The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26

r t k t; is* t V = r ! T ^ . v ~#f ”**~* . .*• V ■ ,W , ’• . * *. 4 ^ i *«w/ft" ;n *. -r-rt’V""*'“■^pj^SP ‘ I) ** mm mum tm ^ ] } i ; l ^ e * ^ d , f L W \ Y E A R ,' . , KAftui jwut. « MMttmAPm***** C* i <* j * u Qtthltl Wt# 94Waite fltwt, M h T U kD A Y . M A R C H -23 , IDOL •ii^iia«iirw»r<Hww,-f,’aii OBITXJAJUEH-- uve* Fo r you mu^t know wc.met by chance two b»ftdr*I word*, * d t t o t t o r p l , . F fo o the rieety crossing; or, a t tba rata of five cents per line, Her'toeflew up-’^fareweU, romanee!-*- CARD# OF THANKH — Five! My am * were wUdly towing, 1 cant* p tr 15 ^ * \ W^hy Btojikoujd choose to set like that * NfifMMMli m* mmmm T « .t*U f«OM 6 JWTO i P E O P L E O P T H E DAY , XMt toride to r yesterday, And though Xdid nut know Lav ■Emotion thrOled me in a wav Xcould not to lj;.but ihowTier, Though she wag Uir -aye, passtugfahv ^And ail t|ie wide w i l d eyed her. Yet fervently ! longed to swear '. . - When Xsat dowij’toiwde her. i In the ‘Bat of ftpi^olntioents recently j made by the iwenUTsut under tUejuroy 1 rewjnnlaatJrm Wlf U U:at of lAouard {Woo l front asriafant aur^con, t \ S. A., Willi Mink cf raptuto, to ho brigadier general. This prcrootlon ha» craatei considerable comment in army circlet owing to the fact that Iterance of the rank assigned to General Wood he may become supremo commander of the ax* my ns lieutenant general in 1900, If, say the military men, promotion* to lieutenant general alnUl continue to be When you « n d iu tong obituaries pi**** state whet* fh# bill is to be sent to, or we will publish two (200) hun­ dred words and leave tlie balance out-. ' H tke them as long as you wish; it yott.jBoapljr with the above conditions, which .is ft matter M pure jastie*. mm game W . S m i t h . * The powers in China are learning wh^fc tnany1individuals have been taught by .exeperiencer-thnt the Bus- sian grip j * hard to shake off ■ 1"'V* r *' r A Kentucky doctor, having killed ytwo men with a gun, may prove an 'exception to:the adage, /Doctor's are not tried for the murders they com­ mit.” . -Each of the powers interested is loudly shouting for a square- deal Jin Ciuha, bu t the U , S. is the only one of them tha t is not. Secretly. working for its own advantage in the final set­ tlement; '■ Well, Taro not one to,ehide.her; I only .know tbsfc down she sat, ' Ana I sat down beside her! T om T datutler in April Smart Set. fubilc Sale, ' Having more stock on- hands th an . Xwill have gra£3 to carry,,I have con-; eluded to sell a t Ruhlic ‘Sale at my residence, three milea east of Cedar- villo, and four miles west of Selma on the road known as the Tuwnriey tritd Spencer road, on Wednesday, Mar. 27; 1901, at 12:30 p. m,, the. follow­ ing property, towit: Fou r head of homes,,-consisting o f a number one draft marea Gyears old, good workers and sound; 1 six-year-old bay gelding, works anywhere and a good driver; 1 two-yeaf-old Herman draft colt. Six­ teen head o f cattle, Consisting o f 12 yeaflingisteers, 2 milch-Cows, 1 aged full blooded short horn bull and l full blooded short horn calf. -Seventy-six <5eu.’iMacArthur, commander of tfe American army in the Philippines' recently said; “A warlike, spirit, which alone creates, civilizes -and de*. J fends a country, is essential to national perpetuity;58, By extending the time within Which the reciprocity -treaty with France could be ratified the admims- 1tration very cleverly headed off a . seheme to get France to join ai com­ bine of European nations for the,pur- , pose of -makiug a - commercial war upon