The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26

<3 r*w —-••nr i—nn mh ‘~'W ■ni»i.i||iwr M J . H. Sebell Xenia, - Ohio Diamonds, Watdica. Clacks, 8 toiling Silver Canes, ITmbrellas, Cut Okies, Uric a-brac. Eastman Kodaks and Supplies 4 Engraving and Job Work of all kinds done in First-class Style. ■5 B r a in s o f t h e J ior th , Its Public Spirit, Culture and Capital Are Earnestly Unlisted in Fa­ vor of Policies Which Make for Pros­ perity. T he N ew Y ork T ribune ia the leading exponent in tbe United States of the development of mines, farms, factories, mills, railroads and trade and all other practical sources- of the common weal. Two Editions of the paper are pre­ eminently suited for general readiny— the W eekly and TRi-W eekly . The Weekly,issued every Thursday, is a compact news, agricultural and family paper, unexcelled for cultiva­ tors o f the soil and their families . Its market, reports, have given that edi­ tion a special reputation. Numerous special departments are projected and and managed so as to attract every household and all the members thereof. Several half-tone pictures appear in each number. Price, $1 a year. • ' The F ri -W eekly . printed Monday, Wednesday and Friday, is a handsome, spirited and condenced every-other. day daily newspaper, easily the best publication o f its class in the United States. It, has all the special features of the Weekly and the important nows of the Daily, and is printed and mail ed a t tbe same time as the daily. The news—clean, accurate and fairly pre­ sented—is admirably displayed ac­ cording to its value, and is never dis torted. Fo r political news you can not find a better newspaper, and the news is given without any political bias. The editorial page breathes the spirit of purest patriotism ond broad­ est charity untainted by any consider­ ation save the welfare of the home and the country. Its. reviews are pun­ gent,wise and witty. The T r i -W eek ­ ly , 11,50 a year. Sample copies free. Don’t you think that such an ad­ mirable national newspaper should be your own home? Thousands of in Reduced Fares* Excursion tickets will bo sold Dec. 2M , 23d, 24th, 25th and 31st, 1000, and Jan , 1st 1901, via Pennsylvania Dines account Christmas and New Year Holidays. The frate for adult? will not be less than iWccnts, no r'less than lOeehts for children. Tickets will lie good returning until dan, 1, 1901, inclusive, For details about fates, time of trians, He., call on or address E. 8 . Keyes, Ticket Agent, a , Cfdar«»!h>, OI lo , • Hpilfrnstt Higgs d a n .!!, single ad- tniwsoItifif, [the atatilM Good Advice. Tbe most miserable beings in the world are thosesufferitig from Dyspep­ sia and Liver Complaint. More than seventy five per cent, of the people in tbe United Slates are afflicted with these two diseases and their effects: such as Sour Stomach, -Sick Head­ ache, Habitual. Costiveuess, Palpita­ tion of thf>Heart, Heart burn, Water- brash, Gnawing and Burning Pains at the Pit of the Stomach, Yellow" Skin, Coated Tongue nud Disngree- Tasle in the Mouth, Coming up of Pood after Eating,"Low. Spirits, etc. Go to your Druggist and get a bottle of August Flower/for 75 cents. Two doses Will relieve you. Try it. Get Green’s Prize Ahnaunc. $1.00 *A YEAR . KAWLH BULL, - EfHtar awl Proprietor. Ciiu-iou O ffice : OS to Gl Waldo Place. SATURDAY,DECEMBER 29, ’00. OBITUARIES — Containing over two hundred words, will be charged- for, a t tbe rate of five cents per line, . CARDS OF THANKS — Five cents per line. When you send iu long obituaries please state whom the bill is to be sent to, or we will publish two (200J hun­ dred words and leave the balance out. Make them as loug as you .wish, il you comply wytli the above conditions, which is a matter.of