The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26

\ ' * ««urjyag'/inrfffWMignMtti . H % a *} ' • , . ' j *AtMI 3U&, *>' laMir'ssjiSptcfiirts^l t’a:?{Co ftrreto: i -7oMi Pia-p,. I satprda ?* Amtuty* ism . j ’ t tBITfJA'RIEB"" $\n tdn ing m eA into Imndred wor*fet will to eforgesl h r , t,t the irstbof Svo vents per line, CARDS .OF m Y H K S — Five sente pee lino, Wfecn you imsg ohkimka p lwm tte te v h m the frill is teim-se*** tp, w -we'will publish too |t w j fruit* 4 tc i vponh and leave the balance out. Make them m frmg as you comply ■■withthe above.conditions, which is a matter of pace justice* 4. titiMT FOOD MOW ' pA^-AeauuicANn a -« a t w tu- s 6 £ fiT C0TH CijriTittSWT! ^upne* • It Is noticeable that very lew demo, crate tif prominence are indulging in adverse criticism of am- Philippine policy just now.^. The story that an Indiana woman, was restored to life after she had been dead thtee. fliinufas, by an injection of salt solution, should bo also taken withsalt* . '■ . Tlie.,governor of "Kansas will no longer have to live in a boarding hodse, A $90,000 gubernatorial res­ idence has been purchased b y 'order of the legislature," ’ As a ‘trouble-hunter the preacher who has written a book denying the exieteneffof th.e human, soul, and the doctrine o f immortality is likely to be a howling success. , f I f the press of the country agrees "with the Post Office Department, the publications that give premiumsofany -sort, direct or indirect, will be shut out. of the second-class mgil privileges. » ’ 'W t’ "-......... ... (> •* ’ ' Sneering at p’artiean newspapers is cheap and easy, but you always know whereto findthe honest partisan news­ paper, while many of those professing independence can only be located after they have ascertained which side has the most inducements to offer. The S ports th a t Make th e Man, Thomas Liptou, K . 0. V. 0 „ has written especially for The.. Satur­ day Evening Post, of May 11, an ar­ ticle . on The Sports that Make the Man., He places yachting high on the list,' and gives some interesting anec­ dotes of his own career jas an.amateur yachtsman. , Sir Thomas is hopeful, if not confi­ dent, of/‘/lifting” the America’s Cup next autumn, He , says, however, that if it were a certainty be would not cross the water; for there is no sporting interest in “sure things.” This article will appear exclusively in the Saturday Evening p03t,of Phil­ adelphia, Ths Be«tBlood rarifisr’ The frlood is constantly being puri­ fied by the lungs, liver and kidneys. Keep these organs in a healthy condi­ tion and the bowels regular and. you will have no need of a blood purifier, for this' purpose there is nothing equal to Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, one dose of tbem will do you more good than a dollar bottle of the best blood purifier. . Price, 25 cents. Samples free vfc 1 Kidgway's drug store. • ’ „ —For horse collars, lines, bridles and everything in the harness line try Kerr & Hastings Bros.. OftsgH ftBreadfal Geld. Marion Kooke, manager for T, M. Thompson, a large importer of fine millinery at 1658 Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, says; “During the late se­ vere weather I caught a dreadful-cold which kept