The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26

• • • We hang it on your wall for ioe per roll. mu mmm «* THE NEW SHOES Celebrated Hamilton Brown Shoes CatMt Patent Heather Oxfords * Che hew may. L Local and Personal, b :_ "’-Teas. Coflee mu? Cigars at Gray’S ; Mr. dolor McLean received the contract for building the cheese fac, tory, The atone work is about com* , plete. It is expected io have every­ thing in running order by ■ the middle o f nest month. ■ ■'■•■’‘Goman Millet Seed - •■. . - . -■ at W* R. Sterrctt’c, 1 Mr. Will "Badgers, of Corwin, O., was the guestOf Airs.. Anna Townsley; this week, • ” There was a"small five af the home of'the Turnbull sisters, "Wednesday. Seine of the woman ' folks were en­ gaged in ironing the cloths when iboir . attention was called elsewhere and the iron was left oa "the garment. ' In % a short time after this, Smoke was no­ ticed in the house and upon investi­ gation it was Found that several gar­ ments had been - partially burned caused from the^bot iron being left bn theironingboars', '• v —For Carpet paper go to McMil Ian, he also carries the celebrate- CedarMoth Proof Paper. ' Mr, W. J. Wildman, cashier of the Exchange" bank, is in Missouri and Kansas this week on a business and " pleasure trip combined. During bis absence thebank is in charge., of. the book-keeper,. Oscar, fSmitji and Mr. Kobert Elder, o f Selma, —Dir. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin aids digestion. Sold by G. M, Ridgway, Mr.> Harry ,Erey on last Saturday filed his acceptance to the ordinance granting him a franchise for an elec- trie line, , He also filed his bond, with MessrsKodgers and Frey as securities. ,—You cannot enjoy perfect,health m y cheeks and sparkling eyes if your .bowels dogged. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers cleanse the whole system They never gripe. Ridgway & Co. JEtey, G. H, Vibbert, who begun a -series o f Temperance meetings^,Mon day night, will speak tonight in Er­ vin’s hall, and preach Temperance sermons Sabbath morning in R. P„ churchTmfternoon ‘at three o'clock in M. E. church and "evening at. Union meeting in U. P. church. . . Airs. A Bradford received this, week a check for $60,71 from a sick benefit insurance company to cover her recent illness o f 17 'days. v —Remember, Cooper’s -is head- parterS for Seed Potatoes, Onion ets and Garden Seeds, Miss Minnie Ford and brother, Kobert,, spent Thursday in -.Spring- field." ’• A marriage license was on Tuesday issued to Harry McCarty, a brakemap on the.Little Miami, and Miss Minnie KUtfow of this place. R ev ..HumH-i toft tied the nuptial knot,. —I f you want anything good,'go to Gray’s. _• • - Mr. Joshua Barnett, the represent­ ative of this county to the state board; of equalization,^succeeded ip obtain­ ing a ten-per cent reduction of the valuation of real estate for Xenia city. t —Bring your butter, eggs, lard and bacon to Cooper’s, * He will give yon cash or trade for .them. Waynesville now has her new sys- of waterworks and electric lights com­ plete, everything bciag tested -and found satisfaetpry, This “town-his been greatly improved since the great fire there about one year agoJ ’ . —Cures dizzy spells, tired, feeling, stomach, kidney and liver troubles. .Keeps you well all summer. Rooky Mountain, Tea taker, this month. "35c, Ask your druggist, Mr.,Chas. Ridgway left last Sunday for Hot Springs, Arkansas, where be will take treatment. . Chaa. has been sufferingwith a peculiar throat trouble at times being unable•fr'speak above a whisper. - Carpets, Garnets, Carpets ■ " ’ - - ' - : at MtMillan’e. At a meeting of the township trus­ tees Monday evening, Mayor Wol­ ford wa,B appointed Justice., of the yeacc to fill the vacancy caused by Mr,'Thompson Crawford refusing to [serve. Air. Crawford was elected ac he last election; but did nrit-eare "to to bother with the office. of collars in the .