The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26
g * * g g 5 s r ^ L ° ^jQlii iHfeMl JHMt' ^KjriaW'P iRflrJp ' 4K&&jtoa J ^ i w i i m i l t ■ ■ , When titielto^* it *wuHb*d h f m Index, If dmoti* But year' m wwtif* $H*n » overdue and a prompt fmymmt Udewed. aaafsc a m »« gr*dfe»lly tcepsmdl reist, tion, stomach tart, AqUaeis,-' -er and nerv- eatly reduced it doscof Dr- • reeks I gained B6C$k?ft "*»: Icrsovi.XndL Cb* Effcfuut, Lad, at* and Children. i HaysAlwapBmtglt set J?l?»tt it Ajpotlt*.' ' . ty; IU., Dec. 20,1900., jo .\ Monticello, IB, " lir-My seven-months-old bled a great deal with all .bowels.' I had tried ejhdies !with .no good re.« tSbaby lost much flesh ' j §ery poor health. A" mlpnded Dr, Caldwell’s in i I procured a ifle hot* V iD rag Stoiies and gave ,. tfche baby according to ; M which,,there was’* ‘ lent in his condition, him Dr. Caldwell's about •*'month wdh results, hiBStomitob f lip a g^dhMphy Rs fotffier twfi^|Wji:;- trillv your*; ’Allie B o Jaokapn. Ridgw*y..’ . introduced u- -tbe datare texingfotehf- qt over, $100, p^st slow who ft;®out or j , 3100, Thenumeyj d for thehenefit of ’ ltimo* l l w W W r t ■ lidet e be« hi the world for,W « V$ William. Savory,#! land. “ I t hamved shaving been time confined tty quite well >n, Hie,, inch! t o f sis n Bid * but «are. o f parfc g n t i g jopdnE a MI? fiped out- of* flaled with mve fried t ph toOnsy toI lodol Dy*pff“ twobottlf U thaw tbit* O&it M-i lurw o» X h*« ren. d t l v ■o il is ti*?, i, a n d anas: men wore*# kisffc n t . f w t o sn, i t f t * t l i e b n r d ^ s f s s g B t» jrswrk | - S is »^vrv« i t % 4«* t o T & J S S S * io i m 4 TVBNTV^OUETil YEAR. NO, 17 CEDARVIllE. OHIO, APRIL' 15 . 1901 , gaasresgi:eBg^^Batfgwgg«J^'‘ewrwse PRICE $ 1.00 A' YEAR. rr| t i e t t i a r , i n c l u d i n g s t a p l e s h a p e s a n d c p l - o r i n g s , t o g e t h e r W i t h a l l t h e g o o d n e w t h i n g s i n W i n d s o r s , N a r r o w 4 » j t a * * l i a n d s , R e v e r s i b l e 4 « i n » b a n d s T h e G o r d o n D e r b y « * t t i r e e i n o n e * « , S h i e l d B o w s , D u k e o f Y o r k , & c . , ^ e . a • ' ! ' ■ ^ ' • - - :• ■ j T i i i l o r , ■ 3E3Ct|,tife^i*f . BY THE WHY 1 ’ j n ^ t ,»• .•'jf J f< { « ■A Few Paragraphs Not In tended to Displease, BOW a tA V E AND OAY H i They Am Not Ficiloit ftut Products From tto o g b tfu l Cogitation ond Ev«rydoy . '<. Events In l o c a l Life; 'i ^ , A. d. Norton^ pi Marion, Ind., who is runaing his grocery store “ as Christ .wouldrim it,”Jiasdeparted radically from . the conventional,J B e . claims , that in (lie two months during which he has beeu adhering, strictly to his policy he has built up a trade “second to none in tbs city." He will not sell tobacco, cigars, or anything that can* laioH liquor. He will not deliver .goods sijlid, holding, that his costumers should pot be so indolent a$to object to; carrying their .purchases, Ha makes public the cost price - of all his goods and sells them on very’ small margins. . ; He' carries no insm-nuce, saying that If tlmHord wills that the store be destroyed hy ftro his "will must be done, He will not- .permit any swearing in his place and wonld muchprefer that people o f bad tem* pershould deal elsewhere. ' ' 1 *^ 0 - Another inoffensive dog went by the board the other day a t the hands of that. Oontemptable ’poisoner, who, hy the way, is. thought to bcA very pious (God save the mark) old gentle man of this town. Whole lota of Christianity in killing the ip most bar* baronsmanner the animal which Is hut little lower than the human, I t is in* deed. I'X . i ? -O t * A new officer was sprung on a Dum ber of1.our cUixens last week, whim it waslearned that the state inspector of telephonic was in town. To some this seemed rather au odd officer, but to others it seemed the proper thing. Mr. Geo. McClellan, of the Spring- field Press Bepuhlic,, while visiting his brother, damie McCletian, concluded "to have some amusement at the ’phone ana called up Will Stevenson. George in Ha jovial disposition represented himselfas toe state telephone inspector and was here for that purpose, Mr, fitevsnaon wai put to the tollswing tasks: “Talk la a loud voice. Talk lender, .