The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26
. H ' h o l ( o i < q l d . , ' ' $ im A YEAR. HARM! tMJU . * Cfltortwd.PttprlatM’. C«ac*’Sa UesjgBj C3toCl i?a3slal!bsfe SATURDAY* « 20, 4901. we: OBITUARIES--’- Containing oyer two hundred word**, will lie charged iov,, utthe rata o f five cente per line, (iAIll)S OP THANKS — Five cents per Hue, _ ^ When you fiend in long obituaries plem*. *tote whomthobill is to ho sent to, or wo will publEhftwo “(200) Iron* drfid words and leave the balance out. Make them as long as you wish, ii you comply with theabove conditions, which is a matter of pure justice. There are men of prominence ■ tho democratic party who rceogni that this is the proper time, to keep quiet. .. Carter Harrison’s candidacy for the democratic Presidential nomination has not been editorially endorsed by , the Commoner. WitliBryanpulling oneway, Cleve* .landanother, and Hall still another, it is, not surprising that many dome* cratic editors'-do ‘ not know “ where they are at.” „ ,With all due deference to the wis dom of the NeW.Yoric Tribune, which says?yre need more kickers, we think that more sawing /wood and less kicking is what is needed. mm crxriOB m w m . ' ■ r ^ TINTS OF PAN-AMERICAN BUILClNSS WfU-’ PE QVMBOyCAtw V a ryin g Tone* W in t t « Ilf* vi'Iopn :e«* o f Wan** C olor f’vrnt# And IU T a t- • f r W v llt* o f HI* JOIan. \ The color scheme of the I'att-Aineri, cun Exposition 'follows fed plan of BC-nlptntat euitwliSahment conceived and being executed by Alp. Karl Hitter, Use Director of Sculpture*: of fee Expo sition, and supplements fain work. As the sculpture will symbolize top prog ress of the race, so the color scheme will represent lu epitome the growth of the color sense of the race. Tim eplcra it the main entrance to the ■ grounds! and about ’ the .Triumphal Bridge will be exceedingly warm, suggesting a wife vomo to visitors, and this part of the ' : - . •. .■ "c'‘ "■ An ah experiment iAlisa Ada A. Griffith, o f Newark, N, J., threw a bottle Containing- a note from a Stehmeiy in the .middle of the Atlantic Ocean, The note offered a reward of $2 for its return to her address. That was nine years ago. The other day she got it back through the mail. It was picked up' by a fisherman who dives on a little island off the coaBi of Norway, Out exports to Cuba, jPorto Rico and the Philippines s k growing all ■the time, A stable prepared by the Treasury Bureau of Statistics, shows ,the amount of these exports for eight months in- each year, ending with February, from 1896 to 1901 inclu sive. In 1896 our exports, to Cuba amounted 1to $5,423,189, .to -Porto Rico $1,454,417, and to the Phil-: ippines 882,838. In 1901 to Cuba 817,236,752, to Porto Ricp $4,295,- /853, and to the Philippines $2,767,- ‘ 881. 'ii TheBeatTtsmodyforRheumatism. QuickRelief From Pain All. who use Chamberlain’s Pain Balm for rheumatism are delighted with the quick relief from pain which ataffords. When speaking of this Mr, D .N . Sinks, of Troy, Ohio, says: “ Some time ago Xhad a^evero attack for rheumatism}n my' arm andshoul der, Xtried numerous remedies but got no relief Until I was recommend by Messrs. Geo. F, Parsons <fc Co., druggists o f this place, to try Cham berlam’a_ Pain Balm. They recom mended it so highly that X bought a bottle. Xwassoon relieved of all pain, I have since recommended this, lini ment to manyof my friends,who agree with me that it is the best remedy for muscular rheumatism in the market. Forwaleby C, M Ridgway, A Connepticat genius has invented ft counterfeit vaccination scar which is to be fastened on ' the arm for the deception of those - whose business it js hi see that