—The best line town at Dorn’s. Mrs. Alary Barber has sold her property, on Alain Street to Airs. I, C, Davis, our popular tailor." "The consideration being $1300. Airs. Bar­ ber moved this week to her daughter’s Mrs. Stella Moore, of near James­ town, where she will make here fu­ ture home. —Skin troubles, cuts, burns, s.calda and chafing quickly heal by the use of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel "Salve. It is imitated. Be sure you got DeWitt’s Ridgway & Co. •The pathetic story(of a child's love comes from West union, Ohio. Cal Rhine was lodged in jail.on a peace warrant. Hia little 5-year-old son re­ fused to leave his father and was locked up with him. . Yegefarian. • . Baked Bean;% - With Tomatoe Sauce. No Meat. Ho Fat. At Gray’s. The electric lights went out Moil- day evening, Owing to a breakdown at the power house. The necessary re airs weremadeand everything ready y Wednesday evening. *. —For light buggy harness, .work harness, whips, pads, etc., try Dorn, the harness man. 1 Sidney Smith will occupy the house on Alain street recently vacated by Ira C, Davis. ; .j —(McMillan's carpets are on hand; see them before you rnuke your pur­ chase. We have received from The Success Music Company, 343 Fifth Avenue, Chicago, several professional copies of their late sheet music. This company is putting some good music, both Vo­ cal and instrumental, on the market and"will gladly examine author’smau uscripte with a view to their* publica tion, A chance for our local poets and Composers to gain publicity in the music world. —To any wisuisTg Kaeinn. hosiery of stocking feet, would say I hope to send an order next week, but cannot canvass, AnneLte HarlfiSon. Woodbridge TTstick visited in Col­ umbus a few days this week- —You will waste time if you try to cure indigestion or dyspepsia by starving yourself. That only makes it worse when you do eat heartily You always need plenty o f good food properly digested. Kodot Dyspepsia Cure is the result of years o f scientific research for something that would di* r ~r , vest not only some elements of food] Uuite<1 States Life Insurance Agents. but every kind. And it is the one remedy that will do it.—Ridgway & Co* Air. C. W, Crouse waa able to be down town for short interval* during the nice days the past week, —Bulk Extract o f Lemon and Va­ nilla at Cooper’s, •You get a ' much better quality than the bottled goods. Bring your bottles and get them filled Air. Fred McMillan, a former Ccd- arvillian, is spending a few days here the guest of his parents, Mr. .Tam'es McMillan and family, Ffed is how located in Des Moines, Iowa, holding the position offreight fraifie manager for the Wabash railroad, covering a territory o fabout 700 miles west'oftho Mississippi. He is over some twenty office men beside the eeverfil hundred atafiop agt'pts along the svuto, Air, Robert Bird spent several days in the Queen city on a business trip, —" I have beenjkoubled with indi gestion for ten yearsfdmve tried many things and spent much, money to no purpose until I triedCodol Dyspepsia Cure. I have taken two bottles ami gotten more rcnef’Trom them than all other medicine^ taken. I feel more like r boy than iShave felt in twenty years,” Anderson /Riggs o f Sunny Lane, Tex. Thousands have testi­ fied as did Mr* Riggs.—Ridgway & Co. *Mr. W. J. Smith was in Cleveland tliis week attending a meeting of the , pay salary o f tifi per week and rxiamaen fir man with -rip to in­ troduce our Poultry Mixture 'in the country. Hustlers wanted. Ad itm with stamp A cm - M il *Co.riJlkst Bt.. liOuis, III. —Spring coughs arespecially dang­ erous and unless cured at once, seri­ ous results often follow* One Minute Gough Cure acts like magic. It is not a common mixture but is a high grade remedy. Ridgway & Go. Air. and Airs. Frank Sherman shipped, their household goods to Franklin, O., Thursday, where .Air. Sherman has a position as engineer ip one of the large paper mills of that city*."