The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26
■ t v * « i J.' H N e w t h i n g s i n , ^ l f t a t t f n d $ M ^ WtiMM S h a f t s . io cents for a Good Shade. S K r eOX 3 E>et ' ■. ' • - • wf*“--4 ' ' . W e h a n g i t o n y o u w a ll f o r xo jents p e r R o ll. S. L. STEWART Wtm MM# Arfi. # i iy f1wwi SK* »,, Wfetf - VW . i « f , W r t \. V - rV , WMyUW W tiW W »<> tiocal and Pergonal < Qet tair prices on Sale Bills. ■ ' Mr Stewart Towualey and family removed this week into 'Mrs. Sher man’s property. i—For horse collate, lines, bridles and everything in the harness line try Karr &'Hastings Bros. Mr. O, 6 . Bell, fof Decatur, |Ind., is the guest pf his cousin, Chas. Gii- laugh and family. •ft . 1 , '.■ •—The' children wilt enjoy the ' entertainment neat Monday night, - The admission is only 25 and 35 ots. „V The plat opened Wednesdayfor the • Picture Play Company, and quite a number of seats were marked off, :' ; Should you intend going you had, bet* . ter see about getting your seats today. ' ' We would advise out readers to note the splendid program of the' cam fata, Columbus; printed in .another . column; ■-—The seats a re 'goings'fast for Thp Picture Play Co,, A, larger crowd than usual is expected; ,' Mr. and Mrs; Geo. McClellan, of y-> ;SpringS 3 ld,-gpeiit ; several /days-here visiting relatives and acquaintances. . Mr, Harry, Stormont was in town Monday,' the first ipr ,several months, ‘ ' owing to a severe' attack of rheuma- .. tiara, He is gradually improving, but would get along belter if the weather was more settled. . '. ' ' Carpets, Carpets, Carpets' , : ’ - at' McMillan’s. Communion service in the K, P. . ' Chnrch tomorrow, ’Rev. McQuilBn, well known in Cedarville, is to assist, ' He will preach, Sabbath a t U a. m, and a t7p . m, None®:—Xtake* this method to in form my patrons that owning tpill health connot do any House Cleaning ,' this Spring. Mrs. Harnett Porter. —We sold more carpet last year than -t* .,sny two Of our competitors. We in tend to go farther this year,’ ■ J . H . McMillan. * ' Miss Edith Patton, o ftColumbus, was the guest of Miss Julia Harbison on Wedi ... Mm. Sylvia Kyle entertained a few out of town Slady friends at dinner, Thursday, Among them was Mrs. Robert Kyle, of 111., who » visiting . . her parents, Mr, and Mm, Haines. , ’ —Cute* dizzy spells, tired feeling, ’ stomach* kidney and liver troubles. . Keeps you weft all summer. Rocky Mountain Tea taken this month, 35c. Ask your druggist. Mrs. R. B. Patton, of Columbus, has been, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mm. H. M. Dean, north of toWn the past week. —New Crop California Apricots peaches, Prumee,, Grapesand Raisins a t Grays. . A number here have received the followinginvitation, “Jamestown, 0 , r 1351. College Springs, Iowa, 1901, April Ninth. Golden Wedding, Mr. —Remember The Picture Play Co, next Monday Evening, Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Spencer, of Jamestown spent Thursday here thff guest of relatives, —Besides playing MBon H u r,” the Picture Play Company will give some pictures from “ In His Steps,1’also a large number ofillustrated songs. . Mrs, James Melvin Engle, of Washington, D, C„ wsb the-guest this week,' of her aunt, Mrs. George Harper* ■ • ' —Taken this month keeps you well all summer. Greatest spring tonic known. Rooky Mountain Tea, made by Madison tMedicihe Op. 35c, Ask your druggist, —McMillan’s, carpets