The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26
\ f ) l ? '« ‘ * ■) ; ■r- ;.» 'j* CT . 3 W © - w ■ J S t O O D c . , '■f@or- 1 jW,a ll for ‘ib cents per Rolf,' •• f r \ «« THE NEW SHOES. « Celebrated Hamilton; Brown Shoes < . .. '■ j A * • . . • S* • ** - •- s . 3 f . ' ‘ . BEST ON EARTH FOR THE HONEY. % . ^ - 4 -.^ • >- .« » fi t’ ,■m ,' • . .hj»wi. . • K- *k‘ ^ fb j satoef the rummage iw . • - f - •peat aevaral days jm*ek to Ad*ws county.• i.‘§ ,C f to f tto ild -#ff pby “ Ben Hpr,” T ■’■ v . -5r%.:' - x y- linSj who ba« been attend- Cut Ado, studying ur the ejwrtitfwjt, has llo ffiM j’Mf end has returned 6f Senrh. He w illretum in the ; "* M l an4'-toW post graduate work,. *V - .-^Headache- often results from ft '4 * disordered condition of the stomach and constipation, o t the bowels. A dose or two of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will correct these disorders and ' cure t h e , headache. Sold h r V. JJ, Ridgway, 1 __ _ Messrs, & ljl- Tarhox £ Son are 'building arteadditional lumber shfed*. and'are preparing to handle a .larger stock than ever in .order to fill their spring orders. ■' • / —You. will find the 'very latest ' styles,in spring millinery a t ' T h Stewart & Ifetick. L ost :—A pair of hneglasses was lost .some where op the-' streets of. y'f Gedarville, .’Finder will be rewarded S turning them over to' J . G. Mc- rkie, ' - - v , Vi v \ —See the Black Hawk Corn Plan* ter&before purchasing. Tvere/& Hast* ing pros. Mias Maude SaUeriielto of Xenia, spent Sabbath the guest, of Ctedarville / •’ letfcftrtk * * ; *' y ' s f ’ ■' —Lettuce,. Radishes end Onions " ' ‘ • a t Houser’s* . , - The pedarville Township Sabbath- — School Convention Will be held bn April 16, Tuesday - afternoon ' and evening.' Arrangements ‘ have been- ■made fov, a good program, by 'local and county speakers. Several neW , features will ho introduced and discussed. . ^ —The Ladies' Exchange will be tmsn-to the O rt building today and1 next Saturday a t 10:30. > s- ^ ^~ ' - - f ^1 ,f v '* 1 ' A t a meeting of the members of the R, E, oburctoit was. decided to erect •their new building down town and 1 that , the building committee be in- struc'ted to purchase the Ford prop, arty on. Mam .Street. This lot with the Hisbet corner will make one bf the nicest locations lor a church in ' village. Work has already begujit on & clearing off o f these two lots, / apd elsewhere, wfll be found the Spb ‘ rbrriseriieat for .the” removal of the Herd dw e lling .T he eoOBlderatioaJs ; aaid to he about $1400, :• '■»* ■ - '*■ • -o ■ . ?—Their promptness and their pleas-, make JDeWitt’s Li tilojEarly .yrheit* are1sim« ant edecis Risers most popular little pills ever they are known. They ply perfect ftrrliver and bowel troubles Magway 4» Co. —Everything given by the Picture Play Go, will be, entirely new. In ifddltion to plajinfr “Ben Hue" they have several new illustrated songs and ether forma of entertainment, • Will Bufltold, o f Dayton, spent Shbbath the guest of his mother of #Wpbw R bbd eaaod a t Bird’s, M a tt in g a , H u g s , 4 s n liftIic e C u r- MtasLoti Johnson, .who has been m d v f i d m the O, 8 .