* ' . ■ 0 •' —New (hop 'California. Apricots Beaches, Brumes," Grapes and Raisins at Gray’s. ■ Ilif! Bros,this past week put down a cement walk for Robert. Hood.. —Taken this month keeps you well all summer. Greatest spring tonic known, A l e a , made by Madison Meuidne Co. Sfo-. Jt. . .. your druggist, J N Wolford is making prepare* ations to open his paint shop next Week, when ho will be ready for spring work.- -Air. Weiload has gained quite %womtation as « -buggy painter; his twork standing the severest of tests. “ , milkcan's; whichGibsob U Pos . tfo ordered, have" Arrived and are at] G. >!.Ufon»fts Jor Insivetioi). The: , '--I'liose famous little pills, IlfiWjlt’s patrons would do well to examineTdtRe Early Risers will remove all , ^ ................... .. fly .......... .............. ........... „ „ „ and order their cans early o f <5 M impurities from your syetemj cleanse tkittiWj m iho faetory axpsots to abut your bowels, make them regular, tgriBw iuhldhi otU%f, . i ip d g t iy ^ G o . —Wo show the nobbiest line of* m-'ro-BATB CLOTHING in . the town." We can fit and please you both in quality and price fit Bird’s, Mr. J. 1\ Barr is home- from Day- ton for several days owir.g to a strike in the cabinet makers "department at Cash Register, Air, Lem Blair and Geo, Barber are also in the number.. “ ’v-.. ■•'*.' .*•.. . The R(apid Transit company have moved their office in Xenia from the Allen building to theBaker property further down Detroit streot.' Sidney Smithhas accepted the posi- tibn of eugineor at the paper mill, fill­ ing thd vacancy caused by the resigna­ tion Of Frank Slieiman. A woman advertised in a Buffalo Sunday paper for a position as gover­ ness for “ a fondly of children whose heads will be absent during foe sum­ mer,” ■ • j . ‘ —Alattiugs — handsome styles ^at 12A to 30c per yd.' ' at Bird’s. Air, Glide Rowaud and wife, Air. WarrenHess and sister,of Springfield, attended—the Cantata Friday night and were the guests of Mr. and Airs. J. N. Lot^, .”*Airs; HelenKelsey, of Waynesville, is being pleasantly entertained by Squire and Airs. Bradford. Alias M, C. Turnbull entertained r taday the schoolmates of her nephew, j Fred L". CJemaus, in honor ■ of his' ninth birthday, Air. and Airs, Ira Townsley of Bell- brook, wefo the guests of their son, Stewart and wife, yesterday., ?rof. Dora, Anderson has for her guest her" sWfer", Mrs. Groves and children. Messrs, Pierce. <fc Stewart have this ast week erected a windmill forJMr "ill Gresweli. “ John W .. Johnson was. in. the Capitol City a few days the first of the week on business. .The Ladies Aid. Society of the U* P. Church will give a Sock Social Thursday evening, Aprilj25, ‘ 1901 at the home of Samuel AlcCollum, Ev­ erybody welcome, A . .Miss Flossie Dill returned toXenia, Thursday, after a visit of several days with Dr. andMrs, Oglesbee, —Bring us your BACON and LARD,will give highest market price, at Bird's, . . —Carpets—the best selected stock in Cedarvillo is at . . . 'Bird’s Alnmmotli Store, Dr. P, R, Afadden, Practice lim­ ited to EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Glasses Accurately Ad­ justed. Allen Building, Xenia, O. TX'^pllOtie.