me awake at night and made me unfit to attend my work during thd day. One of my milliners was taking Chamberlain's Congh rem­ edy for ft severe cold at that time, which scented to relieve her so quickly that I bought some for myself. It acted like magic and I began to im­ proveat once. I am now entirely well ftnd feel very pleased to acknowledge its merits/' 8 )1<1 by 0 , M. Ilidgway, During the heavy wind last Week the large smoke stack at the Mitchell sawmill was blown .down, and consid­ erably damaged, 0CMRESSCAfiNOTBE by local rpplications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of. tho ear. There is only one way to cure deafness and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con­ dition of the taucuoHlining o f the Eiw atachinu tulx*. When this tube is in­ flamed you have a rumbling sound or itoftfffeet hearing, and when it 5aen­ tirely closed, Deafness is the .result, and unless the infiamatioii can lie to­ ken out ftM this tnl*'? fOiottd in.Ms. normal condition, bearing will bo dc* itroyed forever- nine casts out of ten are caused by.Datarrir, which is noth* in# but a!) tuthrmesf condition of the mueotssmfeflfv, We will give Oho Hundred Dol­ lar* for any o f Ih-afnes* {caused by catarrh) that cannot be enm! fry. Ilalfs i'fyht hCure. fend fort-ireu. htnt, free-/ Ctteitev i t t u , Tnfcdo, 0 . fe ilttr i ? . i H * lf# lW y 'P d lt mH%h k»n ; I ts S ee ? Eteosrui ctsCl AprireSJctnc 8 avs» p ie s w i l l I t n istvoK to tfte U rchfft o f tP e 'irrwyScM a s « » Awncs. • ■ • in -ra tj" a g ren f id e i, m re-M ees h/ar-tSK-,. m u l.r .tha Iti’se" manogemenr r,ny great onpor.Jtlon !m ev< r !:o<l th e in tfro W corora w o rlifm id w ith a frmtfeJiilo o f p ro rp c ilty tbrcat»Tih»;j to th ru s t ftcelf t UP oa Sfr th is Espo3tttos*‘‘-wl«»njb»«tjie- Am ericas In firot dayo o f th e n ew c e n tu ry isahoff a f a ir Mil to paf-s ■ Into .M ito ry -n s me of- th e Inoi- Ur-uta Inevitable I n th e 'fo rw a rd (>wecp o f th e VVestern-Uemisplierc, one o f th e th in g s called l»y JJa n ife s. D estin y a n d no t found w anting. In th e IMviaion o f r o o d s a n d T h e ir A m 3«rori03 undnlhition is ahou t to Tte- gln In a com pact m a n n e r a n d w ith an clcgouca stated, tu th e selective charac­ ter" 'which h a s hec-a m ade to sslh le by she. overdom and .for {•pace. Lucky do tho se consider th em selves who are am ong th e accepted ones, w hile o th ers who w a ite d u n til th s la s t m om ent an d th en .found a" full house a re n o t qu ite .satisfied with, th e lim itation s w hich b a r would h e exhibitors ou t th roe months before opening tim e—a n unh eard of th in g in. food show s heretofore. Com­ p en sation w ill fro found, however, fo r th o .sm n )l lim its o f th is division in th e h igh ly finished q u a lity and intelligible arran g em en t o f th e appetizing display. P ro cesses a n d m ethods of m anu fac­ tu r e an d pack ing w ill h e show n, a n d in addition souvenirs a n d sam p les w ill b e given .aw ay a n d th e q u a lity of th e goods dem onstrated, so th a t th is divi­ sion w ill p re se n t an altog eth er festiv e app earan ce d ay a n d nlglit, and, w ith h andsom e a tte n d a n ts a n d elegant booths, will