people are complying with the health regulations. Oasgit aDmdfalCsld, Marion Kooke, mauager for T, M. Thompson, a large importer Of fine nriUinery at 1658 MilwaukeeAvenue, .Chicago, says: “ During the late se vere weather I caught a dreadful cold which kept me -awake at night- and made me unfit to attend my work during the day. One Ofmy milliners was taking Chamberlain’sCongh rem edy for a sereso cold at that time, which Beemed to relieveher so quickly that I bought some for myself, ■It acted like magic and I began to iro* proveat once, lam now entirely well and feel very p1?i»cd to* acknowledge its merite.” - Sold by C. M. Ridgway, -. Raroe Ayes. “ Whole souledpeople, the Smiths!” 9 “ And well heeled, loot” 1 -rhhiy Smart\8et. BWM 55 CANNOTftECURED by local rpjjiilcations as they cannot reach the diseased portion o f flu? ear, Tfureie only One way to curedeafness and that is by constitutional remedies, Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition o f thymueuos lining of the Eu stachian tuber, When this tube is in flamed yon have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when it is en tirely closed, Deafness is ’the result, and unless the iuflamstion can I k * ta ken out and this tube restored to it? norms! condition, inuring will 1w #>- strep:* ioiuverj iiioo casta out o f ten am by Catarrh, which ii noth ing bnt an inflamed condition o f tfm Imieous surfaces, . We will give One .Hundred Dol lar* for any case-of Deafnese ieo^sed tty eater.-li j that cannot lie e«»ed by .H*H> f.’atarrfr Cure. Horn! for cir.’u- ht% free 3M* Cjfffggf & (% t Toledo, (h Sold by Driiggiisfa, 75c; Haifa Family Pills are the hast. , CHASMSy, WRXER, H. A. [Director o£Color; Pim-Aincricaii Exposition,] JGxposit&n }ms very appropriately Ueen dedicated to our neighbors lu fee-West ern Hemisphere, ’ . All fee savage races have manifested a great fondness for strong, crude col ors, and these will be found on the buildings nearest the' main entrance. The-advancement of man in Intelli gence andciyllizatlon lias been marked by a desire for more refined color Com binations, and fee culminating point o f subtlety and grace of color bring in the Electric Tower,' which, representing •the highest advance in material-civili zation and occupying the leading posi tion architecturally and. sculpturally of the whole Exposition, naturally enough has come in for the finest cdlor notbs. It is a happy feature of the color scheme that the buildings upon which the artist would naturally lavish pow erful colors all. He about the southern entrance. A regular gradation from in tense to less pronounced coloring-is thus possible! As the majority of peo ple 'will come In' from thfe southern en trance they will get an impression of bright, rich, fresh color. They will not, however, have- time to grow weary with the brilliancy. Before their eyes are jaded' they will have got into the region of more softly,.tlnted surfaces. It must not be supposed, however, that the primitive color schemes are in themselves'liarsh ov had or crude. Va rious devices have been adopted for se curing harmony. For one thing, the greater part <?