ua. • r 5 * ,, ’ ; The yOpng hetr^s-who didn’t be­ come the Duchess' of Manchester is -willing to solace her diesapointment with a bunch of the- dollars of the Duke’s American daddy in-law, and a sympathetic ju ry may think her-eft* titled to them, in addition to the ad- versiilag she will get o u t of the suit. M O R D I M C E Providing for the licensing of. bilb . poster*, advertising signpainters, bill distributors, card lackers and adver­ tising mutter of any article or com­ pound Which has not. been compound­ ed within the corporate limits of the village o f Eedarville, Ohio, Be it ordained by the coundt of the village o f Cedarvilla, 0.,- that Sec, X, Xt shall be unlawful for any person Or engage in or carry oh the business of bill posting, painting and posting signs for advertising pur­ poses, distributing bill d r advertising matter o f any kind, tacking cards and advertising matter of any article or compound which has not been mami- Isotured or compoudded within fb l corporate limits of Dcdarville, Ohio without first ha ring obtained a license from the Mayor of said city to do so. Sec. 2, Before issuing such license the Mayor shall demand and receive fresa the person, five ($5) dolls, i *md upon payment of such sumofmohey It shall be the duty of the Mayor to keoe te *uch°pers<m a license for the periodofoneyear,from the date thereof and express authority is hereby given to the Mayor to grant and issue such license and revoke the same. . Sec. 3, Bald licensee, hi* agents and employees while engager! In - the mot of bill, porting, painting and post­ ing sigae for advertising purposes, dis­ tributing bill*, tanking u p cards for ! advertising purposes and advertising m atter o f any article o r compound n o t mannihsfured o r omuponnded w ithin th e corporate lim its o f said city, shall while j»o engaged wear a badge with theftd iow tag words prin ted thereon, te hstys iette« ,* ‘2(ieenBed A d v e rtis e r/ w ith the name o f th e licensee. Bald 'feed** to be worn eoAspiciouely. upon fbh person aed furnished a t the ex* o f th e licensee. * f th e provisions of Bection 2 o f this erdhsanee shall be fined no t less- th an m no r more than 121 for each and every efibnee m committed. Bee, fi, N o th ing iu this ordinance shall be constructed to authorize the v k la fa by it* Mayor to ex a c t and re ­ ceive * fc.c !.»>!» th e ftia ch an ts rfettw fmstaeas in this yillage fo r ad- vprtWag th e ir own H ibmhjnw or any farm er m un posting asle bills. Bee. fl. f b k ordinance shall go la te fvM force a a d effect front' ami 'after t h i ee rita -tiftM aUewed b y fow, \) J . H . W O tH O S D , m t i w , m m -, 0 , MeooaiKij,, . > ' • tkepb ratkm i3 » /k . bred to Jamb Apr, 15, Thirtv-orio head of hogs, cpnsisting of 30 feeding hogs-andll Iti'ood sow, 5G0 bushels, of corn in crib, f , pearly new surrey, 2 sets of lead harness, j set. new buggy hafoess, 1 set spring wagon- harness. Terms: On all sums over $5 a credit of six months will bejgiven on a bank­ able note, * . - ,B. B, Townsley, . < AWoman'sWerd* of Eraini*, . Heoeho Falls,.Kans., JSov. 13,1900 I*epsia Syrup (Jo,, MonticeHo, III, DearBirS;-r-I'’or almost fifteen years I sufiered'from indigestion, and last winter thought I would die, when my doctor, Dr; A« J . Lieurance of this place; advised, ihe to try Dr.. Cald- welj’s Syrup Pepsin, which Xdid, and two bottles cured me, I t not ouly re­ lieved m e,'bu t i t cured me so that I have not been troubled since. I f any one should ofier mo $500 for the good Syrup Pepsin has done r o e ! would not think of taking it. Ho one can fake yoUr mekieme without being con­ vinced of its miore than wonderful Cures. X recommend. it to all my friends ns a laxative and stomach rem edy. Yours .with gratitude, . Mrs. J.Morgan. Sold by C. M. Kidgway. A wnotinoements —The charge for announcements i.s $1 for corporation and township offices, and $2 for county offices; •Payable i n . advance. , OtuwgM Jatt#yr« 4 Ui*r Mean slight ‘‘spells” o f Headache or effect y o u r appetite, Irregalnrities in eating causeDyspepaia.