The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26
ft; 7\ I 1 r >->■ r.-v?- - t t . * I#' / * i . a , $LOu A YEAS. KAKUf BWJU. &**# • xmmm f-V»u:*: *Si»*4 *«IdwVI***. HAJKJKIMY, MARCH 550, JH>1. FOR COMMISSIONER J . W * S m i t h . A Urg« portico .of :» putty'. sue- cm i» due t»> the aileut, energetic worker* who tuif iu the ranks, and who have only their parties welfare a t heart- Among those . who have • been stamirb supporter, of t|wR4pub- for many years in Greene Oorrotyw Lffih W. Smith, iiow’a candidate f ir •Commissioner. Those Who know Mr, Smith know him to be a man strong?)' opfiosed to “ bosses", “ political, riogs," etc.,“and a vote oast for him menus ft vote’ for, a straight,, forward man which will bring death to each organization** ONLY AT TH E POLLS CAN SUCH ORGAN IZATIONS BE GIVEN A DEATH BLOW. v 4 'According to the Duke of Newcas tle, who is now •in this country,1the .separation of church and state will " foe accomplished' in England in the near future, ; Abington, Mass*, has emphasized its desire for reform by making a preacher ch ief.of police. .Suppose New York' had Bishop Potter or Dr. Paskhurst for its chief of police fpr awhile? •: , ” „ ( ^ The world buys where if can,get,' the focst and theriheapest Until that phase o f human nature undergoes a Change we -have nothing to fear from European jealousy of American com mercial supremacy, '' ’ - Prom February 18, to March 15,; Andrew Carnegie gave away $11,495,- 000. $5,000,000 for pensions fpr em ployes o f the Carnegie Steel;Co,, and the remainder for libraries. I f he keeps up that lick there will be no ' dsnger of him committing the “ crime" of dying too rich. 'A German physician is out with a learned treatise showing that marri age A conducive to longer lives both for mep and women; but it ts neces sary, according to him',, to stay mar ried, as foe finds that' widows and widowersdon’t live'any longer, than bachelors and spinsters. Consider yourself a ‘candidate for for an office after you bad stepped out of the Way for a man that had served two terms, who wasn’t gentlemanly enough to step down and out and give you some -show. Study the mat ter for yourself. Think carefully; Vote accordingly. We predict that under such circumstances you would Support Smith, J , W. - ‘•■ it:. ...fty . j „ I t seemed for a few days as though there would lie two Smiths in the race for Commissioner, John .B. and John W, Smith, Bu t M r,' J , B, Smith pulls off lb favor of J .W . Six years ago J . B, left the race ’to give a clear track for John W, Fudge, the under standing being, that J . B. W as to fol low after Fudge’s second term; but when things come Up this spring Fudge wants another term, and con sequently J* B- is out again, If the people will take the Herald’s advice on the 3rd term business Mr, Fudge would get hit walking papers. Tbs republicans of Springfield are making a fre-perate effort to elect tbeir candidate. M ffo Milligan, for mayor. I t has fosea over six years since the Champion city has foetn under repub lican rule and a great effort is being made to change the appearance of thing*. Large posters printed in red have bsen pasted oyer the city. They teadf a* follows; “Milligan for Mayor means death to the political -rings, honorjand prosperity t o ’Springfield. Wcrlt for him,vote for him,elect him." The democrats are not so far behind a t they ate using their utmost efforts to restrain tire office of Mayorality, . The posters for the democrats who arc urging tire electiou of Suyder, reads m follows; “ Vote for Snyder. Bonded debt reduced $10,000 within two years; • Eight-hour day for laboring men. flood wages and all work done by Springfield workmen, Snyder dona tion, (park and charity) in cash and kinds ammtn;* to $514,000 given out righ t to the poor of Springfield.' ' . Tbua the fight -continues and will pnsibly get to a high tension betoro M w iay next. ■ -.A.