The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26

'X ^ / " . . . « ' - : ; , , : : '•;* T * r * ?* i r j g p ^ i s ^ ^ i r suSSsw mamm. »^»i-WM%Ayiij<>^t;itii^p»TOi*^tywi^»<liy>i»il!g .4. u)mm# Him* si+mm such prices at our Job Lot Sale of Boots, Shoes, Slippers and Rubbers that you can afford to buy and em’tillyou need them. Big bargains in eyery department Do not fa ilto ca llin and see us. *. 4* 1 -gUMMO. I Xiocal 'and Personal/ Get our prices on Sale Bills. Mias Jennie Morion returned. to MinneapohV Monday! in ta k e Up her >work na teacher ;n the academy oi that place. .? ■*- .*■• - • ' ’ —Rice’s bulk, Garden .Seeds at ' Cdoper'a. Mrs, T. N. Harper; of Rfvevdale, Dayton, was the gutpt the first of tht week of Mr* and LMrsF Janies Town- siey. . . . -r-Bnng us your B u t t e r will give I 7 e l b , for,choice, at Bird’s. ‘ Mrs, Hello Murdock returned, to Cincinnati, Monday. —La,grippe-—our Honey, of Tar relieves and cures. Ridgway <fc Co, Mrs. Morton still continues to im prove, rde,'ri . J ,*■’ -. t —A choice line o f all kinds oi Groceries, a t Gray’s. W nu .H , Lewis, -of Clark’s Run neighborhood, died Tuesday about 3 o’clocknfter a long illness from con: sumption. H s was S3 years of age and is survived by his wife. The fun­ eral took place from bin-late residence yesterday afternoon: \ ■ -Headache often- results from b disordered condition o f the stomach and constipation of the _bowels.. A dose oftwo of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver .Tablets : yfilL; correct these disorders and cure' the headache.' Bold Uy,'CiM.^Ridg\yay..', , ' ' Mrs.' Salli'e Barber has been suffer­ ing w ith , the la grippe for several weeks. a *'• *2 \ \ v * “ . W a n te d :-—Country Bacon, a t Bird’s. t j ; / 0 n next^kda^'""aignl^Moidh1'22,/ a n a d v e rg in g social*,will be given by the y&Utfg pepplO’s - society of-the U, P . church a t tfiebome o fMr, Hale Collins. An admission lee Of ten .cents will he’charged to. defray ex­ penses. „ —Throe tabs Tomatoes o r Pie Peacbe*-;best * brands for* -25e*at ■•Cooper’s*, Osborn, March 19, beginning- in the morning a t 19 -o’clock,,, bolding a morning, afternoon"'and evenmg ses- ' jion, ..This promises to . be one of the best conventions our county has ever held, T h e ;p * o g ^ -Teas,.Coffee and Cigars a t Gray’s I The Clifton High School Alumni Association -will hold their annual meeti'ag for election of officers, March 29, 1901, -,in Clifton High School room a t 3:30 p. m, —G a r d e n S e e d s in B u l k , O n io n S e t s and S e e d P o t a t o e s , / • ' A t Bird’s. MiEa Daisy Gray arrived home from, Ashland, Ky., Tuesday, alter a few weeks visit with friends in that place. >, _' * * - * * ' —^Call up 70 for anything in the .groceryline. . I .. Mr.-D.,Bradfute, of the Cedarvilie Protective Association informs us that there will be a meeting of this organi zation Friday evening, March 22, A full attendance is desired. I f etary of the State will be.present, also Mri, Mary Beheld,, oCSpringfield, and o th£ ra/; Lafeveiyohe' interested in Babuitu BShoof#ork, both teacher and achelaVbe present. / , 4 —I f yofe Want better goods for the money than you can get from any other dialer in Sprftigfie% 0 „ go to Starkey’sAreadeShoeHouse*, They ftneiuaa. H toan dt ..Son; Jb«r & Company apd H ^Sbwpany, jb>d the femou# Sorosis, ...____ __V Merifeto <£Company for miaees a»d vhildren. Mrs. W, M. Barber hie been quite tick for several days path ~ rA complete line of harness at Karr & Hasting# Bros;1 , -* Th#sloma<fe,i»nl#c3k^heyUnafioti.' Those who are :|i*uri3r*ficj^totig hri those w I oj » m » <*t w i*d igest pfenfcy o f food, Hoddl D j|»im iia Ch rer d^ seats w jbf yon eat a p p l o ’ks Jdd to oat all (to ftWt fo&ST'fSk^ W**rtr - H you sufferm m Irsdlgestlcm, heattbunr, belching o Mr, end Mm. Chaa. Bnria and son spent Tuesday with -Mm. Ervm; mother ofMrs. Barber, —fimoke “Royal Arms’* a 10c eigarforSc, Sold dfaly .by Ridgway JkCkt* ' ' . i '•. •- The people of Xenia Will vote this coming election on ih e question of ieetning bond* to , rim amount >of 149,000 for the purpose of erecting hew. school buildings, —A Ifer mnot. a good advertiser, The dealer who telle yon in plain Em the patty who will WRHy get j a w pationege.j, Aef*4«;Vrite Araide, have « a i» iisM*it njfputiriioA, and can give you a wfeffywy- body ieatM4flg hoota, »hoe^ elippers m i rubbers sbonRf call a t their store '/ • - ....... / - have, several bu- &U. will sell. , •- 6l!?Ot. R%W*f. do not give better treatment and bet­ ter goods for the money, why do two- thirds of the people of' Springfield and vicinity trade with them? They are up in their huisixiesS. The Cantata Club will meet a t the honie of Mrs. W, R. Sterrettr this ev­ ening at eight o’clock. ' —“Marnpon”, a 110c cigar- for. 5c. Sold only by Ridgpay &C!o, The C.E.society of the R.P. church will hold a Rummage Sale- a t the O rr building, Mar. 23, 27 aiid 30, An Exchange jwill be held in connection with the sale, a t which pies, cakes and all delicacies can he obtained at reasonable prices. ' —Black Hawk Corn Planters will be sold thiB season by Kerr & Hast­ ing Bros. ' Frank Socin, who Has been c le rk ­ ing in Ridgway <fc Go’s, drug - store, - left last Week for his home where he will spend several weeks vacation. -v —The' lingering* cough : followin grippe calls fpr One Minute nre. For a ll throat and lung trou,- S hies this is the only harmless remedy that ogives, Immediate results. Pre­ vents consumption. Ridgway & Co. \ ~ i Come to the Rummage 8alerforyoup spring, hivt8,clothing'nnd;hou8ehold ef­ fects. r. Gct .yhur choice deserts a t the Exchange -Mar, 23,,27 and 30, ‘ ( ‘ I- ■* ’ * 1 *W a l l P a p e r—ati entire new stock to select from. Prices from 3^c per. bolt up, at Bird’s. ..,A Citizens meeting will he. held in .the opera house, Wednesday evening, Margb 20, a t $. o’clock in the interest (if tbs proposed cheese factory. The meeting will bo addressed by Prof. J . W« Decker, of the Ohio State Uni­ versity, in His illustrative stercoptican lecture ob the care o f mi|k and cheese making in Ohio. No admission fee charged. Everyone invited. —•Apples, Bananas, Oranges, lem­ ons and green stuff at Coopers. ■s.• { s _ -m ' ‘ .•MissHattie Dobbins was very hap- ,pUy surprised on last Saturday, it be* irig her eleventh birthday, by a group o f about-two little girl friends who had been invited to spend the day with her. While ‘she was making preparation' to spend the day with a neighboring friend, they all came in and to her .great Surprise loaded her with many beautiful little presents. An elegant dinner Was served and the afternoon was spent in playing games, recitations and music. All reporta fine time/ —rCoacli, Buggy and Wagon bar- neesinU.grades and prices a t Kerr & Hastings Bros. ' «w£T- ■ MisisoS Florence Sutton and Rutb Setty, of Goes, O., spent Saturday and Sahbath at the heme of their timber, Miss Dobbins, / Fo il S aw ;— 50 S. C. B Leghorn liens and pullets at 35c each. Also 6 Cockerels, price on application*/' Matt Willson, Cedarvilie, O, —For horse collars, lines, bridles and everything in the harness line try | . Kerr <lkHastings .Bros. > Mrs. Lil Shfotufes, who has been in* Chicago for, adme tifiie, came borire last Sunday'to Visit with her parents for a shdrt timer. . —Bee that you get the original De- Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve when you ask for it. The genuine is a certain, cure for piles, sores and skin diseases.! Ridgway & Co. Miss Emma Anglebauet, of Green­ field, arrived here Wedne-Mlay even* ing, and wilt have' charge o f the mil­ linery firs» of Stewart A Ustick -v-Hofseless carriages, fuelleae bn* glues, and the wireless telegraph are the, greatest innovations. Dr« ■C a td / -While talking to a member o f the local telephone company a few days ago, he informed us that tfJO Xenia independaUt line was now being con­ structed in this. direction and that, they were out as far as the McLean farm near Wilberforee, The local company will begin shortly to. meet them. Their poles have not' yet arrived but are expected most any time, ‘ The Xenia, company expect to begin the construction of a plant in Jamestown next week. All patrons of the local exchange will he entitled to free use of lines any where in the county, —For the best Cream and Schweit­ zer Cheese go "to Cooper’s. Chas. Dean has the . contract for moving Ed Stormont’s barn and re* building^-same. - Ho-will move-.the harp across the road from it's present location. He also lias the contract, for building a barn for .Air, Albert Bickettnf near Old .Town Run. £~Try Cooper’s line o f bulk coffee 32Jot 15c. 20c, 25c,., Tim Thank Offering exercises of the Junior Missionary Society will hold a meeting in .the lecture room of the U. P. church next Saturday at 2 p, -in. All are invited to be present, ■ —Remember, we go into the best markets in the world as wholesale, up- to-date cash dealers with forty-five years'experience, when you ask your­ self why Starkey’s, in the Arcade, Springfield, control the boot and slides business oi the city and country, . . Vegetarian, Baked Beans. ’ With Tomatoe Sauce, . No Meat.. No Fat. A t Gray’s. The-electrig lights went out rather early-Tuesday evening, it being ex­ actly half past nine. We did not un­ stand for what reason: but it is about right for business houses but rather eady for residences. /-New Crop California Apricots Peaches, Prumes,.Grapes and Raisins at Gray’s. The granting of •' injunctions in Xenia against. the independent com­ pany,is only an advertisement for them! The manager had the sanm to take place while constructing a line in'Londou, b / t i t did not interfer with the work. Such work from Op­ posing'companies only tends to bring customers to the ihew company, —Another ■lot of Fresh Candies this week . fresh from fnefory. See ottr north window.. Ridgway1 & Co'. Examinations have been holding the boards at the college, the past week. There will be a two days va­ cation W ore beginning Jthe Spring terra on Wednesday. . —Smoke “Dins Especial" 5c. Sold only by Ridgway A Co. D r. P . R . Madden, Practice lim ­ ited to EV E ,. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Glasses Accurately Ad­ justed, A llen Building, Xen ia, O. ’l»phobe.—Office Wo» ?J, Resi'iiiicc No. a,. hearing a sudden wash in the draw­ ing room. llurryiiig'ri-izLiho ’ spot, A Generation of Perfect feel. The manufacturers of the, teraark* able “ Soroais” after having made a Very careful study of growing feet, have just perfected & line of Junior BoroSis for boys and girls which ore being endorsed by ail the leading physicians. The adoption by mothers of bur plan of fitting growing feet will secure to the next generation the blessing of-perfect feet And the foot difficulties which *now- exist will he no longer possible. Boys’ and girls’ “Soroais" are now being shown in STARKEY’S Arcade Shoe House, Agents, Springfield, O, . Election Notice* T he re will be an election held at the usual voting places, Monday, April 2, 1901, for the election of two ndembers of the Board .of Education of tbe„Ce.daryjllo Village School Dis­ trict. Tife. terms of Chas. W. Crouse and Mrs. Lucy Barber expiring. •J. II. Wolford, Clcik, FOR SAIL The fine, business property known as the Lowry Block is for sale on easy terms at private sale. Enquire of Airs. J . E, Lowry, Adm,, Oedarville, Ohio. ALL OVER THE HQUSE Economies Iu Housekeeping . Tlrat Do Not Pay. ‘•Gracious!. What is th a t? ” ex- chrinied a careful ’ house mistress,., , t i , y n ^ t e i i ' she found the maid had smashed the. chimney of one of the tall stand­ ard lamps, “Oh, Alary! How. did th a t happen ?’•’ sho cried reproach­ fully. “ Share, and yez tould me to be "more savin with the matches, ma'iun/’ replied Alary, “and I .was thryin to make wan do to loiglit tlio two of them and/didu’t.seo where I had p.u.t the chimney, I was th a t hur-, ried.” “That’s just-like you wom­ en,” commented her husband, who hadrfMlowed/herTo-the-sjsene *of^-ac­ tion, ‘T o n nave n match and break i&bhhnney ,*md then th ink th a t you are economists/’- There is a good deni of tru th in this criticism. To be oversaving in very small things' does not always pay. While .pure waste should, of course, be strictly guarded against, a generous policy in the- household has much. better results and is in the end msaving. “Do not worry your servants un­ necessarily about trifles that -are really unimportant. Reserve your censure.for vital jpsues,”, was the advice of ah experienced housekeep­ er to a young beginner. “Let them eat and drink all they want, t ,d keep, the brown teapot simmering, all day if they like. Give tiro cook all the utensils she asks f or, and sec th a t the, housemaid has- a plentiful .supply-of everything tha t she needs. A generous policy in small things makes