pure justice. Everybody else has bad a say, why shouldn’t the opinion of the private soldiers bo had on the “ army can­ teen” question? President McKiuley is too big a man to feel resentment against the Senate because it amended 'the Hay- Pauncefote treaty. The Panama lobby a t Washington is still working to head off Nicaragua Canal legislation, although its work is cloaked under the name of “ Anieri- canism.” <V The Prime Minister of Holland con­ soles, Mr. Kruger for Holland’s re­ fusal to help the Boers by /giving a dinner in his honor. Human nature <r that, wasn’t it? I t would be ju st as well to wait un­ til the Supreme Court bauds down the decision which is expected to set­ tle the constitutional status of onr new possessions before attempting to discuss it. Patterns for Baby’s Wardrobe. We will mail 32 patterns for long baby clothes, showing necessary ma­ terials and full directions for making, for 25 cents silver or 26 cents stamps. 12 patterbs for short clothes 20 cents. These patterns are the latest styles and will delight anyjnother. With each- package we send valuable information Address, Dowuev & Henry, Lilipu tian" Specialties, 167 Dearborn Street-, Chicago, 111. Surely Germany goes out of its way to be ungracious when it refuses to'allow hermetically sealed cans of American sausage and other prepared meats to be sent through the mails to its citizens The expense of this method of transportation would have confined the practice to sending sam­ ples to friends. Stops The Gough AndWork* OffThe Gold. Laxative Bromo-Qiiiniue Tablets cure a cold in one day. No cure, no pay. Price 25 cents. About Newspapers. The total number of newspapers o f ail kinds published in the world is said to be 42,809. The United States is far in the lead of all countries as to number of newspapers, having 19,760 Great Britain comes next,with 6,050. In Russia there only 743 papers, or one to every 170,000 people. Le Petit jou rnal, of Paris, fads the largest circulation in the world, averaging one million copies. The paper., with the smallest circulation is the Imperial Review, published for the sole benefit of the Emperor of Austria. I t is made up from translations of nil the prin­ cipal items in European newspapers and the daily edition is three copies. people in Ohio read some edition of T a p T r ib u n e . Don’t yon think that the 52 issues of tbe W eekly , or the 156 issues of the T ri -W eekly per annum each one handsome in appear, full of tbe best news and reviews, well illustrated a purchase for yourself and family, Wo will send either edition, the balance of tbe year, free, to those sub scribing now for the year 2901. Your order can be handed to the local postmafser or to this office direct T ribune A lmanac , 1901, an End o f the Century number. Ready in January. Enlarged, carefully re­ vised,with rich budget ofnew features. 23 cents, postpaid. Any reader, so situated that he can raise a club for T he T ribune , will oblige us by sending for terms and sample. TH E TRIBUNE, N ew Y ork , ItsEasy iToTakci Thin, pale, anaemic girlsj > j ;need a fatty food to enrichI! 1 1 their blood, give color to j > 1 their cheeks and restore their; [ |\ health and strength. It is!! < !safe to say that they nearly | ! j j all reject fat with their food.j | COD L IV E R O IL WmtHVPOPtfOSPMmvUMESSOM is exactly what they require; it not onlygives them thelm* portant element (cod-liveroil) in a palatable and easily di­ gestedform,butalsothe hypo*; phosphiteswhichare sovalua ble In nervous disorders that' usually accompany amemia. SCOTT'S EMULSION is a fatty food that is more easily digested than any other form of fat. A certain amount of flesh is necessary for health. You tan get KIn thh way, W e h o v e k n o w n p e r * t o n * l Q j j * i n * p o u n d « w h i l e i n k i n g i t * *«r I A, foatraaowne, imw . mm y«fe A Good Thing. German Syrup is tbe special pr e scriptiou of Dr. A. Boschee, a cele^ bra led German Physician, and is ac* knowjedged to be one of tbe most for­ tunate discoveries iu medicine. I t quickly cures Coughs, Colds nud nil Lung troubles o f the severest nature, removing, as it does, tbe cause of tbe affection and leaving the parts in a strong and healthy condition, I t is not an experimental medicine,but lino stofd tbe test of years, giving satis­ faction iu every case, which its iap- idly increasing sale every season con­ firms. Two million bottles sold annu­ ally. Boscbee’s German Syrup was introduced in the United States in 1868, and is now sold in every town and village in the civilized world Three doses will relieve any ordinary cough, Price Theta. Get Greens* Prize Almanac. Tlie dimjipbn coni busker in flie vicinity of Jamestown, ia Dave Ver'* Hard, wln> busked 6 bushels anti 3 pounds in thirty minutes a t the busk* mg’eonUst nt J in k 's mill, last Satur­ day, ■ Hr.Fwnw’t K ID N E Y - l u c k a c i , G i n . ---- SMttt&JKMfMr m i t?rfa*r* T emm ft iiwii»iiiiwt wm W/Htfuf, CASTORU Promotes Digestion,Cheerful-' ness andRest.Contalns neither OptomMorphine norMineral. f o x N a r c o t i c . j^a fexdM rS iH vam va tR /Wqatui iW ' jKX.StflM • iUMUSJrn- A k JM c Aperfect Remedy forConsllpa- Oon, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms.Convulsions.Feverish­ ness and L o s s o f S l e e p . FacSimile Signature of N EW Y O R K . For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have x Always Bought A t b m o n l l i s o l d j j U( IS) s - j j C I Nl s EXACTCOPYOFWRAPPER. I n Use Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THECENTAURCOMPANY.MEW YOB*CTY. S e n s ib l e P r e s e n t s f o r H o lid a y s AT; Hutchison THROWS . For Side Boards, Tables, Wash Stands, &c The Twentieth Century. The New York World will issue an elaborate Twentieth Century Souvenir Number on Dec. 30. I t is designed to illustrate tbe great progress in news­ paper making and present the great­ est list of contributors ever, appearing in any issue of any newspaper. The World takes pleasure in announcing that included in tbis list are signed ar­ ticles exclusively for this number from Grover Cleveland, Emile Znla,Camille FlnninmrioD, Joseph Jefferson, M, Qoquelin, Sarah Berhardt^ Richard Mansfield, Cardinal RampoUa, Secre­ tary of State to the Pope; Cardinal Satolli, ex-Papal Delegate to the United States; fifteen other Cardinals, Prof. Briggs, Bishop Andrews, Car. ollts Duran, Lady Jenne.Queetie Wil- heiminn, Secretary of the Navy Long, Gen, Miles, Gen. Corbin, Admiral Hicbborn, Sir Robert Bali, Edward Everett Hall, Andrew Lang, Justin McCarthy, Sir Norman Lockyer, Maurice Maeterlinck,George Bernard, Shaw,Dr. Schweninger, Dr. Lapponi, body pbysieien to the-Pope/and many others equally prominent. The num­ ber will be illustrated: in colors nud V’ half-tones. Although a large sum has been expended in collecting these ar* tides, the number will be presented free with each, copy o f the Sunday World of Dec. 30. The number will be well worth preserving, as the edi­ tion will be limited, to insure getting a copy file an advance order with the newsdealer or mail five cents in stamps to the World publication office. 5000 H’k s . . . .This is the greatest krticle of sale this year, the beauty and quality surpass other years. 