-.^S»i«6teS«e4eiU,ric io Gtm &m b nr oig h it T.tke L kha U v * RromriQuiuilro Tab-; f*i* All druggist* refund the tuottfiy If Its falls to -core. JE. Wi O w e s is m *rofeboxr, 2fic, Quacks *r« stubborn things. It’s it wke girl who knows her own mind. ■Society’* the mother of convention. Heme waa not built iu a day. Modesty hi Urn best policy. ( ircumstanees alter faces; A rolling gait gathers remorse. AHV-uut old that titters. Let us eat, drink and be married, for to-morrow we dye. . _ Charity uncovers a multitude of sins. —April Smart Set, 4 literary Nightmare. •When does Mary, Mapcs Dodge? hen Thomas W, Knox, When did Charles Iteade? When- ever he saw Mafole Osgood Wright, When is it that, John Burroughs? When he hears Edward Everett Hale, .-^h y d id .th ey HaltCaine? To make Francis Hodgson Burnett, Who gave Thomas Paine? Hamil ton Wright. Maine. - What rondo Winston’ L’hurcb-ill? Eating when ho saw- John Eaten Cooke. , 1 What will make Walter A. Wye- koff? X Zang will. Why did CharlesDar-wiri? Because he never vhrned his back to De-foe, ’ Where did Capt. P r o f , io Marryat? At the Ellen OInfey Kiri:, What made Col.Ricbard H-Savage? Hearing Charles.Carlton Coffin. "-Why was Wagner Haydn away Bach?- Because De Kpven had him on’Ink little Liszt. • .What kept Charlotte M. Young? Helping Elizabeth Philips Train. ’Why do we, laugh at R. D, Black- ,more? Because we find James Green; leaf W(h)itt|er. , Whence came Samuel Sm’les? Be cause he saw a hen reword .Bgepher, Why did Alias Mu-lock up the silver? Because she saw Flora Annie Steele!—L ife. Hirw/te Mafc* Ip# S« n » x , : Stir AUNWpopnful of" beef extract, into one q u a rto f boiling water; add a, grated onion, an eiglith.of a teaspoon* ful of calefy see.] or . a ii tt l e criery chopped, half a teaspoonful of salt and, a jwltsjpponfu?, of pepper; stir con atantly. until it .roaches the boiling twilit; strain -through a fine sieve, and pour i t while hot into the .well- beaten yolks of two eggs. ’Add four tableepoonfuE*of carefully boiled rice, and serve very hat.—-April Ladies’ Home Journal.; - . . .* * —Mrs. G* E ., VanDeoseii, o f Kil- foonrn, Wie., was nffiicted with atom- aek—trouble and constipation for a long time, >Biro soya, “ I have fried many preparations hut none have done’ me tiro good that Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tablets have.” These Tablets are for sale a t C. M, Ridgway’a drug store. Price, 25 cents.'*’ Sam-; plea free. ■Women have full voting' rights in Colorado, Idaho, Wyoming and Utah, «*, - o' Tbe Outcasts: ATateof the Northwest. Mr. W, A„ Fraser, author of Mous- wa and others, has just .written for early publication jn T he B aturdav E vening , P ost a short, stirring serial; entitled The Outcasts, The Outcasts are an old buffalo and a wolf-dog, and the greater part of ihe Story is about the strange comrade ship and striking adventures of these companions, and their pilgrimage, in company, to the distant plains of deep gf486, .ofwhich the wolf-dog knew. There are jAction and strength of word and phrase in the story, and the touch o f the soil and the music and charm and sombreness of the for est. . The rush of the' frenzied buffalo Iterd to death is 'told' with splendid dramatic fpower. The p lan 'o f the story is a unique conception, and it is worked out ■on novel and en tertaining Jines.’ —Counterfeits o f DoWitt's Wiich Hazel Salve arc liable to cause blood poisoning, Leave them .alone. The original has the nnnie DeWilt's upon the box and wrapper. I r i s a'( harm less and healing salve tor skin diseases. Uiiequaled for piles. • Ridgway & Co. Hay is usually fed in too- largo quan tities, in much largerquantics than, can bo readily digested* The stomach of the horse fa not large, and it should not be overtaxed-. ‘ The rule is laid down by theoretical writers that the horse should have water firstjhen hay, and lastly grain* OtuwgM jbUr*W«Ui« Mean slight “ spells?' of Headache or effect your, appetite. Irregularities in eating cause Dyspepsia. Take Dr, Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin and feel good regardless Of these elements or habits. Sold by C. M. Iliegway. SEED OAT s 7—lliav e several bu- *hel o f seed oats which I will sell* Grown from Western seed. W, A . Collins. •—INbwriiba fin* tint Hsmid., —The stomach controls the sitnation. Those who are hearty and strong are those who can eat and digest plenty of food. Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure di gests what you-eat and allows you to eat all the goodt food you want* I f you suffer from indigestion, heartburn,' belching or atiy other stomach trouble, tiffs preparation can’t help but do yott good. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. Ridgway A Co, P e a rl. fisheries are being revived along tho rivers of Ohio. The pearls are all found in mussels. -Recently a buyer from New York paid $400, $300 and $250, respectfully for hand some stones, found iu the BciOto and Musklngutli rivers. HOW'S THIS? . We offer One Hundred Dollars lie- ward for any case of Catarrh that con- not foe cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure, JF. J* C heney A C o ., Toledo, O, We, the undersigned, have known F. J , Clseney lot the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and finan cially ahie to carry out liny obligations make by their firm W est At Tm ux , Wholesale Druggists Toledo, O, W amhno , K innan A MAttvrw, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hnlfs (iau irh Cure is taken in -—Prof. Ivison,.ofLonaconing, Md., suffered terribly from neuralgia of the storaaohand indigestion for thirteen years arid .after the. doetprs failed to cure him they fed him on morphine* A friend advised the use ,of Kodoi Dyspepsia; Cure ami after taking a few bottles of i t he says, “I t has onred me entirely* I can’t spy too much for Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure," I t digests what you eat, Ridgway & Co. p * Rhode Island still remains the most densely populated state in the Union. 'I , , , _ i *■ i A‘Wmaaa's’Waids ofPraise, Neosho Falls, Kans,, Nov, 13,1900. Pepsin Syrup Co., Montievllo, IU.' . Dear Sirs:-—For aiinost fifteen years I suffered from indigestion, nod last winter thought I would die, wjimi my doctor, Dr* A, J , Lieur :nce of this plaee, advised me to try Dr* Cald well's Syrup Pepsin, which I did, and two bottles cured me, I t not only re lieved mev but it cured tue so tbnt.I have not been troubled since. I f atiy one should offer me $500 for the goorl Syrup Pepsin has done me I would not think of taking it. No pne can take your mekicine without being con vinced bit its more than wonderful cures, I recommend it to all my friends aria laxative and stoma :k rem edy, Yours with gratitude, Mrs. J,Morgan. Sold by C, M. Ridgway. There is tea grown and gathered in Japan that sells for as. much as $10 a pound. , n . ■ , ternally, A/|ting directly upon the ' a d ffjmcou* aurfaces or the r**tjhionl*!