real reforms possible/’ v o n the ncm ioosi. Some of .tlurT cenfc-flowered inns-; lins are most charming when ruf­ fled for curtains and covers or when trimmed with a white cotton hall fringe, says Harper’s Bazar, With ordinary deiiim and dotted muslin," or even with cheesecloth, any' bedroom may bo made charm­ ing, There are xndhy chintzes that cost only 35 or Hi cents a yard. The printed India cottons are interest­ ing, and the cretonnes, armures, scrims, cottony damasks- atfd taffetas a ll lend themselves with delightful results' to the decoration of bed­ rooms, There is an infinite variety from which to make a selection, bui it is, nevor to be forgotten that, however pretty tho paper, a large flower lias no place in a small room. Figured and flowered curtains also nave no place in one hung with flowered or figured paper. Heavy curtains ought not to be lig h te rin tone than the walls. With an occa­ sional portiere the case alters, and again with certain Venetian silks taking u p ' „ome one tone in tho TO»m. . * •<> - Burlaps indkp an excellent wall, covering fo r small rooms, especially* when a wall is likely to be rubbed by any one making the bed. I t can be wiped off with ammonia.and water, and picture nails can be driven into it and pulled out without leaving a mark. W I1EJX BABY SWALLOWS A BUTTON, Giving an emetic to a child who has swallowed-a button or any such HOWTHEBISHOPSMOKED choice and indigestible article ia a fruitless waste of, fjmc and energy. It.will do no good j it may do a deal of liarun I f the bit he has elected to take into his system lias sharp or rough edges, give him potatoes.and cheese tc eat and sec th a t he eats them. I f a bean or pea ha3 lodged in.a chile’s ear, do no t use water to remove it, fo r the water will cause the “ foreign substance” to swell. Cinders or any of the particles thill seek lodgment in the eye aro best removed by first closing the eye un­ til it is filled with tears. Next turn the lid back and use the edge of a handkerchief or a looped hair to re* move the cinder. A BIlfiAD OMELET, I f th e egg supply- happens to bo low and the family- unexpectedly large, a bread omelet may be made. Beat separately the whites and yolks of three eggs. Mix the yolks with a half, cupful of milk and a half cupful p£ bread crumbs; s ilt and paprika to taste, Feld in (he stiffly beaten whites, llc a t the om­ elet pan and put into it a teaspoon- ful of butter and brush with it the bottom and sides. Turn the batter in and cook like a plain omelet and when done fold and serve. The ad­ dition of a tablespoonful of Span­ ish onion chopped fine and the same amount* of.parsfey to the plain or breaded omelet before i t is pu t in the pan will make a Bengal, omelet. For cheese omelet three tablespoon- A Mighty Slash! Yes a sudden slashing slash,’ We don’t do tilings by halves, hew: no} f uj* of grated cheese may be sprin knife parings just to k<*p thn iga kjfeij it wjKn ft begins to set. interesting, but a great slash, m wall. ____ paper, E, H, Nishet. l -.-Garden Beads in Bulk at Bird’s. IP lillllp a p ro o k n a s a G u en t o f -Royalty a t W ind so r. There is a very funny story told i of the v i s i t , of Bishop Phillips f Brooks to ,Windsor castle as the 1guest of her majesty Queen Victo­ ria.. Bislihp Brooks, after being hos­ pitably received a t tlie castle, was shown to hia room. He then pro­ ceeded to -light his accustomed cigar. Very soon the smoke readied the- nostrils 'Of-A custodian "somewhere no t far away, who came, to the door and asked the gtiest no t to smoke, a s 'it was'forbidden. Bishop Brooks-then came .out in­ to the corridor and w en t-on smok­ ing there.-. The custodian again beg­ ged him to desist. The bishop went bade .to balcony which opened from it and resinned "Ills cigar there, thinking th a t ho was now in the open air. Again'the custodian came, this time passing through tho bishop’s room, ‘and said,- “Smoking is not. permit­ ted, sir, anywhere in. Windsor cas­ t le / ’ Then ho once more disappear­ ed, and Bbhop Brooks, wiio gave up a cigar with very great ’reluctance when he had once'ljghted it, return­ ed to hjta room. He had no sooner done so than a happy thought' occurred to him. There was an open fireplace in the room. The bishop lay down on Ids hack on th e floor*, pu t his head up into , the chimney and began to smoke there. This time ho .was un­ disturbed. Before the smell of the cigar bad betrayed him, ‘ Now the smoko went up the chimney, which ■is what chimneys are for. -The cigar was finished in peacc.