The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26

Ne#' things In. mattings and Pndw $Dad«. ■vsTsi-ix ag»a,;pesrf , W e hang it'oft you w all for %d Tertis per E o il.^ io cents for a Good Shade. S. L, STEWART *. THE NEW SHOES. « ./? . .»■.■.. .■■' ' - •, r • •.. ' ■ •"■. ; Celebrated Hamilton Brown Shoes LatestPatent Ceatber oxfords. * Cbe Hew©ay* -3~ Local. atafl. Personal Rape Seed a t W* R. StcrictCs. TfaeJeffin-ies ease wasnolticd and he plead guilty to. lareeiiy, The court fined him $4G, costa and 25 days. The flailta Fe railway-is to have the largest round-house in the world, I t will be erected nca.r Turner) Kas,, and will he large enough to shelter all the engines of the road* i f iw Bert McFarland came near meeting with a -serious accident Thursday, He and his brother were* engaged In repairing the Ford “property *when a board was thrown • from the^second story striking him on the head, . He was somewhat dazed and staggered about'for some 'time, but ’soon came about all right, . ■ ‘—Teas,.Coffee and Cigars a t Gray’s " Mr, Doha Bromagem on Thursday moved to the house recently vacated by W. H, Eskridge and family, —The Concert Company which will,appear in the opera house next Thursday evening- have a good repu­ tation. They promise, a splendid en- tertalnmeUt. - Mr. J . JR, Orr this week received a fine animal from Rushville, Ind, The animal was brought to this coun­ try from the Isle of Jersey along with Jiffy head aggregating $25000, The animal has quite a history, more, of which will be given later. —Those famous little pills, DeWitt’e Tittle Early ‘’.Riserwill remove all * ---- »*«—-----— ■— —stem, cleaner cm regular impurities from your, sy , l se your bowels, make the 4^- —The plat for the Aerial Concert Go* will be opened nex t Tuesday at 2 p, ,m« ^Mr. J . H,' Wolford has on exhibi­ tion a t his, establishment a Peering (W n P in rtW ’'Nfft fl . Tim mncliirm. Corn Plante r No* 9. The aqhipe is so Constructed that parties desirous dfmaking-on examination can do so without any trouble whatever. n m t . ‘ Mr. John Silycy came up. from Xenia Wednesday apd spent part of the day at his home, ' Rklgway & Co, R. P. church, -Wc. J . ' Sanderson pastor, At ll-.QQa, m Communion services,' Freaebrngin the evening at 7:30 (sun time) by Rev, R. F. Mar­ tin, of Beevet Falls, Pa,, Theme, “The Life of The Believer in Union With Christ.?' . • ' • Carpets, Carpels, Carpets at MoMillnp’s. M ' <—For Carpet paper gp to McMil­ lan* hp also- carries the celebrated Cedar’Moth Proof Paper, ' - Mr* Howard Bratton who for sev­ eral months back has been connected. witLfthe Xenia Herald has resigned' his position on that journal and will look after the interests of the Repub­ lican. >Mr. -Bratton is up able writer, and will prove* Valuable acquisition' •to the Republican, —Remember tbe Aerial Concert. Co. Thursday evening. Those hold-1 iug season tickets. Will receive, their admission- licketsr^for 15c. Ofcherii 25c, children 15c. ■ . ■ . ..A Mrt-Cheney while riding out the the Jamestown pike last Saturday with-Wm, E. Qlemans, sustained -a dislocated shoulder. The two wen wei-e ia-a buggy and attempted to pass a log wagon when tbe vehicle upset throwing the occupants to'the ground with the above results, —“Last winter I ’was confiued to my bed with a very had cold on the lungs; Nothing gave me relief. Fin­ ally ray wife- bought a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure that effected*, speedy* cure, I cannot,-speak ton highly o f that .excellent remedy.