—OffiC- fin. ?»,-p-ti/l-nr*. s —PATENT LEATHER SHOES are the proper, thing this Season. We have a full line, Alen’s at $2,50, $3.50. $4,50 pair, Ladieri at $2.50 and $3, ... . At Bird's. Let every citizen and especially thoee who placed their name on the subscription paper keep in mind the meeting at the Afayoris office, Tues­ day evening. Claude Phillips left Tuesday morn­ ing for Mt. Perry to attend the wed­ ding of his friend, Harvey Ardrey, o f that place. —I f you’re in need of a new Suit, a pair of Pants or a new Hat, there is no store in town so able to fit you out as Bird’s AlammotUStore. WAN T E D : - T h e Dayton Alalleable Iron Company of Day- ton, Ohio, has places for * num­ ber of young men to learn the ' moulding trade. Write them for particulars, O. E. Bradfute was in Xenia yes­ terday in conference with-the new tele­ phone people about a contract for free exchange of messages for" the custom­ ers of both companies. The agree ment will be-for 5 years, and longer at the option of tho companies* The lo­ cal company commence work fan ,the Xenia line Monday. -It is expected that every thing will be in readiness by.the middle of May, —“ Last whiter I was confined to my bed with a very bad u;Td on the lungs. Nothing gave me relief, Fin­ ally my wife bought a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure that elfeehvl a speedy cure, I cannot speak ?«<». highly "of that excellent remedy. " Mr, T, K. Houseman, Maimtawn'ey, Pn. Ridgway <feCo. . - Anything in the harness line at Dfawi’a,. h Bares Aces* “ Whole smiled people, the Smiths!” “ And well heeled, tool” * . ’ —May Smart Set, io bu&B k ftoi.1) nr. onb M t Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tab­ lets, All druggists refund the money fails to cure,'; E. W, Grove’s If Its: . . ligastufft is op each box, I f it is Spring Shoes you want don’t go any further, but stop and inspect our stock of Shoes, Oxford Ties and Strap Slippers. Yo will find them unexcelled in quality, style and workmanship. We have just ,what you want for every member of your fafoily and at prices that are pot duplicated any. place in tlie city. NOTE THE FOLLOWING PRICES: Ladies’ Medium and Fine Dress’Shoes; / " : $ I.25 » S i-45» $a -4 5 » '$ »»9 0 a n a $3-5<> Ladies’ Medium and Fine Dress Oxfords, - . , .. . . J . . 750 , $x.oo, $ 1 * 25 ,' $ 1 . 45 , $ 1 . 90 , $ 2.45 and $ 2.90 Misses' arid Children’s^Medium and Fine Dress Shoes,. t ■ . . : ^ 50 c, 750 ,"$ 1 . 00 , $ 1.25 $ 1 . 45 , $ 1.90 and $ 2,45 ' Infants’ Mocassins, Soft and Turn Sole Shoes, * . . ‘ ' „ ioc, 25 c, 45 c, 75 c and $ 1 . 00 ^ . Men’s Fine Dress Welt-Shoes, ' ; ' $ 2 . 50 , $ 3 , 00 , $ 3 . 50 , $ 4.00 and $ 4.50 . Men’s Medium Dress, Work arid .Plow Shoes, / ; r . 95 c, $ i.25» $t*5h and $ 1 . 90 \ Boy's and*Youth’s Medium and Fine Dress Shoes, 75 c, $ 1 . 00 ,-$ 1 . 25 , $ 1 . 50 , $ 1.90 and $ 2.50 It has been our aim from the"beginning to do a little better for the public than any other house io the city, and by advertising no prom- * . ises we do not keep, doing a strictly cash business and treating every person alike, We have accomplished the end we had . in view,.and as an evidence of our success we point to our rapidly" growing business. We invite fou when in the city to meet friends, leave packages, and make your headquarters atom- . : -j ■ store. You" will not be urged"to buy,- save that your g ’ ... .. „ 1 v* 1 . judgment will do the urging. No 7 East Main Street, f im m m m m w w m m m YOUR CITY W A S SAMPLED TO-DAY BY ' s FDR HALE BY THE FOLLOWING GROCEP.MEN: v * R. Bird, C. H Gillaugh, J. R. Cooper, R. Gpey, J. L. Houser, Kerr & Hastings Bros .. an jocal summertrip . The Paa-AmerlcM Buffalo Line Offers SpecialAttractions for « Va­ cation Outing. The r«n-Ameri<JanExposition at Bafftlo will bo abig attraction to summer tourists the.comingstason. It opens atBuffalo, New York, May 1st* TheFan-American Buffalo Line—Akren Route—will be opened May 5th with through,passenger service fromSt. Louis Indianapolis, Louisriile, Cincinnati, Layton and C-olumbUsvisAkron andChau­ tauquaLaketo Buffalo, This new line will take passengers through to the I’an-Amer:- cu Exposition on excursion tickets which may he obtained during the season. Through passenger service returning from Buflatowill.also rundaily, giving residents of Indiana andOhio a cortvenient ioute for a trip to nftd fromtlierExposition, tickets nifty be obtained frottuagents of the Penn­ sylvaniaLines through the gateways of In­ dianapolisand Columbus. In addition to excursion tickets to Buff- hlso for the Pan-American Exposition, spe­ cial fareswifi be in effectVia The Akron .Uuutoto CimntalnjuaLake, Niagara Full*, And to tnanyof the famous summer resorts on thoLakes, and ontheSt,LawrenceRiver, I d t!m Aditondacks »u resorts itrthe East in*hidingNewYork, via Buffalo, atwhich point atop-over privileges will begranted *0 'it:oft. A trlp.ove? th(* route wili itssse«n j « m *<outing jftuut. ifall pa:'. tlHiiamabout fare*, conditions of stojwvrsr peiviicg**, return limit and other details may beascertainedbycommunicatingwith, E, H. Eeyea, Ticket Agent of Pennsylvania Lines or by addrewfog O. ft II au I**; Lis yrlofeI'aMcngcr Agent, Layton, Ohio. E. a Keyes, Agt„ riftdatvltie, Ohio, - If troubled by a Vrsak tiigMliobV lows o f appetita, or oonaUputitm, try a —A choice line faf all kinds of Groceries, at Gray’*- Jean DeReake, the world’s greatest operatic tenor, who has been drawing $2,400 a performance, is reported to hate lost his voice, permanently, ft is feared* ’ / It beats the H A T J O y how our Implements take in t t e H A T C I E J B f r times We O A .H T V I K a full line B lood. W e live by ou r b lood , and m It, . W e thrive o r starve, as ou r b lood is rich or poor. ; ' T h e re I s noth ing else to - iive o f t . ' o r b y * •, ■■" W h en strength is fu ll and spirits h igh , w e are' b e in g : -t&. freshed, bonemuscle and brain, in body and mind, with con* tinual flow o f rieh b leed* '' ri;- . Th is-ishea lth , . ■■ When* weak, in low spirits, n o cheer, n o spr ing ; when''.rest is n o t te s t ’ "And sleep, 'i s po t |k ep i:w ea res taw ed j o n f b lo o d t s p o o r i t h e r e "Is ..lit t len u t t i- ®Sn t Ip; Ip-- - v ; ■ - ■v■ S a c l r i f the Wood, Is ,'fo o d , ■ t o keep the b lood rich* ■':W h i p ItlailSi .fake :Seott% :E tpu lslop ■Of 6r;;DIJ, ‘If'-lets-the ' Whole .body-go ing aga!p«**jpftp wottiaa a o i ehiid, ‘ ■ ■ ■ ■*Si‘ of Chambedaiti’s Sfomach j i ' * ' **■•“ ***• ** ‘ * AtOWNR, 6hMkMf And Livsr Tabltrti, Bffiry font M*. For sal* by O, If. Ridgway, j ^ Steel Plows, • Mowers, Riding Cultivators, Hay Carriers, Walking Cultivators, Garden Plows, McCormick Binders, Hay RakeaT" Disc Harrows, Brown Wagon, Corn Planters, Corn Simitars, : HayeTedders, Smoothing Harrows Buggies* Hand and Machine Made Harness. »ftrLocal agents lor tiio Black Hawk Phrifor that drops three Can and see it at our store. m a hill. Kerr & Hastings Bros. Nimtm Notice is hereby given that the wn- A2*ttim«nl*t PfoasOldPngiMid. “ I consider Chamberlain’s Cough remedy the best iu the world for bron- , ,1 1 , . , . Chilis,” says Mr. William Savory, Of*dei^ D6il 1)lis 9“ “ Appowtol n«d Warringtott, England, “ It hassaved •duly qualified by the Probate Court my wileA life, she having been « mar* of Greene County as adwfoMtmtors tyr to bronchitis for over six years, of the tatateo f Marion Wildman, being most of the time confined to. her ' Howard Wildmim. if 0. M. Bdpnj. , 7 . N, C m , M.«l. 18. l86l,' , —Heed Sweet Potatoes at Bird’s, . ■ ■ w- CASTOR. IA li ? «* .Inlsnts ant CWidam, - ■ DaKUrtt Bin/.!wij» , w i t m w tt t | i t , ■ List o f latter* remaining uncalled for in the OedmlUe peswiee for the month ending April 90, 1901, f Tit, • MJi*% ** ' Maftttlroy, Mrs, ikv th ■■ Miller, S. K. T N. f Aittox, P. M. -Wall P a p ^ aiBud bolt