The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26
Ttie Ifeyqld, _ *1.00 A Y3RAR. • HNhhNFa*#I*r«|w4**w« .•afai&yt *SWA* C m Wit* Qnuwt; HU ) U WrtjtaFisas,’ SATURDAY, MARCH 16, l&OL two hundred word#, will be charged >or, *t the rate of Jive «»t» per line. OAED8 OF THA^KB — Five " “m ta perltjae, ■ ; " , When yea semi in loug obUwarie# pleas* sfc*U whom the bill m to be #ent to, or we will publish two (300) him* dr*d word# end leave the balance opt, Make them as long as you wish, it you oomplywith the aliovo. conditions, — 1 o f ptife justice, ' ss?'r' m hwb * b E- X S; W. Smith. .'J a p a n is following our good exam ple in rapidly withdrawing its troops ,• from Chilli}.,. :•. .... . , .. • „ Reducing the number of American tyoops in Pekin is only carrying out- the announced policy of this govern* >' ment. t - . / V"'4 ’ , / \ ; W aelt humbug ox* deference to be Sabbatli that made the Washington r theatre managers .label their-Sunday performances ‘‘sacred concerts?’*V .... with A i nupB' At th# bad** to b* worst aNuplokwdy upon tb* pkcsun aad furnished At tlx* ex- p*n»eef tb# iiwn»e#. * a Any psrsou. violating Any » f tins proykhwaof Section 2 o f Ibis urdinanoe shall be fined not I sm than 15 nor niore than f 25 for each and » IWMrfitte fl*TMff-XtMMttlhwU - From U» YiadJ^tnr.'ButberfujKltoa, If, 0 , Th# editor of the Vindicator baa bed 'occasion to test the efficacy -af Chamberlain’s Pain Palm twine vjith the iuost remarkable results in each ease. First, with rheumatism in the shoulder from which be suffered t ’.* crnciating pain ten ’days, which was relieved with two applications o f Pain Balm, rubbing the parts afflicted and night, and getting up free form pain. For sale by 0 , M. Ridgway. everyoffence so committed. *» »*«**<* ^ss^SiSZSSt^SSin. shall be constructed to authorize the Uef in a short time. Second, in yheu- villsge by its XlayoV to exact and re* j matjem in thigh joint, almost pros* calve u license fee from the merchants I fratjng him'with severe pain, which ,m .g« to * 5 ‘^ ,T i £ a t S 3 5 ^ ' vsrtiwpg their own business vor any 1 - ■> * ... » - ». tam e r from posting sale hills. . E Bee, 3. This ordinance shall, go itito ''full force and effect from mjd I —Prof. Iyison, ofLonaconing, Md., after the earliest time allowed by law. [.suffered terribly from neuralgia of the stomach and indigestion for thirteen years and after the doctors failed to cure him they, fed him oh morphine, A friend advised, the use. of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and after takiftg. a few bottles o f it he says, o ft has cured me entirely. . Xcun’tsay too much for Kodo'l Dyspepsia1Cure.” "If*' digests What you sat* Ridgway <&Co. _ Imagine the feelings of John F. Dovey, who found out a, few minutes .after enlisting in the navy that he Was Onehf ten’ hsirS to » fortune of 14,000,000. i • I t is, only necessary to watch Russia clinching Us hold on Chinese terri- tory alrJldy under its control to be convinced that lyihg is not prohibited in Russian diplomacy. ’■While it is generally,, admitted that •the devil is not always as black as be is painted, there seems to be a dispo sitioh to consider Admiral Sampson blacker than, he is painted. The land' of Sunshine. Every one interested In California and wishing fo- leave this section be-' hind, should read the following care* fully: , The-Demon Home Colony Com pany of Oriand,, Glen County, Cal.,' have the