fre a popu lar fre e riv a l of th e M idw ay "in en tertain in g th e ex­ pected tw en ty odd ml! lions of visito rs w ho consume foods a n d som e kind of accessories th re e tim e s a d ay , w h eth er th e y indu lg e lu th e allu rem en ts of a it, music a n d science o r' not. T h e eshib* its con sist of chocolates, coffees, te a s .. spices, "flavo ring -ex tracts and b ak in g powders, sugars, confectionery ainl o th e r sw eets, preserves, jam*-'. Jellies, m arm alades, nu ts, -mushrooms, dried fru its a n d vegetables, food s-p repared from cereals, beverages fo r household am i o th e r uses, p rese rv e d and pro- ■p ared m eats am j ilsh, g elatin e p rep ara­ tions, g rocers’ sund ries a n d household an tisep tics. A s a n an n ex to th e Food E x h ib it. “ E q u ato ria l raa-Am erica"- will be. a - realized dream of th e tro p ic s w hich m ust" b e seen to b e .appreciated an d w ill con sist of livg trees, p lan ts, vines a n d •sh ru b s selected from p lan tation s a n d botanical .gardens o f trop ical Fafi- America, ' ’ ■Without going in to fu rth e r detail or comparison, th e pub lic can bo assured th a t th e Food D ivision of th e P a n - ’ APMtfiATS, ■ '* ‘ AH (lay bug tfro tfrivffiit'Giajplaijrt • hV.uudseu!-;»?!atsong ,tfce trees; Asst tte tlmiBAri hell itonico Iniafr, Tjukling £^l‘tly m tlio bTeeeo. KyeF-lartfce-carfy teem fraaadj tbe o f jays, Awl ffco, rauttGT.blows liis liorti All day lopg thp-c April days. Happy I, that »ov/ may gd "•• VVl^tetfofrddgwoad bangs id snutf'- Whefe tfre redbuds gplu&h tlidr’frlond By tiie stream anti thro5, ibo wood, *—Bveret Mpstveli, in Globa Deino- «rafc •' ■ • . .ThoficatCcpcilyf»Ekocc3tl?B. ' ‘ ^lulck Kellcf FromPain All wbo ute Chsfnlicirl;uu8 Pain Balm for rhbanistFm are delighted with the quick' relief trou> .pain which it affords. When Bpeaking o f this Mr, D.-K. Sinks, of Troy, Ohio, safe: “Borne time ago-I-frryl a savc-re attack ibr rheumatism in my arm and shoul­ der. I tried numerous -remedies but got no relief until.I was recomhiend- by Messrs, Geo, F, Parsons & Co,, druggists of this place, to try Cham­ berlain's Pain Balm. They recom­ mended it bo . highlyThat. I bought a bottle. I wflssoan relieved ofall pain- I have since- recommended this Uni* ment to many of my friends,who agree with me-that it is the best remedy for muscular rheumatism in the market/' For gale by •C. M liidgway. . . .A good cow well kept is a sure and constant source of from $8 to $5 cash income every month where a 'cream­ ery "market for niiIk is available. ’—‘‘Haye you any" doubts remain7" ing?” saidMrs. Jones. “Ko, Maritufo,. I have nor. I took Kooky Mountain Tea last night,” ’Twill remove any impure thoughts iu thebuman family. She, Ask your druggist. Good Advice. The most miserable, beings in the world are those suffering irein Dyspep­ sia‘and Liver Complaint. More than' seventy,five per cent, of tbo people in the United Biaies arc afilicted-wiihx these two diseases and their effects; such as Sour Stomach, Sick Head­ ache, Habitual Uostivent-fs, Palpita­ tion of the Heart, Heart burn, Water- brash, Gnawing and Burning "Pains at the Pit of the Btomach, Yellow Skin, Orated Tobgoc and Disagree,- Taste in the Mourn, Coming up of Food after EatnrgpLow Hpifitorivter Go to your Druggist and5 get a bottle of August Flfrwer for 75 cents. Two (loseu will relieve you. Try it. Get Green’s Prize Almanac. * ■ G. EOWAftb VUIXEB. P d fchaqte ot Toot!