The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26

V)». «• <Q» m mmmmrn W A L L P A P E R We hang it on your wall for io cents per Roll. ?■ fc»i#l^l|^ l<ltiVT|l>l>#|i!i. 1 «^ nwwiwj^ * * T H E N E W SHO ES . « Celebrated Hamilton Brown Shoes BEST ON EARTH FOR THE HONEY. l o c a l a n d P e r s o i i a l . t r d * « .W « a 7 ^ ■ .... .....--------- M ™ > . < ? • » « <>» « * ■ * « t « ^ * ■ f equinoxtal storm? and most all kinds potatoes. oiiion sets, , seed in bulk at Houser's, Mrs, A , Bradford ison tbe sick, list,. Mr. J . W . Pollock has been id Hogan County this week, having been celled there owing to the death of his brother, ' • —New Crop California *Apricots Peaches, Brumes, Grapes and iiaisins at Gray's. . ( Mrs. Jennie Riggs, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Robfc. Gray, lor several weeks, left Wednesday morning for "Newtown, K y . , Benny Ridgwav ,Jr,» of Yellow Springs’ spent Sunday with relatives here. . ■ ' Elsewhere will be found thean i houncemeat ot William .Tv JJyle as a candidate for auditor,' - Mr. Kyle repreeents'one of the pioneer families of the state* and should he be elected would make au efficient auditor for ■ Greene County, e<T ot weather has'been experienced. A new barber shoppie to lie opened in the Boyd .room- on Main street, The proprietor is apayton party,and is said'to be a first dlass artist in tlmt line. A new advertiser can be found, elsewhere in this issue, that of the now 'millinery firm o f Stewart <fcUsticje. These indie? have purchased the stock and business of Barr & Boyd and now .cotoe before the public asking for &liberal share of patronage.’ -Heinz's Kraut 5 c per qt. at Houser’s ^McCollum the Jeweller has a fine line of Umbrellas. You ought to see them before you buy a Screen from sun. or rain-, • - - A the. Francis Hughs, a chocolate colored coon wnc caught iu the act of slipping a choice stake under her shawl while C , W.Grouse was .filling'an order she had given. A good long work"- house sentence would be a good rid dertee. : The memberso f the local telephone company had a meeting, Monday, committee being appointed to meet with the Citizens Telephone company, o f Xenia in regard to the exchanging of messages and the free toll over the county. ( * John JE\ Martin, promoter oi Littlie Miaipl Traction Go., "was granted a franchise by Springfield’s council .Tuesday eve, Mr. Martin i i ^ u ^ V m e r w e r a l ^ between Spring Wend8 at dinner, Wednei held and Xenia will be completed by - Augustlst and that the balance of tbe route to Cincinnati will be pushed just . as fast as possible, " Mesdames -.Coudon and Murdock returned from Cincinnati Wednesday . evening after an inspection of the new. , styles and fapciespnlhe millineryline. —-Lettuce,.Radishes and Ouions • - . — at HdusSris. Mayor J , H , Wolford .was, iu Columbus, Monday, on business. Mrs. Will Turnbull entertained at of her lady W sday. 'Messrs. C l.’W. Crouse & Son have repainted and papered their meat store-whicb presents a very cosyap 1 pearanoe at thid time. - —See that you gerthe original De Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve when yiftr ask for it. The genuine is a certain cure for piles, sores and skin diseases. Ridgway &Co . - • Madams 0 , S . Ervin, E? 0 !'Ogles- bee, Samuel ■ McCollum and -Mies JDora' Anderwm spent Monday in Springfield, A ’ ue‘Wtea company basjust bought 6000 acres of land iu Colleton County, S, C ., intending to raise' tea for the market. In speaking of the speed of electric cars it seems as though the D .S , & U , . bolds the record,' A trial trip was made over the new line from Spring* field to Urbana, distance of fifteen miles in twenty minutes: *“The car carried 42 peopleat thetime. This is oneo f these cheap line of which you have berirdso much about. " :Mia* Hells Gilbert Was a visitor in South Charleston, Saturday and Sun day* -/c . JPractiojj TnilorS will exhibit cam' plea and take- orders for gentlemen’s suits March 27 th at our store. $ , L , Stewart. fjohn Alex. Howie will attempt to outshine the Pope of Rome in pomp and magnificence furniture has been ordered for tbe palace. I t will take -wyear to fill the order. Same of the pieces will be duplicates of those of the royal palaces of Europe. "•—You will find the very latest styles in spring millinery at % Stewart & Uetick. V The announcement of Mr, Horace Ankeney as a candidate for re-norai .. .a* _ A TO-**.