finest orange, olive, lemon | and alfalfa lands in California.' These lands are being mid very cheap and everyone wishing to locate' in Cali-.j fornia (the land of 'sun 9 hi.ue. 7 ~should take advantage of the present low railroad rates, .Nowhere .can a , man ‘rnake more money and enjoy life bettei\thau in California, ‘ ' ' J, Write at once For book, .en titled, ‘-‘A Lemon ^Home. in /C a li fornia)” enclosing three two cent stamps to cover postage. This ad. will not appear again. „ Address,. \ D emos H ome ,C olony C o ., ' Orland, Glen Oo., Cal., jSVfegdahtePfeparationrorAs- slmHating theFoodaudRcgula- ling theStoianchsandBowels of l M , V W S / < Hl I . DKhN Sbe W ill M a rrr * Dtxhe, A London' dispatch .formally, an nounces the' engagement, of Miss P au line Astor *0 the yonng Duke o f BOX-, burghe, The- young man Is a first cousin of the Duke of Marlborough and i s 25 years of age. ■He possesses largo landed estates,, and has a n income of • i j f e ' The Chicago ■evangelist who has offered to wager §1,000 ..that he can .make fifteen converts in'two weeks iii any church in that town will he callec “ a dead game sport” if* he isn’t care, ful. ; - . The question of lxow long Ameri- ■ can occupation of Cufea shall continue haa now been passed along .to the Cubans; they chn run their own gov eminent as soon as they pomply with th e conditions laid down ' by Congress and approved, by President McKinley. Good Advice, 1 ., The moat miserable beings in the world are thosesuffering from Dyspep sia and Diver Complaint.' More than seventy five p e rc e n t of the people in the United States are afflicted with these two diseases and theii effects: such a s Sour Stomach, Sick Head ache, Habitual Oostiveness, Pnlpita fion of the Heart, Heart burn, Water- brash, Gnawing and BurningPaius a t the Pit o f the Stomach, Yellow ,Skin,-Coated Tongue and Disagree- - Taste In the Moutii, Coming up oi' Food after Eating, Dow Spirits, etc. Go to your Druggist and get a bottle of August Flower for 76 cents. Two doses will relieve you. -Try it. Get Green’s Prize Almanac. AH ORDHTANCE Providing for the licensing o f bill posters, advertising signpainters, bill distributors, card tuckers and adver tising matter o f any article o r Com pound which has not beencompound ed within the corporate limits o f the village ofCedamlle, Ohio, Be it ordained by the council of the village of Cidarriile*G., that Sec. I. I t shall be unlawful for any person or corporation to engage in or berry on the business o f bill posting, painting and posting age* for advertising pur poses, distributing bill or advertising matter o f any kind, tacking cards and advertising matter^ o f any article or compound which has not been manu factured o r compounded within the corporate limits .of CcdarvSile, Ohiti without first having obtained affeense from the Mayor of said city to do so. Sec. % Before issuingsuch license the Mayor shall demand and receive from the person, five ($6) dollars and upon payment of such 'sum o f money' it shall lie the duty of the Mayor to iastfe to snch person a license for the period of oneyear.from the date thereof and express authority is hereby given to the Mayor to grant and issue such Heart s and revoke the same. Bee. 8, Bald licensee, his agents and employees while engaged in the act of bill posting, painting and post ing sign* for advertising purposes, dis tributing bills, tacking Up cards for