* *nJ their AreMsarfeo, Pan. American tixpisitlon,] A m e ric a i Exposition w ill command th e resp e ct o f v isito rs fo r th e high selective n a tu re of its exh ib its a n d th a t i t will w in th e ir adm iration fo r novel a n d lively e n te rta in in g fe a tu re s h i connection w ith th e educational.' H ow ever, if th e r e ‘ is a n y one th ing more th a n a n o th e r th a t th e d e a r pub ­ lic m a y h e cau tioned a b o u t a t a ll food exhibitions, p e rm it a tire d m an to inen- .tioh th e F ood ( I r a n i:-th e fellow w ho k id n a p s borne helpless, innocent tr u th an d isolates I t a s h is own. T h e g reat­ e s t show th a t cou ld he m ade a t Buf­ fa lo thin sunm ier would be to h av e all th e Food Craiffip o f P an -A m e ric a .a s­ sembled in th e S tad ium a t one time, fox’- a h e a rt to h e a rt ta lk . T h is would h e M aximum d a y a t th e F a ir, though i t m ade th e angels weep. G, IfoWAim Ptmt,qp, A ssista n t S up erin tend en t In (’barge o f Foods and Their Accessories. Blood. We live by our blood, and on it /' We thrive -or starve,'as ourblood is rich orpoor, . There is nothing else to live on or by.. When strength is full arid spirits high, we are'being re* freshed, bonemuscle and brain, in body and mind,’with eon-' tinual flow of rich blood. " This is health, When weak, in .low spirits, no cheer, no spring, when rest is not rest and .deep is not sleep, we are starved;our blood is poor; tihere is little nutri­ ment in ifr. Back of the blood, is food, to kpep the blood rich. When i t failr-, take Scott's Emulsion of End Elver Oil. It sets the wimlo body .going again---man woman and child, uH’r S J f K likj fcf fs« wapic, It..JiiiresUfiasEew».(satpueyen, ‘ ' • ceot.v Atowxr, (.kewM# v-asikam, * Av<s#V«k.' , ? a \ 6‘wtff oo; all(for**'»**•, " j *■'*$& M, ifoffee wifi (tfpwlgt Gifty’g j ,„25c ...25a Pine Apple Zephyr...,..,,,,....,.,.,. 25c Mercerized Bilk Zephyr.. ........ $7£c French Madras....;...............10 to 25c French Ginghaui..,..'...............25c Figured Swiss*...k ...50c French Figured Lawn....... India Gioaity**ft**ft f ***.ft«#■ * A * * m <.« Cimafora Dimity, ...............a ,.., 15c Blue Bcle Lawn. . . . . . XOc Silk - T i s s u e . , 5 0 c Mercerized Foulards-........25 to 37/c BilkCbambrey...... ......25 to 50c bilk Mull.,,,,,...,...... .,L-i to 50c All, of the above are new effects, excellent for vaiafs, cost- less, fivear better than silk. Wool effects" are all iii«. ,■ , Kew Suits, Waists, Skirts Petti coats ore now in and will please you. • 5000 yards Seersucker, m true to color, so suitable for Waist?, Shirts and Gresses. ’ HOUSE FURNISHING. Certainly this be the season fora change in .Carpets, Linoleum, Win­ dow 8hadts} Mailings and links. BEE OtlR STOCK—10,000 y,1o. Mattings, new importation, pretty as carpets, 11 to 5Ue. Floor Brussel Rugs, all sizes 3 yds. by 4 yds. 1875, Ingrain art squares 84.75 to 88.75. Rag Carpet 25c to Tie old prices, although carpets has .advanced we weed! for early spring at old price a GARPETS. OIL CLOTH, Linoleum, WindowBhadca and Mat tings in. large ctipplfra J LaceCurtains am! WindowBhadea • to blindanddicer ('very home. j Hutchison :J> ' - ■ V , ' ■ ' . . . & ’ - ^gefd?MI,fC?s?auo»fofAS' stoaa0n^lteh3fdfiiidBci|ti!a-- lfegiteSDi22£l3affl;lBowe!3« JNFANTV /C K1UMKEN PromotssDigcsUoaCkwjfuE a ess andfifistConlRins neitlttr pium,?