« Still louder. Talk in a whisper. Stand several feet babk.and talk. Gat a fan and fan real hard so I ©an-hear the wind, Now Mr. Stevenson I want you to sing something,” “ 6 , no” was the reply, “ I am no ringer.” OUR■ t, rj: WATCHES ■ Ti&ve a r a n g e in p r i e i o f from $1 .00 njp to i $o0»00. W e catt rat* larfV th e m o s t frafcuieona . -'rut o r those .who a re p a t^ e tilah . W e h a f e ; « o ia o tM p g f« w e ^ r o a e . B r a n tW 4«%Qh a n ! e x e d ie n t a n l p r ie r a lowm* tl#u« aY& goorie a re m m B j t fM ^ H mt » W i l t u p h m * if! ;! t o m i to m to »f o f g s* - •’ « K i # « c p m wM - nLid&akA ^aaUfc. ** .jHtJtt- IW^-4 ... t ... «... • “ Well you must sing something,” - Mr. Stevenson being very obedient to toe officer, started out and sang two, stanzas of “Jesus Dover, of ipy f^oul.” “Very .well,” was the inepeOtoris ver dict. “Now Mr, Stevenson get the infant chair and stand on your head and talk',*’ ’ « ’ Herb it seems as though 'William tumbled to thi« faertoafc po»siiJyfsoms friend was perpretrating a joke on him,c The joke took so well that pCorge and Jamie concluded to try it on some others.—W. -J, -Smith, Km- eyson Niebet, Ed Turnbull nod Agent Keyes, I t said .that toolast tvvo' be- camefvery enthused over the fact that the state inspector would call them Into'.consideration on the question. We ars told’theKeyes whspreforming all hinds -of antics Ut the request of the inspector. Btat the perpetrator Was forced to give In tor lent Dad might! it ohoof the fast express trains pHSS.without.hisnotiCe. *A number have 'had considerable topi over the joke lind Mr. McClellsn chtf return iceling that he did one thing during his week’s stay here that his-friends will'remember ior some time, tor evidently toby will want to “ evfen up.” . , ■ We hqtml a red-hot argument in Smitto&SUvCy’s theother day hetweetr skaotiug to ^ourid, some studOnte. * I t was-not a trivial - question, hut an important one,. I t was in reference to toedate o f ,the of diwoyery of 4<tmerica, Thesh young fellow 4 had evidently not written any histories. The one who begun too at- guoreni held that America was dis - covered eitoer in 1012 or 1040.' Tiiq rest of the historians were just as pos itive that the date was wrong, hut could not fix on a correct one. - But the negative of the the debate insisted that it was along about 1402 or .1493. and thus they finally settled it,, wlich shows what* fine thing it is to livein a locality where there arc fine institu tions of learning. “Love Letters of a Liar” are beou tiful things—beautiful *ootimentthigh resolves, depleting the strongest ani mat love spiritualized, and then, like in ait good things, there is the ever present human depravity lurking big as life, though bidden for toe time being, only to show himselfa t last like toe mythical serpent in the Garden of Edettx But no foyer, man or woman, can help but be bettered by toe .reading of this concentrated sweetness and gall. Bead it and see, Is toe advtee of the Herald man. £Eas Ees Pub. Co.* New York. CMfctm S fm M fee Ta**M t* be Thrifty. A savings hank account Is «‘g«*t incentive to thrift in children. I f one is begun for toe baby, even with a very smallsurn, and added to through childhood and youth with a certain proportion of the money that other wise would be spent carelessly and thoughtlessly by the child, there will be a very respectable amount on the credit ride of toe ledger when toe depositor l# eighteen years old. The habit ofself-denial is not the least of the substantial benefits that follow* wise economy of money, *— April Ladles’Howe Journal. Meeting of freebytery. A.meeting o£Xenia Presbytery wa# held in Kenia Tuesday, *fc .the 3rd tL P. ohtttoh. After the opcoiug exer* oitelBsv. F. (X Base, of this place, wavchosen moderator, Uturtual in*, tereAweS taken in hearingargumsnts on granting an organization to toe Ohio Avfc. Mission in Columbus, with Dr, Patton as pastor.. He was form* eraliy jMator of the let If. P. church Getomba'i and about fifty mem* ;b«md«irid to. leave tos (tofiirrii rati * pew evgairixathm, and asked The field: - Xenia’s $hootirtg Affair,' - Phillip Doepko, * detective oil toe Pan-Handle railroad, shot *. colored man- by the name' of Wm. Nichole who it is claimed was stealing coal.