advertising purposes and advertising fiwtfer of any article orcOtnpdund not mauulkciursd or oomponnded within tie* corporate limits « f said city, shall wMht m angagtf itihk'n. badge with the jfollowteg wtftjs printed thereon nhtrg* kw «a ,f*(4«s»i»ed Adv«r%wr/ ‘ J Public Snlei "Haying more stock on;,hands than 1 will have grass to carry, I have con cluded to sell at ■Public Sale a t my residence, three miles east of >Cedar- ville, and four miles west of Selma on the road known as the Townslcy and Speneerroad, on Wednesday, Mar, 27, 1901, a t 12:30 p, m., the follow ing property, -towit: Four head of! horses, consisting of a number one draft mares 6 years old, good workers and sound; I six-year-old bay gelding, works anywhere and .a good driver; I two-year-old Norman draft coltA Six teen head of cattle, consisting ,oD4j^ yearling steers, 2 milch cows,- 1 aged full' blooded short horn bull and Xfull blooded short horn Calf. Seventy-six head of sheep, consisting of 60 feed ing lambs, 16 head of Shropshire ewes bred to .ltfmb Apr. 15, Thiftv-one bead o f hogs, consisting of 30 feeding hogs and 1-brood sow. 600 bushels of corn in' crib, I nearly hew surrey, 2 sets of lead harness,! set new buggy harness, 1 set spring wagon harness. Terms: On all sums over .$5 a credit of six'months will bejgiven on a bank-J able note. . ' R, S. Townsley. PrqmotesDigesfidn.ChccrfuD ness andRe3tContaln3 neither Opium,MOr^me norMineral. K o i N A ^ d o T i o . s*ve tfo tfi* sm m P tra a R ^ S S s s i A Apetfegl Remedy forConstipa- Ron, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions,Feverish ness and L o s s o f S l e e p . Facsimile. Signature of N E W YO RK . ' A t b moiiUi*. o ld J5 B o m s - 1 1 s EXACT CSOPVOFWRAPPER. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the .... Signature of ■M l Use Over Thirty Years TH*CKttAUHOMPAHV. W»H*«W. m m m UZSB PAULINE ABTOE. about $300,OQD a year. His widowed mother was a t one time mistress of the robes to Queen Vlet- rla and re mained to the la s t one of the favorite ladles of the bed chamber. Pauline Astor )s the daughter of William Wal dorf Astor and is khe only daughter of th a t branch of the Astor family. I t is said she wffi receive, from -tug' fa ther’s fortune the sum of $15,000,000. An Active U e llelo aU t. v To a select party of friends Archbish op Temple related some amusing remi niscences of bis School experlencrB a t BtundelPe when In Tiverton the other day. He went over (tbe. school build ings, which are now parceled out-into residences, shut in by a high boundary wall. Standing-on the triangu lar'tu rf iii front of the buildings, the archbish op explained that this was the "Ironing box” of bis day, -the scene of all school fights. Speaking of his first fight. Dr. Temple mentioned, with evident pleas ure, th a t though the assailant was six Inches or more taller than himself be beat him and compelled him to ran away. ”Ho_ was not a good boy, I am sorry to say,” observed the archbishop, '•'and, fg tell the truth, he was also a bit of a coward. He bit out a t me, but 1 continued to dodge him, nod then my turn came. The end of It was th a t he , .' AWoman'! Word*ofFr*!ie« NeoshoFnlls, Kune., Rov. 13,1000 Pepsin Syrup Oo„ Monticello, 111. ........... Dear Sirs:—For almost fifteen years' turned tall and ran away, .with me aft- I suffered from indigestion, and last er him, shouting as he went, 'Take him winter thought I would