* - T ake D r, Caldwell’s S y ru p Pepsin and feel good W aM ie s s of these elements o r habits. ^ r.' r V:': ■ "V W .- ' • ’’ ■• ■ sudden sla sh in g sla sh . !Y c don’t do things by. balves here; no pen knife parings ju s t to keep th ing s interesting, bu t %, g re a t slash in w all paper, . E . H , H isbet, —•P rof.lvison, o fL ocacoalng , Md., suffered te rrib ly -Hotn U ftunlgia o f th e itomach and indigestion fo r th irteen year* and a fte r th e doctors failed to c n r eM m th e y fed him on morphine. A frien d advised the nso o f Kodol Dyspepsia, C u re -a n d a fte r ta k in g i ftw b o ttle s o fI t liesays, “ I t has cured me en tirely, I can’t say too m uch fo r Kodol Dyspepsia C u re.” I t digests w h a t y o n e a t, Ridgway & Co* Well Heetetf. “ Y o u r medicine has helped mejson* d e rfu lly /sh e w rote to th e p a te n t med iclnehouse* “ 'j^ reew eok sagO 'I'con ld a it spank the .toby* and now | am ab le to th ra sh m y husband* God bless you!”' ; —April Smart Set* ■ * 4 frs * p , E . . V aoD eusea; o f K il- bourn, W to , was afflicted w ith stom­ ach trouble an d winstipatiOn fo r* lo n g tim e . .She -says, “ I lave.tried- many preparations bu t none have done m e the good that Cihamberiairi’s Stom ach and River la b le ts h a v e / ,: These- T ab ie tsa re forsalo a t C . M. R idgw aya d ru g store. P rice, 2 5 , cents. Bam*. ples.ftee«;'.; - ■T h e 2ki» a t "Cincinnati t o t told, fotir aBtelopesforllOOO#'.-' Wc offer One Hundred Dollars Re- I t o i Any person violating any ‘ward for any case of Catarrh that eon- n o t to cured b; BRIGADIEROEXBRAXLEONARDWOOD, made ficcorfilng to seniority and the plan o f retiring General Miles In 1901 ttfinll be piit into effect; the following generals will be successively elevated to that position, retiring on the dates mentioned; Otis, 1902 ; Brooke, 1903 ; Young, 1904 ; Chaffee, 1900 ; Wade, 1907 ; MacArthur, 1909 ; Wood, 1924 . General Wood 1 b 40 years of age- He Is npt a West Pointer, but. %vas com­ missioned colonel’of-volunteers In com­ mand o f the rough ridets early In the Spanish war. Eimarkabla Quiet oMthenmatiumf - From the Vindicator, Rutherfordton, S . C. The editor- of the Vindicator bus had occasion to test the efficacy of Chamberlain's Bain Balm, twice v\ith ■ the most remarkable results in each, case. First, with rheumatism in the shoulder from which he suffered, ex* crueiaftngpain ten days,- which was relieyedwmi'iwo. applications of Pain Balm, rubbing the parts afflicted and realizing instant benefit and entire re­ lief in a short time. Second, in rheu­ matism in thigh joint, almost pros­ tra ting him with severe pain, which was two applications, rub* hiug with the liniment on retiring a t night, and gCUing.up free form palm For sple by G. M Ridgway. Senator Plate* A *««lin to ^Tobacco. ‘‘You do not mltid if 1 smoke iny ci­ gar?” remarked a caller lii.tlie commit­ tee room of Senator Platt of Hew York the other day. 'the remark Was made In .a perfunctory way, and the vhdtor .continued to puff the clouds of smoke. *‘l do mind,” replied Mr* Platt very emphatically. ‘"While you are in here yon will please not smoke at all.'