are on band, see them before yon make your pur chase, ■ , , —You'will waste time if you try to cure ,, indigestion . or dyspepsia by- starving"yourself. That only .makes It worse when you do. eat heartily You always peed plenty o f "good food properlydigested, TCodol Dyspepsia Cure is the result of yearn of'scientific research tor something tfiat would di gest not only some elements nf food but every Hindi And ' ifcis the one remedy that .will do it,—Ridgway & "-f. k]§ Miss Emma Warner, of.Yellow Springs, spent Mondaywith her aunt, Mrs. Gi"W. Harper, ' ? _• f ’ 1 ■—The Picture Play Company haa a better reputation tbwyear than ever, A first-class entertainment will .be given Monday evening. ■ ' v. */ Harry Bray was before the County Commissioners, Tuesday, asking for Ufranchise through this bounty. As yet nothing hap been done, - We are m receipt of a copy of the song entitled “The Lullaby of the Night.” 'The-words were written by Wilber D. Nisbot and the •music by Prank H,' Brackett. I t is a , very pretty lullabyand doubtlessWill prove quite popular! ' ' ’ •See the Black Hawk.Corn Plan tersbefore purchasing/ Kerr &Hast ing Bros. - Bids have been received /for the laying the foundation ot the cheese factory. The bidders being W. H. Iliffknd AL CJine, the latte/ being the successful bidder/ “Hast winter I, was confined to my bed with a very* bad cold On the Jungs. Nothing garifc tee relief. Fin ally my wife bought a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure that effected a speedy cure. I cannot speak too highly of that excellent remedy,” Mr. T. K, Houseman, -Manatnwney, Pa. „ Ridgway d; Co. Dr, P. R, Madden, Practice Hm« ited to EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. G iasses A ccurately Ad justed . Allen Building, Xenia, 0 . Telephone.—Ofllci: Wo. y^ Retldence Wo. sb -The . celebrated Ruddick Mole Trap, a very useful article this time of year.' Kerr <fcHastings Brol A large number of the grapegrow- era of Kirtland township, Cuyahoga Wanted?—Butter, Eggs, Hard and Bacon a t Cooper’s. i A U T T £ NONSENSE . Harvey Ford, who has been in Vaccinating an O bdu rate Hut Chicago, for the peat six months, re-’ F a n igHteii Girl* turned home yesterday for a few days “On’my -ht arm, please,” said viait, Harvey te^raployejpn odeo f ' the sweet voii a*thing the UeComm twine concerns,, and - * -m —* wiirreturn to' in the Windy City .about Monday. harness, work etc., try Dorn, and Mre. J . A. Reid* College Springs, Iowa* A t Home from 12:00 to 5;0O p. tn. —“Have vo.u any doubts reruain- ingT saidMrs. Jones. “No*Marinda, I have noi, I took Rooky Mountain Tea laid night,” 'Twill remove any impure thoughts in the human family. 35c. Aak your druggist, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Dean enter tained friends, Tuesday, in honor of Mr*, R. B. Patton. —For Driving Harness try Kerr <& Hasting* Bros. The BMliulelphianHitofary society have postpd&W their meeting from Monday evening to Tuesday on ae* count of the lecture course number Monday evening. —PattonTSuu ProofPaints. ’ Sold Only by Kerr & Hasting* Bros. —Save your season tickets, 'There will be one more number of ib / lec ture course, The Aerial Concert Co. will be here April 18. Those hold ing season tickets will be given are* < 1 notion. -- **~Dr. Caidwell’a Syrup Pepsin is a perfect laxative. Sold by 0 . M»Ridg* m p - Mr, R, BSrd has feed the dwelling mt the lot which he recently