die, when my I otfr ” The archbishop frankly con- doctor, D r. A, J . Dieurance of this place, advised mo to try Dr, Cald well’s Syrup Pepsin, which Id id , and tiVo boftles cured me, - .I t not only re-' lieved me, but 1 cured me so that I have not been trouble! since. I f any one should offer me §500 for the good Syrup Pepsin lias* done me I would not think of taking it. No one can take your mekicine withou' being con vinced of its more than wonderful I cures. I recommend it to all my friends as a laxative and stomach rem edy* Yours with gratitude, Mrs, J.Morgan, Sold by O. M; Ridgway. fessed th a t be was not always success ful on th a t triangular spot. —London Letter. Getting Thin Our Claims for your Crafle .A Fiiic Stock nFFurniture - , Consisting of r....... . . ; ' / /f A Tull assortment of Parlor Suites. A fine stock of Rockers, A complete line of Combination Book Cases. A full stock of everything ,in the Furniture"Line, lUbai FonUlili ReceivebytradingUlitbU$: 1 “ ‘ The Largest Stqck to Select From. " The Lowest Prices. • 1 The Best Values.; ■ ■‘ ■s • < ■ ■ • - - ••- *. '« « Our garnet Department is full of Bargains;« « Highest Quality, ■Largest Variety, Best Styles. “ - You will make a mistake if you don’t see our fine; JAMES H. n cM IL I AN, Furniture Dealer. Funeral Director, Is a il r ig h t, i f you are to o fit; a n d a ll wrong* i f to o th in already . l is t o p l e t t e r s . j F a t> enough f o r y o u r h a b it, is Dist o f letters remaining uncalled j h e a lthy j a little m o re , o r less, is th01 Too fat, consult a doctor; too thltt, persistently month ending March 16, 1D01. 0 List No.- 21, Chatauqtm Circle Vaught, Mrs. Sophia T. N. T akbox , P , M, — Mta. O. E , VfinDeuseh, o f Kil- bourn, Wi«,, was afflicted with stom ach trouble and constipation forfi longtime. She say*, UX have fried mahy preparations hut none have done me the good that Olmtuherliuu’wHtom- aeh and Liver Tahlct* have,” Thcao Tablets are for sole nt {’, M. Ilhlgwny’a; drug afore,' I ’ri.m, M cents, Bam* pies free, Rev. Sanderson was in Cincinnati sat Sabbath, atsiaUifg a brother min ister in Comniuuiou, .. / m i HOWS THIS? We offer One H und red Dollars Ue-, Ward for any case of C atarrh th a t con« no t be cured by H a ll’s C atarrh Cure., t \ J , CftteNfev <feCo,, Tolwlo, O, We, the nnderrigned, have known ■J, Cheney for th e last 15 y ears, aud iielieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and finan- vfaily able to curry o u ta n y obligations make hy-their-firm W m e A T ruan , Wholesale Druggists •ToietJo, O, ■WALmsro, K jnnan & MAfivur. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo,- O, Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in* ISftudly, acting directly upon the Mood and mucous surfaces m thesyi- tem, Testimbnials sent free. Price 760 per' bottle.. Bold by druggists. Family Pills are thowat* thin, no raatterv/hat cause, take Scott’s Emulsion of Cod Liver1 Oil. There firemany,causes of get ting too thin; they all come under these two heads; over work and under-digestion. Stop over-work, if you canj but, whether you can or not, fake Scott’s- Emulsion cfCcd Ltver Oil, to balance yourself with your work. You can’t Hve on it—true—but, by it, you can. There’s a limit, however* you’ll pay for it ' Scott's Emulsion ofCod Liver Oil is the readiest cure for “can't eat,’’ unless it comes of your doing no work-you can’t long be well and strong, without