-r-Boston-Cor. New York Mail and Express, A. UOLLAIl A im iX K . A certain druggist was awakened a t an early hour the other morning by a loud rin g Sti lus night bell. He looked out. of the second story win- J dew arid saw two men wildly waving what seemed to be prescription blanks, so he hastily ^onnod his clothes, descended to the store, turned oh the lights and opened up. He was mad all the way through when he saw. that, each^picce of .pa­ per contained’ tlie following. sen­ tence, “One. portion of whisky/’ and whs signed by Dr, A1 Iv, Hall. He saw th a t one of the men held a $2 bill in his hand, a n d ' a thought struck him. He said: . o “I do not know this plijsician, Dr, Al K. Holl,' but if you are really Bick I can fill the prescription/’ • ■Tho men, who wanted a drink badly, protested th a t they were.sick and were each given a drink. The druggist took the prescriptions and the $2 bill and calmly rang Up $2 On the cash register, “AVhat,” yelled tlie men in cho­ rus, “ain’t-there no change?” ’ “Nope,” answered the drug man, “I always charge $1 apiece for fill­ ing Dr. HolI’s prescriptions aftei closing up time.” AwUiO turned out the lights and dosed up the store. — Cincinnati Enquirer. TEST OB’ QCICKAESS Ilf FEXCIXO. A very interesting method of testing tlie quickness of a sword thrust consists in plibto chrono- grapliic measurement. Tho move­ ment of the foil point is too quick to he measured by tlie eye, hu t by the aid of tho photo ehronographic apparatus it is plainly shown. T he fencer is dressed in white, placed in fron t of a- black background, the foil is chalked, and a metallic “ span­ gle” is fastened to tho tip by Wax, The photo ehronographic machine being set in rotation, the. trajectory of the. tip of the foil ,during the movement of the fencer is shown by a ’scries of dots. ' As two successive images are one- fifteenth of a second apart in time, i t follows th a t by counting these im­ ages the entire time occupied from the beginning to tho end of the movement can be determined, In a recent test it was found th a t the stroke occupied a little less than four-tenths of a second., By this means .two swordsmen can he com-' paired and their relative quickness easily and exactly determined. 5PRIMQ STYLES ' NOW AYe are showing thf $t Shoes in^Xenia . for the money, ifL-. jan fit you just ns . a shoe should be re^id. QnrLadies’ Shoes f i'fV R Are good as others sell for-$3.00. Best$!i50 and$2.00 Shoes : ■' ^rfear antf Style ■We have ever been able to offer. We make a specialty of Men’s Shoes at’ 33.00 and $3.60 equal to most $5.00 Bhoes shown in other stores. Frazer’s Shoe Store, X e n i a , O l i i o . ' The Electric Railroad Situation. |Church Announcements^ Public service at the. ML B> church Sabbath, morning and evening,preach­ ing by the pastor, Al Hamilton. .Morning, “ Source of Ghnrehs’ Suc­ cess.” • Evening, “ A Dreaded Bless­ ing.” Epwbrth League service 6:30 p, m. - Three- cans Pie Ptachea, best brands 25o, at- ( ’ooper’s. n, s. &u. $250,000,,.........Oapitpl of Company Incorporated.., . Three................... ..No. of Roads Constructed...'.................... Two,....;.................... . No. of Roads in Operation!,.*....... Fifty............ ........ ....No. of Miles of Road in Operation..,.. Forty f i v e , . , . . . N o . of Miles of Road in.Construction... Have otie, ask for another ..Franchise in'Springfield..^...... Yes.................. /J/!?.'..Franchise in. Clark Co........ . Yea.......... ....^....Franchise in Greene Go........................... Yes ............. . . j . , ............... ..Franchise in Clifton.........,.;!. Yes,..,.......... .......Franchise iu Cedarvilie.,..................... . Yes......................................Franchise in Jamestown...,....,............................. The above table is' arranged so*that the readers may obtain a knowledge of thqjrailwuy situation. We draw pa inferences bujt leave' it for the reader. The number of roads in operation, etc., refers, only to this locality.and not east of Columbus. By* special arrangement tlie D. S . <fc V . get Mr. A. Wick, sham's franchise in Jamestown. -FEEY ......None .................None ..........