- The shooting occurred about five o’clockTuesday* morning, After the toot Nichole • gave .himself up and was taken to the police station and afterwardfe to lac home where raedicftlhtteUtioa wasgivert him. ’The Bteriehof the two men conflict somewhat, and there seems to be no witnesses to ; the frucufi. Doepke claims that tiie prisoner was on top of a car of coal and v. hen ho get down hhseized’, him,> but >the -fellow, got away. ' With a view of searing Nichols, Doepke, drew Ida revolver, but for same reason it-failed to work and while attempting to find the cause the weapon was-discharged, the ball striking the fleeing prisoner, ; -Niclteto story of fhe aifair toems to bo directly the reverse. Ho says the first lie knew, someone grabbei lute, gave him n push and shut him. He claims that ho did hot run* no,r had he been placed under arrest. . The bullet entered just below thfe left shoulder. The course of toe bul* let wae upward which shows that he must have been in * stooping posture whim too t Au. affidavit was filed against Doepke charging, him, with On the Spring, Bonnet I» ’dulled in % Dick Nisbet ■; ;prlsoUifd#P«Sf'Tfwe### ‘ There was some‘little pxciteinont At toe. railroad' tVednesday morning when, * frieghfc train which was itt front of paasengtr train No, 21, broke i’n two, and for this^reason they did not get in on toe switch in time for the passenger, to pass. Directly be* hind toe passenger wasanother frieght which came thundering along but was stopped*by* flagman from the past* eager traiui There was considerable confusion about the traina for a short tiinehut everythtog was’soon straightened out. Had too same mixnip qecured ou a fbggynight there might have been a terrible accident, to record, On 21 were guards Bilvey and Woods, of the penitentiary, „with the Bhingledecker. brothers and Tom Tracy, who were being taken to Xenia to the Jeffiricacase which was set for Wednesday. The stop here was received with welcome, ns the boys had an opportunity to shake hands „with a number of their Old friend?. »Be« Mm ,f A largo crowd aseemblrtf a t too opera house Monday evening to wit ness “Ben Hur” given under the auapicies of the lecture course com* mittees. The play aa waaaeen, gave a very good dtscriprive outline of Gen* Lew Wallace’s maater-pisce. Considerable trouble wa* experi enced during the last of the enter* iaintosnt Owing to toe fuse on the switch hoard burning out several times. t, Thiris!pte second season that thk company has appeared here. The first was ;*ery wall appreciated but the last did not ,»eem to strike the audience so favorably. FrasridM Over th e flsy tsa It 0 * 0 . The Clark county comratttioners met Monday and heard toe applica tion of the Dayton, Springfield fit Urban* South-western Bailway Com pany for * franchise from the corpora- line of Springfield, by way oftoe Day- ton road through Bunn to toe west county line* The company was grant* ed the franchise. I t is intended to lay double tracks between Springfield and Dayton tiitotety to p tn tiim * , 1 m ari KM ✓ . fsaoritsSrictes* According to Thursday’s Enquirtr, Mrs. Satnuel H Lyons, wife of toe pretidsnt of Monmouto College, com mitted aukide Wednesday while de spondent, her b6dy being ffiuud ft to t attle Of her roridonoe, Bras* Lyouf was to Bl|&»vflkr*t tok time attend- 1 f s ^ n g of to* Fwhytefy. M ^ s o d t^ r imttiteHl* <V PBRPLEXlNQ SUBJECT.’ The Many Sided CedarviHian P rops Into th e Style gfSote«noa (k d O itcusses . j H iM bd er* 1 r' ' ( • Consider now the spring bonnet. ■Lo, when, toe wtoter k yet with us and the snow shovel roaketh iteriffelt in tlifelandj s When tim proud spirit of manji yet humbled because he tolleth, npi)’n thelceand 'bvc&keto hk watch, •And fractureto toe ordinance in suclrcasea made »ad~priSTdedf While yet the koal man smileth aright, and too gas meter goeth on its way withjoy? . Even then do women begin to think of spring bonnets, And. they say , uato the man who loveth, cWishelh and uheycth |hem until h k life insurance bhcoraeth pay. ahiet ] ■' ^ , t ’ , ‘ i(Tljiuk«t thou, hot .that tokrhat. groweth met/?” Or, “Behold, the husband of toe woman actoss the, afreet hath given her *h. hundred riutoloona wherewith to buy many glad' garments, and a new imnnet forher hcadj* ■ And tho mansecth wh*t is coming, and groancth in hk heart, Fo rb e ’knoweto that toe day ap- proacheto wheu he wilt fall a prey jo the person tbafcis called * milliner, And during the mouth that is called March his wife showed* him all the old hats that rim hath, Saying: “This one is moth eaten, and that one hath a rip thereto, and that otto hath fallen, apart, And the other onehath troubles of its own.” And if her husbandhe one of those meu for whom the foolkllfer looketb both dayand nlght, he picket!* up one ot the hats and remarketh. “But, verily, this a hat which hath beauty, even as the, new hats, to too show windows.. “Yea, this k *11 right, and I re member that it was bat lost spring when I {mid seventy and five shekels for it ” And his wife swileth a t him *a one Who pitieih him* She lifteth up her voice in scorn, and said: “Surely, you Are like unto all the men, and, verily, none ot •’them hath any sense, “ I b it not as plain -as the nose upon thy face that this hat is out of style? “Yea I would rather go bare headed than wear such a thing.” Ah i her husband saito that she' hath pretty hair, and*.would look well bareheaded, thinking to hand her ajolly and save money, ' But jollies save no coin when toe springbonnet heaveth intoright. Nay, my son, save thy jollying for such a time as thou wishest to enter the circus without charge, or to travel upon the railway with the pried; But sprtog them notupon thy wife, nor upon toy daughter. For, the wife murmureth with teste* “ Of Atruth when I was yet to my father’s house he did not hesitate when I wanted &new bonnet. “Not any, He handed out his oheoh-hoofe, and Mid to be easy with too hank if we oould.” And the husband thioketh that he doth not blame hoi father, tor ho had garnered exjterfenea by hi* life with' her mother, But he doth not speak bis thought. For he kqowetit It is better to play a thinking part to a pantomime than to have a Ipug talk to a ttogedy. j; And to toe end he ^veto unto hie 'Wifh all the w m y that he bath, and smofceto tto thrift tor toghtos. A fd ffo p i t : ^ jdttes; • i t i i i t i f i w d 1 # $ # i i 1 hats, even those that are untrimmed, And when she hath been; there all day she sayetii she hath not the time to buy, and,that she but looketb, .And she keepeth on until she hath been over the city , aud hath tried on each hat that is offered for sale and barter. At the last she. purohaseth two cubitsheight of feather* and a span of wire, ^ Six green leaves and a red flower, Which lookethlike a cabbage, which hath-served as au experimental target for a sixdncffgub* And she .payeth therefor ninety and nine dollars and ninety -pnd nine cents— - Fo r itis bargain day, • ’ rApd She weareth the hat upon the streets aud Seemeth- to say . unto ail thectheFwomen: - - , . - Back to the, woods, for I got tiie only pne in town*” - "*- Is it not so, oyen, as it is written? - Yea, Verily, it is no idle fancy. ~W» D . Ncsbit in Baltimore'' Amer- icau. ’ ' * ’ 4 " H-*' , L The way to force Wants to Branch. . » ^ ; T r 1 V 1* There is only one way in.which a plant "can he forced to branch, and that is by cutting off tho stalk. The plapt tbus interfered with wilt make an effort to grow, aud either a now shoot will be sent up .to take the place o f the lost top, or several abootei will bo sent nut along tho stalk. I f but ono aterts cut it hack. Keep up .this cutting-hack process until you have obliged as many branches as you tidnk are flooded. FcrtietonCy and patience will oblige tho plant jo do as you would like to have it do.