some soft o f activity. T h e frenu ino h a s t h i s p i c t u r e o n It, t a k e n o o th e r . If y o u h a v e n o t tr ie d it, s e n d f o r f r e e s a m p l e , f ts ft- ftree&b ie t a s t e will ^ c S r f*& yBOWNE ‘» N#w Yerk. ftOe, a n d f h O O i a lt d r u g g is t* . A Good IMng. German Syrup, is the special pre ecription o f Dr. A. Boschec, acelo brated German Pliyeibian, and is ac knowledged to of the'roost for tunate discoveries in medicine. I t f uickly cures Coughs, Colds and all iutig troubles of the severest nature, removing, as it does, the cause of the affection nnd leaving the parts in a strong and healthy condition. I t is not an experimental medicine,but has stoed the test of years, giving satis faction in every case, which its rap idly increasing sale every season con firms. Two million bottles sold annu ally. Boschee’s German Syrnp was introduced in the United States in 1868, and is now sold in every town and village. in the <yvilized world Three doses will.relieve any ordinary cough. Price 75cIs. Get Greens’ Prize Almanac. •1 AGoof Oonglt X«dlciaa fat Oblldm. “ I have no hesitancy in recom mending Ghamberliin’s Cough Rem edy,” says F . P . Moran, a well known and popular baker, of Petersburg, Va. ’‘We have given it to out chil dren when troubled with bad coughs, also whooping cough, and it has al ways given perfect satisfaction. It was recommended to me by a drug gist as the best dough medicine for children as it contained no opium or other harmful drug.” Bold by C M. Ridgway, ■—Ifyou to Gray’s. want anything good, go Aa K»attt Vedidaa for J,»Qrljpo, George W. Wnitt, of South Gar diner, ale,, says: "‘I have had the worst cough, cold, chilis and grip and have taken lots of trash o f no account but profit to the Vendor. Chamber- Jam’s Gough Remedy is the only thing that has done any good whatever; I have used one bottle of it and the chills, cold arid grip have all left me. I congratulate the ulaniifactiireraot an honest medicine.” Fo r sale by C. M. Ridgway. CHURCH .DIRECTORY Hi P. horch—Bsr. J. JP. Motion, Paalor. jerrifce, at jliOO a. m. Sfttibstk School at 10 a. m. t Coronantor Church—llet. W, J, Sandorson, pastor, Sabbath School,at 10 a. m. Pxaaeb. jug at J1;00 a. m. Young People meet at* p. m. except the 1st and 3d Sabbaths of the month when they meet at 8)30, and preaching Is the eTenins on the 1st and 3d Sabbaths of the month at 7:00 p. a . It. P. Cburtb—Ber, F. O. Host, pastor. Ser vices at 10:30 a. m. sad 7:00 p, nt. Sabbath School at 9:30 a.m. standard time.. . M. K. Church—Rev. A . Hamilton, Pastor. Preaching at 10:4&a. m Sabbath School at 9:30 a, m. Young People's meeting at 8:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:00. Preaching every other Sabbath area mg7:Wp. m. Baptist Church—Hers George Washington, pastorofthe Baptist church. Preaching at' 11 a. n . and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath School at 2:30 p.m. Prayer meeting e.rery Wednesday night at 7:30. Everyone invited, A.M E. Chareh—KeV. O. E, Jones l'as tor Preaching at 10:90 a. m. and 7:00 p. m Class every Sabbath at 12:00, Sabbath School at 3:00 p. m. Prayer meeting 7:30 p. m ., Wednesday ere. Rnptorc or Hernia Cured No operations Or Injections, no pain or dts'com- fort in any way, no lice! springs or iron frames no wooden, ivory or hard rubber balls, epps, punches or pings used. Not the LEAST BIS' TRESS or annoyance, Onr Outfit for the