£the exterior wall spaces are all in warm white. Color Is employed only at struc tural points in tho architecture, as about jjffitrauccs., Furthermore, no primitive color is brought into direct contrast'/with other primitive colors; & mass of ivory white always intervenes, This gives great brilliancy and pre vents chromatic discords. The quality, of white nsed on the buildings varies from a warm .creamy white near the bridge to a cool Ivory tone at the Elec tric Tower. As an essentia, means of promoting harmony, green. In at least a few notes, Is employed In- the adornment of every building of fee Exposition. The bcautl- ful translucent green of Niagara has been fitly chosen as tho dominant color of fee whole scheme. Appearing in its fullness in the recesses of the Electric Tower and In fee restaurant group be hind, it Is everywhere repeated. Not a building but bears its echo mark of Ni agara 'green. The color schemes of a feW of the buildings may he noted: Horticulture—Orange, wife details in brilliant blue, green, rose and yellow. Governmental—Yellow, with details In primitive colors. Music Hall-Red. Machinery—Greenish gray. Restaurant Group—Ivory, accented with green and gold. . Electric Tower—Ivory, yellow, gold and green. • The roofs of the Exposition are for the most part covered with red tiles, though prominent towers and pinnacles will be In many eases decorated with green or blue green or with gold, * Ail the buildings will have a pEy of colors about their entrances, balconies, pinnacles and towers. My Idea is to have the sharpest and freshest green known carried throughout the entire scheme, and .that will be my reference to power, (been i ; one of the more to- cent and refined colors. It has not long been ur:rd in. art. Pick up any picture painted long ago, and you will look in Vain fev a suggestion of green in it. The gross will be represented as brown. They said it was impossible to secure fee grass green effect, but. It la. done nowadays. The color scheme has for tho most part been Worked out at my studio {it New York, The first stop was to get from ike tu-cliltcota small sketches o f ail the baUdlngs. Models were made from tluve on a coale of one-sixteenth Inch to the foot which when properly grouped or. a platform 12by 10 feet rep- esetited the entire Exposition fa mhfei* texs& Rath timdet naa col nod in at4* dance with the general C'-hotui1, pud ‘ is relationship Id..surrounding build- luga carefully studied. Many of them bad to be painted several times before suitable results were secured, ’ ■‘ once the sfeneture* of fee miniature rity were nil harmonious colored, •drawing* o f the lgdiyjdH*! buildings Were made, and the decorations nr-eit- irately worked out to the last detail tm til they worn in remHaos n, be placed to the h«t«V‘ of the hiicliig.'at painter' d<-i iwafer. • ‘When the. rime ar.-Kcd u l.-gm 1paJuitoijfrit•was 4cuad feat the build* Inga la,fee ©idtllc of the ground# were the only oiw.'i <n whWt work could lie done, ami then the value of my model was dt'Uimintfgtchi, Mr, Washburne was ambled to readily translate 'from the model to tho buildings without dan ger o f bmfeiug tho harmony of the atiteme, } •. ■ The coloring of exposition buildings has hern undertaken a number o f times, but in itiost" cases has been aban-ion- d before taking real shape* iWhite has been most popular, though • It is severe on the eyesight. After tho numerous failure!* it required; consider able courage en the part of the Fan* Amerlcaii Exposition builders to take up the color nritoma. Having star tint, out, however, they are determined not to turn back. If the color scheme proves snecensfuh.aB i have every rea son to believe it will, it will lie a novel ty,ami mark a new era of improvement In. the treatment of architecture. The advisability of applying color to large buildings has always been questioned, The mnttoi needs a groat deal of care and thought. All coloring Is fee subject of more-or less criticism cf an unfavor able ehkrseter.' We will' uo remarka bly well If we escape Jt at this Expo sition, However, we have put pur bands to fee plow, as it were, and we-mnat not look behind, The time for tlio work is