5, t o , 15, 25c. mostly all linen. MUFFLERS.. . . All the new styles. FASCINATORS.. . .All new shades. SHAWLS---- For the old people. RUGS.. , .Marquette, Persian, Fur, &c. CLOAKS---- All the new lengths at the low prices Largest Sales. “What a nice fit!” is a common remark of our wraps. Plaid Back S k ir t in g .. : ,37 1-2C a yard,* fully 20 bolts sold. All colors. CHURCH DIRECTORY I1, hurcli—Uuv. J , V. Motion, l’nstor. R services at 11:00 n. m. 9 abbnth School at 10 a. m. - Covenantor Church—Rov. W, J,Sanderson, uaator. Sabbath School at 10 a. in. Preach­ ing at IliflO a. in. Young People liicol at 0 p. m. except the let and 3 d Sabbaths of the month when they moot at C; 3 U, and preaching In the evening on the 1 st and Sd'Sahhaths of the month nt 7:30 p. m< U. V, Church—Rev, 1 \ O. Ross, pastor. Ser­ vices at 10:30 n. m and 7:00 p. m. Sabbnth School nt 0:30 a.m. standard time. M. E. Church—Uev. A. Hamilton, Pastor. Preaching ut 10:10 a. in Sabbath School nt 9:30 a. 111 . Young People's meeting at 0.00 p, m. Prayor meeting Wednesday evening at 7:0(1. Preaching cvciy other Sabbath exen- ing 7:30 p .m . Baptist Church—Rov. George Washington, paatoroftho Baptist church, 1’rcaohing at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath School at 2:30 pan. Prayor meeting every Wednesday night at 7:30. Everyono invited. A .M .B . Church--Rev, O. U. Jones Pas­ tor Preaching nt 10:30 a. in. and 7:00 p. m. Class every Sabbath at 12:00, Sabbath School nt 3:00 p. m. Prayer meeting 7:30 p.m ., Wednesday eve, S h o p p in g h i s t Kujiiir or Hernia Cured No operations nr injection1), no pain or discom­ fort in any way, no steel springs or iron frames no wooden, ivory or hard rubber balls, cape. Not the LEAST DIS- punches or plugs used, TRESS tr annoyance. Our Outfit for the CURE of RUPTURE OI! HERNIA is made of fine soft materials, smh as felt, velvet, chamois shins and clastic Webs. It fits lihon glovc nnd can harm you no more. IT HOLDS jour intestines hack in their nat­ ural position and the wound WILL HEAL like any other wound when it has a ehanco. The Only Way to Cure is to hold the intestines in or back all the time, until tbo wounds be­ comes grown together. Your Rnptuio Cannot bo Cured in any other way, Wo have had 25 years constant and hard experience in treating hUPTlMUW and this OUTFIT )n the RE­ SULT. Mon, women and children madoCOM- FORTABLE by using thio OUTFIT, Prices rcaHoimblo and in accordance with the ease. IF INTERESTED, ploaso write for particulars, which we will mail you FREE. Address, MOHAWK REMEDY GO., Rome, X. Y : M o h a w k C a t a r r h C u r e . Cheapest and Best. (‘urea Catarrh in from 3 to IDday's, ✓ Cures ( old in the Iliad, f>In 10 minntes. SVeurcly packed with fuD inalrtietinno, by mail, PORTAGE PA ll>, 23c. Try It ami you niil l-o wore than phased with ifco iavenimmL Yt.iir t.ionev back if you arc itiscatinfled. •■{Jininpo taken." MOHAWK REMEDY G.), ' ■ Rente, Jf«w fork. now Tlie ditnttfe in time of tiaina under Mx dtilo in t'llt’ot NovHiilicr 23, nro its fiillows; East No. 10-7:29 tt, in. No.’ o f ■1:41 )>. in. West, No. 3^* 10.17, No, 19 ;l;!!8 |t. nt. No. J- 8:54 m. Jobe Bros. $ XENIA, O. - Mt\ Bjiillmtut Riffgs ia ft jwptdsr ('DtcrtHincr and will lilcasc overyont*. I’«A II. A L lir, of Ohio Norm*! T n im s ily ssyp; low <tju»k on tine Aitifrictui tdAfform,*’ Exehanje Back (v’ED A liV lL L E , OHIO . A jCOOUNl’K of Merchants and In* dividnals solicited. OollectimiB promptly made and remitted. D iliAFT tjon New York and Cin­ cinnati sold a t lowest jrqtPfl. The cheapest and most convenient way to send money by mail. OANS made on Real Estate^ Per­ sonal or Collateral Security,. William Wihlman, Pres., Seth W .Smith,. Vice Pres,, W. J Wildman, Cashier, C. W. CROUSE* SON Daily Meat Market. Under the above firm name, the meat market of C, W. Crouse will be conducted. All product in the meat line will be the best’that money can buy, which fact, combined with honest and thorough / business methods is enough assurance to the public, who always want the worth of their money in every respect.’ When sending children, direct them to us; we always give them the best they ask for. / GOODS DEL IVERED Telephone No, 74. New Meat Store. Having opening the Meat Store formerly conducted by Ed Henshel, we will have on hand a t all times a choice line of Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna, and Sausage and everything connected with a first-class meat store. Wc handle the celebrated Jvingan & Co’s. Hams. Charles V 7 eimer. GOODS DEL IVERED Telephone 00, L 001 SVILLEMASHVILLERAILROAD The Great' Central Southern Trunk Line Ebony Novelties, e a ch .................19e Gilt 'Picture Frames, each'............ 10c Venetian Vases...............,25c Cast Braes Picture Frames............50c Child’s F u r Sets........ .................. 81 50 Books fot everybody..........15 and-25c Fine Writing Paper, boxed..... 10c up Ladies* Kid Gloves........ 81 and 81,50 Lathes’ Kid Mitts,....... ..........50c to$ l Child's Kid Mitts............ ....25c Handkerchiefs for Men........ DCto 50c Handkerchiefs for Ladies......5c to 85 Duchess Lace Handkcr’fs.,...81,50 up Linen Lunch Cloths ........81 and up French Flannel for Waists.......... . Taffata Silk all new colors...;.......75c F u r Collarettes........... ...81 98 and up Fu r Scarfs.........................$1.98 to $10 Ladies’uud Children’s Cloaks......... Baby (Japs............ ...............25c to 82 Winter Underwear, all kinds............. Ladies Fine Shoes........... 81.50 to 83 Children’s Fine Shoes.......50c to 81,50 Wiirm Wool Blankets......82.75 to 88 Bath Ilobc Blankets....................85.00 Lace Curtains and Door Panels......... Ladies’ Walking Skirts .....83 to 88 Wool Dross- Goods, nil k inds......... Fine Siikaliuo Comforts...81 to $2.50 Kn it Shawls....................81 nud $1.50 Wool Fascinators.,.... . . . .....25c to 81 Wool Skirts, fine quality................81 Black Underskirts.............$1 to 83.50 Silk Umbrellas, Ladies’ or Gents..,.. ........................................ 81.00 to 85,00 Cenfomeri Kid Gloves.. J.50to 1.75 L'Apuyotte Kid Gloves............ . 1,50 Winter Hosiery of all kinds................. WINTER TOURIST T IG K E tS Now on sale to FLORIDA and the GULF COAST Write for folders, descriptive matter to O. L . S T O N E , Geuerni Passenger Agt., L O U I S V I L L E , K Y . SEND YOUR ADDRESS To It. I, WJEMYSS, General Immigration iitul Industrial Agent LOU ISV ILLE , KY . And he will mail vou free MAPS,ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS and PRICE LIST Of LAND ant) FARMS in KENTUCKY. TENNESSEE, ALABAMA. MISSISSIPPI. FLORIDA, BlueFront Stable. #Leave your horses there and your rigs he kept on the inside, out o f the rain and storm. 20 N. Fountain Avenue. Springfield, O, C harles E . T odu , Vrop Adam’s Restaurant and Dining Rooms Corner High ami Limestone street, Springfield, Ohio. D o n ' t B e F o o l e d i wmmm MWBWIViVVnVi ROCKY MOUNTAIHTCA 1 3*1 Liver Oil at t Iff RtdgwnvV, INC HAMO TRANSIT COMPANY. Ih tw re s j X e n ia and D iv ine >avcs Xenia* Leav- Davti, 5 :0 0 a, ni. 6.ut» :i; |, 6 :00 7:ini ‘ 7 :00 M:lUi 8 :0 0 ii.Uti 9;00 10:tm 10:00 ,fl U'.'MJ 11:00 l2.0(i 12:00 Noon. l;im 11 . 1;00 p , m. 2:00 ’ 2 :00 3 :0 0 - 4:011 4:00 . 5:1)1) 5:00 6:00 0:00 7:0U. 7:00 *:<)<) 8 :0 0 ' * ' 9:00 9:00 10:00 10:00 11:00 11:00 '12*.00 . in. Xenia office and waiting room No 4 South Detroit St. Dayton office] and waiting room, 15 West Filth St., opposite Postoffice. . 