CORE of RtlPTORX OR HERNIA is made of fine soft materials, such as felt, velvet, chamois skins and elaslie webs. It fits like a glove and ean ham you no more. IT HOLDS jour intestines hack in their nat ural position snd the wound WILL REAL like any other wound when U has * chance. The Only Way to Cure Is to hold the intestines In or back all the time, until the wouifds be comes grown together. Your Rupture Cannot be Cured in any other way. We have had 35 years constant and bard experience in treating RUPTURES and this OUTFIT Is the BE- 8ULT. Men, womenand childrenmadeCOM FORTABLE by using this OUTFIT, Prices reasonable and In accordance with the esse, IF INTERESTED, please write fot particulars, which we will mail you FREE, Address, “ MOHAWKREMEDY 00., ^ Rome, TLx -Jardeniers, very cheap. . i Ridgway «fcCo, 'Mohawk Catarrh Cure. Cheapest and Best, Cafes Catarrh In fromS to X9days. Cures Coid in the Head, S to 15 minutes. .Securely packed with full instructions, hy mall, POSTAGE PA ID, 26e. Try it and yon will lie more than pleased with the Investment, back if yop are dissatisfied. “Stamps taken,” MOHAWYREMEDY00, . . . Rorte, HewYerk, ExchangeBatik CEDARYIDLE, OHIO, A CCOUNIS of Merchants and la- **• (Uvitjuala solicited, Collectioos promptly wade'and reniltied, ThRAFTB on New York aud cinnnti sold a t lowest late*, cheapest and most convenient way send money by mail, THE RAP» IHAftST COMPANY, ’ Between Xenia and Dayton, . "" Leave-Day ton; Leaves Xeuia: 5:00 a', m, 0:00 feOO a, m. 7:00 Cin- Thc to T OANB made on Real Estate, fional or Collateral Security. Pei- William Wildman, Pres., . Seth. W, Smith, Vice Pres,, W, J . Wildman. Cashier. M O M SON ■Daily Meat Market. ' Underithe above"firm name, the meat market of C. W. Crouse will be conducted', A ll product in the meat line will be the best that money can buy, which fact combined'with lionest and thorough business methods is enough assurance to the public, "who always want the worth of their money in every respect. When sending children, direct them ' tons; we always give them the best they ask for. 8;00 8;00 . 0:00 iW - 10:00 10:00 • . 11:00 11:00/ ’’ 12:00 Noon. 12,00 Nt i;00 p: 2:00 1:00 p.. m, . 2:00 ■3:00 -3:00 . •- . . 4:00 4:00 5:00 . 5:00 6:00 6:00 7:00 7:00 - ■ ;■8:00 8:D0 ' ' ' ‘ 9:00 0:00 30:00 lOj-OO ’ 11:00 l i t op ■ ’ 12:00 - GOODS DELIVERED Telephone No. 74. . Counterfeits of.DeWitt’s Witch azel Salve arc liable to cause blood forming* Leave them alone. The ■^■Results, Immediate and lasting, Before and after trying other rem . ^ ........... ........ ...... cdfoes use Rocky 'Mountain Tea this!original has the name DeWittV upon month. Twifi keep yott well all sum* the bo* and Wrapper. If Is a harm* *rfier* A great spring-blessing. A sk less and healing salve for skin diseases, yon drdggvff. , . JUytKjnaled for piles, RidgwayACo. New Meat Store— ^ Having opening the -Meat Store formerly conducted by Ed Hensliei, we will have on hand at all times a v , choice line of . ' - Fresh and Salt Meats'. . Bologna and Sausage . ... and everything connected with a first-class meat store. We Handle th e , celebrated Kingnn & Co’s! Homs, Xenia office and waiting room No 4. South Detroit fit. Dayton office and waiting room, 15 West Fifth St,, opposite I^osloffice. The running time between Dayton and Xenia is one hou r,.passing thru Highlands,. Smithville Rond, Zimmer- man, Alpha, ' Trebeins and Luca* Grove. / ■ ‘ . Dayton to Xenia 17 miles, fare 25 cents’., - __N.'