limited, and, all must be done during the moat unfavorable period of the year1. We .must employ’ a large force, bring,nil om* ingenuity injo action and push forward. After the painters have'' done their Hf/prk I shall go carefully over it, and skilled artists will supply tone if necessary. This will be equiva lent to the “ varnishing, day" of the artist’ Then the result of our efforts to produce a harmonious and pleasing ■ color scheme will go before the public, and it is to be hoped that our critics will, bear in mind the novelty of fee undertaking and all fee adverse cir cumstances under which we have la bored. . C. Y, T uksub , Director of Color, * ’—•y«i.,.TjTrfa.- ^ ( ^ Gohd Advice, The most miserable ■beings in . the' 'world'arq thosesuffering fromDyspep sia and Liver Complaint, More than eeventy^ivojmr cent, of ib'e people in the United oiateg areJafllieted with •these two diseases and their effeete; such oS Sour Stoiuadh, Sick Head* ache, Habitual -Costiveness, Palpita tion of theHeart, Heart burn, Water- braslij Gnawing and .Burning Pains at the Pit o f the Stomach, Yellow Skin, Coated Tongue and Disagree- Tas(g iu the Mottto, Coming up of Food, after Eating, Low Spirits* etc. Go to your Druggist and get a bottle of'August Flower for 75 cents. Two doses will relieve you. Try it. Got Green's Prize Almanac! : The K ind Tod Have Always Bought, and which has been. , in u«e for fr-ei* BO years, has home the signature o f and has been made nmlei* his pex- ■Bona! supervision since its infencyv - Allow no one to deceive you In this. - A ll Counterfeits* Imitations and « Jiist-as-good” are hut. Experiments that trifle w ith and endanger the health o f • Infants and Cfiflclren—Experience against Experiment* What is CASTOR IA' ©astoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups* I t is Pleasants I t contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is Its guarantee. I t destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. I t cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. I t relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation ■ arid Flatulency. I t assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep*. The Children’ s Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA •'A lways Bears the Signature of In Use,For Over 3.0 Years. t K e ecuTMin oommn *. TrMui'iKvf* tkiet , newyotiKenv* OurClaims foryourtrade A FioG Stock of Furniture Consisting of ' A full assortment of Parlor Suites. 1 \ * > ' ' . A fine stock of Rockers. . A complete line of Combination Book Cases. A full stock of everything in the Furniture Line. 9 ,9 ® 9 • Class Pine Apple Zephyr.;....,,. Mercerized Bilk Zephyr.., French Madras....'.J.......... French Gingham,.. Figured Swiss .... *»*?'**•»*«• ........... 25c .....,„-37^e .,10 to 25c 26c , „ 6De French Figured L n w p . .. .. .. . .2 5 c India Diinity.„..-.t^f..,.,....t,;..,,.25c Cimarora Dimity,..,..................... lfic Blue B e l e L a w n . « , , « *,iOc Silk Tissue.........................„.,..i..50o Vlercerizpd Foulards....,..,.25 to 37Ae SilkChambrey.............,,,,..,25 to 50c rilk Mull...,.,..,.,.,,,...... „ 3f£< iq-SOc All of the above are new effects, excellent for waists, coat, less, wear letter than silk. Wool effects are all in. • . New Suits, Waists, Skirts, Petti coate are now in and will please you, 8000 yards Seersucker, so true to color, so suitable for Waists, Shirts and Greases. HOUSE FURNISHING. Certainly this be the season for tt change in Carpets, Linoleum, Win-* dow Shades, Mattings and Rugs. SEE OUR STOCK*—-10,000 yds, battings, new importation, pretty as carpets, 11 to 50c. Floor Brussel Ruga, all sizes 8 ydB. by 4 yds, 1875. Ingrain art squares #4.75 to #3 Rag Carpet 25c to, 35o old pi although carpets lias advanced -wi, we sell for early spring at old prices. M Yon toil! Receive by Crating P tM I$ : The Largest Stock to Select From. The Lowest Prices. _£■ The Best Values. • • « *. p **. Our^arptt Bepartmenf 1$ TMil of Bfupiii#* Highest Quality, •- ■ . Largest Variety, ___ _____ -.