-&8 . O. Home, wsfeemed hw»e Monday, —Money sav-ed by purchasing your tpArg udminwy of Stewart & Lstick. iKssRaths R»het has aocepted a jo a t Ooudon & Murdockw mil* p 1tew ', and .will- «ef*i with the 'tbsswthto oonsing season. —How are yon, anyWay? Dr. GtldvorlfsSyrup Pepsin left perfect ks&iyft. Sold by C, M. Ridgway. Mrs. John Roes ha* been sufiering from an atteek of the grip . Yegetarian, BaksdBeahf-. , With Tmnatoe Sauce. ' HoMeaf. No Fat, A t 0 t ^ j fs. There was no schwl Thursday and tfridry in Pyaf. Brown's room. , The Frashnwor W*s attendtog a meeting of t&f Association of Professors, a t Day isms. * —W* Mil + —h Honey TWwKyrun for She f k Back,t^(^don,,Flour for 00c pi Gem Meal for Ifm Btaga for lOc. At Bird’s. Monday. , bColln'm the Jeweller has a fine line o f Umbrellas. Yoabught tb see them before you hay a Screen hqm sun br-rain, * i- a ■ ; s , ■■■■■- ■- ■ - ■ Mr, a n d . Mrs. R . F , Kerriou yes terdsy gave a dinner party to a nu'm her of their elderly friends. —T b t’plat for the Picture Play' Co. will De epened a t C: M,. Crouse*'* it 2 p. m. nex t Wednesday, April 3<r- ■oret your' seats before it is too late. Admission 85c, children 25o. > Mr, John Coffy and sister, Sarah,- and Miss Effie Conley spent Sunday in'Jamestown, the guest of friendB, -Pan’t fail icfgo to the rummage sale in the Grr building as this is the last riay* Everythi’ngmust go. The lecture course committee are tflakiug preperations for an extra number to be put on after the Picture Play Co. Arrangements for . the price o f admissiqn have not been de termined upon, hut in, all probability there will be a small fee charged those. already holding season tickets, —\Ve jiaV10c <loz for Egg*. We pny 15c U>. for Butter. We pay 8c lb. Tor Bacon, , \ A t Bird’s, | --■■Bringyour butter, eggs, Isrd and bacon to Cooper’* and get the high est market price for them. ent rel- .,Mr*, Carl Kyle, of Dayton, Bp Wednesday with friends and a n d ) atlves here. " —Attend the millinery opening of Stewart & Ustick, April &aud 6 tli, A ,report was -received here this week to th e ' effect that tyv .sRichard Park,'of Cincinnati, was dead, Mr. Park whs one, of < the trustees of the college-and. also was on the committee o f instruction.,' ' * - l —^Choice White Seed Oats . a tW . R. Sterrett’a. Mrs, Geo, Irvine is being enter- tained by her patents, AJr. and Mrs. Janies Jones, in "Xenia. —Tlrree cans tomatoes, 3 cans pie peaches, 3 canBrhubarb or 3 cans of raspberries for 26c a t Coopers. Mr, John Williams intends to leave next week for Peebles, Adarns county where he will engage in the restaurant business.* I t is not-known ju st wear will go in the room where JSlr. Wil-. Hams is located at present. General-Fred Fuhston, who espj tured Aguinaldo, formally lived in Clark county, lus father residing near Clifton, General -Funston- is iisec- pnd cousin of Mrs* Samuel Turnbull of this place, • —High Staudard -House Paints, also Barr Pain ts. . Buggy and Wagon Paints, etc., fete, {? at- W, R . Sterrett’s. Mrs. W. L. Marshall and children spent Thursday’ with W. M; Barber and family, 1 ’ —Two Cans of hulled corn or 2 cans of succotash for 25c at Cooper’s . , Mr. and Mrs. Halo Collins enter tained friends at dinner Thursday,. —Seed potatoes, onion sets, garden arid flower seeds in hulk and -packets at Cooper's. Mrs, Pressly Thompson and child- renaexpect to leave Tuesday-for their new Jiowe in Washington, Pa.' —Dessert Peaches, 10c per can,- Fancy table peaches, our own canning 20c per can ’ a t Houser's, Elsworth Lowry this week pu t up a cable on Xenia Avenao hi order that he might light the .dwellings Mrs, Bailie Barber came over from *which he has Wired. A number of 1 . W. B top f hM Won on ft hts#i- bi and Chicago Dayton '‘Wednesday1and is' making1 preparations to ’move