*' Mr, % K. Houseman,, Mnnatftwmy* Pa, . Ridgway & Co. A US#, 'rm John P, 'Martin promoter of the . Springfield&Xenia electric line states that ho will build even if the Pan- Handle run trains everyhalfhour and the D. B. <&U. build- These things he says will, not interfere with hia vplans. The promoter is ..laving con­ siderable”trouble iu getting his'-ma- . terial, owing to the big steel plants being so rushed,, and likely will not be able to make a shipment before fall*:. '. ■ k—Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup,Pepsin aids digestion. Sold by C, M, Ridgway. Attachment proceeding have been brought by. the Standard Oil Co* against M R Field's: cdr the ’Field Twine & Cordage Co.- The plaintiff states that'defendant owes for oil to the amount of $1647 and ask judge- *meat for same, —You cannot enjoy: perfectjibealt'ii rosycheeks and aparktingeyes if your bowels clogged. Dewitt's Little Early Risers .cleanse the whole system* They never gripe, Ridgway & Co, ■Mr* James Brown, a former citizen of this place, but of late, ofMansfield, is the guest Ofhis son, J . S. Brown. Mayor Wolford and >Robert' Ervin have each had their lawDs sodded Which addsmuch to the appearance of Jthe property. The residents of Xepin Avenue ate. becoming very citified, as the. street-has been, considerably im­ proved here of late. We have not been •informed ' as to whether any more of the' fences were to come down —No Photos Downing’s are so popular as. Mr, and Mrs, Will Torrence' spent Sabbath with friends in this place; B,.G. Ridgway,on Thursdayopened Up his soda fountain for the first this season, * —For light buggy harness, try Kerr & Hastings Bros; ■ —Taken,.this month keeps you well all summer, Greatest spring tonic known'. Rockv Mountain Tea, made by Madison Medicine Co, 35c. Ask your druggist, A divorce has been granted Wm, A. Smith agaiust his wife Mary . ' pi .,. ... j ---- ■ -■■■ Susan, Smith. Tbe wife has -been absent from her husband tor over three years. All real estate owned by- him was held free from any interest of the defendant, ’ —Dr, Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is a perfect laxative. Sold by 0, M, Rldg- way- . . .A, traveling medicine man , with, four colored singers has beeu holding a allow in town during the past iveek, The evenings have been so cold that if was impossible to get ant a very large crowd. A number of remedies were offered and the usual customers of such salesm r laid iu a good sup­ ply. ' >- —For ligl>r buggy harness, whips, -pads, the harness man. harness, work etc., try Dorn, Mm. Samuel McCollum and daugh­ ter/ Mildred returned Tuesday even­ ing from - Clarksville, after, a weeks visit in that place. ■ —Pattons Sun Proof Paint -Sold only by Kent & Hastings Bibs, ' Mr* H. M* Stormont was in Xenia Monday where be received instruc­ tions and blanks for ■ assessor. - He started out Tuesday morning 'mnkiug C y turiwn Prejscti A citizeus meeting was held at the Mayor's office* Thursday night in the interests of the gymnasium. Prof. J, Robb Harper was chosen chairman and J- G. McOorkeU, secretary, jA fair sized crowd present, representing most every profession, A mimirer of speeches were made, after which came a diseussion of the subject. In order to formulate some idea it was moved that the chair appoint a com­ mittee, of five to-investigate the cost of-equipment, etc, -and report at the next meeting, Wednesday evening. The chairman appointed Mayor Wol­ ford E. S, Keyes, Calvin Wright, Tom Tarboxand Karlh Bull on the committee. Considerable interest Wfri shown in the speeches and with a lit­ tle work Oedarville will have a first class gymnasium with a reading room and bath room in connection. This is something that should attract the at­ tention o f every parent iu the town­ ship, to r i ! will provide a place "of amusement, developement and exer­ cise, \ • • -. Remember