? Senator Platt's aversion to tobacco 'amounts almost, to a monomania. St la so well recognized by hU friends that not one o f them would dare to enter his presence, w lthtol lighted cigar,, and many stories doubtless true are told of the disappointments met by applicant* tor office because they continued to smoke-while they talked to, the senator. More than one visitor who has persist- •ently kept his cigar lighted In the sena­ tor's presence has had It taken atyay from him and thrown out of the win­ dow. It is said that the explicit or­ der against smoking, which is posted in the office Of the express company of yrhich Senator -Piatt Is president .had Its inspiration from him, and it Is rig­ idly enforced. 1 ■' It Is hardly necessary .to say that Mr. Platt doe* not smoke. >yHall's Catarrh Onto, F. 5 , OitEHuy ACo., Toledo, 0 . Wo, the mulcr?igricd, have known F , J . Cheney for the last 10 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and fiilan- cially able to carry out any obligations make, by tlscir iiriij. W ksv A T fttu x , Wholesale Druggists Toledo* 0 4 • W ai M&'J, K ixuak s \ MARVIlf, Whideeala Druggists, Tolftdo, <>. Hall’s Oatafrh Cure Is taken in­ ternally, acting directly iiiKwr the Mood and mnenna a ir f am M th* sys­ tem. Teetimonhfs sent ftoe, Brice 76« per toUle. Sold by driigriet*. Half* Family BIU ar* the beak consnnviioD Is destruction of lung by a growing germ, precisely as mouldy cheese is destruction of cheese by a growing germ. I f you kill the germ, you stop the consumption^ You can or can’t, according to when you begin. T a k e S c o t t ’s E m u l s i o n o f C o d L i v e r O i l t t a k e a l i t t l e a t f i r s t . - tt acts as a food i it is the vastest, t ood» Seems hot to he food; makesyou iutngfy \ \ ■ eatteg' is/, comfbrtahle, Y ongrow strong- Thesi-iinmolns ,T, , a ^ r a fr ,*/er* ' l*kcmorej n o t t o o m u c h ; e n o u g h is as m u c h as y o u l i k e a n d a g r e e s w i t h y o u , S a tis ty h u n g e r w i t l i ,u s u a l f o o d ; w h a t e v e r v o u l ik e .a n d . p - c m w i t h v o u . W h e n v o u a-:r s t r i n g a g a in , h a v e m n v r vori v o u r •O ■ - * * \>* n j *if*& v*b . <.!«.»»* -A *%i%?• ■ m? rj . ■ - •*<■■ d e a d ; v o u \ v : v c k i l l e d t h e m . ' If y o u haVft uo t'v rlo tf It, ocndl .fo r ri'co sm n tsio , ,it 3 a jjro e a b to tfts to witl s u ro 'is o y o u - . * ■ • -Ml ( n r A COVfNE, •rC~v , ' Hdw York* SOo -do ff HI.0 0 ; d ll drygftffft#, —Sn to irito fbr lb# Horrid, m A -"W -Mase*, T lie K in d Y o u H a v e A lw a y s B o u ir lit, a n d W h ic h h a * heen. iu u s e f o r o v e r 8 0 y e a rs , h a s h o m e th e s tfu a tn r e o f a n d h a s b e e n m a d e u n d e r h i* p e x - s o n a ls u p e rv is io u a lu e e its in fa n c y . A llo w n o o n e to d e c e iv e y o u in th ls . . A l l C o u n te rfe its , Im ita tio n s a r id ° J u s t-a s -g o o d ” a r e b u tr E x p e rim e n ts t lia t t r if lo w it h a n d e n d a n g e r th e h e a lth o f In fa n ts a n d C h lld re u -E x p e rle n c e a j£ fd n s t E x p e rim e n t, What is CASTOR IA C a s to rla is , a h a rm le s s s u h s tltu to f o r C a s to r’ O il, P a re ­ g o r ic , D ro p s a n d S o o th in g S y ru p s . I t is P le a s am t. I t c o n ta in s n e ith e r O p iu m , M o rp h in e in o r o th e r N a rc o tic , s u b s ta n c e . I t s a g e Is it s g u a ra n te e . I t d e s tro y s W o rm s a n d a lla y s F e v e ris h n e s s , I t c u re s D ia rrh o e a a n d / W in d C o lic , I t re lie v e s T e e th in g T ro