pur- ohased tom to the ground. Mr. Bird *®Hto»toput ap a oommodaoas re« 4e*N*t m the site- this coming summer. A t preeent he k taking physical osl- tore to a manner ofasmsting. with the destruction of the property, —Dr. T'aldtfelTs Svrtfp Peptitt aids d ig e s t . Sold b t C. M Bxtgway. Cka«itto glvernmeijt Jnta ju st watwlMf a l b u m County, who for many years have made grape growing their principal industry are pulling up their vine* rard*:thia spring. They claim the mtineas haa grown unprofitable ow« ;ng to the fact that it is overdone, and they have loti money for several years. Many of IbeM will engage in onion, ratting. bad I; could get no rest nor find a cure until I tried “I had piles so t DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve, After m using itonoe, I forgot I evtr had any thing like P i l e s E . 0 . Boice, Som ers Point, N, Y. JLOok out for imi tation*. Be sureVonaakfor DeWitt's Ridgway & Go. Mis* Flossie J ffl, of Xema, is a guest at the home of Dr, and Mrs, . 0 , Oglesbee. —Go to next Friday and have made at Downing's —For light’ buggy harness, whips, pads, the harness man. Mrs. G. Vf, Harper entertained * number of ladies, Tuesday afternoon^ —Crepm Cereal and Postum.Cereal at Cooper’s. -Rev. B. M. Paul, will preaqh in the. 13,.,P, Church tomorrow morning;’ Mr, Paul is a,graduate of college here and will be greeted by a large an dience. - /'. r ■ • * f , k '■et4 *' r*, *V v MissLena CoJlins-cntortained sev eral OjfTier friends, last evquing. Morton Bromagen, son o f Mr. John Bromageh, who has - been employed iu Chicago for a number ofyears, hav ing a position in one of the hotels, is home on a vacation." ; , —-Choice White Seed Oats , - atW. R. Sterretfs- - Messrs, Wallace jliff,-B. M. Paul and James McQutikiu who have been attending tbeJH P, Theological Semi nary in Philadelphia, returned Lera yesterday* having finished their years work at tha t. institutiop, 'Clarence Youhg will uotretura .until Sometime in June, as he expects to complete hia course to tho university of Petm- sylvania, ' .. • --Seed Potatoes, Onioh Sets and Bulk Garden Seeds at Cooper's; Mrs. Frank Tarhox and daughter, Ruth, of Xe»ia, spent Thursday and Friday here with relative*and friends, '—Try,some of Cooper’s 15,20 and 25c bulk coffee. y, Mtosr»,Beu LeSourd^ F£;D*'Alex* anderandJ^ohi^Dodds,o£,Xerii*>were in town yarterdayin $0 totewrt* of one of the Buifding~«ud Roan ‘associ ations of that city. —The best ltoe pf oollara in tb» town at Dorn’s. / ‘ / . Attorney Ch*s,.Kyle haa been’ np- @ toted by Judge ScTog _ 1 ’ “ * arva Jeffries, who Is having been ' implicated. of some goods from toe Dallas prop erty some time ago. Jefferies has been out on bail. , W- B. Bryson will hold his 10th Public Sale of fine horses at his farm, April 28th., Some thirty head will be ofietod, • ' —If.yoti wish anything id too Portrait line go to Downing aud se cure something that is fsr superior to work peddled around by agents. Rev. J . H. Spencer and family stopped offhere hat night and were toe guest* ofMrs* $. J . Harper, He is on hh way from New Athens to Morning Sun,, where ho hat been called as pastor of toe IT. P , Oongre gation of that place, mm THE NEW SHQES. . « ' _ • ii . ' ■ . • 1■ Celebrated Hamilton Brown Shoes EaiesiPaFnrCeatbtrOxfordt \+ m tm M m The physic: la.wlirwsv arranging the vaccine p|inte looked eurprisoC The mother, |,vho was supervising Die proceeding, seemed even more astonished, . ,•**Ypumean-jour left arm /C lara/’ she asserted. 