« emit free. E >epar hottle. fridd by druggi^A a S lf t Fxmily Pills are tb riW * tom. 75c BtmttbtU* G u m at BlaituattLim, From the Vindicator, Kutherfordtoo, N. C. The 'editor of thfe Vindicator haa> had occasion to test the efficacy of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm twice with tl/e most remarkable results in each case. First, with rheumatism in the shoulder from which he suffered ex cruciating pain ten'days, whiph Was relieved with two applications-of Pain Balm, rubbing the parts afflicted aiid realizing ipBtant benefit and entire re* lief in a short time. Second, iri rheu matism in thigh joint, almost pros trating him with severe pain, which was relieved by two. applications, rub bing with the rihjitiient ou retiring a t night, and gettiug^ip free form pain, For sale by C, M- Ridgway, A heat wave passed over Australia January 25, destroying hordes, slock and crops. , Pity and Beauty The triost beautiful tliin^ 'in the world iU th e ! rb;, all dimples and' joy, Tha ;.:c ; pitifulthing is'that same b;,1-.y, thin and in pain,. And the, mother does not know that a little fat makes all the differ ence, Dimples and joy have gone, and left hollows- and fear; the fat, that was comfort and color and curve-all but .pity and love-is gone; The little one gets no fat fromher food. There is some thingwrong; it is either her food or food-mill. She has had no fat for weeks; is Ih ing on what she had stored in that plump little body of hers; and that is gone. She is starving for fat; it is death, be quick! Scott’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is the fat she can take; it will save her, , fttfaujiis tlfig IhJ*fcfa'uiAAn - »i tafcf-M.K'US#?. ; , JfyBahiv®act ttMi. ft. tSwr . h r hi* simitte. US : Ustswill MUIiti*!*yotl. 8 C0 t T *t P-OWNE, ■ *0 . N - t . Kirin «« m I xtl dr<*«ri#ti» ■; : Tlie Kind You Drive Always BougbL a«d Wlifcl* has hew in ub © tor oyer 30 years, has foonie the sigri&tnre oi jo . anti jiW boonmade nnuer his per* sons) supervision since Its Infancy* Allowno on©to deceive youin tjris. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-grood” are h«b Experiments tliat'trifle with and endanger the heaftn or Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is p harmless substitute-for-Castor Oil, Pare goric, props and Soothing Syrups. I t is Pleasant. contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance* Its age is its guarantee. I t destroys Worms and allays .Feverishness. I t cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. I t relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation •and Flatulency. I t assimilates the Food, regulates the . Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep* The Children’s Panacea—The 3 >Iotlier’s Friend. • c e n u i n e GASTORIA A LW A Y S B ears th e S ignature of In Use For Over 3 0 Ye^rs. THccrMr«uncoMCAMy. vr MURf)*y*T«crr. wih V vcbk prpt. Our €lmni$for YourCrack * ' ■ . j " , • ^ . ;i . . * X Fine Stock of Fni'fiUum • _ \ • ' UonSfetingrif A full assortment of Parlor Suites. . A fine stock of Rockers,. A complete line of Combination Book Casefe. A full stock of everything in the Furniture Lane. Ulbat Vou mill Receive W trading Olith U$: The Largest Stock to Select From. The Lowest Prices. The Best Values! • *t» o«r Department i$full of Buraalnt. / "Highest Quality, Largest Variety/ - . - ' . . y. . Best Styles* . , You will make a mistake if you don’t see our line. j a m e s h . M c M i l l a n , Furniture Dealer. F u n e ra l D irecto r. A flood llitag, , German Syrup is the special pi e ecriptiou of D r. A. BoschcO, Acelfe brated GeWnati Physician, .and is ac knowledged to iro one of the most for- trinate discoveries in medicine. I t f uiciclycuresCoughs, Colds imd all .ung troubles of the severest nature, removing, as it dots, the cause of the affection and leaving the parts in a strong and healthy condition. I t is not an experimental medicine,but has stood the lest o f years, giving satis faction in every case, which" its rap idly increasing sale every season con firms, Two