-foxphtu-3 tiorfriuigral Kogp’H A a o o i r i c , . ■ /twjafefr ", Slx-Sm/v:. + JioeltiUScSlt- • /hueAft-cL r ■ ApeifedRemedy forConstipa- Tion, Sour Stomach.Diatrhoea Worms.Convulsions.Feverish - ness andL o s s o f S ix e r .rni'ii n.i"■* ji > ii » i ■ i im * ?!'■ '-^ r . PacSnmlo Signature, of , • M W AfDBK, "■• Iff cxAcr. copy op - v / ha pper . .......... - ..........:.... ?:..... ■ Tor Infants and Ohildren, The Kind Ypu Have Always Bought B e a r s t h e S i g n a t u r e o f Use For Over 150 i m BARGAINS. The P ia re o -re n tin s p *m ason :In*# - e lo a e d a n d w a fra v o a tr e ir e e a - tlo u a s t o c k o f p i a n o s w filc re Ja a v s --b e fo v Ttrssd —p o i« e o f th e re - a s g o o d eva now, and a ll h i f i r s t - c l a s s o r d e r . W e ■ o f fe r tix e ra a t . S P E 0 I A W P R I 0 E 8 , a WeBftve not Bfope to mention all, b u t here are Uojra Average S p e c im e n s . - . 2 Webers . . . . . »® $210 0 0 3 S t o c k s , ® 1 0 6 O 0 5 Harvards . . . . . . @ SHarvards need l two aeaSona / *^ 3 H. F. Millpr . . . 4 Haynes & IT.. -■ • - # •3 Hallet<S?Davis . . 0 6 Smith- &Barnes. ?© 9 Wlritakere. . > - •% 6 H c k e r s * • * » » • • @ 3 S t e i n w a y s .. . . . . © 1 iBlireslxe y- 'v . * . . , 3 Merrills . . . . . . « 0 2 Everetts, fr . . old scale 1 - 3 Everetts, T . new scale J a n d 9 6 O t h e r s . , THE JOHN CHURCH COMPANY, / S. E. Corner Poartbr««<El* St*. e iN ewm iT i. m s m * i ^ asr « ? . ■n*c cc K taoh eaM"*wv. n*wtfom<orrv.' fir '.M i l ;'for trade I '- . A Fine Sluyk of Furmmrn' ' Conrisimg of .A full assortment,of Bed Room Suites, A fine stock of JRockersi A complete line of Combination Book Cases. A full stock ol everything in the Furniture Line,' o o. o o © K l t e i . You ©H I K ««S te h r t f a a i i i g K lifli USr The Largest Stock to Select From, , The Lowest Prices, ( The, Best Values, ^ Osm Carpet BerarnSnt 1 $ ?«« ot Bargains, * U Highest Quality, ■ ‘ . 1 Largest Variety, - Best Styles.' -■ You will make a mistake if you don?t see Our line. . • ;> , j ' J A M E S H . n c M l L L A N , " ' Furnifure Dealer. Funeral Director. CHURCH D IRECTORY V. JI'orf6n, PrtBtor. Sabbath School lat A Good thing* . German Syrup is the special pre seription of Dr. A^ Ifosebee, a cela t brated German Physician, nud ia ac­ knowledged to ho one of the most for­ tunate discoveries in medicine. It quickly cures CotighSj Colds and all Lung troubles of the severest nature, removing, as it does, the cause of the affection and leaving the parts in a strong and healthy condition, It is not an experimental medicine,but has etoed the test of years; giving saili- faetfoft in every cut-, which its rap­ idly increasing rale every searem con­ firms, Two million bottles cold annu* ally, Roieheo’s German Byrnp was introduced id the' Tnilcd Btatcs in 1868, and is now sold iu every town . . . , , ------ ,„,1 r i f e c i;, the M U » d l S f r r i ' E S ' i S a f 01,11 Ihree doses will relieve any otwuam a .M. e . chowb-iiov, o. e ..T o » m p *«- eongh. Price incte. (*et Greens; tor VrcarUing at I0:r,o s. m. 7‘00p, m. Prize Almanac. I rln\3 ’atfnyh'ftbbmb atl 2 : 00 r fiahbathSehool -............. v I !’