1’ ’ ” ■ ’ “No* I don’t,* I mean my right arm,” answered the willful girl. ■ “But i t will sniidy you so much -less on your left arm, insisted tb° mother. • * . . , The girl blabbed* but shook her head, r , - “You don’t ^pnderstand,” she ^ — ■ “X confers JAbn’t / ’ admitted the mother, > «Y«ry Rkelv tha t is because yon were not vaccinated a t a time when yon were engaged to be married/’ suggested the gjrh, “Harold ’has been vaccinated on his left arm, so I—eri—as a mere matter of con vexiience,-don’t you bsc , when you consider the. juxtaposition iu some circumstances’— ■Here the mother and thC/physi cian made a mental diagram of the customary situationwhen two hearts are beating as one and quickly saw that the girl was exceptionally farsighted.—Chicago post. V m r QmvB'MvMB.- ^ o n e c d t t Tfce man o r woman w ith an i r r i ^ j t i tem per, restless, fidgety movements, raij- - jr and lack o f concentration is rom cripp led nerves. T h e _________ j} th e p a jid cheeks, th e wasting SesjS/the d ark circles u nd e r th p eyes te ll i f too p la in ly o f th e w orry, th e juun , - th e lo ss o f sleep and d istu rbed digestion, , th a t broak down th e nervous forces and consum e th e v ita l power. F o r cjuick and su re re lie f no th ing equals **e ---- «jMy trouble came- on me gradually th rough overwork, lack o f sleep, and test, and A u ffc to d from constipation, stomach troub le, a fluttering of the heart, dullness, confusion o f ideas, brain fever and nerv ous Prostration . I was greatly reduced . in flesh when I took my « to t dose o f p ,r. M iles’ Nervine* In W week® * ga’-ned mehteen pounds and fe lt' hearty end strong/* R ev , I* V, M c C arty , • ■’ T. A nderson , In d . I t relieves th e pain , qu iets th e irrita tioh , stteng thens the overtaxed and weak digestion , and feeds th e worn-out brain an d th e wasted,nerves, T ry -a b a ttle to-day* * Sold bv sdl dr</a:£istsona sroararttee. AN BYE tpPpNgRJ;' >; I f yarn- eyqs ache or pain when you read for some length' ' t of tirce/your vision is impaired, adfl it is your duty to consult an optician, v t p iT ' 'FllBl? EXAMINATION MX '.AT? EXPERT, ^ , ' ^ y , j" ' ysesnu^ sc ?* ; :’~ . JEWELERS. — — OPTICIANS: , : V* '•" ■> • ’• , ' xeuiR,.ohio..• f ^ yout piotttTS rant Ceclarville grilofy. John Williams moved hi* reetau: r*nt fixture* and left for Peeblse, 0 ,, Thursday, where he will embark iu the isamebusiness. —You cannot enjoy perfect health rosycheeks'and sparkling eye* if V6Ur bowels dogged. DeWtit’s Tattle Early Risers cle*neethe whole system^ They nevergripe. >Ridgway & Co, The house On the Ford lot, which *ra*recently putolutsed by the R P. church, will be offered for sale today, —Hyou want anything good, go toGmyx. —Skin trouble*, eats, hams, toslds and chafing quickly heal by the nee of DoWitte Witch Haze) Jwiiv^ It h imitated. .Be sure you get Dew itl’* Ridgway & Co. • Bread, plee, cakes, chicken and «dad« at the B. f* Exchange today, ___„ife80ual^tMllrrDfWitthf LM# ik riy : liwfr* wtll remove all eliltime "itf. «*j ■X a / i k x • *■ The Ladle* Exchange wilt be'open at 10 o’clock this morning. Vegetarian. Baked Seine. With Tomatoe Sauce. NoMeat, NoFat. A t Gray’S. Theamutal congregationalmeeting of toe TJ, P, congregation was held yesterday. afternoon, G, E. Jobe was elected chairman and Dr. M. I. Marsh secretary and