„ Every other car combinationlfor freight* Sundays and Holidays cars rim every half hou r.. Cincinnati Division- Westward, Uolnuibosiv. -Alton....fc.... “■ W, Jefl'ei'son “ Loudon ■* S.Ciiarleston '1 Selinn ...... Oedarvllle.... Wllberforce.." .Xenia ... Spring V*i;.. “ R o x a u u u “ Waynesvlllo M' OreKonin....,, “ KorfcAnclent” Morrow;...'....1* So. Lobanon * Lovclund..... “ Milford........«. Hntavla Jo... Cliteliinutlur ennsylvaniaIdnss.l Schedul«otPau«n9erTriVu-C»ntrilTI:r,o, 155] o itos »i raa i ii> am [ am am J am cm *150*250-700*855-215 915.. 305 AM Charles Weimer. „ GOODS D E L IV E R E D " ^ ^ Telephone 60. , Eastward,: C incinnati IV ItiiUivluJe... *» Milford.......« l.ovolitud.... *‘ Bo. Lebriuju ,f Morrow.......** l^tr-Anolout ■*. Oregouiu...... ft WayneBVlIlt ’• Uoxnnnn Bpring Val.., ” Xonln..;.. j fjj Wilborforoo Cedarvhlo.,. ” 'KvDnn..„.,»....*■- S.Chnrlestou '* London^........ " W. JeUbreon 1 Alton......... « Coluuibn* ar. ID 334 4)9426 f436 630 AM 746 8 301 8 5CI .2® 1447'9 10 f455 9.25 942 1806) 9#313 100H„, 101713 28 10125 - 033 3 1040 3 10 60 1064 1103 11 14 11f22. It 35 1143 1201 1210 1250 I’M 8 21 83B ffi45 854 607 PM 104C AM 3'407 5... 530 AM *83? ,908 930 1844 952 AM1012 *7161017 1723 ...... 729 ...... 737 ... . 746,10144 8061100 81"- 845)1135 AM| AM a if»-; •v— r 4 E VX•' TIM 8 00 5 “ o ni r**r »a - o f* I f . p i - a : 013; , s i 3R h i *5a sip a 15* VM T m a? *151♦431*8M: P;ri- 23! 518 850 SI i t | SU 918 5®' ; s?h80 >945 s= ! ill l P 11 Wj10.28 AMmas s i ■ 4i - 52 02 'is lira . ■ n In 105 BOffii*4b125C SB Wi I’MPMMl a? ' B slw tin SprlnglUld, X>nU, Ptylon. Richmond WESTWARD. Iprlnafleldlv llllov Sfg*** Xenln Dayton... Qrookyills” Dodion Eldorado... “ Richmondsnr TS AM IlllU t f n r AM *72^“4 J3*13 nr 3 38 }v 338 LOUISVILLE liK|SHVILL£RAILROAD The Great Central. • Southern Trunk Line ' WINTER TOURIST TICKETS Now on sale to F L O R I D A and the CU L F COAS T Write for foldere,l descriptive matter to C, L. STONE, General Pnwengcr Agt. LOUIS'VH-LE, KY. SEND YOUR ADDRESS . To R . J . WEMYSS, Qotttrsl Itmnigr*lion am) IndurtrUl Agont LOUISVILLE, KY. And he will mail yon free’ MATS,ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS and prigs : list of land and farms in KENTUCKY. TENNESSEE, .... . AIABAMA. MISSISSIPPI. FLORIDA. Hue front stable. ( Leave yoiit horses there and your rijjs be kept on the inside, out o f the ram and storbn 20 N . Fountain Avenue, Springfield, O. Clf ARIES E , T odd ; Vrop Adam’s Restaurant and Dining Rooms Gomer High and Limestone street, Springfield; Ohio. kASTWABO, Eldorado f* Rodion. >, Irockdjh,,'' Dayton Kenla tillowSpn." Springfield it l4 43jV TOTH AM AM •5 l&iO*« ,84f f6W .. 609. ar 64011C61 lv 6 401105) atr{7101130 726 AM 744 805 A v n w y u RgintT AMIAM AMF81«*840I 848 907 8 4a 907 9 ti 1922 94j ..... lOOSlOlg 373T3Tff atad io :t AM •9 30 9 40 10-lC am •PM( PMI 3*00*8f5 AM 11*358 U655 . . 12155 S 6 j H'B IM iPlir «Ui»S»oJ»T, 5tulu ta4iielirr.ttiimr.ri r*«i*.if A«• ■ «fLonltsi. *6>ll;, i XiHpi Sur,4«j. DarkFacadTyped«tt»tiai (r»mI3.0i)ri»r i«13tin 'n.v- algM; UpMr»«dlrm 12 , 00 BididgklUI/IP' i«A (•ulinMii H ieentnr Caraon Not.,, Hi, 10 , at),SI and loo eilherrmi ti,ri.,.gi <p 'nuhunbiM nnd Pittsburgh ort'oiii.oj' u«r»'.an PiUsburKli Union Station to and Imtu H;> tnoro, wnslilngion, PhlKulflpliln u 'i..*- w York. N or . a, SOI and 2 t cir.'