the meeting Wednesday at.the Mayor’s office, at 7:30 P. M. Resolutions. Whereas,-according to the inscrut­ able providence of the Supreme Ruler of ,the Universe, Brother, B, W. Northup has-, been removed by death from among us,, therefore Do it Resolved, That while, bowing in submission and reverence before Him in whose ■ bands' are the destinies of nations, as well as individuals and the rounds,' New Crop California Apricots or not but'we presume \a‘number of will „be summer the yard's along ”this street thrown open ere another passes. —The best line of collars in the town at Dorn’s. Mr. J-W* Morroifc . . McLean has been in^ for the past few days making preparations for erecting Squire Brad­ fords residence.. W. H. liiff will do the stonework, - t r ‘ - ^ f I* r. . The funeral of Mrs. Jbiin Shears was held from her late residence on the Bradfute farm, Wednesday, -r-Choice White Seed .Oats j at W. R, Sterfett’s. —Remember, Coopers is jusrter# for Seed Potatoes, sets and Garden Seeds. bead- Onion . Mr. W* H . Eskridge has moved in to Lowry room recently vacated by *T, T, Wniisms, Mr,_ Eskridge con­ ducted a restaurant there some time ago. He will be glad to have all hia mends give Mm a call. —S ta n d a r d L iq u id . E n am e l P a i n t (for roots,) will not C rack , S ea le o r P e a l off. For sale only by W* R* Sterrett. AB thoae desiring to subscribe for tbe Physical Gultnre magazine will ileave 50 oenta ~ please s witlT our Post- masts*. The price of magazine wilt be raised to $1 per year, there­ fore subscribe at once. —You;will waste time if yon try to otira indigestion or dyspe^wia by starvmgyoure^D That only makes it worn When yon do •cat. heartily Yon always need plenty of good food properly digested. Kodol Dyspepsia Care k the result of years of scientific research for something that would di­ gest not only some elements of food bat every kind. And it ra the one remedy that till do it,—-Ridgway * i?e. , 7; The &w bright sun shiney days Lsst Friday aftornoon while Sopt. Smith, Sidney Smith and A, C. Owens, of the paper mill, were re- pairing some troughs down along the creek, an accident^ occured which will probably linger- in their minds for some time, Whiie' engaged in mailing the repairs the troughbroke, letting ali down into tbe frailer. There was some little’ excitement for a time but all were soon on the banks. * i ric Peaches, Prumes, Grapes and Raisins a t Gray's. ■ The'work of demolishing the, old Nisbet property has rapidly progressed this .week, and with in a few days work on grading the lot will begin, With the Ford and Nisbet houses, re­ moved Main Street loses t wo-ofitg‘old eet landmarks. ,' ■ —Bring your butter, eggs, lard and bacon to Cooper's. ■He will give you cash or trade for them* • - ' Rev* B. M. Paul will preach iu the II. P. church tomorrow at the usual time, 11;00 A. M. . —Bo sure you go to Dowinga gal­ lery On Friday and have your-picture made, Mr* C. W. Crouse has been under tbe weather for several days, being confined to his room with muscular rheumatism* —Skin’troubles, cuts, burns, scalds and chafing quickly heal by the use of DcWitta Witch Hazel Salve. I t is imitated. Be sure yoii get DeWitfs Ridgway & Co. Tbe new Arizona code dispenses with the election of assessor and makes that office'an appointive one instead of elective, a# now. Harry, the pet dog of little Mildred McCollumw«s poisoned by somefiend­ ish villiaa last Friday evening. The dog was perfectly harmless and there is a query in the-minds of sensible people as to the cause attributed for the action of a person who takes put his vengetfee on a harmless pei dog* this past week his brought ontra in y of the fiiL- - The spring trade '•atm* to be opening up lively for the awnings* time of year. Many oftbe merchants have and are at present beautifying their stares making them as attractive wpoetibie. ■ —The Concert Co. which will *p~ 'n e a rih v ih e d p s tit h o tta e fio x i TltUiw- <ky evening, oor.Whighly reccmmeiid. Mr. Caohran hail been pronounced by a n«rt»d critic is the coming baritone Vegetarian. Baked Beans. With Tomatoe Sauce. No,Meat. No Fat* At Gray’s. The dwelling on the Ford lot which was Offered for sale by the trustees of tbe R*P. church Was sold last Satur­ day to Bert McFarland for 1103. Sir* McFarland will a t once begin his preparations for the removal of the house to a vacant lot near his present residence *-Curea Okay spells,. tii:ed feeling, etomaoh* kidney and liver troubles* Keeps you well all summer,.. Rocky Mountain Tea taken this month, 85e. Ask your druggist. The W. O. T. tT. will hold a moth­ ers' meeting at the home of Mrs, T, N, jWbox, Thursday, April If, a t 2:30 p* m. All mothers ate cordially in* vited to attend* Dr. P, R. Mad ’en, Practice lim ­ ited to EYE, EAR, NOSE .AND THROAT. Glasses AccuratelyAd­ justed. Alien Building, Xenia, O. Teleplione.—-Office No, 71 , Residence No. Rev. D. H.fV. Purnell of the "Ohio Standard and Observer,” published at Xenia has been appointed to a charge in Cincinnati, but will continue to edit and publish the paper. ■—Bulk Extract of Lemon and Va­ nilla at Cooper's, You get a much bettor quality than the bottled goods* Bring your bottles and get them filled Miss Dora Seigler and Mr. K. E. Randall are on the program for a cornet and piano duet at the fourth bwflottthjy meeting of the Greene County Teachers Association to be held in Xenia, April 20. —McMillan’s ’caniets are on hand* see them before" you make your ptiri chase. Lee Shroades, the drayman, has purchased the James Browq. property on North street. —Anew invoice of whipsjust re­ ceived jjj. a t Kerr 4 Hasting Bros, At the'meeting of the State Asec whose visitation bag caused unmiti­ gated sorrow in our midst, we' recog­ in tbe departed brother, ope who was ever loyal to bis convictions Of duty, conscientious iu his discharge of it aud faithful to the interests intrusted to his keepiug. -Resolved,.That in his death, the brothers of this lodge has1 lost a cher­ ished friend, -a-wise, conncellor and a loving brother.-*' J I Resolved, That tbe Lodge Room be appropiately draped for the period of thirty days in memory of the life and services of our deceased brother* Resolved, That a tfopy of these resolutions b‘e published iu the Cedar- ville Herald and a copy tendered the stricken family and a copy filed away in the archives of this lodge. G. W, Cnousk , J ohn G. M c C okkbli * Committee. Cedar CliffXAdgONo. 630,1.0 . 0 , F. That’s the way it begins^ L ittle things disturb you. You are irritable, .restless and worry over trifles. Your heart jumps and palpitates at every sudden noise, you can't concentrate your mind on your . work, your memory fails and you do not sleep well at night. In the morning yor feel weak and exhausted, w ith no appe­ tite,for food and no ambition for exertion o f any kind. Nervous prostration has no .terrors for those who use . -. “ For a number o f years I was troubled with nervousness and dizziness. My brain was confused and I had a dull pain, iti the back o f my h e ad ., Several doc­ tors failed to help me and then I began taking. D r, M iles' .Nervine* I t braced me up from the very start and I was soon feeling well. Whenever I feel a-little of? now, one or two doses pu t me right again. W . W , T rowbridge , Delta, Ohio. I t stops the nervousness, soothes’th e irritation, quickens the pulsej^stimulates ^ d i g e s - - : T— tion, induces refreshing sleep and infuses snap, energy and vigor into the whole system. Sold friraJI rfttfs&fets on a sararantee. Dr* Mffes Mec&cal Co*. EfkkafU tadt M/Tf&w P a t& g j ^ “ ten d ed to tim ' “ n BOTfl ORA FOR T H E L IT T L E ONES, O N TH E STAIRS, (low a t a d B arnc il tlio Money , F o r a, Vacation' Trip. An fi-yciu’-olj bby of .Lowell, Mass;,-whose name is Wesley Court,1 earned enough money last ,summer’s vacation ny, and cart ancl pay the expenses*of an “-aeroH? the i-ontinony.” trip for himself'ami his father. Francis G. Court, father of the. boy, says that he has been a money, maker, since he was 6 yearn bid. At the close of school last spring many of the boys in Lpwefl. erifetecT canopies at the street corners for the purpose of selling toft drinks to passersby. Wesley bad one of these stands, but he was not satisfied with the income j from it. He sold but his shop for.$5 _ and./increased his capital by $10, - anc* An In te rru p ted •’Proposal an Unexpected Finale, , matter being brought before tire - i medical authorities he was by them and -declared to be suffering from-mono- • mania and in consequence given hia ■ 1 '*discharge. /- They Are Hot Fiction! t o Thoughtful Cogiujnd Ttis so good of you, AXisa Idol-) ■When leaving, however, he; gave Events in %- | lei J > \ , - "*~1prd Kansas has deci<Un’ 4 “As I was going to say, 'Miss Idol- mine, I ’ye been trying to find a char.e,e;uv see you alone, oh,-for sev­ eral centuries, it seems to me, be­ cause I have something very' partic- quifcted’ ished-his discharge, ctymg: “Faith, boys, shure, I’ve got the bit of paper Fvo been Tunning af-, ther this long time,”—London Tib Bits. - * - ri of Colorado for di\ m dU | the Arkansas rive^ “ ■ channel aud approjmp^ USe ’ ’With (Jnvric !r> ular to tell— Oh, you want io get down ? Certainly, Jones. ntm#f von ’ KEEPING, FLOWERS FRESH, A Japanese plan by which but. flowers' may/ be madU to last an Ab­ normally long time is-to bum fee Gam's jo the joints, the que| _ vital one to'Kanea^Ilt which he borrowed from his father; J ?nes, are you getting paid for run- Can’t y find her? ■ , “And it's awfully good-, of Sfiss Idolmine, to mis., this danto w dod. a m 'atob .ll it o t V s* * ni(h ®U<1 L appreciate it, served, for the stilphur would be iip ; I hope it augurs.— See here, jurious .to the flowers. 5 at 6 per-cent, Then We3ley went to j the managers ,of each of the many; shoe factories,manufacturing cliem1-’ °nv because you are too tired to . _ , . ^ The Japanese, who are great flow- ning up and, down these stairs? cr- lovers^ say that the charring ttOh, Miss Holmine, is jit reaUy process enables the water to pene-* . , . , • _ p a n toay “Lhave .noticed^ ]0 rounder, “ that the the |o f a you tig man t t i o t " ffix her hair when lf0I>1 I the young man thip ^ more her hair nee> Pa (ona ists, etc.; and said that he would give thorn 20 cents for every dollar of his income,for the exclusive priv­ ilege of selling root beer, lemonade, etc.; on their premises a t lunch- time., In nearly every instance the privilege was granted, in most cases the managers refusing to take any money from him. In two weeks he dance "this time? Isn’t there’.any other reason, just the tiniest little bit of*,—Yes, confound you! I sup­ pose yon do have to get down again, Jones. “What I ’ve been longing to say, Miss Ido lm inc .M abe l—-is tha t I love—. Say, Jones, I ’ll kill you if—- Well, there, get on up if you have had paid back the $10 he had bor- i ^ and stay up, darn it l ___ J j * ___t- _a t <^0. Mind Tflnlnntr**. rowed from, his father and hod. six boys working for him. He paid the boys liberally. . * The lad actually-startled hia'fa­ ther by the