u h le s jb n re s C o n s tip a tio n a n d F la tu le n c y - I t a s s im ila te s th e IP ood * re g u la te s th e S to m a c h a n d B o w e ls , g iv in g h e a lth y - a n d n a tu r a l s le e p , T h e C h ild re n ’ s B a n a c e a—T h e M o th e r’s F r ie n d . j G E N U I N E CASTORIA A LW A Y S Bears the Signature of ixelianjeBank V1# • >■ C EDA RV JDD E , OH IO . ^ * A CCOTTNXB of Merchants and In-j 'dividual# solicited, 1 Cdlleclwn*] promptly made and remitted. T |R A F 1 ’B h u Hew Y o rk and. Gin- A * pinnati sold a t Jowato. T he cheapest and roost convenient way to send m oney by m a il., T OAHB made on Ileal Estate. P f i- " eonal or Collateral Security. William 'Wfldman, Pres., Seth XV. Smith, Vice Pres,, W , J. Wildman, Cashier, fin U s& For O ver 3 0 Years . T hc ccNT.un to***H*, ft M u . rav »f»err, titvt yo « k errv. a w.moss 6m ■ '-T to ilv r W f i a f -W apT vg f ■art|VA*jr .awtsavvieto pi«w*iiVk» . Coder the above firm name, the roent roidket of €. W.;Crouse will" be conducted.' All product in, tba meat |l«b will be the best that money can buy, which fact combined with houest and- thorough "business methods is enough assurance to the public, who always want, the worth Of their money in every, respect. . .When sendingchUdto&» direct them to us; we always give them the best they ask for, . • - Oar Claims for Your trade A lin e Stock of Furniture , 1 , Consisting of * A full assortment of Parlor Suites. A fine stock of Rockers. A complete line of Combination Book Cases. A.full stock of everything in the Furniture l^&e. mtotVoumil!RtttM CradingUlithil$: i The Largest Stock to Select Fropi. The Lowest Prices. The Best Values. - • • • • • - « * o a r g a r g e t D ep a rtm en t 1$ f u l l e r B a iga itto . * « Highest Quality, V-- Largest Variety, L . - ; ,* • *' • / IB e s t S t y l e s . . . . You will make a mistake if you don’t see our line. K J A M E S H . n c M I L L A N , - Furniture Dealer;' . Funeral Director* . A Good Iking. German Syrup is. the special pro scripti&p of Dr, A, Boschec, a ceje brated'German Physician, and is ac­ knowledged to to one of tiio most for­ tunate discoveries in medicine. I t quickly cure# Coughs* Colds and all Lung troubles of the severest nature, removing, as it does, the cause of the affection and leaving the parts in * strong and healthy condition. I t is not an experimental medicine,but has stood the test of years, giving satis­ faction in every case, which its rap­ idly increasing sale every season con­ firms. Two million bottles sold annu­ ally. Boschee’s German Syrup was introduced in the United States in 1368, and is now eotq in every town and village ip the civilized world Three doses will relieve any ordinary cough. Price 7tols, Get Greens’ Prize Almanac. AGaodjCoaglsIfsilci** h i ChilAm. “Xjhavfc no hesitancy in recom­ mending Chamberlain’s Cough Rem­ edy,” gays F , P. Moran, a well known and popular baker, of Petersburg, Va.. “ Wc have given it to out chil­ dren when, troubled with tod coughs, also whooping cough, and it has al­ ways given perfect, satisfaction, It .was recommended to me bv a drug­ gist as the to st eoUgh medicine for children as it contained no opium ur other harmful drug,” Sold by C M« Ridgway. - —I f you waht anything good, go to Gray s. As Botuil X«dtel*6 far £* CMppa. George W . Waitt, of South Gar­ diner, Mo., says: “ I have had the worst cough, cold, chills and grip and have taken lots of trash of no account hut profit to the vendor. Chamber- Iain’s Cough .Remedy i# the only thing that has done any good whatever. I have used one bottle of it and the chills, cold mid grip have ail left me. I Congratulate the manufacturers ol' an honest medicine.” Fo r sale by C.M. Ridgway. —■-Jardeniers, very cheap. - * • - Ridgway .A Co. . - -Results. Immediate and lasting. Before anil after trying other rein edies use Rocky Mountain Tea ibis month, ’Twill keep you well all sun* n u t, A great apnog-hlesring. Ask you druggist. CHURCH .DIRECTORY It. ft. hart-U—f.