her. household goods to that city. - y v * ijl * ’ i , > v —See that yon get the original De- Witt's Witch Hazel Salve when you ask’for ith- The genuine is a certain cure, for piles, sores and skin diseases. Ridgway&Co, Mr. R, Bird'* store was closed Wednesday of this week owing to the death, fend funeral of Mrs, Bird's father. i i —SaVe your 'season tickets for the lecture course, ' T h e .cammittee have arranged for another entertainment and those who have season tickets will he given u ‘reduction. ^Iri this, issue will lie found the announcement of Dr. J . J . -Snyder as it candidate for Representative, The doctor represented Greene .Co. for two years and.was defeated for re* nomination by Mr, Horace Ankeney, I t is his endeavor to get his second term and Some tall hustlingM b being done for it. —Pure Seed potatoes, onion sets, and garden seed in bulk at Houter's, Mr*. J . H . Andrew Was confined to her bed for several days ibis week Buffering with neuralgia of the stom ach. She is much' improved a t this liitfe< —For home collars, lines, bridles aud everything in the harness line try Kerr & Hasting* Bros. John Pierce is erecting a'w ind mill a t the rear of Fields & Spencer's livery barn. This will be of great convenience to this firm in the mat ter o f Water facilities. ' —Heink's K rau t 5c per qt. a t Houser's. W, H, Shull this week handed us a rather novel advertising scheme, which bad been sent to him by his son, Perry, who is engaged in the tailor* iftg and gents furnishing- business in Kansas City. I t was to the form of, peanut advertising. Tbs hulls of the iternals had been carefully opened, the peanut^ taken out aud a small slip placed inside which read at fol lows: “This is no shell gaiiie, we want yourbttSiUess. Schult&Jelley. After the slip was placed in the hull it wa» carefully glued together. The form was aYery odd one and surely would be quite aft effective advertising scheme, —The New Idea Paper Patterns only 10c each a t Bird’s, Monday morning a t 7 o'clock the fire engine was called ou t to suppress a small blaze in the reftr ofKirby Is* reel's billiard hall. The damage Was Small, —Don't forget the last number of. the lecture course on tho evening of April 6, By request they will appear to the ever popular t‘Befi Hu r,‘ Don't miss it, . A t the sale of the Johmson estate the residents along this street will have their homes lit,tip with electriC- RJ* 1 ’ ’ r ' —Crushed Oyster Shell for Poul* try 'a t W. R. Stcrrett’s, - Mrs. T, B, Andrew has been quite ill this week. —W a l l P a p e r , the l a r g e s t: stock* the l o w e s t prices! is our mot to. Aiso S a m p le B o o k to select f i n e s t grades from, a t Bird's. ’A telephone tor the local was placed in the residence 0 Marshall this week, —Tpremiumg given, ask for'tickets, , a t B ird 's.' Mr. and Mrs. J . C, Davis left last evening for Alliance, Ohio, where they will visit M r.'D av is’ parents. They will return Tuesday; —Patton’s Sun Proof Patois. Sold only by Kerr & Hastings Bros. Dr. P, R, Madden, Practice lim ited to -EYE, EAR* NOSE AND THROAT. Glasses Accurately Ad justed. AllenBuilding, Xenia, O. Telephone.—Office ire, 7 1 , Residence jfo. *>. —New Crop California Apricots Peaches* Prumes, Grapes andRaisins a t Gray*. —For Driving-Harness try Keir <fc Hastings Bros, There has been some talk of estab lishing ft gymnasium here and we con * aider such an action a good move for the young people of Cedarville I t Would be o f two-fold importance, that of furnishing a place of amusement and also be beneficialAwards the de velopment of our young men. Some action should be takeffs'dnd a sub* scriptkms started in order to raise funds so as to back the movement. M i l l i n e r y O p e n i n g F r i d a y a n d S a t u r d a y A p r i l 5 t h a n d 6 th* 190 1 a t M r s , C o n d o n ’s ! E v e r y o n e c o r d i a l l y i n v i t e d . which was conducted by the sheriff of d a r k pouuty last Safutdsy. Mr, D, Bradfute purchased what is known ftSihft La toead farm which adjoins his farm. The consideration was, something over <$6000, Mr, Bev / Andrew purchased toe small piece bf jltted ’jtoloh lire south of town* whare * Keufton rseides* The prices Was *L*w FtBff 9 rlv l* u * ft . - In the Cedarville opera, house* F ri day evening, April 12, the story of the discovery of America by Colum bus will be presented to song. There will lie solos, duets, quartets and a chorus of forty voices. The chorus will be made ftp of home'taleht* The singers will appear in coateue. A synopsis o f the cantata will appear next week. The net proceeds will he for the benefit o f the Iowa library, ACurd to the ftebik. M rEditon-rAllow me to makes statement through the columns of, your paper in regard to my candidacy for .Central Committeeman in south precinct, It has been reported that t am charged as being a candidate for the above office representing certain “ rings and cliques,” ‘ I wish to deny tljisuteten ent most emphatically, and say to too puhlla that I am ou t only to the interest*of fair atid honorable ■pobtlos. Rtopsioffully •' Sh O, W»u. A m T h i r d T e r m S o n g , j No longer will the voter| of Greene County listen to the -song of the third term candidate. The day is past when men can secure an office and then under their ^feeble imaginations come before the public with a long face and have the . nerve, to ask-for a third term. : The public a t large is aware of. what has held umny of the candidates to the office for the third term and that is. this dreadful organization known to -Greene county people os the “machine;”- A statement was made in our hearing a few days ago to regard to commissioner, in that a cer tain candidate would win because the .“ machine” was behind him. .This “ machine" is the very thing honest people have been trying to block, and* it looks os- though its fate looms tip before uh /Many of. our good republicans have been htyal to the party and gdod per sistant workers for republican causes, yet have suffered . defeat owing to the ‘•rnaehine" being behind,the opponent, whether competent or" not for the third term. Such being the case taxpayers should neper affect to have tiie right kind of men a t the head of our county government unless you come to the rescue of the oppressed by casting a vote that means destruction to bossig'm, factions and political or ganizations. A* u general thing competence, tho one thing most needful has been the last considered. Yet useful as though the voters of Oedairvtlle township as they walk into their voting booths on Monday, wiUmuko a Cartful examina tion, study and compare t b r records o f the respective,'candidates.,". Thp following may he helpful to the doubt ful iu making ou tthe ir ballot: • Ability to fill the office, , Whether 1st, 2d and 3d term, Is he mi Independent candidate? Is he supported by the “ machine?” ' "Do you desiro'to have the “ ma chine” control yohf representatives? I f pot, vofeadcordingly. V , W, C. T. ti. County Convention. The Greene Ooubty Woman's Christian Temperance Unipn will bold its semi-annual convention at. Alcy Chapel, Thursday, April 4. The meeting will open a t 0:30 with devo tions led by Airs, Kathrine Gerlaugh. T.he forenbon will be occupied with the president's address and miscellan eous ‘business. Mrav Ira Towusley, of Xenia, will open tfie afternoon ses sion with devotional exercises. ' Alias Della Cminett, state superintendent of young women’s work' will be pre sent during the meeting arid give an ftddrcse. Rev, Emily H, Bishop! of Dayton, will give a ’report off tho Jnl© National Convention at Washington. A paper off “Home-making versus House-keeping’’ will lip read by ‘Mrs. R. M, Judy, of Yellow Springs. Good music will be provided by the youug people of Aley Chapel. An oratorical contest will be held iu the evening. Mary Alurdock, President. OBITUARY. " 'M r, and Mrs, George Baker have been called to mourn1the loss of their baby boy, James Wilbur, who died on Babbntli March 24, 1902* and whose funeral services were held at the house on March 26,’ 1901* conducted by Rev. F . O, Ross, James Wilbur was born Nov. 4, 1899 and a t his de..tb was 16 ruopths and 20 days old. This is the second time to the last few weeks that death has visited this home* for the other son- and oldest Child of the. family, David Ovrie, bade farewell to earth on Jan. 16, 1901, and paused to welcome his baby brother, who leaves father, mother and little sister with sorrowing hearts on this side the dark river, “Sleep,.darting, Sleep! cold reins shall stoop Thy little turf made dwelling; Thou Wilt pot know, so ter below, What winds or storms are swelling, The birds shall sing ih the WarmsprlV.ft, And flowers bloom about.thee; Thowwilt not lietd them, love, but ah, \ The loneliness without . There is tea grown and gathered to Japan that sills for as much as $10 1 ground, -The stomach controls the situation. Those who are hearty find strong are those who-can eat and digest plenty of food. Kodol Dyspepsia (Jure di* W<> want to w iiind you that Easter is-dose at liand and that you will need a nice pair o f'SHOE S or OXFORD T IES to complete your new. outfit for that occasion, Qur assortment this year is largest and best ever shown in this city and embraces all the newest patterns, latest lasts a-,.l popular leathers. • ' - v . . . . • :Men’s Fine Dress Shoes, . . . . $ 2 . 50 * $3-oo» $3-5°> $4-00 an<l $4-50- ,Men’s Mcdiuta Dress aud .Working Slices, 95 c i $ 1 * 25 , $ 1.50 and $ 1 . 90 , Ladies’ Fine Dress Shoes and Oxford Ties, ' ' * . ' , » ^ 2 , 45 , $ 2.90 and S 3 . 50 . ' . , : . Ladies.’ Medium Dress Shoes and Oxford Ties', ’ i 75C* 95C, $X. 25 , $X.45 and $ i- 0 , Boys’ Shoes fbr dress. and every clay wear, $ 1 , 06 * $ 1 . 25 , $ 1 , 50 , $ 2 . 00 -and $ 2 . 50 . ‘ y ' ’Youths^ Sli.-es for Dress.and every day weai^' ’ • . ‘ 75 c,^ $ 1 , 60 , $ 1 . 25 , $x.^o. and $ 2 . 60 . • ‘ For styles and prices in onr Misses, Gliildveu and Infants’. Shoes; see our show window. When ymi buy of us you not only get the latest - styles and best quality;'biit yon gef the lowest prices consistent with fpiality- - , ' ..: - . • .' '•.. ■ 7 E. Main St., Springfield. ° .mtwMmMmwwmwwwm JIO E . - Scaled bids Avill be received to* to Saturday noon, April-6, a t the qflice o f J . H , McMillan to buy usul remove tho (TwetKngjfrom the Ford lot* Situ ated 01; Main Street, Cedarville. The Bpard reserves .the right to regret any i t nil bids. Terms cash, . By order of ' • Trustees of It. F, Church; AN EYE OPENER! tm ■'/ . Ifyouileyes-achc urpatowhen yon read for some length of tinr^, your visiuni'a impaired, and .it is your duty to consult] tin optician, FKBH JSXAMIKAtriOf BY AX BXPBRT. ' ’ , ‘ ■4 r r A , r r i E i 3 , JEWELERS , j , • - - OPTICIANS. 