . army exami- ni i nation and was sent to Cheyenne, Wyo, home,! as passing •H. K, Tavener, the Bobt. Corry lias m&vcd fo his new the Anderson farm, this week- As Mrs, George Elder w Slaughter house belonging to .......... totne children came running oat with a 1 tie pony tied to ahand wagon, which fright-! ened her horse.cansing it to whirl.and upSct! the buggy, Mrs.’ Elder was considerably! braised and shaken by the fail, hut it ltf thought not seriously. P . R. Madden, Pracfcioe lim- E, EAR, NOSE “ - D r , ited t o EY . ; AND THROAT* Glasses Accurately Ad ju$ted. -AllenBuilding^Xenin,,0. Telephone,—Office' tfo. 71 , Besldenee -Wo. j;, —Best Cream and Swifts Cheese at Conperie. t ' ~ , The firm Of Barr & Boyd have sold ti tlieir. millinery stock to Misses Lillie Stewart and Nellie Uitick. These ladies have taken charge of the bust nessancLwill carry it on as usual with Miss Angelbauer as trimmer. . Members o f the Cantata Club reor ganized Thursday evening. Please bear iu mind meeting,tonight at 8 o'clock standard, time, at. the home of Mrs. RohtrErvin. We have the cheapest and beet line of.wail paper in the city. E. H , Nisbet. Rev. Ross is iu Columbus this week assisting Rev. King with coin tnunion services; All the members and those inter ested in the choral class will please remember the meeting this evening at the home of Mrs.. Robert Ervin/ The time set is eight o’clock. F ob S ale :—I have* several bushel of seed oats which 1 Will sell. Grown from Western seed. W. A, Collins. George Winters expects tb move his family to the Vnfut the first of the week. i er’s property According to the Springfield Sun, on May 5, the Little Miami railroad wilt put on a train running each way between Springfield and X< da, every hour.- The primary reason for doing this is to compete with electric roads Sn advance of the latter being put in, operation. As A secondary reason it is only one feature of a plan by which, for tlie Pan American exposition, traffic will tie centralized at Colum bus, from which two vestibpled trains will be run daily. f' Wanted;—Griod country lard and bacon at Cooper’s, 1 Rev. 'J . W. Sp.roul, of Michigan has been circulating among his old friends and acquaintancesa^thi# place The surveyors for the D., S. & U. bad their instrument broken, and badly mashed this,week. It.was left in charge Of a boy in Clifton, when someone Unknown to the boy, came along in a buggy- and ran over the in strument breakiif” it tp pieces. ^ Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Torrence, of South Charleston attended the party given by J , C. Barber Tuesday night. Republican Primary, Thursday, eh 14, * Marc from 2 p. m<to 7 p. m. NOTICE. All thoseknowing themselves owing us, call and settle at once, as we roust close alt hook accounts. Barr A Boyd, OSugW istlSWMtUr Mean slight “spells” of Headache or effect t your appetite, Irregularities in eating cause Dyspepsia.- Take Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin and feel good regardless of these elements or habit*. Sold by C* M. Riegway. LUST Ol* LtTTEHS- Llst of letters remaining Uncalled for in the Cedarville postonice for the mouth ending iMarch 0, 1901, • L istN o ; 11. Finn, A, B, * Tharr, G. W, MoBrian, Miss Anic • CARD ' McBrian, Miss Anna 2 T. N. T arb O*, P. M. Revival services and services in the M. E. church, Sabbath thnttjghuut the day, conducted by the Pastor, A Hamilton, StopsThsOfltfhAaaWsA*0#1ft#Gold, ! Laxative Bromo Quinine Tableis cure a cold in one day. No cure, u* pay. Price 25 cents,- Invitation. .To «the Citizens ot Greene Countjis- Through tlie courtesy of 1)10 Building Conij mission of the Greene County Court Houso !,1 tlie Afesonic Fraternity has been invited - conduct the cercmuuics of the laying of the] corner-stone, the same to take place on] March 15.1801. * This invitation having been duly accepted] and arrangement* having been made, the] Undersigned committee has been instructed] to extend a general invitation to ihe citi- sens of your community to ba present on j the above date and to assist in every way] In making it the most memorable occasion ] the county has ever known.. The ceremonies proper will take place'at ! two p. m., on the above date and the entire J day should be made one of mutual con gratulation on the good fortune ot Greene] County and every good citizen should make ] it his duty to be present. Cordally yours; Marcus Hhoup, Chairman, Xenia, O.. H. N, Rchleesslngcr, XenU, O. I. F. Shoemaker,’Goes, O. W, M. McMillan; Jamestown, 0. T. C.Haydock, New Burlington, 0. Committee on Invitation, Inatter ' o f thud throwing tin [ bringing out pereonaVfeetings. s Ibe laid aside, but as there wn iohe h'inro meeting we siippcsi took this opportunity nf nirinj Itroubles to the public, and wj -grfttUlate them on tlieir success, Mayor Wolford called the- jn to order* nil answering, presc cept J . H , Andrews, who w .tained at liome ou account ofjsi' The. usual routine of ■biiaine, taken up, ordjmVpces~ioT^lie AiLiroinrcEgEm ” CpBHTY AUDITOR. We are authorized to 'announce] J o h n h . M c P h e r so n »* a can- didate lot re-election" to the officeOf j A vditok of Greene county, 0 ., sub ject to the Republican primary elec tion, April 1st, 1901, We are authorized to announce the j name of WILLIAM DODDS its aj candidate for ObtutTv A uditor , snh- ject to the Republican Primary ei^* ■ tlon in April, I reading being next, in order * Frey ordinance, granting a fri for an electric railway was tb| and discussed to s^rne extern [, opened with a short. address in considerable 1Water. He \ tohave read the ordinance c and found nothing wanting t ready to vote for it. Dei made a motion to lay it on tli in respect of Mr, Andrew as unable to attend, and take It 1 there was a full attendance,' lion was voted down howev< aore water was let in win Made a speech to the effect . Frey road was - the one wo* be was not iu favor of layi the table.. George Irvine | the danger* attempted fa ehed few of water by suggesting tli carried ovar until a full attt hat Gedtge Sftroades, the "wJ JMn” ofsaded a , largo Viii* allowed a solid stream t*>pou lag, v‘Iet her go.” I>Ayor j sas , . ;we. Buy) OLDGOOD&SI COUNTY TREASURER, We are authorized to announce the j nameOf ASA LITTLE as a oandidata' for re election to the office of Ootixrv T reasurer , subject to the Republi can Primary election in April. COMMIOeiORKR, We are authorized to anhauoe tbej name of JOHN FUDGE at a oandi- ,dat| for tht.,offiOji M ; COMMrbatOHKii of Gfeeue-JCoUiity, subject to the County Republican Primaryelection,"April L lwU« Will pit# to sh or ffirr VP -Ta-V -' goods*jfof ait the Uhl i o r B i ltt f yam briny change your Phitd J enmity of* did Woteh i fo?2otrti,ththh\(l hfifth t and up4o*dtite* H' w&yii M v c I h r f fOt f / We are authorized toanaouooe the] name ofJohn W, Smith as candidate ] for ootnmWioncr of Greene county, SRhjeci to to the Republican Primary, Ajril L 1901 . laic . ‘ ’.V - '" ■ I ■ • Tfas Jowirier. -| * -Ci^ARVflXBi * J - ’ t 'J t V*
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