■,n* l’tayer weefing' 7:C0p, n., • i Wcutiesiaj'ew, , LTOTIOE. ", I ' , , - . All persons, owners or. agents off . * , - , „ . property are hereby' notified to clean SOlU b y A l l friCWS&£<ll£r$ or have cleaned their premises of all refill--.! such ns aslirs decayed vegeta­ tion ami rubbish. By order of the Board ot Health. , I). II. McFarland, Health Officer. it. I*. Iiufcli—Rev, J nmlt-et! at 11:00 0. tif IU Cl; ia, Covenanter Olmrch—ltov. iv/j.Saniltrson, nastor. SnbhatU School n tlfla . m. Preach­ ing,at- ljjtti) a. in. Young People'racot at 6 I*, w- except tho' lot ana Oil Pahhaths of the. mouth When they meet nUhr.fl, and preaching In the ovenina na the" 1st and 3d Sabbaths of the month at 7:0B p. a>. • IT. P. Cbttrrh—Rov, F, O.Ross, pastor. Set* virennt 10:30 n. in. and 7:00 p. m. Sabbath School at (!;30 a.m . standard time, >i. E. f.Jiureli—-Ucc. A. Jlamilton, Pastor. Prea»IisBjf a t w Sabbath Snhooi at 0:30 a. tn. Young Ptqdo's meeting ntC:03 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at":(iO. Preaching every ether Sabbath e-. ea- mg 7:..o i*. m. Chorch—-Rev. (fcorge-tVoshiiigtoa, paslcroi'thc TUj.tistchurch. Preaching at 11 a. w. nnd 7:S0 p. m. Sabimth School at 2:30 d a i i o :iAV.)r»rzrei»t,« . o , , tfSas 1*5*1 '5T .->09 C . . V) • » CD 8 g iS Of tft Q t S ^ a | S S - 5 £ c u a w 8 - ^ 3 S u ^ 3 $ tfi Q SMrl ¥3 V*# V* ! i . , fl ,P o ii) *n to / l e*t fm ^3 *1** <tj p © !g «ei c « S 3P» W i?- et'ktf**! 64 ^ *r? 53 i** r-t SZ-i 0 - $rj vMI r-5 fZ * i u f 1 «■-•» Ar! [ FURNISHES MONTHLY t T o all lovers of Song and M ad e a v a s t volume of HEW choice compoffiiont b v I in* world’s famous authors, " * 64 Pages.or Plano pioslc Hs'I Vcici, Hit! Ir.Vnrasvr.wl eifioBipieielleees forpiaiio r 1w r « Jit U U "Is Iff- iw ft •w) w-t t ) J S d I i ”E§ w . i ^ S ^ E ( Once a Month for itt Cents. Yearly Subscription, |t.o0, j If Uviipht 1ft any ncsie store at t r.fie-hait ott. wo:i;iI cost SD.C j , " d Savingof f->io monthly. * In one year you get neatly 600 Pages of efimfrkmg 253 'Comekfo Firm lo t fits Plano. - ! ", 1/ re-a eftotint get a ccr.v from four News- o«Uer, Mnd to us ami ne win mail too. a samp:ei;*e, . ' 1 j. w, FEPFERf rtiMubar, [ SteHth a Veeust St*., rm tadatph i* , pa, 1 Bc!wr.’!j Xfii ; h r,: 1Dsyten, \ b :a f; ( v S iQ X i'. h ' - r J $ h v u j. 0 .. ij. nMH . 1 : ri i k m , . v m / ’ 1 •' '■ iSfos § K;(fSi .. vm iidiff * '* ittfoj . 3 X 0 0 0 2 0 6 - 0 0 2 3 0 OO 118 3 0 100 00 2 1 0 0 0 1 6 5 OO XTO OO 3 1 0 QO. 2 7 0 OO 200 00 365 00 4 3 5 0 0 11:00- 12,10 3*10 2:00 &U0- -3:00 fl;08 foW. 7 m n m IkVft m m 11:00. 