'Xenia, Ohio, . ' - ■ COXOEST SPOT OX EARTH. There are no points in Europe where tho cold records of America are eclipsed,’ bu t in Asia our lowest records arc thrown completely In tho shade. Siberia 1ms tub coldest weriher known anywhere in the World. At Wcrchojansk, Siberia, 90,4 degrees below zero was observ ed to January, 1888, which gets away,below anything ever known in the world before o r since? A t that tout the average temperature for anuary is nearly 64 degrees below. This town is situated a t an eleVa-. tiou of 330 feet -above the level p i tho sea, and during 'the entire win ter the weather is nearly always calm and clear. Perhaps th e major ity of people suppose that th e cold est weather in the world is a t the north pole, but reliable observation made by explorers disproves this theory completely. SYMPATHETIC? OUOAXS. Nature often shows her kind helpfulness by bringing healthy or gans to tlm relief of diVeased ones. I f one kidney loses its functional power, the other will enlarge and do th e w’ork of both, I f both are more or less affected, the vessels of the skin may cotoe to their aid and . pour out oil the surface what Would" Triciid of mine died; in the hotel . i f . . , . * . . . . * t v t ’t . - ' i .* ... l.k lt. LOVE'S WELCOME, ^ •. >Tt* only1* *pcck In iho dtelflti', 'll* only * <«U tori On: *c;| ' : But now 1 101 jOT-lnff und yaltlnfr t o wMtoifii: iny luvo tadt jo me, , Ho Jett :r,r, ynttli heart tritejttil fciuler, ? A fottuiio to JeeVoVr tii/fnain; 1 *com haw to hear him rcteittnc !o *ceen(* *« owert tiiat fttrain: Ooodhy, my Ji>ve<l one, coodby.Jmy tjarllng-, - JliOUgb I must.leave Joii jny forrumr to. And. a*y you'll ho falthlul,.loving niil pjtlt'rtti Say that I'm leaving * true. j^arhTxhlnB, Now nearer Itie soft hrccke'ls Uoarlng • That time life (.ratt tcjlhe lautl, Anri *oor» oru.- ijain X’U TC*tafl:'ir:ff , Beside tty ticor iovc hs/t In html, Atari now Into pnrt sire b steering; • 1 -nkae boy onto|?*In, As 1 open my srn* to nijjdarlinf, - I imiilr.gly tliango t!;»tfcfraln: Welcome, my loved one, wo’itise, my lUrlintf; ' Tltne has changed qjy Sfttl love lor thee} ft you still love me, fcay youire willing Xever again to tosm far oVjr H,e *t*. :-“W<.man's Idle, -'. DEATH IN HOTELS* Pecu liar View of th e Subject Taken by Proprietors. “I had «n experience in a New York hotel which striek mo a t tho time a« being ra tte r odd and brought vividly to iiy *mind the hoto'eIc«?ness of hottl life /' said a hotel boarder to n friend: who had/ him a t his home far dinner. WA' otherwise cause fatal blood poison ing. On tho other hand, when the pore3 are stopped by a chill'the kid neys come to the rescue and do a large part of the skin’s work. This explains why, it is so dangerous for the sufferer from diseased kidneys to take cold. HOW A B tT TK n rj.Y SHEEPS. The butterfly' invariably goes to Sleep head downward, I t folds and contracts its wings to the utmost, The effect is to reduce its' size and shape to n/nnrrow ridge, hardly dis tinguishable in shape and, color, from the. soed heads on thousands of Rtcuis around. The butterfly also sleeps on .the top of the stem. In lily lYnxit vm; nuaxa.r^caiM^ warm them, all these gray pied sleepers, on the grass tops open their wings, and the colorless bonnets are starred with a thousand living flow ers of purest azure. 