>....,Nonc ................None ............... .None ................. None' , •« Ycs .............No ,,,*.,,»No.. i . " Y e s - .No ANORDINANCE V Providing tor the licensing of bill posters, advertising aignpainters, hill distributors, card .tuckers and. adver­ tising matter of any article or com­ pound which has not bpon compound­ ed within the corporate limits* of the village of CedaryHIe, Ohio, , Be it Ordained by the .council of the village of Cedarvilie, O., that Sec. 1, I t shall be unlawful lor any person or corporation to engage in or carry on the business of bill posting, painting and posting signs for advertising pur­ poses, distributing bill or advertising matter o f any kind, tacking cards and advertising matter of any Article or compound which hnspot been manu­ factured or compounded within the corporate limits of Cedarvilie, Ohio without first having obtained a licooee from the Mayor o f said city to do no. . See. 2. Before issuingsuch license tlie Mayor shall demand and receive from the person, five ($J5) dollars and upon payment of such sum of money, it shall be tho duty of the. ’Mayor to issue to such person a license for the period o f one year,from the date thereof and express authority is hereby given to the Mayor to grant and issue such license and revoke the seme, Bee. 3. Said licensee, his egettW and employees while engaged in the act of bill posting, painting and post­ ing sign* tor advertising purposes, dis­ tributing bills, tacking up cards for advertising purposes and advertising matter of any article or compound not manufactured or compounded within the corporate limits of said city, shall while so engaged wear a badge- with the following words printed thereon in large letters/* Licensed Advertiser,” with the name of the licensee, Said badge to b ; worn conspiclously upon the person and furnished a t the ex­ pense of the licensee. Sec,J. Atiy person violating any’ of the provisions of Section % o f this ordinance shall be lined not leas than $5 nor more than. #25 for bach and every offence fto committed. Sec. 5. Nothing in this ordinance fthali fee constructed to authorize the Village by it* Mayor tp exact .and re­ ceive a license fee from the merchant* doing business in this tillage tof* ad­ vertising them own htainee*. or any farmer from posting safe hills. Bed.. 6, B i s ordinance shaft go into feill fort* and efibet from and NO T ICE T O FARMERS: SS*pM 5 Tears been manutactutlnir K d MllUlCUlS u iM irF aM ... X ento M achine shown shore. The 0 / asms is msaufsoured „ under bstente m fallows:—IT o . KS.4M Issued jm l » ' wsi:No, am.uaissued Apr. a, lass;and No7llS,MS Issued Martiti s/himf. > v The mtcbine attaohse the plclcsts Jo the strands h r loops of wire. We hate received notice from certain mrmera in this rld n ltr that there is an attempt t6 collect rorattr from fanners wln*feoco made with our maohlnes on a Mtentdatcd Inlflts, manr rears after our earlier patents. . k We especially request an r farmers threatened pertain to the Lansing Patent Fence Machine Wealen desire anr farmers rerelTln* written notices rerardlns* this matter to forward the eaatetouaaionce. so that we caa.taks saoh steps as are necessary to protect farmer* tn the use Of our lmprored machines. We u r e employed lawyers for this purpose. (Blfned) IdOfSXKQWHEXLUABBOWOO., LSnsItMt, Mlcblgan. after the earliest time allowed by law. J . H . WOLFORD, M avoh , attest; J . G. C o iik eu ,, Corporation Clerk. Mayor’s Proelamation. The electors of the village of Cedar* ville, 0 .,,arc hereby notified that an election' will be held at the usual vot­ ing place* in aaid village on Monday, April, 1st 1901, between the hour* o f flix o’clock A. M. and six o’clock P, M . The following officer nve to he chosen: Three (3) councilman. The term* of VV. II Hi ff,Jacob Lott And George E,- Shroade, expiring. Given under my. Land and seal, tbfe 10 day of March, 1901. : . J .H . Woldford, * ............ • Mayor. fit*}* m Ootgk As*Vrjrki OfTis 0«1L Laxative Bromo.Quinine Tablet*" cure a cold in use day. No cure, n* pay. Price 26 cent*. ... _***