3JJ;09 P»r. GEDARVILLE, OHIO, A CCOtJNXS t»f Merchants and In- dtvldimls solicited. Oqlleetions promptly made and remitted, - . ' J r— ThRAl/Tripu. Kew York and Cin* cjnnati sold at lowest rates.., The cheapest and most convenient way . to by mail. . . T. OAKS made on Real Estate,. Pei- Ad sonid or Collateral Security. , William Wildraan, Pres., ‘•Seth W,‘Smith, Vice Pres., ’ W i 2 Wildman. Cashier, CJ.IlUOSEdf v-Daily Meat Market.' Under the above firm. name, the meat market Ot 0. W, Crouse will be conducted, "■AH-product in*the meat line-will be the best that money can buy, which fact combined with honest and thorough business methods is enough assurance 16 the public, who always Yfont the w^rth of their money in every respoqt When sending children, direct'them to us,*,we always give them, the best they ask for. GOODS DELIVERED Telephone Ko, 74. LODISVILLBOASHVIlLERAILROAD The Great’ Central Southern Trunk L ine' WINTER TOURIST TICKETS Now'ou sale tfr FLORIDA . and the • GULF COAST Write for folders, descriptive matter to C. L. STOKE, General Passeuger Agt. LOUISVILLE, KY. SEND YOUR ADDRESS To R, .1. WEMYSS, 0 eat t il IusmigTatinfi and Industrial Agent LOUISVILLE, ICY. And he will mail you free AtA PS ,1LL!"BTIlATlit* PAMPHMiM U sd puipe u s e oi uvtrev and farms in KENTUCKY, TENNESSEE. ALABAMA. MISSISSIPPI. FLORIDA, Blue frant- S tab le. . , _Leave your hotves there and your rigs lie kept oh the inside, out of the rain find storm,- „ 20 K, Fountain Avenue, Springfield, 0 . \ (jfARf F? E. T0X»I*. Prop «iwww*t*ee»siWiembKW fn W m k * It Ffop- iMi . C i« » Pvt* t!it» i*&m Sdli!' I/ l US X, ) 4 ,at 'ftTAV ipilMg v^3*‘P*Ci% Hi 1/Tl.hjJLii4 JOBAts A *1.tJv t re ,, ^ 4 U1 u i u a f i . j e l ia-.; Si, _.<?«§! s%. 'M *«» O C NMtif ^ Siiofilj)* lilfr. (m m * m »w#, nittn A t o ' s Restaurant , and Dining Rooms Corner High and Limestone, street, Springfield, Ohio,, DON ’T BE FOO L fD I ROCKY W O O fW jiN r'fit “ ■ ■ " * « !' iMtmfyh-, «Wii C*„ 1“ ■ 1h$ U M 32:(l0 ik e h n ,' . liUU-Ri m. ‘ 2:00 -1:00 5:00 0:00 LOU . ■ fisOU- * . • 0:00 ■ 10:00 . '%1:00 wnd waiting room 4 South Detroit Ffo Dayton -tgiJ and waiting room, 15 Wtsl Fifth ,ri. | opposite Ifof-£eiii(«, * The r«iJnisjg;riiW hetwrenT%fr.* amlXenift jg p n g hour, passing thn, H ig h la n d s, B iaitfivulft R o a d , Zimmer* m a n , .A lp ; T r e b r in a find Loan G ro v e , Dayton to Xenia 17 miles, fare 25 cento Every o th e r car com bination for fre ig h t. Sundays and Holidays cars rhii "Overy half hour. C in c in n a t i Division. Fennsm yan iaU r ieB j '$iii6^HlftofPa*Mnjiei‘Tr*!o*-C*ntMnisi1 'WeafcwsJrd. a iigo __ _ __;•< W. Jellufsod ‘ * Loudon .-.w-" i),tus!jvleat0n“ Kelnni. ......... “ Sedas'vilje,..:, “ .WIlbA-roroe.. “ Xi-pSn, Smitis Vaff , » ' \i isnunk;,,..« Wnj'iu-svllle «*. F<iriAneIont*r Morrow...... . ■* J!<!. T.cbllltoii “ |y>->-('I«hd... '* Milford,........" urnsivm,,To... “ (.‘fHCSimaeiax —A -:.ri3S4i 7i«6f ■IHS-ATS VMf43? (4W (4 53 015 soc-s, . 1017/35] aspioi? S4i 8 50 SB<« 341 lOSOj..... 10L4 . ItteW1}14/ 11S2H»V- 11 la 42? igouits :F ie ; l04?il2£CPM 17oatward. fhK 'S aisati Tv ...... ,f '.ovcln'id k1. i.f'b.-uiou *" ".JoVnnv.,,..:., *< ,(‘t. •Ancient ** .... '* Vuviirsvllla*' __ “ -j.s-.ns Vai SiTiln; f ar- I «U i W j'ftgl 3 0 {1v, *7lEjlO17 Hos-Cis “ f?23i..-.-, " 729 .... fanrii J'fsior^ f.livi'. .ciiisrvfr'ti..,. *r . 'H u ll ............ ; V Unl'taiLoji u .*c»d<m_.,. , 4> . 1 . luSeroon ’* : Ito ij........ V; nr. JAMj PMj 1'M.j IMS !*3M>150*430*850 216,.