million botiles sold annu ally. Boschec’s German Syrnp was introduced in the United States in IS08, ami is now t old in every town and village in the civilized world Three doses will relieve any ordinary cough. Price 75ets. Get Greens’ Prize Almanac. A Oc»i CoSgbMdicitn fat Ohilhefi,. “ I have no hesitancy in recom mending Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy," says 1\ P. Moran, a well known- and popular baker, of Petersburg, Va. “ Wo have given it to out chil dren when troubled With bad coughs* also whooping cough, and it has al ways given perfect satisfaction- I t was recommended to wo by a drug gist as tiro best cough im-diciye for children as rt contained no opiuiri or other harmful, drug.” Sold by 0 M. Ridgway. ■—Ifyoro want anything good, go to Gray’s. • Ax kedlctie tat Za, Qrlpjf. George W. Waitt, of South Gar diner, Me.,' says: *T have had the worst cough, cold, chills and grip and have taken lota o f trash of no account hut profit to tfie vendor. Ohanffror* Inin’s Cough Remedy4s the only thing tha t him done any good whatever. I; have used one buttle of i t and the chills, cold and grip have all left we, w I congratulate the manufacturers ot an honest medicine.” Fo r sale by C. M. Ridgway. —tfardeniers, very cheap. * Ridy.way <feCo. | •“-BbnltS. Immediate and lasting. Before and after trying other rem ftdie# use Rocky Mountain Tea tiff*5 -month, Twill keep you well all sum» aror, A great .spnrig-hlwf ing. A sk you dfuggift CHURCH (DtREOTORY F.. V, bur(;ti—Rov. J , V. Motion, P«fctor. jcrricea «( 11:00 x< >u. Sstfaxltr Seliool at iOx. n* • •> Covenutiter Cliurch—Rev* \V«J.B*nOe/wn', paator, Sabbath Sohcfll at 10 a, ra. Fmcb- ing At 11:00 a. in. Young Peolils meet at 6 p. ’ni. Oscepttbo *1at and. 3d Stubalba of ih» mof when tlioy meet i l 8:10, and preaching in evening on the 1st and 3d Sabbaths ni the month at 7:00 p* m. IT. P.Chnreh—Re*. I 1, O. Res*,patter. Ser- vlcei at 10:30 a. ni„ sad 7:00 p. tn. Sabbath School at 9:30 a, m. standard time. M*11. Church—Rsv, A. HaMtlicn, Patter* Preaching at 10:15 a. m Sabbath School at 9:31 a, tn.' Yeung Petplebt meeting at 8:03 p, m. Prajfer meeting W'ednetday evening »t7:f>0. Preaching every cthet Sabbath even ing 7:50 p,m . , Baptiat Church—Rev. (lecrge Waahingten, paatorofthe Baptist church, .’reaching at 11 a, m. and 7:?i0p. m. Sabbath School at 2:30 ■p Prayer meeting every Wednesday night Kt 7£0. Breryona inrited. A .M.E. Chnrch—Rev. O, E. Jones Pas tor Preaching at 10:30 a, tn* end 7:98 p. trt. Class every Sabbath a t 12:00, Sabbath School at 3:00 p, in. l ’rayor meeting 7:30,p. Wednesday fvc. C'EDAKViLLE, OHIO, SoldbyAll Newsdealers . * , 3ri*ijrair=?SKr-fi.i | 5 1O H D FURNISHES MONTHLY To all Iterersof Song and Music A vast volume (A HVN choice compositions by the World’s famous authors. U Paps sf Plaits piuslc W/en!* IftsfrunKtitfll 21GSHipleiBPJBfiSSlOlPlaiiD promptly made and remitted. TYRAFTB on Now York and Citt- i f I(J Kt lowest rates. Tlia cheapest aiid most couvcBieut waj send money by mail, T OANS made on Real Estate, ■Bona| or Collateral Security. .WilHam W ih jm on , P r e s,, Seth W. Smith, Vice Pro?,, NY, J . Wildman, Qashieir, - r ___ | ■ m tAW T$AH«r j B*tw«wn Xenia xml IJavtun. . i Im im X#mir L av e Laycm: 1 . 5;flQ a* m. 0:1*0 a. m. * - U;0U « ' .7:60 ' 7:00 3:00 l *;i>0 * 9:00 } 0:00 ' 10:00 IffifHj •11:00 | 11;W; 12,00 Noon. J 12;<K* Noon. IffK) p. jH, | LOOp, m. 2:00 ■ ■ -■ 2:00 ‘ 3;00 3;W 4:00 ' - 4:00 5:00 * 5;(M> ' 6:00 0:00 .. 7:00 • 7:00 . * 1 8;00 3:00 -. 9;0Q • ' •9:00 10;00 . . 10:00 • H;QQ- * . 