— __ S.i!__ nation to the office pf Representative !p appears iu this issue, Mr, Ankeney bat served one term as our represen- timbre, and indeedin a very creditable manner and we predict a large majority for him tbrc coming election, Mr, Ankeney represent* the farming community of this county, be himself 1 bring one of our most successful farm-, err*. Cedarvillc gave him a neat majority both in. the north and south two year* agtn whv not double it this l . * . ;f time' — Dnwrt Beache, 10 c per can, Funcy table peaches,our own canning 20 c per can— . at Houser’s, Asa McLsan and Rob Harbiion, tWo Cedxrtilla boys about 18 years of ajj^sleft,Tuesday morning for Cincinnati, wham they expected to enlist in tlwswvp' Tatfeday w**«de day at Jamestown, ned * number from here attended. Wa nottewdSeveral bead of horses pass through here for that place. Fofc B a L *-- 50 ' S . C . B leghorn bn * awl pullets at 35 e each. Also 6 On«k«rels, price on application. Matt Willson, Cedarvillc, O. *—j 4 ** the Black Hawk Corn Plan* tarsh*?ovepurchasittg. Kerr «fcHast- in* Brim* . ’ Taper banging is truly an art and it is no more emphasized than in the striking effect C; M. Ridgway’s place Of business presents since it lias been newly papered. - , Boyd Wylie left Monday forBuffalo, North Dakota. —For horse collars, Hues, bridles and everything in the harm**# line try Kerr & Hosting* Bros. -Jack Hussey’s residence at Bowers ville, was burued to the ground, Tties dgy morning. It was insured-by W L , Cleiiiaiis in Home -of New. York for * 500 . •—Hovf are yon, anyway? Hr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is a perfect laxativ'e. Sold by C . M. Ridgwny, ■ —Puny children with weak con stitutions can attain an unusual degree of bodily and mental vigor by taking. Rocky Mountain Tea this month madeby the Madison Medicine Go. 35 c. Ask yqur druggist. 1 Mrs. Thomas Moore, of near Jamestown, gave a dinner party. to a number of her Cedarvillo .friends, Tuesday.' —Attend the millinerr opening of Stewart & Ustick, April 5 and Gtli. Several couples from here took advantage of the the Spring like even ing, Monday and drove over to tbe home ol Miss Fay Lackey, of near Jameatown. —Money saved by purchasing your spring millinery of Stewart & Ustick. , The members of tho It. P , congre gation held ^ meeting last Monday in reference to the building of their new church. It seems as though they came ' to no conclusion, as another meeting will be held in a few weeks, Mr, Stewart tbe representative architect o f Samuel Hansford & Bom, of Cincinnati, was present and presented plans. The.abovc firm were the architects for Greene'.County’s new Court House, —Crushed Oyster Shell for Poul try at W. It. Sterrett’a, Writing from the Physical Culture Sanitarium, Highland, N, Y ,, to a relative, Tom TarboX.our postmaster, -says he is still improving and, has gained 17 pounds in weight. He tells how bis trainer walked him 10 miles, Monday1, across hills, , through the woods, ill the face of wind and rain, yet not a touch o f asthma, Before Tom went to New York he would have thought It rs much as his life was worth to Attempt a mile wa1k;naw he is; clipping off a ten-mile jaunt like an Athlete-. -Choice White Seed Oats at W . It, Bterrett’s. on J . (J, McDonald, a brakeman the P , 0 , A Bt.Ljmct with an accident iaB .C lmrIe»ton,Baturd*ythktwsuHcd ta tit* mas of his life. While making n dospling he slipped falling across the traek, One leg was cut off below knee ;*pd other mashed from knee to hip, *Doctors were summoned and the anfmdunate man pnt ipVi cnlwosc, aiad an enjrijt# cowplad and a rcconl tKwakbg run mH made to f^ilnnihus, tiilriy MX mite* in leasthan that many Mrs, M. 1 . Marsh returned last night from a two weeks visit to her parents at Oweusvillc, O , -Their promptness and their pleas- "sBl ant Gleets makeHcWitt’s Little Early Risers popular little pills where- ever ‘they aro known. They kto aim- ply perfect for liver and howcltrouulcs. Ridgwsy A Co. ‘ The spring term o f. college .opened Wednesday. mtftUfiw. Whllfi at * the hfsmital in Butt ?Uy he died,, after bring throuifh pavwal hasf* of terrible agtmy. D r. 1 *. It. MmMmi, Practice lim it#d %6 RYE , EAR* M 0 S 8 AND rMRRAT. OIi«f«SA€Cttl*trilpAd- itirifM*' A ihin BulMtng* X tn ia , Ov TMft'fwaMi.