-, 230R,., 250 316 3111.1: ,325l;fi»P f33' A M 1944 352 1012 8451136 AM jAM S55fri|! so ill ‘ III I'M .lAAig (946 f?Sff ;7 201103 I8"Jl14012 l« t| I'M AM asi I TM I ‘.-'Uvean Sgrinnflald. Xonla. Davlon. tllehmont. ***.... r i u iuji .'toi sftissmstis; A » .r-STWARD. jlTjter'AM tjif.-flficldlv, {>*725; , 744’, ' I:-:-.!;! |Wl. 1805* Iimiz, AM*810*840 AM tifry 33 584S. 907 <■ J ■;:< yaw 18403D? . „ ... • • -j 91ftf am | am I fni i rM|- 3*C0"S1S: 9 40:3 i!i\ 834|v; - 7340 Jjffi' : |1010 '’.Co ' •nlson fidewi'i - “ t ..ici!mBs);<j 43 I 9W lia ' ! • i a S / i BO051015 t j i M j m «(802{S2 o 3 '55 I 425; i'M.3i„ 10114 ions iA'TW.MlO. A?,()A.'r: AM !-to ir.-.'51810*03 .•'t’mIA*'; 5'4 rent fcii9.ii " iO(3U2j3 0 p,M}r.MireS 4'5o5‘1(^ I'*! ^r.Kkdils I6M. . 1 ! fFT 6401105 “vt<1"lIV 6401105 Kcria | k I 7 ';D' rtllcwre».“ 7 . ... ‘-.nryEs'iJrr; I'OV . 11215.550; Sf33i „■B -1581' u v v U v # . . . , )3 u U .7 M H 1 9 0 B 1 0*355503|q 653 ?umLO, !SmG2D?ffit ’ W2tj 7.0'AMU*35513',KMi1>M ISWIK, 44' 11155531, . ; -ivefi > ssn.t^ lin* cm : If Iffi ' SX 3 MECtiy, IsStcrstar iix lv ft r>no;;g(-rsftuivrfsvtl . tf iC'telsEi. t Pstepsfyrl iy . OsfNFaced Ivne 4-a:vMiwi frea ! 2 .C!tr.c 3 ri!o 12 .SO.r r;?r.t: f.'iHVina '.rcc 12.00 cHaljtl;( 9 1:1vl viji. 1 ‘iiUmni) Nleeiililc 4'nrs>Ott>'m. e.ftsrtil >&, £(»« ‘ill, ttl Ainf 1(113Cither tuft tninnr:. Vml <*itonsliim l>It(M,ur«h o t i-oiiin'ri Uitu’iAI niond for IiKilaiiBimlls and to . ’.r.'.fiu; svt«,| 21 m u l a Tor Chicago. h, }?. I j OBKI c , I t A l OHli. HSK>rsINsfcigw, to«.-eratPy:Mre»4f«l ll- 20 -oo.-A* PiTTsnur.ou. For lluicenrds, raie-of ( nremen t;<luw,l bBCetige cliCck-S and ftir?!;;,-- 1 tn.-illoa re KardluK H>0 r.umViiu of irto-in :OI -7 i0 tt,i? •cen t of tlioT’oimsyiviiiiia.ViUca. E. S. Keyes, Agent, Cedarville, Oh«.| ASKVOBRGROCERFOR ialslol Tbc 5 m m t BrealifaSi K P% x r in& H ^ l t h F l o u r * r M aK .jp* > B k . F A D / ' - PURINA MUIS, Sr, tom s, MD, 60 YEARS* EXPERIENCE ATENTS ‘ T rade M ark * D k A igns CoftVRKiHfaAo. tif;iiS»trldlr<(!t.1Weru!il5L , sent ft rt , a Atwiev for *e*w»F.i? t -M ma *. : Fideftt* taken t!itoa*h Mbits! fc-to. mm W . tptctolndiltc, Vflthonitchkreo, iutr.fl Scientific.Hmerican. Afc*adiu?n«lylUBrtfktol wreilr. J.WAiHjft < rulstSnn r.f any *r!tr.ti3.i f'nrr.k!.' .'I'rrr.s.***, 1 jr \r : f. r t r w t i I I . Ccid Lr«!I 1 ^ m m sss te # PATENTS , .wd..-..*;.3f.-,. K em m -m * D m 1 * o r n e t i i « m u n u. Dr#n > m i w fcm «*(*«. jmSfr.tta realtie* umafiF ; reKiwef-Mnyv-tihi-iAtep, ^ „ 1 ; SendAisdet, diawiejr t t fshots., wfih due | ud«i W* itdviie. If isatembli *r mU'tt** * 'thM**, Onf%nof ( oeti't pateat 5*eecured- a va *» */.'W <2 o 6 »*;n rpH*o,n r J* tiy itm m m latl*a 1 *,s,AadtoiH** matmti Addn-st, O .A . S N O y t * s t .O t h f r . * IT IUM M MM Jobe € l o » S n i t SeparateSI Blue BUu Hrir 1 6 . 0 0 S i l l t i We blue reel.k lllifiisery This . and * Ecu :,«v "H m H E praise up-to dai the lead. A‘f keep in touch their store. THEY a all the .latest B quality and st Compare their $5,00 lists, au hats worn iu C SOltli 27 .We pay the ’ Dyspeps* I - . Llverifa, T h ey are 25c boxes co boxes contain Sent by mail, Clinton and C ItgMajagMMMBit T O E .Ckarfe* . -' ■ rib (foods DsHverC Telephone fill, A mw t iw $ buy y iMrAt*#}’■