___ - - a — .......r Best-Styles. -—...- — You will make a mistake if you don't see our lihe. "A JAMES H. flcMILLAN, Furniture Dealer, • Funeral Director, A Good liiing. . German Syrup is the special pro scripti'on o f Dr. A." .Boschec, a celo brated German Physician, and,is ac knowledged to be one ot the most for tunate discoveries iu 'medicine. It quickly cures Couglis, Colds and all Lung troubles of the severest nnture, removing, as it does, the cause of the affection and leaving the parts in a strong and healthy condition. It is not ati experimental medicine,but has steed th'* tC3t of years, giving satis faction in every case, winch its rap idly increasing sale’ every season con firms. 'Two million bottles sold annu ally, Boscheefa German Syrnp was introduced in the United States in 1868, and is now sold iu every town and village ip the civilized world Three doses will relieve any ordinary cough, Price 7*>cte« Get Greens’ Prize Almanac. ROT ICE . All persons, .owners or agente of property iire hereby notified to cleau or have cleaned their premises of’all refuse such as ashes, decayed vegita- tiob and rubbish. By order of the 'Board of Health. * D, IX. McFarland, Health Officer. P , Morton, Pastor. Sabbath School *t ^ CHURCH .DIHECTOKY • it. P. •hurdi—Rov. J. service!) tit 11:00 h. in. 10 a, m. Covenantor Ghuroh—Itov, IV. J, Sanderson, pastor. Sabbath School at 10 a. m. Protuth- lngnt 11:00’ a. w . Young pooulo meet at 6 p. to . except the let and 3|) Sabbaths Of the month when they meet nt 0:30, ami preaching In tho oToninc on the lot ai.d lid Sabbaths of the month rtt 7:00 p. m. U. P. Church—Rov. F. 0. R03«, pastor. Ser vices at 10:00 u. m. snd7:00p, m. Sabbath School at 9:30 a, in. standard time. M. B. Church—Rev. A . Hamilton, Pastor. Preaching nt 10:15 A. in Sabbath School at fi:S0 a. in. Young people’s meeting at 9:00 jr. w. Prayer meeting Wedaeeday evening at 7:00. Preaching every other Sabbath even ing. 7:30 p. m. Baptist Church—Rev. George Washington, pastorafthe Baptist church. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. in. Sabbath School at 2^0 p.m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday night at 7:30. Everyone invited. A. M. E. Church—Rev. O. E. Jones Pas tor Preaching at 10:30 a. m. and 7:00 p. m, Class every Sabbath at 12:00, Sabbath Sehoel at 3:00 p. m. Prayer meeting 7:00 p. m„ Wednesday eve. SoldbyAllNewsdealers i t v u o CARPETS. OILCLOTH, lauoleum. Window Shades and Mat tings iu large supplies, Urn Ourfaitt's and Window Shades to blind anti dicer every house.' ' Hutchison " & ' . O i b n e y . ^ S3 fll V WH3 *tl W alst-rf O^s cl _ I ^2 > » o ? d - t o 2 if* ./I a> S S a g Si# * 1 £ a2 «*g’(2f'3iSel H ^§*§iost * S l « 0 ^ 5 g - § J U | <U fc j o .M. o cs ■f£ 8 “ a i l # J'3*: « - 5 - 5 i* 'g s ^-§.2 i f : I , . - i ~ — i ^ c s a t i | m m w # f € a m a f c g f w * $> ? g H mmS i f e <1- g j m |w . ^ ! e ^ < ^ FURNISHES MONTHLY T o alt lovers 6f Song and Mattea vast volume of NEW choice comjxstftfona by ih4world'*famotrtauthors. .64 Pages et Plaflo M Half Vocal, Half fnctruTOvnMf Once a SSoain for to Cefils. Tcariy Subscription, $1.00. "If booeht in anyimnde store at one-halt off, would coot 16.2ft, a saving of IMS monthly. In one Veer yon get nearly 800 Peer* til Music, comprising 252 Complete Rents for the Piano* j, yw cannotget a copy fromyotir H«ws- ntaler, send, t» «» and we win mall you a sample Fr«. J. W* PEPPER, PnbiiaHor, Aighth A lo cu st SU-, PHUsdaighte, fa . A.S.auMb.t.