—nffe#Wo. MiMtkm M»,*>. Independent Telephone com-’ panics have been rapidly growing and j in the face- of strenuous opposition-on { tho part of the Bell companies, have1 multiplied and their subscribers in­ creased. There is a popular notion in this gectiou of Ohio that the Indepen­ dent ’phones are greatly outnumbered by those o f the Bell company. We dopt know anything about Indepen­ dent 'phones about berth. In the north­ ern and eastern parts br\the state the towns and country are full -of Inde­ pendent ’phones. In iact tbe most re­ cent figures giye us the following in re­ gard to this point. In Ohio, today, the figures are as follows: Independent Bell 1 1300 594 toll stations - 332 , 129' exchanges 60000 " 47000 boxes, in use. In five months Jo Columbus tho Citi­ zens company, has put iq 4900 phones. The Bell company, spurred on by the Competition,have succeeded in increas­ ing their list from 1800 to 3000 in that time. - We have'given the*e figures at some length for the reason that we be lieve them to be as new and .as start­ ling to our readei-8 as they ware to us. On the whole we are disposed to re­ gard the/Citizens companies as uninit igated bleSsing3, for by their influence and operation -the people hav«*. been able to get better Service, more people to be reached and beat of all, lower rates.—Xenia Herald. We are glad to announce to our friends -and patrons* that we have never before been able to show a line of Shoes, Oxford ties and strap Sapdals of such eminent worth as we are showing tjhis, the- first year of the twentieth century, , for Spring and Summer wear. After months of strenuous efforts, aided by all the benefits that cash and experience can secure, we have succeeded in filling our J store with the most pleasing novelties as well as the best possible showing of all the more conserva­ tive styles'. W e are confidentAhat we can please the most extravagant, tastes in .price as well as._J quality and style, and ask you to call and see us. Respectfully, Millinery Opening Friday and Saturday April 5th and .6th, igoi ■ » at ^ 1. Mrs. Condon’s Everyone cordially invited. & 7 East Main Street, Springfield, Ohio. -s-Hendnclte often results from u disordered condition of the' stomach attd constipation ol the bowels. A dose or two of t, hamberiaiu’s Stomac!. and Liver Tablet-? will correct these disorder ana cure the headache; Sold by C. M. Btdgway. NEW" MILLINERY FIRM #- ’Supposin’ there had been as many postponements in the birth o f Gen.' Washington there was in celebrat­ ing his birthday in this town Where would this bloomin’ ' country lie a t tho present date? ^ Spring Valley Blade. - . - v Arnong those who received honary mention infhe prize puzzle contest in the Boys and Girls edition of the. Gin* g p cimmti Commercial Tribone wo, noticed tlm' name of a Cedarvillo girl, | | | Eleanor Smith. Ju st keep on, Elea nor. and you’ll land the prize, yet. n'U-R FIRST OPENING IS A PR IL ^ 5 t h a n d 6 t h , l "Od. A F IN E DISPLAY OF ^ Vegetarian. BakedBedha. With Tomatoe Sauee, No Meat, No Fat. • AtGrav’s. ' —‘When you are bilious, use those famous little pills known as HeWitt’s Little Early Kisers to cleanse the liver and bowels. They never gripe. Ridg- way & Co. ■ .The Misses Bessie B^tts, Jennie Smith and Mamie Wilson spent Sabbath with friends in Selma, —Don’t buy until you see our stack and get our prices oil W a l l P a p e r . We can save you money, an entire new stock to select from this spring . • nt Bird’s. J . G, McCorkell, our affable town clerk has embarked in the much talked o f Belgian Hare^Business. Last Sat­ urday lie received from a Dayton firm nine of these animats and will soon be prepared to supply ail orders for regis tered stock in this line. PATTERN HATS; ' H and :‘: up .