11:00 . v . , 12:00 *-'■ Once a Month for it) Cents. , Yearly Subscription, $1.00. . it Isinaht in anymutiti jrtdrt a t ' ont-hslf <.ff. w,n:U emt |j.K. - * Aftvmg at *j i5 monthly. In one year you get newly 800’Page*or Music, comptlrfftg 252 Complete rirces Inf Ihe PiStte. it yonCannotget s cop* fromgone Jtews-, dealer, send to m at,.love will mail *tm ft ssnnplftTree. ' J . W* P ZP Pm , PMbUfthcr,. Slghih a toenst At#. feh<:st}'*iisHt#* p 4. C.ff. 0. Daily'foal Market. Under the above firm nams, the meat market of O; \Y* Cf-ouse will. be conducted. AH product in tbs mea| line will be the best that moaey nan buy, which fact combined with honest and thorough business methods is enough assurance to the public, who always want the worth of their money in every respect. When sending children, direct them Uj us; we always give .tlhm. the best they ask for. GOODS DELIVERED ■Telephone No» 74. N e w M e a t Store >—*■ .Having opeuiug the/M eat Store formerly conducted by Ed HensJrol, we will have ' ■. on hand at ’all, times a choice line of , . Fresh and Salt Meats • Bologna and Sausage and everything; connected with u firstropss meat store. • We handle the celebrated Kingan & Co’s. Hams, - Charles ‘Weimer. GOODS DELIVEREDI . 'Telephone 66. LOUISVILLEKKiSHVILLEBill,ROAD 1The Great Central Southern Trunk Line W INTER ' TOURIST TICKETS Now on sale to F L O R I D A 'and the ■* G U L F COAST Write for folders, descriptive matter to O* L* STONE, General Passenger Agt, LOUISVILLE, KY . SEND YOUR ADDRESS To R. 3 . WEMYSS, Q«aer#l ttatalgYftlibti ftad Iftd«n(ri»l Agtxt IDU ISV ILLE , KY . And he will mail you free ma rs,m,T:sTiUT£D PAMPHriEiwarid PRICE i l s r Of X.AR» and FARMS ill KfiHTUCKY, TENNESSEE, ' ALABAMA.. ' MISSISSIPPI. FLORIDA Blue Front Stable. ^Leave your homes,there and yoiir rigs be kept on the inside, out of the rain and storm, 20 N, Fountain Avenue, Springfield, O, C hari eb E . T oot , Frop W n l a y « f 2 6 C t s . P m .ift# ■iimriri'm i kfti mm M lkcHtMMi.~ irMkly M# yUiluM. tottkfotaAfpirlA, Spvwlj*# m » i wopiptihpft ttnial, Adam’s Restaurant . and Dining. Riroms Comer High and Limestone' streat, Springfield, Ohio* DoN-r B e F ooleoi ROOKV MOtlMTAm 5ri«A *fcVy*Sr*i —A ehoioe line of nil k}ndi«f wwxMHkf, GfUf'i,1 • Xenia office and waiting room No 4 South. Detroit St, Dayton' office and waiting-room,-15 West F ifth St., opposite Postoffice* , The ruoning titue,between Dayton and Xenia L one hour, pm-.-iiijr thru Highlands, Smithvillc Road, Zimmer-' man. Alpha, Trebeina and Lucas Grove. * Dayton to Xenia 17 miles, fare 25 cents, ’ ' Every other cur combination for freight.* Sundays and Holidays cars run eVery half hour. C lw o iw n a trP lv ilg f c n ennsylvanialiirisi] (Sch#dwIeolP#i«#nperTr*ln5-C8ht-J;r:ft'u,'1 Westward. Colambui Iv, Alton...-.*......*‘ V, .loObrnon I/wiaou ‘ H.OliarlcHton ** Solma ......... “ Cedftrylllo, Wllborroreo.,** XoillB... Spring Vai;.,” Hoxamia .„..1 WnynMivillQ*' Orogonla....- " FlirtAnclent" Morrow So*Robanon *' l.ovotiind.... " Mllfoi'A..... BataviaJ c ..1 Ciiiciunattai Eastward. C in iilunn ll IV ” Milford....... •* I,uvo|n,.d.... So, “ M»rr«\vu.... " Fl. Aucivnt !* Ort'uotuii ... ” W’u.viivsvilio Ito.'ciinim..... “ Snrtng Vni.., •' Xvntrs... Wllbwforce *«’ Cctlnrv*llo... s >> l i qn . . , . “ S,0hnvlC3ton “ L o u d o n *• W. JeUerson 1 Alton " C olam tm s dr. 0 ion a t na IU AM AM AM AM i- m *15C*260 *700*865 *215 9 111 .. . . . 92v 334 7 46 943 Bi»6 's*,w-. <805 995 q<3 *a«*i 1005 101713.28 305 Vis 8 3C il-12, K’i3 3 19 AM 4;2£ IB’C- ,338 '4 3? !C*& (0£4 1*42 *456 9 IUfl 03 41 14 W07 • UffiS ’615 9.30,lif t 4 27 JL-M u fe V is '839 100' 2 05 .2 )L . 6 J. 104 I2SC 53i, AV Ul Vit' 1 ’ !7dUAg ft f * — ri sa - K (32P ■oJf 3? Bilwcen SttrlnoBtld, Xanla: Dayton. Blchrattnd. - WESTWARD, SprlnflftetdIV Tcitew3p'g» ‘ * .» .