treasurer; D. S, Collins and R. 0 . Watt were elected trustees. The report* of the various departments of the work was pre sented, from,which we glean the fob, lowing fact*. .The expenses c f the congregation during the pest year have been £1.270,00, The contribu tion* to missionary work have been 11225, There ha* been a net gain in membership of six, and the aggregate of fund*-expended ha* been £2u72, I t Was noted ip make CitenMveim provements and repair* on the par sonage, remodeling the present strao- ture slightly* adding a front,veranda and making arrangement* to put In a furnace. The work in ail a p a r t ment*of the aggregation - is in ex cellent condition. .A frw itoOriT/ A ttmkirt hone, wfttt * v*fnW*M tt, All batter** as* M M Vltk >5*y, W m lett with t tatty waolra do* loot at tin oioM et Any. •if 1 wtrt a tborantitbreS, «jr Mtsd,” Sold Un>b«tt* With lb* p»i»t*4 hnhe, "I’d bits « p*ditrM'to r*»«h VoBoston and Nfifc m waif. • Ain 2 slWdMft’t ft* left to atewl MSri thl*, ■rnmw mm r U f w*re«Wt*,wM4, 0$, *7i mwO Am-yim Vbett'a-iwtlHt* ' Itthtl of tin hiMMl Show. wWh tiAltar ftto* Wit* * elfttes‘of WwUMi feme, , MM a m * «Mlo« ol SatteMM ilc AM * 0 t itt o-WMM, like jrMl" i mmty it*ww1 When*weeHt&t pm 1 •f**tA*tt)>e< fiivt ■“ ' ' ^ i i .".si Shdumau—L et me ace,1madam, wliat mo do ypu take? , >' Bady*~I think: it’s fours—or it may ho Ithyccs^*- ^u t, theVp, I am not quite aiire^ itm qy bo twos or-r *. n u-T-tii.rTyTitij—-■ 1. . w uA ^k its,' b . aAin. teLt any one'should call this a ft ernoon, Maty* say th a t l am not well,’1 toid a mistress to her newly engaged servant. “I ’m afraid I ate a little too toueh of th a t rich pud ding forluhch, end it o r something else has Brought' oh a severe head ache. I ’m going to lie down," • 4’ A fsw minutea later ik e mistress, from her room near too head of the stairs, heard Mary say to two aristo cratic ladies who had called fo r too first time, “Yes’m, Mrs. Browne is a t home, bu t she ate so much pud ding for lunch she had to go to bed.”—Tit-Bite. 4tri NOT ICE i Ar It I* impossible lor me to call on all who wish the The New Sprayer. I shall order the first lot Monday, P.M., 8 th iatt. All who wish to order please notify me before that date, E. L. Smith, Agent. THECANTATAPROGRAM. " 7 » ' ,v r The following is the program of the historical cantata, “ Columbus,” which will be presentedJby local' - v . talent a t the opera house, rFriday 'eve, - •’"/' i • , ‘ April 32, under toe direction ' • of Prof. Warner, • / ,, '■ r ' P A R f j , ' ' ; - : - - \ y ______ _ Cottrl m ’d Balcony o f Santa ‘ i. Introduction. , • • ' * - Si nispanin! too lond o£ cartfi moat fair, i . . . . . .FuH choriTS (Entur Colutebue, FraPort* tod OioRO.) X She Conies! the'Queen all glorious.*. ••'J'VoI’crcs and chores 4. My Wahd'rlnjfs to obtain commission ate ended ... <0olumbU8 5. 0 yd, we were true to e*ch other, .Duct {Diesel and Columbusi -A Where the convent bellsof Palos ring out o’er thesea, X have had visionslike thine.., ...ilirl Pete* 7.• She comes! the Qtleon all g l p r l o u s F r a Pcrcnand chorus (Enter Queen Isabella and Jaiina.) ' - ■ a. On« worldhas beou given...... .^Jshbell* ' ». b mellowing horns..; A«Un» 10. Oneworldhaabeen given ...... Isabella,,chorus and Columbus 11, The feelings awakened in giving the commission, ■ ........ . A..Imbell* «nd ChOru* 1% ’^ittttitb, Unit gealoathemountain lop..Columbus andCJmruO' JO. 