- to ~ date ' > 1 M illinery - M aterials T h e p a tr o n a g e o f t h e p e o p le o f C e d a v v ille a n d /v ic in ity is c o r d ia lly " in v ite d : J* STEWAPvT § USTICK" Successors to B arr rfo.Eoyd. U K —A t Cooper’s you .will find pre­ pared horse radish, home radish and mustard, plain mustard, key-stone dressing, catsup, pepper sauce, celery sauce, salad oil, pickled olive*, frostine for icing gelatine, shredded cocoanut, celery salt, domestic and imported macaroni, sliced and grated pineapple, bottled pickles sweet and sour We have a full line of package and bulk coffees, pouiuf-i cereal, cream t&rca! and cocoas. We.have a f k l l line of canned goods o f all ‘-kinds and ol dried fruits. We have bread, crack­ ers, cakes and candies. We have tobacco, cigars and spices of all kinds. We have a line ot tin ware, woodeti and willow ware, Wc ‘ have garden and flower seed, fruits 51 all kinds. Wc have qfiecnsware and cliinawaro “ full line of notions, in We have a short ,we have everything kept in a first class grocery. Come and see us and get our prices; we would like n share of your patronage, we will treat yon right. .—G a l-p e ts arid M a t t i n g s a big stock and low prices. Call and see our line of these goois a t Bird’s Pomologist Brackett- declares that fifty apple trees averaging *10 each per year in yield can be grown on one acre Once there was a book entitled "Ten Acres Enough.” Probably that meant an apple orchard, —Women’s Patent Leather Shoes $2.50 and *3.00. at Bird’s Thelhistorical Cantata, “ Columbus,'’ will be given in the Cedarvillc opera house, Friday evening, April 12, by home talent ’ aided by soloists from neighboring cities. This cantata js one o f the best of its kind, being both intertaining and instructive. A di­ gest of it will appear later. Proceeds over and above the expence* will b* devoted* to our public library. c u n p NOILS. . Mra. J . W. Confarris vefr poorly. Mr. Jerry Shafer is still living a t thia writing, but is very low. Rev* Brownlee and,family wen t to Cincinnati, Tuesday, on a short visit. Our telephone poles have arrived and work will be pushed as speedily as possible. » James Kelly was called to ripring field, Wednesday, on account of the sickness of his brother. -—The celebrated Ruddlck Mole Trap, a very useful article this time of year, Kerr ife Hastings Bros. Onion Sets, , Garden rieeda in Bulk, Sweet Pea and Nasturtium seeds in Bulk. Early Ohio and JfSose Seed Potatoes - : - .....a t Bird’s. The suit o f Warner Hamilton against J . 8, Brown is 8C5 for today before the Court of Common Pleas, The Young Peoples Society of the U.P, church gave a social a t the home of Miss Lena Collins last evening. —We ■ are Ticket** with ask for them giving P rem ium all c a s k purchases, at Bird’s, Mr. 8. II. Marshall, o f Lafayette, Imh, is the guest of his brothers, D. I L a u d J , W. Marshall. Mr. Mar- shall up,to a short time back was in­ terested in the coal and grain busi­ ness * i t has been about thirty fonts since his departure from this place,, but has ittmh several short visits dur-" ing .that time, ' --Wc pay lOe in trade for eggs C. H . Gil laugh. - -We pay On per n fry Bacon, iOe per dt per pound for Imoice But kr Anotherold Cltftft* •W, B. Northup, an§M citistett M this place died at the htffsiBof Jh'li daughter in Dayton, WedbiSidaf, wherehewasstoppingto benearthe hospital for treatment. Hn dropped' deadwhile standing Sit eonyersafion withhiswife. • * * . His temaitts were iaterred in the West Carlton cemetery • wheft most of his amilv are hufied. _ * 4 Mr, Nortiuip was horn in N e tJ # 1 , aoy 65 years ago. Whetr - « «hip Ml' parente moveii t» West. Cariiofl, 0 ,, j from thence, to Cedarvillc, where he ourid tor t!onn^-has lived 24 jeam ... He rpasa honor- t«. for hkfgs, I 5 