-t: ,|1-|f|-|Tirl1t-Tmtf-Jltl.UjLUCjlU-AlJLiL T 3 W e n k t P op C£o* Tdt As. VdtUaM,.avMwt-wte M fa«*t MMUt IScHtNMi* ^ wwkiymjb&a ptMisMh fm «*s»M**»»»** 1 5 0 PIANOBARGAINS. T h 9 Plano-rojitloE «»aaon hm* oloMd ftttri vr«t riavri « dous r.jtwilcof pisjops "wiflorifcav» Boon Aisod.—soroo o f tb#m « • good aa now, and all in firms* cl&ae order. Wo offer thepo. at SPECIAL PRICES, W e have not space to mention all, nut here »re Some Average Speoimeaa, 3 Webern . . . . . ..© * 2 1 0 0 0 3 S t a c k s © 105 00 6 Harvard® SIQ 00 -^Harvarda usedl ^ q two seasons i ’ ^ 3 a F .M ille r . . . .© ” 4 Haynoa’& NT.., . 3 Hallet & Davis , ,© 0 Smith & Barnes. . @ 9 Whitakers. @ SHokers. . . . asteinwsyri- * j v * « « * » j m w sm 'm '. Between Xf-uia *ml Dsytos. »wM»pyiP — I 1 ‘Hnabe • 3 Merrills . • » 3 Everetts, l ^ old scale f * 3 Everetts, ■ \ QeJ ' 266 0 0 2 30 fife 118 00 160 00 2 1 0 0 0 165 OO , 170-00 ,© 31 Q 00 , 070 00 , ® 2 0 0 0 0 865 00 Leaves Xenia; ii;00 A. j «. 0:00 •7;00 . .. 8:09 MiOtl- .30:90 11:00 * 12:00 Koou , i ;00 ji, m, 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 ' ' 8;00 / 9:00 10:00 11:00 'Lave li«v 9:Wt 7:0<i ■ m *' 10;by ■ 31:00 12.00 X. 1:00 p. . m 8:00 4:00. 5:00 Ofef} 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00' 11:00 12:00 TBZBb s#ee| "gfliil <1) % Okaxle Smsi f .it u ■A [* it I . © 435 0 0 newaoal -f f and 9 6 Others. TUB JOHN CHURCH COMPANY, S. a C«rnerFourth t t i ElatSift, crxeiNKaTi. . . OEDARVILLE, OHIO. ACCOUNTS, of Merchants and In **> dividttals solicited. Collections promptly made and remitted. TlRAFTS on Hew York and Cin- cinnati sold at lo.we3t rates. The cheapest and most convenient way to send money by' mail. ' OAFS made on Real Estate, Per- ^ sonal or Collateral Security, William Wildraan,’ Pres., • Seth W, Smith, Vice Pres., W, J- Wildman, Cashier, Xeijia office and waiting roomi 4 South Detroit St, Dayton. o| and waiting room, 15 West tlffiji opposite PoBtoffice, The runningrtinie between B*» andlTeniaie one hour, passing (j Highlands, Smithville Road, Ziws man, Alpha/ Trebgins and ‘ Grove, - Dayton to Xenia 17 miles, 25 cents. „ Every.'other car combination. freight, Sundays and . Holidays cauj y every half hour. ^ Cincinnati Division, ennsmvaniaLg SpAwtete pt PMV#n 0 «rTraiiu-Cintralt] •Goods Deliverc Telephone 66, 8 rififl Dell to othe Sin Daily Meat Market Under the above firm name, the meat market of C. W. Crouse will be conducted. All product in the meat line will be the best that -money, can buy, which fact combined with honest and thorough business methods is’ enough assurance to the public, who always want the worth o f their money iu every respect. . When sending children, direct them to ns; we always give them the -heist they ask for. GOODS DELIVERED Telephone He. 74. LOIHSVILLE&NASHVILLERATLBOAD The Great' Central Southern Trunk Line WINTER TOURIST TICKETS ■ • Now ou sale to FLORIDA and the .. . GULF COAST Write for folders, descriptive matter to • # 0. L. STONE, * General Passenger Agt. LOUISVILLE, JKY. SEND YOOR.ADDRESS To R. J, WEMYSS, Omicrsi ImtfigrMifin and Iadartrtel Agent LOUISVILLE, KY. And he wilt mail you free MAPa.II.t.UHS'RATEOiPAMPIItETSand rRiCE I.IST Of. LAND and FARMS Sn KENTUCKY, TENSESSEE, ALABAMA. ‘ MISSISSIPPI. FLORIDA. Blue Front stable. t £eave your luvrses there amt your figs be kept on timinside, out or the rain and,, storm, 20 N, Fountain Avenue, Springfield, O. CMAt«’ i,« E. To»jo, Prop Adam’s Restaurant ____ and Dining Rooms Comer High and Limestone street, Springfield, Ohio. *, :a g g ,g ! g ! g ^ a igBa D ojn - t B e F o o l e o i • - wi flHTl^pVMI ■’■ HOttKYHDtfWIWt WM *' t t Westward (tulamboatv. AHan,„.