1 The running lime between Dayton and Xenia is one hour, ptissina thru , Highlands, Smithviile Road, Zimmer.] man, Alpha, Trebeins and Lucas] Grove. ' j Dayton to Xenia 17 .miles, tare 25 cents. • . [ Every other ear combination f,)r | freight. Sundays and Holidays cars run] every half hour. • irflKK U 6 T 5 : ’ W E , E D I T I O W e b s * s l i l t e r n a t i o ^ a i 1 ic t ion a rv N eW P l a t e s T h r o u g h 2 5 ,U 0 ^ N e w Wore Phrases nnd Definitions Prepared under the direct supervision of W. T. HARRIS Ph.D., LL.D., United States Commissioner of Education, assisted by a large corps of competent s p e c ia lis ts and editors. Rich Binding*. 0 2364 Pnc 5 0 0 0 I l lu s t r a t io n s B E T T E R . T H A N E V E R - F O R G E N E R A L U S e J Wealsopublish Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary withOlossaryofScottisiiWordcinil1’,. “Firstclassinquality,secondclussinsize.” S p ecim en p a g e s, etc. of bo th b o o k s s e n t o n ap p licatio n . G .OC .MERRTAM CO. 1 P u b lish e r s S p r in g fie ld , Maas. © weesim's COtXEClATif ncnotoiir/ CHICHESTER’S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS! CO’ S a fe . Always reliable. iAulle*, (utk Druasist fat 1 C IIH 'IIE S T I'.ire i . ’lU L IS I! fn B ed and I B o ld metallic bokes, Sealed with blue ribbon. I T e k e a e o l h s r . K rfkH - d n n e e ro u a > 11 ball- tn tlo n a n u d Im lln tln n a . iluyoryourliniggirt, or send lc . In Ktomps for P a r t lr a l a r s . T rait-! ■amalal* and ‘.‘ K e lle r f o r I<*dlra,” in Mttr ,I by re ta irn 1*1*11. <>o,OMTestlmonlflls. Sold byI all DrugRlfits. OHIOHESTEa CUEMIOAI. CO. U M K a itln m S q a a re , 1*1.| Kantianthinsapor. SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE P a t e n t s TRADE m »™ s D esigns C opyrights A c . Anyone sending Asketch and descriptionmay quickly ascertain onr opinion free whether aa Invention is probablj------------- " ---- latentable.- CVnnnmnlra- spretotnoftis, witbonttharac, intbe ScientificJVtnericat. AhMidscmelfllln«tralwSwwkTy, culationofAnysoienUfirtInuroals Tctn;*#W * 91 *SoldbjrailHowp.ipRicrR ... M 3 o«««— »-NewYork 1 ofAoeg m r 8 L,WMhiBtioa.r>.a Bnai 1 ► t “ PATENTS Caveats,andTrade-MarksobtainedandallPst- ,entbusinessconductedforM odckatc Ftt*. OuaOfricci*osi*oaiTK U.S.PATrwtOrricr anaweransecure patent In 1-S3 timethanthose remote f-umWashington, , Send model, drawing cr photo., with dererip bon. We advise, il patentable cr net, free cf charge. Oar fee not due till patent is secure 1 . A P amphlc T, “ H ow to Obtain Patents," « 1 * cost of same in the U.S. and foreign ecuotries sent free. Address, C .A . S N O W & G O . Os*, patent Orrict. WASHmayoN. d . C. Kodol Dyspepsia Cur< D loes ts w h a t you eat* . I t »ftlfidftlly digt-sU tlm food *Dd»I(U( Nfttur* iu 8trensth«ninf uud reconj fox tho exhausted dlgMllveoH XAu*. I t l i t h e lftt«9tdl94SOtfKddlg«9H fttroetini ft O . . .......... ............... „ ftn ttad tonic. No oth«f 9m t seonwii, Kftuseij SickHMUtacho, (M«tr*igla <V a » i *anti ano the r pntMMtiifK. oMnrrr«ecLCViNa»] m \ T l M I U T M . . I NWNPAML m l fai» i« f iw g i%. W o i n .earl t h e f L . .A j a m i i lo ts, A m —iii WiIMS/ ! , KlO T , And Now, t APine Line Of Holiday Gifts ; KrcBw M ' A C ry Froii ; K WARNING THAT H BY EVKKY b Nature soon rehe K 0 I' machinery is out o I peals for help shot ?twered. Life is tot us to neglect our h* When the sys down, the blood i I torpid, nerves all < ; the stomach refuse.- then nature utters I It may be a sick h Less, dyspepsia, eat tlte, insomnia, Ian- hut it is nature’s si The human mad tended to without t The system neei impurities must h Ibod, the liver jd »r;:l the stomach pi balthy condition. Knox Stomaeii " fomhination of ’ ^impounded hvm fets in the World; a tj build up the v, not act as a i sarsaparilla in a to twice the mod other comliit Liown. They strength to tbe e U-rdiate relieve i lively euro dyspr] A single imx U’Wr to cure dn them strou, siotnen. It unable toset” Tablets of your t fnt« to the K «JUie Creek, Mi L-tkage will he se