*—April Ladies Home Journal, NewOfficers Sworrt In. At tiie regular meeting of the town council Monday evening, the new offi* oera weresworn in. Messrs Iiiff, Lott and Shrondes retiring and Messrs Mc Lean, Northup and Crouse filling the vacancies. “ ‘ . The regular routine of hueiness was transacted, the usual bills being al lowed and business in general‘Closed with the old council ready for the new body,- Mayor Wolford appoioted Andrew, McLean, Crouse and Dean on the finance committee. Coming Illustrated Entertainers. The Illustrated Entertainers will give throe illdetraated lectures at the opera house next week, commencing Monday,Apr. 15,opening in “Around the World in 89 Minutes”,a grand entertainment from Jules Verne's cel ebrated novel, .Tuesday . night. “China against thp World " Wednes day, ”Trip Through the Holy Laud and scenes from the celebrated pas sion pjay.” Thfijs a first class amusement 'em terprijoin every respect and comes highly recommended by the press, , Monday night is ladies’ free night one lady "free with every paid ticket. Admission, 10 cents to all parts oj the house. No seats reserved, < New S tag e Carpet. The new stage carpet which was'or- dered by the trustees for the opera house some ago, has arrived aud been put iu place. New matting has also been put in the aisles- and hallway, These were much needed improve- menta and add'greatly to the appear ance of the house. These improvements with the new furnaces put' the house on the equality with many, city houses, \Yemight mention that a t some future date we expect to hear of the trustees decorating the inside wall Thisprob ably.will not happen- this, season ow, ipg to the previous, expense on the building; < < AT THE BOB xhe W eekly Output of the "Mill of Justice. REAL ESTATE DEALS licenses and Divorces.—Damage Salts for Beal or Fancied Wrongs.—New;1 Suite. < - W*C. T. V. Convention. The W. C.T. II. Convention which was held Thursday, o f last week a | at Aley Chapel was a very enthusias tic one. The speakers were Miss Cor nett, one of the etatoorganizers; Mm. Bishop, of Dayton.whogavc a graphic account of the recent national conven tion held in Washington D. C.; Mrs. Cooley, Mrs. Judy,And other*. All the delegates arejoud in their praises of the splendid reception they received at the bands of Aley Chapel Community. . SrivedThe Problem. A Mercer county preacher whose congregation was very reluctant about putting anything in the collection bas ket the other night. He had grown tired pleading with his audience to open their hearts and explaining to them the blessedness of giving. Some one had stolen a hog from one one of his members and before pissing the basket the preacher saids “Now I want everybody in this congregation tonight to contribute Something, ex cepting the wait whot stole Deacon Jones' hog.” The basket then went around find no one failed to give. Rotal Supondaera* - • The following were elected road su pervisors, and were sworn and placed under bond Monday, at the meeting of the township trustees: No, T, Jaw* .Mitchell. . . No, 2, John J . Baker, No. 8, W. E. Houser, No. 4, Charlie Gwens’. No. 5, Will Turnbull, . No, 0, Harry Townsley, No, ?, Jesse Townsley. No, 8, A. 0 . Bridgeman. No. Dtps*-- N t u t t / a &, . AMONGOUR .EXCHANGES* ■ , 1 . 1V ’ One night this week the Nickei Biate had a solid train of forty’re frigerator care loaded with dressed beef from Chicago, and hauled' by two engines..- The meat .was forex port and th e train wob run a t passen ger speed. I t is ' said that' ihe/trieat will cost 1350,000 when loaded bn ship in New York harbor,—Fostoria Review Dispatch. V ■ f t f ; ; , Mr. Butan, representing Rutan Bros. A Co., of Mechanicburg, came here on Wednesday and made a pro position to the citizens that if the town would furnish thq company a lot they would put up a building and put in a plant coating.