« |K arookvillo-4> Padton Eldorado..,<* tlicbmond,.flr4 43.' JE AM . A«II iUliriOf am ! am ♦7.25 44 3*1: .05... AM*810 346 84® 918 t92« 943 J4f AM RlSalS" AM *9;30 S4t 10 10| *840, AM 907 ‘ 90« S as TWABD SUti.ii,ad ,lr Eldorado ” Oodton “ gnUltrilU..’ '»r n*;ton Xenia ■Idler!pp." IfrlagWl’M •{?v k I d osiois SfiSi 22-f *i| 3,< AM am !Alt: ■sxe.totoa 541 .. f6 04!.. 509: „ 6401105 6401105 7 lOillS® 7 2« AM!H*3Sfit3 7-44 11555 31 805 11215$ 50 m j 3W 3 19 40 . 55 4 25 I'M j r 1.Vf Vin i i|f]8 1 r i i :vl DarkFacedljpa 4 eE«t«»tin, fremtJ.Mi**.’■ ' 2 , 0 u>‘.=- tuikt; LitMIwed Irm 12.00 aidalglt is 1 « - :r.. . vm iuw iiH leep ln * Carstia «<•*. 3 , 5 . •:. S4,19. s u .s i and inn either run t<n«u^li i L’Olltitiinis tind PHl*liurgliort‘<mi!r''f Mini' n rilttsbureli tlftlon Station to and IKim Bit - inbro, waeiilngton, Phir&dolpliifl « d 1 . v York, Wo». K, 801 lend 91 ro jinw III- ,>• mond for Indlanapoll*. and Bt.-l^n.inj- > i« . a i n n d s. for Chicago, JL, F. ROREK, K.vl I'OUIr ' . OeeerdX»«utr, t, ci.-.: i ti-Ssroa-j[» P ittsbcruu . l'tnt. *. For tlmocarde, Pale.*of fare, l.u.iii»l- in itr* , bMKftge checks, nnd nirtlu:- Inu.rm - nn i '• raraln g the running of trains, npj. 1 ,'- u> J»i J agent b t the Pennsylvania Litice. E , S, Keyes, Agent, Cfedarville, Ohio. ASKYOURGROCERFOR m s m Be 5 Iffiaatc Breakfast food, P u r i n a H e a l t h F l o o r • r M u fa * ■ j *- « B R .A IN B R .R A D .^ PU^IMAMILLS, Sf. L ook . M o , -50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE P atents ' UlTMlt -tlowieirlM I BADE (nAitn* OC91QNS. ‘ OopvmoHT* *&. '«in *7 rteeT,bethwaa •*. fermaunka- nadbookonPatMM *»ut free. i5««t *»snerforyvenruutmtent*. p«t«ma taken tfcrongh Mnnn.ACo. reivtva lyedMf.THHNaa, vttbeat oftMM. tntli* ScRiuiffc Hmericart. Abiuidaowely llluatrated weelHr. L*r*a«atr. roMrtlon Ol •ny ectenuay Journal, Terma. tt* n w t fourmoot h . 41 . Sold byan nawadeMani. 1IUfI .MEetftyrMAInRUMf PATENTS • «ntbaoineteSondactedforMoncnrrc rgt*, ’ tM-ma Addrewf, O.A.aHOWdbOO* h osk orft#z,WASwaftrifttb*$»J' l im i t s o r THKPATIMT pay the above rat Dyspepsia, Slcfe H | , oJf Llyirita,TheU| T hey a re purely Veget 25 c bases contain 100 ; boxes contain 15 Pills, 3 Sent by jnail. Stamps Clinton anji Jackson-St - O . M , llidgWR) SPRIT . NO > We are, showing thfe best Shi r for the money, and ban fi| i . a slice should bfe fitted. < * ( 4 t ^ r Oaf Radies’ Shoes FOB..**.,................| , ■, a • Are good as others : Best $1.50 ant}$2.00 SI . ■ ForWear j We have ever been-able tj We make a specialty of Mel $3.00 and S3.50 equal til :■ ; shoes -shown in other store! Frazer’: ' X M Pine Apple Zephyr................. I |Mercerized Bilk Zephyr**...... ; French Mudras.,.J*...;.......4* ' French Gingham... . . . . . . . . Figured Swiss French Figured Lawri...,.,..*| India Dimity.f.......... ........... • Cimarorit Dimity,..,*,.,. Blue l?ele Lawn.............. ■' Silk Tissue......................... . .Mercerized Foulards........ ..25 Silk Ghambrey ....................... 2 Silk Mull...........*.-37 „• ':'■ »= - . ' . • . > All of tiro- above are0 new excellent for waists, cost- lei better than silk. Wool effeci ■ . in. ■, ’ New Suits, Waists, Skirl . Coats are now in and will pic .. 3000 yards Seersucker, s color, sa suitable for Wais i ; and Grebes. BOOSEFURNISHIN Certainly this be the sea change in Carpets, Linolevt flow Shades, Mattings and I SEE OUR STOCK—10, Mattings, new importation, #arpete> I 2it to 60c. Floor E^russel Rugs, all sij by 4 yds, 1375. Ingrain a rt squares £4,72 Rag Carpet 25c to 35c ol although carpets has tulvj we sell for early spring a t CARPETS. OILCU Linoleum, Window Shades tings in large supplies. Lace Curtains and Wind! to blind and cheer every hoi iHutchis« O i b ne5J Br.fMMfSKIDN
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