«v. J . F. Morton, P*«tor, aerricM »t 11:00 *. m. Rsbbsth. School kt 10*. w. / •« OoveoRiiter Church— Iter, W, 3. S*nd»rw>n, pattor, Snbhath School *t 10 ii< M. PrtMk. lug at UiOO a, a , Yojmg People meet at* p, m. except the- let and 3tl Satibatbeof the month when they meet at 6:00, and preaching In the areninc on the let arid Sd Sabbath* ot the,month at 7:09 p. m. tj. 1’. Church*-R«r, t , 0, Roea, paator. 6«r- aieaa a t-10:80 a. m -nd 7:B0 p. m, Sabbath School at 9:3®a.m. atandurd tlfftc.- M, K. Ckureh—Bar. A. Hamilton, Paator. Preaching at 10:40 a, tn Sabbath School at 9:90 a. m. Yonng. Ptiple’e meeting at 9:99 p, » . Prayer nieellnx Wedneeday evening at 7:00. Preaching evetjr other Sabbath aren- tng7j3i)p,w. . Baptiet Church-—Rev, George Washington, paetorofthe Baptiet church. Preaching; at 11 a. m, and 7^30 p. n , Sabbath School at 2;S0 p.». Prayer meeting etery Wedneiday night a t 7:3fl< Krerycnn inrilcd.' A. Sf- K. Church—Ket, 0. K. Jones' Pae* tor Preaching at 16:30 a. id. and 7:99 p, ai. Cate every Sabbath at 12;60, Sabbath School at 3:09 p, m< Prayer meeting 7:39 p. an., Wednesday *Ve, Rnpttu*6 o r Hernia Cared So Operation* or injections, no pain Or diteone- Tort in any way, no »:e*t*prtng* or iron frame* no wooden, ivory of hard rubber ball*, cap*, punches or plug* used, Not the l.EASP Dlff- TRgSS or annoyance.' . Onr Gntilt for the.CURB of PilPTURB OR ilBRJIIAKmadeof ffneeoft teaterlai*, *«ch as felt, velvet, chamois skin* and elsi tic Webs, It flts.likea glove and can harm yon no more, IT liciims yont ioteallne* back la their nab. ural position end the wound WXI.I, MSAh .like any other Wound when it has a chance. The Only Way to Cure is to hoid the Intestines in or.hack all the time, rintil the-wounds be­ comes grown together. Your RnptsrS CanhOt1 be Cured in «f»y other Way, We have had Si rears constant and hard experience In treating RTtPTURKS and this OUTFIT is the BB- SftliT. Men, womenand children WadeCOM- FORT A BLB by using this OUTFIT, Prices reasonabte and in secordancv with the case. IF INTERESTED, please write foftparticulera, which we will mail yon ERSE, ■c- Address, MOHAWX ASltEDl (SO,, w Beat, 3 .7 M o l i a w k C a t a r r h C u r a . ■ Cheapest and Best. Cures Catarrh in front 3 to 10 day*. Cures Cold in the Head, S to 16 minutes. Securely packed with full iostrnefions, by mail, POSTAGE PAID, 2.1*. Try it and yon will lie more than pleased, Withthe investment, Vourmoney back if you ar* dissatisfied. “ Stamp* taken,’' MOtAWK MMBDT CO, lUw*, H*wTerk, -•-CotintcPsVjto «f DeWit^a Witch Hazel'Salve aw liable fo Cauae bltod {miaouing. Ireave them nh.r.c, The original has the name DeWiti’ii upon the box and wrapnpp. I t i« a harm- Imam ! healing anive tor skin UueqnaUd for pilni, Ridgway A Go* .GOODS-DELIVERED •. • Telephone Ho. 7,4 New Meat Store I ‘ ' Having' opening the Meat :l ■ Store formerly conducted by . Ed Henshel, we will have on hand ut all times a ehotee' Uhe of I ’r e s h a n d S a l t - H e a t s . ,; B o l o g n a a n d S a u s a g e and everything connected r w i t h ' a first-class meat store; Wc Handle the celebrated ■Kingfin & Co’s. Harae.' ’ a ' ' *■ _, ^ 1 , CharlesWeimer. GOODS DELIVEREDJ Telephone 60, LODISVILLEiMSHViLtERtILEOAD The Great' Central Southern Trunk Line WINTER TOURIST TICKETS Now on sale to FLORIDA • V. and the - GULF COAST Write for folders, descriptive matter to 0 . L . STONE, Genera! Passenger Agt. ; LOUISVILLE, KY . SEND YOUR ADDRESS - To ■ ■• • - ■ B. J . WEMYSS, OwerM Iumtgraltnn and ludhiirial Ag«nt LOU ISV ILLE , KY . And he will mail you free MAP8,ILt,U«TRATED PAMPlIlirW arid price id&r of i,AMD arid farms in KENTUCKY, TENNESSEE, ' ’ ' ALABAMA. MISSISSIPPI. FLORIDA, Blue Front Stable. Leave your hotaea there arid your rigs to kept ou the inside, out of the ram arid storm, 20 N. Fountain Avenue, Springfield, O. C h a r i es E , T odd , F rop Adam 's R e s ta u r a n t din! Dining Booms Corner High and Limestone sirctf, Springfield, Ohio,, sta to r D O N 'T B e F o o l e d i IftJOfW MOUNTAfriTIft WVHMMNM s W i N v M twt*> Mi I' -JBi-ISVi-PSi# -—A choiea Ha# o f nil kind* »i f!roceri«i, a t Gray'*. THE RAP® JHDtoft ( OKPV.Y. Jk’lftHNi X*WJ lUj'D.ti. XetHir Jj<::,ve Ihtyturr. r>:W a. m, . %, m, • 0;At 7;«Q 1 - 7.W SliHl *-M . >j-M -*■ -3:00 - 10410 ‘ ’ 13:1)0 ■ HUM) l l ’-to . . I2.U0 Noon. 3 2:00 Noon. . ,|;ijf} »„ r«, 1;0U p, rni 2:00 ° 2:00 3;00 3:00 40.0 400 3:00 0;00 . 0:00 OlOO , '7:00 7:00 B:00 . 8;00 0:00 0:00 10:00 10;00 11:00 11:00 . ' 12:00 . Nenia-office and wailing room No 4 South Detroit St. Dayton office and waiting room,, 15 West Fifth St., onijosito, ,. • . , ‘ The running time'between Dayton' and Xenia is one hour, passing thin Highlands, Smitliville Road, Z’iujmpr- mao, Alphu, Trebeins aud Lucas Groves , ■ • Dayton .fo Xenia' / . miles,, tore 25‘cents. Every other car combination for freight. ' „ Sundays and Holidays cars run every half hour. ' '• C i n c i n n a t i D i v i s i o n . enfisnivaniaLines; Schadul*atP«tivnger.TMln^C«ntrftlTlni», Westward. CoInmbinl'A AlUm-------- “ \V, .latlisiuoji'' Luiuloii........” B.cimrlpsion " iJelmfi **. Oediirvtlie....,*'.' ’lYtlUfirfoEce.r"; XonUi . {f|- sprlug'V^l... »\ ItilXBIlhtt.,... " WnyncsVJlIe fnv'Bituift.... " ForoAnoioitt" Alerrow...... " ■So.-.I.obnnon “ jAivelund ... “ Ml f f ur d . ; '• Htiiuviaje„. ’ Eastward. Cincllinnti )v t:i(tavlu..liC. 11 IWIlfurlt........« IjIVOllUHl , „ n So, “ ilormw......“ Ft. AneJwit Oiugoitiii....,- " AVayncavUla*' Jiuxnnua Wliring.Val..." WHberJorcwf< Cedurvhlo;.. " S«Imu. .........*' SiCUariestoa “ London.... ' a W. Jetloraoii «, Alton "• C alnm bai ftr. O ItOtt AM -AM ♦160*250 334 ::3 n> a e -> AM *700 746 rats AM *855. 916 92b 942 968, 1005 I0i?f328 rM ,*215l . S5S f3 13 r»t 05 Sh a!!. »“* ST? e f [ : PV ; 723 737 74610U4 8061X00 8XCi Batwattt Springfield, Xartls. Payton. Richmond. W estward . Springfitidtv Itlinr jp'i«' Xonln . A*: {3*13 IO iMAM Oajton,.. j Waakvitla *•' 3 otjBort-.... '[ 'tlchmonU'.nV|443 AM *725: 744; 805iAM*810) 846 907 846 9 07 sir 192 '943 100SiO:X5‘ 3T AM am : *930j 9 « 10 JC * 8401 a M E astward ildraisl Xv. Eldorado•* n«djnn. “ GrtteXtvIj'A f'tyton KA u I a ' '.jristB,'! 1 - Y n n r I'M| 1 Mj 3*00*815 u r t i f J-M.. 1BU4 jofir i"to"iiinv.ijai8Tgg|a,6 n g i AMIAM1AMI I’M •51610*05 ' ’ 54i- P 604 -*.* t ■ 003, j 6 401105; • 1**355-5: 7^1130! ' AMH*358 744! 1X555 «05; ill 15,5 I'M)I'M D§6 2317 v. 131 I'M!t'M nor- I’M 6*53 luXb I'M 'ifi* JlcjHUriiUj, bS!»P»»filKl'*Pg»Pf-MiJ|UI<>«4iUe M( ■ ■«(U t * 1 ih I. t««?i Sai.i*j. DarkFacedtypetesi/llinefrtm 12 , 050 1 i- 12 . 0 un,i. cltht;tirkvr»»iffrtm t ?.00 ftifiaigbltoJ’. Iji.^snon. Vullinavi Nleeplnc Carton Aon a.