e John Grindle “and Chai, Burney secured work in Springfield, and both left lor that place Sunday. Kim Shape bought the Mrs. Jen Crundy shop and has moved it baek o f Clark's store, for a meat shop. Miss Etta Russell spent several days in tbs country last .week tbe jjuesfc of her cousin, MissMaud Beard. Miss Abbie Russell, who has been visiting her sister at the O. S. A ri, O. Home for the past two weeks, came home Wednesday, ■ I t is asuuslng to see so. many people drive up to the old poit office and to see then look around as sheepish to see if any one is watching them. W h o ? THE MURPHY & BRO. COMPANY. SPRINGFIELD; OHIO. THEIR SPRING OPENING. W h e n ? ‘ ■ v • ' ■ . ; SATURDAY, MARCHES,1901. We extend a personal invitation to you to attend our opening. Waists, Suits, Skirts, Coats, Dress Goods, Silks, Wash Goods, White Goods, Embroideries, Laces, Neckwear, Trimmings, Hosiery, Underwear, ■ ed member of the M, E. Churell He loaves a wife and t i t children a t BM ‘»- tt*mourn. Mr. Hoble, o f Anglaizfe Co,, will delivery lecture here March 26, hts auhject/is ‘'Character.” He comes very h&hly recommended. A t opera house,-admission 15c. —Patton’s Sun Proof Paints, only by Kerr & Hastings Bros. Sold trenching a t M, E . churr-U by. pas* I on A. Hamilton, Babbath. A , M., “ Soah and hie Ark.” A . Hamilton, Bahbath. “ ' P . M ., “ The otyof Youth and the Beauty of “ Age,” ■ | J. - •: It. P . Ghorolu -W, J , Banderson, istor, 3 L 0 D A . M „ “ Cod’* Faith* 'nlnssa In Nature.” Mail orders for samples or merchan­ dise always have prompt attention, ' ' ............. Che murphy $ Bro. €ompaity, AN EYE OPENER! I f your eyes ache or pain when you read for some’length o f time, your vision is impaired, and it is vour duty *■■ consult an pptlelay. fJt r FRRR KXAkllXAtlOX BY* AN EXPERT. JEWELER ri. Xenia, Ohio. OPTICIANB. —Horseless carriages, fuetless en­ gines, and the wireless telegraph are the greatest innovations, D r, Cald­ well's % fiip Pepsin I# next and cures CopsttpaUon, Indigestion, Bisk Heau* ache and Btotnadt Troubjrs. .M. Ridgway. . ...A. . Mold by -Window up S h t t d o i , from 16a a t Bird'*. Ntrrtofot A^POHirmtwT ■ Notke is hereby given that the undersigned has, been appointed and duly qualified Hr the Probata Court of Groans county as Ekcdutrlx of the last will and tMtamast of Hamnel rimith. fkUthH.BmhhetaL March 4 , 190 L t . n r 0«rj tm $m n n m otfNfr fir tr r sr TWEBTX-POUKTI ge ther with Come ' * BY T(1E A Few Paragraphs, tepdeS to Displ| 0 OTH GRAVE M They Are Not Fiction $ut Pr< Thoughtful CogitatR^andl Events in Local Li Its not electric railroad cheese- ' ; A new factory is to be si Something no other town in will have, -A self bindery —o- Thc ColumbusCitizen i fight againstcrueltyto dog per considers1'abuse of a f that of a child nnd-asks leg tectiorij.and quite right it Whowouldpoison or shoot pure wantonesa woull Coin or assault a. defenseless wc have qneor two such fiei town and the writer for help lynch the 1 cowardly w —o— I t is, not necessarily a man is busy merely becau not -go home early in tl .There may he a her. party a -o*— A man in town noted fo! for his wife, docs many ode the house to make life oi A few days ago he scrubbs around the house, and w1, done he would not soil it on it. Instead he tried to side a grape- arbor that y him and- tho house, but tij. on his nose. There wnen akin on his nose than he , now ho has less. Neve Walk was cleaned if he tj few bruises iu order to ing it first , -o-— I t wasTlecided nt the C; ing Monday that the men arvillc’s legislative body, the honor of Cutting the, »—Cs— YVc heard a man'say t" that he knew a fellow ' lazy to get into any devi, would you like to he as h, —o- *A traveling man tel. He cajr.e to town ear| H e met a boy eight ve, lroy asked him What ly Tire Raveling man saidt| “ I am selling mill Sun and Our line o f ’timbrelh .iW iiiiOD and the B' BLE grades, as xs[ higher priced ones fh like to carry only th-j w m €u«ant| A t price* that will ' Call *nd -*ce them buy your summer eh:. HitwwiHHteMw Awl# IWIIi* anil- ' The Jewtlj