$3000 or more. The offer was accepted, a .committee appointed and the money raised to pay for the ground The site' selected is the Jensen lot oh the Bellbrook pike; where the old tow mill stood. The drainage' is excellent and the water supplyabundant—two very accessary things for a creamery. Tim gentlemen composing the corp- pany are practical and scientific dairy- men, invest their own capital, are go ing a t the matter in a business like way, and them is no doubt that they will make a success of it. They ex pect to be ready to begin the manu facture of butter and cheese by Jane 1st or sooner. A creamery is a good thing for any small town and surrounding country, and these gentlemen should be given every legitimate encouragement by our business men and farmer*.— Spring Valley Blade. • f f f An old-time Arizona woodchoppef says the blue jays have planted thohs ends of trees Uow growing alt over Arizona. He says the, birds have* habit of burying small seed in the ground with their beaks, and that they visit piuon trees and bury lafge numbers of thesmall pine nuts in the ground* many of which sprout and grow. He was walking through the pines with an eastern gentleman a short time ago when one ofthese birds flew from a tree to the ground, stuck his bill in the t ftrth and quickly flew attey. When told what had happened the eastern gentleman was 'skeptical, hut the tw*> want to the spot and; with a knilb Made dug oaf a sound pink nut from a depth of, about an inch and a half, Tim* it will be sera that nature has plans of her own tor tor forest jtetpetuation. Jerome (A ria) Btpo^ir, , ' h ? , —Anytitlng ta tl»'^$i»ess te* k l A suit for divorce has been filedhy Anna G, Tiffany against her husband, . John B Tiffany, They w6re married 1 November 4, .1893, in. Xenia and jhe plaintiff says that she has always been a faithful and good wife hut that for five years past the husband has been -- ’ guilty of wilful absenceand gross neg-, lect of duty.- Ope child,' Bert Born ■Tiffany (now living with plaintiff) was born of this marriage. She asks that she be granted* divorce and the custody of this child and that'she be ’ * restored to her maiden name of Anna G« Boss. "% i . 4 £V'fi" ‘ " ' ,• V " ,The appraisers .of the estate of,the lafef Samuel .Smith, have filed fheir report in. the Probate ’Court. The value of the personal property w»S fixed at 2633.50. Arthur E. Wiiaj man, Jesse C, Townsley and W. H. Arther were the appraisers. . . ’-’t f f The Grand Jury for the May te r% .' of Court is as follow:, H* H . Stor mont, W, H. Barber, and D. McEl- wain, Cedarville Tp,; Chas. 8. Sear* and Jacob; Crager, Sugarcieek Tp.j Joseph M, Paxson aud Goo, Nisouger, , Beavercreek Tp,; Wm, Barnett, Jo- soph Linkhart and J . N. Laughead, Xenia Tp.; Levi Hainera, Silvercreok Tp.; W. o ; Maddox and Fred R. Jackson,Xenia City; Harry McFreely, u Bath” Tp.; Chas. O. Conklin, Ctesar* creeek Tp. V, The following names are diawn for i the petit jury; J . M. Wolf, Wm. F. Sfiediker, Bath Tp,; Jerry Krepps and Owen Stutsman, Xenia Tp,; J . Fletcher, J . Rayburn, J . L. Good, James Harris and James Fletcher, Xenia city;. Hiram Irvin. Silgaroreek Tp.; Thoe. J.StinsoU, Silvercreok T p , J . F . Hawker, Beavercreek Tp. Additional: Chas. Kelble J r. John, Bass, David I*eo, Xonta city; Jacob Haines, Beavercreek Tp. t t t M arriage ijcewbss , Alonzo H . Bolen and Ora Johnson; Charles W, Portman and Zettie New- some; David O. Smith and Nellie F . Wills; Orville W. Brickell and Lydia J . Devoe. ■ ' * " t t t UEAI* ESTATE TRAMSmiS. Wm. W. Thomas to Christain M. Kreider; lot, Osborn, $300, Oliver W» Cox to AdeHne S, Mas sey; lot, Osbont, $160. . Oliver W. Cox to Ellen I t SpUey; lot, O*bom, $150. ‘ ' Oliver W. Cox to Ellen B* Massey; lot, Osbolhn, $175. i] John LeraOn to Lewis j . D^.Wney; 89 a, B«d», $1600* _ J • ^ Amanda and James E. Halves to : John T* Harblne, jr,; lot XetshiV $1. " f "etc*' ■ . ■ ■ ' ■ ■ ■ John T.‘ Harbins to Jams* K ; BaWriGlbt, Xewt, $1 «$a* ,.tl i 1 Charles E< Hughe*, to Jennie Lyle? ’■ lot, Yellow Spriags, $875* George Swart* to flflla B e ta ; lot, Xenia, $1000. Barbara Schardt to Jo« i^kS ;ted lt Xenia, $1. i t . H* Jtoks to B* Bh Bryan' $8 . a, B ftmmw k , pHw , ■Oftteftfe ’ Weimar ex. to MA$* ' ; Bkllatd; 90 a, New J f^ s v #if$88JS& ' :- MXiy E. Smith to Roberi N. Hie* ton; kmd, Ntw $$$$, Orrifia P, Middtetou to. =v- Obwowowt; J««dr Ctotototwtkt RB taM t W m m Stetwr; *■
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