amount of money ho realized. “Ho bought himself a suit of clothes and then a. pony and f<No, iss Idolmine—Mabel—I must say all how. I cannot stop. You must know how I love you, and when you.consented to sit out this dance with mo I knew I could no longer live., in this agony of doubt, but learn- from your own sweet lips— Slide down the banisters if . Third Quarterly Meeting. • Services of the Cedarvilloqnd Clif­ ton M. E, Churches, Dr. Ba.ruoSi presiding, will preach at Clifton M. E. Church Saturday Apr. 13, at 1Q;30 A. M. and Sabbath a t 3 P .M . and cotaduct Communion service. In Cedafville M. E. ebureb at 10i45 A. M. by the pastor, A. Hamilton, Theme: “Bretherns ofLove,” dud at 7:80 Pi*M. Dr, Barnes, subject, “ The Religious Contribution of the Past Century,” and conduct commuion services.—Suu time, » cart,” said hisfathbr, ‘'andbefore I was fu lly aware of i t ho had money ” fe get down,- Jones, you tg h in bank to take us both to toasted idiot ! ' a _ enoughJ r California.” This winter Wesley substituted: hot coffee, tea and milk for the cool drinks sold in ,ho summer.—Amer* icanBov* * CLIFTON NOITS. This speakes for itself; “Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. S. A . Stdener requests your presence at tbe marriage cere* many of their daughter, Bewie A. to Gilbert C. Luae, Tuesday evening, April 30 at 4i30, at their home ” Mr. J e rrr Shaffer, ciation of Independent Telephone fac Companies the t was „developerl that there are iu Ohio 235 independ­ ent telephone companies, .with 360 ex­ changes, 1,200 toll stations, $.1,000- phones and 3,000 miies of wire. Examine the Patterson & Poste: buggies at Keir & Hastings Broe, be­ fore you make your purchase* tv Hn ti f who has been confined to his bed so long, passed away Saturday evening. Funeral was held Monday afternoon at 2;30 at the ’M* E* church. Rev. Davidson was attending Presbertry a t Xeuia, this week. Miss Phoebe Russell was visiting her sister, Abbie, Monday. Mrs. D*Baker, who had her arm broken in a runaway rkar YefloW fipririgs some time ago, is getting along nicely, Mrs. M. M, McConkey has for her guest her mother, Mr. Jolinf Weller has been quite; sick for some time," OBITUARY. Mr. Amos Bryant died at his borne near Pitchier, on Thursday, April 4, aged 63 years. He was horn at Bloomiugburgh, Fayette county, Feb. 13,1838* Removed to West Lanoas* tor, Fayette county,* in 1868 and was married to Elizi J . Ferrell, Nov, 22, 1872. To this nriion four children were bom who still survive* The wife and mother died June 28, 1884. In 1899 he removed to the place where he. died. The funeral services were conducted by Rev, F . O. Ross at his late residence on Saturday, Ap* ril 6, and the remaips Were taken to Milledgeviile^ for burial. <.He had been, in very poor health and had been a sufferer for twoyears. ' "Mabel, oh, Mabel,, my love, my darling— No, I won’t hush.I Look up, sweetheart, and let mo read in those glorious orbs the sweetest,no^ blest; confession ever— Jones, if ever I get a chance I'll butcher you. You don’t want to go up? What do you want, then? 'Mabel—Miss Idol- mine? Why, what—engaged? You? I—I—ah, blast it, somebody keep me from biting holes in the carpet. But I — e r— I congratulate you, trate the stem and thus sustain the flower. Whatever be the reason, bn^ 1 - p at* In a Kentucky is glad to know of any plan winds o f flowers,— 1 will prolong the life Home Notes. both Set. of you, of course.” — Smart ^FAipER. €SA»ES.- . 