'Trust in to*living G o d ,.Isabellaau<l FralPerea 14. 'Theworldand sin and self 1 leave,... .Columbus, and quartet < ; ' ‘ P A R T I I . , - JPalos. The JSmborfcation, The Voyage and Dis- e ty o f th e re to WwJS. 15. A ve, Jlatis Stella..., ...... .....Ghorua (eaildrson the slap) 10. 0 faithful hearts Tarawcli., .Semi-chorus (fcltfzensonto* land) 17. “Ofaithful hearts" and “Ave Maris Stella • , Double clvorus (sailorsaudcltoerisl 18. TheOcean,....................Instrumental 10. Ob, mother earth, solar a w a y , , . . . . S a i l o r s 30. Siwrof ocean, b«our guide.....................................Columbus 21. Turabacld Turnb a r i c ! M u t i n y , cborua(sailors)* to* No, never, till toy eyes behold..,,,...... ......... ......Columbus 28, While we're watching. ... Chorus (sailor*^ 2*. “Sing, thankfully sing.” and *‘Ave Marls1' . . . , ................... ... ...Columbus andSailors' 25, Land! Land1 Land?....,..,,,.................... ,,,.',:,...,,8allonf 28. Te Deuto Laudamus. ...... . J..Columbus and Sailors The AN®£ALSWttWfTRIP. Paa-Amertcaa thtfMP tiw Offer* SgecioiAUractjawafar«Va- catiewOetoig. The Fan-Amerleali Exposition at Budklo Will funa bigAttractionto summer tourists thecomingseason. It opens at Buffalo, New York, May 1st. TfatPan-American Buffalo Lint—Akron Route—will be opened May 6to with through passenger Service from8L Xotit^ Xndianapolia, Lonistilit, Cincinnati, Daytonand Columbus via AkronandCbsu- tauquaLaketo Buffalo. This new fine Will take pasaengers through to to* Xtan-Ameti* esa Expositionoil exduraitmtlokatS whloh may be obtained during ihi sweon. Through passenger service returning from Buffalowill alsoran daily, ghrteg resident* of IndianaAndOhio A convenient route for a trip toand from to*Exposition. Tickets may be obtainedfromfsgoftta of the Penn sylvania Line* through the gateways of In- dtanapplis and Columbus. In addition te excarstotrlirteta to Buff- giro for the Pan-AmaricaiyExposition, spe cial fare* wiil be in effectvia The Akron Route to ChautauqUALake, Niagara ^slla, and to manyof the famous summer resorts OntheLakes, and on toeSi,Lawrence Rivsrr to fee Adirondack*, an reeprts in to* Best includingNeWYork, via Buffalo, at which pointMop-otar privltogwwill b*grantsd to fd*toe BXpoMtTon, A trip over this route Will make an lucidtmtfngjaunt, Null par- tourismabout lares, conditions of stop-over privileges, return limit and other details ittwybe **cerMnsdbyoommuniroringwith 1. a. Ksyes, Ticket Agtot of Pennsylvania Lina*, dr by addresttug 0. a Mata**, Dis- triot Pakeenger Ohio, R, A Kayes, Agt,, CedarrilT*, Ohio. P A B T I I I i The Triumphal Return* 27. VivatheGrand Admiral....................................Fnll ehoras 28. The trumpets at the open gate.,« .Pro Per**and obonis 20. A day of g l o r y . . . . . . ....... .............XsahalfaandJauna 90.- Cetosriai Hesperia? ..Solos(Columbus andIsabella), quartet, and cliorna 31. Messiah of nations,,............ . .................. Fall chorus Finale, • - . ' ■ ft . T * w ( 'I tA l lA GTJS&S* Columbus, tenor, , ..................... .FrankP,Brown Queen Isabella, soprano ................. ...................Grace Cartmltle launa, daughter of Isabella, alto........ ................. .Anna t, Pringle Fra 1’ere* of LaKabidS, a «mn««lor of Isabella, bas^, ,v*,......................... ............................. V.F. W. Btovroetm. Diego, son of Columbus.....................