.m:." t.i l.t mond for Indianapolis amt,H'. N»-s. 31 an d a for Chicago. h. P. LOKEE, K. A Fold . Ouunll|m{Hj T,ntr.l i’ustiito i(Ml li-woo-I* . PttfWBTmou, Ptc?> For tlroecard»,rfttesof fan;, ii tutii;:. iii'km^, baggage checks,'and further inimm Mon gardtng th# rnnnlnx of trail’s upj,}/ <o i.’.*- •gentof tbePennaylvuula Liucs, E , S, Keyes, Agent, Cedarville, Ohio, ASKYOURGROCER FOR Tfcfi -5 Mlnatc Breakfast Fcoi Purina Health Flour <*r M m fa d r > -BR .A IN BR>FAD.,S PURINA mills , S t . L ows , M o . D o N'T B e FooLEDt Take tha arigtaMl ROCftV MOUNTAIN f t * s ^ R i s s r i t i . . S SK A V J ’" ’ -4" -No, 2 Oaalor Oil for buggies, Ridgway & Co, 60 YBARS* EXPERIENCE P a t e n t s i RACE marks „ OcaiOH* . CopYhioHra A c. AttronaHftdlngaeketrbanddeAcrlptlnnMay* fialeklr aacertaln our opinion fmxrnether.'MI hireYillort lflproSaMypaiwtAbte, ponnauntea- tronAMricUrootiddantiahBaadbookoaPatent* eent free. Oldest AMnerforseenringWrteou. r t m n ijwowimWi| wittKracvflfirye, lit tsB Scientific.Hmtricati. AbetnMoraeir ithMtnded weekly. Lsrreet otr. filiation of anyeoiemliofournal. Term*,#*« re»rI-fourwontM,SL SoldbyAll nenadtelers. C av L ais ,AnATrAde^MarksebtAiaedsndtUPit. tnt basin***conductedforMootAAYfiFt**, <OunorriotiseeroAirtU.a.PxTSHTorric* ■J'andwecAnsecurepatentin lea*timethan(bote ^remote f-TmW*shingtor, sendmodel,drawingor photo,,Witndesertp Hflfti 1w’ . J . . , . . ", , ' i charge, A P am edit of'6 u i i’i«U*S»stndforiifi fimntrifi sept m if Addrw*. O . A . S N O W A O O . D ps . PAttNT6frr*t, WAtHtNaraN, f>, t> |f« JPAttRf i M t i l wrist,r““ “" * <■ s j » y rite a b o v e r cw n fd l fry#pepsin Side HeadJ or Q»tf nessf iverlfa, TheUp-ti y ere purelyVegetable boxes contain 100 Pit s contain J5Pills. Bewl by mail. Stamps ta Siton and Jackson Sts; _/ C. M. Ridgway, D j fhe New Sprinj The New Spring The New Spring] If : ■ ' V I Z I S I ^ e l f e c t t h e fhe bloom and freshness e, assortments are larg<| /Jfeeprice absolutely right. fre m u r p b 48, 5Os 52 , 54. 51 S p r i n g f i e l d , • ,/ Goods | qo Apple Zephyr..... ...................25 Itrcerized Silk Zephyr............... 37-i pencil Madras..................,.10 tn 25 inch Gingham..,.......,,............. 25 gured Swiss ............................. .,50 such Figured Lawn..................25 dift D im ity ...,...:....,............ .:,.2E imrora Dimity........ ............If fceoBale Lawn ..;...;................... .1( Pk Tissue................... 51 Itrcerized Foulards,.........25 to 37- pkChambrey............ .........'.25 to>5( tit Mu ll,...............'.,..'..,..874 to 51 IAll of the above are .new effect client for waists, cost less, we rier than silk. Wool effects are i y " . [Hew Suits, Wnists, Skirts, Pet *t* are now in and will please yo 13000 yards Seersucker, so true Ster, so suitable for Waists, Shii 1Greases." , HOUSE FURNISHIN6. J’Cftrtninly this be the season foj #ge in Carpets, Linoleum, Wj fShades, Mattings and Rugs. [SEE OUR STOCK—10,000 yJ rings, new importation, pretty] act#, 12J to 50c, ['floor Brussel Rugs, ail sizes 3 y| [4yds,. 1875. [%rain a rt sfjuarcs 44.75 to 48,| Carpet 25c to 3$e old pricj carpets lias advanced |s*ll for early spring at old priq CARPETS, OILGIDTH, ®efouni, Window Shades and i in large supplies, ll»de Curtains and Window Shsj jWhid and cheer every house. Hutchison '' ' £ • • Gibney. ftMWiKIDNEY! S E E ™ MMhtMAlV tniMMKil • Wi»!*r.A*a
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