51 Hoops covered with, paper make ..excellent targets for various kinds of shooting," according to space available and age of children. Small newspaper pellets can hurt ho one provided theyare nof'sbr'ewed up too tight, and rings of red and blue aud black on tbe pewspaper will count the same as the rings on an archery target. Castles can be besieged by knights in paper helmets and shields and defended by a brave gar­ rison behind paper, ramparts,’ and paper missiles shaped like bean hags can he liurled with truly, dead­ ly effect from one party of warriors a t’the other. ’ What more delightful for the children than a couple of newspa­ pers fastened on to the imrsery \r even the dining room table - h four drawing pins which the babie* cannot pull out mid a pencil far each little mite—if blue and red *o much the better—so that they may •crawl “anything wfe like” there. were a tew caseso$o It was a great dreaction; , certain. handsorae^oto i;'turntly she sentm 1-;.■ 1 caus? the child sajg p0 1 ,‘rick, the teacher ta rasanothercase optinj mxt day the littleb an If a t school and \&T 1 ‘We’se got a babf tin lamma says tell ■,eas Cas in Wo often wonc 'bully to be as conlu(^ , I ;are* Some peopl riiini ' month job and’ a nissi ' the stomp of fine t bo but such veneer 1 fe0] bourgeois iu them™er 1,ra< •thi “ tend Gratitude is ab o di ticle on the marl iwirij AW ABSESTMtSDER SFCRBTART. Speaking of absentminded meu one day, Senator George Vest told the following story: “I was a t a mass:meeting once upon a time when ,we discussed * resolution of some kind or other for several hours. F ina ty one of the delegates began a speech which wandered all over creation. Borne one interrupted him with the re­ mark that he ought to Confine his CIIAXCK FOR BOY RAX CAYCHRRjL ■ The hoys of Stockholm hare aj chance to cam some money. -Thij city has offered a bounty of 2 14H oents on every ra t killed, so say tlw’j cable dispatches. The reason fo‘a this is to prevent the plague fr gaining a foothold in Stockholm and to check the spreading of disease; as i t is believed tha t rat» and other animala, carry the cont^| Woman a good tu incident, remaiui aa tend debt, the tbe hack a t the -they have, .pro they further the an opipion to b a general way, b 5 FOJ toys to ei offd eve. I tingly to half . ,spat| ceived favors at tor. At the ti.tie, I grateful” or “ I’ll o pi a { ehec my life,” etc., et ,** 1 f ion* The bounty on the rat’s head, owbver, gives occasion remarks to the resolution. tic NOT ICE , All persons, owners or agents of property are hereby notified to cteim or have cleaned their premises of all refuse such as ashes, decayed vegita- tion and rubbish. By order of the Board of Health, D . H.-McFarland, Health Officer* The polls for the company have strived ioctfl-tolephtme; itri *n ‘ be -commenced mb'-tik? shortly* ml a d work Xenia will line Ml* Daisy Gray viriitof in South Charleston, this week, the guest of Mrs. Will Torrence; Gov. Nash has issued a proclam*- »*--*» 26 as Arbor / / yv-si* wn Ah was made Thureday.ln Court to obtain vs of tb* workfttltt # f : is Cb, who were works, Matods ffimun th« cawpfwy an d s t t a c W 'o f tl« ertiwaw**, ■■ aaietlfor b«i -to Mr. Godfrey Bell, a principal in a school in Indiana, spent last week tbs gm*t of his aousto, Frank Gil- laugh. Mr. James Gray his son, Joefry, ami daughter,^Isabella; ofCincinnati, arrived here last evening to spend a few days with Mr* Robt. Gray and ‘family. Mr* Gray hold the responsi­ ble position of, financial advisor for the Chatfieid Ac Woods Go of the t^ucen City* . lion appointing April i .Day, He klso urges all to help in Mr. A. H . White*^who Is adminis­ trator of the Hannah M. Johnson es* ,xjs n ai *u i n i tate* is getting things about closed up. the protoctiou of forestand songbirds. He has already paid out $95,000 to the heirs, The home, residence Was offered for sale but failed to get a bid. The court then Ordered it Sold for $2000, but there has been no bidder* —“ Have you any ddnbts remain- in* r t m u n . Jones* “No, Marinda,! I have not.