1 ' ■ gesta what you eat and allows you to . eat all the'good food you .want, Xfj fOff SAtf. w«t l mi ^on sufibr freni iijdiieatlon, heartburn, l The fine burinres pjjtperiy known htog or any other aloritHch trouble,, *e;tHe LoWry Block is to r sale on easy preparation can't hrip toff, do yon terms at. private sale. Etiqoira of I, Tho most amaitive- stomnoha . Mrs, J . B, Ijowry, Adto„ flrtiarvfiK'Ghlo, tola good can taka to a- '* Ridgway k Co, where wc both had rfoms. The first th ing -I-tkough t ofij was a b it of crape or some otljer emblem of mourning for h is d|or. So I went to the cterk and as|ed hint if they had any ‘mourning emblem? in the house. | } ■“Ho ldofted a t no in amazement and saidthe Imd Non in the hotel business lo t SO yeai’s and never had flint quefction asked h im '‘before. Then I afkcd him i f therf! would bo any objection to toy buying some* thing of ase kind and putting i t on my dead fliend’s door, '' K■’Certanly there would,’ lie re-: plied. ‘I t vould never do. I t would alarm theMher boarder*j might a* well stick f scarlet fever sign on ’■the door, ir id / ne autied iffap^m i- iur m,innerM ea se do ho t h&vo your fricd.Tii futoral from thfe hotel If you can helm11/ “ ‘Why n A r 1 a sk ed ., “ T dtto'H k n ow /' be nnnwared, <1>ut;-r.nnehoV guest* don 't expact people to die’in « ,hotel. Of oourrt: they do die, hut i t la uxuidly hew - pcctedr , “I reckon ha wa» right. 1 don’t know why awbody thmdd waart to dto delibvmtijr to a hotfth” ft Mlgitly Slaatil Ye* a sudden slashing slash, We don’t"do things by halve* here; no pen knife parings just to keep things interesting, but a great slash in wall paper. B, H , Niabet. Plsccfitteateg tfift Chicago and ftarlda SjMtrial and tho PHtslwrah-FterWa Sleeping Car, The (fldengo and Fhuiua opeclat pill iiudte ib« l»«i UIJW Vi IU4 season is fpliows: $outb<bound leave Chicago Tuesday, April 2d; northbound leave kto. Augurtine Saturday, April 8U„ . * The KtUbuigh-St AugoaUneSleep ing Car wifi leave ITtttburgb 0# last southbound trip April 2nd; north bound leave Bt, Augustlffa April #th, A*Tfas relebratad Ruddlok Mol» Trep, a very useful artlol* thb time •rfijift. Kerr A Nasi'tog* Bre* M <•v m w \ ■ KEAli.E8TATJ5^TBANSFEK8. . ■ ; • C, Surah G. Wilson to Cornelia W. Johnson; bind, Bath, 81 etc. W, P, Jiunea nnd wife to Elinor II, Mueblmau; lot,-,Xenia, 81 etc. John G. Clenians to Vatidaliu (‘nr- rey; 29 n, Silvereueek, 82665,55. . Wnj. Gable to Wo), 'Haas; 7 a," Bath, $1225.. W a A. Murphy , to Harvey 0 . Murphy; 82 a, Ctesarcreek, $625. Harvey C. Murphy to Wm. A. Murphy; 50 a, Csesarcrcek, 8625. Rocellus M. Marts to^W . J , H. Strain; 40 a, Sugarcreek, 81400., W, I \ Janies to Albert Marsh; lot, Xenia,'8100. Findley and Torrence" to Tboe. Mc Clelland; a, Xenia, |4500. E , O. Beall .to le ro y 8. Davis; 80 " a, Ctesarcrceki 82200, Leroy S, Dovis to L . H. Atkinson; 80 a, Ciessrereek, $5200. Harry C. Ogleabee to L. H. Atkin- . /I eon; 98 ft, Crosatcreck, $4500. John 8, Alexander to Josephine- Alexander; 233 it, New Jasper,8156?; ■ r Stop" Ik# QnghIni Woilt* OffTin 0»U Laxative BrottioQuiniiie Tablet* cure a cold in one day. No cure, no pay. Price 25 cents. i! A’- >t -it *4 a i t e 1 u \ SSSSHJMB k U * 1 % X ft
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