&. \4 i 19, Nta, 31 Ann IOS either rim th’miKt. & UnlrnitDilMi<"d PllttbumhorcomU’i' , U PitUburgl: UnionKlallon lo mn 1 It >m 1 i.» * morn, wnahlngion, I'Mlndrlphlo. if > / York. TtoH, ft. 301 nnil 31 (Mimi'i'* 11 IU. (Bondfor Didltthapolls <mdMt. fine*. 31 nnd 3 for t'hlcago. l . e . I i ORU k , u - , G«»niMu>{tr, '• id.i »s* I lt-SfiMto.-f*' PXTTSBHHOfJ,I'CW> A Fortimeciirde,Tiixo<ofrut.-, i ii .J hu ,, bariHze check*,and fortlin” m.'onn .ifon -i- garaing the running of tmins up’ ly to •t«atorthePennsjTviiiilivJ,!:iw. E . S. Keyes, Agent, Oedarville, Ohio. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR The 5 finite Breakfast C< h & P u r in a H ea lth F lou r a*f M a f i t m ->► « B R .A IN B R .E A D . ' PURINAMILLS, Sr. tew s. Alo. 8 0 YEARS"- EXPERIENCE P atents If%ADI» mAnft* ^ Oxwcm# *■ r a f f i v - CoevLiftHT* AC. Awowe aemllng ftakeicb and d«cr)rtldK»*»y guteklv wircnain rmr oplnlnn TreewfiMhirM rtrttrt Wrtfei, wlihoet ebarve. 141he Scitnfifle Hitiericati. Aha-ndurnffetrIlhwfrtlrtt vroeitv, Larirtatrtf- ■ Cttlatlnft of *nv ec'ertlB*l.»arr,aJ. Terma,f t » isIM * * * ' * * * 4ar'SL,WKhiwo(»;j PATENTS Caveat*,andTr»de>Mark*obtaineda*4aftfaK-9 .*ntfen*ine*#*woft«cMdfnv.|ftaa*ajVtkFM» Qua offtiKi* vwesitfc u.S.PnttrnYorfiot andwanuiHvwe patent in I*.<*time thawt»e*t remote W**bi:vgtm', ' AMmmur. "MowtoObtainP*t«el*,”wftk roS ot siww in tie*U.S. aaftforttga ew»au4** mtiftkt, JiiUmt, 0 . A . 8 N 0 W * 0 0 , warawrorriea, WaamMavww. B.fiL ' ilMffiSMUY, N%ht 3Rroi5SKKS,D Izzr jaeac. sUtffesfo cl «5f-al» A «efy#'t»aic and Dios jjhm ia pale rhccte saff* jMait goe» per liox,- 4 'h«s^ fuaranto* to cure Send to r circular nsfi copy ITATAB! (YELLOWliAftRLJ 'WavMy gttarantff'i cure fyv I.o:s o !Yrjaa, Paraal*, Loixmotcr Afaato, l aJalr*«*a04*thci Kcsolts o£Hicewiv ■u * 4 Bpackage, $ i.oo a box, 6 for! ) ^ 7 ln 30 day* or refund money NERVITA M ;t^Won«oci Jack*oO Streete. O . M . R id g w j i y , X1 SPRINi NOW TeftT£XTltM NMi ■ . m em , a . w «» ' . W M l i i l Jfeint, Mmpi I [Wo «H|/ showing the best Shoe? ; fori the money,' and can fit yoj a 8boe should be fitted. Oil? Ladies’ Shoes F O I L . . . ................. . . Are good ns others sell l | Jest $I M and $ 2.00 Shoes 4 For Wear aril AVe have ever been able to ofij iYe make a specialty of- Men’s 03,00'and §3.oO equal to mej 'shoee shown iu other stores, • , ’ * • ■’ ' Frazer’s :? •’ , 3 £ e i i i . t irie^kpple Z e p h y r,. . . . . ....... ilertvrized S ilk Z e p h y r - ,,,.,...,. Ficneh M a d ra s.,,,......... ,,.....1 0 to I .French Gingham..,.......... . .......I feiaured Swiss .*............. J jFreneh F igured L a w n ...,......,...| ilmiia D im ity ...,....... liftiarora D im ity...... ............... [Slue fte le L aw n ............. .....u,r,ri.1 [Silk T i s s u e , *»,»»***,,,«...I Mercerized Foulards..... ,.,.25 to 11 ilkC bam b rey t.................2 5 tol ‘lit M u l l ' , . ........L ..3 7 i'to | All o f the above are new "el| Kcellent-for waists, cost less, |betier th an silk. Wool effects at iL. ' t? • , New Suits, W a is ts ,. Skirts, [teats a te now in and will please j I 3000 yards Seersucker, so trj fitelor, so suitable for Waists, Ebd Greases.9 HOUSE FURNISHING, Certainly this to the season *n Garpeto) Linoleum, ' Shades, Mattings and Rugs . SEE OUR STOt’K-lO.OOOl Pfeltings, new importation, p rsj jRrpeU , 124 to 50c. - p Floor Rrnssel Rugs, all size? .'4 yds. i m , Ingrain a rt squares $4.75 to ; I|S*g Carpet ilik to 35c old pfikough csipctf? has ndvand |*»wll for early spring a t old CARPETS. OH CLOTHl [ikoleum, IVitulow^hiidcs andj [togs in large topplie* itoep. Curtains and Wlndiw 1> blind aud cheer every house.! Hutch isoi ■ & f Qibney. B f.FMW tK IDNE l fifififijg \