-, t took" Rocky Mountain T** last night,** Tw ill1remove any fmpore ihotrgkto ■ ! This household goods, a buggy, mower and farmer’s dinner bell, be­ longing to the latoC. W. Marshall, will betold at publiceustion Setqrday, v. ^ ... g i r l i e reridenee Me* A*k fithr dmagist. . . . p f G, R, Rhroaihii, Mr*. J* \V. Confarr' an^t wife, hie two softs add Mrs. O’Brien left Tuee* day evening fur Livlngsiun* Mont* They intend Stopping>at Bt. Paul, Welters Ijofne; aud l^ufiday tf Mrs. Oofifert is able will go on to her eon Eugene, who lives at Uvingstapr Mm, I'm lfcn 'U in e wtione . but ever since her sons have been A - !.** *A»fed to ^ttoft* a Brtfttoil Manou Hooke, maaagsr for T* M. Thompson, j * large importer of fine millinery a t 1658 Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, »eys: “During the late se­ vere weather I caught a dreadful cold which kept me awake at night and made me unfit to attend my work during the day. On%of my milliners was taking Chamberlain'sCoftgfe ram* bdy fur a wsrere cold a t that time* Which seamed to relieve her so quickly that I bought tofne tor myself, it -* Bwr, Rfowffiwr attended Ttmbettt? »i frw days feie wsfk* | '""tod tike m*gie and I began to hft- pruveat dmoe, I ala now entirely wtill end tool very^leaswl to acknowledge tit merits.” 0 , M, RWgwey* u *Yes/ sa d Judge Fbillipe, who Was presiding, ‘the gentleman must speak to the resolution.* .“ ‘Let us have the resolution read,’ suggested some one in the meeting, “Judge Phillips stooped down and whiephred to the absentminded. secretary. ‘Read the resolution/ he said, . “ *R'm?* queried tbe secretary, waking up. ‘What resolution?' “ ‘The one we have been discuss­ ing for several hours/ replied Judge Phillips. : * • “The resolution Was hunted for high and low, but 'could not be found. On the Secretary's desk there was a bit of paper which looked as if it had been nibbled by a mouse. I t was all that remained of the res­ olution, The absentminded secreta­ ry had eaten the rest,”—Washing­ ton Host. • : for somsp interesting information regarding! this rodent. There is no country is ! the world where some species o f rat j does not exist, but the commas| house or Norway ra t is the mofef widely known of all. He, has mn taken tip his abode in the islands the Pacific,. He is an expansioi He started his career in fee west > less talk with besides the del 1 ago by stabs* They are getti Other good law I t will hit the China, thatjbeing his native hondN but he has'followed “ * YOU’* man w hew man has gene. The common mo also hails from Asia, is* f IN Sr ^ ”1 fr 1 nWFJXWSO AM MPTDEWtc, Teacher—Now, children, who < tell me what an epidemic is? What None of you? Let me prompt yo memory. I t is something - th spreads. And now—-all, T see one < you knows. What is it, my ’litik! friend? “Jam, sir l”—Sau Fratictaco •miner. sir: . atfoijtwA#* Jack Sullivan waa a soldier and a good fallow withal, hat in the opinion of officers and men alike h i was certainly getting .insane, for when on duty or a t drill he would suddenly break from the rsjsrk* and " ' UGTTGH As it is itnpoerible tor meto call < alt who wish the The New Sprayer, shall order the first lot P .l 8lb iueU All who wish to please notify me before that date. ' . E. L* Smith, Afiii run after an imaginary bit of paper, visible to no woo tint him**?? teg u he did 4ot “Th«te tt’ioesl There’s the paper I" TMs at ftfsffe beoam* m fiw # m § m m tiN i ’f t e t IUi % S # r.- • f l t o b o i f ^ a t o d o i l y imei i* water iwkapdw8S I of tee, M is fit *f( #*,1 fi‘4}. m i LV!ili >«C*Sw> V