„.... " TV.’Jeflbnon “ (K)tHiOU ” B.ciiai'ieaion ** Sehim " CcdtvrvIIIo.—. Wllbcrlbi’ca .'* Xonltt,,. {K- Sri'lng Vat...« Whyneavtilo “ f>W»iUa...« '* KiirtAncleHt*' M a r r o w “ So, r,ebanoa “ fjovolnna ” Mijftirrt.'..... .« Ha(nvlaJo.„s,‘ Olnrtniiatlai Eastward,' ''liK iionatl Iv oauivla Jo... •* MJiftmi...... Kovoiand..., " io. X^lmiioa “ \}:-W«w.__ “ :-'t, AnciAnt “ 'R--„'iiiiin,....■’* W h . vikibv W o llosunna.i.,, '* -l» Val,„ ” X-'KlB . t|}»: Wllbt’rforodi A* -•l l l i l l . «* ■j.iilmrleston *• W . JuJIbreos •* vitaa « DVirimbauaf- AM *150 155 AM *260 334 305 AM to AM 419 425 f435 MWf465, $'l0t 535 I’M •700*866,*J15 916 , SS6 746 C806 830 860 1930 6301040 tM IM *B.30[*tS8(*43D|*8,U!I- f 944 952| 10121 <723 729 737 746 8:06 818 826 8451135 10f<4 1100 AM AM 1» SSJ9 IS 1005 r 1017f32j 1W25: 1033 . . 1040*341 1080 1064 ace ><to 1114».... U<22 9301135: 1143 toot _ 1250PM «ST <848 It,. Ii:::::. .830 J‘sf SOI ro B§f| 8 60 ti 40125 I’M I’M 1>M AM 9m * duten r n H E prai: ’ up-to-dt the lead.-'’ A keep in touci *< theif store. THEY all the latest quality and i ’* Compare the 86,00.hats, a hate worn’ in tvl- m llelwgeh SprtofllTfaldj Xtnl^^qion. RlohM .8ESTVVAUD, SprlngflciaiV i«lWSp’gs“ Ato 38 TvS3S IK3IU| XS l *725 744 805 A» DajtoA- Irqoiivlllo Oedifcn tldorado... “ ... aichmond.-urAAS '357 AJI *81( T« 3 to E4STWAR0 Eldormlo '•* Oodtort, “ Sr^V.vijT*.-* ,0*)lon | Xeijia f c WlMrJpn," ipringBelatr m AM 10,1-14 AM AM *51610*05 54lf 1604 , 609 6401105* 6 40;11OS 71011130, . 72« AM U*35: 7441 ’ ----- AMAW . ' *9 30 § 40 ' 1010 *840-A>t 84S9og . ; 84w90 a 9m ....I 1922; .... . ■ 943 ..... 1005:1018 ■- BjfJiu 1nsfield » sii i J am ! 1 I* 1155531 .821B|55u| ,i0ZM VM.i§*3tt pm ! a6ti *'US b4. in. ao, at Ana ton eitbor.x’iutarom-t. ^ nrtliimutm ««d PliiKburgli or tonne.-s utre.,,. L’ ittflburCIt Union Station in awl trot; Hi mote Waslilngton, pnilart.O'jtiao rv a ' ? Yorlr. N oh . fl. 30A unit at notjnfi- ar. U ••, monrt for ti»(l!H.napotia nna si. J.ouL*; aw*.; 91 m id 3 for Chicago. j t . V. liORKE, HA OnunlXmpr, I j 11-254)0.-1? Pm an ca on , I* bn !- a . For Unwo«hte,rfttei<offniw., tiinuigi. itrk-.'ii.i bttggnga clieclM,nn(L,ftirU)ni> 'niornnftion r- garatng lh« rnuulnz or tvnliii, upj.:/toi.,y •gttit of tho Pennsylvania tones, E. 8 . ICeyes, Agent, OedarvHlerOhte.i 1105 . UDS xwii sdiMtw . K»12.t i roepii undll Pitr* on HI gton, .301 an«M Chlce Hiupr.l TS»0 ,r»td Jt.nndi Innintj knnsyt* Age ASKVOUkGROCExFOR The 5 Mfcfite Breafcfest fggfl. Ptirina Health Flour ■*r t e a t , * * MB R A m B IL E A D / ’ mUUWUiLLS, ST, toittt, Mo. £& 60 Y iA R r EXPERIENCE Hi M l tn IMILLS 'IfRAttE .NlAfttti : ^ , IJKinaH* . , OoevmaHT* * c . Anrone sending n sicatro and4e*ortjrtlrt»nwi laleklvjtsoertiUa oar opinion fr*o wb*th«r,«i Invantionteprot*blyPftwtaMA, Coiwnaftl**. lionsjWMjj; naadbookon senl it**, oh * agaovyfwsav*rw* pmama .- Sckniific Hwericait. & r a w s s s t s i- TW S ESS lB f t 1 Cute Impotency,; <M!ies, A net glewio] "ffisA'Itoi Send toil NERVI' Positively ^aatnuf^ Organs, iLtresis, I'Asilvalsand fee 3 in plampackage, 1 cure In 30 days ] N 1 OUrtton *t*d *1* ' 0 ,'M r«W* teptm*, a«4Vrads-MAri# awl*HV**'| r«ti. * infidwentni m pAMi* r a a s a s w « » , j«o»* w ffim bifmmm *wm ttmw i ichiage. % SAMmcfrr.*,g**r,temgia hmmr ** INK— iuN[ T ep ist.r ^WaswsM,' M l h m m t * % * * * at- i f #Mt. Q*t&fkWdmttmm, n. #. 1 **»+**• »*4^SiN«WW<WWS^ "m m m M ; - THE S TA I 0
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