— .Frank Tsrael CITIZENS w«« ■ Anna.Mi Orr . Dora Anderson MariaA. Tarbox ■ HarrietMaeMcMillan GertrUd* Fields Lounetto Btnvett Mrs, J. A* Stormont Lucy Barber DeliaTonkineoft LulaSmith Fannie Iliff Mabel Owens Ralph Bull llobt. Coliiu*. R. I t Brown ' Georg*CreeWell ■CarltonMcLean W.W.Cfrtowell Charlea Batr WtllliadTrotito Bd Steele . ' J. A Stormont Della Gilbert l.UUi Barber 14111aStewart SSsllhNagley ®. Cornelia Dufftetd Katie Niebat 1 , BeesloSferrett KthriFields - MattieG. Errin Maty Dobbin* MarySterrett Bifie Conley „ 4j.itrm* * 1 .. wriro,e*■*“■ wniro* lames Mitoheil ■ K. to Randall - ,. Hawy MtstfcftghRfu 0< f t Seigler HarryOwen* W. ft Ball A PffeJStoiewow 'eSab home ...... .......................... ,m » m lot S . , “t __ hi*" A Ki For Intent* and Children. TtiaKindYouHagAlways Bear* to* Siguaturoof i J ' ' 'YouC«U»Wlio«#PlaiherAppetite* ' ■ . {G Farmer City, lib, Deo. 20,1900, X’epBin Syrup Co., Monticello, IJJ. , GentlemeatTr-My;. seven-months-old ■ baby was troubled a great deal with jus stomach apd bowels, I hdd tried yuimeroua remedies' with no.good re sults, until-the baby lost,ranch flesh and' was. In very poor health.' A friend ' recommended Dr; Galdwell’s - Syrup Pepsin ,, I procured a 10c bp?c fie at “Hud’s” Drug Etore anagaye the «ontents to the hqby acqptdiUlgte directions, after .vhieh there' was a decided improvement in hisdonditten. ' Have been giving him Dr. Caldwell’* '' Syrup Pepsin for about a inPuth with very witiafactovy results, his Btomagh and bowels bSing In a goodM*|fhy Am condition aud iSSs former '^eigat re gained. Very truly yotri*s'.fV v V - ^ Allie Jackson, Sold by C. Mt Ridgway. A bill hg* been introduced i n the Pennsylvania legislature Jxxlng bach elors o f '40 years or over, $100 per, annum and bachelors who go oqt of thertate ,tomarry, The Otene^ is lo go Into a'fuud fo ancient: maidens, ,!- tlio benefit dif , AleitiaoBislPro*OMBsghmi, . **I consider tChaifWjai«a!* #du^ r medy the beat in the wowdror bro'n- . litis/? says Mr. William .Savory, Iff * Warrington, England, t i l t has saved my wile’s life, she having heed a m*rf tyr to bronchitis tott over six yearn, neing most of the time confined to her fih* it ..inn ft,it* wall,® Rnlrl bed, She is now quite ell* by C; M. Ridgway, , Retribution is slovrhut'sure. The gooseberry mads bp of part grit and add part sand, is becoming b rare pro duct and may be wiped out of exis tence. / , ‘ . —-°I have lieeti troubled with Indi gestion for ten years, have tried many thing* and spent -much money to no J purpose until I tried Code] Dyspepsia Cure. I have taken two bottles and gotten.#pro relief from them than all other medicine* taken.. I feel mor* like a boy than t .tefve frit In twenty La ears.” Anderson'Riggs o f- 8 unnj sands ne, Tex. Tboui fied as did Mr. Riggs. Co. have -Ridgway The Dayton and Xenia Transit €o<] with head quarters a t Dayton, wa* in>f corporated a t Columbus Monday witw a capital stock of $800,000, of Cod Liver Oil is fh$ Of life, and enjoyment of Hfel thousands) men women a children. V When appetite fails, It stores it. When food is burden, it lifts the burden. When youlose btii the plumpness of healm. When work is hard duty is heavy* it makes , bright* ft fa the tMft the thick, -m £ u ” ® tttw lilt^ fa , ^ ’’iiwsAni t y o i , Emitlsdcai tsi Livkr' O fl fa th e fo o d M l |w tJo l { w h en u h a te ft, a&d/f t S c o tt’s l£d^t§m •f i)| •kaf|j|4i«
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